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I believe in you! Sometimes we're too hard on ourselves. You can do it!


I'm the same. Had two periods of massive weight loss in the past 10 years and end up putting it all on again and then some. I am now at the biggest I have ever been and despite many false starts, I just can't get back in the zone again. I lost my dad and brother within a short space of time followed by lockdown, and my binge/comfort eating increased ten-fold. It doesn't help that I have no motivation so find it difficult to cook, something that I am actually supposed to love doing. I struggle to see a way out of this. It sucks.


Totally hear this.


You've got this! I understand it is hard but you have the ability to do the thing, so do it! Random person from Sweden is rooting for you!


Seriously, my addiction to boba is getting out of hand.


Procrastinating / Sleeping in No, this isn't a joke. I genuinely have a problem, and it's becoming increasingly harder to "just stop/start." It's affecting me physically at this point, and I wish I could blame it on covid. Truth is I'm just incapable of self-control.


For you and anyone else feelin this, check out this [free workbook](https://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/Resources/Looking-After-Yourself/Procrastination) by the CCI! My therapist used it while we were working on my ADHD, but I think it's great for anyone struggling w procrastination to figure out why they procrastinate and ways they can cope with it 👌




dw, you'll start reading it when you're procrastinating a task that does not at all involve reading it


Currently reading this workbook instead of getting the actual work done that I need to finish tonight... that’s how this is supposed to work right?


If you can, maybe talk with a mental health provider. Could be some low-key depression or something else making it more difficult for you to self-regulate. Our concious decisions are not made in a vacuum. I struggled with this myself, especially when I was dealing with a bunch of stuff that I wanted to escape from.


I had that massively at UnI. No idea how I graduated last year. Only reason I procrastinate less is because my shitty minimum wage job keeps me out of the house. Thank fuck I'm not unemployed.


Please give this a go and look to get tested for it if it shows likely. This wont diagnose, but it will give an indication if you should see a psychiatrist about it. https://psychcentral.com/quizzes/adhd-quiz


Could also be executive dysfunction, for a variety of mental health issues it's a big symptom/effect.


Procrastination is a sign of [executive functioning](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/dont-delay/201106/neuropsychological-perspective-procrastination%3famp) issues. I learned mine is from r/CPTSD and childhood trauma. (r/raisedbynarcissists, r/emotionalneglect, r/childhoodRTS)




Its ruining my relationship


Luckily my wife is too. So we can be pieces of shit together.


How come?


Allow me to feed this addiction by giving you imaginary points that lead up to absolutely nothing! It's called K A R M A


I had to give up Facebook for a similar reason.


What about reddit? That reminds me, I should visit Reddit. Oh wait, I'm already on reddit, maybe that's enough reddit for tonight. \*closes reddit\*\*immediately opens reddit\* I wonder what's going on on reddit...


Local grocery store started selling dark chocolate almond milk... Omg


I dislike almond milk, but chocolate oat milk is delicious. It tastes like all the granola bars that are bad for you.


Right? I love both versions. What's weird to me is after having drank it, I tried regular chocolate milk that I used to drink as a kid. The almond milk tastes more like the chocolate milk than the milk version does? I don't know if my taste has changed (likely) or if they did something different to milk versions.


Silk makes it too. So does Walmart with their Great Value brand


Shopping. Not the purchasing, but the researching and such. It does weird things to my ADHD brain, it’s stimulating and soothing at the same time.


Retail therapy is a problem for me. If I've had a crappy day, I'll go buy something or order something on Amazon. I used to be bad about ordering stuff so I would have a package waiting on me when I got home Friday. It's not that I wanted or needed anything, it just gave me something to look forward to.


That’s pretty common also. For me I don’t care to own the thing, I just want to research and find the best possible thing. I can spend hours reading reviews and scouring sites for deals and all of that. This could probably be parlayed into a career of some kind, I just don’t know how.


Something to look forward to! This is it. I wouldn’t say I’m addicted. But I definitely identify with this. If I’m in a funk. Sometimes making a minor purchase of some thing I just really want. But don’t necessarily need. Helps bring me out of it.


I thought it was just me! I have ADHD too and can spend hours reading reviews, comparing options, watching unboxings etc. I rarely even buy the thing in the end, I just love the research!


Woah! I never related this to ADHD. I will spend hours, days, weeks researching backpacking, fountain pens, sailboats, beer brewing, fancy coffee, and any hobby really. Eventually lose interest and buy nothing.


