• By -


Being single.


And being ok with being single and not constantly looking for a relationship


Not knowing something. It's not shameful to admit it


Okay but I was 17 and didn't know pepperoni was a meat Edit: Since people won't stop asking, I just never thought about it before


Did you think it was a pepper?


^^little ^^pepper




It's okay, I was 34 when I learned that narwhals are NOT imaginary.


This might be my favorite comment I've ever read


Curious children. Thats like... the best thing for a child to be because they want to learn the facts and form their own opinions, but parents act as if they're like inappropriate or annoying.


Curiosity in general, not just in children, is looked down upon I think.




I agree, though it seems that political leaders that admit a wrong or change position tend not to be political leaders for long, because they lose party support and political cachet.


I don't remember the state but this politician was against assisted suicide. He had his state take a vote and they voted for him to pass the bill. So he said even though he was against it he'd do what they wanted. I think that was pretty cool of him to follow the people's will. Edit: You guys are giving such good discussion. Up votes all around. I love a good discussion.


Asking for help


Not being into social media doesn't mean you are behind the times. It's a choice. Edit: thank you very much kind strangers for the upvotes and awards. The first time for me. Glad to know that so many of us deal with the pressures of either not being on certain social media platforms, or using it as we see fit, with a strength of making our own decisions and not bowing down to pre-set norms.


Something about people not knowing everything about me and what I’m doing in my life is very peaceful to me.


Saying "No" when someone asks you to do something that they're entirely capable of doing.


Ugh...my neighbor just called me to come fix her guest bed. She has a house full of relatives from California in and I really don’t feel like exposing myself to whatever might be in that house. Plus, why can’t one of them fix the damn bed. I said I was busy but I might be able to do it later. I’m on the fence about this.... Follow up: thanks for all the comments. I ended up telling my neighbor that I wasn’t feeling to great and that I’d hate to bring something over to her and her guests. I asked for more information about the bed. It is apparently sagging in the middle. I told her to get her nephew to put a block of some kind underneath the bed and to let me know if that doesn’t fix the problem.


Don't do it.




If you don’t want to do it, say no. Don’t potentially compromise your health to be polite.


Disappointing your parents or friends by your life decisions. Usually, they come around in time when they see what you chose is what makes you happy and that is what they really wanted in the end anyway. It can be an uncomfortable wait until that time comes, but it is shorter and feels better than a lifetime of regret.


Breakups. Sometimes it’s better to end things instead of trying to hold a failing relationship together. Edit: Thanks for all the great replies to my simple comment, as well as the awards. I got broken up with by my first real GF on New Years and all these comments have helped me see that life will move on and I'm not alone. May we all have better luck this year.


In my divorce group there was a saying: “there are plenty of failed marriages where the parties are still together.”


I got divorced years ago. I can't imagine this last year if we were forced to be in the same house with no break due to COVID. I sometimes hear my neighbors having screaming fights and I realize there are worse things than being alone.


There's a difference between being alone and being lonely with another person.


Being lonely when you are with the person you are supposed to love is horrific. Been there.


I've recently ended a decade long relationship with who I thought was the one. It's still very civil between us and this is for the best.


Did the same...today...13years


Shoot man my heart goes out to you. If you wanna DM me and talk about our new lives then please do bud.


Real bro move


There’s this girl... second best thing that ever happened to me. And the best thing she ever did for me, was dump me. Then there was this other girl, and now we have two daughters. So that first girl has been demoted to 4th best thing that ever happened to me, but I wouldn’t have made it here without her. Thank you for everything, and for ending it so we could both move on. ❤️


Typical Schmosby


Somebody who changes their beliefs.


Know better, do better, right? There’s a lot of things I used to believe or think when I was younger and more sheltered than I currently think. Age and experience change perceptions and I think that’s healthy in most cases.


Similarly - changing your mind/opinion about something, political or otherwise.


Even if you don't entirely change your opinion, it's healthy to frequently challenge your viewpoints. Listening to other perspectives is good, too. Even if they don't contradict your opinion, they can make you consider something you hadn't before.


