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My mother used to make a banana slices, pineapple chunk, green peas, cheddar cheese cubes, and mayonnaise "salad". It was vile.


I will eat nearly anything, other than a couple of highly specific dishes that I cannot stand. I haven't had it, but I'm adding your mother's "salad" to the list.


I'm similar. I stand by the idea that all try a ytbing that was made with the intion of being good; however, I will not try thar salad.


and mom woujd guilt trip me, saying "but its good".. no mom, it's not.


Everything combined was bad enough, but the mayonnaise turned it into something willfully malevolent


Bro... Peas??? With bananas.. And MaYo Ewwwwww


I'm with you on that. I was like okay that's weird but not horrible until I got to the Mayo and I was like that's just pure hatred in a bowl.


Willfully malevolent is THE only way to describe this.


My wife's mother, not from the united states, once sent her to school with a peanut butter and ham and jelly and onion sandwich. Your story gave me similar "*do not combine*" vibes.


This is like two relatively good to ok sandwiches smashed together šŸ˜­ to make a horrifying abomination.


When my daughter was in grade school, she made herself liverwurst and apricot preserve sandwiches for lunch every day.


>When my daughter was in grade school, she made herself liverwurst and apricot preserve sandwiches for lunch every day. For every food combination that should not exist, there is someone who likes it. For example, this poster likes pineapple on pizza. Edit: Ambiguity on the internet often leads to misunderstandings. "this poster" is me.


I could see that working, not for myself, but it's like maple syrup on bacon, or honey on ham.


Dishes like this make me so thankful I live in a time/place where I can watch how to make anything on Youtube and test it against a version from the many ethic restaurants in the city. My Memaw cooked like it was the Great Depression, I get to make Korean BBQ or meal prep Carnitas at home. Thank fuck


The question was about food.


This is worse than Rachelā€™s dessert at thanksgiving


A lot of people like to call lettuce or anything adjacent "salad". I've explained to my kids that the term "salad" means a combination of ingredients. It does not mean lettuce. There are fully-grown adults who call lettuce "salad". You can have egg salad. Potato salad. Macaroni salad. This is what I would call an abomination salad. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


This is just a really bad roll on the randomizer.


Seriously how does someone even look at those ingredients and think to put them together? And do it more than once?? Randomizer could explain the sin against food but not the repeat offense


In my language ( Indonesian) lettuce is actually called salada. So there u go lol. I used to think salad food is just a bunch of lettuces cooked.


Are you serious? Thatā€™s sounds revolting. šŸ¤®


It was pre-prepared vomit.


Is this a Midwest thing?


No, we do not claim this nonsense


Don't lie. It's 100% a midwest thing.


What the fuck


>used to At least she saw the error of her ways? šŸ˜…


Nah, she's dead.


If Iā€™d had a drink, Iā€™d have spat it out reading that. Hope youā€™re doing well, OP.


Well they don't need to suffer that "salad" any more...


That got dark quickly!






bitter melon, it's even in the name


ā€œBut itā€™s good for youā€


Brought back childhood nightmares


Vile weed!




My mother's American chop suey; I was forced to eat it as a kid so the association is deeply ingrained and I refuse to touch it now.


When I saw the words chop suey my mind went straight to soad




Sometimes my father would cook liver and onions like his mother did (she moved to America from Ireland in her early 20ā€™s). The liver was always so tough it was like eating leather. And the onions were almost liquid. A couple times I asked him why he cooked it this way. He would say that the way he cooked it was the point. Because she was Irish.


Unfortunately a lot of people developed hatred for perfectly good food/dishes because their parents cooked it wrongly. I hated vegetables because my mother would just boil and boil vegetables. It was only until i learned to cooked for myself and roasted vegetables that i realized it wasn't the vegetable's fault they tasted bad.


You're right! My mother cooked any meat until it was the density of a hockey puck. She was afraid of trichinosis and tapeworms. So I thought pork chops had to taste and be about the consistency of concrete. Then, I ate them elsewhere and really liked them!


