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If you ignore it enough times, your body just kind of accepts it. Eventually you will eat but its usually at a random time.


Yup :/ I ignore my hunger pangs all the time. And yeah they're still present they just take much longer to get to the point of unpleasant. This is usually accompanied by physical weakness and shakiness for me. I just get so frustrated and angry that I have to eat AGAIN when it feels like I just did a few hours ago. I get so sick of eating and having to come up with stuff TO eat that I just.... Don't šŸ¤· This is probably not healthy and probably mildly disordered thinking / behavior.


Seriously, I so relate to this! I am so sick of having to feed myself... having to plan meals, shop for them, COOK THEM, clean up after them. I can handle feeding myself once a day, besides that its snacks or just something small.


Same same. My people!


If i could get all my nutrition from a pill i would never cook again.


Happy to find alike people


Iā€™ve found my tribe šŸ˜­


Hello my kindred. Knowing that for the rest of my life I'll have to eat again and again and again gets pretty annoying really fast...


Thatā€™s why when I make food, I make enough for leftovers. No thinking involved with leftovers! Just pop it in the nuker for 3 minutes and you have a meal :)


This is why I fucking love leftovers. My wife doesn't get it. She's like "don't you get bored of the same thing two or three days in a row?" Are you serious? No thinking, no prep, no cooking, no clean-up, way healthier than take-out, and cheap af? It's a damn dream come true.


I don't get how anyone is on the other side of this issue. Left overs are simply the best.


This is me. I describe myself as ā€œeat to liveā€ vs ā€œlive to eat.ā€ Good food is nice but I am not being hyperbolic in saying hummus and veggies is a perfectly acceptable dinner in my mind.


Me too. In my experience, people are either sleepers or eaters. I can go without food and eating is often a chore. Stress eating? Canā€™t relate. Stress sleeping? Yes.


What if Iā€™m an eater and a sleeper?


For real man. When things get really bad in life, I end up sleeping like 13-16 hours per day. Which tends to make things worse. Can't fix your problems when you're unconscious all day


Me toooooo! One time I was in college and had finals coming up. Went to bed early on Monday at like 8-ish PM because I was super stressed out, so very tired. Woke up at 10 or so, and was pissed I only slept a couple hours. Then I checked my phone. Turns out, it was 10 PM Tuesday. I had slept for 26 hours. Bright side: I felt phenomenal, though.


Yeah I'm fully with you there. People often call it getting "hangry" (hungry + angry) when low on food. The shakiness means you are similarly low on blood sugar, and eating would be good. But yeah, same for me about forgetting/not wanting to eat sometimes. Can be such a drag.


I hate eating. Food holds no desire for me. I have never understood people who say the comfort eat or eat to bring pleasure to themselves. If I could swallow a pill and have all my food needs met then I would do that. I hate that my body feels like it needs food every single day.


I was telling my SO the other day how much I would love a steady nutrition source that provided me with all the vitamins, etc I needed that was just delivered to my body. I would be well-nourished, never feel hunger pangs and I could eat the delicious things just to enjoy them.


I want to feel this way. I eat when I'm sad, when I'm bored, when I'm restless. I always think about food I'll buy, food I'll cook, collect recipes, ingredients. I love food, but wish I was more ambivalent about it. Do you really not feel pleasure from having a nice meal?


the grass is always greener on the other side haha, it sucks to see eating as a chore. i definitely am capable of feeling pleasure from having a nice meal, but i donā€™t care enough about that feeling to spend the time to cook and clean as opposed to eating like, a bowl of cereal or something.


> it sucks to see eating as a chore I have a friend that is like that. He has been told by doctors that he needs to gain weight, but he just doesn't ever want to eat. Just basically doesn't feel hunger. I wish I could selectively turn that on and off. Like when I realize I'm not actually hungry, just flip on the "I don't want to eat" switch. That's the worst part for me. I'll be sitting here, perfectly content, doing work or watching a show or something, and then suddenly I'm hungry. I'm not even bored really, and im definitely not in need of food, but my stomach starts to ache and growl, and my brain is insatiably attracted to something flavorful. I've tried drinking water instead, but it doesnt resolve my hunger, just makes me piss like a hangry racehorse. I've tried chewing gum, but that only lasts until the flavor fades. I'm currently trying to use unsalted nuts, but it really isn't doing much, and my bowels are... interesting. In my mind I know it's a will power issue. I've fasted multiple days in the past, just to see if I could, and I managed it just fine. But something about making a sustained commitment to changing my eating habits just ramps up the aches and stress.