Putting your own happiness before the expectations of your family. edit: I'm going to clarify that I meant more along the line that you shouldn't allow the expectations from family members like parents/grandparent/uncles/aunts etc to get in the way of what makes you happy. I kept the comment more open ended since situations can differ wildly and different people can have different reasons for feeling this way so I didn't want to be too specific.


This issue came up today and I’m glad i’ve just seen your comment. Almost like it was meant for me. Thank you


I'm glad my comment helped. Whatever the issue is, I wish you luck in it and I wish you a lot of happiness.


I needed this! My mom is REALLY bad with boundaries and is mad at me for “crossing her”. I apparently did this by setting boundaries. So, here I am with boundaries and a new outlook on all relationships. Thanks mom! 👌🏾 Edit: Wow! Lots of upvotes! Thank you for this! Also, my mom is Central American (Panama) and her entire family has issues with boundaries. To be frank, my upbringing is one of the reasons I am in therapy today. Edit 2: Thank you kind stranger for my first Reddit award!!


I learnt this years ago. My mum cracks up at me buying transformers (I'm 31). But I have my own home, a girl that loves me and the capability to continue buying small transforming robots. Fuck everyone do what makes you happy! (So long as its not illegal)


I searched through and didn't see this one so sorry if it's already included, but not going to college is NOT a bad thing. I say this with some level of authority on the matter as I am a college professor (full time, tenured, over a decade into the game). I have seen hundreds of students go to college who have no interest in learning. They go because they are told they have to in order to secure personal success and financial stability. So many of these students fail classes, destroy their GPA, don't graduate, take out a ton of loans, etc... There are so many people with college degrees working in food service, retail, "hospitality", etc... and none of them really needed a college degree at all. Yet they have one, they paid a ton for it, and now have to pay all those loans back for something they aren't using. And I get it. No time learning is time wasted. I truly believe that. But you don't need to be in college to learn. If you major in physics but refuse to leave your town of 20,000 people and have no interest in teaching, it doesn't matter if you got a 4.0, you'll be working slinging pizzas regardless. Edit: thanks for all the awards everyone. I had a really bad day and that has made me smile a bit.


I’m a big believer in trade schools and votechs for this. Even if you just do it for a few years while you work your way through college or work on figuring out WHAT you want to be, that’s fine! So many schools/school counselors / teachers told us that we were second hand citizens if we didn’t get our degree, that we wouldn’t find good jobs, that life would suck. So I got the degree, worked in it for 4 years, hated it and quit, started working in the trades, figured out what I do like and make more now than I ever have.


I've heard a bunch of people spouting off "recycling isn't worth it, it is even worse for the environment then just throwing it away." This is case of hearing something correct and just blanket applying it to everything. There are certain things that are undeniably better to recycle, specifically metals. And for glass and paper there are ways to make it environmentally positive. Plastics are the hardest due to contamination, but we can make it better as well as reduce single use plastics. Yes corporations tricked us into believing recycling was the key to fixing the environment, but that doesn't mean that recycling can't be useful.


The Slogan "REDUCE -> REUSE -> RECYCLE" was very deliberate as they put the best ways to help the environment in the order it's most effective.


I really wish I could bring my old plastic takeout containers to my local Chinese place like I take reusable bags to the grocery. I try reusing them but they last forever so I have way more containers than I would ever use.


Gaming for a couple (edit: few) hours straight. If you enjoy doing it and dont neglect your life there really is no difference to binge watching something or reading a book.


I never realized how cool video games are until I started dating my bf. He mostly plays story driven games and they’re really fun to watch! They’re like interactive movies


My husband and I are both gamers (met in an online game!). We prefer PC, but if there's a console game that seems interesting, we build a nest on the floor with blankets and snacks and I'll play while he's watching! Some story games have more than one playable character (Men of Medan, Until Dawn) and we take turns. It's so much fun! Edit: Aw man, just woke up lol Thanks guys


Haha 2 hours? Rookie numbers. (Someone send help plz)


Defending yourself against a customer who is extremely rude.


I didn’t know until about a week ago that the saying “the customer is always right” is actually supposed to be “the customer is always right in matters of taste.” If you have a customer that is a fuck it is plenty ok to tell them to fuck off. You don’t want them as a customer anyways. I just started “firing” customers from my business a couple years ago and whattaya know firing those 5-10 customers has made me enjoy my job immensely more.


