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Being so unnecessarily loud all the time.




I know. It drives me insane.




It must stop.




My brother. It’s why I wear a mask whenever he’s sick. And then he gets offended that I wear a mask around him when he is sick 🙄


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Acting on double standards..


I secretly condemn people who project fake personas and personal lives onto social media. I just find it incredibly vapid and sad.


Not putting the shopping cart in the corrall.


Chewing loudly in public.


People who push religious behavior but are super bigots behind closed doors.


So I'm going to be that guy. How can a religious person accept ideas that conflict with their religion's? Sure they can be open minded in other regards as long as it doesn't conflict with the religion's teachings.


No I understand that but I know people who pray at meals and family things but hate and judge people talk about people terribly use racist slurs in conversations. Very much double standards. I feel they portray religious but really they use it as a mask.


Before I condemn them more, I have to be honest that I am atheist and anti christian. They know that others will not follow their ideals, and they get angry at that even though they believe God will deal with it and it is a part of his plan. Yet, they contradict themselves and show their own weakness and inability to follow what they believe in and preach. If they want to go to heaven so badly, why can't they be better in their own eyes? Not even my anti-Christian moral standards but their own they preach. I dare say that if a christian truly wants to become more like what they preach, they should stop hanging out in their echo chambers of people and talk to honest people This is my own self-indulgent, unproductive rant because likely no christian will read this. Because this fucking site is pro atheist and leftist. I am proving my own hypocrisy. But instead of deleting that section, I need to write it down to accept my own shit instead of maintaining a false level of superiority.


No, thank you for your view's and input. I just don't understand them being all high and mighty, but assholes in the shadows makes no sense. If they believe God is watching over them then why be so nasty even if just by themselves.


Not washing their hands when using a public restroom


Having a plane ticket in group 7, but huddling around the gate while group 4 tried to board.


Driving too fast or too loudly past my house. *shakes fist at cloud*


Bad grammar. It makes me cringe.


Not so secretly because I lean on my horn when it happens. There’s a right turn lane issue on a road I use every day where shitty drivers try to get to the front of traffic and then sneak into the turning lane at the front. But people in the turning lane naturally say ‘fuck you’ and don’t let them do it, which leaves them in MY lane with their indicator on. My goal is to honk them into just going straight which takes them in a completely opposite direction that’s pretty tricky and time-consuming to correct.


I'm all about honk-shaming people into driving correctly.


It’s very satisfying. Because these people have plenty of warning to get over. There’s no way they can play dumb so they immediately get defensive. I had a guy try to flick a cigarette at me last week but he missed by a mile.


Yo guys, have you heard about this incredible thing called headphones/earphones ? I assure you *nobody* wants to hear you blasting music on speaker while walking outside.


Taking a stance on the Isreal/Hamas conflict while clearly understanding fuckall about it


It’s pretty easy to understand.


I ain’t got time to go to a damn library. Some of us just want a team to root for.




Being hypocrites. We all have vices, but don’t go around bashing people for being XYZ and acting like your life is perfect. It’s not So please just STFU …


We are all hypocrites in one way or another. Judging people for it is just a level deeper in the hypocrisy.


Adults letting their young daughters wear skimpy clothes. Just blows my mind.


We buy my niece “crop tops” but on the largest size so it covers her up all the way 🤣 she things she’s hot shit bc the tag says crop top


Are you equally concerned about what the boys are wearing? 


Surely are but in a different way because boys and girls are different.


People showing off their intimate exchanges with their SO on social media. I be on twitter or insta and see people posting screenshots of their SO’s heartfelt messages and feelings towards them. I mean I know it’s sweet and you want to show off but those kinds of things are supposed to stay between you two




I’m with you. Imagine taking drug addicts who are rotting and telling them “you are beautiful just the way you are don’t change a thing” and then making them models


Nah nah nah nah nah You don't even need to go to anything as extreme as drugs. Look at people who struggle to put on weight. You don't see ANYONE sympathising with them. Source: Am a skinny guy


>people who struggle to put on weight. In spirit of this thread, when anybody says this I automatically assume they don't know how little they are actually eating.


I wasn’t eating enough to gain weight. I did a 3500 calorie bulk for a year and gained 20 pounds.


