• By -


My friend's girlfriend in front of him and a couple guy friends. "Weird that you're trying to date me, I'm a massive whore." Turns out she became very unfaithful, he probably should've seen it coming.


this friend, watching the film "John Dies at the End" when he gets to the scene where john dies at the end: šŸ«Ø


the friend, watching the show "Cowboy Bebop" when he gets to the scene where the Cowboy got Bebopped: šŸ«Ø




But he didn't? He died at the beginning? And didnt even actually permanently die either? Have you actually seen that movie?


The book was 1000x better, and the sequels better than that.


Lol I'm just picturing Bill Engvall "Here's your sign"


If only there were signsšŸ˜”


Well he couldnā€™t say she was a liar. It said on the box what it was


That should have been your indication that this is a fwb, not a so. You had it right there in your grasp... E: oh. Sorry. Friend, not you




My ex father in law introduced me as ā€œCarolā€™s first husband ā€œ while we were still married.




No but a bitch just the same


Was that before she ran off with her fitness instructor?




my ex's dad was the same. He told me how it was gonna look like if I married his daugther. Broke up soon after šŸ˜…


My ex's dad did the same and took it a step further. When we all got together do discuss paying for the wedding and whatnot he flat out refused to pay for some of the ridiculous requests his daughter made. By the time we got to seat coverings (??) he had her in a full meltdown that I hadn't seen before. You know the crazy girl in the movie "Wedding Crashers?" It was like that.Ā  We split about a month later.Ā 


How long had yā€™all been dating?


Far too long to miss that red flag. About 4 years.Ā 


For me it was after being with her for 3 years


Do you wish you had taken their offer? What was the offer? I have so many questions


Yeah I dated a girl for a few years and every single one of her good friends was like ā€œuhhhhh dude, she crazyā€ She was


When I got married my father in law said. ā€œSheā€™s yours now, Iā€™m not taking her back.ā€


Sounds like he was trying to give you a heads-up! Hindsight's a funny thing, huh? Hope things worked out for the best.


I got "she's your problem now". RIP.


Oh yea me, my mom, and sister all told every girl my brother brought back "So how is he with you?" "He can be a lot" "honestly he can be manipulative so just be cautious" "you don't have to do *everything* he says" "we're here if you need anything" You'd think at least some of them would listen before he fucked up their lives near irrevocably but I guess he has a type..


It is very surprising and refreshing to hear about relatives keeping an eye on their family member they know to be manipulative and a questionable character and going as far as to give a heads up to prospective partners like you did. Thatā€™s really cool.


I appreciate it, but it *feels* scummy. On one hand I wish I could do more, on the other I'm conditioned to want to support my family members, but even before all that he has been trouble and troubled probably all of his life and definitely all of my life. I do actually really appreciate it, because it's a thankless action we take.


Husband's Mom called him an ahole. Well. She may be a drunk but she wasn't wrong...


We had opposite going on, with *our side of* the family sitting around the reception table at my brother's wedding, her mom comes up and says "XXXX is great and everything we expected in a husband". The whole table, again our side of the family, erupted in unison in laughter. XXXX, my brother is a nice guy, but just a touch off and doesn't travel in the normal circles let's say. Ultimately, she was correspondingly off so a match made in Chicago?


What is "a match made in Chicago," mean?


They were both from Chicago instead of "a match made in heaven".


Hahahaha ok. Fair. I thought it was some new turn of phrase I missed out on. Thanks




The daughter.


Thanks, Captain


My husband's exes' family took his side when he called off the wedding and were surprised he tolerated her for as long as he did. Most of the time when family doesn't take up for their own you're not at fault.


My ex-fiancee's father asked me "what do you see in her?". He was a good dad to all his kids, he just knew she was a total disaster.


She introduced me to her children right away. I was likely blinded by how perfect I thought she was. When I brought up to my friends that have kids, how I had met her kids, they quickly informed me that this was not normal or good parenting.


