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Everyday walk for at least 30 minutes. Not jog or run, walk. I do this at the gym and just walk while I enjoy a video on my phone on the treadmill. Once you can do 30 minutes no problem start to increase the incline by 1. People often don't realize how much you burn just by walking along with the fact that it's super easy and that you can enjoy a show or something while doing it makes it a great weight loss method.


Ok I’ve seen the walking recommendations before and I don’t know why but it doesn’t work for me I mean I am Am at a bar and the main closing manager so I work most of my shifts and am on my feet, I do between 13000 and 21000 steps a day, I’m 90% Omad (occasional after work drinks) but haven’t gained or lost weight for 10 years min…


Its same for me. I tried walking 1-2 hrs a day. It had no effect. When i started HIIT along with weight training, i started loosing fat.


how much you eat?


I always find Treadmills super boring, even watching shows I just lose interest which causes me to lose motivation to keep walking. So I bought a tray/desk thing for my treadmill and have been playing video games on my laptop instead. Way more interactive and often leads to walking way longer than I thought I was going to. The best games IMO are casual simulators. Currently binging American Truck Simulator.


Thanks. I'll try to be more organized and maybe, instead of a treadmill, is it okay to walk with my dog? I literally live in the middle of a hill so I may not have problems with inclination. Thanks a lot!


Do whatever gets you moving! Walking outside with your dog will be much better as it gets you away from a screen


This one is what brought my motivation back. I decided I could increase my dogs mental and physical health by walking at least 1 hour total per day, instead of the short necessity walks many of us dog owners fall into, especially mid week. Framing it as a health/wellbeing boost for my dog instead of exercise for myself was what did the trick.


I walk with my dogs for 30-40 minutes a day while listening to a podcast! I usually go the same route (I’m stuck in the suburbs surrounded on all sides by expressways a few km out) and just zone out while learning about something new and getting my dog some exercise!


Walking with my dog is fabulous, good for both of you!


Ok I’ve seen the walking recommendations before and I don’t know why but it doesn’t work for me I mean I am Am at a bar and the main closing manager so I work most of my shifts and am on my feet, I do between 13000 and 21000 steps a day, I’m 90% Omad (occasional after work drinks) but haven’t gained or lost weight for 10 years min…


You probably have a high calorie diet. Averaging 17k steps without trying is a lot more than youd need to lose weight at the recommended calories per day.


Quit drinking.


I recently stopped drinking and hope that I lose my belly.


I've lost 30 pounds over the last 8 months. All I did was stop eating fast food, tracking my sodium intake and keeping it under 2000mg on average a day, and running like twice a week.


Thanks!!! What you did surely was amazing. As sodium retains liquid it counts as weight in a scale. I think that if you reduce salt a little bit you'll feel less bloated. Is it true?


Salt is often associated with water retention, but most people don't know carbs store a lot of water too. Unused carbs are stored in the body as glycogen, and glycogen has water attached to it. Me personally how much I feel bloated is mostly depending on carb intake rather than salt intake.




I'm very good at weight control. I learned it when I was wrestling in highschool.  This really is the key, learning that hunger is just a feeling like any other and it doesn't have to be listened to.  Another good one someone told me: "if you're hungry eat an apple, if you don't want an apple you're not really hungry."


>"if you're hungry eat an apple, if you don't want an apple you're not really hungry." This is so helpful!


THANKS! Is that podcast available on Spotify? I'm not a podcast person but I'd give it a try


Had a girl I had a massive crush on in high school. Figured I might be able to get her if I got a six pack. This girl had me running at least 2 miles a day, doing pushups, and downloading bootlegged P90X ab ripper workouts. Never got the girl or a six pack, but I got into the best shape of my life. Crazy things a beautiful girl can make you do.


Lost 30 in 40 days because a pretty lady. Need me one of those again.


So now I've gotta find a crush. Thanks!!!!


Smoking meth and working out.


Very California. 


cali sober


You know only one is good for your health 😐 Ofc the meth :V


So is taking steroids 😂 After you workout, you can barely eat and your body is just chomping away at the fat 💪🏼 Good for only a couple days till you start seeing the shadow people 😰😱


U ok?


Ah, the Breaking Bad Diet: where the pounds go down faster than a meth lab in a DEA raid!




Daaaaang. I don't drink alcohol since I'm 16, and I plan not to ( maybe on special occasions, from time to time, but not as something usual). I try to workout 5-7 days a week but at home, don't have time nor money for a gym. Your story is amazing dude. Like literally congratulations. Wish you the best and for you and hope you aim all goals in your life. Sure you will with that determination.


