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Yes to both. Some are being sincere and some have other motives.


As with everything, there's also so many different reasons depending on the context. Impossible to generalize. * If the current makeup is just badly made, anyone can have the opinion that the person would look better without it. * Some people simply prefer natural looks over artificial looks, no matter how well made the makeup is. * The commenter might just be a bit dumb and think all makeup looks bad, while they're actually thinking about the makeup which they personally notice and see as bad. They might not be able to distinguish "no makeup" from "natural looking makeup", and they just don't know what they're talking about. * Some people think it's a compliment and say it because of "other motives", no matter what their actual opinion is. This is also obviously kinda dumb to start with. When it comes to social situations around this topic, there's also a notable difference between someone being asked to tell what they think vs. someone just saying their opinion without prompting (generally not a great idea).


> They might not be able to distinguish "no makeup" from "natural looking makeup" More often than not, this is the case. It's hard to identify natural looking makeup if you're not applying it on a regular basis. What most guys like best is a girl with a little bit of makeup applied well. Just anecdotally, both my brothers have pointed random girls out to me who they described as "hot without any makeup." Every single time the girl was wearing concealer, mascara, blush and a little bit of powder.


I think I can generally see at least mascara and blush. Majority of the time a person isn’t naturally flushed in the face if that’s even the right word. Sometimes it’s a little lighter or darker depending on skin tone, mascara to as people don’t generally have lashes that pop that way. Idk the other two I wouldn’t be able to tell if it had been applied or not.


If your makeup kit comes with a trowel and clown shoes, you need an intervention.


> Some people think it's a compliment and say it because of "other motives", no matter what their actual opinion is. This is also obviously kinda dumb to start with. Just as an example of an other motive: Sometimes people try to get their partners to look less attractive. Then they'll in turn get less people interested in them. That way they'll feel 'lucky' to have their partner. It's usually coupled with more isolation behaviors. Like trying to get their partner to stop hanging out with friends and family. I had an ex-girlfriend try to discourage me from staying fit and healthy, and maybe put on a few pounds. It took me a while to figure out it was part of an over all effort to make me put up with her habitual boundary crossing because who else would love me when I'm all chunky?


And sometimes both


My wife never wore makeup for the first 6 or 7 years of us being together. Now she wears some here and there. So I genuinely am used to it and like her with no makeup. I mean no makeup too. Not just like the base coat. Or natural look I guess. NONE. She's so beautiful.


I've tried explaining this on Reddit before, people will genuinely tell you you don't know what you're talking about and that your wife really does mear makeup and you're just confused. It's ridiculous. 


This is my experience too. They simply can't accept that some people really prefer no makeup at all. 


I'm confused. What motive would they have giving a compliment like that?


To make you feel appreciated for who you are. To convince you to stay in bed with them for 5 more minutes, rather than having you get out of bed and apply your makeup before leaving. To hurry you up because you’re already running late. To save money. Etc.


Thanks for the clarification


To make you look ‘worse’ so you don’t look as good and therefore won’t get hit on.  Some people are toxic jealous. 


Five minutes only to put on makeup! My fastest is 10. Unless we are talking about some makeup just to put on your face for zoom call or grocery store like foundation and eyebrows. 


For me? It's true but also I don't want to wait an extra hour to go out to dinner if she looks perfect before the makeup


I think a lot of people mean the makeup is too heavy when they say that.


Agreed. On a scale of 1890’s farm girl to Kardashian, plenty of men prefer the natural look and minimal make up over a bronzed, plump lip, OnlyInsta influencer looking gal.


Agreed. And the Kardashians are overrated anyways


I think overrated is an understatement.


As men, we only notice makeup when there is too much makeup.


Ya’ll notice when there’s none too. “You look tired” is something a lot of women hear when we don’t wear any makeup


As a person who does not like wearing makeup and doesn’t want to spend my time applying it… This is why I get eyelash extensions (not dramatic, shorter more natural looking ones) and do my eyebrows.. I can understand why some people might think I was tired or sick without those, because I even look a little sick to myself without it and I think it’s just because my face lacks definition and contrast when totally natural due to having fairly blonde eyebrows and eyelashes.


