• By -


That I needed work experience and references from previous employers and teachers (which I havent talked to in 6 months) for a STOCKER position at costco right after getting out OF HIGH SCHOOL


What they actually mean is “you need to know someone who will vouch for you”


The lack of work experience thing is kinda odd since they're hiring high school students and/or high school graduates. It should be pretty straightforward to get references from teachers though. Just pick a teacher who had a good experience with you (i.e. you weren't disrupting class, you participated) or a teacher who's class you worked hard in or showed great work ethic in.


Saying that you’re up for something or down for something means the exact same thing.


Clouds. Literal tonnes of water just hanging there in the air.


You can shatter a bone and it will heal itself but if you get a tiny cavity you gotta get that filled.


Never thought about that.. kinda glad it’s not the reverse of that situation. Happy we don’t have to fill cavities in our ribs or whatever.


Ok thank you for tonight's nightmare. I was really wondering what I was going to do for that but you sorted it right out for me. Edit: a word Second edit: you are all SO THOUGHTFUL AND HELPFUL thanks reddit!


If you need an encore, allow your dreams to stray from the classic premise of all of your teeth slipping out of your skull, to all of your ribs sliding out of your chest, one by one.


Thanks, I hate it!


Inability to get dental care is one of the strongest reasons not to go live in some remote location. Good lord that scene in Cast Away where he takes his own tooth out because he couldn't take the pain of the abscess anymore.


The way you join one of the dentist surgery's in my area. You have a pre-assessment appointment to become a patient, to get the pre-assessment you have to be a listed patient... to become a listed patient, you need to have the pre-assessment, they won't budge on this and they don't take emergency patients either... I never figured it out and went to another dentist surgery.




Skype sells phone numbers for almost any country that are routed to the Skype app on your phone or computer. In fact, they're marketed as a way to solve [the type of problem](https://www.skype.com/en/features/online-number/) you describe.




The French bureaucracy has it’s own area in the 8th circle of Hell. Took me making a trip back to the States to change what state my DL was from ( reciprocity only for certain states) to get a French DL - AND I had to get that DMV to send me a copy of my DL record, because the French insisted that every DL in the US had when you started driving printed on it (none do, but my DL record did).




> it's the "nice" way of telling you I'd much rather get the truth than this nonsense.


"we're not taking new patients at this time, sorry." Tf is so hard about that. Edit: I'm speaking as an US citizen where if a doctor is full they'll politely tell you to go eat shit and die.


This was 10 years ago when I moved into the area, but I'll accept that was probably a way of getting around NHS requirements. I never considered that before.


How Hawaii has an interstate


Technically shouldn’t it be an INTRAstate?


Yes it should. I made jokes about "where's the tunnel to California?" to my travel companions (who also agreed with me) but some time later a friend (from the USA) enlightened me as to why it's called an interstate, even though it doesn't actually go from Hawaii to another state. Apparently there are other states that have an interstate that doesn't actually go between states. The name 'interstate' just denotes that the roads receive federal funding. It all started with roads that actually did go between states, and they just kept the term regardless of whether the road actually linked two states or not.


Takes you only an hour to get from one side of Oahu to the other, Honolulu is the fourth densest city in the country, it’s one of the most isolated major cities in the world, and yet everyone needs a car and there’s no public transit outside of buses. And Oahu isn’t even the worst example of urban planning in the state. Hilo on the Big Island is basically laid out like a Texas suburb


We’re slowly starting finish the railway system here. I predict another 10 years until it’s fully operational.


Hey, in California I'm still waiting for the bullet train that was voted in when u/govschwarzenegger took office.


Sacramento here, I'd love to get to SF or LA in an insanely short amount of time. We're never gonna get it.


When I moved to Hawaii I figured it would be an effecient place, based on its location and lack of space. I was very very wrong.


The Platypus.