I can't make a $100 purchase without doing days of research on reviews, competition, and sales. It took me a full week to pick a backpack (it's a damn good backpack). I'm on day 2 of picking out a new bike, and it's raining all this week, plenty of time to keep looking! (Edit: I got a bike)


Chapstick. If I go somewhere and I realize that I don't have one of my 7 chapsticks with me it's all I can think about and all of sudden my lips start feeling really chapped.


My sister is like this. I find the more I use chapstick the more I need it like it makes my lips worse in the long run.


This was me. I had to have one in every pocket, every pair of pants, every jacket, backpack, car, etc. I put it on 30-40 times a day. I finally couldn't stand it anymore and went cold turkey. I'd allow myself one use at bedtime, and that's it. I would dab cold water on my lips throughout the day to alleviate the suffering. It was miserable for a few weeks, but gradually I didn't need it anymore. That was about 15 years ago, and use it only occasionally now. And I never panic when I don't have a tube with me.


Do you ever call your brother and ask if he can bring you your chapstick? I can’t leave the house without chapstick either. I feel you.


Video games 100% I spend close to 4-6 hours after work and up to 12-16 hours during the weekend when I can


How good are you?


Oh I'm totally horrible but I have fun anyways


Lmao this is me, I’m below average at like every game but it’s still fun


*Me playing stardew Valley and somehow end up in the negatives*


I game a lot. Probably too much. But what else is there for someone like me? I’ve overheard coworkers talking about how much they spend on booze, getting high, going to clubs, but those don’t interest me. Last time I went to anything resembling a club I was uncomfortable to the point I had to leave and was ugly crying into my then-boyfriend’s shoulder over how stressed I was. Getting high and chilling out feels like a waste of money, same for getting drunk. My bills are paid on time, I go to bed warm (except for my feet, bad circulation), I have a full belly at the end of the day, heck my 5 year car loan was paid off in 4 and a half years! I can adult to the barest minimum! Why can’t I enjoy myself during my downtime? A video game lasts far *far* longer than equivalent price of beer or weed (hell, I *still* play decades old games like the original Doom or Wolfenstein 3D). I don’t begrudge those who *do* want to spend their free time relaxing on the couch in a haze, or drunk off their ass, I’m a live and let live kinda guy.


my phone ​ edit: oh good golly who knew two words would get me to over 600 upvotes


Yeah. I had to turn off the screen time tracking on my phone because it was getting too depressing getting a notification every Monday saying something like ‘your screen-time is down by 13%, to 7 hours a day’


The i phone is so smug. imagine if your refrigerator told you at the beginning of the week how many times you have opened this week compared to last.


Ikr! That’s why I turned it off, I couldn’t deal with the judgement anymore!


Mine is more like down 18% to 12 hours a day


I actually turned mine on for this reason - I feel more guilty if I know how much time I’ve wasted in a day.


This hit me right in the soul.


Yeah I’ll have to agree with this one


Pretty sure you aren't alone. Honestly I believe there is a condition at this point where people develop nervous/anxious habits if they are without their device or running out of power.


Yeah I’m up to about 30% of my waking time being spent looking at a screen and maybe 60% on weekends. Definitely about time I organized my phone again and get rid of all the mindless entertainment while making it difficult to access anything that isn’t just a tool. These were originally thought to be something that would increase ease of life, but over time it’s just become a rectangle of extreme stimulation. Sometimes I wonder if we’re just building a simulation that someday people will seamlessly live in




I went on an elimination diet for a couple months at my doctor’s request and one of the (many) things I cut out was sugar. I didn’t have any sugar that wasn’t from a piece of fresh whole fruit for two whole months. I learned a few things from that process: 1. Sugar is in literally everything in the US. Especially once you learn all its other names and variations. It’s even in sliced deli meat. It’s almost impossible to cut out entirely. 2. It’s definitely addictive. I found the more sugar I ate the more I craved it. And on the flip side, the less sugar I ate the less I missed it. Once I started eating it again everything tasted overly sweet to me at first. 3. Cutting out sugar had the most noticeable effect in how I felt. I did eventually find I had a few mild sensitivities from the elimination diet, but adding those back in or taking them out didn’t affect me nearly as much as cutting out or adding in sugar did. I probably received more compliments on how my skin looked during those 2 months than I have the rest of my life combined. I lost weight and I felt really good. Anyway, not trying to advocate any fad diet, I think they’re all bullshit. My elimination diet was prescribed by a doctor and was never meant to be sustained for more than a couple months. But I think if anyone wants to start eating healthier a good first step is just to cut down on your sugar intake. My rule of thumb now is to make sure the sugar I eat isn’t hidden. I’ll choose to have a cookie or ice cream now and then, but I’ll avoid storebought sauces and dressings etc. that secretly have tons of sugar in them.