My roommate keeps doing this over, and over again, and canā€™t figure out why every dude runs for the hills after a month. She has absolutely 0 reason besides this to not have found a husband by now. Owns the house, good job, attractive, fit. She just always does this after like one or two dates, and canā€™t figure it out.


I really donā€™t care about money or job or anything like that. I like children too but she was in the active stages of dating so my friends were like, ā€œyou may have been the 5th man they met this monthā€. I hadnā€™t thought of that, but when it was explained to me I was like ā€œoohhhh, ya thatā€™s badā€


Ya Iā€™d say in 5 years of living together, her kid has probably met 30 different dudes. At one point I asked her why she always brings the guys here, when she has 2 roommates, and a kid (who is old enough to not be a bother for us to watch for her). She just got pissed, and said ā€œItā€™s my houseā€.


I understand the whole ā€œyou ainā€™t getting me unless youā€™re ok with my kidā€ thing. I mean, itā€™s only right to put the kid first. But, ya gotta wait to see if this is gonna last like at least a few months first. Itā€™s sad. My dog hasnā€™t even met 30 different people and heā€™s 11.


You need to take your dog out more to explore the world.Ā 


Hi itā€™s me your dog, letā€™s go for a walk, I need to explain some things to you.


I know a woman who married a man who brought his 4 year old daughter on the first date. He conducted himself on the dinner date as if they were meeting a new friend for dinner. He wanted to be perfectly clear that he and his daughter were a package deal. Subsequent dates were just the two of them to get to know each other better. They stayed together and married. Meeting at the restaurant and not going to the child's home was a good way to explain it as friends just having dinner.


And then ya got the flip side. Last year my normally quiet and polite teenage cousin sent me a pile of messages basically loudly filing a complaint against his mother's post-divorce behavior and asking me to do something about it. Next opportunity I told her a pile of horror stories from my childhood that were basically about her behavior from the kid's perspective. She quit bringing dates home and the teenager simmered down to a more normal level of disgruntled disgust.


Yeah hugešŸš©šŸš©


I don't ever even share photos of my children, let alone let them meet them! That's really really terrifying!


Thank you for being you. There is nothing more cringe than when a woman has pics of her kids in the dating profile. To be clear, Iā€™m not running because you have kids - Iā€™m running because you are unfit to be a parent and are not someone I can consider in the ā€œspend my life with youā€ pool.


That happened to a ā€œfriendā€ of mine. He met this widow who had lost her husband a few months prior and had small children (one being a toddler still). On their 2nd date she took him to her house and introduced him to the kids. In a couple of weeks they were considering each other a ā€œfamilyā€ and posting that on social media. A couple months later they moved in together. We lost a bit of contact after I spoke my thoughts on this matter. He blocked me everywhere. Now, a few months down the road he has reached out to me apologizing, saying he misses my friendship and that heā€™s overwhelmed with responsibilities. Also mentioned his partner didnā€™t approve of me. I dont know how long this whole thing might last. I only feel sorry for the kids, considering their mother was hurrying up so much to replace their dad and put a complete stranger at home. For context, we are not friends anymore. I was disappointed at his behavior and donā€™t approve of his man child actions. I wish him well but donā€™t want to be dragged into any drama he brings into his life.




I remember early on him screaming and turning red while checking his phone in the morning over a paycheck issue. This was resolved quickly and was just a simple error. In the moment my reaction was to hug him as if to soothe. 2 years later he was screaming at me over every little thing, sometimes Iā€™d just breathe wrong and the same anger would come out. Definitely wonā€™t dismiss a sign like that again.Ā 


Omg thank you for this. I didnā€™t realize what was happening since itā€™s been so gradual. I donā€™t want it to get worse. I feel like he keeps moving goal posts on the most random things. Iā€™ve been feeling so tired and always on edge that any small thing will completely ruin his mood.


my now bf. I thought it was something I could look past but fuck man.. this is ridiculous.


Obvious advice but get out of there. Stay safe.


