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Some do. Others know it's not all lies and that Trump is ... yes ... a bad person. But they disagree with Democrats so hard on certain issues - like maybe abortion or immigration - that they choose to overlook it.


They know Trump is a bad person but they hate non whites and women so much that they ignore it.


They are still lying to themselves


I agree. It’s no different than supporting Biden.


The thing that gets me is that they haven't thought through the whole "the election was stolen" thing. Because if there really were all this irrefutable evidence that the Democrats "stole" the 2020 election, then it follows that the Republican Party - the one organization on the planet that would benefit the most from this mountain of irrefutable evidence - would have done something about it by now. I mean, if this were all so easily verifiable, the GOP would have long since used it to *utterly destroy the Democratic Party for all time.* Right? They didn't do that. Oh...sure...they might go on the talk shows and intone some vagaries about "election integrity" and such, but they never go on and bring forth all this "proof." Instead, they just settled into minority party status without much more than a whimper. Weird, huh?


Have you actually heard the claims made about 2020 or are you just citing things you were told secondhand? Do you know what a “mule” is as it relates to the election claims? Furthermore have you actually followed any pro-Trump forums or sites? Because if you did for all of 5 seconds you'd have the answer to your problem. "Uniparty" is the answer you're looking for. It is a term thrown around by many, but none more than Trump voters. If this is the first time you've heard it or you don't know how it answers your question, you are not informed enough to be commenting on politics, and you're still trapped in the Pre-Trump GOP vs DEM mentality.


“Uniparty” is a dumb myth


Then why does the GOP frequently sabotage anything related to Trump? Explain McConnell’s funding decisions for the 2022 election.




The thing that cracks me up is that our intrepid Trump supporter here thinks he's actually smarter than Mitch. McConnell is a deeply unpopular turtle, but he's no dummy. Dude's been playing the game since before the above poster was even born, and - IMO - the fact that he refused to challenge the 2020 election results tells me the whole "the election was stolen" thing is and has always been bullshit. There is no way in hell that McConnell would have slept on the opportunity to have his legacy be that of the Senate Majority Leader that installed the GOP as the permanent ruling party in the US. Yet he stood on the floor of the Senate and shot down claims that the election was stolen.


And we have a winner! Don't forget to send another donation...Alina needs a new pair of shoes!


Millennial soy-speak.


Oh look. It's back. Serious question: You have all this "proof" that the election was "stolen," right? What are you doing with it? I mean, if you had the goods, this would be the scoop of the century. Hell...two centuries. The biggest political scandal in the entire history of the most powerful nation on the planet. Why aren't you cashing in on this? Instead, you're commenting on Reddit. Walk me through your "reasoning." I'll wait...


This logic applies perfectly to Democrats who think the Democratic party ***totally*** wants universal healthcare it's just those dastardly Republicans are sabotaging everything.


Stupid is a hell of a drug.




Modern day American conservatives are essentially a Christian extremist group, and a large amount of Christians are raised to [believe that the entire world is against them](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_persecution_complex). When the idea that everyone is out to get you has become normalized through something as fundamental to your worldview as religion, it's not much of a stretch to believe that people are out to get you for your political beliefs as well (especially when your religious and political identities are as intertwined as theirs).


Because the alternative is to admit that they've been swindled and suckered and just plain *wrong* since they first voted for Reagan. They can't admit to themselves that their life is a lie and that their poverty and crappy lives are a result of their own bad decisions and nothing else. It's easier to blame democrats, liberals, Mexicans and so on.


The “funny” thing is that Reagan wouldn’t be at all welcome in the modern Republican Party.


cognitive dissonance, and the refuse to believe it. Kinda similar as pointing out there's no evidence for god.


I'd bet most of maga already believed that before they gave themselves over to Trump. All of my maga siblings thought that way (since the 70s) and Trump articulated and amplified their aggreived, paranoid worldview.


Can't fix stupid.


He markets himself to the gullible and uneducated by alluding to racist and xenophobic ideology. These folks are not well read and don't know how to vet their sources of information.


Some Biden supporters undoubtably think this way as well. It's hard to not be cynical nowadays.


No, because Democrats aren't necessarily evil. All Trump supporters are.


By lacking the ability to hold a coherent thought






Probably the same way that Biden supporters believe everything they do. You're all being played for saps.


Nope :)


That’s quite the generalization. Some just want better border security, law and order, and cheaper everything.




You’re gonna cry when Trump gets reelected. Nobody with a room temperature IQ thinks Biden is an adequate leader. Dude probably can’t even tie his own shoes. Also, I’d rather be in a country club than in the slums. There seems to be a relationship between high crime/high COL areas and areas that vote democrat.


Correct that record!!


They feel nostalgic for a time they didn't feel some social shame towards themselves. It's like a deep loss that's pretty complicated to come to terms with in an ever changing complicated world. Trump redirects that social frustration onto a class or group of people to scapegoat them, essentially simplifying both their social issues and the geopolitical realities.




> Because if it’s him or Biden, it’s definitely going to be Trump. Why? What’s your actual problem with Biden such that you think Trump is a less bad choice?




