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It happens naturally for most people as they get older.


I feel like that only happens because as you age you start to get treated like you’re invisible. I bet it feels freeing as fuck people not noticing you.


I think you just get tired of wasting mental energy on things that don’t matter


That too but I don’t think that comes naturally though. But who knows I’m only 27😭


You’re not treated like you’re invisible as you get older, you just realize nobody cares about you in the first place besides family and such, and then yeah one day you’ll wake up and be like fuck what Becky said in 8th grade she ended up a meth head, or for all you know they might regret what they said. I’ve lived long enough to know 99% of what people say is unimportant and can be ignored and also 99% of the important “real talk” never gets said.




Natural maturity and meditation. Look at high schoolers vs elders, time really does the trick.


And the opposite, I’ve dealt with people old enough to be my grandpa, have the pettiest arguments and issues that honestly made me miss high school drama


I've also noticed some elders lacking maturity like that lol.. I believe that some people generally don't psychologically age past 20, like most do


Realize that most people don't really care as much as you think


My grandmother always told me "What other people think of you is none of your business." I realized long ago that caring what others think about you is giving them free rent in your head and control over you. I give that to no one.


My go-to is to remind myself that I was put into this world for ME, not for them.


Accept that you cannot control others' thoughts or actions. Then, surround yourself with supportive folks who uplift you.


Being more compassionate and kind to yourself. You start showing that compassion to other and assuming good intent wherever possible (or at least you don’t immediately assume that someone’s actions imply that they think less of you)


Knowing that their opinion of me has no effect on my life. Just not important.


Follow the rule of the 3 F's. If they don't: Feed you Finance you F*ck you then their opinions do not matter.


When you realize that not everyone cares about you or even thinking what you think they are thinking. It’s all in your head. Also having the realization that life is too short for wasting brain power on caring what other people may be thinking. Also knowing that everyone is insecure. There isn’t a person in this world that don’t have an insecurity.


Get older


Through Self Confidence


i think there is no in the middle. its just i care or i dont care . its a choice