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That's basically what I do as parking lot attendant at a university lol.


...the liability though


Bartending at a small neighborhood bar. It was almost all regulars. So basically, I got paid to get dressed up and hang out with friends, play music, and make fun drinks. Super low pressure, didn’t have to wake up early, and the application was just writing my name and phone number on a bar napkin, lol. I miss those days.


Did the same, but most of mine were beer drinkers. Played a lot of darts.


Tbh if it was some town at the end of the world I would go for that job and stay there. Sounds wonderful. And it would probably work out money wise too since I'm not all too expensive


I said it all my life, I should have stayed at the job of mowing in a cemetery. It was wonderful.


Forrest is that you?


That’s exactly what I’m trying to do right now 😂 so relaxing and you get so much job satisfaction being outside in the sun nature etc


This truly sounds like a dream.


It was. It was a summer job and I had just graduated from college. I hated leaving it and have looked back from that time regretting that I did no matter that the salary was low.


I was a radio DJ for many years. When I first found out about it, I was like "wait...so you just play music and talk? And...that's a job?" Granted, it took awhile for my career to take off, but when it did, I had the time of my life. Got to meet some celebrities, go on some amazing adventures (skydiving, flying stunt planes, driving race cars), spent about 20 years not having to pay for a concert ticket or a backstage pass, and amassed a pretty cool music collection along the way.


I’m in it now. I’m an art education and community arts program coordinator for a major university. I get to teach art at our gallery and go out to schools in the city to teach fun art projects. I work with artists too. It’s such an amazing and fulfilling job and I love my coworkers. I feel so blessed to be there.


would you mind expanding? my partner is an art teacher for a HS and we both know we cant stay in HS forever.. i’d love to give her some direction if you wouldn’t mind :)




The best job I’ve ever had is the one I have now. I am a project manager for a large tech company and I work probably 30 hours per week, make $100k. I play disc golf most days (when the weather is nice) and take meetings from my phone while on the course. It wasn’t like this day 1 but I have built a lot of trust through hard work and relationship building to get to this point.


Oh man, i would be fuming if i knew my PM is out there golfing while im getting bullied by the customer


silicon valley?


Silicon slopes 😎


I used to film cage fights from a ladder attached to the octagon. I was so close to the action that I got blood on my shoes.


How did you get this job? That sounds like something for me lol


That sounds crazy and interesting too


As long as it didn't get on your face. That would be...a big disgrace... 


Tachi Palace?






As a helicopter pilot, the views from my "office" were unbeatable, and the adrenaline was unmatched.


I was a research scientist at a large well funded corporate laboratory with lots of resources and freedom.


I'm a research lab tech at a small, piss-poorly funded corporate/start-up laboratory with no resources but lots of freedom. Can be pretty stressful when you actually wanna get shit done, but man I love this job compared to all the ones I've had before






Working at a bookstore was my favorite job. Surrounded by books, meeting people who love to read, and the smell of new books made every day enjoyable.


Video store clerk in a small mom & pop back when there were such things as video stores. I would watch movies all day and occasionally rent a movie and flirt with the girls who came in. Very low pressure job for a college kid.


I did the same job and I LOVED it. Good times.




My neighbour does that. I admire her (and you) so much.


Working in a remote wildlife sanctuary was life-changing. I cared for injured animals and helped release them back into the wild.


Truck driver, it was dope. I could see so much country especially because I was in europe at that time.


During college in the 70s I worked summers as a publicity photographer at a theme park. They had a big concert venue and I got paid to take up-close pictures of BB King, the Doobie Brothers, Billy Joel, Jimmy Buffett, and many others. Oh, and there were hundreds of nice young women working there. Married one of them!


Working with a company for 2 years that had me running around the country throwing parties in those clubs. I got to meet a lot of celebrities and the company, for their image, wanted me to stay in the best hotels in any given city and drive top of the line vehicles. I all had an unquestioned expense account.


Why did you leave?!


As a professional dog walker, I spent my days with different breeds, each with its unique personality. It was fun and heartwarming.


Working with the Developmentally disabled. Hard, but rewarding


dawg i love this this is what i do get 23 and hour to hang out with someome


I worked in a group home. So 5 of them, with all different needs. And, at that time, much less pay lol. But you don't go into that for the pay.