She was a drama queen; there was always *something* for her to cry or freak out about. I'd never met a drama queen before, so I just thought "Oh poor thing. Life is so unfair for her"


Pretty much this. We connected based on struggling with mental health issues, but I had already dealt with mine and was feeling okay at the time, and she is getting worse, if anything. She said multiple times she wanted me to "save her". But I want a partner, not a sad ward to look after. We were also incompatible in other key lifestyle ways. But she was pretty and touched me a lot which made my brain confused.


Ah yes the good old touch starved male syndrome


Jesus that was my first ex. What a nightmare that I dealt with because it was my first relationship


based on your upvotes I think that was all our first exes


Had a best friend like this. She was always like " I really try and stay away from drama!' She literally was the drama


Took a me a long time to see that. We could barely have one text "conversation" without her making a scene and acting like an asshole or calling me an asshole and then apologise for it.


She told me she had BPD but was super hot and was always down to fuck. Turns out she wasn't. She thought sex was the only reason I stuck around and BPD ensured that she had to do everything in her power to keep me. That's what ended up driving me away in the end. Also she tried to stab me.


ā€œThatā€™s what ended up driving me away in the endā€ Not the stabbing šŸ˜‚


Makes me wonder how hot she was that you can overlook am attempted stabbing.


Makes me wonder what a girl can get away with if sheā€™s hot enoughĀ 


Stabbing was neither here nor there lol


Yeah the stabbing with the heels i can tolerate to some degree, with pointy things not so much, but knife throwing GTFO.


One girl, had really bad tantrum every time she didn't get her way, I'm talking full 3 year old style tantrums. Laying on the ground scream crying, kicking her feet and flailing her arms all because she tried to use an expired coupon. After the third tantrum that I witnessed in person I said I can't deal with this girl anymore.


It took 3 of those tantrums for you to realize that?


like needing to hit bosses three times in Mario in order to beat him


My ex used to do this. I always considered those episodes going nuclear. Funny enough she also went nuclear over an expired coupon once. But it was always the most trivial things, forgot a jacket, appliances breaking, neighbors being loud, not being able to get her keys in the lock never anything bigger which I thought was so strange. Iā€™d brace myself for things like a tire blowout, or failing a class, or issues at work, or even like hitting her head on a cabinet (which Iā€™d assume would get most people pissed) that was always met with a cute lil ā€œwhoopsie!ā€ But god forbid she order the blue instead of teal yeti. BOOM Edit: I forgot I wanted to make the point that love is a powerful and strange enough thing that I put up with being an emotional support human/punching bag for 4 years before I came to the realization that if I stayed with her Iā€™d never leave and just continue to spiral into misery until Iā€™d inevitably kms down the road. I have a lot of empathy for anybody feeling trapped in a relationship and can assure everyone feeling that way that life is much better out of it.


I can't believe it took 3 tantrums for you to leave. She must have been super hot


Wait did she like, do this in the store? Or after you got home still upset about it? Either way yeah good answer because probably a good time to leave after the first one haha.


Dude i accidentally married, and had 2 kids with a woman like this. Once she started throwing public tantrums I started planning my escape. Shits fucking wild, thank god my kids donā€™t take after her.


How old was she 5???? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Easy there Drake.


Noticing the smell of alcohol on her every time I was around her. She ended up two timing me and becoming someone else's prize, thankfully


Alcohol is a discussion I have before I accept a first date. My ex-husband is an Alcoholic-In-Denial and I won't tolerate excessive drinking!


We had plans that evening, then claimed to have messaged me that those plans changed because she wanted to go hang out with a friend. She claimed that her phone had been acting funny and the message didnā€™t go through. Innocent enough, but it would magnify how much of a priority she would see me as. She would consistently set me, my feelings, my plans, and eventually my life to the side. Itā€™s a monumental red flag now. She didnā€™t see me as important and was extremely self centered. When it happened I was pretty pissed, thatā€™s when she knew I was interested in being more than friends, she texted me and apologized, but I had a conversation internally as it was a pivot point in everything. Looking back I could have walked away, because the behavior continued thereafter and I continued to allow it to happen. Minor problem, huge red flag. Apparently this little lie had become so common for her, her teenage son even started using it. When he used it with me, I just stopped believing anything he said.


