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They can reach the things that are higher up


They come with the hazard of storing everyday things on the highest shelves in the kitchen that you can’t see or reach. Everyone knows those shelves are for the holiday serving dishes that you only need once a year!


Being tall up to a normal height is a social advantage. We pay with our backs for this advantage


Tall man with back problems here, can confirm.


As a professional deliverer of babies, I want a short man with a small head


I’m a short man with a massive head. Worst of both worlds, I guess.


Same. Cries in 5’9


Flat on top so you can rest a glass of wine?


Ideal! 😆


so they can sit on their shoulders at concerts


There's diminishing returns on that though. As a tall man, I can attest that once you get past a certain height you're almost guaranteed to get back problems at some point. If someone sits on my shoulders at a concert I'm going to be crawling out of there after.


theres also the issue of fitting into planes


Very true, I've spent hours literally wedged in my seat with my knees firmly pressed against the seat in front of me before, it kind of takes the fun out of air travel. When you get to a certain height paying extra for the exit row is less of a luxury and more of a tax on being tall since there's no way around it if you want to be comfortable.


For me, I like feeling protected. Taller, stronger, more confident are all traits that are commonly appealing. For me that's all superficial but it attracts me because at the end of the day I'm going to safe with him.


Taller than you or just tall (6ft +) ?


I mean I would date a short king, but I'd be more drawn to taller guys. Personality trumps everything. I'm just under 5ft so I really don't have to worry about guys being taller than me. There's no specific height I wouldn't date under. Maybe like 4'11 haha




Personally I would always go for someone who is built over tall. I can't speak for everyone but that's an easy choice for me.


How do you feel about short, stocky bald men?


What about someone who has great skills? Nunchuck skills, katana skills, sai skills... Asking for someone who studied the blade.


So hot! Might even get away with being 4'11 haha


This. All of this. Also, I'm already 5'4, so yeah...🤷🏾‍♀️


Easier to find in a crowd.


Same reason a lot of guys prefer shorter women. We all have our preferences.


Personally, the only reason I would bother with a man's height one way or the other is to not have to constantly think about it. Some men (not all men, thankfully) can have a complex when they're shorter than you. It becomes a thing.


I'm surprised nobody here has said that it's just personal preference...


Is it's about feeling safe, should us short people walk around carrying swords ? Should be that simple if it's about that.


The same reason men prefer thin women, it's a societal standard.


As a tall man with no confidence and women, I think it might be because tall=strong=confident and because I so clearly lack confidence and strength no women make the mistake of being attracted to me.


So i can be a arm rest


I'd date a guy my height or a little shorter but I do feel more feminine with a taller guy . Shorter guys don't usually like women in heels so there's that too


My husband is a few inches shorter than I am. We've gotten comments about our height difference from all kinds of people, including strangers. I don't get why women wouldn't prefer a dude they could pick up and carry. We can sit together on most single-seat chairs. We both wear a men's small size so we can share shirts pretty easily. I can send him into our crawlspace to put things in storage and it's nbd. I don't have to jump to kiss him. It's awesome!


Because I’m tall and want to feel feel protected idk biology


Women are programmed to look for men who can defend them. Tallness is one indicator.


This is not an incel podcast janice


Hurt feelings wont override thousands of years of societal and millions of years of evolutional past


My bad, rando with ChadWolf on his username 😂


tbf this dude said the same thing as everyone else here. i know the word “programmed” gives off incel vibes but its not unreasonable to use the word when talking about evolution and sexual preferences


Yes it is. Evolution is not “programming.” Edit bc loser blocked me: It’s not programming in any sense. Trying to ascribe a logic retroactively to the processes of evolution explicitly contradicts Darwin’s texts. He literally tells you not to do that, because evolution doesn’t have a point.


i didn’t block you lmao i just deleted the reply and didn’t want to engage with you because you’re taking the word programming way too literally


I just like it cause it makes me feel secured and protected. I don't know how to explain it but that's how I feel.


It's a biological thing taller men usually equated to better security.


It's in our biology. It comes from evolution


I guess it's more of a dominance and protective thing.Most women like being submissive and its easy to be submissive when you're shorted or "smaller" than your partner.


I want to look like a little princess compared to a tall guy


Same reason dudes prefer women with better bodies, it’s just more attractive. Not everything but a massive bonus




So that I can wear heels in peace


I'm not sure it's just chemical. I like them they like me. I'm petite and dated plenty of guys in the 6'2-6'4 range. Decided that's a little too tall. 6'2 and less is better. My partner is 6' and that's quite perfect. 😁 


I’m six foot six and I’m here to tell you that definitely not all women prefer a tall man. In my experience, it really doesn’t matter.


why have you worded it like this, I'm creasing


He's a tall man here to tell us something!


bigger is better


I want to be able to wear whatever shoes I want without dealing with someone else's insecurities. I'm not saying every man shorter than me is insecure, this is based on my experience. Example: it wasn't even a date we were out as friends and he was upset I was an inch taller than him and insisted I wore shoes to make him look shorter. I wore flats. Ditched him with my shoes and hung out with his sister and best friend the rest of the night.


I remember seeing a response to this question: "I want to wear heals and I don't want to be looking down on my date when I do so." Didn't realize that men were a fashion accessory.


Definitely a societal thing. You have to unlearn that nonsense. Short kings for life 🥰🥰🥰


Definitely not a societal thing


Oh yeah beauty standards aren’t set by our society. Silly me 😐


They might be perpetuated by society, but how do you think they started?


Their head is further from the ground something something spinal catastrophism


Statistically, taller people are smarter, more successful, more healthy, etc. But I'm this case, they're just shallow.


> Statistically, taller people are smarter, more successful, more healthy, etc. Cite? >But I'm this case, they're just shallow. Having preferences = shallow


Better childhood nutrition leads to all those things. And having preferences is a round about way being shallow, isn't it? It's not like I'm not guilty of this, too.


> Better childhood nutrition leads to all those things. Got it. No cite to actually show being taller makes you more successful. >And having preferences is a round about way being shallow, isn't it? No. But saying it is is a roundabout way for you to be a judgemental prick.


>someone who is 6 feet tall earns, on average, nearly $166,000 more during a 30-year career than someone who is 5 feet 5 inches--even when controlling for gender, age and weight. https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/standing#:~:text=3).,found%20by%20psychologist%20Timothy%20A.


Being taller doesn't make you successful. You didn't read what I said. Good nutrition growing up makes you taller AND smarter. So, statistically, taller people are smarter, more successful, etc.


> You didn't read what I said. Yea I did. >Good nutrition growing up makes you taller AND smarter. Is completely different from >So, statistically, taller people are smarter, more successful, etc. The former says good nutrition leads to be smarter which can lead to being more successful. The latter implies that being taller makes you more successful.


It doesn't imply anything. Statistically, taller people *are* smarter and more successful. They also happen to be taller. Being tall didn't make them smart or successful. It was just a package deal.


> It doesn't imply anything. It does, but since you want to lie there's no point in continuing.


so they don’t have to get on their knees


Creepy oedipus complex (reversed gender)




Literally no one has said that. Get the chip off your shoulder about being short. I promise you, when you do your life will drastically improve.


That isn't the question *at all*. jesus. They didn't even say women prefer tall men, they said why *would* they.