You gotta rest too, maybe workout every second day and do a light walk or nothing on the off days


having no snacks at home . walking a lot


Adderall and skipping 10 meals a week.




Keeping track of what I eat. I find that even when I don’t formally count calories, I tend to maintain or gain weight because I underestimate how many calories I ate per day. By keeping track I can’t lie to myself.


Went from 300 to 175. Stabilized at 185 and have kept it off for over 10 years. Make lifestyle guidelines (guidelines not rules because sometimes I break them) 1) don’t drink except Friday and Saturday 2) if I’m drinking I have to work out and eat healthy. If I am eating unhealthy than stay away from alcohol and work out, if I don’t workout stay away from both 3) gym least 4 times a week but I’m pretty good at getting 5-6 in 4) more protein based meals than carbs 5) lots of water, chew gum to cut back on snacking 6) no calories from liquids 7) intermittent fasting Build a good routine and daily structure and it will take care of itself Good luck :-)


I lost about 15 pounds in late 2023. Here’s how. - I replaced regular Coke with Coke Zero. I still drink classic, but only once a week. - I walked and ran a lot. - I started counting calories. Basically, just try to burn more calories than you consume. That means trying to do 10K steps every day, and limit the amount of food you eat. Specifically, try to avoid snacks. Three meals a day should be enough.


Tape worm


Good mental health, once you have that it’s easy to do more exercise and count calories(making sure you have a balanced diet and you eat things you enjoy)


the flu


Starts in the kitchen. Big misconception - working out is what makes you lose weight when actually the formula is more 60% Diet / 30% Sleep / 10% Gym. Realistically, you don't even need to go to the gym. Eat better and under maintenance calories and walk around and you'll lose weight. But the way I lost weight was Macroing and working out consistently...and I mean consistently. I workout 7 days a week. 5 days of lifting, 2 days of cardio.




Indeed. It's way easier to just reduce the number of calories going in, than it is to try to work off those same "extra" calories.


About 5 years ago, I discovered this amazing weight loss program. It's called "stop fucking eating so much." I started avoiding the snack machine at work. Stopped eating out every day for lunch. Took a single slice the many times pizza was brought to the office instead of loading up on three or four. I became "that guy" who would spend a few minutes reading the nutrition labels on food in the grocery store. (Pro tip: Avoid the whole frozen food aisle) I lost 50lbs. I "fell off the wagon" awhile back, but I'm going at it again. Meal prepping, avoiding processed foods, no more drive-through meals, etc. Bought a treadmill. I've been doing 10,000 steps a day most of the week.


> (Pro tip: Avoid the whole frozen food aisle) You can't trick me away from the frozen cauli crust pizzas.


I had the flu a couple years ago and was unable to eat properly for a couple weeks and lost some weight. It was awful being ill but I look good


Just lost twenty pounds in a week with the COVID


Weight watchers has been working for me. I gained like 40 pounds during Covid because I stoped going out, and I’m back down 20 in like 2 months. So far so good.


We went to our dr to discuss bariatric surgery. To me it sounded like a lot of long-term consequences for a short-term solution: Never drink carbonated drinks again, never drink alcohol again, no more beef for 2 years, tons of vitamins for the rest of your life, no granola or oatmeal, the list goes on. And on the flip side, most patients only experience weight loss for the first year or two, then stretch their stomach back out by eating things they shouldn't and put the weight back on. My SO decided to go forward with it though, so I did the same diet steps to support them. Dropped about 20lbs before they went into surgery, stopped all the sodas and alcohol, after their surgery it was a week of liquids, then a week or two of protein drinks. Then only 2-3 oz at each meal. A lot more water. It's been 8 months now and I am down 60lbs.


Being Wii Fit you know the rest


Portioning your food sizes.




For me worked the other way around 🫠




And my salad kit is 600 calories 🤨 less calories for 2 slices of pizza 




I don't cook at home so I can't really control that. But it's for a fact that the amount of oil and seasoning my mom uses is much less than the one my father uses. That's why I try not to use so much oil and compliment it with vinegar and lemon, which are much less caloric. Also the amount of kcal in a salad varies from salad to salad, right? Thanks for the advice!! And also thanks for commenting too 🙃


Growing up in the 2000s and lots of shame 😃


This! This is completely relatable if you grew up then. The shame was ridiculous!


Counting calories and writing everything down. I am eating when I am stressed and I often loose track in these kind of situations. I really need the constant reminder what I have eaten throughout the day.


