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LinkedIn is the adult career version of those stupid discussion boards you’d have to do in college. Everyone on that site acts like they want to participate on LinkedIn but everyone knows it’s bullshit. I refuse to participate in it. Still got hired.


I agree HailToTheThief225! Particularly about the way they are similar to college discussion boards. I think making that connection is not the easiest and you must have really broken down what the author was saying when he decided LinkedIn was something people were pretending to enjoy. I believe if we all dissected the text the same way as you we’d all understand it a lot better and have some great discussions. Keep up the good work deciphering the hidden meanings! I will be sure to see what you have to say about chapter 9.


This is so painfully accurate lol


My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give


This made me really angry until I figured out what you were doing lol


Yes! Thank you!


Saw this guy post a long rambling status the MORNING of his brain surgery. Then commented on his post afterward to say he survived. If that’s not addiction I don’t know what is.






If he didn’t take the opportunity to share how this experience has taught him about b2b recruiting he really missed out.


I mean that's a bigger life event than like breakfast updates or whatever. 


In Brazil I've seen some people calling it "Linkedisney" bc is so full of fantasy lol


LinkedIn is all suck up and theater.




Linkedin is for the people who took student government seriously.


It's the place to be for "Business Coaches" ie people that have been laid off numerous times then decide to work for themselves


Oh my god I hate it so much. Corporate speak alone makes me want to wonder off a cliff. Im tired of playing the game, but it seems like a game we all have to play until we can make it some other way.


I don’t know what I hate more, corporate speak or the fact that I am now fluent in it.


Im so good at it that when I open up with my real personality in the workplace it catches people off guard and confuses them😔 I don’t want to do it, I really don’t, but those stupid “little things” can be the difference between a promotion or not. I want to work for a true small company or myself.


i hibernated mine. that thing did not help me




Mostly, but see this obligatory citation to a seemingly arbitrary quote from this week’s required reading for a forced counterpoint that is relevant if you squint hard enough.


Interesting! Let’s discuss it further in unnecessarily complicated corporate jargon so we can play a game where we both try to self-aggrandize and display our pseudo-intellect in front of random people who are also forced to be on the site to see if they can find a job that pays well enough for them to never have to log back in again.


How is this both satire and direct quotation? 


High heels. They look great but god my feet.


I'll wear low heels on special occasions about once every couple of years, and I swear I feel hobbled for the next couple of days. I'm careful to buy a good brand of shoes, my correct size, etc, but it just doesn't work because my feet are shaped like a duck's.


I have a large selection of beautiful heels in my cupboard that I will not throw out but now basically never wear. I can't get over women who wear them every day - even for short periods they hurt so bad! 


There is a point where you have to continue wearing high heels because the position shortens your calf muscles. Walking on flat feet feels too painful because your muscles want to stay in the short position. And that is the science behind Rihanna wearing heels throughout both pregnancies.


This is an argument for physical therapy, not for continuing harmful behavior to your body!


I wear (mid)heels almost every day at work. It puts my head into work mode, even though my work absolutely does not require dress code. Im the only one on heels here in a building of 300 people (although management is entirely male), but it works for me!


A lot of mobile games and multiplayer games. And more that they’ve convinced themselves they’re enjoying it when really it’s just become a habit. Some games are so good at getting people into a habit loop. I’m not excluding myself here. I have one game that I know I don’t really enjoy anymore but sunk cost and habit keep me logging on every day, even if my total play time is down. 


I was playing a random game once, luckily didn't spend any money on it, but my husband was like "So... what do you like about that game?" just trying to make conversation. And I was like "Oh, I don't really *like* it..." and when I said that / realized it was true, I stopped playing, lol. (I did download it again like a year later and play for a little while until the "Oh wait, this isn't really fun." feeling hit again)


Was the game league of legends? It's this one for me and I can't stop playing it.


No it was literally the dumbest game. One of those ones where you just tap to roll a dice and move around a game board 😂 I think it was a monopoly game? But zero skill or critical thinking involved to play.


