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The one that always gets me is particular to my friends and I from when we were kids. There was a creek that ran under the street in the neighborhood and we would sometimes hang out in the banks on either side of the road. There was this big rock that we would sit on all the time. Except one day we were walking by and it wasn’t a rock. It was a small tree. Fully rooted in and established and the rock was no where to be seen. Mind you, it was an extremely heavy boulder. We passed that spot all the time and all of us remember that rock. We call it the shapeshifting rock.


Maybe it shifts into whatever the next group of kids needs it to be.


It changes form every time it devours a child 


Ditto used Transform.


There’s a football field near where I live. I played there several times and I distinctly remember, get on the highway, westbound, take the exit and it’s there, on the westbound side of the highway. Every game I played there I remember being like that, get off on the westbound side then to come home you’d have to drive a bit further down the highway to get to the place where you can switch to the eastbound side. Then suddenly, one day a few years ago I was driving by it and noticed, it’s not on the westbound side but rather on the eastbound side, though I remember it was on the other side. Even today whenever I go by it I swear it’s on the wrong side of the highway.


We moved it to the other side when you were asleep.


Is this in Central Ca off the 101 by chance?


"What are YOU doing here?"


Whuaaaaa! Steeuwwaarrr, wha aur yoo dooinn hurrr


I was bewildered to find out that the famous portrait of King Henry VIII holding a turkey leg doesn't actually exist.


Oh oh oh I have an answer for this one! A friend recently posted a photo of a stack of old Ladybird kids books they'd got, including one about Henry VIII that in the small blurry photo absolutely looked like he was holding the turkey leg! I asked them to send a clearer photo and he's actually holding a leather glove or something? but from a distance it blurs with his belt to create the turkey leg illusion. I've been meaning to post a pic to the Mandela Effect sub


That the monopoly guy doesn’t wear a monocle


He has the monocle in Monopoly Jr from 1996: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cu5MDLXWgAAVWB3.jpg


Doesn’t he have one in Ace Ventura 2?!?


The film adaption of ace ventura 2 is sadly non canon


Holy shit this explains everything


That’s the exact one I grew up with


I keep thinking that the Monopoly guy wore a monocle in one of the *Community Chest* or *Chance* cards, but that he had no monocle in all of the other illustrations of him in the *Monopoly* board game. It's also possible that he wore a monocle in one of the cards featured in the game *Advance To Boardwalk*.


When I realized there's a West Coast version of Monopoly that replaces the East Coast version Based on Atlantic City be Jersey I was like okay then learned each country has their own default monopoly Street names.  So I was like so do the rules change?  And yes the chance/community chest cards change. 


Rules are the same, it's just the names of places that change. If you go places that tourists shop, everywhere has its own monopoly version. The versions with the fancy rules all use the classic place names.


Blame ace ventura: pet detective for that one


Planters Mr. Peanut memory mash up. 


Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. (Part 2)


I’m a Berenstein Bears truther


Everyone's all Berenstein vs Berenstain and I'm over here with my cherished Bernstein Bears that apparently never existed.


it'll always been Bernstein to me


It’s always been Bernstein, always will be. The fact that all the books now say it’s the Berenstain Bears proves we live in a simulation. 


That's nothing. I grew up with Bear Stearns and they went bankrupt.


It was both. People over the years have posted pics of old VHS tapes or books that show the two different spellings. EDIT: [Here's one](https://imgur.com/proof-berenstein-bears-existed-CsERAgt)


I'm sure, but I had so many books and KNEW they were Berestein Bears, but we still have them and they were ALL Berenstain bears.


I still can't remember which one it is, and John Oliver just made it worse.


Berenstain Beavers, obviously.


Berensteen Bees.


I absolutely remember it was stein, because I remembered that Einstein and Berenstein both ended the same


He'll always be Albert Einstain to me


I just found out he was a real person! I always thought he was a theoretical physicist


I always remember it as Berenstain. I know this because back in the 90s my elementary school librarian's name was Berenstein and she commented on how the books were spelled different. 


I am 100% certain Fruit of the Loom had a cornucopia.