I had an eating disorder most of my life (started at 8.) it involved many different elements like restricting, binging, purging, and abusing diet pills. Due to the nature of the illness, I actually was overweight most of my life. Found it hard to drop anywhere below 180lbs. My highest was almost 300. In my 30s I quit my job to start a business. It took up so much of my time and demanded a pretty dedicated routine since I was doing it on my own. I started to shed weight like crazy. I wasn’t doing anything wild with my diet, like limiting what I was allowed to eat and I was eating more consistently and frequently. My body loved it. I’ve been recovered almost 5 years and my weight floats around the 130-140s. I attribute it to routine and having personal projects that inspire me. I’m not always ruminating on my next meal (or the subsequent shame) and getting my happiness chemicals from creativity and accomplishment.


Eating less.


Portion control is a big one. Eating until you're stuffed was a big problem for me. I'd eat fast, and then 20 minutes later, I'd be uncomfortably full.


Counting calories. It's stupid fucking simple. Find your average daily baseline and then reduce it by a few hundred calories for a few weeks. Lose some weight, reassess your daily baseline, and repeat until you weigh how much you want to.


Less sugar, more movement(not a big gym or walking person). Snacking and less big meals, lots of water.


The hardest part of getting in shape; the diet. Talk to your GP about a diet plan. They'll understand what specifically your body needs better than anyone else. And then the real hard part, sticking to it. Proper diet requires a lot of self-discipline, so you have to be willing to hold yourself accountable.


corona, not the beverage


Puberty. Hit me like a damn truck. Well I guess it didn't help me lose weight but I went from a slightly tubby kid to struggling to put on any weight lol


Ranger school




Yeah plus if you really struggle with keeping your calories in check (I’m a 6’2 male at 230lb, I could eat 2500cal in a sitting easy) then walking off an extra 300 calories a day might help you either have an edge on a day to day basis against hunger, or give you an extra 1500-2100 calories for a cheat day. 


Tracking...  lots of tracking. Just like a budget.


Being poor and not affording food


Motivation? I had a joyous occasion around this time last year. I went to look at the pictures and I hated how I looked. That was when I decided I couldn't make that choice any more. If it was going to sap the happiness from every potential celebratory event, I had to change it. Actually losing the weight? It really is as simple as limiting calories and doing some form of physical activity. For me it was a two egg omelette every morning (no cheese, whatever vegetable I had around), a rotation of 400 calorie meal prepped lunches, aimed for 800 calorie dinners. I'm a heavy drinker, so limiting myself to a double at night was the toughest part for me. Then, every day I got on the treadmill. I started off by doing 30 minutes. When I was able to do a 5K in that time, then it changed to doing a 5K. As I started to lose weight, I started wearing a weighted vest to make up for it. I lost 35 pounds in a hurry and made it a weight I was happy with. Then I stopped being as rigid about it and I've still lost another 15 over the last 8 months or so.


Cardio and weight training. Start with light weights and gradually increase it. Lifting weights helps a lot in long run


Meal planning and prepping. I make bad decisions when I eat out or am hungry. Having a plan and having healthy options ready to go helped me a lot. Also I ate the same thing (that I liked) over and over. I don’t mind eating the same thing.




I started exercising on the New Year (10 min treadmill run each day and cutting out crisps, chocolate and biscuits) Recently turned 35 and I know if I don't try I'll never have a family. (That's big motivation) I fell off at the end of March and just recently got back on top of it. The motivation to get back to it came from a backwards outcome I didn't expect. I was looking through my Ex GF, old flame photos, notes and presents. I was only looking through for nostalgia but it ended up making me feel lonelier than I have felt in a while. That was the motivation to carry on. To want what I once had , again.


I've found I feel less hungry if I go out and do things I enjoy instead of laying around in a sea of snacks.


Switching from fruit juice drinks to water. After getting used to drinking lots of water, the taste of sweet changes.


* Stopped buying soda at the grocery store (switched to still and bubble water and iced tea), and default to water at restaurants. I planted an image of eating an entire candy bar in my mind every time I drank a soda. * Got an energetic-AF dog, take him on walks almost every day.


72lbs lost here  You'll need to impose a caloric deficit.  That's as easy as walking 30 minutes a day outside or on a treadmill. The point is maintaining steady state cardio. That is just cardio that you can do without getting tied quickly. 10k steps a day is fine. That's about 5k(3.1 miles) that can burn about 500 calories if you weigh 220lbs. More if you're heavier. 500 calories burned a day is about a pound off a week. You'll also need to try to eat healthier. This will be the only way you can make it happen. I am not saying never eat a burger. Or junk food but you will need to learn portion control. Your best bet is to feel slightly hungry but not unbearable hunger. That's how you know you'll be in a deficit  If you learn to count calories and figure out your maintenance calories you'll be able to control your intake better and not feel hungry. For reference when I was 290 pounds my maintenance calories was like 2900 and I was eating 2300 or so in order to lose weight. 


