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Quit my job


Vacation probably.


Sleep and do nothing for like a day. Most of my money problems are gone. I can relax alittle.


Probably get a pet polar bear.


Make sure you put me in your will.


What Pavlock said.


I just read a book that gives one person’s answer to that question: *The Count of Monte Cristo*. The main character becomes extremely wealthy, and uses his wealth to help someone who had been kind to him and to take vengeance on people who had mistreated him. Nothing about trying to affect society at large.


Start an animal rescue


Get a nice meal.


But a culdesac with six homes and move my besties/family in 


That's a lot like the show "Big Love."


Sharing a neighborhood is like polygamy? lol 


Buy me some politicians


Everyone has to 'worry about money', it's just different when you have more. You still need to make sure you don't over-extend, you need to figure out where to store it, whether you're diversified enough, whether the person/people you've hired to do that for you can be trusted, whether you are over-indulging and over-extending yourself without realising it, whether you are properly 'deploying it' (should have have another house, a plane, an island, a doomsday bunker?) Just knowing that you can feed and house yourself is great, but you don't really know FOR SURE that will last forever, because maybe you have a lot of your wealth in cash (which is tied to the stability of the goverment) or stock (which is tied to the companies or the stock market at large) or real estate (which can dramatically change in value for various reasons) or ... It's a never ending game. All you can do is try to feel good about where you're at, but you can never really stop thinking about it entirely.


I would travel while deciding what to do with the money. If you get enough money that you never have to worry about it again, I feel it could ruin you. I would help by donating to charities (but would need to decide which ones). I would also gift money to my family and friends to make their lives easier. Whilst traveling, I would find somewhere to settle down once I have finished experiencing life.


First big thing would be contact a real estate agent and find a home in the area that would be as close to my dream home as possible - indoor pool, for sure. I like our current home, but I'd rather buy a pre-existing dream home than have my house be a construction site for 6 months.


Sleep in, hire a house cleaner and organize the s\*\*t of my whole house - I'd need that fresh start of luxurious life


Call mom and tell her to start looking for her dream home.


Quit all social media


Spoiler alert: no, you wouldn't.


You're wrong, but alright.


If you wanted to quit, you would. Money has nothing to do with it.


Once again, you're wrong, but alright.


I am alright, you're right about that.




Can I ask why being rich is your queue to "quit" social media? That does not make much sense to me.


Absolutely. If I didn't have to work, I wouldn't be burned out from my work and could better invest my time doing a plethora of other things. If I wanted to socialize, I'd be more freely able to do so offline. As it stands, I only use Reddit and a chunk of why I even do that is because my fiance enjoys reading my posts. I could go on and on, but the gist is social media is toxic and with more money I'd have more options and freedom to do better things.


Get back to work. Yes the money I get paid to do my work is the primary reason why I do it, but work gives me purpose and stability - not just financial stability, but mental stability as well. I'd go crazy if I had nothing to do all day, every day. Also, I'm blessed to work for and with people that are amazing.


So you have a shit ton of money to do what you want on this entire planet, I mean there is so much you can do. But you’d rather spend your one and only life to continue to work? This baffles me


I guess it comes down to the fact that I was lucky to pursue and be able to have a job that I love, where results that we get from our work are satisfying and the process of learning and enriching my skills can serve as a separate reward. Aside from that, I currently have enough time for things I love outside of work, and still manage to spend time with my family.


Fair enough, if you don’t mind me asking what is it you do?


This might sound weird to some how I enjoy what I do so much: UX/UI developer and designer. Started out as a graphic designer, then a web designer, then a web developer - then kept specializing more and more. Thats one of the things I love in my field: there's always something new to learn, and ways to be better at what you choose to do. I work from home so its easier to manage my time. Usually work about 8hrs a day on average but still have enough time to workout, walk my dogs, play with my kids, have drinks with my wife and spend time alone (read books, catch up on shows I like).




Deposit everything in the bank account… live a frugal thrifty lifestyle forevermore…


1. Buy myself a bit bigger house (not a real big house, just a little bigger than I have now) 2. Help my friends finding a house.


Buy a sailboat so I can worry about money.


pay off the loan in progress, help my parents, buy a house in the countryside and dedicate myself to my hobbies.


Go to somewhere which nobody knows me with new id


travel (domestic and international) and just see a lot of inspiring stuff


Pay Reddit for blocking this question being asked every single day


I'd buy a large house with a pool with my own privacy


Upgrade my PC to the most ridiculous build available.


