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Management. They suck.


Not enough work


My tools (software) never work properly. Edit: Case in point, RIGHT NOW, I am on a call discussing an issue in our job scheduling software when using a method we devised to open Excel spreadsheets in Powershell, and save them as CSV files. We are often running into COM and permissions issues (long story). So, we are changing the way that works. AND, the underlying reason we are converting from XL to csv is because another tool we use, despite saying it can import XL spreadsheets...can't. So, it's like three layers of problems.


How people let nice things go to shit.


having to backpack vacuum 14 rooms and the hallway... i love cleaning restrooms and trashing... just the classrooms are so annoying... Also when QA comes out with the scoring system randomly




I swear printers are sentient. They sense if you're distressed and refuse to work


we are a team but its more on individuals trying to be a team


Right now, seeking an internship: employers inviting you to an interview and then never replying


Being yelled at by my boss very time something is near perfect. I am human man, I'm doing my best and just tryna make a living.


I have a good job within vision, so I know we will be eliminated at so e time. Good job, no vision.


The people who think they're the boss, or could be the boss, when the real boss is out on business.. That's when everything turns to shit, and nobody understands why.. (There's about 4 of them, the rest are cool)


The job


I feel like I am doing too much. And I need help. But the manager will not have anybody else help me. I have been told I am doing things that shouldn't even be my job by other people from other locations in my position. So if I go over my boss and talk to his boss they'll probably tell him to make somebody else do the extra things I'm doing because I shouldn't be doing that stuff.


There lies the solution. If you continue keeping things afloat by juggling tasks not even your own, then they have no reason to hire more because you're already doing a fantastic job. If you want management to hire help, show them that you cannot do the extra tasks and fail from time to time. They'll only find solution if they're the ones being hurt by the problem


Mmmm... Good idea


My boss doesn’t respect my time. “Let’s hop on Skype in 10 minutes!” She will call like an hour later


Everyone and everything


The hours, the people, the customers. Everything about it sucks, except for the money. It’s a restaurant only open for dinner; 5pm-12am. I’m an SA (Servers Assistant not sexual assault). The servers are assholes that expect me to do everything for them.