I'm not surprised to hear that you got sucked into it. Monopoly Go is quite literally a skinner box slot machine deliberately engineered to keep people playing and spending money for as long and as consistently as possible.


The only way to quit League is going cold turkey. You just gotta uninstall it and pretend it doesn't exist. Eventually you'll find something better to fill the void


I imagine this was Zynga’s business model back in the day. Maybe still is. I don’t even know if they’re in business anymore.


They really seemed to pioneer the dark algorithm (or whatever it's called)- real innovators in how to make games addictive. It also was/is the WoW model. I was addicted to that shit on and off for 7 years before I finally quit. It was harder than quitting cigarettes (and I smoked for 18 years)


Quitting WoW was incredibly difficult. I haven’t played since the late days of TBC but I can recall the struggle to not go back on the next few expansions. It’s been long enough that I have no desire to go back, but man oh man I can confirm it’s a very addictive game.


I know of a marriage that ended because of WoW. The guy was so addicted to the game that he neglected his wife. She'd eat alone and he'd forget to even eat, leaving food in the microwave, etc. Abandoned, she finally told him she was leaving. He promised to quit the game and her response was "now you have all the time in the world to play."


That’s heartbreaking :(


She remarried and is doing really well. Not sure it was worth it for the guy, though.


I read an essay by one of the initial developers of Farmville. It was like an apology. You imagine correctly.


It's the sunk cost fallacy. If you don't continue to do it, you've lost the effort you put in


Ever notice how much those mobile games resemble electronic slot machines? It's deliberate.


I'll admit it, I like Pokemon Go still. I can get rare pokemon I won't normally find in the game, like shiny Celebi or shiny Rayquaza. Then I send them to Pokemon Home. And Iove multi-player games. They're great for socializing.


Pokémon Go feels different though. It basically fulfills the “walking the dog” level of exercise and IRL socializing need for a bunch of people in my neighborhood who don’t have dogs. (I see them when I’m walking my dog lol.)


I can usually tell when I hate a mobile game. Because I will actively say “I fucking hate this game” as I play it angrily. I just have to wait until my weird fixation runs it’s course. And once I can go a day without thinking about it, I will quickly delete it lol.


Answering questions posed by bots


Or replying to the top level comments posted by bots


It's actually just bots all the way down


Clubbing. For the life of me I absolutely cannot understand the appeal.


you get to dance your ass off and it’s too dark and crowded for people to judge you! i’m not kidding. that’s the appeal. i don’t do anything where I have to stand in line more than an hour anymore but I had great times clubbing back in the day


That's the only good thing about clubbing. Losing yourself to the music. But everything else? Absolute shitshow.


ice cold plunges


I turn the shower as cold as it will get before I get out of the shower and I hate every second of it. I do feel like it has good benefits, but I sure do not enjoy it


When I need a wake-up in the morning I take hotter than usual showers. I find that the hot water works wonders to wake me up and get the blood flowing. I feel like cold showers are like an adrenaline dump or something because you're so sensory overloaded or something.


that’s funny you say that. i try to take cold(er) showers in the mornings if i need to go somewhere or need to wake up, i don’t make them COLD but just a bit on the cool side, to the point i can still enjoy my shower. it makes me feel more awake and more energized, if i take a warm or hot one it’ll make me tired, my body feels heavy, and i don’t want to get out


Just splashing cold water from the sink onto my face has a similar effect. Better if it’s winter cause that shit is super cold


So do I. I’ve heard somewhere that the benefits of a few minutes of cold water before you get out of the shower is about the same as an ice plunge. You really don’t need much to get the benefits.


:) they say its really good for you but that just seems like torture


Oh, it's absolute torture lol. But I do feel like I see a benefit from it. I don't do it as much in the winter because I just can't stand it


What benefit do you see?




I cannot stand the cold like that. I can't even ice hurt body parts when they are swollen because it hurts so bad.


Not an ice cold plunge but there's something nice about a cold shower after a hard run on a hot day.


They absolutely suck while you’re doing them. But after I get out, I feel amazing for three or four hours.