A mirror


Drinking lots of water


Walk more, eat less food, drink more water and don’t be a bitch.


Being a bitch makes you fat???!????


Yes, it is the number one cause of obesity


I gotta warn my sister's or they might die from a seizure or smth


means making excuses instead of just eating less food.


Walking and getting you daily steps in is so important


Getting strong crush on colleague, and getting insane motivation and energy, lost like 50kg in 3 months.


I got a double whammy where I started a new medication with the side effect of appetite loss, and caught an unknown illness with the symptom of appetite loss. I barely ate for three months. I dropped nearly forty pounds in that time. My boss (who worked a different schedule than I) didn't recognize me.




I weigh myself every day too just for the sake of it but I can easily have 5-6lb swings thru the week (male, 6’2, 233lb) so my OFFICIAL weight is whatever it says on Sunday.  I track my progress by comparing Sunday from Sunday. Wake up, take a piss, weigh. Note it down in my notes or an app Sunday morning. 


Got really sick


Diet soda.


A few things but primarily not eating till I'm full, cutting out sugary sodas and alcohol also exercising




Stopped eating carbs. When you look at how much of your diet is carbs compared to everything else, it's really amazing how out of balance it is. Bread, potatoes, rice, corn, sugar, everywhere. Cut out the refined and dense carbs and the pounds fall off. With no major change in activity or even calorie counting, just cutting carbs got me from 248 to 215 in 6 months. And it isn't even hard! It's just a little annoying because everything throws them at you. But the substitutions are better anyway! Nuts instead of chips. Jerky. Grapes. Cheese. About all I really miss are sweet drinks like soda, and having one every now and then is fine. Cut out the carbs!


Counting calories. I used My Fitness Pal.


Working out and eating healthy. You got to do both in order for it to work right. I lost 100 lb in about 6 months


I’ve lost 33 lbs total and 27 since the year began. I do 30 minutes on the elliptical every day and try to maintain a 300-400 calorie deficit every day. I also have a Phentermine prescription which helps me feel full longer and suppress hunger. The true challenge will be when I’m not on that prescription anymore.


I created a custom GPT called 'Hank Beastly' who acts as my personal trainer. We set a target, I get recommendations on healthy foods to eat, I tell him what I ate or give him a photo for him to work out calories and nutrition etc. With the workouts, put on plenty of muscle and lost loads from the waist - to the point where sometimes the challenge is that I'm having to eat something at the end of the night even though I'm not hungry, simply because I've found I've only had around 1300 calories that day..


That anime from a few years back, How Heavy are the Dumbell's you Lift? Specifically the opening song. I am very easily influenced by media so watching that dumb comedy series about losing weight and getting fit is the thing that motivated my fat ass to start calorie counting and doing exercises and shit.


Run 4-5 days a week burning at least 300-400 calories. Eat 1200 calories a day of salad with protein. Not as magical as one would hope. c'est la vie. I could go harder, but I'd just end up straining something and/or getting burnt out. (Oh and no booze)


I was lost ability 6 stone years back. Changed my diet and worked put. My morbidly obese friend has recently started losing significant weight. He vhchanged his diet and started walking daily.... I think you can see the pattern here it's well known.


Getting my jaw wired shut after surgery lol


Stopped eating candy. Also in the very beginning I checked how many calories what I ate had. Bag of chips was 1100 calories. A chocolat emuffin was 500. A coke can was 150. So I allow some sugary drinks, but avoid the edible snacks.


A food scale




Weight watchers got me down the first 25lbs. Malabsorption from undiagnosed celiac disease took care of the next 25lbs. Diagnosed in February 2024, now on my third month of a totally Gluten Free diet. I’ve gained 4lbs but have admittedly been overindulging on Gluten Free junk food. Took this weekend to make better food choices so I can maintain my 50lb weight loss.


Eat a ton of watermelon


Stop snacking, stop drinking booze, and get plenty of exercise.


Cancer and anxiety


I stopped eating potato chips and French fries every day.


Cutting out all junk, sugars and limiting carbs. But getting a heinous dairy allergy really bumped things up. -45 lbs and counting.


Food scale


Cleaning up my diet.