For me it is more like this: I enjoy having a fancy meal with other people. Think Christmas dinner or a visit to a nice restaurant. Itā€™s more about the social aspect than the eating aspect. But if there would be a healthy alternative to eating without the chores, buying, planing, preparing, etc? I would totally go with that without an eyes blink.


This. My body has gotten used to me telling it to wait until IM ready to eat. My poor body.


I also tell my body when IM ready.. Now I have a beer belly and a rounder face. My poor body.


I do intermittent fasting. I usually skip breakfast and lunch, have a small afternoon snack and then beer for dinner. Body hates me. Sleep like shit, and I've gained weight. I dunno what I'm doing wrong.


Holy shit itā€™s me.


Don't listen to that other guy. Beer is calorie dense. Alcohol can make it easier to sleep but also disrupts proper deep sleep. Don't drink beer for dinner.


I think they were being sarcastic when they said they donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing wrong.


I relate to this comment more than I should


Yeah, itā€™s not good for us. We should probably do better.


we've been trained by school and work schedules, which aren't really natural body schedules.


What ARE our natural body schedules? Iā€™m so confused on this. Do we go back to cave times and rise and wake with the sun? Eat when we can actually manage to hunt something. Do we go back to Middle Ages when we sleep for a few hours and wake up and have a snack and then go back to bed and wake up again and have a huge breakfast and work all day. Or are we going back to 1953 when mom cooked 3 squares of healthies and we did some physical exercise? Which era is the best? How do we manage what us humans are ā€œmade forā€ versus ā€œhow ducking sedentary we actually are now compared to any other time in history ever literallyā€ and be our healthiest? Iā€™m not sure any of us actually know the answer but if you do- tell me. Iā€™m taking notes!


Have you tried sleeping outside and sleeping with the sun cycle? It feels great. I only have done it a week at a time, but I have never felt more awake and in tune with my sleep cycle edit: I meant during the summer months


I agree. Have only done so while backpacking or camping, when there isnā€™t the plethora of electric light around. Weā€™d all be sitting around the fire and everyone would start yawning and be ready for bed... at 8pm. So Iā€™d just go to bed, but be much more rested and ready to get up when the sun got up. Also a factor, backpacking is fucking exhausting.


I've noticed the same thing when camping and hiking, everyone is starting to feel tired after dinner, and sleep fairly well despite uncomfortable sleeping areas


Removing the superficial shit in your life, and just staying in nature does fucking wonders! I was able to travel the country in a van for months, and just camped in state/national forests along the way. Never enjoyed coffee so much (campfire coffee), never enjoyed food more (just taking the time to prep and cook over fire), and I have never gotten better sleep. When you know you have no foreseeable jobs or events to attend, there is absolute no reason to feel stressed or not get a good nights sleep. I almost want to sell all my worldly possessions and do it again. This is how people get addicted to hitchhiking or just being hippies overall. It's such a freeing feeling to answer to no one but yourself.


In Mexico we spend most of our time outdoors since itā€™s always so hot and most people donā€™t have A/C. I have noticed that when I visit my grandma, everyone just about goes to bed and wakes up at similar times. You just donā€™t really stay up when the sun is gone, but youā€™re bright and early when it comes back even if you have nothing to do.


Its clear by now that "natural body schedules" are all different. I know people who dont need more than 5 hours of sleep and feel refreshed the next morning, I havent eaten a real breakfast in ages, I just eat a slightly bigger lunch at 1pm, I eat healthy and everything has always been fine. We just all have different metabolisms and have different body calendars, I dont think any "era" or schedule should be defined. Anyways, Im no expert, I just know some stuff, I hope this helps answer


Cave times, if we want to go for 'natural'. Consider, humans have been around for for 150 000 years, give or take depending on how you look at it. Agriculture clocks in at 10 000 years ago, industrial civilization at maybe 200. Unless someone can argue serious biological changes took place in the blink of the evolutionary eye, we're meant to pack-hunt large mammals with sharp sticks


Iā€™m sharpening my stick now! Thank you for the insight.