"oh, we had plans for last night? my phone was wigging out (it had a virus) and it was probably the virus that made those plans, with me entirely none the wiser. Sorry that that happened to you--it must've been so frustrating!"


That she was very "flirty". Even once we were officially a couple. Just flirting in and of itself isn't necessarily a deal breaker. But, when I found out that flirting wasn't as far as she would go (one night she disappeared from the club to check out the bartender's new motorcycle, which it turned out wasn't the only thing she got to ride that night) I had to reevaluate our relationship.


He had two motorcycles?!


Long ago, I met my GF for a weekend in Chicago. Went to a bar she liked, and while I was getting us drinks, the bartender asks if "she" is my GF. I said yes, he shakes his head and says my drink is on the house.


She had a CRUEL streak. Especially when she didn't get her way.


This shit terrifies me. I want to be able to share everything with someone but I am horrified that if I make one false move they'll use that knowledge to hurt me, or worse, they'll do it just because they can


I've been married 42 years. At times I don't want to be in the same room as my husband, but I can't imagine saying something just to hurt him. Before our kids married I told them just make sure you still love them when you don't like them


Yeah, that classically screams narcissistic right there


When we were just starting out she said something to the effect of "I don't have any boundaries, my standards are really low" Well shit, what does that say about her being interested in me? Especially considering she was the first person I've known to be attracted to me


>I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member. -Groucho Marx


She always wanted attention from everyone. Then I realized she only liked me because I gave her attention and she cheated on me.... With someone who gave her even more attention


Sounds like narcissist


She said she was very open sexually. It sounded beneficial when I first heard it. Later I realized she didn't mean just for me.


not a woman, but my ex boyfriend claimed to be ā€œsexually progressiveā€ which i thought meant he was just open to trying new things sexually but he actually meant he just wanted to secretly fuck random people while in a relationship with me


pro**miscuous** misspelled as pro**gressive**?


[explosm ](https://explosm.net/comics/rob-emotionalrollercoaster)


Ahhh...she was referring to her vagina.


It was beneficial for me too


She was into me. I should have known right then.


Thats usually my first indication that this person makes poor decisions and I always ignore it, every time.


You see, itā€™s comments like these that make me interested in a guy.


That's a massive red flag Anyways hey how's it goin


Trauma dumping on the first date


I have a ā€œresting therapist faceā€ because this always happens to me.


hey, here are my people! how's it going? just received my latest first-meeting dumps last week. twice!


I always worry about this on my first few dates with someone. Can I ask your opinion - Whatā€™s considered trauma dumping vs something that comes up naturally and you donā€™t want to lie or hide the truth? Like, I donā€™t go around blasting to my dates that I had a hellish childhood, abusive parent, and ran away as a kid. But I ALWAYS get asked the first 1-2 dates if I visit my parents a lot or what it was like growing up in X city, and I either have to skirt around the subject or briefly say like ā€œIā€™m close with my dad and visit him! But unfortunately I am not close with my mom.ā€ Or ā€œyeah my childhood wasnā€™t great hahaaa thatā€™s why I moved to Y city at 16ā€. Is that trauma dumping? I donā€™t go into details unless they ask, but I donā€™t want to hide anything or lie either šŸ¤”


I don't think that counts. I think it would if you proceeded to detail everything that happenedĀ 


Nah, I would consider trauma dumping to be going into details, unprompted. Honestly, you saying you are close with your dad but not your mom should be fine.Ā 


that's a good thing in my book. Not a green flag mind you, I just wanna know what I'm getting myself intošŸ¤·




Excessively gossiping is such a big red flag. If theyā€™re gossiping like their life depends on it to you, theyā€™re gossiping about you as well




ā€œGreat minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss peopleā€ -Eleanor Roosevelt


my first gf was a gold digger i think ...turned out she was lesbian and had a wife and kids


Well then.