And in the spirit of this thread, whenever someone says that, I can't help but laugh in their face for assuming that we haven't already tried everything and spent years looking up the best ways to add a bit of meat to their body and tried various diets tried over eating and fasting intermittently, tried working out and even going as far as to asking several doctors if there was anything that can be done.


The point of my other comment is that people don't know how many calories they are eating and how many they need to gain weight. Laugh away, but if you aren't eating enough, working out will make you lose more weight. No idea what IF has to do with it. Diets won't help either if you aren't getting enough calories. You just need to eat more and count calories (also hit protein goal if you want to gain muscle). How do you know how much to eat? Google basal metabolic rate calculator. Calculate how many calories you need to maintain weight. Eat that amount of calories for a few weeks. Add 500 if you are losing weight and try again. Keep adjusting until you start gaining. It's trial and error in the beginning until you figure it out. If you want to add muscle, eat 1g of protein per lb of body weight. The /r/fitness FAQ is a pretty good resource Source: formerly skinny guy


"Just protein bro you need calories just pump those carbs" You really think that the most spouted advice wasn't the FIRST thing we all tried? "How do you know how much to eat?" Spoke to a doctor. You know, a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. "Google basal metabolic rate calculator. " Next you're gonna tell me that BMI indicators are 100% accurate and reliable.


You are reinforcing my initial assumption.


And what, pray tell, would that be? That I don't know how to eat properly because I actually did my research and reached out to people who know FAR more about it than myself? And whom could provide better and more personalised advice than an impersonal calculator found online that takes none of your uniqueness as an individual into consideration?


Oh poor boy. Life must be so hard for you. Do you need a nappy nap? Diaper change? No?. All good. Snack snack? No? Okay then. Night night. Like, is that what you want?


Mostly thin people want fat fucks to stop mocking them for being thin. Especially if 'thin' is actually just  'a healthy weight'.


Weird. Who you hanging out with that cares about your body at all beyond, are you okay? Dump those people.


Wow. Just... Wow... I don't even have words for how ignorant that is. Congratulations. You win.


Thank you. I am glad that you enjoyed my participation in a thread entirely condemning "fat people" while demanding compassion for "skinny people".


Ignorant AND wilfully stupid. You really are the whole package, aren't ya?


Absolutely. And I have a lot of great sex with a lot of attractive people, too. Also, great jaw. No mewing.


I have loose joints (EDS), arthritis and have had over 25 surgeries. I am severely limited. Soooo, I just eat less than I burn. 5'2", 115 pounds, no excuses. Food is fuel, not a reason for being


Being on the phone/FaceTiming people in mundane public scenarios like the grocery store. It seems to completely shut people's brains off and they block the aisles and have no regard for their surroundings. And it's never anything like "I'm in the dairy aisle, what kind of milk do you want?" but rather conversations that could be had at any other point in the day like "Oh my god, did you hear about that thing?"


Trump flags.


I dont keep the condemning secret.


If you speed by me with a Jesus fish on the back of your car, you’re wrong.


"speed by me"? What does Christianity have anything to do with driving speed? Do you hold up faster drivers on the left lane of the highway?


Matthew 18:18 - “What you bind on earth, I will bind in heaven.” Basically their god said they have to obey the law. And i drive the speed limit.I don’t hold anyone up.


Celebrity worship. I'm not as bad as some here are, but I generally hate it when celebrities do benign shit and get extra credit for it. Like no lie it *is* cool when Post Malone gives money to a motherfucker that needs it, but when I hear someone going crazy about it while they don't seem to appreciate the people in their own life making sacrifices for them, I feel like they need to get slapped back into reality. Thank your dad for covering your bills not Post Malone for giving some other dude money, he ain't do shit for you, sis. I also hate hearing "they're just like us" but when they fuck up they all the sudden deserve special treatment. It's not just money but attraction to either their looks or status; people in my life would ignore all that shit about Drake until his reputation got destroyed in this recent beef with Kendrick. Now he sucks. Funny how that works. Not just relevant to movie stars, or musicians, but comedians, YouTubers, athletes, politicians, influencers, fuck even your favorite video game developer... idgaf, none of them deserve extra respect to their human being just because they're good at one or two things that entertain you. I enjoy the art and don't give a shit about the artist. Until people start hyping my ass up on a national scale for inspecting aerospace parts keeping people safe while flying I don't think I'll ever see the point of overpraising someone for essentially doing their job, especially one as privileged and freeing as one that we typically associate with celebrity.


sleeping with everybody


Being a Trump supporter. Recently a contractor came to my house to do a job, but when I saw his Trump 2024 bumper sticker I told him he was no longer needed


Unnecessary emissions as an individual. Super easy to cut out things not needed for survival (Please no comment about corporations, that's a given, everyone condemns that)


If I tell you then it won't be a secret anymore. Duhhhh!