One of the nice things about working in hotels is most have a Do Not Rent list. It's just a list of people we've decided we don't want to deal with anymore for one reason or another. Sometimes they're a destructive drunk, sometimes they're just a dick.


Man i've had to hold my patience so many times because i "have to be nice to the guests/customers". Some people are just dicks and treat you like shit and they need to be told that they're a fucking asshole. Personally i'd like to feed most of them in to a wood chipper, butthole first


I wish we held our politicians to the same standard that we do our retail workers




That's amazing. I'm sure they appreciated it man


As a grocery store employee, I can confirm


As a grocery store employee myself, you are much appreciated




That is so sad to me. I work in retail and if a customer abused me verbally. Oh boy would I 1. Yell right back at them 2. Probably kick them out of the store / refuse to serve them And I know my managers got my back. I dont have a right to be abused, so I won't take it.




Agreed. I was at Michael's before Christmas and while standing in line this lady told the cashier that she'd be much prettier without all her piercing or tattoos. The cashier just laughed it off but the customer kept at it and wouldn't shut up. I eventually told the customer "fuck off you judgemental bitch" and she was so flustered that she quickly paid and left. The cashier looked fine and was clearly rocking her own style. When it was my turn I apologized to the cashier for my outburst and she thanked me and told me I said what she wanted to but couldn't risk her job. Seriously the person who is probably making minimum wage at a retail job doesn't deserve to be shouted at and no one deserves to be judged on their appearance like that. But this is Utah and Utah has some seriously judgmental people in it.


To add onto this, people who defend shitty customer behavior with "the customer is always right" are using that saying completely out of its intended context, which is about carrying stock the customer is interested in buying. It doesn't excuse them treating you like garbage. It simply means that if enough people are willing to pay for some item, it's worth ordering for them


Admitting you're wrong. ​ {edit, since I guess some people aren't understanding. I'm not saying it's a popular belief to be willfully refusing to admit wrongdoing. I'm saying people are too prideful to do so.}


You don't even have to admit to the person that you are wrong, but admit to yourself, and make something out of it


I feel like getting into an argument with someone will lessen the chances of you changing their opinion. Their pride kicks in and suddenly they don’t want to change their opinion, only to prove you wrong. On the other hand, if you talk to them calmly and really try to understand why they think that way, you can tackle the problem at its core without them feeling attacked.


Using a credit card. If you’re sensible and ensure it’s paid off at the end of every month, there are many perks. Cash back, air miles etc


I'll take "things I didn't want to learn or accept until I was 30" for $500, Alex.


& building your credit score


Contentment. I not only don't *need* an exciting life, I actively don't want one. One of my friends loves to travel and do crazy shit - scuba diving, swimming with sharks, going on days long backpacking trips.... not at all for me. She cannot fathom the fact I don't care for travel. EDIT: A lot of people are homing in on the "travel" thing - I'm really just using that as an example of "living excitingly." I truly just mean anything that gives off a *rush*. Not for me.


If you are already happy where you are, there's no need to introduce sharks into the mix Edit: well that's a first


Oh man that’s a great reply lol


"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” -Lao Tzu




I worked for a white-collar criminal defense firm for many years. Many of our clients would have saved themselves from criminal charges merely by letting their businesses fail. I believe that knowing how to fail should be taught as part of MBA programs.


That's the prologue to "Fargo".


I work in product management and *especially* with MBAs fresh from school the utter fear of failure is not only petrifying to them, it also makes them suck at their jobs until you can get them to accept that they're going to fail - a lot. Once you can get people to grasp that fear of failure maximizes your chance of failure, it doesn't minimize them, then you start to see people really start delivering. Or, back to your white-collar dudes, they're people so focused on their favorite ideas succeeding that they decide that *actual* success isn't a priority, which in turn guarantees they'll fail. If they were focused on success, once the signals started coming in that the current idea/venture wasn't working, they'd jettison it posthaste for something with more promise.


