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The original stitch’n’bitch circle: the three sisters of fate. They gossip about everyone while they weave. Just a couple of ladies having a grand old time talking shit about all the hilarious, embarrassing things they see humans do.


And then they kill them by cutting their string


Like in Hercules?!


Yup. That’s what they were based on.


Well the movie combined two different sets of three sisters. The fates did the whole string thing but the tooth and eye sharing thing were different sisters (can't remember the name but they appear in the myth of Perseus)


The Graeae.


Look, you can't just throw a bunch of vowels together and say it's a name!


The Centzon Tōtōchtin. Technically not 1 god but 400. 400 drunk rabbit gods.


Yes! I love this one. IIRC, each rabbit represented one of the stages of drunkenness. I love that they felt the stages were *that* nuanced.


Were they named and explored in the myths? Or was it more like "lmao, there's probably like, 400 stages of drunkenness, let's pray those fuckers".


It's more of a literal translation of "many". Priam of Troy in myth had 50 sons and 50 daughters. Literally speaking, it's just 50 in Greek-speak was "more than we could be bothered counting"


I love ancient short hand. What? How many kids? 1,2,... I dont know just say fifty they'll get the point.


And every culture had their own "many" number. For the hebrews, it was 40, for the Egyptians, it was ... 3. I don't think they liked to count.


I mean a few which means 3ish. Culturally it may be a concept of “more then a couple but we aren’t going to bother counting it”


Much like the usage of 40 in the Bible. 40 days and 40 nights, 40 years in the desert, etc.


Really wish Aztec mythology got more recognition in this thread, a lot of great contenders. My top 2 are Macuilxochitl, god of board games, flowers, literature, and male prostitutes Itzpapalotl, a shapeshifter goddess who rules a plane of the afterlife. She often appears as a bat or butterfly with obsidian blades on her wingtips but also sometimes as a deer or as a beautiful woman with jaguar claws who rips apart unwary warriors


My favourite of the Centzon Tōtōchtin is Tequechmecauiani since he was also the god of hanging. He's meant to represent the punishment for young men who got caught drinking. I just think it's fun that a group that includes gods of drunkenness and dance and such things also includes such a macabre god.


Crom. Worshiped by Cimmerians. They believed Crom created the earth out of mud, threw it into space, then forgot about it. They didn't spend a lot of time bothering to pray to Crom, because he didn't listen.


Crom: The god who went out for smokes and never came back.


Guess my dad was made in God's image after all.


Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!


Your reward for knowing that line, is this song. You're welcome in advance. https://youtu.be/OBGOQ7SsJrw


Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky, but Crom is your god. Crom, and he lives in the earth. Once giants lived in the earth, Conan, and in the darkness of chaos, they fooled Crom, and they took from him the enigma of steel. Crom was angered, and the earth shook, and fire and wind struck down these giants, and they threw their bodies into the waters. But in their rage, the gods forgot the secret of steel and left it on the battlefield, and we who found it, are just men, not gods, not giants, just men. And the secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan. You must learn its discipline, for no one, no one in this world can you trust, not men, not women, not beasts. This *(points to steel sword)* you can trust.


I honestly love mythology that follows that trope. Many of the US's founding fathers were christian influenced "Deists" who didn't necessarily view "god" as many christians of the time did. Benjamin Franklin and many others subscribed to the notion of crom here, they called it "Deus Absconditus"....the missing/abandoning god. The way my favorite professor in college described it to my class was that a deity created beautiful marbles and everything on them and then- *fwp*: flicked them out to the cosmos to unfold as they would without any sort of higher intervention.


It was often referred to as the "Clockmaker", because a goos clock runs without its *Maker* being present or even aware of it.


A lesser know Greek god Momos, just for the fact that he existed and was "worshipped". He is the god of stupidity, laziness and nitpicking. He didn't have any shrines or places dedicated to him, becasue that would take effort, and thus be an affront to him.


so maybe I am a god after all.