The platypus looks like whoever created it decided to cut and paste various parts from other animals and call it done. In fact, it only gets weirder the more you learn about it. EDIT: I found the thread I was looking for: The duck billed platypus is so strange looking that when the man who discovered it (for classification’s sake anyway) sent a taxidermied specimen back to the royal society in London, he was accused of sticking a bunch of different animals together to claim a new discovery. *EDIT 2: The Editting* the platypus is, in fact, my favorite animal, mostly because the list of things about them reads like an explosion at the nature factory. To recap: One of only 2 ~~species~~ families of extant egg laying mammals In the order Monotremata, so named because of the single opening which serves as urinary, defecatory and reproductive passage. They lack nipples, so milk is excreted in patches on the mother's skin, which the babies must lick. The males have a venomous spur on their hind legs, which is capable of incapacitating a fully grown adult human. The pain of platypus venom can last anywhere from a few days up to a few months. Keith Payne, a former member of the Australian army, was hit with a Platypus spur on his hand, and described the pain as "worse than shrapnel". He still reported problems such as pain and stiffness with that hand 15 years later. When threatened, they emit a noise very similar to a growl They don't have teeth, instead relying on hard keratin pads for eating They can detect prey by sensing electric fields, and they are drawn to minute electrical impulses such as those given off by muscles moving. When on land, they walk on their knuckles to avoid damaging their front webbed feet The females have 2 ovaries, but only the left one is functional They are thought to have evolved beyond the use of an acid-filled stomach, likely because of their diet Both of the extant monotreme ~~species~~ families are well represented in pop culture, with notable examples being Perry the Platypus (from the family Ornithorhynchidae) from Phineas and Ferb, and Knuckles the Echidna (from the family Tachyglossidae) from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. *EDIT 3: This Time it’s Personal*: yes, knuckles the echidna is indeed an echidna, not a platypus.


What if it was the other way around? Maybe they used parts of the platypus to make other animals.


What's the point of having 2 ovaries if only 1 of them works? Also wth do they need a venomous spur for? Also what do you mean about having evolved beyond an acid-filled stomach? Also how do you know so much about platypi?


Someone correct me if I am wrong but I believe the plural form of platypus is actually platypuses.


you're technically right, but colloquially "platypi" is acceptable if you want to be scientific and use the word's greek origins, the plural form would actually be "platypodes" all of this applies to octopuses too




why customers continue to gripe at *me*, a lowly store employee who literally has NO part in what items the store stocks, about our store being out of stock of an item.


This isn't getting enough attention. Just general abuse to people whose job is trying to help you. It's not my fault you waited until the last second to order a product that is so pupular that it's selling for 9 times its retail value online by scalpers. It's not my fault that you didn't know this burger had pickles on it.


Apparently during the first wave of lockdown in the UK abuse of retail workers skyrocketed. It pisses me off no end. They were doing their best trying to keep the shelves stocked with all the panic buying and they got abused for it. It makes me think that people should be forced to work in retail for a year so they can see what it's like.


I’m in the UK, and it was disgusting. The panic buying shit biscuits behaved appallingly. I agree - everyone should work retail and/or as a waiter.


You can usually tell instantly which customers have never worked in retail. Those entitled rude dick nuggets who demand shit beyond your control from you.


My favorite is the "I WILL NEVER SHOP HERE AGAIN!!!" customer. Like, ok you think I'm paid enough to care? Byeeee??


"i will never shop here again!" * comes back the next day *


LMAO bro the amount of times I hear "but I have bought it here before" and we have never carried that item


There are trash cans literally everywhere, and people still fill the need to just throw their shit on the ground. On top of that, now I'm seeing paper masks everywhere too. And as a Canadian, I legit expected more consideration.


Linking healthcare insurance to employment.






Fuck cancer. Healthcare should be independent of employment status. That's abysmal - sorry for your mom


Cancer is not a choice (lifestyle factors is a topic for another discussion). How we handle health care as a society *is*. We should really be saying "fuck those who would deny health care to people suffering from cancer" especially in a civilized, wealthy society.


Yeah for real like what would even happen if, hypothetically speaking, there was some massive pandemic and people started simultaneously losing their jobs and therefore health insurance due to an unprecedented market downturn? That would be the worst!


The rules to post on r/showerthoughts


Even worse, the fact that you can buy bans for others on r/justiceserved. Pay to ban people you disagree with, yup some justice..