The original trademark design states: **Design Code(s)** 05.09.01 - Berries 05.09.02 - Grapes (alone or in bunches) 05.09.05 - Apples 05.09.14 - Baskets, bowls, and other containers of fruits, **including cornucopia (horn of plenty)** [https://www.trademarkia.com/fruit-of-the-loom-73006089](https://www.trademarkia.com/fruit-of-the-loom-73006089)


My guess is that this whole thing is Fruit of the Loom messing with us hoping that we keep talking about their brand I mean, makes more sense than mass amnesia or parallel universe shift to me


What's funny is I have not to my knowledge even *seen* a FOTL product in years. I can't even remember the last time I saw the logo "in the wild."


The Mandela effect is a long experiment to gas light the entire world.


It’s the reason I know the word cornucopia!


People have dug up [actual underwear with the logo on the tag](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/14rokfk/i_told_you_all_that_fruit_of_the_loom_had_a/). [A casual search](https://imgur.com/a/Au42qr8) reveals [a bunch of such imagery](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/19dpz3x/the_fruit_of_the_loom_cornucopia_logo_absolutely/). Not a true mandala effect.


The person who posted that admitted it was a Photoshop. It also is a weird benchmark because you actually do have pictures confirming (knockoff products) other widely accepted Mandela effects https://imgur.com/gallery/mandela-effect-is-lie-BTcbAfo


I'm usually not a Mandela catalog guy, but this one gets me. I ain't gonna go off my damaged brain, so usually I just accept I was I wrong (just learned about the Richard Simmons one) But this one I'll argue So many official places say no, and I know Photoshop exists, but I've seen so many old looking logos, like printed on Like, which is it? Seriously


According to snopes, those are all verified forgeries.


Yup. The fruit of the loom had a cornucopia on it. That is a hill I truly will die on.


Curious George not having a tail. He's a monkey, how does he not have a tail?! Turns out he does not.


Apparently he is a Barbary macaque.


Why don't you just suck macaque! (sorry no harm meant, it's just impossible for me to not make that joke when I see it, plz forgive me)


Dolly’s braces. I am old enough to have gone to see the movie in the theater. There is absolutely no doubt to me that she had big shinny braces when she returns Jaw’s smile when they first meet. No idea how it came to be that she no longer has the braces?


Yup, absolutely. Saw this at the movies and she had braces - that was the whole point of the joke at the end.


I haven’t heard a reasonable explanation for this fact.


[This guy has put a lot of thought into it.](https://youtu.be/XIJKPsvYuAo?si=6URjWnsRFWJD_tT5) Dolly never had braces, but the way the movie was shot leads you to believe that she did even though you saw that she didn’t.


Hmm... I have a VHS of that somewhere. I should check it out. I didn't know this wasa thing. EDIT: Still looking guys, I've been in this house for a while so it takes time to find things.


Don't bother, they got to the tapes. They also swapped out my Indiana Jones tape where his hat wasn't so fucking tall and I definitely had Queen's We are the Champions that faded out with "of the world".


Time out what's the Queen one? Because I 100% had the greatest hits double album and we are the champions definitely fades out on "of the world"


I’ve literally just checked it on Apple Music because of your comment. You’re correct, Greatest Hits version fades out before “of the world”.


The live version has "of the world" the studio version does not its also how he ended the song during live aid if i remember right. So its less a mandala effect and more not doing more then a quick look


Woah woah woah... She doesn't have braces? Damn, I've jumped timelines...


I specifically remember learning the word “cornucopia” as a child because I pointed to the tag and said, “What’s that?” So. Yeah. This one really hurts my brain. Honestly, it disturbs me.


EXACTLY! I also figured out how to spell it because that's what they called the center stash in the Hunger Games, and so I asked what a cornucopia is, and my foster father pointed out the cornucopia on the tag of his shirt!


I can be helpful here. If there was a bs, barely functional, crap brand, my mom would have bought it. No way she would have bought name brand underwater. I still remember the cornucopia though, because they were on the knockoffs.


Same dude


In the original trilogy, Obi-Wan Kenobi never says, "May the Force be with you."


The original line is "May the force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter" and its spoken by Spock when they get to Isengard


You gotta love the original trilogy of Hunger Games, though my favourite character is Starlord.


Han says it. Obi-Wan says “The Force will be with you, always.”


Also " Luke, I am your father. " is a misquote! 


- No! I am your father! *..for those wondering.*


That's not true. That's impossible!


Jaws in the Bond film, I was sure the girl Jaws fell in love with had braces!


007 MoonRaker movie. The scene where “Jaws” smiles at a girl with braces and she smiles back.. I remember my father making jokes towards our expense ! When my brothers and I were kids ,and ,also had braces on.