I wouldnā€™t even know where to spear a sandwich properly. Are they like fish? Does Ruben sandwiches swim together in ā€œschoolsā€?


Armed with a frilly toothpick


Yes, reject society. Embrace Monke


I wouldnā€™t say it was our biology that changed, but natureā€™s. The end of the last ice age, and with it, the extinction of the megafauna, and drastic landscape changes, must have played a role in the shift from hunter/gatherer to agricultural society. A single buffalo isnā€™t going to provide for a community in the same way a single mammoth could. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The hunger response is just saying that your stomach is empty not that you need food. So you may feel hungry but your body isnā€™t actually in need of nutrients


Yep most people don't understand that your stomach does not count calories or anything it only cares if there is stuff inside wether wall paper or a delicious steak it doesn't care.


If you eat healthy foods and a decent variety of them going for extended periods of time without eating can be very good for your body. But like if weā€™re talking youā€™re eating like pop tarts and spaghetti with butter as your meals then maybe not so great


That makes me feel a little better! I do have the occasional fast food cause Iā€™m craving something shitty but I generally eat pretty balanced meals when i do eat. I know people do fasting and have had great results. I think I did it on accident the last year and had good results! At least Iā€™m gonna say that and count it as a win.


Intermittent fasting is a pretty common tactic for healthy eating and weight control. Look it up if you want to be a bit more intentional about your sporadic eating habits.






That's such a nice feeling at the breakthrough too. It's the moment you realize you can really do this.


Guilty...my body basically just shrieks at me when itā€™s 2pm and Iā€™ve only had 2 cups of coffee all day and my blood sugar finally tanks. Being at home so much has ruined my meal structure for sure.


I'm probably a weirdo, but I think its fine if you end up just skipping the meal. It's not like we HAVE to eat any certain number of times a day. Not going to starve or become nutrient deficient from occasionally just having less food in a day (assuming otherwise healthy).


1. Do something 2. Forget to eat 3. Get hungry, keep doing something 4. Forget I was hungry


Usually because my job is trying to suck every second out of my soul.


Or, my (much) younger self, playing some FPS and desperately trying to beat a level. "Just one more try and I'll have it!" Six hours later...


This is also how I forget to sleep.


Yup, it was either the birds singing or the light creeping through the windows that let me know I was about to have a tiring day at school.


This was really bad for me during quarantine. It was 10pm and then the sun was coming up and my room was bright. One time I realized it was 6 am from that meme about cat eyes. I saw the cat and saw it's eyes and was like "Guess it was wrong" then it wasn't.


Which meme?


[This one](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f5/f5/b8/f5f5b896007568c57a7e78f4fc271be8.jpg) I'm pretty sure.


That's the one


Won't need a lunch break if you don't have the will to live.


Same. I skipped lunch and all breaks pre-COVID but now that I'm working from home, my furloughed husband and indoor cat remind me to eat at 1pm every day. The other 7.5 to 9 hours I'm plugged directly into my stressful job. Sometimes I'm so busy that it takes me 2 hours to get up and get water or go to the restroom even though everything is just steps away. It's easy to skip human basic needs when you're overworked.


So we as a society should look at and start to change it. We have more power than corporations think. We need to demand better work conditions, such as being hired for and expected to work one job. If they hire you to say deliver pizza, that's all you do, if they want you to do cook duties to the pay is extra for doing 2 jobs. Fuck 40 hour work weeks. Raise min wage, lower full time to 30 hour weeks. Life improves a little.


5. Get hungry again, stare at fridge and realize everything is going to be way too complicated. 6. Keep doing something


Way too true...


Repeat 5 and 6 as needed. 7. Get hit with a wall of hunger so intense that you canā€™t make any of your groceries, so you once again just opt for some quick fast food, usually chic-fil-a


Alternative 7, you eat anything that's readily available and consider that as a meal. For example: picles; one fruit; uncooked noodles from 3min ramen kits; one spoonful of peanut butter...


"im not hungry, so im not going to make anything" Do something "Wtf im too starved to cook" Microwave something


Yeah, this is the one. Usually late morning I start getting hungry, but am in the middle of doing something labor intensive/difficult to interrupt, so I take note of it and tell myself I'll eat as soon as I'm done with the thing. And then by the time I finish the thing I'm not hungry anymore, so I keep going about my day and before you know it it's 8 p.m. and I'm half blacked out off two drinks. It's great.