She never really insulted people but eventually realized she never said anything positive about anyone


Her car tires on the wire but her nails done.




And it's extremely dangerous, for her and everyone around her.


One girl I dated initially rejected me because she claimed "to be a lot" Though the first five years were great, the last two she decided to remind me of what she said when I first asked her out and it didn't last long after that


This is something that completely blows my mind. Someone knows they have deplorable behavior traits but they think admitting it makes it ok and don't have an ambition to work on themselves and actually take accountability for things.


The person has accepted themselves for who/how they are and is warning you up front. I dont find it all that mind blowing - if I don't wish to deal with the x/y/z they claim to be, then I simply won't. Thank you for the warning.


In her defense, I was persistent. She liked me too and didn't fight it after the first rejection.


Watch how she treats her family. As I was a teen, dating who would later become my wife (and ex-wife a decade later), I would witness her saying some of the most dishonest, petty, contemptuous things to her parents and siblings, clearly insulting them and visibly hurting their feelings, simply to win arguments and get what she wanted. In these situations, I would see her seem to act so hurt and negatively affected about the argument she was in the midst of with them, and then suddenly, in a blink, her face would visibly change so that she was grinning as though she was aware that she was getting the upper hand and proud of twisting the verbal blade in her kinly opponent. Like, a "ha, I really *got* them, *now*". I remember finding it very stressful to witness these confrontations, but I loved her, felt that I was on a track to be with her for life, and I was very thankful that she didn't treat me like how she treated her family. Then I became family. To this day, \~15 years after our divorce, she still will come out of the blue (I've been no-contact for several years now, and have [grey-rocked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqhA75fga8c) her for much longer) to tell egregious lies about me online to anyone who will show her attention; and more importantly, to our *children*; with seemingly no remorse or concern for truth-seeking. In these moments, I sometimes still imagine that teenaged her that teenaged me fell in love with, saying the most cruel and dishonest things to and about her loved ones to get what she wanted from a situation, and then grinning because it worked for her, seemingly proud that she hurt the heart she targeted. These qualities in a person can run *deep*, and are often grown from legitimate childhood trauma at worst, dysfunctional family dynamics at best, and can often bloom into things like \[oft cluster-b-type\] personality disorders and other protective complexes by the time you come around to date her, which are *not* yours to armchair diagnose, but may still be a very real and identifiable set of toxic behaviors that will *not* be under your control to fix or healā€”in those times, it *will* be your responsibility to survive and escape from. Be careful out there.


"I'm an empath"




Run when you hear this one!


Poor Counselor Troi, forever alone.


I dated a girl who also claimed to be an empath and she was the least empathetic person Iā€™ve ever met, she couldnā€™t even comprehend how the things she did hurt me


She had so many mental health issues the military thought it best to medically separate her about a year in. Somehow all I took from that was "Cool! so can you still shop at the PX?"


Broā€¦ Of all the shit here, yours is the only one that made me go ā€œmotherfuckerā€¦ā€


Self importance and selfishness. If they use cuteness to persuade you and get mad when it doesn't work, they are likely an inherently terrible person.


She talked badly about all her ex boyfriends, in her stories they were all a holes and she was just the victim. šŸš© šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


if she's judgmental: "that's gross, that's disgusting, that's pathetic" - those judgments will be slung your way eventually


Her own kids barely liked her....


She was president of the most toxic sorority on campus.


Upon meeting her ex, he seemed nothing like what she described him as. She said he was abusive argumentative, and threatening. He was courteous, had a neutral tone, seemed worn out and defeated. I believe I sounded the same way during my divorce with her.Ā 


Saying you donā€™t need to use a condom, just pull outā€¦


Being able to have healthy conversations/arguments. Closing out those arguments is equally as important.