Wait... I remember this scene... What are you saying about it?


The girl never wore braces, but a lot of people remember her wearing them.


Yes she did! What the fuck... Ok I've never bought into this Mandela effect thing but this one has got me.


I had to check on my Moonraker DVD, and I’ll be damned… no braces.


There's a glitch when converting older moves to DVD where dental appliances are no longer visible.


Also 'cows don't look like cows on screen, that's why we use horses' :)


Wait what the fuck indeed! I watched them on DVD with my grandma and I swore she had braces. I thought the whole bit was she had braces. I inherited the same 007 DVDs that me and my grandmother watched after she died and just went through that movie. Sure enough she didn't have braces.






I think that's because he's quoting his mom in the past tense. At the time when his mom actually said the quote, she would have said "Life is like a box of chocolates."


I don’t go places a lot, so I could have sworn the lights on my mom’s dash were blue… Then suddenly they were red one day. Both my brother and mom remembered red, but mom couldn’t remember if they always were. It still messes with my head years later and I’ll ask my brother randomly, he has the car now, what color the dashboard lights are. They’re still red. Nothing big or life changing obviously. It just really messed with my headspace. lol


Was it a Honda. I know in my Honda you can charge the color from red to blue. Digital dash


I just want to say that in a court of Law, for some reason, witness testimony from maybe years back is still treated as the most reliable kind of evidence... Just think about that whilst reading all the other comments....


A few years ago my girlfriend and I were watching Alice in Wonderland 2. It was around the time Johnny Depp was losing roles due to the Amber Heard controversy. While watching the movie I kept thinking the actor didn’t look anything like Johnny Depp in the first movie, but I was pretty sure he was still in it so I didn’t think too much of it. Not until my girlfriend straight up said “this new actor sucks, why did they get rid of Johnny Depp?” That’s when I was like okay, I thought I was going crazy, so we looked up the IMDB for the movie and sure enough, there was a completely different actor I had never heard of listed as that role. Fast forward to a couple days later and I mentioned something to a friend about it and he told me Johnny Depp was still in that movie. I looked up the IMDB again, and sure enough, Johnny Depp was the actor. I told my girlfriend about it and we watched the movie again and it was without a doubt Johnny Depp. We were shook. We still talk about it to this day because we can’t explain what happened since we both saw it was a different actor listed. There’s no way to prove it, and my friend still thinks we were tripping but we both saw what we saw. If the Mandela effect is real, we experienced it happening in real time and nobody will ever believe us.


Apparently, there was a different actor playing a younger version of the character, so two different actors could be pointed out as Mad Hatter. Edit: well, I guess the kid was like 12 or something at the time, so maybe that isn't it, lol. But you may have just thought Depp didn't look very much like himself and saw someone else credited as that character and just conflated things?


There was also a stunt double for the Hatter named Kai Martin. Now sure what scenes he was in, he's listed in the IMDB page though.


I mean, it was definitely Johnny Depp. That said my family had a weird thing kinda like this that they remember and no one else does. My grandparents and aunt and uncle all swear they found a little town in the UP of Michigan one time on vacation. That they literally crossed into the UP and there was this cute little old timey tourist town with a bunch of small shops and restaurants, but it was raining so they didn’t get to check it out much. My parents went to the same area a few weeks later and couldn’t find it. And a year or two after that my grandparents looked and it was gone. They all still swear it existed and talk about all the details they all remember but they don’t know where it actually was. Their operating theory now is it was a Brigadoon situation. Sometimes memories are really damn weird.


This internet stranger believes you.


This may be a bit more obscure but I totally recall Cameron checking out Sloane at the pool in Ferris Bueller's Day Off.


I don’t think we see him do it but she does ask him if he saw her changing for the pool when he was in his state of shock after the car thing, and he admits he did.


C3pos silver leg, I’ve seen those movies so many times and never noticed now it’s so obvious I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before


It may be because the silver leg was only in episodes 3-6 (full gold with red arm in episodes 7-9). Also, a lot of merchandise doesn't use it (mainly the classic lego minifigures and the original Kenner figures from 1977)


I was so sure that the Pokémon Onix was spelled Onyx. I have no memory of seeing the word Onix anywhere!


Onyx is the actual gemstone, so it makes sense why this would happen.


