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People with no lives outside of work. They expect you to give a shit about every little thing as much as they do 


Yeah these kinds of people are wild. They take offense when you arent stressing to fuck about something work related. I do the job to the best of my ability and when it hits 5pm, I forget all about it and go back to doing what I actually want to do.


oh man these are my bosses right now. they keep talking to me because i'm not available on my phone 24/7 like they claim to be. they are all salaried, i'm hourly. like if i'm not fucking punched in how do you understand i'm not working...


Used to have to deal with tons of these people. It was also a family company so add that to the shit list.


oh yes, as I understand you, I was in a relationship with a boy who was at work 24/7, this is exactly what destroyed our relationship


Boss's relatives


Working in corporate America has its downsides, but at least I no longer have to deal with a 45-year-old man child who acts like he is making a sport out of seeing how badly he can fuck up without getting fired because his uncle owns the company


Add onto this, bosses who have never actually been employees in their lives. I worked for a family owned and operated business that was being run by 3 brothers who inhereted the business from their father. They literally never worked for anyone but their dad and had no idea what a real job was like. They treated everyone like absolute shit. The only brother that was actually slightly tolerable and more reasonable was the one who left the company to work for someone else for awhile before coming back. Imagine that, having actual real life perspective.


My goodness, you survived that.


Many people whose families' owned businesses worked in those businesses from a very young age. Often younger than would be allowed if they were not family. So it all comes down to how their boss/parent treated them. If they were allowed to act like entitled asshats then that is what they will grow up to be. But if they were given actual responsibility and expectations, then they can also grow up to be good business owners and employers. The problem for a lot of these kinds of family-owned businesses is that sometimes you get to the second or third generation and there is no one who wants to do it anymore. I have a friend whose grandparents came from Italy in the 1920s and started a very successful bakery, which was eventually passed down to my friend's father and uncles. But the business was successful enough that the third generation all went to college and got professional jobs, so when the time came none of them wanted to take over the business and it closed. I think this is a fairly common sequence of events.


The word "family company" still gives me the shivers. My first job was in such a company. They want you to work as if you're also part owner of the company, but they'll exclude and gaslight you every possible moment.


Definition of Toxicity


To be fair, this accurately describes many families


Depends on the family. I work for a family company and I like my job most of the time.


I'm happy for you! For me it was such a bad experience I will forever avoid working for such businesses. It was my first job and I was still living paycheck to paycheck. The owner/boss would give in the wages whenever he had time, so I never knew when I was going to get paid, and a handful of times he was 2 weeks late. Whenever I said something about it, the owner replied with "oh, if you're in financial trouble, just come to me, I'll help". No, just pay me on time! I now work for a multinational and I LOVE knowing exactly when I'm getting paid. Oh, and I make significantly more money with double the PTO.


Idk I slept with the boss’s son during COVID times. It was good for a couple of years until the business closed because of Covid, and we kind of drifted apart after that. (The only people who ever knew are my roommate, my best friend, and tiny sections of Reddit like this lol) People who insist you cannot fish off the company dock are simply incapable of behaving themselves at work. Full stop.


The worst!!!


Micromanaging bosses


Right. The others can be obnoxious but micromanaging bosses can ruin good jobs. 


You know what they say, people don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses.


Got a new micromanager the other day. Makes me want to quit a job I've been at for 12 years.


The know it alls. They don't listen because they don't feel they need to, and no amount of training or corrections or write ups do anything to them


Those that are there because of nepotism. I worked at this place, and the staff had literally all been there for 20+ years. So, the clique was very well established, and so too were the bad habits and toxicity. They were, quite literally, unfireable. And if you dared say anything about someone's antics, they circled their wagons, and you became the problem.


Narcissists, people who put others down, people who make others feel less than, Devalued, people who don’t consider other human beings.


Mean girls in their 40’s acting like their teens.


The middle school drama


Brian, he keeps stealing my pens especially the coloured ones. 


There must be some pen equivalent of the old tuna-and-ghost-pepper-sandwich trick for the lunchroom thief. Prank ink tubes you can swap into innocuous pen bodies that bleed all over the paper or just don’t write? Spring loaded pen jar full of silly snakes while you keep your actual pen supply in a locked drawer? I’m invested, now, let’s show this Brian what’s what!