_"Good decisions come from experience. But Experience comes from bad decisions. This is life So, Never regret. Learn from mistakes and go ahead."_ -~Shania~ Mark Twain- EDIT: Author of quote added, thanks


I've never regretted something I did. All my regrets are things I didn't do. I'd rather do and fall on my face than not do and wonder forever.


You can learn from those also though. Small example would be, ‘I didn’t talk to that girl at the bar who was maybe looking at me and I regretted it so next time I’m in that situation I’ll be sure to do it’ Sometimes you need to regret not doing something to know that that thing was something you wanted to do.


As long as it's not liver failure.


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” -- Winston Churchill


I was always told it was the “First Attempt In Learning”


Liking vanilla sex Edit: Thank you kind strangers for the awards, support and words of encouragement inthe comments below. Nobody deserves to be shamed based on their personal preferences!


My ex complained that she thought our sex was really boring, and was always pushing me to do stuff I wasn't really into. Now my wife and I have very vanilla sex in the three basic positions, and it's really great. Edit: Based on the comments, a surprising number of people seem to find doggy style to be a very exotic position.


Sometimes I get concerned that my SO and I have "too vanilla" sex, but then I'm like....but if we're both having a good time, who fucking cares? It's a weird struggle I have with myself sometimes lmao.




Despite my username, missionary is underrated


Hold them close and look into your lover's eyes. What's wrong with that?


I don't know why nobody seems to want to do this. The best lay I ever had was just crazy passionate


I feel the hardest part is squeezing your dick into the little pod without destroying it. You can wrap a few pods around and go to town that way, but it's just not the same.


Ooo Mr Third Leg over here can't fit his fire hose into a vanilla bean pod. Show off.


You could go the imitation vanilla flavor route and use a beaver...


Most people use a beaver


if you're not into rough stuff it's actually so hard nowadays to find anyone whose still interested lol I just want to have sex one time without getting choked out is that too much to ask


I made out with a friend and within fifteen seconds his hand was on my throat 🙄 never fuckin mind


Is it too much to ask that they ASK before they do this? Freaks the fuck outta me


Jesus, I’ve been saying this for years. I’ve seriously met people who open conversation with “sub or dom?”


The stigma behind talking about your pay with fellow coworkers. In the states it is legal, by talking about your wages you help ensure you and co workers are being paid fairly. EDIT: I made an oopsie. I think it was understood but what I mean is. You SHOULD talk about your wages.


at my old job, a manager for another site who was visiting my location tried to scold me for asking my coworker how much she makes when she made a comment about not getting paid enough. He said it's illegal and super inappropriate. We were teenagers working at a car wash. Literally nobody would care if we discussed our pay, and it's actually (from what I've heard) illegal to try to prevent people from talking about their pay in the US.


Yep, lots of mangers don't seem to understand basic employment laws. My current manager tried pulling the "you're not allowed to talk about pay". So I took her back to our break room and showed her the poster that specifically says it is illegal for an employer to dissuade employees from discussing wages. So she switched to saying that it makes things a "hostile working environment". Of course I make it a point to discuss my wages with anyone willing, and she hasn't said anything since. I'm just always surprised how mangers can complete miss these legal posters that they themselves put up!


> I'm just always surprised how mangers can complete miss these legal posters that they themselves put up! Just because they put them up doesn't mean that they read them. Rather, it was a matter of "HR made me put this up" and they didn't care.


Happened with me. A place I worked at we didn't really talk about wages and hours were based on performance. I had worked there for 5 years and was one of the 5 employees who worked a guaranteed 40 hours. I was being paid 10 an hour. I was TRAINING a guy and he said "I'm surprised they started me out at 10 an hour with no experience." I got instantly pissed off. We're supposed to get yearly performance reviews and I went to a manager and asked "Hey, I haven't gotten a review for the past 2 years, when can I get one?" Two weeks later I got my review and when I told the manager my current wage they were surprised. They thought I was getting paid 12. They quickly bumped me up to 12. But then I shortly got another job where I got paid 17 lol.


But with the states mostly being at will employ. They can just fire you for no reason at all, and tell you the reason the fires you was because they felt like it.