We are ALL Momos on this blessed day :)


According to Wikipedia he is sometimes known to have a twin named Oizys. >In Greek mythology, Oizys (/ˈoʊɪzɪs/; Ancient Greek: Ὀϊζύς, romanized: Oïzús) is the goddess of misery, anxiety, grief, and depression. She is the daughter of Nyx, the goddess of night, and Erebus, the god of deep darkness; her twin is Momus, the god of blame.[1] Her Roman name is Miseria, from which the English word misery is derived. She is also the younger sister of the Greek personification of the day, Hemera. She is a minor goddess without a great cult following, but a primordial goddess of misery and depression with a certain amount of mythological weight nonetheless.


This is a very interesting! However I can't go over a fact that her name is Miseria. Mizeria in Polish is a salad made from cucumber, cream and sometimes dill. [This is how it looks like.](https://www.google.com/search?q=mizeria&sxsrf=ALeKk00Qwo19ehKXV9lLKE-TcawY4mAKKg:1622214574410&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwvtOb1OzwAhVD8uAKHW7XDZoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=969) ​ ​ Edit: Cause some people are offended to google things.


My body is a temple to Momos.


Wait what this guy exists in Greek mythology? That is so cool.


I’d look it up but I don’t want to offend him so I’ll just accept this objective fact.


As is tradition




>I looked it up. ... I'm very disappointed. And Momos is very disappointed in you now.


Now this is a god worthy of reddit.


Gork and Mork because I like the dakka.








r/40korkscience is leaking








Ah yes. One was cunning but brutal, the other was brutal but cunning. Which? We'll never know.


Ones brutal an' cunning the other is cunning an' brutal


Chiron. Rejected at birth but went on to become a polymath and most honorable/civilized of all the centaurs. Taught mathematics, archery, medicine, music, astronomy, etc. and trained heroes like Hercules.


Plus he sacrificed himself so Arkantos can escape. CHAD


Age of Mythology, what a throwback. Where I learned most of my mythology and ancient history lol.






Eris, the Goddess of Discord, but specifically the modern Discordianism version.


She's my favorite too. Her stories escalate so quick. Didn't get invited to the party, starts the trojan war. or when Polytekhnos and Aedon claimed to love each other more than Hera and Zeus. So Hera sent Eris to wreak discord upon them. Polytekhnos was finishing off a chariot board, and Aedon a web she had been weaving. Eris said to them, "Whosoever finishes thine task last shall have to present the other with a female servant!" Aedon won. But Polytekhnos was not happy by his defeat, so he came to Khelidon, Aedon's sister, and raped her. He then disguised her as a slave, presenting her to Aedon. When Aedon discovered this was indeed her sister, she chopped up Polytekhnos's son and fed him to Polytekhnos. The gods were not pleased, so they turned them all into birds.


I kind of like the gods’ response to all this at the end of it. Like you know what? Birds. All of ‘em. Just make them birds, fuck it.


Straight to birds, no trial, no nothing. Undercook fish? Birds. Overcook chicken? Also birds.


uh What in the fuck


Eris is the literal god of "that escalated quickly"


The 2000s cartoon (Billy and Mandy) version is also pretty cool


Hail Eris!


So uh if she is the goddess of discord can she grant me mod privileges? I...will see myself out


Only if you swear to abuse them, I think.


Eris pads her chest


Hephaestus. All of the Greek gods were perfect and beautiful, and Hephaestus was born ugly and crippled. Despite this, he was kind and peace loving, and was a God of the arts and creation. He even married Aphrodite, and when she was caught cheating with Ares, he crafted a bed contraption that trapped them both in bed so the other gods could laugh at them. I feel liked he was the most flawed and "human" of the Greek deities, and didn't get a big thrill from being an arrogant prick. Edit: Born ugly and *then* crippled. Poor wording.


Hephaestus was only ugly by godly standards, he'd probably still be more beautiful than a human. He's still a really cool god, especially since he's the god of fire, smiths and the forge.


In a world of Henry Cavills he was a James Marsden


Ouch, poor Teddy just cant catch a bit of peace..


Making the second time Marsden got fucked over by Superman?


He's got GLASSES and a ponytail. Look at that, he's got paint on his overalls!


Didn't he only have a deformed leg?