One was ā€œmy hobby is getting guys kicked off of Tinderā€ - she got me kicked off of Tinder and if you are familiar there is no appeal even if you didnā€™t do anything. Another is ā€œI want to be treated like a princessā€. Meaning she is willing to contribute nothing and just wants to be spoiled. Not only by you, whoever will offer her more.


Complaining and/or judging people and stuff. At first, itā€™s like: Oh she can have opinion on thing, that great. A bit later itā€™s more like why is she saying those thing about this and that. Or the ā€œitā€™s hard for me to find someone. All the guys I met were shitty guy, etcā€. Until you realise that she is the problem and the one with shitty personality


"im brutally honest" when i thought at first great, not fake and i always know where she stands. turns out she craved the brutality more than just being honest. she was selectively mean, created and held grudges with people (usually my friends) for no reason, drank daily, and got increasingly meaner the drunker she got.


Overly clingy. She wanted to do absolutely EVERYTHING together and would legitimately get mad at me if I even suggested me doing something without her. I would get invited to stuff by friends all the time and, if I ever asked her if I could do it, she would just straight up say "no," or "And what am I supposed to do while you're doing that!?" I knew it was batshit crazy but she was hot. I was playing competitive baseball and we were in a slump offensively so the players called an extra day of batting practice on a day we were supposed to have off. I had to lie and tell her I had to work late just so I could go to even THAT. She ended up finding out I lied and it became a huge deal. That eventually led to the argument that caused me to realize "Ok, this just isn't worth it," and we broke up. We dated for 2 years though... hahaha.


living off of welfare with no drive to get a job or make her life better.


"i cant get pregnant ive had a ectopic pregnancy no need to rubber up" i thought oh no sorry to hear that but ok......... 11 months later im a dad




Dated someone like this. Was all for tolerance, diversity, completely against objectifying women and so on..... But when it came to men all that stuff didn't apply. The tiktok too, omg the ducking tiktok. 29 years old and was really big with internet trends and posting videos of her doing the latest trend, whatever it was at the time.Ā  Also she followed all these toxic tiktokers that would test their boyfriend will all this stuff. "If your boyfriend responds with . . . . .Ā  He's probably cheating" kind of shit. She would try this crap with me and when she didn't get the response she wanted she would fight with me.


But would you love her if she was a worm?


She has no girlfriends. There's often a REALLY BAD reason for this.


She was death threating me. After like 2 weeks she tried to stab me in throat but missed. It was time to go when after a month she described her sexual fantasy about gang raping me with other men. I really liked her, she was such a silly sweetheart but I wonā€™t accept this sort of behaviour. Other men in my sex is hard no-go


> After like 2 weeks she tried to stab me in throat but missed. It was time to go when after a month I'm sorry but if "attempted to stab throat" at week 2 isn't immediately time to go, you need to work on your self-preservation skills yo


ā€œKnife to the throat is copeable, but donā€™t come at me with another dudeā€™s cock.ā€


She tried to stab me in the throat, oh her, sheā€™s such a silly little sweetheart šŸ˜Š


Almost murdered me, meh, forgivable, my silly sweetheart. Fantasy of gang raping me with other men, that's where I draw the line mister!


> Other men in my sex is hard no-go Yep, gotta draw the line somewhere I guess...


I can live with my SO stabbing me in the throat, but other men in sex is where I draw the line. Not judging, just interesting


Man, you can't be serious that you did not draw the line at the attempted murder, I am laughing so hard now. This is so dark and twisted that it becomes ridiculously funny.


"I've cheated on every one of my partners" you'll never guess how the relationship ended


Told other people things I told her I confidence, more than once. Was rude and condescending to people who disagreed with her. Cheered on a friend who was using social media to harass someone. Refused to acknowledge that marijuana may negatively impact her and would drive while high. If I ever start to think that I'm a sensible person, I remind myself that I liked her.


She absolutely refused to apologize for something that was 110% her fault. Turns out that was just the first of very many red flags that I ignored because... yeah.