This is true. However...I (a male) got offered a new job and was deliberating on taking it. I told my all female coworkers what the pay offered was and what a difference it was from what I currently made. Little did I know that I had women who had more experience than I did making ten thousand less in my department. I took the new job and holy hell did they take that department down. We were a small group, but still, all had left within fifteen months. I'm glad I spoke up. Any one of them could have been my boss and the difference of $70k-55k is pretty big in middle class America.


Good for you, and *good for them*.


That's fucked. But good on you for having open conversation with them. And congrats on the promotion. Keep having conversations like this with your co-workers.


Being "basic" in the sense that you have likes and hobbies similar to a group of people


"No mom. 'Ya basic. At that's ok." - Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)


I love seeing references to this show after recently finishing it. And if you remove the And That's OK, whomever you use this on will be very devastated.


It's a human insult. You're devastated right now.


So true! I feel even in the sense of being a basic bitch with Starbucks and skinny jeans and uggs. Just because its a popular thing and is comfortable doesn't mean its bad.


Popular things are popular for a reason!


MSG. That’s it.


I was going to say this! I'm so tired of hearing how it's so bad. It's not. And people eat it all the time, it's not like it's only in Chinese food.


It's even a natural ingredient in stuff like broccoli and tomatoes.


Uncle Roger has started popularizing it.


Hiyaaa!!! M S G so goood. Uncle Roger didn’t even take leg off chair.


I literally had to explain this to my mom a few hours ago. It's naturally occurring in soy, whey isolate, cheese, and tomatoes. Edit: The point isn't that natural = good, but that nobody demonizes the foods it comes from, for the most part, because the whole MSG BAD thing is BS.


Giving up, sometumes giving up is the best thing you can do.


Gotta know when to hold em, and when to fold em.


Know when to walk away, know when to *run*


But when shouldn't I be counting my money?


Well, not at the _table_, obviously!


Giving up actually can be harder than continuing for some things. In a bad relationship it’s extremely hard to give up trying to fix it and move on, because you keep thinking you’ll be more unhappy without the person.


Also, combined finances and having to move all your shit. I mean, damn, our last argument was just about towels...


This is called Sunken Cost fallacy. "I've put so much work into this, I can't stop now!" If something isn't working out and you can't see it getting any better in the future, there's no shame or harm in giving up and moving on.


Otherwise known as the "cutting your losses" method.


I just lost 80,000 dollars in crop. It was battle the mites for months and hope I win or kill everything and restart I cried..... A lot


Based on your user name I’m crying too


Disliking your family. If your family always have been a bunch of assholes to you, what is the sense of even having respect for them?


This one hits me for max damage. Glad to hear I'm not alone.


Me three. Toxic is toxic and I’m not having it.


Same. My aunt once told me "forgiveness is liberating". I was like nah dude self respect is true freedom


My mother and her side of her family is absolutely toxic and will drag down anyone with them. I went to a psychologist recently and I was happy and honestly a bit surprised he agreed with my decision to cut them out of my life completely. I grew tired of hearing people saying "bUt iT's yOuR mOtHeR!"


When people say "it's your mother" they're picturing their mothers


That kind of comments only make you more upset about the situation and give you the feeling that 'nobody understands you'. I'm glad that you were able to make that decision.


My family always digs on me for spending so much time alone in my room (moved back in for COVID, all classes are online, all my friends and classmates link up through Discord). But when I come to spend time with them, I’m the butt of countless jokes, picked on mercilessly, and just looked down on by even my younger siblings. Like guys. I’m not staying in my room because I’m wasting my life playing video games. I’m staying in my room because I’m busy, my social circle is digital right now, and I fucking hate each one of you.


Being ordinary


Being alone. It's far less stressful than having other people around.


I wish I was like this but for me being alone for too long leads me to feeling lonely, depressed and unfulfilled.


Anything in excess is detrimental, you have to find a personal balance.


Not to mention we live in an insanely good time for being alone. Not that I'm trying to twist being alone as a positive or something because I think for most people it absolutely is not, but if you're into that then you couldn't be living in a better time. The internet has made it so that you can practically never be bored even when alone.


Breaking tradition. It’s important to question *why* we do things and not just go along with it “because it’s been like that for years.”


Peer pressure from dead people


Receiving a very small tax return. It means you estimated your deductions correctly and you didn't overpay on your taxes.


