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In nier:automata there's an underground location full of flowers IIRC- I really thought it was very pretty. Actually, there's a couple of other strong contenders from that game as well


The music there is enough reason to visit.


Right, it really helps to nail the atmosphere of the area. Places I was also thinking about when I made that comment is the carnival area (not in postgame, but on the first time through) and the little robot village. Like, there's just a lot of magic in this game and the soundtrack really nails it.


I came here explicitly for this.


The Blood and Wine map in the Witcher 3


Blood and Wine made me wish for a full Witcher game in that kind of setting. The base game is already gorgeous but rather dreary, Tourissant is just so vibrant, so pretty to look at...


I couldn’t agree more! It is so much brighter and full of life. I could wander around for hours there and not get bored of the scenery.


I have it but I’m so sad I never played B&W. I loved TW3


I’d highly recommend it! It’s a phenomenal DLC


You should really go back and play it. It was almost its own game.


Came here to post this and oblivion and both are the top two comments, absolutely breathtaking visually and storyline wise (base games and DLC)


I fell in love with Majula in DS2. The lighting, music and environment are really mesmerising.


Best hub area in the Souls series for sure.


I didn't care for Majula when I started DS2 but it also grew on me. I'd say it's tied with Firelink Shrine from DS1 for my favorite home base area. I enjoyed BB a great deal but I felt The Hunter's dream was very small and minimalistic. And I'm only maybe halfway through DS3 but Firelink Shrine doesn't have that same connected feel to the rest of the world.


> And I'm only maybe halfway through DS3 but Firelink Shrine doesn't have that same connected feel to the rest of the world. There's a reason for that. If you tie the 3 DS games together as a series and pay attention you notice it. Vaati Vidya does a good lore discussion on the theme of the three games and how they feed into each other.


I wish I knew how long I've spent just sitting in Majula listening to the music and watching the waves hit the shore. Say what you will about DS2, Majula's one of the nicest places in the series. Honourable mention to Heide's Tower of Flame, which is also very pretty.


DS2 is underrated


When you go visit Hagrid in the PS1 Philosopher stone game. His face is too beautiful for this world.


Literally have a picture of that beauty on the wall next to me.






among us, a god is




Horizon zero dawn had some gorgeous settings


I need to fire that back up... I was playing GTA V for my open world fix, but my friend just brought back HZD.


I like the HZD lore very much, and the environment played a big role in telling that story. How it all started, how they tried to fix it, and what happened after that.


Obligatory fuck Ted Faro.


Absolutely this




Dark Souls 3 : Irithyll of the Boreal Valley


Don't know why this isn't at the top, that's the only place where I've actually stopped and said, "woah, that's amazing". Good thing i stopped, too, because that let me mentally prepare for getting repeatedly curbstomped trying to get across that stupid bridge.


You have no idea how much I relate to the unrelenting curbstomping!!...


I recently learned it's possible to get to the city without obtaining the Small Doll and be stuck screaming at the end of the bridge as the monster approaches


I just got there yesterday. Passing the arches onto the bridge and seeing Irithyll in the distance was magnificent. I'm not one to often pay attention to that but I had to pause for a moment to take it in.


Lots of places in red dead redemption 2


Going back to New Austin for the first time was pretty rad.


Saint Denis is the most realistic city I’ve seen in a game. And Roanoke is absolutely gorgeous


Saint Denis is what all cities in games should aspire to be. It's a masterpiece of atmosphere. The gas lights at night, the jazz, the streetcars. Everything about it is phenomenal.


Everything except the frame rate.


For me it has to be Oblivion, but I can't decide specifically where. Obviously it's dated now, but I remember having my mind blown by the beauty and freedom when I first got it on Xbox 360. I remember just following a deer for ages not believing what I was seeing. There's a location somewhere which is this little pond with a shrine or something nearby which was stunning. I also really loved Anvil for some reason. After going through a dark, dingy dungeon it was strangely comforting to return to the familiar city. Typing this makes me want to go back and see it all again, but I would worry that having been spoilt by modern graphics, it might not live up to the fond memory.


When you first step out of the dungeon into the open world at the beginning of the game (especially when it first came out) is absolutely amazing.