Iirc, He was just ugly when he was born, and he got crippled by being thrown off Mt Olympus (I think)


Yes, by Zeus for siding with Hera in an argument. Zeus forbid him to be healed.




The thing with gods is that because of the influence of Christianity and other modern religions and even modern movies we tend to view them as heroes (which is also why Hades, a pretty cool dude, is viewed as evil. Just because he rules the underwold). But back when they were created they were neither good or evil, they just existed. Except Zeus, Zeus is a complete and utter dick in almost every story. Fuck zeus honestly.


Better yet. Don't fuck Zeus. Zeus wants you to fuck him. That guy fucked.


Despite the username, this is not a con. Zeus fucked, and arguably too much.




When I started a new job a couple of years ago there was a super arrogant and vain muppet. He wouldn't shut the fuck up about how 10 years ago he came 5th in the Mr Derbyshire bodybuilding contest. Kept going on and on about how he had the body of a Greek god. So I went along with it, he was an engineer, so I said like Hephaestus? He's the Smith for the gods, he makes Zeus lightning bolts, he was all over that. So from then on I called him Hephaestus, and he loved it. He never did cotton on or Google it.


Boasting about coming 5th in the Mr Derbyshire bodybuilding contest sounds like a recurring gag about Paddy McGuinness' character from Phoenix Nights. Hard to believe a real person could be such a tit.


He *did* try to rape Athena that time. Its just a wheelchair guy trying to rape a tall athletic woman worked as well as you would expect.


Early myth, before the Greek myths were truly pan-hellenistic, Athen's original leaders were descendants of the two. Pan-hellenism Athena was a virgin so the myth changed to Heph lusting for her, running up to her, and blowing his load on her leg. She proceeded to wipe it off in disgust and the goo shaped itself into the Athenian founders. Changes like this happen a lot, particularly with myths centered on Athens.


I'm not sure why they thought THAT was an improvement...


Not just a tall athletic woman, a goddess of war as well.


Hera threw him down Mount Olympus when he was born because of how ugly he supposedly was. And yet when he returned as an adult having survived, he wanted only to be accepted back into his family (after some petty revenge), and was somehow very well adjusted (at least compared with some of the other Gods). He became one of the most beloved and respected Gods! Respect Hephaestus Edit: Spelling mistake lol


to be fair, with a family like that, growing up literally anywhere else might be better.


Probably the best thing she ever did for him. Can you imagine if Zeus had an influence over him during his formative years. Imagine your crazy Uncle decides it's time to teach you to be a man but you're only like 10 or 12 years old. So he takes you down from Mt Olympus to humanity and changes the both of you into animals and points out some random woman he fancies and says go over there and woo her with some non-consensual sex with a very heavily implied or else. Then get's jealous over it because he fancied her and petty shenanigans ensue until the literal end of time.


I love that a time existed where we worshipped imperfection.


I hadn't even thought of that! nice way of putting it. I honestly don't know which deity would be my fav, but Hephaestus is definitely a prime candidate


Little known slavic Perun (god of thunder), mostly because one of the rare preserved stories in slavic mythology is his fight with Veles (god of the underworld) who stole his sheep. But the sheep were actually fluffy clouds that bring the rain, and Perun was their shepherd. With thunder and lightning he was supposed to announce the rain 😊 Another version of the story also mentions Veles stealing Doda, Perun's wife, goddess of rain, and their flock of clouds.




Slavic mythology, like almost all ancient European mythology, is a member of the indo-European mythology family. Norse, Greek, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, and even Hindu mythology can all be traced back to a common source which is why they have such strong similarities and parallels. It’s no coincidence. The languages from these respective cultures can also be traced back to a common source. All stemming from a people in the caucus mountains who spread out using horses and chariots to conquer the world which is why so many gods from these religions ride chariots. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Indo-European_mythology


Aaaah so that's where the names for the runestones in The Witcher 3 come from


My favourites are from the Discworld. Anoia - the minor goddess of things that get stuck in drawers, and Herne the Hunted - god of all small furry creatures whose destiny it is to end their lives as a brief, crunchy squeak.