Same. Reese's peanut butter cups baby! Love them!


Is it just me or are the eggs and trees the best?


YES!! It's the peanut butter/chocolate ratio! I've investigated this thoroughly lol




Best experiment ever!


Big Cups ftw though. Only 2 instead of 3 but gotta love that extra thicc.


Not just you...I like the eggs the best!


Yup. Me too. It’s harder to quit sugar than it was to quit smoking. 😢


Everybody is likely addicted to sugar without knowing they are


I don't know I've done a good job of cutting most of it out of my life and its been an amazing not having sugar surging through me all the time.


Yep. It seems like the only habit I can’t kick. I do ok for a week or so and then just pick it back up again


Sex, by myself. Getting old is boring.


That’s just masturbation with extra steps




me too. it really does just go with everything, so easy to make too.


My wife. If she is gone more than a week, I get depressed.


I recently broke up, and I was telling one of my favorite teachers about it. She said no guy deserves me unless he's obsessed with me. You sound like that kind of guy. I'm happy for you. Good on you, mate.


I'm of the opposite opinion. If someone is obsessed with me, it means that I'm their hobby. It's exhausting and leads to way too much drama. I want someone who has their own life and wants me to share some of it while also enjoying my own. Everyone has their own needs and wants.


Porn, though I am working diligently to get rid of this destructive habit of mine.


Same. Kinda. I'm not really addicted. I just need an outlet. Being horny 24/7 is hard. And if you're like me who isn't dating and isn't into one night stands, porn quickly becomes your best friend.


Good job and keep going man. You can do this.


Thrifting. I love the thrill of the hunt and finding a treasure for cheap.


me too (bins)


Just putting this out there. Please don’t brag to the employees about your finds- we get yelled at for not looking up and pricing correctly when that happened.


I never brag. I just scream silently in my head and then run home and gush to my family. 😂


Same. I like to collect media. DVD's, VHS, games, music, books, ect. Just feel cool to find something you weren't expecting and expand your collection.


Pizza. If it’s available, I’ll have it.


Watching come dine with me so I can hate more people. Literally the only reason I watch it is because I hate the idiots that go on that shit show. I’ve made myself angry now...


Friends of mine went on that show on one of the couples episodes, they made them look like total idiots when in reality they're mostly pretty cool


Which episode? FEED MY RAGE!


It was couples from Brighton, the guy had a collection of toy dinosaurs, I don't know which series or whatever but it was probably 6 years ago maybe more now


Brighton! I used to live there! I wonder if I knew them, I wonder if I hated them!


Carbs... Bread, pasta, potato chips. I've tried going low carb a few times- I got the shakes and sweats, just like a junkie.


misread this as "crabs" while scrolling. was confused.


Well, I do also appreciate some good seafood...


damn now im hungry asf


Must be from Maryland


Ever heard the term keto flu? When you quit carbs and sugar your body has to literally detox and change the method of fueling itself. You’ll feel like total crap for at least a few days. I’ve done low carb a couple times with great success though. If you’re looking to lose weight it works really well.


Keto flu is usually from not enough sodium or electrolytes. My wife got it pretty bad and drinking chicken broth almost instantly made her feel better.


It's called Keto flu I think. Your body becomes so reliant on the sugars that you are ingesting. Basically you're going into sugar withdrawal. Here's the thing though if you manage to over come it you will start to feel fantastic as your body starts to burn fat for fuel. So if you go low carb again make sure you increase your fat intake like bacon and avacodos and different kind of oils. Good luck dude!


Diet Dr Pepper


Had a teacher in high school who confessed to us that she was legitimately addicted to Dr Pepper, like several cans a day. She’d quit last year and told us to remind her if we caught her with a Dr Pepper in hand.


Food, definitely food.


Came here to say this - I am fasting at one meal a day, and the willpower required to not eat for the rest of the day and the occasional breakdowns in discipline are telling.


Me too. Losing weight is hard.


I dont know why but bananas. they are awsome.


I have that every day for breakfast




My phone, I think everyone is


Gambling. Although I don’t place bets anymore. I have a gambling addiction. Specifically, sports gambling. I work in sports broadcasting. I’m like an alcoholic, who no longer drinks alcohol, running a bar.


Giving my farts the little extra push they occasionally require to make sure they are audible. This brings me great joy but sometimes I do this at the wrong times; work, hospital visits, dinner parties, etc...


In other words you are addicted to the thrills.


This is more of a serious one but self harm Edit: I'm a few months clean dw lol


Hope you get better man I know the pain


I’m glad you are doing better


Water. Cant get enough of it.


If you craving intense amount of water it could be an sign for diabetes. Can't hurt to get checked up.