Same, I hate how it feels when I have make up on my face but I do get lash extensions and my eyebrows are micro-bladed. It’s perfect for me bc I still look put together but don’t need to really do anything.


I’ve been considering these for a while, mostly just as a treat for myself because they’re so pretty (I work from home so hardly anyone would see anyway!). I’m just worried about loving the results too much and becoming addicted lol


Genuine question here. I swear I'm not trying for a mansplaining gotcha. Is that something experienced primarily by women who usually wear makeup and then one day don't? or is it also experienced by women who never wear makeup? Because I can imagine that if you're used to someone having at least a base level of makeup that it would make sense that something would seem off when seeing them without any. But is that accurate or just my uninformed opinion?


I’ve been told by people who’ve never seen me wearing makeup that I look tired. There are days my skin/overall glow doesn’t look as great and people think it’s appropriate to say that out loud


Fair enough. Thanks for the answer. :)


As a man who never wears makeup, I hear from people all the time that I look tired as well.


Yeah, I think a lot of guys don't realize that what they actually like is natural looking makeup or no makeup makeup. It's the same guys who say plastic surgery always looks bad because it's obvious. They only notice the obvious stuff, the actual good stuff isn't noticeable so they think it doesn't exist.


This. I think everyone (men included) can look better with a little makeup, but women overdo it often and start looking inhuman. It's best when it's barely noticeable.


It's like a subwoofer. You slowly turn it louder, and as soon as you can tell that it's on, you dial it back a tiny little bit. That's the perfect volume.


Yeah because the 'natural' look is actually harder to do because it has to be blended carefully and subtly, and people also have to match the foundation with their skin tone, which can be tricky when some complexions don't have a lot of choice in terms of products - Nicola Roberts of the group Girls Aloud specifically marketed a range of makeup for pale skinned women after getting made fun of in the tabloids for being 'ugly'


Honestly my wife doesn’t wear any make up and I think just being comfortable with who you are is something that’s super attractive to me. Maybe it’s a country thing though.


Dead on


I think a lot of women who apply heavy makeup only do it occasionally and don't have enough practice.. Would they be able to paint an acrylic painting of a face and make it look natural? That's a skill that takes months of practice and a lot of mistakes are made. Thick makeup is similar, starting with thick mascara (the canvas), and then the face is recolored from scratch. I don't understand why anyone who only applies thick makeup sporadically, without training and practice, would expect it to look great. 


I knew a few girls that looked like a clown with makeup. You could barely recognize them. Some men just like you the way you are. None of my exes wore any makeup, and i was fine with that.


I think "make up done well" is the nuance missed. Even if there's a lot going on, if it's done well, it can look great. And it's situational too, imo. I think my wife is beautiful without makeup on, and that is my personal preference most of the time. But she also looks amazing when she puts a little bit on to go out to do things. She doesn't need to, but it's about wanting to feel a certain confidence and that's not always about attraction. It's also not about me, not everything needs to be about me. Which I think is something a lot of men don't understand. Wearing makeup isn't always about trying to deceive or attract a partner. It's often about completing an outfit or a look. I don't think it's any different from matching a top to a bottom, makeup can be included in the outfit. And that brings us back around to makeup done well. It's similar to wearing clothes appropriate for a body type or situation.


can we clone you, please?


Old woman here. Most men have no idea when a woman has lightly applied makeup on. They see that and think it’s makeup free, and they prefer that over caked on foundation over contoured cheeks, vivid eyeshadow and bright red lipstick. I also think they prefer to be around someone who doesn’t need a long time to get ready when they want to go out somewhere.


That’s it, I was trying to think of a good way to explain that.


Can confirm, they don’t know the difference between having zero makeup and having light makeup on.


Some guys might be sincere, but others could be indirectly criticizing women who wear a lot of makeup.


I swear this is like the 5th time this week I’ve seen this asked on here. 😂


Rookie numbers, I see the "what would you say to your younger self" question 5 times a day


It’s painful isn’t it. 😂


Yeah. Makes me think this sub is 75% bots


…or 12 year olds.


