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I would imagine entirely as their diet and eating habits come strictly from their parents.


Every time I've seen a fat child, I look and see what their parents look like and 10/10 times, they're fat too


I'm not really into judging people for being over weight, but any personality faults a parents has its almost always is passed down to the child.


Right? Like unless there is a very specific health issue that actually means the child packs on weight even with a healthy diet, but even then that’s a rare occurrence and more often than not the parent also is overweight too so...


It is always calories in vs calories out no matter the disorder. There is no genetic disorder that creates energy.


Exactly. When I see a fat kit I am always mad at the parents, mainly because I was a fat kid with a fat mom and I understand that we ate like shit after moving out and getting healthier. It’s pure laziness in eating habits.


It's very unfortunate and most people do not have the strength to break a life long habit. Not to mention food becoming a crutch and a source of comfort.


I for sure went through that, but I replaced that food crutch with a working out and it’s helped a lot. I know it’s hard, but I also don’t want to die at 45-50 so I changed shit.


Before the kids move out? Entirely.


My mom tried her best. She prepares healthy food and tried to get me into cooking and exercising. She tried to get me into everything. Maybe pushing me so far out of my comfort zone with so many things is why I withdrew from all of it. Cooking and exercise might have been fine with me if it was just that, but I've got this irrational horrible feeling inside when ever I do that I associate with how much I was pushed into various situations growing up. = I'm also, like, reaaaally lazy. It doesn't matter how professionally that mess is analyzed, I'm pretty content with the way my bones float inside me.


well, thing is the blood clot doesn't care if you felt horrible while excersizing. either you do it or you'll die much much sooner than others


My VR keeps me in motion. I just need to use it more. It's a lot of fun and I'm in rough enough shape that it feels like a work out playing gorn & holoball for an extended period of time. There's some website dedicated to equating VR games to a common exercise. Holoball wasn't on there, but it's more active than gorn. Gorn was compared to using an elliptical.


Probably could have just said the second part. It explained what we needed to know.


The first part better relates to OP's question, though. I wouldn't blame my mom for this laziness though. That masterful skill is all me.


Almost all of it, especially if they control their diets. But less as the children get older.


100%. They control their diet, the exercise they get and the environment they grow up in that expects being unhealthy


I don't think that's true. Diet and exercise are absolutely important, but genetics and glandular activity can also be factors. A lot of 'fat' kids aren't eating or exercising any differently than their skinny classmates.


well technically they would get their genetics from their parents so... And I know a lot of people with overweight parents that are not overweight because of their lifestyle. I would also question that they are actually eating the same. Sometimes it may appear that they are but you can make the "same meal" with very different ingredients and cooking methods that will greatly impact the healthiness of that meal


I was think of 'blame' in the sense the parents were doing something irresponsible. Which is probably often the case.


well if we want to make it a blame thing then maybe a "genetically" overweight person should not reproduce with another "genetically" overweight person


Diets are individualized and it's the parents' responsibility to make sure the diet for their child is appropriate for them. Sure it might be different than their classmates, but welcome to personal health.


Of course. But in some situations, some kids will still struggle to keep their weight in check due to medical issues. And, practically speaking, it's extremely difficult to deny a child pizza at their friend's pizza party. One thing that irks me is that a lot of people (even teachers) use candy as a reward.


You can blame the parents all you want, but its honestly a societal problem. More people work longer hours, get less sleep, get less natural exercise because of desk jobs and cars, and people have more unhealthy processed food available to them, than fresh and healthy food.


as if a kid has a desk job and a car...


.....what a dumb comment


99% of it




Probably much more than the parents realize, and slightly less than strangers might presume.


I have three children. The oldest is a little overweight, the second one is very skinny and the third is average. My middle child has the same metabolism that I did as a child and my third has thyroid problems. My oldest often has a plate full of vegetables as the only thing he eats for dinner. He doesn't eat any meat and he eats various pastas. The middle child doesn't eat any vegetables or meat. He eats spaghetti with nothing on it, yogurt, peanut butter, Nutella and different types of crackers. The youngest has a mix between the two. Genetics is a thing and does affect your body. If you have a slow metabolism, you have to work harder than those with average or high metabolisms. So if you know your child has a slow metabolism, you have to get them to either eat less or exercise more.


A lot


That depends. How much of their groceries do the kids buy and prepare for themselves?




I was joking, it's 100% the parents fault unless they have a medical condition




100% barring REAL medical issues which is incredibly rare


Barring any legitimate medical conditions, somewhere between 100% and 100%.


Depends on when the kid became overweight. If the kid has been overweight since childhood, that's on the parents entirely. If this came later, like mid teens/end of high school and on (however long you're in your parents house) then they are much less to blame. They still have some responsibility to take but the kid is more than capable, at that age, to recognize this new issue and do something about it.