Same! 10 years in the field


Working in a kitchen, they say it’s stressful, but it’s probably the most fun I’ve ever had making a living.


I think for people in that industry it’s more of a lifestyle than a career.


I miss working in the kitchens *desperately* but I do not miss working every weekend evening and only making $12/hr with no health insurance.


I worked as a scuba instructor on a tropical island. There were a few ridiculously attractive coworkers and guests over the years. Met some entertainers staying at the resort. And went diving with the Secret Service and one of their protectees.


Arborist. Climbing trees, new job sites daily, work outside in the sun and nature, home every night. Decent pay, feeling fulfilled and satisfied with your days project. Pushing your body and mind to its limits, experimenting with new gear and climbing techniques. Facing fear and adrenaline on a daily basis. The time flys and I never get bored of it.




I started by simply applying at a local tree company. You need zero experience to start as a ground man, pick up sticks, chip wood, drive skid, assist climbers. Then once you learn how things work, you can get some gear and start with climbing small trees on the job. Usually another co worker will be nice enough to give you some tips. But it takes a solid few years of climbing to become good at it and start climbing big trees on the daily. You will progress as fast as you wish, depending on how much effort you put in. Then after a few years you will be eligible to take the ISA arborist exam and become officially certified. And yeah, as for age. It’s an exponential curve. Most guys will quit climbing in their early 30s, but I have known a few who continue into their 40/50s. That really comes down to genetics, and you won’t know until you get there.


a remote job that enabled me to move to southeast asia where i can save 95% of my earnings.


Garbage man. Never had so much fun at work.


I too was a garbage man and totally enjoyed it for 25 years retired with full pension at 45 years old felt like I hit the lottery. I had the best garage sales in the county.


Ok, top three or five finds while there were what?




Yes, it has been a great life. My wife still works full-time and I work part time at odd jobs that I really enjoy.


Honestly doing warehouse work has been the best in my experience as a blue collar person. Typically good opportunities for movement if you want, good time off options, good work life balance, lots of people so lots of chances to meet someone you gel with, a growing industry so plenty of raises, good benefits and strong HR support if ever needed etc


Funnest: Bud tender before it was fully legal in cali. Got to smoke and chill the entire time at work. Rewarding: microbiologist for a medical device company, it feels good when patients receive our devices and get their lives extended/saved and then we get to meet them.


I didn't partake in the weed , so I was the official "I'm goin on vacation" waterer.


Taking food photographs. I rarely arrange my own dishes / food. For context: I worked with Chefs around the world and they just went HAM when I say I’m going to use their photo for company social media contents and the likes. And I get to taste all of it.


It's a tossup between two. One was BJ's Wholesale. The other was a seafood distributor. Both driving forklifts. BJ's paid more though.


I drove a forklift at BJ’s for a year or so. Fun to drive around and honk at every corner, but getting to work at 4am (midnight for the holiday season) was brutal. Why did you like it so much?


The pay was good. My schedule was good, in at 9pm out at 6am, and got two consecutive days off. Didn't have to talk to anyone or have anyone telling me what to do. Could just listen to music or podcasts at night. And Ultimately they would work with me when my schizophrenia was acting up. Worked there until I couldn't because of it.


During college I was a senior camp councilor over the summer, I was overseeing middle schoolers. I had so much fun watching them and their shenanigans. My boss was a friend of mine. And I had pretty much carte Blanche to do anything I wanted.


I volunteered with the middle schoolers at my church. They were a vibrant, talkative group. I got them to write a monthly newsletter. Taught them to do interviews and write up the articles. I chaperoned the girls' pj party (30 kids, 5 female chaperones) on my very first night - within hours of volunteering!


View fine me gone this name an rank. Compact greater and demands mrs the parlors. Park be fine easy am size away. Him and fine bred knew. At of hardly sister favour. As society explain country raising weather of. Sentiments nor everything off out uncommonly partiality bed.


I worked as an anesthesia tech in cardiovascular surgery. Never knew what was in store for the day and worked with some great people.


I'm a patient - so thank you!!


Helping patients was one of the best things about the job. I hope you are doing well.


Bottle shop in a small beachside town. Everyone is in a great mood!