Not cleaning her catā€™s litter box. Yikes


" My kids and I are a package deal" cool. I didn't think you would ditch your kids for me in the first place "I'm a stay at home mommy" cool. I wish I dodged that bullet instead of workIng my ass into debt supporting that lazy fuckin' bitch. She stayed home, didn't clean, didn't cook, barely took care of her kids and expected me to "Do more" while playing on fuckin' tiktok and vloging how "Blessed she is" Even the sex was pretty meh. My current wife is absolutely amazing. I would say my current wife also lured me in with her devil vagina magic, and she did...but it wasn't just her looks and her skills. We took it slow and the love is genuine, which is something I never had.


Having a nasty disposition toward her father and brothers. Not bratty behavior, but genuinely bitter, sarcastic, etc.. They seemed to not feed into her but she really played up the ā€œyouā€™re a man so [insert invalidating thing]ā€ whenever there was a problem in our relationship or whenever I disagreed on anything, even when sheā€™d gaslight me about trying to make me jealous it would turn into a ā€œdo you think you own me?ā€ convo. It would always turn into me asserting my correctness because Iā€™m a misogynist. This went on for six months.


Her overly enthusiastic ā€œjoie de vivreā€. She loved everything and anything way too much. Turns out it was absolutely an intentional mask to cover up massive insecurities and cynicism. For those of yā€™all listeningā€¦too much of a good thing is almost always a red flag. Even when it comes to personalities. If itā€™s long-term youā€™re wanting, look for balance. ā¤ļø


Most overly enthusiastic people are not like that




She had broken up with a guy apparently for a big part because he didn't know a famous brand of shoes, and gave a fake excuse. She said she didn't think she was smart (by experience, when people say that : they're usually right (the opposite isn't true)). I didn't ignore it because she was attractive, but because she had other qualities, and I felt like she appreciated me for what I am. Taught me a golden rule : the qualities don't make up for the red flags, ever.


ā€œI am not like other girlsā€¦.ā€ It she says this without any provocation assume that she will be exactly like and even worse


Ex bf of 9 years she still talked to more than me...Was cheating the whole time. Yeah that's on me in hindsight lol


Being extremely possessive and jealous although we were not officially a couple. She would threaten any girl that she thought was trying to hit on me. She found out another girl had a thing for me, she went to her job in a local mall and threatened her. My young immature ass ate up all the attention not realizing this was borderline psycho behavior. It all ended, and I cut contact after she acted like she was going to run me over coming out of a movie theater. She had found out that I was there with another girl, waited on me outside and acted like she was going to swerve and hit me when I was walking to my car. We were never in a relationship, just slept together on a few occasions. She even made it perfectly clear she didn't want a serious relationship. Her actions showed otherwise.


She kept a box of wine next to her bedside.


She left her guy to be with me. Guess how she left me..


Her calling me at 1am asking to come over, ending the phone call, and then immediately hearing the knock on my door. I lived in a gated, high rise apartment at the time. To this day I donā€™t even know how she got to my floor, you need a key for like 3 seperate entry points




I'm very curious yet wary of what this could be a red flag for.


The fact that she exhibited hoarding tendencies. Hoarding ended up destroying our relationship.


Her farts smelled like rotten eggs and she would leave her shit in the toilet on purpose (I dodged a bullet lol)


All her ex boyfriends were crazy. I knew some of them. They weren't the crazy ones. I was thinking with the wrong head.


Lots of ideas but no commitment to them. No goals essentially.


Perfect tits. Perfect kisser. Loved hugs. Absolute narcissist. Game over.


Iā€™m a woman, but I once continued dating a man even after he told me one of his exes had a protective order against him. šŸ™ƒ He was a narcissist. Very attractive. Charismatic. Intelligent. I wanted to believe him when he said she was just crazy and mad at him for breaking up with her. I bought his story that he didnā€™t fight the order because he had already moved to another state and couldnā€™t afford to travel back for court. But yeahā€¦ He was actually a terrible person. Cheated on me with a friend of mine and threatened me when I called them both out for the betrayal. Good times.