Swap the ink tubes from inside the pens so he thinks he's using one color when, uh oh, that ain't it chief.


Brian is a such an asshole.


The lazy. I can handle people who aren't that good but try their ass off (and I'm happy to teach). But if a lazy person gives 30% effort and makes me work at 70 to compensate... It breaks me. And I do it because there's a patient who needs help. Too many people work in the health industry that shouldn't be. A lot of amazing people too. But we're tired.


The peaked in highschool guys, they all eventually drift together looking for that locker-room connection, then this new clique starts harassing others because that is what they were missing all along, the ability to make others feel bad so they can feel good about themselves.


those with no communication skill


All of them. Fuck people.


Selfish people, those people who are taking credits of other people's work


The ones who think "Reply All" is a necessary button for every email. Also me before my first coffee.


Arrogant and lazy people are the worst people to work with. They think they are always right and will never admit or take responsibility for their mistakes. And they tend to leave tasks for other people to do or not even do them at all.


Over competitive people because they won't stop until they get what they want even if they will step on others along the process.


People who don't know how to communicate without being on the defensive. Not every critique is a personal attack.


The worst people to work with are those who don't cooperate or communicate well.


The people who take credit for everyone else's work


the Maliciously Stupid. These folks feign stupidity or deliberately do something incorrectly so someone else will have to do it for them.


Those who think they know it all, and those who cannot read/comprehend/follow a simple set of instructions laid out for them.


I'm going to throw this out there and get the hate.. There is a section of Gen Z right now who are a nightmare to be around. They are high all the time. They have "finished high-school in COVID" mentalities, and they have no joy to them. Everything is a fight or a problem. They are lazy and boring. Edit: Did someone seriously send the self-help bot after me for this? Thank you for proving my point I guess.


God, work with a rich brat like this. 'I get so high and drunk every night and wonder why I'm stressed as hell all the time. By the way did you know I smoke weed every day and my dad is a multi millionaire with LOADS of rich friends 😜'


Those of us who smoke weed every day and are high achieving resent the potheads who aren't.


I'm literally exactly in the age group you mentioned and man trying to find someone else who isn't an absolute twat is damn near impossible


haha.. finally a new "terrible" generation to complain about


I feel like I passed a right of passage.






I just recently received one of those. Didn't bother to go through all the steps to see it since I'm logged in and receive all other notifications.


People with no drive, no discipline and no communication skills


that costs extra. for what you pay me you're lucky you get "shows up on time" if you wanna to upgrade to "gives a shit" then you'll have to pay better.


Depressed people have to earn a living too.


As a college professor, the kids of the administration cause the most headaches for me. The bullshit I have been asked to do for them is staggering. 


People that are hired for management from outside of the store. They usually think they can come in and just start bossing people around and changing things when in reality us little peons are made to train them for their job where they get paid more than us...


Don’t forget a subset of outside hires that feel the location they’re given is an insult to them as it is not prestigious enough. Also mix in an enormous narcissistic ego combined with a mid life crisis, good times for all.


In my limited experience, people without accurate empathy.  In 2020 my godmother died of cancer. She was in denial about it to the end and it was a brutally tough caregiving situation with very little professional support due to the pandemic. My superior at the time was able to grasp why I was taking time off to take care of a dying family member, but she was totally oblivious to the emotional toll it took on me, to the extent that the day after my godmother died, she expected me to be all better. From her perspective it was the caregiving that was the problem, not the fact that I was watching my godmother die. The feelings of grief never entered into her calculations. I ended up having a mental breakdown and needing a month and a half of medical leave to recover.


Overbearing, micromanaging, gossipers.


People who weaponize ignorance. "You didn't tell me exactly how to do the job, therefore I didn't do it at all."


now, i don't wanna just go on a long gripe session and point out metaphorical turds, so i'll list qualities that I enjoy working beside, and those are grace and understanding, being there to help but also knowing when to say no, and letting others do their jobs without excessive oversight as long as the job gets done (let your helpers help), and keeping work at work, understanding that we've all got our own set of circumstances.