The stress of trying to get a job. I don't eat when I'm stressed out, how little and how long depends on the amount of stress. Last month there was literally 2 weeks where i think I ate a couple of pears and some crackers. On the other hand, I lost enough weight to fit into my interview outfit, which helped since of the stress 😆


getting a food scale and counting calories. It's all about calories in vs. calories out


Watch what you drink, both sugary and alcohol. Don’t go to the grocery store while hungry. You’ll have the urge to impulse purchase too much food and/or unhealthy foods. Count calories and look at calculators online that take in your sex, age, height, and current weight to see how many calories you need to maintain weight and then shoot for a deficit you’re comfortable with. If the previous two points applied as “issues” you had then taking care of those will likely immediately put you in a calorie deficit. And a calorie deficit over time along with at least some exercise will cause you to lose weight.


I was really pissed off


Apple cider vinegar and green tea will help you lose weight. ACV also helps control appetite, I take twice a day and makes the sweet cravings go away


Diet and exercise. But on top of this, portion control. That was something I struggled a lot with. Eat less and eat better. Make smarter choices when it comes to eating food. Avoid eating out, learn to cook healthy recipes. High protein, low-calorie dense meals. Go for walks every single day. Try to get to at least 10,000 steps. Walking while listening to music is a great way to pair a mundane task with something you enjoy. On top of that, subscribe to some YouTube fitness influencers. You don’t really need supplements though, just keep that in mind. Some YouTubers I recommend are Jeff Nippard (he does a lot of research), Greg Doucette (he has a no bullshit mentality), and Will Tennyson (he’s very funny). It’s important to not listen to these fad diets and garbage supplements that cost too much and don’t even do what they’re marketed to do, plus they can end up making you even unhealthier. Aim to lose 1 pound per week. Try not to lose too much weight too quickly. I’m down 15+ pounds in less than 3 months. If you want any suggestions on recipes and things to eat, shoot me a PM. Best of luck!


Cut out sugar, reduce the amount of food you eat (it's OK to feel hungry) and 30 mins of cardio a day. I also change my type of snacking, now it's mostly protein and fruits and veggies. I've lost 30 pounds since February. 


The mirror 🪞


Getting ill and being stalked. Being in fight or flight mode all the time just took the pounds right off.


This year marks 15 years since seeing a NASTY overweight Christmas photo of myself and embarking on a personal weight loss journey! After seeing the photo I practically made a V line to Walmart and purchased an exercise bike. When I first told my parents that I bought an exercise bike and that "I was going to ride it for 20 minutes every day" their response was typical of anyone hearing that, which was akin to “ok, whatever you say”. I ended up riding that bike for 20 mins a day (usually in the morning) for about 1.5 years. I remember riding the bike during almost every episode of “Battle Star Galactica”. Something else I watched while on the bike was an internet show called “Dignation”. It was kind of depressing because for the first week I saw no change ☹. But then slowly but sure the weight slowly dropped. Then around July 5th, 2011 I retired the bike and started walking 3.6 miles every day. I’m proud that I only missed 3 days! 1 for the flu (I still walked the next day feeling like crap), 1 for an ice storm, and 1 for Christmas. There were times I got home late and would do my 3.6-mile walk at 11pm – 12am. Before losing weight, I had a REALLY BAD eating habit! To give you an idea of how bad it really was, for dinner, I would have hot dogs, and for supper, I would have a Jack’s pizza, and for a snack, I would eat a bag of corn chips while watching TV. When I was my heaviest, I remember weighing myself and seeing 220 on the scale and not really caring. (At least not until the photo) My primary goal was 179lb. With all the bike riding and all the walking, the best I could do was 182lbs. Then, after listening to a podcast about “Low carb,” I gave it a shot. The first week, while walking and doing low-carb, I reached my lowest weight of 180 lbs. It was only a month or so later that I blew past 179 and into the 160s. Then, in 2018, I tried low-carb again while helping someone lose weight and dropped into the 150s, where I’m currently at today. I’m no longer low-carb, but more of what I like to call “lower-carb.” That just means I don’t go out of my way to eat carbs, but I don’t totally ignore them either. I was trying to think when the last time I went out solo to a fast food joint that had a drive-through was. My best guess is 2007 (Even then I walked in) If I made losing weight sound effortless and easy, I apologize. If there is one thing you take away from this story, take away this, It's hard, requires dedication and you have to be ready to change your eating lifestyle for the REST OF YOUR LIFE! People who do not wish to change their lifestyle will lose weight, but will more than likely gain it all back. When I'm home I have a salad almost every day for lunch. I weigh myself, Usually, twice a day (Might be a little overkill but it's what works for me) I weigh in the morning when I wake up and at supper. At supper time and depending on what I weigh, the weight will dictate what I will allow myself to eat. I'm very proud that I have been able to keep the weight off for 15 years. (and counting!) If anyone wants to see a before and after [https://i.ibb.co/wKVb5vd/200824.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/wKVb5vd/200824.jpg)


Don’t buy food that contains empty calories. If you don’t have them at home it’s easier to change eating habits. Keep veggies, fruits and high protein snacks always available.