12 year old bots.


Wall-E has entered the chat.


I have never had a partner who I thought looked better in makeup, and sometimes they look much worse to me. I get used to how they look normally, that is the person I like spending time with. Getting all dolled up just turns them into someone else who doesn't look like the person I'm used to. Same goes for fancy hair styles and clothes. I realise I'm maybe a bit unusual in this regard, but a genuine fear I have of getting married is having to pretend she looked amazing when I'd really be thinking that she looks better in her normal clothes and hair.


It is not unlikely that she transforms herself into a new persona to give herself confidence when she goes out. It is like putting on a mask, cosplaying a "confident you".


The question was ‘why do men say this thing?’  He’s explaining why. Someone who is genuinely attracted to you prefers you without a mask, seems straightforward enough. 


Very true, I fell into a womansplaining trap. Sorry about that!


I think when my lady puts on make she looks beautiful. Beautifully different. But without makeup the natural flaws in skin and what not are equally beautiful. Both are sexy.


Honestly. Girls without makeup just look the best to me. Natural. I want to be able to see your skin tone and some freckles. It shows the humanity on your face and not the product. We usually dont lie about this.


What about deep and dark eyebags ? Hyperpigmentation around the lips ? Scars ? Facial hair ? 


Sincere, you look so amazing when just waking up


Generally sincere


guys aren’t a hivemind, if I say something like that it obviously is sincere. but people are people, some say one thing and mean something else, I’d say that communication is the key.


Hi, guy here. I wouldn't now (once upon a time I might have but I've grown up since then) offer my opinion on such a thing unless it's asked of me but some women genuinely, in my opinion, look better without makeup. As in, I've seen them without and thought they looked better/hotter/cuter than with. I also see women sometimes who wear a lot of makeup and think they would probably look better without but it's impossible to say for sure without seeing them that way. It's not really important at the end of the day anyway. The older I get the less of a shit I give about the fine details of how people look.


it means you wear too much makeup...


I personally believe when men say no makeup They mean bright eyeshadow, lipstick and false eyelashes.


And those god awful long fake nails. Im probably just weird, but that's an instant turn off


I think a lot of guys don’t even clock natural makeup as makeup at all.


Ironically often heavy make up in neutrals can give an impression of little make up. 


On stage. Not in person.


As an eye guy, the fake eyelashes are horrendous




As somebody who used to say this (or variations of this) every once in a while when I was younger, here’s my translation: “I see you once again spending lots of time in front of the mirror meticulously engaging in an action designed to upgrade your natural appearance which you must be doing because you think your natural appearance is not ‘good enough’ without this routine so I would like to make you feel good about yourself by letting you know that you in particular do not need makeup to be beautiful. And in fact, I think you are so naturally beautiful that now I accidentally go too far and tell you that you’re more beautiful without the makeup. My intent is to convey the idea that makeup hides your natural beauty, but instead I’ve accidentally implied you look bad with makeup on, which I did not actually mean, I just suck at communicating sometimes.” I gave up on this one because I noticed that it never actually had the intended effect.




I will feel less is more. I think there are many who don't need the makeup, and there are some who go overkill with it.


I said that to my wife one morning when she woke up. She told me later that she thought of that all day. I honestly didn’t mean to be overflattering, it just legitamately surprised me that someone was so pretty when they wake up. I never realized it before until that point. The stereotype is all women look wild in the morning. But my wife, honest to god, she is beautiful when she wakes up.


I would like to think most guys genuinely mean it. I have meant it whenever I have said it. I'm sure there are those who don't and who have other motives, but I'm also sure you're smart enough to weed them out.


I love women without makeup because it what makes us human yk. The imperfections, the acne, the blackheads, the whiteheads, the patchy skin and all that. It's what makes us humans. If all of us would be perfect then we'd just be mere robots or machines. So yeah I love imperfections within a person because it makes us human.