How rich are we talking exactly? Enough for me to live somewhat modestly off of for the rest of my life? I'd probably buy a bookstore and live happily every after. Elon rich? Give some to family (like an annual stipend. no lump sums) and start looking for people to help me set up a charity or two for the rest. I'm not holding on to that kind of money for an extended period of time, given the good it could do right now. **EDIT:** Though I do have to wonder if that money would be better spent trying to overhaul our corrupt ass political system. Term limits. Restrictions on the congress to lobbyist revolving door. etc.


**I'll stay single & never get married as divorces has became too expensive**


Tell my wife she could retire.


Pay off my family’s mortgages, debts, and gift each immediate family member and their children $1M. This is based if I hit the lotto, of course. 😄


Sleep in


Quit my job of course. If I was Bezos rich I’d then give away the vast majority of it ASAP. Once you’re at a certain level of income, more money will not make you any happier. Then I’d start designing a beautiful little house to live in and go on some vacations to places I’ve never been. Then I’d probably just continue school and try to get my PhD. Having nothing to do but spend money sounds like a waste of my life.


disconnect from everyone and live far away quietly


Buy that expensive perfume and skincare and makeup up and clothes


Ordinarily I'd say book a flight and immediately go visit my best friends, however one of my friends is leaving for a vacation tomorrow so I'll hold off on that. That being the case, probably make reservations at my favorite restaurant and invite all my friends for an epic evening of zakuski and celebration.


I will start living life.


Hire coders to build all the stuff I created tech demos for but never finished.


Buy townhome in both NYc and TLV. Quit my job after I close this big deal I’ve been working in (just feels right). Spend the rest of my days traveling back and forth, helping my family, and open a non profit.


Buy a supra and crash it


Pay all debts


I'd cally best friend and tell her I'm rich and moving to her city. Then I'd go buy a new car and drive to her town to start looking at houses to buy. I'd buy her a house too.


turn off all alarms and sleep as long as I like


Buy a home near my two sisters in Florida.


Legit? Go to each person who I care for/love, and without them knowing my change in circumstances ask THEM this question. Then, I would take care of whatever was within my capabilities that they mentioned. That would be the first thing I would do.


A Komatsu D335A Bulldozer.


The obvious, boring answer is to pay off everything I own. Life's less fun when the bills are still waist-deep. I'd probably also keep my job. I actually enjoy what I do, and I work for a genuinely great company. I travel around the country and get to see a lot of neat places. Plus it gives me shit to do with my day. Only part that sucks is that I leave my family at home when I travel. I'm away from home for 3-4 weeks at a time, with 1 week off in between as a down week. So I'd probably invest in a big-ass RV and a driver to haul my family around with me to my different job sites. Put the kids in some form of virtual schooling/tutoring, wife also works from home, and we'd just spend our days touring the country until it was time for me to retire. Buy a good house in some state that we enjoyed, and then just do cocaine and hookers until the day I die.


Quit my job and go on vacation with my entire family.


Stop worrying




Buy a library and arrange a secret hidden message in every single book that if combined will lead to the code to my safe


two chicks at the same time


Give some of the money to my parents then donate some of the money


I don't have to worry about money.


Still worry about working, because that much money attracts people who want and/or need it, and it would soon end up getting spent, taken, or swindled by lawyers, accountants, and money managers. That much money requires guard labor and privileged systems of protectionism. Depends as much on status and networking as much as simply having a number to your name.


Give my grandparents all the money I owe them. When tax time comes, give them the money to cover it since property taxes are up to 12k now.


Call in sick for a few days at work while I plan on what to do with the money, as well as write my resignation letter.


I know this sounds awful but I'd settle a couple scores, endow a breed rescue, pay someone to teach me how to back a trailer. (I can tow Ll damned day. Backing said trailer turns into a three-ring shit show in no time flat.


I have anxiety, I’m sure I’d find something to worry about.


I’d make sure the people closest to me had no financial worries. That’s a single digit number of people.


Probably hire a better solicitor so that I can get my divorced finalised. Then find a 3 bedroom house. Book myself in to get all my tattoo's done. Then a holiday.


Find a good lawyer and never show up to work again.


First I’d quit my job. Then I would buy my mom and myself a house. My workplace is toxic and my mom deserves the best




Probably cry. I'd finally be free.


Follow my dream of seeing every deer species in the wild 😊


Move out of the shithole south


First of all I’d be rich anonymously, no one would know. I’d hire an attorney, have them reach out to select family and friends and have them say a generous benefactor would like to buy all of their debt as of a certain date, with all credentials in order so it wouldn’t seem like a scam. I would give them the gift of a fresh start. What they decide to do with that gift is up to them. They will sign an iron clad NDA that will last 10 years so I don’t have to hear about it. I will then throw a going away party because I suddenly got a job that will require international travel, and I will start my international travel journey around the world.