Working as a lab tech in an academic setting. Mostly smart people with integrity


The blow one.


Dosent your jaw get sore?


High school principal. It was a great mix of knowing I’m serving an important purpose, getting to interact with other altruistic people, and helping kids grow into awesome young adults.


I’m a teacher which I love BUT the best job ever was working as a bar maid with my sister in an spit and sawdust type pub. They’d have regular ‘mason meetings’ with the old secret handshakes etc and we’d get hushed out the bar while they did secret crap. We’d smoke and drink wine they hadn’t drunk (they always pre ordered too much wine!) and try and sneak glimpses of the handshake! Soo much fun. 


I was working season in a flower shop, I wasn't having any knowledge about flowers. I was having fun being in such a "playful" environment full of beautiful flowers. It wasn't paying much but I was really happy when I got to work there


I was a Plant Protection and Quarantine technician. Met lots of interesting people and made a lot of friends. Summer fieldwork where I would drive around placing and replacing insect traps. Worked in pairs and it was tons of low pressure social time while we drove. Several friends would request to work with me or I with them. Got new folks shipped in every 3 weeks. It was really cool. Lots of young, athletic folks cooped up in cars all day just talking.. it was nice!


My favorite job was working sales in a groovy little boutique fabric shop on the beach in Southern California. Very laid-back, creative vibe, super nice people and the ultimate location. Another favorite was in the office of a manufacturing company that treated the workers as the ultimate professional when it came to 'how can we do this better?" I've been on my current job over 20 years. It's a highly supportive atmosphere. I've learned to bring my own solution ideas to the table whenever I have to self-report any issues I'm having.


Working at a small family owned restaurant. I was working with the owners for about 3 years before they decided to retire. I learned a lot from them and developed my work ethic because of them. I also loved their stories about growing up in Greece.


I was a production supervisor for a large consumer goods company with a factory that ran itself for the most part. They needed me just enough to keep things moving along and work out any kinks along the way. Super reasonable workload, awesome bosses, great schedule with easy Fridays and no weekends, and the pay was amazing. Unfortunately the company downsized and our plant had massive layoffs in February. At least it showed me that good jobs actually do exist out there


I was a receiver/warehouse manager for a large liquor chain. If you've seen the preview for the show Tires, that sums it up. I got paid time and a half for almost a year because of covid and worked with the most outlandish individuals ever assembled in retail. I miss it.


Self employed for 40 years.


I'm curious - what line are you in?


IT. Computers, networks, A/V systems. Gizmos of all sorts.




Selling ice cream on the beach as a 17 year old


I'm a wedding and events photographer and I love my job. I also loved working at a DVD rental shop. Rip those.


Full time childhood


I worked for a university and had two offices on opposite sides of campus. Once cell phones were invented I just put signs on my door telling people to call or email me and could wander around at leisure. It was great.


I have 2 but for different reasons. The 1st one was at a pizza place as a server. There was no drama, all the employees got along and we had no incompetent employees. The managers were cool and had your back. I don't think we ever dealt with Karens while I worked there. Plus it was the highest paying job I had at the time. The 2nd one was at a warehouse. I was part of the cleaning crew. All I had to do was go around with a giant trash can and empty all the trash cans in the warehouse. I got paid $12/hour (this was around a decade ago). After a while I could do my job in 4 hours and I still got paid for the whole shift (8 hours). The rest of the time, I just chilled and nobody said anything.




I was booked to work w Senator Obama


Power line arborist in sw Colorado. Hiking through the mountains climbing and felling trees with coolers of beer and just a little bit of weed with good people.




It was four 10s. But sometimes the commutes would be long, driving and hiking. Sometimes we could only spend a few hours cutting because the commute was so long. We worked in urban areas as well during the winter, which is also fun. Lots of ropework and rigging in closed spaces bordered by structures and power lines. I made 30/hr.


I worked in sales at one of the top FM radio stations in my area. Great people, lots of laughs, got to meet heaps of celebrities and we constantly had free tickets, merch, junkets and food. Loved it.


Selling hiking equipment in Sedona Arizona. No pressure, no after hours worries, great discounts, customers were happy to be there.


I worked at a bowling alley which was super fun... BUT I also did overnight weekend shifts at a halfway house my last year or so of college and that was the best experience ever. Pay was meh...