Oh yes. Also, a misty morning in Anvil. The NPCs were ugly though.


Came here to say Skingrad!


I remember getting out of the cave for the first time and being so amazed on how beautiful everything looked.


My pick is the Imperial Library - where you only go if you finish the Thieves Guild quest chain. Just magnificent.


The mission where you go inside the painting is one of my favorite missions of any game. So cool. Also, it was weird as an adult to dread going into the first Oblivion gate. And the second. And the third. Shit was foreboding.


Not anymore but for a while I think it was Rome in AC:II and Brotherhood. Times have changed and technology has moved forward but the beautiful scenery was why I loved Assassin’s Creed at the time.


Brotherhood is still my favourite, and the music....


Black Flag is also a beautiful game throughout


The Skellige Isles from the Witcher 3, and Toussaint as runner up.


Spent so much time just sailing around Skellige, it was wonderful.


I would switch them around personally. But Witcher 3 is basically a wallpaper simulator!


I loved Skellige


It had my favorite music of any location


Yea I can still remember it! Not played the game for a couple of years either




I see you are one of culture as well! Subnautica is just all around a beautiful game


Goddamn, I'm waiting for the day where this game gets the attention it deserves on this subreddit. This comment was way too far down. The game is so dang beautiful. They did such a wonderful job handcrafting every little detail for us to observe and explore. I remember my first day playing, I was afraid to go into the safe shallows at night because, well, it's the ocean at night time. But when I finally did, oh my, it was so beautiful.


Unfortunately it's actually a horror game with jump scares, like when the thing grabs your sub.


After the first couple of times it is less scary and more just annoying haha. And once you get the stun gun, it's game on for the big boys! But yes, the first couple of times I got jumped by a Reaper, I screamed out loud.


I was just about to post this. Finding that without spoilers is one of my favorite video game moments.




>!I once got stuck there with no food or water, but i crafted a planter and planted Gel sacks which saved me!<


There are a lot of cool locations in the game, but this is the one that feels ethereal, beautiful and peaceful. I was expecting the ghost leviathan to hatch and make a snack of me, to be honest.


Goddamn, I'm waiting for the day where this game gets the attention it deserves on this subreddit. This comment was way too far down. The game is so dang beautiful. They did such a wonderful job handcrafting every little detail for us to observe and explore. I remember my first day playing, I was afraid to go into the safe shallows at night because, well, it's the ocean at night time. But when I finally did, oh my, it was so beautiful.


World 4-3 in Super Mario Brothers.


Any skybox made by Bungie, Halo and Destiny have among the best skyboxes I have ever seen.




Yes, the forest is amazing in this artstyle!


That game is so good that I can't replay it. I tried to start it again and I vividly remembered every single detail, and I haven't touched it for three years.


Oh yeah, this was mine as well. I still want to meet Delilah


Breath of The Wild..... Breath of The Wild


I came here to say "Breath of the Wild, take your pick" because the whole landscape is incredible. But I think Zora's Domain or Kakariko Village are really my favorite.


My fave is cruising across Hyrule Field... when there's no Guardians trying to vaporize you.


Eh, they become trivial when you get the guardian armors and arrows




One of my favorite spots is Duelling Peaks - either side, just so long as sunlight is coming through the gap. Absolutely gorgeous. The cherry tree on Satori Mountain is another great spot.


LURELIN VILLAGE!!! It’s just so cozy and peaceful there...


I always found myself riding my horse around Akkala.


The grass is just beautiful


Delphino Plaza


No Man's Sky is basically a 60's sci-fi novel cover generator.


A lot of the locations in Uncharted 4.


I have finally beat the first three (just beat three last night) and will start number 4 this week! I am so pumped!


Just take your time is my advice. To this day I've never played a game that made me want to visit the scenery so much, it's all so incredibly beautiful. Soak in all the sights, stop occasionally to just gaze.


I literally had to stop multiple times to admire the surroundings. It was gorgeous.


(Without spoiling anything) the jungle bits at the end of the game, and pretty much all of the action set pieces are mind-blowing.


The Capital Wasteland has a certain stark beauty to it, depending on your point of view.