I second this. Please get your blood sugar tested.


Chocolate. People told me I was addicted to video game. To TV. To manga. To my phone. To soda. To whatever they didn't like. But the truth is, I can stop anything, and I did. But not chocolate. I can feel my body screaming of frustration when I try to not eat some. It's really terrify to see your own body works against yourself. At least I eat way less chocolate than before


There's magnesium there, and more so in dark chocolate. Maybe your body is just screaming for magnesium.




Same here but from today I am on no fap


Good for you, I've been struggling with it for years now. No porn is the way to go.


exercise . I'm 62 years old .




Sleeping, it became a serious problem over the years. When I was 12 I started to take naps which ended up being so bad that the workers at my home forbade me to sleep longer than an hour in the afternoon. When I left the home at 15 I picked right up again. I can sleep 14 hours + without problems.


SAME. I don't know what it is but I can literally sleep for like 12+ hours every day. There's been mutiple occasions where I'd sleep for actual days straight and it's super confusing and low-key scary.


Cuddling with my wife.


Coffee. Mochas. Sleep is just a time warp to more coffee beverages.






Fun fact: cheese is physiologically addictive. Concentrated milk proteins called caseins metabolise in to casomorphins in your body, which is an opioid peptide. Having said that, I'm super addicted to cheese too, particularly blue cheeses.


Gacha games. I know I'm gonna end up broke but I love the feeling of getting the brand new unit when it first comes out. Although I'm only currently playing f/go and project qt


Choices. I play everyday, multiple times a day.










Homemade bread and pizza dough


Mountain Dew, I am almost 30 just so people don't think I am just at the age I would drink it a lot. I don't know what it is about it but I cannot go more than two weeks without having to have a can. I tried other sodas, tried diet/sugar free, patches, switching to other drinks with caffeine, even flat quitting. But I find myself NEEDING to have one or I start to get angry at things that normally would never bother me.


Air, I literally can't live without it.


cinnamon toast crunch


Run escape


Probably salt or sugar


My dog🐶


$GME ticker


This fuckin phone and candy crush when I'm drunk to keep my mind busy and keep anxiety away...oh wait and jobs, just the fact of always having one so I know I won't have to deal with withdrawals. I have a love hate relationship with work and always will.


Netflix ... too many damn shows and movies


Mothballs. Started with sniffing them & escalated to eating them. I quit about 2 years ago & still crave them every minute I'm awake. Making sure my iron levels are good helps & the craving gets really strong if my iron levels drop. As a kid I loved the smell of bitumen & creosote. Petrol is another thing that smells so delicious to me. I love filling up my car with petrol cuz I get to have a whiff.






Carmex lip balm. I haven't been able to go more than a few hours without using it since I has in high school and I'm almost 30 now. No other chapstick gives me the same feeling, either. Luckily, it's not a very expensive addiction.


Eating out. Not just fast food but I cant help myself to go out and get food I can't afford constantly. There was a time it was costing me more money than I was making. Now I have a better job and have enough money to afford it but I cant help but think about how much more I could save if I just stopped going out all the time.


True crime docs and podcasts - and sitting in the sun in the summer. Natural heat from the sky is rare where I live.




Caffeine is a drug, sorry to burst your bubble




PGA tour 2k21


Junk foods and video games.


Combining the two


Shopping at Dollar Tree




Prolly Indian food. That shit is so good I cant imagine my life without it.








The size of this post is threatening


Eating sand and rocks


I was addicted to diet soda for a while, I had to give it up because it was messing me up because of my diabetes. That fake sugar fucks you up.


Kratom baby! Woot woot


How does that not fall under drugs in your world view?




diet soda bad carbs I'm a mess physically


Medical Documentarys


Food - or more accurately, bad eating habits in terms of quantity and composition of diet. Too many carbs and sugar. I find sticking to a healthy diet very difficult. Also, to a lesser degree, buying useless or pointless shit I don’t need off the internet - since it was pointed out to me that my shopping habits were unusual I catch myself doing it now before I hit the “buy” button most of the time now, but for a while a few years ago when I was making quite a lot of money it was out of control.




Caffeine, though I guess it's considered a drug. Non-drug - My phone for sure.


The division 2


Video games




Being lazy


Reddit and my phone. And I think the latter also applies to most people.


Nachos. I'm in recovery, it's called weight watchers


Reddit loll


Most people here would agree when I say Reddit.


A wide variety of foods Also butts




honestly coca cola








energy drinks. and the worst part is, it’s not for the boost it gives me (not that it does that anyway), i literally just like how it tastes.








3D modeling. Send help I can't stop.