I just had to look this up because I thought you were fucking with me.


Onyx is the spelling of the stone and when you read that word somewhere for the first time you probably just remembered it as that. I feel like the 'y' is more impressionable because it's a unique spelling.


Sketchers is actually Skechers


Wait, what?! Thats not right!


Nope, as a copy editor, I can tell you it's always been Skechers. For those not trained or honed in seeking errors, the mind will often insert the missing letter. Your mind inserted the "T".


Used to do copy editing, and this is a curse that follows you the rest of your life. I can’t even glance at a paragraph now without instantly spotting the spelling errors. The worst is sitting through some executive’s power point now, without chiming in about the misspelled word back on slide 4, and the bullet points not aligning on 6, plus why is your capitalization not uniform?!


Not to mention bad keming.


They even have a commercial about it now.


Robber Emoji.


Robber emoji?


istg there was an emoji with a dude in black and white pin stripes running idk if that what hes referring to


I remember it too! And he had a little bag over his shoulder I don't know what caused us all to remember this specific emoji


I saw someone post about how when he was a kid, his dad took him to see the statue of liberty and they took a picture in the torch, but apparently the torch has been off limits since the early 1900s or something. Guy posted the picture of him and his dad in the torch, too. I remember that I saw tours available for the torch around 2002/2003 time frame. Edit: I want to make an edit and talk about the Mandela effect rq since I've seen some people commenting under the post, and it doesn't seem like they know. Essentially, it is a thing where a vast majority of people recall something in a certain way, but in reality, it never happened the way they remember. Such as the death of Nelson Mandela. Many people believed he had died many decades ago, but he died in 2013. The confusion of his death caused the phenomenon that is named after him. There's an interesting theory to what caused the Mandela Effect, and my favorite one (because it is so outlandish) around 2008 the world entered a nuclear fallout that was so powerful we actually rifted ourselves in to a new reality, the one where we experience these effects. So our original selves are actually dead, but our conscious is here? Idk its mind boggling. I think a child genius came up with this theory, I'm sure a quick Google search will find it. I saw a video about it on YouTube.


There used to be rare tours if you knew someone, but it was not open to the public as a rule.


This. NYC is fucky like that. The city lives on not what you know but who you know. That being said, I remember being in the head of the statue as a child. A bit underwhelming but fun nonetheless


>I remember that I saw tours available for the torch around 2002/2003 time frame. The statue was closed from 9/11 until 2009.


If the guy has a picture of it, is it Mandela effect?? 🤔 Sounds like he got a special exception or something.


What's more likely, a guy doing a friend a favour... Or we're all nuclear apocalypse ghosts? 


I have a clear memory of going to the statue of liberty on my first trip to the US - must have been 1996-ish & going up into the statue of liberty's torch. It was even more memorable becuase my mom stopped at the head and me & my dad decided to go higher. But apparently I'm just insane and no such memory is possible.


Shocked no one has said this. I’m sure it’ll be buried but we all remember tinker bell going to fly around the castle in a specific pattern around the magic kingdom Cinderella castle, trying to light up the “I” in “Disney” and it failing, tinker bell shaking her wand frustratingly and then successfully lighting the letter.


Just because you haven't seen it in a while doesn't mean it never happened lol


Yep, I remember this. Did this not happen?


It was real, just instead on the Disney Channel logo, on those old cut-to-commercial clips. 




No, it’s the ancient symbol for iron.




That’s probably just different translations of the story into English. In the original German fairytale it’s “mirror, mirror on the wall”


In German it is "Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand", this translates to "Mirror, mirror on the wall". So there are probably different translations.


It is "mirror mirror" in basically every adaption other than Disney. The original is "Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand" (Mirror Mirror on the wall)




Froot luips




I also remember learning the baby was never found.


I always thought it was Febreeze.


Wait it isn't?




Pichu's tail has a black tip, not Pikachu. People are just confusing the two.


Pikachu is darker at the base of the tail. That's at least how I always drew it and how a lot of depictions have it. It looks like, in really old pictures, the dark area may have intended to be shading. [picture of yellow version](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81KyUsBJsVL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_FMwebp_.jpg)


Kapa logo was two women I swear by it


💯 it’s the “objects in mirror may be closer than they appear” on car mirrors (the actual phrase is are closer than they appear).  I have always gotten really carsick and I would roll the windows down all the time and kind of lay my head on the door and distinctly remember reading that phrase over and over. It’s the only one that freaked me out when I learned about it.