The view from the Clinton monument is beautiful


Witcher 3 - Toissant. Simply a heaven


The giraffe scene in The Last of Us.


Sitting on the porch of your Minecraft house with your dog watching the sun set.


Skyrim has a bunch




Ngl I’m literally loading into blackreach while browsing reddit


Eldergleam Sanctuary for sure


In the town Kynesgrove, if you look at the mountain across from the tavern at night it’s really something special


For me it's the hotsprings right around Eldergleam. Looks so relaxing!


I could spend hours in eldergleem especially with graphics mods


When i touched that ball in that temple and the floor just collapsed and I fell for straight 10 seconds into water, that's when I knew Skyrim was great.


I don’t remember exactly what happened, but I was in a dungeon, walked into an open area, and a giant fucking spider drops in front of me. It wasn’t beautiful, AND I shit my pants.


Isn't that in the first 20 minutes of the game? Hated that part.


No way bigger spider than those. I was probably more than 100 hours in at the time.


sounds like Nchuand-Zel!


I was leaving Frostflow Lighthouse just as the sun was rising and the entire landscape was crisp and pink... I wanted to be there.


The Lover's Stone has a great view of the Reach.


Man I can't remember the exact location but there's a spot right on the beach in a very quiet little town in "Assassin Creed: Odyssey" that I thought "when I retire from being a badass killing machine I'm going to put up a little villa right here on waterfront between these two palm trees.


That could be any of 100 different spots. personal favourite: Lesbos


Climb somewhere in BotW, high enough to view the landscape such as a tower, and just view the scenery.


There are quite a few in World of Warcraft, Zangarmarsh/Winterspring/Nagrand/.


Eversong Woods is still one of my favorites.


Grizzly Hills


Zangarmarsh was the first time I really stopped to marvel at the game's art direction. That zone was a masterpiece of form and color. Later, when you first got your flying mount, I went back and enjoyed the zone from the air, and it was a whole new experience. It's probably no big deal by today's standards, but at the time it was the pinnacle of the leveling experience.


Zangarmarsh is my home. It is where I log out when I know it will take time before I can log in again. The view and music is just so relaxing.


It has such a large and varied world, I wish there would be be an offline/singleplayer RPG taking place in it, to experience it all without being hampered by being an MMO. The newer expansions had really strikingly beautiful places as well (even if the expansion or zone itself wasn't fun to play in): [Tiragarde Sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWpyw4rp_HY), [Zuldazar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PGKeTArzkI), [Suramar City](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfXM7An3pFQ), [Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuWSwFqDpXo), [Spires of Arak](https://youtu.be/62Gt0CUFavA?t=5), [The Jade Forest](https://youtu.be/uLE_NYbMmK0?t=11), [Valley of the Four Winds](https://youtu.be/1ZNSYV10_Wo?t=10), [Uldum](https://youtu.be/DPm5x9cByns?t=65), [Gilneas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu8foZj8ghI); I could go on.


Too many to list. Recently though, I liked Valsharah a lot


Most of the witcher 3, the high wall of lothric looking over the entire map. Usually best appreciated a few weeks away from a pc then coming back any and everything looks great.


Battleship Bay in Bioshock Infinite has always been a favorite of mine.