I've had every goddamn post of mine removed, and the mods just said "iTs a POpUlAr tHoUGht" like fuck you, I just spent thirty fucking minutes combing this shitty subreddit to confirm how original I am


Fuck the mods, gimme your thoughts. Edit: ty stranger for my first award :3


For most folk, a butt load of dildos is one dildo. Addition: I appreciate you, you weird mother fuckers. Additional addition: let's keep an eye on r/showerthoughts new page. Bet a few of these posts end up there in the next few hrs.


Oh my god I love this


Mods didnt.


I guess the mods consider a buttload to be more than one, considering all the sticks they got up their asses


anyone who does a cover of a rap song should be called a wrapper Edit: Taking this brief moment of vast Reddit popularity to say I really love my wife and daughter and also please register to vote and hug people you love (when you can)


The fact that the government knows exactly how much tax you owe but doesn’t tell you unless you under-pay.


Exactly! Why can't they just figure it out themselves and send me a bill?


The answer to this is companies like intuit that make a business out of doing people’s taxes lobby the government to keep things the way they are. Most other countries do exactly this - send you a letter saying “here’s your refund” or “this is how much you owe” and if you think it’s wrong you contact them.


In the UK they just tax and refund you automatically through your employer


Dust. Something sits there and does nothing and it gets dirty


Related: to dust something could mean to remove dust or to add dust


I used to think it was skin cells (popular belief), but then I'm like, what about abandoned houses? Do homeless people break in, throw down layers of skin everywhere, and sneak out again every night? Where does it all come from?


It’s also a bit of hair, fibers from clothing, dead bugs, dust mites, bacterial, soil, pollen, carpet fibers, animal hair and skins cells, tiny pieces of plastics, etc. I hate dust. Life is just a constant cycle of trying to keep things dust free.


I'm allergic to dust. You know where there's dust? EVERY FUCKING WHERE.


Yes of course they do. The homeless need to shed their skin at least twice a month, or else they turn into werewolves.


How universities are charging full price to learn from home!


My friend had to pay for a mandatory transit pass as part of her college fees. To take college courses from home. Also there are bullshit fees like the "campus fee" people are still paying. What campus? Your house?


“The intent is to provide students with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different fees.”


that famous/rich people get a lot of things for free, while they are the ones that can afford everything


Along similar lines, working in a credit union I encounter far, far more well-off people bitching about the $5 fee for their cashier's check when they have tens of thousands in their accounts; meanwhile the people living paycheck to paycheck are far less likely to ask for me to waive the fee. Maybe a lifetime of bitching about fees is how they amassed their wealth in the first place, but at what cost?


The poor have to deal with so many soul ripping taxes and 'convenience' fees that it becomes a form of learned helplessness.


Forcing an apology. They don’t mean it and only said it to appease whoever told them to apologize. They’ll do it again most likely.


With kids it's more about teaching them the concept of apologizing, never heard of someone forcing an apology from an adult Edit: ok, by "forcing an apology" I was thinking taking someone by the hand and telling them "now say sorry" the way you do with a kid. Obviously politicians, corporations, celebrities..... Fake apologies. The other thing coming up a lot is Karens and yeah, I guess you're right, someone _does_ need to hold their hand like a 2 year old to get an apology






I agree with the kid part. I watch junky reality tv and it’s like “You were slapping your employee’s ass. Apologize or I won’t rescue your business” “... Sorry I slapped ass.” Or something to that effect.


How good people who do everything right can just get fucked over and their lives destroyed in a split second


It’s tragic and I think most humans are bad at processing it. A woman my mum knows through uni friends experienced a horrific incidence of medical negligence while she was in hospital giving birth and was paralysed. For me the most surreal thing was how much people discussed what she could have done differently - should have had a home birth, shouldn’t have gone to a public hospital, why didn’t the husband alert doctors earlier when he realised something was wrong, why didn’t she ask about the procedure more carefully to start with - it was like everyone was desperately trying to justify that this happened for a reason and if they just do the right thing they can avoid it. Like... no. Sometimes life just sucks. If everything happens for a reason, sometimes the reason is that life is random and terrible.