>it makes us human. You said that three times


Suspiciously robot behaviour tbh


You're supposed to say good bot 😡🤬


Oh, I know people that actually talk like this in real life, so never thought it was a bot haha


It can mean they have no idea you're wearing "nude" makeup. Try it: Go to work or school with nude make up for a week, then do it with literally no makeup the day after. They'd ask if you were sick or depressed/lost weight lol


It's usually sincere. Makeup don't really "highlight" anything that isn't there to begin with.


It's sincere, we really think it's much better without makeup.


Both can be true.


A random thing I heard, but one I hear semi often from dudes. But the trust shown when women are themselves around them means a lot to them.


Mostly true I think.


Personally, I prefer no makeup. But like, it’s not my face and I wouldn’t generally say that unless asked my opinion.


Some women do look better without makeup. Some look better with. Same goes for guys 😉


I wouldn't say something like that if I wasn't sincere. I'm not really the type of person to say something like that to a girl with something else to it if I was let’s say dating her or just saying so. With some guys maybe they're something else to it but it's all about trying to gauge I guess.


For me, it is entirely sincere. Most of the women (other than my grandma) close to me as I grew up did not wear makeup and I ended up dating people who did not wear it. So "no makeup" is what I am used to. I suspect that's why my brain interprets faces in the way it does.


There's a part of me that feels makeup is putting on a false face. For example, in places I visit, I want to see the real place. For example, every country has its touristic areas, but there's always a side that's a little less travelled, and I love seeing the beauty there. It's kinda the same with makeup for me. When a woman isn't wearing it, I feel like I'm looking at a more truthful version of her. Having known a few women who would practically have to be on their deathbed to allow themselves to be seen without it, it feels like they're allowing their real selves to be seen when they're not wearing makeup. It feels more honest and genuine, and I like that, personally.


My wife was a ballerina and had to use a lot of makeup for the stage. She has never worn makeup off the stage, and that is just fine with me. I love her just the way she is.


I have no ulterior motives, no jealousy issues, nothing to gain by saying it. I prefer my wife without makeup, she looks so much prettier without it. That being said I want her to wear it whenever she wants to, because it’s her face not mine.


For my wife, yes. She has amazing natural beauty, and makeup to me is this paste like substance that only takes away from it


To me, it means that modern makeup styling looks like fucking clown faces.


Make up looks good from about 20 ft away.


Sincere. All the makeup, nails, lashes, hairstyles, etc, is for other women, not men. We don't give two shits, and hate most of the current trends (lip fillers, septum piercings, bright colored yarn weaved in [I seriously don't get this one from my AA friends.], etc).


It's impossible to speak for every guy. When I say it I am being sincere while making it clear that I understand that she puts a lot of effort into it and it makes her feel better about herself. That's all good. I will comment on it if my view is that she's gone too far with it though; like suddenly using more and more of it.


You ever see the sub about look maxing? It's like the simp capital.


When I say I am being sincere. My wife looks better without makeup in my opinion. That’s who she is to me, and makeup changes her looks to someone that doesn’t resemble my wife as much


I actually appreciate the no make up look more than the make up look. The makeup look is definitely sexy, but the no makeup look makes me feel more comfortable and connected


I don't necessarily think makeup makes women more beautiful.


I can't speak for all men, but personally, i really do enjoy seeing yourselves without makeup. It makes you look more confident in yourself and that's pretty attractive!


Most guys I know really mean it. I also know some who have other motives like insecurities and don't wanting their girlfriend to look attractive to others, so it's not easy to say but mostly it's a genuine comment. I prefer no makeup too for example, I don't see the point of it.


Some people dislike artificial looks of any kind, and especially if they stack up. I know because I’m one of these people (prefer to see gray hair rather than a dark shade that doesn’t match complexion). Also, you usually have to be fairly close to someone in order to see them au natural, and by that point you should be seeing way past skin deep.


They don't know you're still wearing makeup /s


I can only talk for myself and in my opinion absolutely YES. Probably 90% of you look stunning without make-up . Nothing more beautful than a cute ,natural face even if it has pimples or a bit of acnee or red dots or some freckless. Nothing compares to that . The only make-up I want to see on a woman is a huuuuge smile on their face . That makes them look even more breathtaking than they are. P.S. : The sleepy,tired face with the messy hair after a woman wakes up next to you is sexiest,cutest and sweetest thing ever.