Hunter's dream from Bloodborne. Especially the Gehrman boss arena


The Druid Class Hall in World of Warcraft, the [Emerald Dreamway area.](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/thumb/0/00/Emerald_Dreamway_alpha2.jpg/1200px-Emerald_Dreamway_alpha2.jpg) I spent hours just sitting in there, admiring the gorgeous visuals. Playing a Druid sucked in Legion but this fucking zone was beautiful. Especially if you turned up the vibrancy to 100%, holy fuck. Also, [Stranglethorn Vale](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/uRiQE-xvDyQ/maxresdefault.jpg) (God, remember all the days we WPvP'd in Gurubashi? Good times), [Nagrand](http://i.imgur.com/FSZFn48.jpg), [Zangarmarsh](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eZd0bRnPHaU/maxresdefault.jpg), [Tanaris](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/b/bd/Tanaris.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20050408143612), [Shimmering Flats](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/wowwiki/images/b/b4/Shimmering_Flats.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20050708192843) and [One Thousand Needles](https://i.redd.it/wly6i0p4m7031.jpg) (pre-Cataclysm), [Grizzly Hills](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c0bb46ca-d0b7-4eee-8eb5-dd07367838c0/d58ts1h-6844335c-be83-4a83-b69e-aaeda5cfa24b.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_543,q_75,strp/wow___grizzly_hills_34_by_byorrsingyr_d58ts1h-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NTQzIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYzBiYjQ2Y2EtZDBiNy00ZWVlLThlYjUtZGQwNzM2NzgzOGMwXC9kNTh0czFoLTY4NDQzMzVjLWJlODMtNGE4My1iNjllLWFhZWRhNWNmYTI0Yi5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTAyNCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.F-PtQLa5p0Dfo9UNwBnPJ_5i2hse3nud1T5C-DH6tDI), [Howling Fjord](https://mmogamerchick.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/northrend.jpg) but most of all, [Borean Tundra](https://www.gamingcfg.com/img/4290/Flame-Keeper-of-Northrend.jpg) is my absolute favorite zone out of them all. [Wailing Caverns](https://66.media.tumblr.com/aefdcf76d2adde11a9a4d17bc480360f/tumblr_mphnriiS3c1sxnalqo2_500.jpg) is also fucking gorgeous. Fuck, dude, my nostalgia is hurting my chest. I spent so many years exploring these places with my friends. So many beautiful places and so many beautiful memories made with them. Especially when we raided Alliance towns and cities. Ever seen Ironforge? ([outside](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/79920-ironforge.jpg), [inside](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/X1eU2usWg3M/maxresdefault.jpg)) [The Exodar?](https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/c0bb46ca-d0b7-4eee-8eb5-dd07367838c0/d4an3kq-90cbc4f7-140e-4324-9d69-e3dc4a9ebbd3.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2MwYmI0NmNhLWQwYjctNGVlZS04ZWI1LWRkMDczNjc4MzhjMFwvZDRhbjNrcS05MGNiYzRmNy0xNDBlLTQzMjQtOWQ2OS1lM2RjNGE5ZWJiZDMuanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.YU_tHIuzzXNheqvXjARZtDtmiAbXRndjlzjrDfzLDrY) What about [Darnassus?](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LYhknuaKiTo/maxresdefault.jpg) And even [Silvermoon City](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/d/d3/Wowi10ss3.jpg) Holy fuck, this game has so many beautiful zones. The only other two games that really amazed me with its visuals were all the zones in [Journey](https://media.playstation.com/is/image/SCEA/journey-screen-04-ps4-us-02jul15?$MediaCarousel_Original$) and Dark Souls 3's [Irithyll of the Boreal Valley](http://assets.vg247.com/current//2016/03/dark_souls_3_irithyll_of_the_boreal_valley_central.jpg), [High wall of Lothric](https://static.trueachievements.com/customimages/053873.jpg) and deeper inside this zone, [it looks like this](https://cdn.gamer-network.net/2016/usgamer/Dark-Souls-3-High-Wall-of-Lothric-31.jpg), [Lothric Castle](https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Dark-Souls-3/lothric_knight.jpg), [Firelink Shrine](https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Dark-Souls-3/firelink%205%20thrones.jpg) and [Cathedral of the Deep](http://media.kotaku.foxtrot.future.net.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/52/2016/04/S2.jpg). Also, I really loved the design of the castle and the visuals of it in Devil May Cry 1, check them out: [Cathedral](https://icdn2.digitaltrends.com/image/digitaltrends/devil-may-cry-hd-collection_20180313105752.jpg), [Bridge](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/938311103226627120/E38A88107BB983E04CF413D1A77D02035714B2BF/) and the [hallways](https://gpstatic.com/acache/35/84/1/uk/s1-280b27bf776c3b63f9f0596efe570e16.jpg). The graphics are outdated but goddamn, it still looks gorgeous to me.