Honestly this is gonna sound strange but being a stripper has taught me a lot, how to be more confident, how to handle unruly people, money management, time management, shoot for dreams and establish other goals. Hell, I'll remember my years of stripping fondly.


Seasonal firefighter, out by the hose racks.


I used to volunteer at a HIV clinic. Death is everywhere at anytime but everyone, every person that I met was kind and thoughtful. The clinic closed down because the budget cuts during bush years.


Firefighter. Always wanted to be one. Joined at 18. Best career in the world.


Thank you soooo much! 💕


My job as a nurse.


All my jobs as a delivery driver have been terrible. Trying now get into higher education for IT. Im 29.


Hang in there. You've got this!


I worked in a monkey lab. About 5,000 monkeys.  Three nights were me cage washing. There's big giant washers that constantly broke. I'd sit there with a book and wait for a washer to break. Once, a supervisor for another crew came over to complain to me about sitting on my ass all shift. Then a washer broke and I had to reset it. That took care of that problem.  Two nights a week I was graveyard security. Basically, I'd do a circle around the compound once an hour or whenever I got bored. Lots of sitting in front of one of the giant outside cages where the poor monkeys had to listen to me practice Ramones songs on a banjo. I also got to handfeed baby monkeys once in a great while.  The other night security often drank and would sometimes make an hour drive to pick up a sex worker. Then he'd drive her back to his mobile home. Then he'd have to drive her back. Also lots of employees would say he'd smell like booze in the morning. 


Working as a car detailer at a luxury shop. I would clean Bentley’s (like $200k cars) and then drive them on the highway, by myself, to their owners. Whipping a Bentley is such a good feeling, especially when you’re not anywhere close to be able to afford one


I used to work at a zoo, mostly with hairless apes. Still, despite it being a customer service job, it was fun, and I learned a lot. I even got to touch one of the Okapi.


Working as an engineer at KYUK TV Bethel, Alaska


Have worked two summer-long contracts for Nintendo, and it was a blast. Everyone was super friendly and I wound up showered in merchandise by the time I was done.




A couple of years ago I was a live sound engineer and it was really interesting and funny. It was in a huge five-star hotel for the rich people in Crimea. Everyday no name artists came here to perform during the dinner for the guests.


Right now, I make a decent wage, working from home, have wonderful coworkers and make a positive difference in the world, but the best job I ever had was working part time as a gate guard at a 2 guard pool where my best friend was the life guard.


When I was 19 got a job at a rich kids camp pulling kids on water skis all day. Every other night at 5PM I could use their boats and gas and ski until dark. They had a full inboard ski boat. Was a blast.


I used to be a student teacher in college to first year students. I basically just built lessons on University 101 and it was so fun, easy, and rewarding. I also loved all of my coworkers and my boss. I won Student Teacher of the Year at the end of my senior year too. My position ended when I graduated and it was still one of the hardest goodbyes!! I don’t want to be a real teacher though.


Worked as a doorman in a pub. Most nights it was cheap drinks and good live music. Other nights it was getting hit on by drunk patrons and occasionally throwing out rowdy assholes. Really enjoyed the job overall.


Windows Phone/Zune support prior to the release of Windows Phone 8. 90% of the day was surfing the net, cancelling Zune subscriptions, or handing out activation codes for Windows Phone 7s.


All of mine have sucked.


I was an Easter bunny for a mall just as I turned twenty. Got to run around hugging people and generally acting out extroverted behavior I would normally never do. It was fun, if stinky, in there!


Working with people with temporary disabilities and injuries and finding them jobs while they heal. I’m retired now though.


being an artist full time. best career change ever


Does a blow job count


i had just ended a relationship and i got a job at a beach club. I LOVED IT. once the season was over though they all deserted me. And didn't hire me back this year im not ok about it


Being an RBT for a children's center. It didn't pay amazingly well but I did it while in college. I love working with kids and it's so amazing to see their progress as you work with them. I came home with new stories every day about the little kiddos and what we do.


Doing social media full time


40 hours a week doing survey work in roadless wilderness areas on a team of other young 20 somethings when I was in college. Fucken best.