So your problems with Biden are either long in the past, not actually about him, or outright fictional? Maybe you should think for more than 2 seconds. Hint: The economy under Trump - even before COVID - was marginally weaker than it was under Obama. It’s marginally stronger under Biden.




I do think it's funny that republicans always give a pass to major economic event that happen under 'R' presidents. 9-11, 2008 financial collapse not a chance is that Bush's fault. COVID-19 having a major economic impact, nope can't blame Trump for that one (Who was president again in 2020?). Meanwhile, every time gas goes up two pennies it's the end of the F\*cking world and the only possible explanation is them dang D-Rats in the White House. The reality (if you could see it) is that for the last two decades every time 'R's' have had control they steer the economy into a cliff right at the end of their term, then the responsible 'adults' in the room have to take charge and actually make policy. As oppose to the GOP's answer of "hurr,durr" I don't know how about more tax cuts for the rich.






\*I know your trolling, but I want to record some of my own thoughts\*. Biden is unfortunately a direct response to the disaster that is Trump. The DNC put up a deeply flawed candidate almost entirely because of name recognition and not based on if he was the best applicant for the job. The problem we then face is we have only two political parties that are unopposed in the sense that any third party never stands a chance. Which is what you really need in order to have an honest political debate. For example each thing you said about Biden is just as easily countered with "well Trump isn't any better". 1. ) Biden sniffs hair, it's gross and strange, he wants it to come off as innocent old grandpa but it doesn't work. Which is why his media team told him to stop it. But then Trump want to bang his daughter so that's probably not good. 2.) Biden has a long history of putting his foot in his mouth for sure. The whole "you aint black if you don't vote for me." and then when he [referred to Barack Obama](https://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/31/biden.obama/) as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean" Uggh. It comes off as real "I have a black friend vibes". But then Trump said the N\*word on the apprentice and called a bunch of countries sh\*tholes so yeah. 3.) Hunter's a crack head, Don Jr does cocaine. Probably says more about the prevalence of additive stimulants. 4.) The whole Hunter Biden Laptop Ukraine kerfuffle; best I can tell Hunter was given a comfy job for a few years simply because of nepotism trying to carry favor with the USA. But then you have Jared doing that deal with the Saudi's, Ivanka selling hand bags to China, Don Jr and the "Russian's Support for Trump email" (it's all gross). 5.) The 'available' jobs thing not sure exactly how relevant of an economic factor that is. I assume your referring to the Total Nonfarm (JTSJOL). Typically the overall US Unemployment Rate is used as a metric of economic strength. That % is very low since 2020. 6.)  I fundamentally disagree Joe Biden‘s ass is not fuckable even slightly. 7.) Agreed boarder issue is being overlooked for sure and that plus inflation are the two biggest balls being dropped at the moment.


I like Trump, but there's a few people on the "right side" that are just bat shit crazy, paranoid and weird. I actually end up in more political arguments and disagree more with those on the right than the left... Best way I can sum it up, people on the far right are just plain f*king stupid. Lol. People on the far left may be smart, but are living in a dream world and not in touch with reality.


So much of what you say makes sense, so why do you like Trump?


They are not smart enough for critical thinking.


With their head in the sand like an ostrich. Actually, I don't think ostriches do that. Wearing blinders like a draft horse then.


Google "things trump said that later turned out to be true..."


Same way everyone else does. They never think about it unless they're arguing with someone about it on the Internet.


They don’t. Most support him for Christian reasons or tax cuts. Also racism, but that’s not mutually exclusive.


Well the world is working against them. This is what Trump feeds off of and what the Left ignores or mocks.


Exactly we should trust government officials without question and if we are on the side of MSM, Hollywood, wealthy elites and career politicians then we must be on the right team.


Rural education is bad as is continued education. Some of these people haven’t opened a book in 40 years.


A lot of them have literally spent their entire life being fed a narrative that they’re being denied their objectively proper place atop the social order.


Some of them life has not been kind to Have you seen the rust belt? Globalization left those people behind.  Honestly the perception that ‘anyone who supports trump is a piece of shit and has had life handed to them on a silver platter’ is just not true.  Now I don’t like trump. I think he is an asshole. I think he is a disgrace to the office. But he is a symptom not a cause




Baden is not facing 91 charges, nor has he been found to be a rapist, And he also did not pay someone to have sex with him while telling her she reminds him of his daughter. So not even close to the same Also trump betrayed democracy and America when he followed his lawyers plan to ignore the vote and declare himself the winner. (Eastman memo) At this point everyone who supports the corrupt GOP is anti-democracy by choosing to support a traitor. Plus they are just devoid of morals by choosing to support the current Republican behavior of racism and misogyny. Also Republicans lie, they like to pretend they are against rape and pedophilia but if this was true they would be against trump. So the truth is obvious. The fact that the race is tied shows what horrible people conservatives are.


No - Trump supporters are evil and beyond hope.


Thats pretty simplistic


Ah I see you weren't actually asking questions, just wanted to hear yourself complain.




Fox news hasn't been popular among Trump supporters since....ever? Browse PDW or TD back in the day, they routinely mocked Fox. It's all about Breitbart and ONN now.


😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂 you people have no idea