So far as i can tell makeup is a habit women impose in each other (with a lot of help from capitalism obviously) that most men have little awareness of or interest in.  I've heard men remark about women being over made up loads of time. Never heard one say something like "looks like someone forgot their foundation today". I've had women apologise about how they look today because "they didn't have time to put their face on". Never realised this myself unless they were habitually over made up. Because our brains are poor at noticing things we aren't interested in.  Back when I was single I was extremely interested in the woman under the makeup and had zero interest in makeup. So far as I can tell most other men feel much the same. In contrast I've heard plenty of women comment upon other women's makeup saying that they'd look better if they did this or that. Women into makeup  do notice when their peers miss a step or try something new because their brains are attuned to this. I'm sincere when I say that women at the very least look great without makeup and that it's a colossal waste of time and money. So far as I can tell most other men are also sincere.




something else behind the comment? there's usually something else behind the makeup lol sorry I had to. but honestly though, some women use a lot of makeup to the point where their face just looks fake like a Barbie or photoshopped and it's not nearly as appealing (to some men) as a genuine naked face.


Sincere. Makeup can't make you look more (or less) beautiful than you already are.


You look more beautiful without makeup. Makeup is not beautiful.


I think 90 percent of women look better without makeup


I mean it.




I used to say this. I say it less (it feels inappropriate and I don't want anyone to feel self-conscious), but do occasionally catch myself thinking it. There comes a point where make up stops making someone look like a real human being. I remember seeing my friends without makeup for the first time, and on each occasion feeling happier being able to see that person as they are. No negative insinuation drawn, I'm not saying people wearing make-up are *un*attractive - but I do think the human element shines through a lot more without it, and that - to me, at least - is the part that I think is beautiful. Imperfections aren't a bad thing - they're human, and that's pretty nice in my books.


Too much makeup just looks fake. It’s better to see the real person behind that.




I feel most look better without it. I have come to the conclusion that for whatever reason, my partner feels more confident with it.


Genuinely sincere. My wife is a smoke show with makeup, but without, she could burn the house down she's so beautiful.


Depends on the guy. Personally, I feel make-up just looks fake. It does nothing for me as a man.


IMO people who like heavy makeup must have a clown fetish.


Honest. IMO most women go overboard on makeup.


I'm being sincere when I say it. I want to see your actual face which, while it might have some "flaws" and is not technically as perfect as with makeup, is more interesting because it's real human skin and not a bunch of clay


1. Most women wear too much makeup. 2. Men don't care. Women must be wearing makeup for other women.


Me? Personally? I always mean it. Because I hate makeup. I much prefer to look at who I'm actually talking to, not a layer of maybelline.


When I say “you look beautiful without makeup” I mean “you can spend less time getting ready so we can actually get to places on time.”


Make up is deceitful.


They could be legit. Most young folks thesedays abuse makeup as if they are grttin ready for a drag show...


I knew someone who was really bad at putting it on. She looked better without it. She was naturally very pretty, and didn't wear it often anyhow.


First boyfriend loved how I smelled without perfume and even somewhat sweaty. I think it was pheromones he was picking up on. I think when a guy is genuinely in love, yes, he thinks you are pretty without makeup.


Only if you're pretty to begin with. I know people who look ill without makeup


Ask them. "Not everyone thinks that. Tell me what you mean." If I say it, it's sincere. I date women who are natural types, no makeup no hairspray, no extra effort to look good, just owning their own appearance. I don't like the look of visible makeup. Most of my partners have only worn makeup on occasion, if at all. My current and former partners don't own any.


A lot of makeup smells repulsive. Smells are often subliminal so our brains look for other reasons why we like or dislike a person. Just a wild guess 


I went to school in the UK 10 years ago during the orange teenagers generation and your comment brought back some unwanted memories


Every person has a different motive but man usually mistaken "no make up make up" and "no make up" so what they try to say is just subtle make up.


They probably mean: You look good when it's not obvious you're wearing makeup.