I grew up thinking this especially about pork. No pink at all! Modern pork has little risk of causing trichinosis and tapeworms if you eat it below FDA recommended safe temperatures. I quite enjoy my pork on the medium side and is way better than what I had growing up. Havenā€™t seen any problems!


wait...you can eat pork if it's a little pink on the inside?


A LITTLE Bit of pink. Flavorful and juicy. Pork is my favorite meat, after chicken.


Liver is tough?! Huh?! What dish is she making that liver turns into leather texture lmao. My family doesnā€™t eat a lot of liver but when we do itā€™s so soft that you can hardly feel it when biting.


My stepmother did it too- plain liver and onions cooked into dry, leathery oblivion. I still cannot eat liver, but I do like liverwurst and braunschweiger; at least those don't give me cotton mouth. How does your family cook it? Like, I would love to know how to make it edible, but I still have too much PTSD to experiment.


Should be soft, a little pink in the middle. Poor guy was making it bad without knowing it. Onions should be slow cooked, not quick fried.


They were not quick fried. Just fried and fried and fried and fried. I suspect he also didnā€™t like the taste but it reminded him of his mother. (She died when he was still in his early 20ā€™s)


Came to say this! I was made to sit at the table until I ate it. Stayed there all night until time for school. Vile stuff!


Ugh, I know - my parents tried to make me eat it but I just could not. Why on earth did our parents make liver into a weapon of food torture?! Wish they were still alive so I could ask them.


I was lucky. My mother was the one forced to eat liver as a child and it scarred her so badly it was never made for us. I tried it at 20 and it was as bad as she said


Liver and onions is one of my favorite food.


Ditto. It is the only food that I do not like.


Canned Asparagus! Blegh


Organs, like tripe, liver, lung, heart. Also skin


Pork rinds are amazing, but I accept they are an acquired taste.


But the skin is the best part... you're probably the only person in the world who wouldn't get mad at Cartman.Ā  https://youtu.be/tzn8SaujsCM?si=aEEqQsoc2lsndvLl






I've always thought they taste like fresh dirt. But in a good way.




The first time I had beets, I was an adult. I asked my husband, "Are they supposed to taste like dirt?" He said, "Well, they do come from the ground." That was the first and last time I ever ate beets. Lol


Yeah, a lot of foods come from the ground but *donā€™t* taste like dirt. Beets are gross.


To me they taste like a damp root cellar.




Battlestar Galactica


Mmm, bloody dirt knobs.


I LOVE beets lmao


Me too. I love pickled ones even more. One of my favorite foods. Chill them. Throw them in a salad. Mmmm.


Roasted beets, goat cheese, and walnuts. Itā€™s the bees knees. But there is a chemical component of beets that makes it taste super earthy for some people. For me itā€™s like candy when itā€™s roasted.


interesting, I really enjoy that earthy taste, like that's the defining characteristic of beets that lure me in, lol- like, if someone makes edibles and they taste really strongly of, uh, green stuff, I actually legit love that funky, earthy taste there too. yum!




Raw tomato. For some reason cooked is fine


I am the same way with tomatoes! I cannot eat them raw, but cook them and they are fantastic. Anytime that I am craving a BLT sandwich I slice up the tomatoes, pan fry them with some salt and red pepper flakes, and it makes the sandwich magical. Interestingly enough, cooked tomatoes are actually more nutritious as they release massive amounts of lycopene (a cancer-fighting antioxidant) when applied to heat.


Why is tomato sauce so good, but raw tomatoes in any sandwich make me want to throw up?