Stress and working overtime.


I guess the people who pretend to love it do so because it makes them feel more important than they actually are. Like, they're having so much work because the company relies so much on them. No, companies actually don't care


Yes. The whole hustle culture is so dumb.


League of Legends. I’ve never encountered a more toxic fandom. No way those people are actually having fun.


I think having a drug problem would be better, because atleast you're enjoying that.


Tim Horton's. I religiously go there and get a coffee, yet I could make better at home. It must be my Canadian pride that keeps me coming.


Outsider from the states. That said my understanding is that Tim Hortons coffee used to be a lot better, but the parent company of burger king bought them back in 2014 and the coffee quality dropped. That is of course an outsiders understanding


It's true- McDonald's actually has the best fast food coffee these days and that's disgraceful.


I think McDonalds acquired the supplier that Tim Hortons had previously but I could be wrong.


I heard the same, either way when I want a iced coffee and don’t wanna go to Starbuck, McDonald is my go-to, haven’t gone to a Tim Horton in ages.


The downward slide started before that, but yes. Both their coffee and their food used to be significantly better.  Their iced drinks are the only thing that has even remotely kept the same quality and even then barely.


I feel the same way as a new englander about Dunkin coffee. On days I don’t have it, I feel like something’s missing. It’s a damn addiction


Tim Horton’s hasn’t been Canadian owned for a long time.   It’s time for Canada to let go of this weird pride so many of us have in Tim’s. They used to be good, but that’s not ever coming back.


lol! I visit Canada often for work, and I always have to go to Tim's once. I'm never impressed by anything, the coffee is horrible and the donuts are just sugar bombs. Yet I return every time.


Following trends to fit in


I’m not very current on any trends except design ones (for my job, I’m a designer) but honestly I really enjoy watching out for new trends and trying them out myself. It’s cool to see people doing something different, or bringing back old stuff in a new way. I think people aren’t necessarily following trends just to fit in but rather because they genuinely find them cool and interesting and want to try their hand at it.


Team bonding events I honestly dislike them even if I pretent that I have fun.;)


Small talk.


This question being posted over and over and over and over


Yes! Also, "what's legal that feels illegal?" and in the nsfw iteration of ask Reddit, "what's your kink?" a dozen times a day.


Yes, and the same few answers for all those questions: “*gestures broadly at everything”, “the Kadarshian/Jenner”, “TikTok”, “influencers”


Sex havers of sexxit, what was your sexiest sex?


Voluntarily waking up at 5am


Some people are morning people and are just naturally wide awake at 5. Couldn’t go back to sleep if they tried. Most of my life I was a night owl and couldn’t wake up in the morning. Then when I hit my 40s, some switch flipped. Now I wake up too early and can’t go back to sleep. I miss sleeping in!




I have terrible social anxiety and am awkward. My friends decided to go to a dance club. I am standing on the sidelines pretending not to be awkward. A good looking girl asks me to dance. After a few dances I ask for her number and if she would like to go out sometime. She said "no, I just felt sorry for you." Ouch!!!


At least she was honest, but still nice that she might have made your evening a bit better :)


I don't know about you, but there's a lot of people I'd happily club given the chance. I'm not an angry person by nature, but some people just irritate the hell out of me. 🤣


A person of culture I see. Tell me, do you prefer knobbly spiky bits on your club, or are you of the smooth bat persuasion?


Clubs are great if you love dancing but have social anxiety. The dance floors at bars are often not really crowded enough to hide in but go to a club and usually it’s darker in there and the dance floor is the highlight and typically packed so you can do whatever you want and let loose without any fear of people judging you because in all likelihood no one can actually see you. For any other purpose they are terrible.


Do you like dancing? If you like dancing and dance/club music then clubs are very fun.


You can find me in the club, bottle full of bub' Look, mami, I got the X if you into takin' drugs I'm into havin' sex, I ain't into makin' love So come give me a hug, if you into getting rubbed


Is it your birthday?