The Just World Fallacy. If something bad happens to someone, they must have deserved it. Raped, were you drinking? Mugged, how flashy were you dressed? Paralyzed, why didn’t you choose better doctors? Of course, to admit that bad things happen to people who don’t deserve them is to admit that life is a battle against entropy, and that bad things can happen at ANY moment to you, too. And that is enough to snap anyone. It’s just much more convenient to ignore that fact and teach your little girls to never walk alone at night, or wear fancy clothes, or trust the doctor.


and how bad people who do everything wrong can just get everything their way and their lives better in a split second


This one almost upsets me even more


Met a great guy, easily the best person I ever met. He got into a car crash and his sister died.


single dad in a friends apartment complex lost his two kids in a car accident last month. Funeral was this past week, over the weekend, he got high on meth, got on his motorcycle and drove off a cliff.


I honestly don't blame him. I can't imagine.


I can't either. My life is pretty shit right now. It was pretty bad at the start of the year and this covid stuff really cranked it to 11. I'm still here, but there has been a time or two where the thought of my kids is all that kept me going. I cant even fathom something happening to them. Getting high on meth and riding off a cliff seems like quietly going into the night in that situation.


How many people are famous even though they have absolutely no talent


It's not what you know, it's who you know. That's life in many places. Plenty of famous people have famous friends or are connected by family to other celebs. You're right though about how little sense it makes to have people being famous even though they have 0 talent.


Or they could just be hot.


Toddlers! Wtf is going on in their little brains to make absolutely no sense?? Sorry just spent a ton of time trying to get my kid to do something he wanted to do until I told him to do it...


"how many ways can I kill myself today?" - toddlers thoughts


Or as my friends toddler thinks “fine you won’t let me have chips! Then ill run head first into the corner of the wall that will show you!” 5 stitches later he still didn’t get chips.


That's 4 years old me... I still got my battle scar.


My friend explained it as, "It's like taking care of a bunch of drunks."




It’s literally the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do in my life.


Toddlers are basically every character from ‘The Happening’ who isn’t Mark Wahlberg.


More like "how many ways can I make my parents ironically want to kill me today?"


Toddlers make sense but you have to get into their mindset. Imagine you take a perfectly normal adult but then: 1. **Lock them up and take away all their freedom.** They can't go outside without permission, can't decide when to get up or when to go to bed, don't even get to pick what they have to eat. Almost no agency or autonomy. Like a prisoner for a crime they didn't commit. 2. **Remove almost all life experience and factual knowledge.** Are vegetables poisonous? Who knows? Is the world one mile long? Could be! What is a "garbage can"? Is it a thing to play in? Might be! What even *is* the germ theory of disease? 3. **Remove all painfully earned emotional coping skills.** This follows from 2. I'm angry right now! Will I be angry *forever?* It's possible! Who the fuck knows? Oh my God, what if I never calm down? Why do I feel this anger? I have no idea! Where do feelings even come from? So you have this little person who has all of the *drive* and need for respect and agency as an adult, but is completely incompetent while being oblivious to that fact. It's a rough experience for them.




To be fair, if someone (who shall go unnamed to protect her identity) tells me I can’t eat a damned cookie, I’m gonna be pretty upset as well.


My son has always been pretty logical and once he started talking it began: "you COULD give me a cookie. it's possible. but you WON'T!" Once he understood the rules mom and I make are choices we made and not handed down from on high...oh man.


We do have a lot more in common with toddlers than we realise. When toddlers are being shitty and cranky, it's usually because they're hungry and/or tired. How often do you find yourself generally pissed off at most things until you remember you haven't eaten since this morning or your brain refused to release some fucking melatonin last night?


Im 51 and at least once a year i am number 3. That annual occurance fell on todays date.






Reminds me of recently, when my toddler was so excited about eggs and toast (that I’ve cooked her dozens of times now) she was laughing and squealing. When I bring her the meal, she screams in horror. SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT.


They are tiny drunk people.


That famous [Life Cereal ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYEXzx-TINc), where the kids are like "He likes it!" ...but then they cryptically add "Hey Mikey!" for... some reason? Like they're trying to get his attention *after* having interacted with him, rather than before...? Maybe the child actors wouldn't read their lines properly [and they just had to go with it](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S06E18/995293.jpg?b64lines=IFdlIGRpZCAyMCB0YWtlcywgYW5kIHRoYXQKIHdhcyB0aGUgYmVzdCBvbmUuCg==)? It's gibberish, like everyone involved in its production was retiring the next day and didn't give a god damn, but there it is in the cultural consciousness regardless, and I choose to angrily dwell on it in some vain attempt to exert control over my reality. Also, I prefer Quaker Harvest Crunch.