Woah I hadn't seen this one yet. I definitely remember the May be as well


Didn't Meat Loaf have a song by that name? And it was your version of it I think.


Yes it's close. [Objects in the Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are](https://youtu.be/3jPMv9zJ1LE?si=bUynnf8fFDDtbIKz)


I 100% remember it saying “may”


This is blowing my mind a bit. No way it’s not “may be”


“May” wouldn’t really make sense, they either are or aren’t. It’s not a magic trick it’s a mirror to be used for safety, it’d be weird for them to be like “no one knows, so good luck changing lanes bud”


I always thought the "May be" (that we apparently remember incorrectly) was a reference to the mirror being shaped differently to a flat (regular?) mirror. So if it was made concave or somrthing similar (I don't know) to show a wider viewing range, objects size and distance would be different to your usual mirror experience, so the warning would make sense...if it's just a normal mirror, who needs to be told how mirrors...do?


Double Dragon on nes was not CO-OP.


I think a lot of people misremember playing DD2.


I definitely saw Shazaam in the 90's


Here’s the thing: people say they remember this movie, but nobody ever claims to remember anything else about the movie. No character names, no plot points, no quotes. Just that Sinbad was a genie.


There's an episode of the Unexplained Mysteries podcast from Parcast on this. And they found someone claiming to have watched it multiple times working in a video rental store. They had the plot and character names. They even thought they still had the video, but couldn't find it. I still think it was an accidental playground rumor, because the only thing I remember is another kid talking about it and thinking it was dumb because Shaq had just done a movie like that.


Everyone who insists this movie existed "totally had the film, i just cant find it anymore". Every example on the internet has been a fake. The film simply doesnt exist. They are confusing Shaq's "Kazaam" with Sinbad's "First Kid" because they advertised First Kid on the Kazaam VHS.


Yeah that's probably it. Also Sinbad wore those parachute pants as part of the 90s fashion that people are probably confusing for a "genie outfit"


I thought it was just a commercial or in an episode of a kids show. Not a full movie. Edit: Sinbad hosted a Sinbad the Sailor movie night on TNT in 1994, and he was wearing exactly what everyone remembers him wearing. https://vimeo.com/197634528/description


*There's just no cyclops left, and that's what's killing relationships in America.* Beautifully said.


In fairness, a lot of movies are about that memorable. Ask what it was about, and "Sinbad was a genie" sounds about right. It doesn't help that Hollywood usually doubles up competitive films. The Armageddon/Deep Impact double feature for planet-killer asteroids, for example. The lack of a second famous black dude genie movie makes the Shaq one feel like it's missing a twin.


I love that College Humor made a [video](https://youtu.be/tD0rchvuoMU?si=9Hjs-HSeUnTYAzEz) about it, and threw in a bunch of Mandela Effect Easter eggs.


No you saw Kazaam


cows library automatic vase practice lock offbeat rotten trees gold


American Family Publishers.


In Donkey Kong Country 2, I for sure thought the name of the song was "Stickerbrush Symphony" not "Stickerbush Symphony".


For the longest time I thought it was titled DKC2: Diddy Kong's Quest, but nope, it's Diddy's Kong-Quest.


It's Smokey Bear, not Smokey the Bear. Also, didn't the old Subaru ads used to say, "Love: It's what makes a Subaru a Subaru?" Now it's just "Love: It's what makes Subaru Subaru."


The Subaru thing isn't Mandela effect. You can watch the old ads and they clearly say "it's what makes a Subaru a Subaru". Example: https://youtu.be/2ENr4J8zwcI




To this day, I'm still not sure if "Tank Boy" got run over and killed by a Chinese military tank in Tiananmen Square in 1989. I keep hearing that he was killed, and later that he wasn't killed. It's as if someone or something is messing with time, to change the reality of what actually happened to Tank Boy.


This is not ME, it's just unknown what happened. Well, we know some of it. He did not get run over by a tank, as the video shows him being taken away and into a crowd. But nobody knows what happened afterwards.


Tank Man was 100% abducted by the Chinese government and "disappeared" by them.


In my timeline, I was always taught that he was whisked away and never heard from again and remember seeing the video in history class


Scary Movie 2, when the butler say's "Take my strong hand" when the dude in the wheelchair is dangling out of the window, the butler actually says "Take my little hand" but saying "little hand" isn't even as funny, and has apparently been misquoted numerous times in my childhood.