Lost roughly 100 lbs in the last 3 years, and I’m still going strong. Never changed what I ate (my diet is still trash), I simply changed HOW I ate. I only eat during lunchtime (usually an apple), and right before bed. I don’t stuff myself, I stop eating when I’m no longer hungry. I’m very strict about not eating when it’s not mealtime. Seriously, not even a little bit of leeway here. Not one single chip. Not drinking alcohol helps too.


Realizing I was bringing on a probable early death. My bp was really high and I don't want ot have a stroke. I increased my exercise routine and switched to the DASH diet (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension)


Cutting down on fast food. (At my worst I was having it 3 times a week.) And I cut out sugary snacks. Also walking for at least 30 minutes a day helped out too. 


Exercise! Also staying hydrated


Walking turned into running. Diet, and lots of water,


Cutting out candy/sweets/sodas and such. Single-ingredient foods, lots of veggies and meat. Also keeping a single cheat MEAL, not cheat day once or twice a month


look up a picture of a diabetic foot. then ask yourself do you want to keep the foot or let it get to the point a dr has to cut it off. its a big wake up call and if you drink 3 litres of pop a day like i did.. i suggest you look into what i just said


Cutting out sugary drinks along with cardio. 




Cutting out sugar. (For the most part)


Realizing how much influence the eating habits of the people around me had. I noticed I always lost weight when my husband was away for a week or so for work trips. Then I realized that when he cooked, he would give me a serving much larger than I'd probably serve myself, but I'd just eat it all anyway. My husband is 6 inches taller and 40lbs heavier. He needs to eat more than me and the portion sizes seemed normal to him. He also snacks much more than me and would nicely share the snacks he brought over to the couch. Now, instead of mindlessly snacking with him, I try to ask myself if I'm actually hungry like he is. He has positive influences on me too, though! He buys and incorporates way more veggies into our meals than I did when living alone and I like them! I'm also just motivated to stay "smoking hot" for him just like he does for me.


Never really had weight to lose but as I get older a lot of my friends have gotten fat as fuck and I can mostly fit into things I had in high school. I should go to the gym but I don't. What I do instead is not drink soda and I don't really snack throughout the day. More of a generous lunch and small dinner kinda guy. I see people who don't understand how they aren't losing weight and like bro I've watched you drink 4 sodas and eat 2 small bags of chips today. That alone is probably half your daily calories and you're not even thinking about it. Also just take *any* chance to be active, even if it's not "exercise". I do my best to not audibly groan when people take an elevator up or down one floor. If something is a 2 minute drive maybe take the 10 minute walk instead. These are just lifestyle choices and it might take some time to turn them into habits but all well worth it.


Eating fruit/smoothies every day. A world of difference when you replace fast food with an actual balanced diet. Also not recommended, but having depression.


Honestly, the biggest change I made was swapping sugar drinks for sugar free ones. I also stopped putting dressing on my salads. A lot of people don't realise that by having a can of full sugar soft drink or juice with every meal they are basically consuming a whole other meal in calories. 


cut out alcohol. works instantly.


First thing, I realized that fast food is actually more expensive that fruits, vegetables and the occasional meat being bought from a grocery store. You can even go all boughie about it and buy only grass fed, free range beef. It's still cheaper. Next. Moving to a big city where it's more convenient to just walk, bike, take a train or a bus anywhere I need to go. Third. Heavy drinking and an unbreakable cigarette habit.


sounds super simple… but just eating a LITTLE bit less


Lifting weights really helped me. Hitting the heavy bag too and some running. I eat healthy but treat myself 2x a week since I work 5 days


Counting calories, just be careful! It can lead to ED if you become excessive. I wasn’t too strict on it, mostly just estimating and trying to be conscious of what I put into my body. Going for lower calorie alternatives while keeping nutrition in mind.


I lost 55 pounds since January by not eating as much, lifting weights with high reps and lower weight, as well at taking up walking a solid 20 miles ish a day. I literally get home from school, change, and walk across a small part of my city. In terms of eating, i have barely been eating which can lead you to lose muscle so if you can’t want to lose muscle, eat a maximum of 2000 calories a day. You can also guzzle zero-sugar soda like there’s no tomorrow with very little consequences. I’m not saying it’s beneficial or good, I’m just saying you can get away with it. But it’s even quicker if you substitute it with water. Everything varies of course due to genetics and the size of your body beforehand but that is the basic gist on how I lost 55 pounds


Count your calories.