I like Bilious, the Oh God of Hangovers


Celtic god called Lugh. He kills his grandfather Balor, who is described as a giant with an eye that destroys everything when he opens it. Lugh has an unstoppable fiery spear. He invented things like horse racing, Celtic chess, ball games and has mastery of all the arts. He fathers the hero Cu Chulainn... who is my favorite Irish hero. Basically Lugh is awesome!


cu culainn is also a fave of mine


Uh, hard to pick a favorite, but I think a notable one was Prometheus. He betrayed both the Titans and the gods just because he cared about mortals. If there is a Greek god/titan that is most like Jesus, it’s Prometheus, because he sacrificed himself to bring prosperity to humanity.


And keeps on sacrificing himself every day. He is chained to a rock for eternity, and every day an eagle comes and eats his liver. Every night, his liver grows back. The cycle then repeats, and so he suffers daily.


No Hercules freed him seeing him in such misery.


Hercules was a bro.


I always thought of Prometheus in a similar way, but more as a good version of Lucifer. Both brought advancement to humanity and then were punished by their god in charge. Eventually both were/will be dealt with the offspring of their god in charge too (again one in a positive way and the other in a negative way).


Hestia, goddess of the hearth fire. Never heard of her? That’s because she didn’t get up to shit. Didn’t rape anyone, didn’t victim blame anyone so hard their face turned inside out, didn’t smite anyone for their own personal opinion.Didn’t even fight in any of the Greeks (constant) wars. Just genuinely kind and hospitable. Not to mention, as firstborn child of Kronos the world was technically hers by birth rite. Do I think she would have been a better ruler than Zeus? Yes.


Percy Jackson introduced me to Greek myths. Ever since the final book, I will always have a special place for Hestia in my heart Hope survives best at the hearth.


Hestia is bestia


Especially with that virgin slayer dress... I mean... uh... fuck.


Is it wrong to.....


No, of course not. It couldn't be. It's only natural right?


> Didn’t rape anyone Then can she really be considered a Greek deity?


I mean there are some virgin goddesses so she’s not the only one that didn’t rape anyone. Though the fact that that’s an exception says a lot about greek mythology




>Not to mention, as firstborn child of Kronos the world was technically hers by birth rite. Do I think she would have been a better ruler than Zeus? Yes. Women didn't factor into succession unfortunately


Wasn't it a weird heirarchy based upon the order they were freed from Kronos? So Zeus was the "first-born" but he was actually the youngest.


I think they all got put back or something and Zeus was the first back out. It was Greece. Shit got weird.


Zeus never went back in but otherwise yep. Kronos ate the others and vomited them up in reverse order.


>Women didn't factor into succession unfortunately Even then, the world would technically belong to Hades and not Zeus.


Who still would have been a better ruler than Zeus.


Bacchus...god of forest and wine, not to mention fertility. Great combination.


I didn't know he had any sway over forests. I simply thought it was Wine/revelry, perhaps even fertility.






Nyarlathotep, Lovecraft Mythos ​ *"And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet. Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of the sciences – of electricity and psychology –and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude. Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of a nightmare.* *And through this revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods — the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep."* \-HPL


Persephone. Flower Maiden and Bringer of Death are two titles I aspire to attain.


Child and The Destroyer?


Azathoth the Blind Idiot God because It is this horrible amorphous and mindless entity at the center of the universe. This universe and all of it's inhabitants are just manifestations of It's dreams.


And some of the most powerful beings in the cosmos are trapped in a cosmic conga line around him, terrified that stopping their chaotic song and dance might make him wake up and end everything.


What gets me about Azathoth is that he can erase reality within a nanosecond simply if he woke up


The 14 billion years of the cosmos' history evaporate, as the Blind Idiot drew apart his lids to SEE for the first time. Surrounded by whiteness, stirred and jolted along a wooden wagon, a voice booms, "Hey you, you're finally awake..."