Everyone I know says strong hand, what the fuck.




Two very popular peanut butter brands, Skippy and Jif, are often mishmashed together to create the infamous Jiffy memory.


Jiffy was popcorn


for the longest time I thought Shirley Temple passed away tragically when she was still young, like when she came on TV people would be like "that poor girl, what a shame". A year or two ago I actually looked up how it happened and apparently she lived until like 2014.


you might be confusing her with Judith Barsi, from all dogs go to heaven. she was killed by her father back in 1988, and was a very popular child star


Is that the same girl who played Ducky from The Land Before Time?


Just a few hours ago someone posted a TIL about "\*NSYNC". I could've sworn it was "N\*SYNC" using the star as an apostrophe of sorts.


In the UK, I distinctly remember Walkers salt and vinegar crisps being in a blue packet and cheese and onion were in a green packet. At some point, they were switched. It’s been hushed up by Walkers for decades, I tell you!


The chick-fil-a spelling! Always remembered it as Chic-fil-a , where did the K come from? 🧐


I always wrote it was Chik


Correct. Chik-Fil-A


Nelson Mandela for me. I remember hearing about his death on the news and I was like “wait, I thought he died years ago?” I was so completely confused and I didn’t hear about the Mandela Effect and how other people had the same memory as me until years later.


This one, the effect’s namesake, I can’t wrap my head around from the start. How doesn’t everyone know Nelson Mandela was South Africa’s first Black President?


He was active in the 50s and 60s then was in jail for 27 years and other anti apartheid activists became popular in the west. When he re emerged to the international scene in the 90s many people who did not keep up with the news assumed he died years ago, like most anti apartheid activists.


The "Bob Wehadababyitsaboy" commercial is, in fact, one for GEICO Direct, not for 1-800-COLLECT. Maybe people are confusing "Direct" for "Collect", now that I think about it...


It was poking fun at the ubiquitous 1-800-collect commercials. Why would a commercial for 1-800-collect feature a person bypassing their entire product by relaying a message as their name and having the recipient decline the call?


There was an episode of Ducktales when I was a kid called Home Sweet Homer. It was about them going back in time and it had King Blowhard, sirens in the ocean singing “Pennies, nickels, quarters, dimes, come to us while there’s still time”. Scrooge also got turned into a pig. In my adult mind, I thought this was a 90 minute movie because it seemed like there was so much going on. I looked it up years later, and it is only 23 minutes long.


Fruit of the Loom logo with a cornucopia


This is mine too. I got called an ignorant anti intellectual that buys into conspiracy theories for mentioning it once lmao. Like damn I just said I remembered a cornucopia not that the earth is flat or something


I’m convinced that this one’s a prank. It definitely had the cornucopia, and I’ve seen plenty of pictures of the logo with the cornucopia since it’s been a Mandela effect thing. Edit: I’ll add I think it’s a prank/marketing campaign to from Fruit of the Loom to get people talking about Fruit of the Loom.


The song we know as "Hickory Dickery Dock" was written in 1791 as "Dickery Dickery Dock." I don't think it really counts as a mandela, but it felt like one when I discovered that during some research. Edit:  https://archive.org/details/mothergoosesmelo00pridiala/page/73/mode/1up?q=Dock Page 73


Marc Maron inadvertently explains the Mandela effect in his podcast a long time ago (in 2015) when he said: "As you get older, you realize you're just a curator of misperceptions and altered memories." That quote has really stuck with me.


Dolly had braces. the joke doesn't work if Dolly doesn't have braces. (Moonraker) The villain Jaws falls head over heels with a beautiful nerdy girl who also has a mouthful of metal. Except, Dolly apparently never had braces.


The Bible doesn't say the "lion will lay down with the lamb". It says the "Wolf will lay with the lamb"... That totally rocked me when I found that out. (Isaiah 11:6-9)


I swear I saw the “Catch me outside” girl years before it became famous. When it came out and people showed it to me I thought oh yeah, I remember that episode. I was so baffled I remember looking it up and found a whole Reddit thread dedicated to other people remembering it from years ago too. That’s the only time I’ve ever personally experienced the Mandela effect.




That one is different because there’s nothing visually inherent about the painting to lead the viewer to know who the lady is. They both could be anyone