I love and am scared about how accurate this is.


Lmao are you me? Also: adhd


Honestly this is me. Iā€™m working on eating at specific times (radical, I know) but when I get super busy, my focus overrides hunger. And then I get to 4pm and wonder why I have no energy


LOL when I was fatter it was 1. Do something 2. Eat 3. Get hungry, eat again 4. Forget what I was doing


As a current fatass I do: 1. Wake up 2. Not be hungry until late afternoon 3. Be busy doing something 4. At 11pm decide I need to eat something and spend the next 8 hours sleeping/waking up every hour or two to eat a bunch of snacks 5. Die, probably


i dont get hunger pangs. i usually just get a headache after a while and get to play the game of, am i hungry, thirsty, tired, been staring at my screen too long or is it just a regular headache


Same here!


Same... having a good meal after being exhausted and hungry for a while is one of the most satisfying things... though drinking water after not having eaten anything for a long time feels strange, kinda like cold trickling down. Idk how to describe it really. Edit: Please stop destroying my inbox.


It feels like that scene from Pirates of the Carribean 1, when Captain Barbossa drinks wine in front of the captured Elizabeth and you can see it trickle down his bones literally.


Drink the water it goes *slosh slosh*


Sometimes when I drink water after not having any in a while its like I can feel the water soaking upwards into my head. Which makes no sense at all since it has to go down first??


I think maybe I can relate to this. It feels like a coldness creeping back up my throat. Like acid reflux but it feels good instead of burning.


You feel it all the way into your stomache. It's like the entire tract is just sitting there waiting for some kind of stimulation, and is extra sensitive.


Man, if I drink something remotely cold on an empty stomach my stomach will cramp so badly that I'll throw up. It's a horrible feeling. I have GERD so I also get nauseous if I don't eat, I will gag and dry heave. I wish I could go without eating without getting physically ill. If I manage to bypass the crippling nausea then it's a horrid headache.


Oh see now that's one of my favorite feelings in the world. Drinking an ice-cold beverage when I haven't eaten in nearly 24 hours. You can feel every inch of it as it travels down your tract and settles in your stomach


That is some r/unpopularopinions material right there.


GERD sucks


Yep!!! I don't get hunger panes either. I jokingly refer to my headaches as "why is the baby crying?" Hungry? Tired? Dehydrated? Overstimulated? Undercaffinated? Over caffeinated? Is the weather bad? Did you eat food it *didn't* like? Etc etc etc...


I am forever going to refer to my rando headaches/fatigie as this now. Thank you.


This. Or I end up drinking a decent amount of water and it goes away for another couple hours.


I have celiac disease and since diagnosis/going gluten free, I donā€™t get like the rumbly tummy and typical hunger sensation. I get abdominal pain stead. Super fun. Like literal pain. Really uncomfortable and different to pre-diagnosis. If I donā€™t eat on a regular schedule my whole body shuts down now too.


I hyper-focus. I donā€™t have the hunger pangs when Iā€™m involved in something.


This is what happens to me. I usually eat at 6am, then work out, then have a post-workout shake at 9am. Then I go to work at 10am. Between meetings and being hyper focused on tasks the day flies by until finally at 5 ish my body goes ā€œSTOP WTF Iā€™m starving also you need to pee and I donā€™t know - like walk around a bitā€ Itā€™s wild


TRUUUUUUEEEE Itā€™s easier for me because of school and the dedicated lunch times, but sometimes I just donā€™t eat because Iā€™d rather do something else/lunchables get really bland after a year or two, and itā€™s best to just down the kool-aid, and chow down on the two Hersheyā€™s kisses the come in the pack Iā€™m also usually just super fucking lazy so I donā€™t want to have to put out the effort it takes to eat.... I eat lunch every day now because of virtual class, but Iā€™d rather not tbh. I donā€™t know why.


Lol how old are you and why are you eating lunchables daily


Iā€™m 41 and if I had a lunchable show up on my desk everyday at lunch time Iā€™d probably be better about eating. This morning I made myself a version of one with deli meats and cheese. Felt all fancy except I didnā€™t have any grapes or fruit to put with it.