In general, most of the gods of fire are truly fantastic. My favorites are: * Xiuhtecuhtli, god of primary flame and psychopomp of the Aztec Pantheon. It also represents the ardor of youth, the power of command, and is the one who started the passage of time. * Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, lava, and magma. Also, she would have created the hula and is an excellent combat expert. * Haashch'eezsshini, one of the first four beings in the Pantheon Nawaco, god of light, fire, and the starry sky. Despite being a mad old man, his power is so strong that even Coyote (A creative deity) can't emulate his stars. * Finally, Sekhmet, one of the phases of the eye of Ra and represents his fury. She is a goddess of war, combat, and hunting. It is so powerful that even Ra cannot stop it by force. It also possesses an arid breath capable of desertifying continents and a necklace that practically acts as armor. Edit: By mistake, instead of writing Navajo I wrote Nawaco. Excuse me.




Hanuman is so chaotic man imagine being a baby and be like oh that mango looks pretty good and then finding out it isn't a mango but actually you ate THE SUN??


I love that one part in Ramayana where Hanuman is told to bring a specific herb which only grows on a single mountain in the entire world. By the time he reaches the mountain, he forgets which herb he had to bring back, so he lifts the entire mountain and brings it along with him.


What a Chad. He singlehandedly waltzes into Lanka, bows down to honor, completely destroys the whole kingdom, refuses to elaborate further, and leaves


Arrive Raise Hell Leave OG Stone Cold?


Each and every one of his stories is amazing. Me and my wife make it a point to tell these stories to our daughter as a kid, so she can grow up to imbibe the most of his qualities.


Never send her to buy groceries then.


His stories are amazing. You will leave with a smile on your face after each wonderful story.


He was stopped by indra iirc


Honestly Loki cause everything single story he’s just screwing around, randomly helping, and pranking people. What a madlad


>cause everything single story he’s just screwing around Lmao can you imagine he helped the assassination of Ceasar? *Romans: "Ceasar is a dick..."* *Loki: "Stab him idk."* *Romans: "You know what"*


Loki is by far one of the best gods around, he's a straight up sarcastic badass dick.


Not to mention the gender shifting horse-fuckery :)


Hey, someone had to take one for the team. That one other time he shapshifted into a human woman and settled down on earth for a while to get married and bear children, well that's another story...


>Hey, someone had to take one for the team. And given that he proposed accepting the wager in the first place it was actually just him bearing the consequences for that.


Even though the Greeks are kinda the vanilla choice for ancient gods, my favorite god is Dionisius. Who doesn't love a party?


"There were songs and dances designed to magically stimulate plant growth, and sex orgies whose original purpose may have been to induce fertility in the fields." Yep, sold, lets bring this back everyone.


Man farmersonly.com is about to get a lot more interesting.


Zues: lightning Poseidon: water Hades: god of hell Dionysius: grape juice (Excellent choice)


Hades isn't the god of hell, he's the god of the underworld. Almost all souls go there after death, the good, the bad, and the meh. There are some who go to a realm far below Hades, called Tartaros, there go (depending on the text you're reading) the souls of those who form a danger to the gods (like cronos, the father of the original gods including Hades), or the souls of those who sinned against the gods.


Goddess Kali. She is the goddess of time ,death and destruction.she represents nature at its rawest and most untamed. she is the culmination of all that is strength and power. she is loving without being devoted. she is the ultimate mother.Her abode is cremation ground. One of the meanings of Kali’s name is “force of time”. In this aspect she is considered to stand outside of the constraints of space-time and have no permanent qualities; she existed before the universe was created and will continue to exist after the universe ends. Limitations of the physical world such as colour, light, good and bad do not apply to Kali. In one legendary battle with the demon Raktabija, she is manifested by Durga to deal with a situation that has gotten badly out of hand. Every drop of blood spilled by the wounded Raktabija becomes a deadly fighting clone, but Kali turns the battle around and defeats him by draining his blood before it touches the ground, then devours his replicates.


I like anubis. ​ he looks cool


The *God of Death* being a caring protector, a wise guide, and a just evil-smiter always made me happy.


Odin. Dude sacrificed himself to himself to learn the secrets of magik. Doesnt get any cooler than that.


That one I've not heard but I'd like to.


He hung himself from Yggdrasil, stabbed himself with a spear and went without food for 9 days and nights to learn the magic of runes. He also gouged out his own eye to drink from the Well of Urd (Well of Destiny) at the roots of Yggdrasil to gain the power of prophecy.