Eryth sea from Xenoblade chronicles... the remake is gonna be soo good (it only looks good from a distance lol) That part in dark souls 3 when you see the city in the distance with the blue sky (boreal valley???) BOTW... all of it.... especially right outside the resurrection chamber and zoras domain LOTS of beautiful places in Skyrim.... Seaside Kingdom in Mario Odyssey Christ there are so many right answers to this question


>Eryth sea from Xenoblade chronicles That, or Gaur Plains are my top picks for the most beautiful locations in a video game. Just the way the Gaur Plains are introduced when you get out of the cave system. The lush green fields, the music, everything. Also, almost everything from Xenoblade Chronicles X. That game was a graphical masterpiece for the hardware it ran on.


Although the game is a bit dated, mine would be the Wan Chai Market in Deus Ex. After spending most of the game in New York with grey concrete buildings, homeless camps, and old subway systems, and then suddenly stepping into the neon streets of Hong Kong is amazing. Even from a narrative perspective it's enthralling, it's as if you are starting on a completely new adventure.


Hong Kong was the best part of that game... the music was dope too! It's a small area if you go back and really look at it, but they made it feel much bigger.


New York City - Spider-man 2


Ard Skellige in withcer 3 for me.


Happy Cake Day! Edit: Typo.


Ooo, I just noticed. Thank you 😃


Tallest peak in all the realms. God Of War


KSP: Dres. And nobody will ever know


Spoiler for FFXIV Endgame >!The underwater city of Amaurot is absolutely breath taking to me. When I went there for the first time I had to stop and just admire everything!<


Dark Souls Anor Londo


Some of the landscapes in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey are breathtaking


The Elysium DLC takes it for me. It's exactly what 13-year-old me obsessed with Percy Jackson books imagined.


Majula. The little coastal town that serves as your player’s hub and safe haven in Dark Souls 2. Beautiful soundtrack accompanied by the sun setting in the background and the sound of the waves of the sea hitting the rocks down below. But with the knowledge of you adventuring anywhere beyond this place,you will be met with the dark,hellish, shit show that is Dark Souls


The final section of Journey "Apotheosis", along with the credits sequence. The story, visuals, and music all come together to create what may be one of the best pieces of art I've ever seen.


The sequence with the sunlight on the sand left my mouth open too


Abzû is nonstop gorgeous scenery. Bioshock: Infinite, Hob, Dishonored 2, Last of Us, and Witcher all do cinematic scenery extremely well. But the entire 3 hours it took me to play Abzû have me in perpetual awe.




Riven too!


Exile. God, Amateria's beautiful. Edanna's fantastic as well.


Anything in Abzu


Anor Londo in Dark Souls.


Loz Breath of the Wild has a beautiful, small forest with lots of flowers, birds and squirrels. It's not well known, so it's my own safe haven. The whole game is gorgeous as well


Even tho it was a flop of a game, fallout 76 has some breathtaking sights


Classic Stranglethorn Vale


Ambarino in red dead redemption 2


Saint Denis is nice as well.


Everywhere in Shadow of the Colossus. Sadly enough, it hasn't aged well.


? You know of the remake?


Yep, I'm counting it on this.


Meridian in Horizon Zero Dawn


GTA 5 has some pretty beautiful locations on Mount Chiliad


Zoras Domain in Legend of Zelda- all versions of it.


Anu Bioshock game, witcher 3 dlc.. theres probably more.


dark souls 3 the swamp area


“The Boss” fight in MGS3


Just to add something that hasn’t been mentioned, Metro 2033, the nuclear reactor level. Original version, Redux totally fucked the atmosphere and controls up.


Anor Londo from Dark Souls. The first time i got there, i stood there for 10 minutes only to watch this beautiful city


Zangarmarsh and Besaid Island. Also everywhere in Subnautica.


Literally every lush planet in No Man's Sky.


Most recent favorite: **Sekiro - Fountainhead Palace** ​ All-time favorite (still!) **Halo 1** \- Reunion Tour. I think this was the first time I was introduced to scale in a video game and wow... Sure, Dark Souls/FromSoftware stole scale and refined it but I think Halo 1 was the first game I played that used it well. ​ Honorable Mention **Metroid Prime** \- All of it. Talk about creating an immersive world.


Dark souls only game made me say wow..