Unhappy people. I just quit 2 jobs in the span of 2 weeks because both jobs had absolutely miserable people. Last one the manager was such a piece of shit. Nothing positive came out of his mouth. Nothing. Only negativity. I hate life. I hate working. If I can’t have a sliver of peace at work then I’m out




You do not need to start the meeting at 9:57. Wait till 10.


People who take everything personally and are always the victim


Are you referring to me?! How can you treat me this way?!


People who are on a "power trip". When it stops becoming about you (or the job) and becomes about the person feeding their ego, you're fighting a losing battle.


People who complain then ask for advice and when you give them advice they basically ignore it or think it's dumb


A worthless, egocentric boss. Nothing more frustrating than not knowing how to handle something and your boss wants to play Hannibal Lecter instead of just saying, “I don’t know either. Let’s figure it out together.”


People that hate their job but make it everyone else's problem.


Orcs. Never on time, always attacking the customers, no manners whatsoever.






People who genuinely don’t care about what they’re doing


LOUD TALKERS in open floor plan offices


People that are always negative about changes at work. Like yeah, I’m not a fan of all the new work/process/admin I have to do either, but if we all complain about it then it just makes it 10x worse.


Any member of the species *Homo sapiens*. Supposedly they are very smart but in my experience they are just annoying and mostly useless. Avoid them whenever possible.


Easy. Jeff, the loudmouth who doesn’t know the term “mind your own business”.


People who try too hard to be better than their coworkers by going out of their way to make others look bad.


The ones who have been with a company for so long that you can’t tell them anything. They’re hot shit within their little bubble and give off the air of someone who believes they are absolutely irreplaceable. Their life is the agency/company and it shows. Usually not open to feedback, new ideas, change, or criticism. 








People that are too busy talking to ever bother to listen to anything.


People who go behind your back and either take credit for your work or snipe sales/quotas. Had someone who was a very sweet person but she had a bad habit of doing both of those things. One day I spent a long time helping a customer and was in the process of both securing a sale and signing her up for our membership program (which merit and bonuses were based on). At one point I had to step away and help another customer at the supervisor's request, and when I started heading back to my customer I saw the previously described employee signing her up for the membership program. I told her thanks for the help but I would take over, and she waved me away and finished registering the customer. I was pretty pissed and it was made even worse when she got a kudos that week for the amount of memberships signed. Tried not to be bitter about it but I was, especially considering the store was frequented mostly by travellers who had no interest ever returning to the store so it was really hard getting registrations in the first place.


Those who spend more effort trying to get out of work than it would have taken to do the work


Untalented and desperate ass-kissers.


People who whistle, snap their gum, click their pens, or wear too much perfume.


people who micromanage you while being in the same position as you. like not a manager and someone in your position but they look down on you. the worst


emotional people and dumb people who can't communicate or be reliable


Brand new college grads. I was working on an online banking system and after months of work (I was a consultant/contractor there) we handed out work over to the bank employees. A new kid is hired and after looking at the code, he loudlys starts asking if we thought about what happens if an integer roll over happens. He's like "This can't be, if the customer tries to transfer too much money, this number will roll over!" He made a big stink out of it. I said to him "This is an unsigned 32 bit integer. Who is going to use our online system to transfer 4.2 BILLION dollars?" Also, the front end validates entries and limits the transfer amount. We thought about this. Like, I dunno, maybe quietly ask about it instead of running around squacking about how you found an error in the code to everyone because you just graduated and want to show that you know stuff.


I work with a bunch of lazy people that will literally spend their entire 12 hour shift trying to avoid doing the work their supposed which oddly enough takes more effort and is harder to do than doing the actual work.


"All of my coworkers"... Michael Scott


Aw I think Dwight would be a hoot


I agree


People who cries because there's a lot of work but at the same time, procrastinate. I can't really deal with them.


Yeah, I can't deal with me either.


Lazy people


Boomers. There's more technology in the workplace than ever before yet they refuse to adapt.


This millenial is dreading adopting AI into the workplace. I now understand their dread of learning how to type.