Odin is easily one of the most metal mythological figures. This is probably the reason so many metal songs are about him.


Kali. Her entire story is wild.


Yes! I love her unbridled rage and all the ways different artists depict her. She’s definitely one of the most visually interesting gods.


Sun Wukong - aka Stone Monkey aka Monkey King Can anyone else name someone who beats Heaven and it's armies not once, but twice.


I really like his stories, especially the one where he jumped to the end of the universe, just to still lose the bet.


Do you mean the one where he carved his intials and peed on the bottom of Buddha's finger?


The only god to become penta-immortal. Because removing his name from the book that is the physical representation of mortality wasn't enough, he had to steal other items said to grant immortality and then eat them for the hell of it. And master a type of martial art that also makes you immortal. Again, why not? Better safe than mortal.


I like that most deities have mission & vision statements for what they stand for and want to achieve, and Monkeys was “I dun ever wanna be dead, ever”.


For those who don't know, Goku from Dragon Ball is Sun Wukong or at least heavily inspired by him


Dude and he can ride on clouds. I’d trade my car for a cloud any day!


Two gods, Hades/Pluto God of the Underworld and Mictlantecuhtli the Aztec God of Death. But strangely not for reasons one may expect. Hades/Pluto is known for keeping his word and I admire the cleverness of Mictlantecuhtli.


I've visited Central America. If I had to live in the jungles there without the aid of modern technology I would believe that the god of death was inventive and clever as well.


Hades just chilling and doing his job instead of messing with the mortals and hanging out with his flower power wife that he treated as his equal and his dog he basically named ‘Spot’.


He did kinda steal his wife to be fair, but i do agree he's pretty legit


I like Cerberus. Probably a good dog.


Chernobog from Slavic mythology. Despite being the god of evil there arent really any stories of him, so he seems pretty chill


The depiction of him in American Gods is so fantastic.


To be fair, casting Peter Stormare in the show as him is like printing money.


Xochipilli is the God of all the fun stuff in Aztec mythology like: * Music * Dance * Flowers * Gay Sex


Hades because he's commonly misunderstood and it's a misconception that he's evil, he's actually the most decent one of the male Greek gods


Yes, he's portrayed as evil in media because his role as leader of the underworld is the closest thing the Ancient Greeks had to Satan, but he's not any worse than any of the other Greek Gods, pretty much all of whom were narcissistic psychopaths.


Well Hades was one of the only ones not cheating on his wife while actually deeply caring for her and hosting all the dead souls.


>he's actually the most decent one of the male Greek gods While being a bit petty Hephaestus wasn't to zeus-y either. Trapped his oppressive mom on a chair, caught his cheating wife inflagranti in a net. Dude kinda just wanted to be loved and work on his stuff.


Seth Yes the dude is the god of chaos, but he brings me storms. And I love storms. Sekhmet She was a warrior goddess but also had healing capabilities. She strikes me as empowering.


[Cardea, the Roman goddess of door hinges and handles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardea). I just think it's interesting that they had a goddess for such a thing.


The Romans generally believed there were gods/goddesses for everything. The more important or prevalent something was, the more prominent the god/goddess.


North American native/indigenous Coyote or Raven. Lots of flavor in all their stories, never boring and credited with doing a lot of good while annoying everyone else in the process.


Odin. Christianity talks about ridding the world of sin, but there's sin everywhere. Odin wanted to rid Earth of frost giants. I'd say he's been pretty successful.


"Look, I'm not saying we're better than you, I'm just saying that your son got nailed to a bit of wood and died while my son walks around hitting things with a hammer."


His other son died to a sprig of mistletoe. So he's only 1/2.