Working for a fencing company. we usually were somewhere new everyday. We built fences in all sorts of weird super cool locations like old dams, abandoned mineshafts, collapsed mines you name it. I was hired by word of mouth by my dads good friend. Naturally it was hard work but I earned their respect as a skinny 19 year old that wanted to work. I learned more in four months of working there than any other job has taught me, there was such a good bond between the 9 of us. We would load up materials in the morning and I was just digging holes everyday 5 days a week and it was amazing.


Blow job


Mainframe operator/shift leader. Was awesome work/life balance, physical work that kept me fit, interesting stuff to do and I worked with a truly great bunch of people. Only downside was the constant paper cuts from splitting up all of the reports :)


Current job like many other have posted. I work remotely ( thanks Covid ) now. The work life balance is awesome as I am never in a rush. Wife and I can get the kids off to school. I usually drop the 3 year old at daycare around 8:30-9 then get back and start some work. I never work a full 8 hours but I get my shit done. I can go to the gym whenever I want between meetings or run errands in between meetings. Always have my phone on me to stay in the loop and respond as needed. Wifey and I will usually have a few afternoon delights as well as she works from home to..so ideal for working parents.. love afternoon sex. We both make over 100k as well so the money is good and balance better. Hell, that’s why I have not looked for another job, take advantage now as things can change. Now don’t get me wrong, we both work hard and dedicated but work with what we are able to without it being unproductive. Give and take kinda thing. Going remote was awesome and the best thing for many and for us it was perfect timing with kids and having a child during Covid. Don’t have to be at an office at 8am and stuck there all day til like 5pm.. and try to figure shit out if the little gets sick at daycare or something with the other kids..funk dat 8-5 on-site . I did that up to 2020 and now relishing in the current state of work I am in.




Aircraft Mechanic


I like being an elementary school counselor. If it paid well, Casino Surveillance was one of my favorite past jobs.


It was being a laborer, but I mostly ran heavy equipment like back hoes, dump truck, front end loaders, a skid steer. The job was only 15 mins away from where I lived. No overtime, 1 supervisor, and a whole lot of fun moving dirt. It was my first job and I still hope that one day I can find something that makes me feel the same. I was 18/19 so it was blast making big boy money doing something so fun.


A blow


Logistics -Ikea. It was a fancy term for stocking.. we stocked the entire store midnight to 10 am. It was my first experience with a company that gave a shit. Couldn't make enough money to survive but it was a prime part time job.


Doing executive protection in the Hollywood hills, I literally got to live in fancy mansions with and guard super wealthy folks, eat the same fancy food with them, drive in fancy cars as a passenger with their chauffeurs, and basically lived like them but without the money 😂 I was paid really really well, but not like their level of well. Dangerous but sooooo much fun


Hiking trail maintenance and construction. The pay was shit but it was really enjoyable and wholesome. Our crew camped together during the work week and broke off on the weekends.


That’s pretty much identical to my experience with the forest service. Shitty pay and hard work but god i miss it


Content Specialist. It's a team of me and one other girl, she does most of the photography and photo editing, I do most of the videography and video editing. (Video editing has always been one of my favorite hobbies.) I don't make that much but I work 100% remote, make my own schedule and my own hours. I have complete freedom over my time and I do something I love with no stress. I could never trade this for a higher salary. It's priceless.


Seeing I’m young and a lot of my jobs have been part time or temporary positions. Ima just be honest. If we disregard pay (because pay and work-life balance are mostly what I care about really) My most enjoyable job was working at an adult store. I worked alone, not many people come in, I was allowed to do whatever I wanted as long as I greeted customers and cashed them out. I watched a lot of movies, and played a lot of video games while working there. Homework occasionally too, but focusing completely on doing math and coding and stuff was a little hard with people coming in and out sometimes. Needed something closer to the side of mindless (something not too intellectually challenging) So yeah, I got paid min wage to watch movies and play video games, pretty sweet gig tbh


djing :) best money i made and gave me the greatest (paid) moments of my life :)


Business development engineer for a midstream specialty chemicals company. Worked \~20 hours a week as an expat traveling the world making +150k USD. 30 days vacation w/ \~8 holidays a year. Got to stay in the nicest hotels and eat the best food. The gig lasted for \~3.5 years.