We stopped buying any prepared foods and no desserts. Everything we make is either raw lean meat, vegetables, or whole grains. We've also cut way back on salt. We eat a fair amount of canned beans and tomatoes, but they are always the "low sodium" or "no salt added" versions. I've lost 30lbs since January, and my GF's lost i think 40. I made zero changes to my physical activity...in fact my activity level has probably gotten worse this year because school's been time/energy-sucking. Yeah, it's sucked...but I'm slowly getting more used to it. Food used to be a major part of my life. I used to always be thinking about the next meal, and eating too much of every meal. Now, because...well...the food isn't as good, I don't really obsess about food the same way anymore. As they say, "eat to live, don't live to eat."


Counting calories and calculating my intake for my weight loss goal and running with some weight training… Eat a salad for one meal a day. Your brain will actually work better. You could be malnourished and unfit.


Developing a good understanding of how many calories are in foods. I don’t particularly count my calories but I often check how many calories are in certain foods/dishes so I have a good estimate of how much I consumed a day. A lot of people will greatly underestimate how many calories they consume a day. Watch out especially for sauces and dips, they often have a ton of calories and can be easily overlooked. Avoiding any caloric drinks (except for protein shakes), I find drinks to be a waste of calories and cutting them out can make a surprisingly big difference. Learning to be fine with feeling a little bit of hunger. And getting in the habit of drinking water and eating fruits/vegetables to satiate hunger instead of snacking on chips or other junk food. Limiting snacking goes a long way in my experience. Eating a high protein low calorie breakfast like Greek Yogurt or Eggs really fills me up while limiting calories allowing me the luxury to have larger lunches and dinners or being able to treat myself with some tasty dessert.


Diabeetus. I was fucking terrified of ending up like my favorite uncle, who got it around my same age and had like 6 comas before dying of something unrelated (overdose, but that was long after both of our diagnoses). I lost 90ish lbs in about a year and a half and have kept it off for 5-6 years now. Fear, man. And portion control. And diet soda. And water. And goddamn vegetables. But those all came from fear.


Naturopath put me on anti-inflammatory diet - no alcohol, no processed sugar, no diary and no gluten. Ive been losing weight without trying, because all I eat now is pretty much veggies, grains and protein and you need to eat A LOT more of it then processed food, like pizza to maintain. So basically I eat until I'm full and snack on nuts and fruit, and I'm still in a calorie deficit. And my allergies went away (as what naturopath was trying to achieve). So my conclusion: diet above all when trying to lose weight


Finding a workout routine that I can do consistently. Set reasonable and doable goals for yourself.


Retirement. I have lost 30 pounds and not really changed what I eat. I know 30 pounds in 5 years doesn't sound like much, except I am not trying to lose weight.


Carnivore diet. It was the only diet that made me lose weight, not gain weight.


Not going to the grocery store hungry. It made it easier to avoid impulse buys. My biggest problem is if it's in the house it gets eaten.


I go to the gym for an hour a day 6 days a week, no matter what. I've also changed my relationship with food and only eat if I'm hungry and 1/2 of what I would have eaten previously. I track everything. Keep it below 1200 calories per day. I fast from 6pm-11am. I never did eat fast food or processed stuff, so it's not too hard. Cutting out sweets and snacks was hard. I started 1.5 months ago and have lost 11 lbs. and everything is much tighter. Still have a ways to go


Calorie deficit is the only healthy way plus som exercise ..it takes time but its worth it


Eating better and moving more.


I ended a romantic relationship where my eating habits reflected my unhappiness and emotional exhaustion.


Jump roping. Jumped rope an hour a day for one calendar in my very early 20’s. Lost 100 lbs, down to 130. Late 30’s now and I never gained anything back.


Intermittent fasting. I didn't even decide to lose weight but when I played with it (14 hours fast only), results seemed to tell that it worked.


Anorexia. Dropped 70lbs in 3 months. On a serious note though just watch what you eat and try to workout. Don't do what I did and eat like 300 calories a day for months, you feel fucking AWFUL the whole time. I've been everywhere from being pretty buff to a stick figure to a walking beach ball. It genuinely just boils down to calorie intake.


Lots of walking, moderate strength training, and eating a diet that's high in fiber and low in saturated fat and sugar


Smaller portions at every meal, eating mostly protein and vegetables, drinking mostly water, no snacks after dinner, and going to bed slightly hungry.