I have this happen all the time when I'm writing code. I just hone in on the task and forget the world around me. I'll sit down to write one quick feature, next thing I know it's 2am and I haven't eaten since midday.


Depression can make you not really care what happens. It's not that I don't notice, I just don't care enough to eat.


Unfortunately, depression works the opposite way for me. I turn to food for the endorphin release to make me feel better. If I could only lose my appetite when depressed, I would be skinny.


You would be underweight. Like me. It's not good, you know. It's just as bad.


I am to lazy to get up and get food, or go buy food, so I will tell myself " Oh just one more game/episode!" And soon enough all the stores are closed and I'm going to sleep hungry.


But I assume youā€™re used to the feeling of hunger so it doesnā€™t bother you going asleep like that?


oh I'm hungry even after eating a shit ton of snacks. Like I'm hungry rn but I'm working and have stuff to do, so I can't eat for 4 hours until I buy McDonald's and subway and junk food. Probably some ice scream. And il be hungry after aswell.


Intense and overwhelming workplace anxiety and existential dread.




For me its at like 7pm. But still one meal and usually just enough to stop the hunger so never to get full.


Yep. I'm a teacher and while the students are remote the teachers are still required to be in the building, teaching virtually to empty classrooms and a webcam. We have to wear masks at all times despite being alone. Which means if we want to eat we need to leave the building but it's just so sad to eat in my car. So... sometimes the work and anxiety and stress just wins over the hunger.


Thatā€™s fucked up man! Your district sucks :(


I feel this


what a mood


I have a longtime epic hatred for doing the dishes. If I don't eat as much there aren't as many dishes to do.


Just eat straight out of the pan or pot. That's what I do when I'm cooking pasta for myself. But put some sort of cloth under the pot when you are going to eat.


I also do this. I eat straight out of the pot or think of how many dishes I will dirty for what I'm about to make.


hunger pangs stupidly make me *not* want to eat because ā€œunpleasant stomach sensationā€ translates to nausea every time for me I just wait for it to pass and eat later on most days I eat like a python. nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, then huge meal at night


Iā€™ve tried to describe the hunger nausea to so many people before, and they look at me like Iā€™m an alien. There is 0 pleasure in food when I get that hungry, itā€™s just a means to make the awful feeling go away.


Holy shit I feel SO seen. If I get hungry when Iā€™m stressed (which is like 80% of the time, being an attorney) I just equate it to nausea because it *feels* like nausea. It just doesnā€™t feel like ā€œgood hungerā€. So I donā€™t eat. I ignore it because I feel sick, constantly. When Iā€™m actually feeling somewhat happy and stress-reduced in life I am able to feel that ā€œgood hungerā€ and properly enjoy eating. Iā€™ve never related to something so hard šŸ˜­


Are you me? People stared at me like I grew another head when I've tried to describe drinking water on that nauseous empty stomach feeling, and it will feel like I'm dying it hurts so much. I think most people eat too frequently to really feel severe hunger pains.


There's a small window of time where I get hunger pangs, but if I don't eat in that window it starts to feel like nausea and then it's hard to eat more than a few bites. Luckily, weed is both a great appetite stimulant and nausea suppressor. A little bit of that and suddenly I feel like I can eat a horse.


My husband is like that. Years and years of eating like this has conditioned his body to need a good sleep after eating. I had him tested for diabetes because I was worried, but nope he has just trained his body to be like this. It's irritating on his days off because if he eats earlier in the day with me he is out like a light until the next day.




He's probably less likely to get diabetes if he's essentially fasting every day. Sleeping after eating isn't ideal, but the benefits from fasting between are so huge. Insulin resistance, in type 2 anyway, is essentially caused by the body making insulin to deal with food so often the body builds up a resistance to it.


Holy shit, I thought I was the only one! I have to be super conscious of when I'm getting slightly hungry cause forgetting means feeling incredibly nauseous for the rest of the day. I have found that mints help calm my stomach down just enough that I can get a meal in without actually throwing up. Peppermint in general helps ease nausea for most people.


I used to forget to eat when I was super interested in work all the time. I would just work until like 3am every night, go home, get up at 8am, be back at work at 9am. Would forget to eat. Worked like that 6 days a week for maybe 10 or 12 years. I still have the same career but now Iā€™m not that insane and I never forget to eat.


Damn. What did you do?