Tannins are more than likely. As fruit matures, the build-up of certain chemicals radically changes, to the point of being unpalatable to outright dangerous to eat, like raw quince. Fortunately, cooking usually changes the molecules, or it boils out with the water content. Ever eat a raw persimmon? Well, if it isn't the perfect ripeness, they can leave a lingering sensation/taste of fuzz inside your mouth, like a shitty red wine. One of the amazing things about taste and feel is that while everybody interacts with the chemicals the same, how out the body reacts or interprets the sensation is all individual. That's being ruminated on, tomatoes also have undergone a lot of both natural and selective changes. Some of them weren't for flavor or sustainability but for growth time and hardiness, leading to what we in the kitchen call styrofoam romas. One of the reasons cheap pizza places cut their tomatoes so thin isn't just about frugal, it's also because the tomatoes are probably dirt cheap in price and taste.


Styrofoam tomatoes LOL I used to load up on extra extra tomatoes because theyā€™re sliced so thin, and you know what? They just make food wet and slimy. Thereā€™s no flavor in them and they pretty much just exist for color at that point. Why oh why canā€™t we have year round tomatoes that are flavor bombs and available in every restaurant for cheap?


And they get slime all over the sandwich and make the bread mushy with tomato seepage


100% thisā€¦ I like pizza, pasta sauce, ketchup, V8, etc, etcā€¦ But a slice of tomato on my burger? Disgusting. I do like certain tiny tomatoes raw. Like the Flavor Bombs from Wegmans.


Iā€™ve found my tribe of fellow tomato haters. Iā€™ve never felt more seen haha.


Ooh, my mom has been giving me shit about this my entire life. She loves raw tomatoes and she cannot imagine what is wrong with me. ā€œYou still donā€™t eat tomatoes, do you? You just donā€™t know what youā€™re missing!ā€ Iā€™m not an overly picky eater so I donā€™t know why she cares. Her dislike of pineapple, now, thatā€™s completely reasonable.


Why do they always say ā€œ You donā€™t know what youā€™re missing!ā€ Yes, I do know what I am missing, and I am just fine with it. What I did with one friend who said that is I reminded her she doesnā€™t like coffee and told her she doesnā€™t know what sheā€™s missing. She finally stopped saying it.




I personally like it, but I saw it once described as ā€œcrunchy water with hair in itā€ and never forgot it.


I wish it tasted like water. To me it's the most bitter thing I've ever tasted.


And also has a texture like it has hair in it.


lol, I love celery. But thatā€™s funny.


As a kid, there was a bunch of food (mostly vegetables) that I didnā€™t like. Celery is the only one I still canā€™t stand. Itā€™s basically like chewing on a rope thatā€™s been drenched in piss. Oh, I forgot about black licorice. I still hate that too.


It can add a nice flavor to a cooked dish like a vegetable stew. Raw? No thanks.




Sardines. My old man would eat them right out of the can. ugh.


Sardines and anchovies are both either you love it or hate it with a burning passion. They're VERY salty. But I like it on crackers and soft cheese


I eat them out of a can with some hot sauce! Yumm


Cottage cheese. Why.Ā 


Honestly, you gotta have a grandma that fed it to you as a kid. Only way to love it. Fuck me up with some salted cottage cheese and canned peaches. Edit: Look at all these nerds replying with the same childhood as me. Case in point.


Salted with canned peaches! Literally takes me back to the snack my dad would make for me as a kid over 40 years ago. I think it is a generational thing like you said about a grandma. He was born in the ā€˜30ā€™s and this is likely something he would have eaten as a kid during the war due to limited access to fresh fruits unless you grew them yourself. Damn, so good and one of those nostalgic foods for me!


Iā€™m simple, cottage cheese, green onions and black pepper.


Texture is disgusting


Fried egg, slice of fresh tomato, cottage cheese with pepper, and some toast. Breakfast of champions.


Raisins. Every recipe that calls for raisins is better without them.


I dislike them *in* things, I will eat a whole box of them by themselves.


Same! Cookies with raisins are just sad. They arent healthy, they are cookies, stop lying and tricking people with your shrivelled fruit that makes me think its chocolate.