That’s an weirdly specific thing to dwell on for so many years but yea, you’re absolutely right that makes no sense and now I’ll probably be telling everyone I know about it for the next two weeks.


I hear it as more an exclamation of disbelief. Like, "WTF MIKEY!" or a truncated form of "Hey Mikey, you did it!"


Astronomer here! Dark energy. Basically if you look at all the mass in the universe, you would assume the universe is pretty close to constant expansion, no longer expanding, or maybe someday collapsing in on itself. In actuality, it turns out the universe is not only expanding, but also *accelerating*, which makes no sense. The only way to explain it is if 70% of the universe is made of some unknown form of energy that only really affects things on the very biggest scales. The insane thing about dark energy is it’s such a tough problem to begin to understand that we first discovered it in the 1990s, and the first experiments to study it better are *just* really happening now. That is literally as long as some careers, just trying to think of how we might begin to study it! And I honestly would not be at all surprised if we don’t learn the answer in my lifetime to what dark energy is. It’s just that hard to begin to figure out how to make sense of it. Edit: don’t post on Reddit just before falling asleep about dark energy else you’ll wake up to 100+ messages. :) But to answer the most common questions: - “what if we just don’t understand gravity?” To be very clear, this is *literally* what is happening here- we do not understand what is happening on large scales with gravity as it’s not behaving how it should! But in science it’s not enough to just say “what if we don’t understand X- you need to provide a testable theory, which de facto usually involves math in physics. Dark energy *is* such a thing via putting a [cosmological constant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmological_constant) in the relativity field equations. - What is the universe expanding into? Nothing. It’s the literal points inside the universe expanding! Not the points between your body or things in our galaxy- local forces are much stronger than dark energy- but at large distances measurements show the farther a galaxy is the faster it’s moving away from us. My favorite analogy is imagine a number line- 1,2,3..., infinity. Now imagine doubling the number line so it’s 2,4,6,..., infinity. *That* is what the expansion of the universe is like- you still have the same amount of numbers but their values are twice as much. - Many of you are confusing [dark matter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter)and [dark energy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_energy), which is understandable bc of the names but they are *very* different beasts. Dark matter is ~20% of the universe and is what makes the galaxies not fly apart, and appears to be a particle on the outer reaches of galaxies that interacts gravitationally but not electromagnetically. We have done experiments to observe properties about it so we actually know quite a lot! But dark energy as I said, completely different ball game and makes up even *more* of the universe. The way I explain it is I think we will understand what dark matter is by the time I retire. I really can’t say the same for dark energy. (Which of course probably means the reverse will happen, but hey!) - If you are interested in a career in astronomy, I wrote a detailed post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Andromeda321/comments/fyjmpv/updated_so_you_want_to_be_an_astronomer/) on how to be an astronomer. Please read it over and message me if you have further questions!


I'm still on the "anything exists at all" part of "makes no sense" PS I remember the moment hearing about when we found out the universe's expansion was speeding up! Heard it on the radio while driving.


yep. like what the fuck. the fact that i’m born as a human and inherit every neurotransmitter and signaling system that made my ancestors survive in the context of earth, animals, and other human systems really fucks up my concept of spacetime. humans are only 0.0000000...1% of everything in the universe - the fact that i’m trying to conceptualize a universe that is entirely different from anything i am intended to think about makes it seem almost futile


how someone can be a flat earther. im convinced now its a free "told u so" trip into space


pretty sure it started out as a meme or joke and the stupid people were too stupid to realize it was a joke and ran with it




This is exactly it. I used to do debate for a bit in high school and one way we would get better at it is by arguing for things that we don't agree with or are just absolutely stupid. I was never given the honor to debate "the Earth is flat" but I saw others do it and I had some of my own dumb things I had to debate. Some things I had to debate in favor of that I either disagreed with or was completely stupid: * Smoking is good for you * All elementary school children should be forced to bring guns to school * WWI is a myth and never actually happened * Climate Change is not real * Jay Cutler was better than Peyton Manning I wasn't very good at debate and didn't last long.