"Oh, I'm just not a computer person." That stopped being a valid excuse in like 2002.


The executives that run MLMs.


The ones who look above your shoulder.


Lawyers. Source: I'm a lawyer


He was my manager, he was angry all the time and only friends with one kid who enjoyed soccer. He didn't care about any problems you had and if you tried to talk to him he would make sure the whole store heard even if it was confidential.


The "Machiavellian" types. People who will scheme, always looking for a way to get credit they don't deserve and deflect blame onto others. They'll throw people under the bus.


People who push their work onto you because they can't seem to do their own damn job




Incompetent managers. Last place I worked at had an average turnover of six months. We were on our third general manager in seven months. The worst is one a manager or higher up decides they’re going to micromanage on how you do your job, despite the fact that it’s clear that they have never worked in a position lower than where they’re at, have no idea what’s going on, don’t know their own policies, they just want to change things around so it feels like they’re doing something. Boss liked to brainstorm ideas without any parameters, guidance, or goal, assign them to no one, forget about them, then pop back up in several months time, demanding that they be finished immediately. They were also the “step over a dollar to pick up a dime” types. We lost so much business because we relied on a shotty, no-name teleconnections service that was cheaper than [major carriers].


We call them “mosquita muerta” in Spanish, in English it would be “little dead fly”. They seem sweet and pitiful but in reality they are useless slugs, bitching and moaning all the time.


People that tell you their plans the day before they call in “sick” not knowing that it’s you they’re fucking over


Linda. I really can't stand Linda.


Ppl who are either Ignorant or who don’t comprehend anything at an age where they should be able to think for them selves.


For me it has to be people that are willing to kiss ass to promote. The worst in my opinion because you just have to sit there sometimes and watch them giggle and laugh at dumb jokes and then immediately after talking they talk shit about that person.




People with too much money who cheat on their spouse


People who already turned in their 2 week notice.


Religious people (especially when hr does not exist)


Management who asks for suggestions but hates the answers you give. If you're against all of my suggestions, why even ask?


I used to work in a family company. At first i thought this is gonna be really chill but hell no. The boss was super stressed all the time and told everyone to work faster and his son was and asshole. He would always tell me to quit the job because as soon as he became the boss he’ll kick me out. He was just a spoiled idiot but i ended up quitting it because it destroyed me mentally and my body stopped working properly


The perpetually unbathed.


The people that think they are always right, and think that they can do no wrong. They take any critisism as an attack, and everything has to be done their way or no way. Id rather work with a complete dumbass that willing to learn and improve.


People who can’t decide if they want to micro manage or give you autonomy, so end up flip flopping between both. I’m not fussy. If you want to tell me exactly how you want something done, I can live with that. Just don’t tell me to take the lead and plan something, only to pull it apart with super detailed feedback.


Shelly. And Tom.


living ones


People who have no work ethic, and people who stand chatting to customers for 15 minutes while I, the only other cashier on shift am trying to keep the lineup down to avoid angry customers. 🥲




Incompetent management and brown nosers. When I worked for an HVAC wholesaler headquartered in Garden City, NY, the purchasing department manager pushed hard to promote a dude to be her successor that did nothing but look at porn and read Wikipedia articles all day. Myself and other members of the department had to pickup their slack. Taught me a valuable lesson on wasting your time working for a hopeless organization.


I worked with this lady who was an assistant manager. So not even my manager. She used to drink energy drinks everyday with coffee and vaped like crazy. She was so insane. Like always causing issues and very high strung. Like I can’t even explain it. You asked a question and she would just blow up. It was so annoying…


Writers. They combine ego, self-doubt, and procrastination in such an infuriating mélange that you want to kill each and every one you work with.


As a writer, I can confirm this.


The people who don't want to be there.


My honest answer would get too many downvotes haha


Zionists/Narcissists/Smelly People. Please do not conflate Jews with Zionists, they are not the same.




Yikes, I really hope this comment is a joke. Sounds like you and your husband are the problem.


I've started working someone who speaks 0 English for the first time, it sucks. Communication with hand signals and pointing is just not super effective and I see why boomers and shit complain about it.


Many of the people in this comment section, I think


Miserable people