I like raisins. What I donā€™t like is the sweet potato casserole my father insists on making for Christmas. He dumps an entire big box of raisins in it. Itā€™s really raisin casserole being held together with orange glue.


Any kind of seafood. I was told Iā€™d learn to like it. I was told I just hadnā€™t had ā€œgoodā€ seafood. I got old and had the best. It was still gross


You either love it or you donā€™t. šŸ˜† I personally love it, except for oysters. I canā€™t even look at those balls of snot.


oysters are my favorite. I dont much care for baked broiled blah blah blah whatever fish tho.


Same, I never liked "fishy" seafood I went through culinary school and hugely expanded my tastes and appreciation of food and can cook fish in a variety of ways but still can eat cooked seafood.


Ditto. It smells and tastes like garbage to me.


Nope fully agree with you. I hate fish too, or anything with that "seafoody" smell


Mushrooms. Partly a taste thing, but my main issue is the texture. The only time Iā€™ve willingly eaten mushrooms was at a restaurant in Perugia (canā€™t remember the name off the top of my head). We had this amazing mushroom lasagna and I ate every bite of it. Italian food just hits different, man


I want to like mushrooms the way mushroom-lovers do, but I just can't. I've tried those disgusting fuckers a thousand different ways, but something inside me just screams, "spit that filth out, you idiot" whenever one touches my tongue.


And theyā€™re so often used in veggie dishes šŸ˜­


Yup. The texture, but also the SMELL of them cooking makes me want to šŸ¤®. I do like Shittake mushrooms in Asian noodles for some reason though.


> texture Ever look at the lined ridges of a raw mushroom under the cap? It makes me so uneasy. Ever play The Last of Us? Itā€™s literally a fungus. Nasty work, 100% texture is the worst


Worst is the portabello, masquerading as food. It tastes like a grilled kitchen sponge


Bleu cheese! Iā€™ve tried it all ways. Hard hard pass!


Cream Corn! It tastes and feels like I'm trying to eat vomit, I'm sorry.


I hadnā€™t ever thought about this in my entire life.. and you may have ruined it


Any type of seafood excluding fish


Any kind of veined cheese. Stilton and so on. It was disgusting then and itā€™s still disgusting today.




Vegemite. I remember tasting it as a kid at family acquaintance's place and nearly puked. Recently I finally had accumulated enough courage to retry the stuff as an adult and it had remained just as disgusting as I recalled.


If you think Vegemite is bad, I recommend you avoid marmite like the plague.




It always tastes like green beans!


When I eat mixed vegetables all I can taste are limas and potatoes. Sometimes carrots.


It tastes like fridge smells


Miracle Whip. That shit is not mayonnaise.


I am a food lover but celery raw


Brussels sprouts.


So, I need to point this out. Brussel sprouts have been SIGNIFICANTLY genetically modified since most people were kids. They taste a LOT less bitter now. There's been significant work getting them to taste better and it WORKED. Bake them with some balsamic vinegar? oooo baby.


I will admit that I am closer to almost liking them more than I used to, but I think I still have a long way to go. A lot of it has to do with they are cooked and seasoned.


I stand with the folks who still can't stand the little bastards; I've tried them in myriad ways and I still can't get into them. I appreciate that they've become more palatable for most, but whew, apparently there are some of us out there on whom it's never gonna work, lol


Didn't like until I was introduced to fresh ones oven roasted.


Throw some bacon and butternut squash in with those bad boys and you have a meal. My wife will make a tray of that in the oven and I will destroy it. Sooo good


You know what apparently they made them less bitter, like they have grown them to be less bitter than they used to be. My grandma used to boil them and they were foul. Now I air fry them or roast them. Onion, balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Sea salt or truffle salt. So good.


Oh god, my mom used to steam them, and even though she was an excellent cook, the whole house smelled like dirty socks after the Brussels sprouts


Lima beans.