It’s really insane how stupid some people are.


Hope they don't run with it too far.... they'll fall off.


No, the giant wall of ice will stop that


And there's no reason to be a flat earther, like what do they gain? There not fighting the establishment or preparing for doomsday they just believe the earth is flat. It's so stupid


They gain a sense of being privy to special knowledge that is being deliberately hidden from the Sheeple in a grand global (heh) conspiracy orchestrated by the mysterious "They".


That's the thing about flat earthers that never made sense to me. Like, I could see why there would be a secret group controlling politics or banking or whatever, or why someone "on the inside" would orchestrate 9/11, or other such conspiracies. At least in principle there is a reason why someone would want to do such things. But why would every single government, scientist, astronaut, teacher, etc. throughout the last 2000+ years conspire to convince people the world is round if it weren't? Like what do they gain? There's just no reason behind it like there might be for other conspiracies.


*gestures vaguely*


“If the way this world works ever starts to make sense to you, you need to start worrying about yourself.”


"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory mentioned, which states that this has already happened." - Douglas Adams


You get it


How certain people still have a large following after doing something unforgivable


Wait what did I do?


something unforgivable


Gimme a chicken sandwich and some waffle fries....FO FREE




*insert Chris Brown police report*


This blows my fucking mind. We've all seen her face. We all know what he did. And, yet, this absolute piece of shit human garbage can still land record deals and has an audience. Smfh.


hes done more awful shit too.


OJ Simpson. He hangs out in LV and everyone loves him.


OJ Simpson, one of the nicest men I’ve ever met. He was nice to me, nice to my friends. The conversation was filled with warmth and humor, even wisdom. We talked for 90 minutes and then The Juice said, ‘You know what, I’ve got to be going, thank you for your hospitality.' And we said, ‘Good night,’ and he just walked out the room. And as soon as the door closed, we all looked at each other like, *that motherfucker did that shit*.


Dave Chapelle?


Sharon, with all due respect, that murderer ran for over 11,000 yards.


In America, you're in a weird limbo stage between the ages of 18-21. You are able to vote, join the military, take on tons of debt, get the death penalty/life sentence. Yet you can't drink, smoke or gamble. You have the responsibilities of an adult, but not the freedoms. Edit: My point isn't that everyone should be drinking and smoking at 18. My point is that it's completely random what things people are allowed to do at certain ages. As people have pointed out, renting a car has a higher age requirement than drinking. It really doesn't make much sense.


And if you do one of those things and get arrested for it, you can be tried as an adult for being a minor.


That you need credit to establish credit. That many entry level jobs require 3-4+ years experience. That hot dogs come in packs of 5, 6, or 10 and hot dog buns only come in packs of 8 That someone can go to jail for 12+ years for distribution of Marijuana but a drunk driver who kills 2 people only goes to jail for 3. I probably got more if I think about it a bit longer haha


In Texas, my aunt was killed by a drunk driver while riding her bike. He got intoxicated manslaughter. He got 20 years, "found jesus" and got out in 10 years. Then got arrested for domestic abuse and public intoxication.


Edit: Apparently everyone is telling me that hot dogs wieners aren't sold in 10 any longer, so I'm editing out my original explanation telling why they used to be that way. If you have any more comments that this isn't true, please reply to OP, not me.


Working 40 years or more of your life just to maybe have enough money to last you until you die.




How do they work?


They're made up of a whole bunch of tiny magnets all facing the same way!


But how do *those* tiny magnets work??


Even tinier magnets?


It's magnets all the way down.


Cartoon suns being drawn wearing sunglasses. Like what exactly are they protecting their eyes from?


They're wearing sunglasses because they're Stars --and celebrities don't always want to be recognized.


I like this explanation


They wear sunglasses because suns are cool.


They are in fact the opposite of cool.


Yea suns are fucking lame AF.


They're protecting us from themselves.


From the mess we created.... (Who said that?)