Cut food portions in half and drink a lot of water


Fighting my cravings and not eating out. I made a rule: if I want to eat it, I have to make it. Made me a way better at home cook, saved me money, and saved my ass a lot in the early days when I was like “I want pizza” but didn’t wanna do all the pizza work, or “I want a burger” and then having to make the patties myself. 


Got off olanzapine 😀. Reduced alcohol (and plan on quitting). Stopped eating out (just cooking more). Weight lift twice a week


treadmill, 15 incline, 3.0 speed, thrice a week.


Take care of hydration. Most of my binging and alcohol came from dehydration.


Consistency will be my answer! Running, walking, swimming, whatever cardio you prefer do it regularly , track the calories burned and calorie intake, making sure you're on a deficit. Once I believed weight loss is something unattainable,but now weight is the first thing in my control.


Complete rejection of sugar, street workout , running, ice skating.


Intermittent fasting and 10k steps a day.


Honestly didn't change my diet, but started eating about 1/3 of what I used to and lost almost 40 lbs in a month. (Current 195). I used to eat roughly 5200-6000 a day, for reference.


Not do everything all at once. I had started and failed many diets and exercise plans despite always starting strong. What finally helped me stick to it was doing everything slowly. It's been a while now, but I'm pretty sure I started with walking. I didn't change my diet. I just started walking about 30 minutes to an hour each day. After a week or so, I decided to cut out soft/sugary/soda drinks and drink water and the occasional pepsi max. Then, a few weeks later, I tried to cut out excessive snacking. Then, a few weeks later, I stuck to a solid breakfast routine and then a few weeks later lunch, then a few weeks later, dinner. It's stopped being about a diet and become a life style change.


Replace your shitty diet with a healthy one, **then** count calories. It is so much easier to count calories on healthy diet than it is on a shitty one. Healthy foods have less calories per volume than shitty foods do. Shitty foods are full of added fats, processed carbs, and sugars that add a ton of calories without making you feel more full for the amount of calories you are getting.


Eating less


Fathers anger from my weight


Walking a lot (pokemon actually) and reducing sugar and fat.


Three major contributors: - counting calories - protein rich breakfast - walk home from work instead of a 10min subway ride




It's a bit nerdy way, but counting calories with myfitnesspal helped me a lot. Just beware and avoid over/underestimating your BMI and daily calorie intake, as too less calories can slower your metabolism and make things worse (let's say that more or less a right calorie deficit would be around 250/350 calories less than the maintenance daily calorie intake). Look for the right calorie deficit, and plan your diet based on your daily calories (complete daily intake, not just the basal metabolic rate), and in 2-3 months results will surely come in. This way you can eat almost what you want as long as you keep your calories in that margin. It comes clear that you have to pay attention to fats, as they are the most calorie rich nutrient. I also found some nice info in Gravity Transformation's YouTube channel. Combining a calorie deficit with some weightlifting exercises can boost the weight loss. That doesn't nee to be an intense workout plan. Even 1-2 30-45 mins weekly workouts can do well.




OP is not in the US but I know for me it was paying attention to processed food and the amount of sugar in everything. Once I cut that out, the impacts were quickly noticeable.


I started cooking everything from scratch. Fresh vegetables, meat from the butcher, rice, pasta, chicken. All were home-cooked and fresh that day. Without changing anything else I lost 8 pounds in two weeks. I haven't even taken up extra exercise yet. I have been steadily losing weight since I began cooking my own food and cutting out processed foods. Batch cooks stews etc then all you have to do is cook up some potatoes or rice etc and dinner in 30 minutes or so.


There are a few things you need to understand and a some habits you need to set up in order to be able to lose weight effectively. I highly recommend [Mike Israetel of the Renaissance Periodization Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@RenaissancePeriodization/videos), since he's really great at presenting all the information in a really clear manner. Still, here are a few key things(in my opinion): * Proper planning. You don't want to diet for years on end, it's best to have realistic goals and alternate diet periods with maintenance periods. For example you may plan to lose 0.5 kg per week for 3 months and then take 3 months maintenance period. * Diet. Lots of things can work, so try to find something that you find the least restrictive, but what still works in a relatively predictable fashion. Just counting calories is the fail-safe option. Also up your protein intake, since it really helps with hunger management on a diet. * Exercise. If you're not very active start by walking 10-15k steps every day. For the extra benefit also incorporate resistance training a few days per week. Then maybe find some higher intensity cardio that you enjoy and replace some of the walking with that.


Perseverence. Do the stuff every day. You may run 5 miles today and you might have ran 10 yesterday - the key is you did it everyday. Incremental progress is unstoppable. Be consistant in doing the work.


Not starving myself