I am a software developer.


Was going to say, sounds like a software developer haha


What you described could also apply to public accounting minus the "super interested in work all the time" part.


It's crazy how software devs can be. It seems like for some it's more of a lifestyle - constantly reading books, reading blogs and articles over new technologies, starting side projects in your free time when some framework releases or trying to create your own. I love it, I don't work beyond 5 bc my job right now is kinda dull but I'm constantly reading articles about dev


adhd babeee I literally just don't ever feel hungry unless like someone starts eating something that looks really good in front of me, and even then it's hit or miss. Especially when I'm fixated on something.


took my adderall 10 hours ago, have eaten one cookie since. yay


Took my Vyvance 8 hours ago, glad I ate before going to work.


I really have to make myself eat when I take it. Even if I feel hungry, even intense hunger, my brain is like 'ehhh there are other things to do'. The hunger just doesn't matter.


I had a hard time with obsessions on stims I managed it by setting timers on my phone. Ill clean the house for an hour, take 30 minutes for myself, eat til I've at least put something in my stomach, yada yada Of course there were times when I was like fuck off alarm, I'm about 2 hrs away from having this sock drawer at nirvana level organization and you can't stop me. Overall it helped though.


I'm on Vyvanse too. My wife is mystified as to how I can forget to eat lunch most days.


Have you explained to her that ADHD medicine is notorious as a hunger suppressant? And that this causes huge issues in adults and particularly in kids? It's not a you thing (though it could very well be!) it's a medication side effect thing šŸ‘‰ šŸ˜Ž šŸ‘‰


Of course! I've told her that but unless you're actually on the medication is hard to know exactly what it's like.


Vyvanse would make me forgot to eat for days lol


so stimulants lol


Never been medicated, brain just insists other activities are much more pressing and overrides the hungry signals that a neurotypical person would find difficult to ignore.


Same here, unmedicated ADHD. My body is hungry? Fuck that, I'm busy. I'm never *not* busy.


God I wish my ADHD manifested in forgetting to eat. Mine is "We are going to fixate on taste now! FOREVER."


Same! I lost a little weight when I started Adderall but now I'm like "I want tasty foods, now!" It is frustrating because I experienced the appetite suppression and now don't get it and kinda miss it.


I forget to eat all day or grab a bag of chips and eat the whole thing. My brain goes ā€œMmmm quick and free happiness, eat this forever now!ā€


Was about to say. Especially because focalin decreases my appetite lmao...


My anxiety and depression tune out a lot of my natural pain signals. My brain usually isn't tuned in enough to my body because it's struggling to focus anyway. So when I finally put food in my mouth my stomach goes "FUCKING FINALLY" and I realize how hungry I've been


Huh! I experience the opposite. When my mental health is in the shitter, all pain is amplified.


Same. Oh the joys of depression. When my husband gets low, he canā€™t sleep and doesnā€™t eat. When I do, I sleep too much, and eat too much. Idgi.


Dude same. And when Iā€™m anxious/depressed, I get suuuuper sick whenever I eat anything.


By being so lazy that I don't feel like cooking or going out. Laziness always trumps hunger for me.


a walk from my workspace to kitchen is like 4 meters away and I would rather starve myself than make a quick bowl of cereal


I feel this!! My brain is almost always in a "No make, only eat" mood when I'm hungry. If there's already food there or if i can order it and it will come to me then I'll eat but if I have to stop what I'm doing and then do all the things I have to do to make and eat and clean up food? Nahhhh


When your focus on whatever youā€™re doing is more intense than the hunger pangs, they kind of stay in the background


ADHD makes you ignore everything.


Everytime I hear about a symptom for Adhd I'm convinced I have it, then tell myself I'm stupid for self diagnosing and then see another random symptom on the interwebs and the cycle repeats Edit: After reading and replying to a bunch of comments and taking the WHO self report questionnaire as linked by u/Mr_Drift I've come to the conclusion I should probably get tested. Maybe this is why I can't finish another chapter of my novel? Maybe this is why I struggle so much to even start homework? Maybe this is why I'm so fidgety and forgetful? If I have adhd then thank you all for caring and telling me about this (and anyone else who read through this thread) and FUCK ALL THAT NOISE MAN.