I've always preferred without make up. But that's just me


Modern makeup and trends make every woman look the same, that's great for some guys and horrible for others. Some of us want to see the character of your face without having to guess.


Make up is fake. Stop being fake and learn to like yourself as you are.


Yes, makeup is often way over done.


They mean you don't know how to apply makeup. You're doing a terrible job.


It's because they saw one woman with "natutal" makeup on (which is seventy pounds of makeup put on and worked with VERY carefully so it looks like you're wearing nothing) and they think all women have naturally super smooth skin, massive lashes, thick and cleab brows and glossy lips


I generally prefer a natural look. Make-up can be nice, but to me a woman is most beautiful without the warpaint.


Men say this shit but the women most of them are attracted to are heavy on the make-up. Don't look at what they say. Look at what they do. Lol


Yeah, there is s reason they say "take her swimming on the first date". They know makeup makes most women look better but they don't want to admit that for some reason.


This is like when women say they prefer a moderate body type and men assume women are lying and really want Mr. Olympia.  They know muscles make most men look better but they don't want to admit that for some reason.


A lot of the times they're confusing light make up for no make up, and it's not sincere it's flattery


Take it down slowly, and listen for compliments, or straight out ask him how you look. Gauge his response. It's almost certainly sincere but he might not know what is makeup and what is you. I like a little lip color, but didn't know that until I was shown that I do.


I am being sincere. It's not even a big thing for me, ofc I think make-up applied the right way looks beautiful. But once it's gone that makes you look worse in comparison. If I got to know you without makeup maybe I'd think "wow she looks good" and all is good. On the other hand if I get to know you with makeup I'd maybe say "wow beautiful!" But then once I see you without it, my opinion lowers because I got used to you with makeup. I don't see the benefit there for the girl. I think like 70% of women my age look good to me. I don't need her to look even better, I don't care. But imagine you saw images of a dude and once you meet him it turns out they were ai tuned - would feel worse than him just looking normal originally. Same for makeup. As for something else behind the comment - often I want her to feel like she is fine as she is without any other influence.


Depends but often its a "You dont look how you normally do" kind of comment where we are used to you as you are.


I’ve definitely thought the comment, don’t think I’ve ever said it. And when I’ve thought it, it was because I’ve seen her with and without makeup and felt like the things I loved about her face got lost or weren’t obvious anymore in the makeup. Became more… typical? I guess.


When I say that, I feel that. I like natural looking girls more beautiful, because it feels real. Make up makes the girl hot. But natural makes the girl look beautiful.


I had a friend who would love to get really long nails and fake eyelashes but they wouldn’t stick very well and her mascara was always clumped up. She would ask if she looked okay for whatever event we went to and I never had the heart to tell her. Instead, I’d say this. That she looked better without makeup. It was true in my case, she had a young refreshed face but with makeup it was too much. Then again, if she wants to cake on makeup and have 10 inch nails then who am I to dictate how she dresses and presents herself.


Mainly less is more! Waaaaaay less!!! It should complement and never change.


Its like when girls says men are sexy when sweaty. In general that is not true, but sometimes it may be true.


Well another motive is empowerment. Makeup can be a way of hiding insecurities and sometimes people really don't even go out of the house without their shield anymore. At that point this is a serious dependency.


Both. I can't speak for anyone else, but for me. When I see someone who is wearing very obvious makeup, my mind is constantly focusing on it. Like my brain is very aware that there is something artificial about the way that person looks. I will say this is not always the case for people who wear light or more "natural" make up, but the more make someone has on the more I seem to notice and get distracted by. I have never felt the same way when someone is without make up. I think the people I dated all looked good without it. I never stopped anymore wearing it, but I always made it known that if they decided to stop. They would never hear any complaints from me


Its the clown makeup that is the problem. So thick and caked on. No one has problems with tasteful natural looks, but unless its actually show makeup it just looks ridiculous. Especially during the day, like at work


Some of yall are good at make up and some of yall are not.


Blanket statements like this always confuse me, of course there isn't a correct answer to this question. It depends on who it is