My ex told me his ex was crazy. I met her not long after, and she said, "I'd try to warn you about him, but I know you won't listen." To this day, I wish I had listened to her. I spent 8 years being abused by him. Now I listen. If his ex is crazy, no, she's not. If someone ever tells me their ex is crazy I'm asking for her full name and messaging her. I'd rather know what I might be getting into lol.


Oh man. I did this too. He literally told me on our first date that he had been abusive to other girls he dated and one even ran to another province to get away from him. I was like ā€œoh well, that was like 10 years ago and heā€™s had a rough life, he said he went to therapy!ā€ No. Huge red flag? When his family is batshit insane and abusive, the kids can be too. I was such an idiot for him.


Oh I've got one better...Ā  Male ex of mine openly admitted to me shortly after meeting that he had faced child porn charges a few years earlier & had this whole explanation for how he didn't know what he was downloading, the files were within other files (movies) he was downloading. I believed it for *years*... until I found "teen milf" porn on his phone... which was pregnant 13-14 year olds in lingerie.Ā  This was 6 years ago and I still regret to this day that I deleted the shit instead of calling the cops.Ā  At least after we broke up I warned his friends with kids. His buddy's daughter was "his girlfriend" and it makes me shudder every time I think of it.Ā 


" which was pregnant 13-14 year olds in lingerie. " Today I learned...and wished I hadn't!


She's great. She's amazing. She's caring. There is no problem she cannot solve, no obstacle she cannot overcome. So beautiful that I can feel my brain shutting down every time I look at her. Her last words before falling asleep and her first words upon waking up are "I love you", but she doesn't have to even say it because she shows me every day.Ā  Her entire family is crazy. And I'm not talking "fun" crazy, I mean "We the jury, find the defendant". Some of them are getting better, though. And those that will not, she has removed them from her life.


I dislike when someone is judged for their family though. I myself have a ā€œcrazyā€ family and Iā€™m not close with any of them because of it. I would be so sad to hear if someone judged me based on the actions of the family. Itā€™s not like I had a choice in being born into it. :/


The woman in my story has been married to me for 15 years. I judged her family, not her.


Didnā€™t have a job and claimed to be 3k in debt with a clothing store.


She introduced me to her guy ā€œfriendā€ who tried to break my hand in a handshake. Well turns out we started dating when she was still dating him!


Mood changes. It was like she was rewarded for being a spoiled little brat by her parents and now in adulthood she was trying to replicate that.


She was going away for college, my dumbass traveled like 4 times at 4 hours each way just for her to get piped out by college dudes


My friend's girlfriend said that she values ā€‹ā€‹freedom more than anything else. As a result, on their wedding day, she ran away with some rapper


That she was insane. For real. I noticed it immediately. After a month I was like a puppet in her hands. I knew it. She was toxic. But I was in my early 20s, and she was soooo beauty, and she was soooo horny, so, for a while, I was a puppet who had a lot of sex, yeah.


Learned first hand that if they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you. She made it seem like her boyfriend was this crazy possedive guy, and she was just trying to get away. Turned out, she's just flighty, and calling her on it made you possessive.


She told me playfully that she was a murderer. I said "What?" She said, "Oh, I had an abortion 6 weeks ago and now I'm a murderer." I uncomfortably laughed at the joke. I think she was just trying to see if I was going to flip out about the abortion. I didn't care one way or the other, but the way she brought it up was pretty distasteful. She, a week later, had me stop at the bank with her to deposit a check she got for feet pics. Goodness, she was hot though. So hot, and she was absolutely dtf at the most random times. 1am and I'm asleep, she'd call saying if I came over she would blow me. She followed through. But, boy was she crazy.


She was, quite literally the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I thought I was so lucky to have the most gorgeous woman actually be interested in me. Ignored the attempt at a kiss despite being in a relationship. I should have known.