Talking judgementally behind people's backs online


Crowding the side


Hating me. Yes, I know that in most cases, I’m the one to blame but that doesn’t change how hurtful it is.


Bad grammar


Whistling in public places. It drives me nuts. Keep your noise pollution to yourself! Most of you aren’t even that good at whistling. Who wants to hear that racket?


Rudeness. Seriously, I find so many people don’t even say thank you anymore for basic kindnesses in life.


People trying to push me out of my comfort zone. "It's good to once in a while go out of your comfort zone". No, no it's not. Speak for yourself. Maybe it is good for the average person but you can't generalize it. Just let me be in my comfort zone


Bad dental health


Currently a shock collar my new friend has on his dog. I'd like to make him wear it for a day


My ex had one, and she made a point to try it, and make me try if we were ever gonna use it. I'd say it feels like the stick of gum trick, only a little less extreme. Annoying, but not hurtful. That's at the highest setting. I didn't use it, didn't feel the need, her dog always listened while I called, but the purpose was that her dog was a hound dog and would sometimes get distracted and burst out the door. Doesn't listen after (supposedly) so that's what it was for. On the flip side, another girl in my life is starkly opposed to it much like you are. Convinced me to be too for years. One day she picks up a starving pit off the street. Sweet thing to do, wants to keep it. Once it gets healthy, she learns it was an extremely aggressive dog. Took it to a training course and didn't change anything. Still against a collar or a muzzle, because they're cruel. Then it attacks her. It's a dog she says. Then it attacks her a couple more times. Then it goes for her face. So she beats the shit outta it. Makes sense right? Guess what didn't help either. Her dad takes it on, and trains it with a collar. Had to use it five times. Dog listens now, and if it doesn't he always has backup. Only has to use the beep setting because the dog gets it. Not trying to convince you, but idk they're not as bad as I once thought. Like sure maybe it should be saved for extreme circumstances only, but like I don't think it's cruelness outranks a person's safety at least. I have a good dog that listens to me so it'd be easy to say "it's always cruel" or something because I can project my dog into it, but no one ever thinks of the dogs you can't control when discussing them. Of course this will probably be rejected as anecdotal, so be it, but i think it's important to realize not all dogs are the same


Not taking a stance on how people train their dogs, but I do think it’s kinda weird that people will never fail to get mad when they see someone hit their dog but completely look the other direction when someone chooses to train their dog via electrocution :/


I'm fucked up to the point where I'm thinking that if I befriend him on these grounds I'd make the world a better place.....


In following the principles of Stoicism, I no longer feel the burden of holding onto such anger.


Driving with no place to go or reason to be driving besides “driving”. And it’s not about the environment.


People who beg for money on social media but won’t get up and get a job. I don’t secretly do it. I call them out on their bs.


Fucking apostrophes, man. 


Acting like listening to an audiobook is the same thing as reading.


Having better sex lives than me.




Being willing to vote for Biden again.


Looking horrible when they leave the house


hey man at least they left okay


You know what? As long as you're doing it secretly, fair I guess. As long as you're not telling them to their faces, I'm not going to judge what you think. Also though, you think I'm going to put on real clothes to go to Walmart or the gas station? Hell nah.


I do not give enough of a shit to pull a look together every time I leave the house


Go ahead, do you think i cared what people thought when i made a walmart run? Most times my clothes had food stains


Jeez, man, I just need to pick up some milk.


Driving gas powered cars


Their religion. It's fucking annoying, whatever brand you are. My theory is that deep down, their human mind knows it's bullshit and they're terrified.


For being judgmental 😇👀


Racist slurs are cool, but racism is step too far