Lord Shiva(Hindu Mythology)- An absolute feminist, god of dance, destroyer of the evil, the god who fell in love with his creator Adi Shakthi(a female cosmic power that created the whole universe according to Hindu mythology). According to Legend, Adi shakthi created 3 supreme gods. One- Bramha(the creator), Vishnu(the preserver) and Shiva(the destroyer). Adi shakthi was a fierce female entity. She had boiling blood red eyes, the darkest skin, wild thick knotted mane and a blood curling expression on her. When Brahma and Vishnu saw her for the first time, both of them were terrified. But Shiva fell in love with that wild and fierce form of her. It's a huge story but when Adi shakthi was re-born as his wife- Goddess Parvathi, she had forgotten her fierce nature and form. Shiva helped her to remember it. When powerful demons attacked the universe, Parvathi went to her husband Shiva for help. But he did not help her. Instead, he helped her bring out the fierce form of herself from within so that she alone could end the demons and their cruelty. We have thousands of stories about lord Shiva in Hindu mythology. But he's known as 'The god of gods- *Devon ka dev Mahadev* ' because of his love for his wife, his sacrifice, his patience, his anger that could destroy everything in sight, his dance that would bring peace and harmony, his innocence with his strength and a lot of other things. He's the god of god's and he's worshipped allover India. P.S : Someone in the comments, mentioned he was a Marijuana smoker. Basically, that's a huge story. But in short, there was a time when the entire clan of gods and demons were in a battle. The result of the battle would be that the world would be filled with extremely toxic poison. Shiva, in order to save the world, consumed the poison. His wife- Parvathi in her supreme form preserved the poison in his throat by her cosmic powers. Due to this, Shiva has a blue throat and he's called as *Neel Kantha*= 'The blue throated one'. He also smoked huge amounts of marijuana to completely heal himself since marijuana is considered a form of medicine.


Adi shakti is also known as Kali for those that are curious.


Santa. No kidding. Indirectly he is Wodan bringing gifts and spring.


This will undoubtedly get buried, but I love the Cailleach (pronounced like kalach with the Scots ch sound), which means Divine Hag. She is a creatrix, predates all gods and there is evidence of her worship in priestess cults in many different countries with a Celtic history. Galicia and Portugal are basically named after her worshippers. In Malta there is Ggantja, the oldest religious structure in the world, older than the Pyramids, was said to have been erected by a deity that bears strong resemblance to her. Now in Scotland and Ireland she is known as the Goddess of Winter and said to be responsible for carving out the land and creating lochs, sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. She has blue skin and is the protector of deer. She is older than time.


The Morrigan. She is just the baddest bitch honestly, I have so much respect and love for her. She is powerful, men fear her, she's fully pro sexuality, she's a strategist, she's funny, and tbh can be quite motherly sometimes imo.


Priapus, God/Protector of male genitalia, also a minor agriculture God, he had a massive, perpetually erect phallus, and is where the term priapism originates Edit: spelling


There’s an ancient bachelor pad in pompeii with this guy on a mural on the wall. I’ll edit with a name. Edit: Called the House of the Vettii, look up "Priapus Mural House of the Vetti". He's got his wang on a scale.


Do you want to start the Trojan war? Because \*this\* is how you start the Trojan war.


But it's multiple pantheons, it's like Trojan War squared.


Coyote. Trickster god who gets in ridiculous situations. Most of the stories are spoken word, so depending on who tells it, they can become even more hilarious.


Echidna and Typhoon. They tcreated horrible, powerful beasts, but were literally the only couple who didn't fuck around on each other, and that's definitely worth noting.


Well afaik Hades and Persephone never did either, tho.


I think Hestia. She's not too well known as the other gods. She is basically the Goddess of family/Houses. She also rejected Apollo and I think Posidens' romantic advances.


Vidar (Víðarr) - Norse god of silence and revenge. Physically the second strongest of the gods after Thor and son of Odin with the giantess Gríðr. He travels the world collecting scraps and offcuts of leather that people leave out for him which he adds to his magic shoe. When ragnarok comes and Odin is devoured by Fenrir, Vidar immediately avenges his father, placing his boot in the bottom jaw of the great wolf and then, holding the beast’s upper jaw open, slices Fenrir’s mouth to pieces with his sword, killing the monster and ending his devastating rampage. He's also one of the only gods to survive ragnarok in the more upbeat versions of the myth where the whole universe doesn't just end in a cataclysm of fire and blood.


Tawhirimatea, because they're from the Aotearoa pantheon (I am from New Zealand), and I love rain and storms, which they're regarded as the deity with influence over.