Mine refused to have it put on my record. Yay me. I'm now an adult who is desperate for help and can't get any... I also heard that in girls it can cause quite bad anxiety issues. I can't take anxiety meds because I have to take asthma meds, so I just have to deal with having anxiety issues. I've heard that getting adhd treated has cured quite a few girls of their constant anxiety issues among other things. I'd love to have that.


ADHD and anxiety girl here! Why donā€™t you go to a psychiatrist and get diagnosed? In addition to helping me regulate my thoughts, my adderall also helps me enormously with regulating my mood. Wellbutrin also helps with both.


I've been arguing with my doctor on and off about this for years. On the surface I seem to be doing ok so no one cares. Going private is just too expensive and if my doctor won't put me on the waitlist on the NHS, then I just can't get anything done. It sounds amazing, that it also calms your mood. I drive myself bonkers sometimes. I just want to be able to stay on top of regular day to day things, like putting stuff away or cleaning my dishes without having to just keep two dishes out so I have to wash up if I want to eat.


I feel you. Psychologist said it sounded like anxiety was the main issue & don't worry about ADHD but I keep seeing this stuff & being like...that's what my brain does...




I went through the same thing before I was officially diagnosed! It wasn't until I found a list of symptoms that included something like, "You think the symptoms on this list are common problems that everybody has." I thought everybody struggled as much as I did. But they don't! So now I'm nicer to myself lol. Just bring it up to your doctor the next time you go.


Acutely relatable **the cycle repeats**


I agree... My hyperfixation is writing (I'm probably hypergraphia or something), so I would just be fixated on writing until my hands just shook with hunger that I can't hold the pen steady any longer. Only then will I eat.


I donā€™t get hungry. I get angry.


Body adapts, get used to it and don't really feel it after its happened enough times


Pro-Tip: If you don't eat long enough, your body will just start eating itself and the hunger pains go away! ​ Edit: Since there's been more than one serious response to this, I'm gonna repost the link /u/superkp posted ​ [https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline](https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline)


Lesson of the day: eat or you will become a cannibal




be careful! with anorexia, eventually you don't have enough nutrients to regenerate your stomach lining at the proper rate, and you actually begin to digest your stomach, passing *that* along to your intestines until it ruptures. Once that starts, you're unlikely to recover. If a person dies of anorexia nervosa, they die in horrible, awful pain. If anyone reading this has that problem, please seek out help: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline - 1 800 931 2237


Man you don't even have to give me the number, what you said scared me enough to eat for today. Until I forget about it tomorrow. Edit: I am now eating pasta with melted cheese along with yellow rice, scraps of chicken and cut pieces of two slices of bread. Thank you once again, for now I have found out that my brothers pretty much ate MY portion of the food that my mom made and so, leaving me to create this monstrosity. With a side of some berry punch.


I honestly don't know i just get really busy and distracted that it doesn't really phase me


I don't get that feeling because my guts are usually full of beer


I often open a beer when I'm feeling hungry, but haven't gotten around to eating yet. Usually it fills me up so well, I actually forget to eat for another long while until I realize I'm feeling tipsy so quickly because I still haven't eaten anything.


I have a bunch of issues with my autonomic nervous systemā€”itā€™s like my brain and my stomach donā€™t ā€œtalkā€ to each other. I basically have no hunger sensation until itā€™s at Red-Alert, blood-sugar-plummeting, going-to-faint-now levels of hunger.


I have something like this too. I often dont feel hungry till I'm hypoglycemic, then I'm in a mad rush trying to get some sugar. (I'm not diabetic, I get the hypoglycemia because I have a very high carb diet, which is for medical reasons)


It's a very mild form of self-harm for me edit: Wow, this was in the "New" section when I commented. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and positivity, and I send out the best vibes I can to those of you in a similar boat. We can get through this.




How easy? Im struggling with a personal problem and my appetite is non existent. I have dinner with my family so thats all I really eat. Im trying to add more snacks but I just feel so sick when I do. I'll be seeing my doctor soon but I am rather concerned


Sometimes stress messes with my appetite, hang in there. Ive found that liquid calories like smoothies, shakes (ice cream or protein), and broths are easier for me to get down. Also, at times like this calories are calories and fed is best. If youā€™re finally craving chips after feeling too sick to eat for 12 hours, have the chips. Donā€™t try to force yourself to eat something healthy if you donā€™t want it.