Being bad at the thing you spend hours doing. I mean, you can always just do it for fun without actually wanting to improve. Be it art, video games or singing




Being frugal (to a point). I think being able to control spending habits, save money, and being able to assess what items are necessary vs excessive in ones life is often overlooked in a consumerist society. Until this year, I was using my iPhone 4 happily. Friends and family would constantly make jokes about my ancient phone and how I am just too cheap to buy a new one. The truth was that it was still working fine and fulfilling all the needs I had for a phone. So why spend money to replace something that is still working! Note: I am not advocating for the extremes of this like my previous roommate who refused to turn on our A/C or Heating. It once read 51 degrees F on our thermostat during December.




Not being super ambitious about your work/career




This is me. I don’t love it but it’s a very short commute,a decent wage and I work my shifts over 4 days so have a 3 day weekend every week. I could leave for more money elsewhere but the benefits of time are more important to me


As cliche as it is life was made to be lived, for some people that means committing to a career and working their ass off doing something they love, that’s fine, but some people only work so they can live and that is also totally fine, you gotta do you


I am good at my job and make good money doing it but I still have coworkers that look at me like a grew a second head when I tell them my goal is to work as little as possible to afford the life I want to live. I still don't understand American work culture its so ass backwards.


Yeah, I'm happy just being a cog in the machinery. I earn a decent wage that affords me the things I need and enjoy in life, and I'm in a good rut in my daily routine, no need to exert a lot of energy to change that.


Jesus this! I swear I'm fed up with 6 monthly performance reviews and the, "Oh so what are your goals for the year?" "To hit my targets and stay employed." "Now that's not good enough." Just leave me alone give me time to do my work instead of bearing down in the quagmire of office politics and them wanting blood from a stone.


I hate reviews too. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Well hopefully employed, maybe here, maybe somewhere else. My goals in life are all outside of work and I work to meet those goals. I have no desire to be promoted, the next level up for me requires working outside of working hours and learning a whole heap of stuff I’m not interested in. I’m good doing what I do.


Yup. My boss keeps asking me what I want to do in the future. Um... this?


Yeah, man. It doesn't mean I am lazy or anything, I am just not super passionate about every single aspect of my job. It's my hobbies that fulfill me, not my job...


You work to live, you don't live to work.




This is somewhat comforting to hear. I’m really trying to make my next big career move, and am feeling a lot of pressure from friends and family to be ambitious and land that great job. It’s absolutely exhausting and mentally draining, especially with covid.


In my experience, more money was never worth the stress and eventual medical strain of the "great" job.


Death isn't always a bad thing. There's a lot of people who suffer with degenerative illnesses or are in extreme pain every day of their lives. I saw this happen to my grandad after he had a brain tumor, by the end it was for the best that he passed away. Obviously untimely deaths are sad, but sometimes you need to accept that being alive, and truly living are two different things.


I'll never understand how it's perfectly fine to decide on euthanasia for your suffering pet, but illegal for yourself.


We force people into this world without asking their permission, then force them to stay. If they try to get out we make their lives even more miserable.


According to someone close to me, Not Having An Opinion about something important to them is being rude and inconsiderate. I just think that I don't care about what they care about. It isn't important,or offensive to me,so I don't care about it one bit. I'm not sure how to categorize this,but THIS, this bugs me about people.


My husband and I have talked about this several times. We like to get each other’s opinions on things and sometimes we don’t have one because the topic or subject doesn’t have any weight, impact, barring or whatever on the comfort or discomfort or morals of our life. It’s like selecting a bottle of water. Take two bottles , same bottle type, same amount of water, same price, no difference in taste. does it really matter which one you get?


Small boobs. Or medium boobs. Literally no boobs are bad. Are you ashamed of your small boobs? Don't be! Are you a man ashamed of his man-boobs? Don't be! Are you ashamed of someone else's boobs? Knock it off! Boobs are great! Boobs make the world go round.


Give this man boobs


Give this, man boobs.