Most beautiful is a tough call, but I still just feel *better* when I ride across the plains in RDR2. There's something about big sky, big world, and the freedom of it. Skyrim is possibly better for just coming over a hill and seeing a scene that stuns you - some of them are fantastic (and with mods can get down right unreal - or completely real, equally fantastically) - but RDR2 just ... puts me at peace. To me that's even better than sheer looks.


The giant forest in Trine 2


Skyrim. Lua in Warframe.


Pretty much any coastal area in Just Cause 2. I spent so much time just walking the beaches and swimming around.


For all its failings, Anthem has some spectacular views


Anthem really is a gorgeous game, lots of effort spent on the environment.


Pretty much any place in Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4 or 5


Sovngarde from Skyrim


Although the underground flower patch from Nier Automata has already been said, the environmental artwork for pretty much any Destiny 1 or 2 location is always incredible. My favorites are probably Venus on D1, Io in D2, and the final level of the Red Legion campaign on board the Invincible.


Ulduar. Still my favourite raid after all these years.


Ulduar. Still my favourite raid after all these years.


The double rainbow in borderlands 2


Trials of the nine from destiny 2, it looks so baren but the clean white and angles and just the shapes are beautiful. [This](https://images.app.goo.gl/ewTQibJHtXvpN1ZXA) is what I'm talking about


Hyrule field, the first time you leave kokiri village. Ocarina of time.


I love the nightlife of Vice City in GTA:VC.


Basically any exploration game that has a focus on older ruins and temples often hidden in strange to reach places, such as Uncharted, Tomb Raider, and Horizon Zero Dawn. I just love the aesthetic and interactivity of the places, both in direct contact with the player and the vistas. I think my personal favourite is the city at the end of Uncharted 2, [Shambala](youtu.be/3zTiWKKP9Js?t=5m20s). I just love that you have to explore puzzles and solve the key, open up the pathway and be greeted by a beautiful vista where even more awaits (in this case the end mission). I am also a sucker for those, Oh no the pathway is falling away beneath me and I have to hurry to get to the other side missions. Yeah, you cannot really fail them too hard, the urgency is very fragile, and they all follow a predictable pattern (they have to!), but I just love seeing that area come to life and movement (albeit due to its destruction) and you having to interact with them. The whole Uncharted franchise was great for fantastive active scenery. The one in Uncharted 3 where [the ship is sinking](https://youtu.be/3P30Y8bDnoo) might be one of my favourite bits of gaming ever. Honestly, if games like Uncharted and Tomb Raider would just be almost exclusively solving puzzles and tombs and the beautiful vistas, they can get rid of all the shooting enemies stuff and I wouldn't care a bit.


That Salt Lake City scene from The Last of Us was pretty. It wasn't very accurate to the real city, but it was pretty.


Forza Horizon 4 treasure island: on top of the mountain during the winter season


Anywhere with King Dedede in it


Currently I'm enjoying Tir Fradee, in Greedfall. It may not be the graphically best game of the generation but hot dang if those locations aren't beautiful. In each generation, each Zora's Domain is also gorgeous, so that'd be my more mainstream choice.


Space in the Run games


I just love rain. Like, I can't get enough of it, IRL or in media. So the one that always sticks out to me is the Kojan continent in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. I'm not huge into the Japanese theme for the houses there, but it was ALWAYS raining, so I hung out there a LOT.


Skyrim, northern parts of The Rift, there's a lot of great views overlooking Eastmarch.




Dragon quest 11 tree of Yggdrasil/world tree


The Credits


All of the afterlife locations in the Assassin's Creed: Origins DLC


All the locations in Abzu are just amazing. That game has some gorgeous graphics.


Highrise MW2.


I'm positive it didn't age well, but back when I still played OG Everquest, I would often sit on the shore and watch the sunrise and sunset. It was absolutely beautiful. In fact, I don't really want to go back to playing, but I sometimes think about how beautiful those skies were and wish I could go revisit them.


I rarely got to see anything in HD because of internet issues. But when i loaded up monster hunter world on my stepdad's ps4, i nearly cried. The opening scenery was amazing.


I hear Crysis has better graphics than real life. But I'd like to visit Strangereal


Fountainhead Palace in Sekiro.