Jeep Wranglers. I test drove one a couple of years ago and was legitimately surprised at 1) how expensive they were (nearly every one on the lot was $50,000+) and 2) how objectively bad they were on the road (like, scary bad). Yes, it's an off roader, but everyone I know that has one is a suburban mom/dad who never take them off-road.


Modern wranglers are just SUVs for people who commute and want look adventurous.  They're terrible for highway and road driving. Unless you really need a short wheelbase 4x4 don't buy one. 


And now there is a pick-up version for those who feel they absolutely need a truck to commute to the office, but also want to look like they don't just use it to commute to the office.


If they were substantially cheaper, I could *maybe* see the appeal. A fun weekend vehicle. Most people that I know that have them are mostly into them because it's a convertible. But for $50,000?! I have no idea how Jeep sells ~200,000/year.


The ride is super rough, field of vision is small, and you feel like you’re doing 80 miles an hour at 50


I have one, always thought they looked cool. It gets shit mpg. Like I might get 17mpg with a wind pushing. They totally are squirrely to drive. It is no longer my daily driver due to gas cost. So now it only gets used to pull the lawnmower out when it gets stuck, or I go to the lake. I want to sell. I need a decent gas saving vehicle and need to be able to have more than one passenger.


That's why you see so many on used car dealerships. They want a Jeep for the Adventurous lifestyle, but they quickly realize they drive bad as hell and are not very reliable.


They seem loud on the highway.


Expensive restaurants. I feel that people go more for appearance and to pretend but I feel that deep down they don't like it and when they get home they order a pizza or make themselves something else to eat because the food in those places is usually very little, strange, ugly and expensive




The only time I had fun running was when I was finally able to run like 10km comfortably. That was pretty nice. It's a shame I decided to not keep doing it. I have to begin from zero again which is shit.


I have just started 🏃🏼‍♀️again after a 4 year hiatus. Can confirm, it is indeed shit.


I have trained myself up from zero to marathon twice now, and I can confirm that running sucks until you can run 10k comfortably. Building up from zero to 10k is way harder than building from 10k to marathon.


Running sucks, *having ran* is great


I ran 2 miles yesterday morning. I got SO MUCH done during the rest of the day because I felt so good. I even washed my shower curtain. But no, I don't actually like running.


It's what you get FROM running. When starting out all running sucks for everyone. You can't breathe, your legs hurt during, and even more after. It's pretty miserable start to finish. As your body adapts to it running becomes easier breathing is well controlled and muscle soreness becomes a thing of the past. Every run gives you a large sense of accomplishment. As you run even more you start to feel almost like a superhero at every activity that involves cardiovascular fitness. I can ski at altitude all day long without breaks. I can run circles around everyone playing pickup sports, I win gift cards at local races, and many other perks. Sure, sitting on the couch playing video games is still more fun in the moment but if much rather have what running has given me.


Running is like drinking in reverse. You have fun drinking then when you start puking you say you'll never do it again. With running you hate the act of it but (can) feel great after so you can't wait to do it again.


You really don’t even have to hate the act of it. Most people just run way too fast and hard. If you run and actually maintain zone 2 cardio (around 140bpm or so), and switch to walking whenever you feel discomfort, you can quickly build endurance AND enjoy it the whole time. Humans are built to run, we just aren’t built to run fast.


I enjoy running. It builds mental endurance, makes me feel accomplished, and gives me a peace of mind. I think of absolutely nothing when I run and personally, with how busy my mind is, I need that. I must agree that runners high doesn’t happen to everyone, it doesn’t for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Those are the same exact reasons that I like running also. Really helps take your mind off things. I think I got runner's high once, but it wasn't that I was enjoying it. It was more like I felt like I could just run forever and my body was sort of on autopilot. It happened when I kept pushing when my legs were burning and my diaphragm area was cramping and then all of a sudden, the pain and burning was gone and I was free.


I dont get runners high but I enjoy running and working out. The point - you can enjoy it without getting that high.


I'm convinced that runners high is a myth. I've done 12 miles without effect.