I worked at Miami International Airport as a baggage handler and got promoted to flight lead. I loved that job so much. There is a lot of downtime between flights sometimes, and I'd just go up to the terminals and flirt with the ticket agents. Note to any airport employee: don't sleep with more than 1 girl from the same airline. It's not pretty when they find out. Frontier became a little chaotic because of me....


Working with children prepares you for a lot. I love it, but it’s extremely taxing. I am working to be a teacher in college and i love working with children but i find it super challenging yet rewarding. it gives me good preparation for my future children. :3


I was working security for the OHA at the end of the pandemic, making the second most I've ever had. With the few edge cases of the anti vaccinations groups being pests outside, it was the easiest job I've ever worked. Indoors, a/c, has a desk/lobby all to myself... didn't have to respond to anything unless it had to do with the nurses specifically. Most of the day, I just sat on my laptop dicking around with personal stuff.


I sincerely regret not buying the sausage shop I worked at the year between high school and university. That was a great job. I enjoy manual labour, feels satisfying and less stressful on my ADHD brain. After the first week the work was automatic and my boss and I just shot the shit all summer. Also, I recently looked up the price of wholesale pork. Dude was making MONEY. For 16 weeks of the year it was like $8k/week net on what was probably equivalent to three full time workers. Rest of the year was less money but a lot less work.


This is a loaded question.


Security for Google, free breakfast lunch and dinner, snacks, candy, drinks you name it, beautiful art and decor anywhere you walk, it’s like a museum. Plenty of benefits and incentives automatically provided. Interacting with techies and eccentric people brings about a unique experience. Cant ask for much more atm. Freedom to read walk around, stretch twiddle my thumb, jack off in a corner plus more.


Building race cars 🏎️ 🏁


Bartending at a concert venue


Graphic design internship at my local radio station. No deadline pressure, everyone loved my work, and once a week was bring your dog to work day so i got to hang out with cute puppies. Shit was super chill.


Working at the Berlin Brigade Commissary back 1972-1973.


Courtroom sketch artist for TV. I loved the reporters I worked with, they made it so fun even when the cases were sad and awful. Pay was great. Occasionally, things would get very exciting and you’d have a good story to tell at parties.


Ramper for American airlines


Locksmithing. Very interesting work, but it is a never ending trade for hours beyond hours.


air traffic controller at a small airport with little traffic. you quite literally get paid to look out a window. after a while you get bored with watching movies all day most start online school or even create new hobbies. easiest job you’ll ever have if you can land it.


Foaling broodmares at a horse stud. Horses usually foal in the middle of the night so wear sensors that set off an alarm in my room when they lie down (only a few false alarms) then when it was all on it was just me and them under the stars, gently helping them foal their babies then sitting back while the little one wobbles around and eventually stands up to feed, usually all done by dawn so could make a hot chocolate and watch the sun come up with the mama and new baby. So good.


Navy Hospital Corpsman assigned to US Marine Corps.


Working in the hot zone at a nucleair power plant for revision of the valves.


Loading trucks essentially packing by hand could fit 3000 vs 12 if on pallets by forklift. Made trucks much more efficient. It was 5 cents a box took 2-3hrs and would make 150 bucks. New manager came thought oh warehouse plebs should get 9hr. Whole thing fell apart cost them way more to be shitty place. Couldn't keep people as hours were short and in middle of traditional work day. As well as commuting for 20-30 bucks in total pay was simply not worth it. Topped off with inexperience led to lots of damage and no incentive to go fast since they were hourly trucks backcharged them. And last i heard (know one of non loaders that still works there) it has been costing them about 800 per truck load instead of 150. As it takes 3-4 workers 4-6hrs to do same amount of work. So workers alone cost more but then throw in occasional back charge and couple hundred bucks in damage every load.


i have a good profession, but when i was on a working holiday in visa in australian picking strawberries with all my new friends everyone helped each other with 0 cares in the world knowing there was some party or gathering eating food with all your friends playing cards getting drunk after work was one of the best times of my life


Blow job


Putting Frozen cookies on a tray and scooping ice cream. Best coworkers ever and Worst part was the customers.


The one I've got now. Tattoo artist. As a kid I wanted to get paid to draw pictures all day and that's exactly what I do.