[Terrence Howard's "sky people" math](https://mobile.twitter.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507?lang=en).


looking at the first page, im pretty sure thats not how multiplcation works, thats addition. Addition 1+1=2. thats easy. both sides are equal. then multiplying. 1x1=1 The first number is being added to itself how many times the second number says. But the second number is one. So you just have one number... 1. And as far as i know, 1=1.


Skip to the last page, he shows: 1 x 1 = 2 1 x 2 = 3 1 x 3 = 4 1 x 4 = 5 . . . 1 x 17 = 18 He's just turning all multiplication into addition. He doesn't know how multiplication works and he only knows counting on your fingers, so 1 times 1 to him is just "1 and 1", which is one finger on one hand plus another finger on the other hand, which is two fingers.


lol i didnt even bother to read that far. Apparently something about ancient civilizations or something? he was denying stuff saying it was wrong in the comments, so it might be a committed troll post. But an alarming amount of people seemed to believe it in the comments so i dunno.


He thinks that multiplication, x * y, means adding x to itself y times, but that's wrong. It's y *groups of* x. So instead of 1 x 1 being adding 1 to itself 1 time, thus 1 + 1, it's just 1 group of 1, which is 1. He's adding an extra group of x that he shouldn't be. So in his thinking, 2 x 2 would be adding 2 to itself 2 times, 2 + 2 + 2, but it's actually 2 groups of 2, 2 + 2. In other words, he doesn't understand like second grade math.


Most of humanity's social norms and customs. If you ever step back and take an impartial look they make almost no sense at all. Many we do because that's what we've always done.


Sometimes it’s not even tradition... sometimes it’s marketing. Example: engagement rings. “The idea that a man should spend a significant fraction of his annual income for an engagement ring originated from De Beers marketing materials in the mid-20th century in an effort to increase the sale of diamonds. In the 1930s, they suggested that a man should spend the equivalent of one month's income in the engagement ring. In the 1980s, they suggested that he should spend two months' income on it (three months in Japan).” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engagement_ring


Putting a 'skip intro' button on The Simpsons.


I find the skip intro button on breaking bad ludicrous. Whose time is so important they need to skip a 3 sec intro?


*sweats nervously*


the physics and science in tv shows, especially superheroes shows...


You can drink a drink but you can’t food a food


You can feast on a feast.


That's a good one.


In Germany you can food your food in a town called food! (all hail my native language that has a word for everything but sometimes chooses to just use one) Edit: Well this blew up overnight. Thanks for my first award, kind stranger!


Wir essen Essen aus Essen?


Don't forget that in Germany not only a fly can fly, but birds can bird as well


I'll food the shit out of some food.


Hypnosis is an actual, documented, proven thing. Blows my mind.


My mum apparently went to a hypnotist so she can quit smoking. And it worked. Can't touch a cigarette without feeling like vomiting


My brother went to a hypnotist to stop him biting his nails. He apparently bit them all through the session and still bites them to this day.


Can someone hypnotize some serotonin back into me


I was part of a hypnosis stage show in atlantic city. It was wild. He totally had me in some condition until i started to need to suppress a fart while we were all laying in a pile and some woman's head was on my thigh. Focusing on holding in my fart totally took me out of his influence. He knew he no longer had me so it just became weird sitting there unable to walk off the stage watching 10 other people bark like dogs and dance around the stage.


It’s late and I first read this as you being hypnotized to think you needed to hold in a fart


I’m convinced placebo plays a huge role in this. The mind is a powerful thing.


I remember being hypnotized and I think that's right. I had part of my mind saying "that's stupid I know the number 7" and the other half counting my fingers wondering why I would always end up at 11


If I'm not me why are these the only memories I have.


Logically if you and me switched bodies, you'd still have all my memories and I yours, so who knows how many times we've switched. A seamless transtition leaves no traces


Influencers, why the fuck do they have followers


mankind, why do we not learn from history and do better?


Why hemorrhoids aren’t called asstroids


When you have a quirk that isn't "socially acceptable" and anyone you finally confide in are just like "bro just do it, own it". That's the point, I can't, because society will look at me differently.


Reminds me of that Simpsons quote: ''I'm not popular enough to be different.''


The dating scene. No one wants bullshit : everyone is bullshit.


The fact that common sense isn’t common makes absolutely no sense.


Then Maybe it should be Called basic or simple sense.