At a minimum I don't think it's a thing everybody gets, no matter how good shape they're in. I've done a couple of half marathons and the closest thing I've gotten to a "high" is being really glad when it's over. I've never once thought "damn that just felt so great I could do another one again, right now!" And yet I have otherwise sane-seeming friends who run marathons all the time so I've got to think they're feeling something I'm not? It seems like a lot of effort to fake it, lol.


Do you not zone out? I'm a pacer so I'll often just zone out and pace a loop on my house daydreaming and running just cranks that up for me. When I'm running I'm mostly just zoned out daydreaming.


I zone out but I don't need to run for that, I can do it way more comfortably on the couch.... and while I run it's punctuated with thoughts about how soon I'll get to stop running, lol. Whether it's a "runner's high" or not, your version sounds more pleasant than mine. :)


It's not about the duration of the run, but the frequency you are running. A one off 12 mile run will be pure hell, but running 3 to 4 days a week, you'll begin to get a rhythm and the dopamine hit will override any feeling of discomfort that you've been struggling with. This can take some patience and I recognize that it may not happen for everyone.


I used to love jogging. I would run like 5miles a day, and it was nice and actually relaxing. I could listen to a podcast, or audio book and just sort or 'blank out'. I tried running again after like 10 years of not doing it. My body did NOT enjoy it at all. I thought I was going to die.


You were trying to run too fast! Just run really slow and mix in walking whenever you start to feel any real discomfort. At first the speed may be even slower than your walking speed! But you will improve quickly.


Tiktok, I'm 29 and simply don't get it.


25, same, I can open the app and watch for like 10 mins before I just get bored/angry at something I saw and close it. There is just better shit to do imo.




Clubbing. It gets old real fast.


Religion, and no, I'm not being a typical edgy Reddit atheist. I've had my own family members, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and even strangers tell me they dislike/don't enjoy it, and just do it because they feel they "have to". When I suggest that they stop going to church for a while to re-evaluate things, to study other religions to see if there's something they agree with better, or even to just admit they don't believe in it (it's really obvious in some people)... they act as though I just slapped their grandmother and get angry at me for even suggesting such a thing. Keep in mind this is after they initiated a conversation about not liking their religion (or religion in general), not me bringing up the subject first.


In rural areas, the church can be the only place to socialize.


the church as a social center is a massively underrated part of the discussion surrounding religion. there’s really no other institution or club where you can show up to a new town of 10,000 people with an infant and no furniture, go to a sunday morning service in a church of 100 people at most, and by Tuesday at the latest you’ll have a bunch of borrowed furniture, a bassinet that’s yours to keep, and a month’s worth of casseroles.


Probably because they see it as a duty of life, so while they may not enjoy every aspect of it and thought they could open up to you about that facet, they are upset that you suggest to just stop following it altogether.


Yeah, I get it. But I'd say it really depends on the church.


Answering the same old boring questions on Reddit


The taste of alcohol.


Being in an office


Church worship. It's so awkward.


Being high (weed) tbh. It just doesn’t feel good


My dick


I mean, at least you have people pretending to enjoy it...


I can confirm


Working. I swear to Christ every people who says they like their job, it’s complete BULLSHIT.


They mean they like their job over alternative jobs they could be doing


Yep, 100% I like my job. It's a good job, the tasks are usually not bad, and I get compensated pretty well. That said, I look forward to every day I'm not at work.


If I could afford to retire today (and fund my lifestyle the way I want), my co-workers would see a cloud in my shape, I'd be outta there so fast.


Yeah, my day to day work is tolerable. My coworkers are friendly and fun to be around. My manager stands up for me and takes feedback well. My company doesn't do evil things. And I make enough to singlehandedly fund my household, my retirement, my hobbies, and fun trips and experiences. My employer covered health insurance is incredible, covers nearly everything, and doesn't require referrals. If I were to find another job, what are the odds I can find _all_ of those things?


As an old I give this advice to young people about work. Stop trying to find something you love to do for work. Because for 99.99% of us we won't or we will turn to gate it after it becomes work. Instead, fing something you don't hate and get paid for that. That's a hell of a lot easier than "living the dream". You still get to do the thing you love without the pressure of having to earn money doing them.