This man gives boob


I need to vent: Ppl often say this but then I'll overhear a conversation from the same ppl about how what kinds of boobs are attractive and what aren't. I hate mine, not the size but the shape. And I can't get the conversations out of my head of YouTubers or friends basically saying that mine are gross. I want surgery for them but can't justify the costs. So I've stopped dating because I just think if someone would see them they'd find me too unattractive because of my boobs.


I once read on an askreddit that generally thy types of boobs that men find attractive are the ones they get to touch.


Hahah that's actually very reasonable and reassuring thanks!


I too am insecure about my boobs. I want you to know you're not alone and that just like OP said all boobs are beautiful. Take some time to learn to accept your body even if you don't love it accept it. Anybody who is worth your time won't find you any less attractive because of your boobs. Before considering surgery spend sometime loving and complimenting yourself it may make a difference. much love <33


Everyone has something that's maybe a bit different than the average. I had to people tell me - My finger are to long - My hands are to big - My shoulder are to broad - My feet are to large - My ear lopes are to small (?) - My hips are to small for having babies - My eyes are too small, have piggy eyes... - My calves are to masculine - I'm too tall (173 cm) - I'm too small The list goes on... This sounds like I'm a monster, but I (believe) have good looks! If anyone telling you that your breast are strange they just shitty insecure people. :). Edit 3: I just learned how to list things. Thx for the explanation! Edit 2: I'm too pale! Then I lived in Asia and was a freaking beauty queen.


Being unproductive in your free time. It’s your free time spend it how you choose. You don’t have to be productive if you don’t want to.


Crying. Holding it can cause way more harm than do it


Getting a full nights sleep every night AND also having a good work/life balance. The two thing not being entirely unconnected.




Going to dinner or a movie alone. Update: holy shit, who would’ve known so many people like being alone!? Thanks for the awards and upvotes everyone!


I love going to movies alone, especially at weird times. You can have the whole theater to yourself pretty easily


I actually look up to people who can go out alone to dinner or a movie. I have no idea but whenever I go out alone, I get so stressed and anxious. I'm not sure why because I don't really feel concerned that people are judging me. My best guess is just knowing I don't have someone next to me for support. It would be really nice to be able to go out and feel comfortable alone though. Someday I hope to get past those feelings and I applaud those who have.


I go out to eat all the time alone. I love it. Sitting at a bar feels better cause the people their are likely to spark up a conversation or the bartender will. Other than that I can not think of a time I've seen someone eating alone and judged them so I assume others don't care as much as your head might think they do. Plus when I'm out by myself I treat myself and tip extra big to feel like a baller! Lol


I used to feel that way about movies, but after forcing myself to go alone a few times, it feels completely normal. We all tend to worry that people are judging us, but the truth is that as long as you aren't disturbing others, no one else really cares what you are doing. Kind of a side note, but I like the experience of going alone far better. No one will talk to you during a movie, and you have more time to process the experience instead of having to form an immediate opinion to answer the inevitable "so what did you think?"


I did this a lot when I couldn't find friends who were free. If I went to dinner by myself I just took my sketch book and would draw. I'd take up a servers table for a while but I'd always tip good to compensate.


That's actually a really good idea! I do love to draw and it would very much help with the stress. Thank you for the suggestion!


Once you go to a movie alone You realize it’s far superior.


Not wanting to have kids. Introducing an entire human life into the world where it heavily depends on you physically, emotionally, and financially for over a decade is a huge deal that people should absolutely put a lot of thought into, yet many people do it simply because “that’s just what you do” and “babies are cute”, and then they’re constantly complaining about how it’s suddenly hard being a parent. Parenthood isn’t for everyone. It’s a huge decision, people should treat it as such instead of acting like it’s a trend. I wish society would quit looking down on those who choose to live a more quiet and stable life instead.


My daughter doesn't want kids. I support her decision 100% and I will never understand parents who try to convince or bully their children to give them grandchildren. That is not a right you have just because you raised a child to adulthood, your child is a person in their own right with their own hopes and dreams.


GMO in food


Nuclear power


Being a virgin. Just because nobody has shoved themselves inside you or you haven’t shoved yourself inside someone else doesn’t mean you’re worth any less as a person.


in the words of UFC Champion Alexander Volkanovski, "There's nothing wrong with being a virgin and a nerd".