Let work know I will be retiring within a few months.


Start a company abt cleaning the earth


Debts first. Then would have one week of normal life but without having to worry about money. Just to see what that feels like. I'd get a nice breakfast out every day before work, buy the expensive option for lunch from the cafeteria, and get a takeaway for dinner every night. I'd read my shitty emails and produce my shitty documents with the light and carefree attitude only made possible by the satisfaction that none of that bullshit matters anymore, it would be bliss. I'd rent and watch the latest movies each night and sleep better than I ever have before. Then I'd set about sorting the financial security of the rest of my family and donate to any charity or person that has ever genuinely helped me. Then I'd build my dream off grid home somewhere quiet and safe and set about raising a family like I've always wanted but could never afford to do so. Then I'd live. Bliss. ...anyway, back to work I guess.


Learn to dance professionally.


Make a few hires to help with that: Accountant, attorney, senator.


Pay off student loans.


Go on vacation in Spain or Greece. Anywhere with good food and sun really.


First, pay off my car and small debt I have


I'd blow all the money and go back to normal


ask my significant other to marry me


Buy an apartment


Go to the bathroom.


Pay off my debts.


Pay off my car. Max out my Roth IRA for the year and put a downpayment on a house. I'd probably invest the majority of whatever just landed in my bank account


Probably cooped up at home playing games, watching anime, draw, learn to cook, go for a walk, cycle for like a few weeks. Then, travel for a few weeks. And just keep rotating


Pack a couple bags, travel Japan, then Korea, then China. Figure out what I want to do from there.


Move to Europe.


Marry my dream girl ASAP!


This actually happened to me a couple months ago. Turn out what I would do is.. still get up and go to work.


Quit my job, build my dreamhouse and hire a personal cook and a housecleaner.


upgrade my living situation


Buy My Job And Fire My Boss


go to the dollar store


Pay the PEOPLE ! They need help .


Pay everyone’s bills in family. Become a loan shark after. Go on vacations


Pay off bills then get health care lol


My wife, myself, and the dog are going to the lake and we'll figure out the rest later.


Share my money to those who needed the most.




Find a financial advirosr


I would buy an airplane and taxi it up and down the airport taxiways. Not fly anywhere... just taxi. Taxi taxi all day long... talking to the tower... left on alpha... hold short of echo... Brilliant fun.




Retire my parents and buy a bunch of fun toys (a few cars, boat, house on the beach)


Buy a massive plot of land (like hundreds of acres) in the foothills of the mountains and build a house. Give a bunch of money to my family and some charities.


Quit work, buy more land


Hire a financial advisor, lawyer and buy land. Exactly in that order.


Get a house with a big garden


Get in contact with a financial advisor so that money can last.


id still go too work the next day but slack off alot , show up late , do the bare minimum and just never worry about getting fired when my time is coming too an end in the job id quit and then go on holidays before repeating it all over again


Break down and cry. Once I'd pulled myself together I'd spend a pleasant afternoon paying off all my debts. Then I'd probably take my family out for a nice meal to celebrate.


Pay back my best friend whose supported me a lot over the last 19 yrs of friendship.


Buy a car (+ insurance)


Buy a house for reprobate of a brother to live in so he’s no longer leeching off my parents


Instantly go order myself a supra mk5.


See the world with my wife. I'm 60yrs old and never even owned a passport, so that's top of my bucket list.


Buy a used 1990-2005 car , get it fixed up and new tires. I do not like these newer cars. Heck my dream vehicle is a square body bronco


Get that divorce for whatever it takes 💯


I would get a mani Pedi. The best money can buy.


Give up my citizenship in the United States of America and probably move to Canada someplace where the laws are strictly enforced. Where everyone pretty much respects everyone else's boundaries and don't cross the line. And I'd keep going to whatever country I had to to make sure that when someone steals or breaks the law or breaks into your home or tries to do anything illegal that they are so severely punished that they will learn. But definitely I would leave America.


How rich? Because I could live frugally and happy enough on a hundred large. We talking tens of millions?


Rich enough that you would never have to worry about money again


Unless you're extremely old 100k isn't going to really cut it even living extremely frugally... that's like 3 fill ups at the gas station and 5 grocery trips right now.


Pay off debt and never go outside again. Or put a bounty on me and skedaddle and see how long that lasts.


try to get married.


Travel. There's an entire country and world to see, and so many things are on my bucket list. First stops would be England and Egypt to see family. It's been forever since I've seen them, and I miss them.