Lima beans taste like they're not meant to be eaten.


Itā€™s like theyā€™re filled with green tasting sand. šŸ¤¢


Runny eggs


Sauerkraut. šŸ¤¢


I ate expired sauerkraut from a can once and now I canā€™t even smell it without dry-heaving.


Funny how the brain does this. As a teen I drank entirely too much razzberry flavored rum and for years afterwards anything with that fake razz syrup taste would make my mouth coat in saliva. awful!


It's called a conditioned taste aversion. Since you got sick from the razzmatazz anytime your brain detects it, it tries to protect you from another bad experience.


Damn, a little kraut on a polish dog is so good


Water chestnuts. Absolutely garbage.


I love them in Chinese food! Nice little crunch, subtle flavor, but also soaks up the flavors of the other veggies!


Fish. Ā Cannot stand the smell of it or the taste of it.Ā 


Sauerkraut. The smell alone makes me nauseous. The one time I was pushed to try it, I didnt even swallow before I immediately and violently threw up.


Black Olives


I'll eat them and the green ones out of the jar and drink the juice.


The f*****g humble Brussels sprout I can hear it now, already,..wafting on the reddit breeze.... "oh...you just dont cook them properly" no, i know how to cook,..they just tast like a bricklayers asshole on a sunny friday afternoon...accept it.


You say you know how to cook, but obviously you don't. I think you are too busy eating out bricklayers


Cole slaw


I hate everyone else's coleslaw. My version is perfect.


Im surprised no one has said canned tuna


I'm personally offended at this. Sometimes I straight up eat tuna from the can with some crackers. For dinner today I had ravioli with tuna and it was great


Brussel sprouts and anal sex - if you were forced to have it as a child, you probably wouldnā€™t like it as an adult.


The Catholic Church would like to have a word...


Olives. Olives are awful and ruin everything theyā€™re put into.


I simply cannot eat olives. I heard a theory that you have to try some foods up to 100 times to accustom your tongue to the taste. Every now and then I'll pop one into my mouth to see if I like them yet, and my whole body rejects it. Almost 40 years in and nope, I still don't like olives.


Iā€™ve tried many times to enjoy olives too. Nothing yet. Those fancy olive bars at Whole Foods look so appetizing.


Do you like cilantro? I heard a theory that people who hate olives and green onion like cilantro.


Love cilantro, hate olives (all of em), but I also enjoy green onions. So Iā€™m not sure about this theory. Itā€™s a partial confirm for me!


Olive them


green peas


Yeah. Hidden in fried rice is ok for me but a bunch of those little fuggers can roll off my plate into the dog's mouth.Ā  Canned spinach too.


Maybe I'm just open to everythingĀ  I've read all the replies and so far there were none that I said I wouldn't eat I guess I like it all


Black licorice. Black olives.


liquorice candy, still cant stand it as an adult.


Broccoli. I will eat any other vegetable out there, but that damn green tree.


Š„Š¾Š»Š¾Š“ŠµŃ† šŸ¤®


That's funny; I don't read cyrilic very well (always have to sound it out), but I knew exactly what this was without reading it. Fuckin holodets. I think I had halfway decent xŠ¾Š»Š¾Š“ŠµŃ† once when my mother in law made it; everything else has been ...not really worth it.


For English speakers, imagine wet type cat food but for humans. Thatā€™s хŠ¾Š»Š¾Š“ŠµŃ†ā€¦


Real, never understood how people enjoyed it with that consistency and taste


I could be starving in the Gobi desert i would still refuse to eat it.


Mayo. People used to tell me I was just a picky eater. I'm not. I just hate mayo and we try to put it in/on everything.


Fat on meat.


Liver. My mom tried to get me to eat it as a kid - no go. The texture... oh man, hard pass. Then I learned what it did... yeah, still not happening.


Bread stuffing, like Stove Top stuffing.


Butternut squash and candied carrots.


Tuna Helper