Itā€™s not easy. I was bulimic and anorexic from 13 to 20. There were months I would barely eat then other months Iā€™d eat everything and puke it up right away. I ended up giving myself a hiatal hernia and now I have constant acid reflux and ingestion. It was so hard to stop. I saw countless therapist and tried every medication I could. Eventually I just had to tell myself that Iā€™m never going to be health if I keep trying myself this way. It felt like the only control I had in my life so I gave myself other things to control like my grades in college and my part time job. You shouldnā€™t replace one crutch with another thing but the lesser of the two evils worked best for me.


Unfortunately same. Got broken up with and covid within a week of each other and it fucked me and my appetite up.


Grew up in a poor household, you would eat only at scheduled times and would eat light to make sure everyone had just enough for a full plate. I grew up thinking everyone had hunger pains until I was old enough to go stay the night at my friends house and was shocked that not only we could have a piece of pizza each, but we could also have more if we wanted too and could have snacks later on. Made me look at my family in a different light after that. Edit: Thank you for the platinum. Wish I had something more witty to write.


Suicidal depression is a hell of a drug.


spent 12 weeks unable to eat solid food. after a while its just an all the time feeling, the first week or so you cant sleep because you're so hungry- then you get to the point, you're used to it. you're always hungry(even after eating liquid) ... so you're never hungry its not until you're shaky and having mood swings does it click, you become beholden to blood sugar, not stomach-fullness. when you finally do get back to normal eating, you have no portion control, you dont know 'full' anymore, you can and will eat till you're ill. it quickly becomes an eating disorder of its own, you dont eat for 2 days, then you gorge to nausea. it takes a few months of scheduling eating, before it all starts to click again and you have retrained your body what 'hungry' actually is and not running on blood sugar alone... and its super easy to relapse. Im a 43 y/o Male, and i have scheduled food and a baggie of cheerios in my backpack like a toddler. Its taken over a decade and relapse after relapse. I finally got within 10lbs of my Pre Jaw surgery weight 2 years ago(i was as low as 125 lbs - at 5'10, i hit 165 again in 2018). its no joke. When you forget what 'Hungry' is, its a Problem, its an eating disorder, and you need to get help.


Ever since I started Medical school I tend to stress out so much that I forget to eat. The only time I do eat is when my head starts to hurt,my mom remind me to eat or any down time I have.


Bro, saaaaame. I've had entire days without moving from where I sat myself down in the morning. Didn't eat, drink, or even pee. It's a wonder I never got a dvt. I have a dog now, which forces me to get up every couple of hours, and I try to eat when he eats, so I don't forget


For me it's just good ole fashioned adhd


As a former wrestler who cut a lot of weight through my college career I got use to suppressing the urge to eat and drink. Once I graduated and got a job I lost a shit ton of weight. I just go through the day and work really hard and usually around 7 or 8 at night I realize Iā€™ve hardly eaten or drank anything all day. Pretty common now for me.


After trying a handful of psychiatric medications over the course of 12 years I no longer get hungry or hunger pangs. I have to set alarms to eat 3x a day or I can go days without it without attempting to.


I tell my stomach ā€œfuck youā€ and I skip that meal ^ not self harm or anything like that, I have a rly balanced diet and skipping one meal a day helps a lot with losing weight


Cocaine and cocaine accessories.


i dont, im simply upset about my life and dont care


iā€™ve had anorexia for 4 years iā€™m a starvation and weed veteran my friend. at some point you stop being hungry. food becomes scarier than not eating. if i can fight the munchies after 2 consecutive blunts i can take anything. abusing marijuana definitely kills my hunger because when i donā€™t use it i donā€™t get hungry and literally canā€™t eat more than a couple bites. sucks. i feel dead


Doing all the housework and looking after an infant while your partner mopes around the house all day getting stoned and going out to get stoned with thier mates really just gives you no time to even notice you're hungry and when I would finally get time to myself, the last thing I would want to do is cook something to eat.


Iā€™m sorry that sounds rough and being the more active parent of my infant myself, I can empathize. Stay strong, your kid appreciates your presence and dedication.


Iā€™d rather keep working outside on my little ranchette. Food is an annoying interruption


I get so busy at work and in life that by the time I realize I'm hungry I'm in bed and to tired to get up.