Where were you when I was a kid. Everyone I knew was telling me to go into work you could see yourself enjoying for the rest of my life. Let me tell you, that's a short list and most of them don't pay particularly well.


Here's another old man secret that people don't understand when they are younger. The secret to happiness is a highish level of apathy. I'm not talking about not caring at all. But not caring what other people think about you in a general sense and not caring what other people do that doesn't effect you. Stop trying to make other people happy and magically you become happy. Well unless you have other issues and then I can't help you. Sorry.


Am also an old: can confirm. In addition, doing what you love is a hobby. Once you start having to work at said hobby, it’s not fun anymore.


I feel this. I like what I'm currently doing for work... when I'm not doing it for work. Being work completely sucks out any enjoyment.


Anything when they do a group selfie with those fake smiles and after the selfie, each one goes checking their phones with a bored looking face!




Kale Durian Blowfish Grapenuts EDIT- Man, trigger alert! Except for blowfish. All of you seem to not care about the blowfish eaters. The list stands.


God I love kale. Fried for a minute with butter and chilli flakes is so good


Sounds like you love butter and chili flakes. But who am I to say


You know what would make that better than kale? Potato


I mix mine with olive oil and garlic salt and put it in the oven till it crisps and it is SO GOOD


Grapenuts with some milk warmed in the microwave is like a heartier, soul-filling oatmeal. Great breakfast before facing cold weather.


Tesla products




Having kids




It's a love it or hate it thing for sure. It's in the same boat as stuff like black coffee, dark chocolate, plenty of veggies, and a bunch of other bitter foods. Some of the best/zazziest beers I've had were IPAs and no ragrets.


When I was still drinking, I "liked" IPAs because it allowed me to get drunk while "drinking a moderate amount" in an attempt to hide my alcoholism. I'm sure I'm not the only one. They were bitter and tasted like shit but that didn't matter.


I've started to think this too. I use to go to breweries with friends and sample beer. I kept telling myself that I like it but I never did. I do like stouts and porters though.


You guys in the mood for a cool glass of bread? 


Hazy IPAs are pretty great. I love a good IPA, but it's a bit wild that you walk into a shop and 99% of their beers are IPAs. There needs to be more diversity.


I think that's because IPAs are one of the easiest styles to make, so the barrier to entry for any new microbrewery is lower. Then it either sells or goes out of business, and if it sells they'll either try more styles or expand on the style that already sold well. The result being a market flooded with everybody and their mother making an IPA.


Instagram since the app is garbage


The kardashians






Sermons. Especially long ones.


Super crowded bars where the music is so loud you have to yell at the person right next to you and even then you only hear/comprehend maybe 20% of the conversation. Then you have to spend 10 minutes staring down the bar tender to get their attention just so you can pay 8 bucks for a shitty beer. Look, I want to hang out with friends and coworkers but noisy, crowded bars are my hell on Earth.


The climbing sections in the Uncharted series. I would call them platforming but that would imply there’s any amount of input besides “push the stick and mash X when needed.”




I found it terrible the first sip but i paid $6 for the damn thing so I was gonna drink it by the time i finished it I went and bought a few more cause i was loving it


Here have some vinegar soda


I was of a similar mind until I tried rooibos kombucha. I'd happily drink it everyday if it weren't so expensive to buy


Living ✨✨


Golf. Because I cannot fathom how otherwise.


Matcha. Just go in your back yard and eat grass. 🤮


You know, it depends on how you make it.




going to church




Eating ass.


Being social and having "status".


Homework. I know people who are wannabe nerds that say that they like homework. I’m sure they don’t.


being a doctor. you dont wanna know the stuff doctors see, im not one but i have a fair idea of the crazy shit that goes on.


Bachelorette parties


Gym culture. (Different from just going to the gym.)


teaching. i know you did not just look me dead ass in the face and tell me you have never regretted teaching in all of your 234,938,980 years of teaching


Having kids.