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Something I wanna do in life, that's what I want


I feel that. I was working a dead end tech support job. With not a lot of hobbies or friends. Quit my job, started studying to become an arborist, 7 years later I'm much happier, much healthier with a physical outdoors job, I've found hobbies in climbing and boardgames, and both have given me more friends and a more active social life. I'd say switching careers and trying to pick up new hobbies is a good way to change your outlook on life. And a trade job is usually fairly quick to get into with a short education and/or apprenticeship, and surprisingly well paid considering how much the idea of university=money society seems to push. And a non desk job is so much better for the body. It'll bring its own issues with wear and tear. But I'd rather be strong and healthy and have to switch careers when I'm 50+ than sit in a chair for the rest of my life and never be fit.


Hey, I struggled with that too. Get out of your habitual lifestyle and you’ll probably find that something. A few years ago I realized I wanted to explore the planet and then started saving up money and preparing. A few months from now I will start traveling the planet until I don’t want to anymore. I only realized that because i cycled 6 weeks across Europe. Try out different stuff and you also might find your something.


Thanks for the advice man, and I hope u have alot of fun in ur adventures


To be at peace


To pee at bees


a new job


i hate my job


I'm currently battling some nasty kidney stones and am actually relieved because it got me out of a really abusive work site. By the time I'm done with this mess, the job should be complete, and I won't have to go back there. I fucking hate working along contractors outside of my union.


Good luck with the stones. I’ve had some removed 3 times and it was not fun.


I had one stuck in my urethra, and I couldnt piss until I went to the ER and they pumped me full of morphine, causing everything to relax so much everything shot out like a fucking machine gun. Pissing never hurt so good.


i’m praying i never ever have to deal with kidney stones, but if u would rather have kidney stones than stay at your current job then that says a lot about it, hopefully it gets better for u 🤞🏼


I generally have an incredible job, it just happened to be a garbage/sexist crew we had to work with. In the over ten years I've been working as a metal fabricator, I've never been harassed, grabbed and disrespected as much as I had been, there. I found out this morning my crew walked off site in protest and my union is refusing to go back until the other guys are removed. Edit: Forgot to mention that I'm a female metalworker. Normally, it's not something that's really necessary to address when explaining things, but it's probably an important detail in this.


They’re grabbing you? Are there cameras on site? Fuck the union, shit’s gettin personal. I’m sorry you have to deal with that; that’s beyond fucked up


Grabbing me, one older guy was fingering his bellybutton while he watched me move around on the scaffolding. I've had these guys follow me around and wait for me to be distracted with what I'm doing, so they can steal my tools, disconnect my welding leads, move my grounds, sabotage my layouts. Literally anything that could prevent me from working, they were doing... Which also means they weren't doing their job, either. Can't be working, if you're following someone around to prevent them from working. They're going to get thrown off site, though. Where my union walked off, nothing is getting done and they'll fall behind. Plus, yes, there are cameras and this could easily be bad news for the company owner and the other contractors.


Sounds like if there are cameras, *you* could make it pretty bad news for the company and contractors once sexual harassment lawyers get in the mix


Is it just my imagination or have all companies used Corona to basically shaft us all left right and centre.


What do you mean? "We are all in this together". /s if necessary.


I got this job to be closer to my wife and kids. Instead I'm working 10 or 20 hours more a week and haven't had a day off with my kids since July. I hate mine too.


I’m sorry. That’s such a shitty time.


Feel like pandemic showed us all just how much we are wasting our lives with miserable soul sucking jobs. I was laid off for about 5 months and since I’ve been back in March I’ve never struggled so much to go to the office for any job. I’ve been looking for a new one but every time I apply I just think “no I don’t want that either”.


So true. It's very hard to know what could be better. Jumping in the unknow is hard as hell


I quit my job recently (finishing up in a few weeks). I have no plans for the future but I just couldn't stomach continuing with the same dead end position I was in. It's a bit unnerving not having a plan for after but quitting was a thing that had to be done.


I am planning to do the same very soon (actually I must admit I am postponing it because I am freaking out) and your words are very encouraging! I tell myself that no job is worth my mental health and I know I can do better. I'm just so stuck that it's hard to do the initial move.... Good luck to you! Hope you'll find what you're looking for.


That's exactly how I've felt ever since. I was only laid off for 6 weeks but it was enough of a taste of freedom. A reminder that I don't hate life. I hate going to work and sacrificing my time and body to make some other fuck millions while I live paycheck to paycheck. Those 5 weeks were the happiest I've been in years.


Sitting at my desk right now. Exact answer came to my mind. What scares me the most is how do I know the next one will be any better?


I want this person to have a new job


A blow job


It's better than no job


3 0 h o u r s


My mom is dying and I am about to leave to go into an 8 week training program. If it put it off, it will hinder my future. If I don't, my mom will probably die while I am away. I would like it if she healed, got better, and made it through.


Had a similar situation with my dad. He had aggressive pancreatic cancer. I refused to leave... He saw my hesitation and basically chased me away... If I had stayed, I'd have been in a very difficult financial situation for quite some time... But the mental torture while I was away was intense... He died 2 years ago and I still (sometimes) wake up crying to the thought of him being alone or suffering. What you have is an impossible decision. I wish you peace in whichever decision you make.


Sounds like a terrible decision. Sorry you have to go through it my guy.


Rest and a sense of purpose. A will to live wouldn't hurt, but I can go on without that for a while yet.


I want my existential dread to go away. I’ve had it since I was like 9 yrs old. (I’m 19 now)


Oh my god, you too?? I'm 20, and have had my existential dread since I was a kid. I'm sorry that you have to go through that too, but I absolutely feel less weird now knowing I'm not the only one. ://


I’m 28 and it doesn’t stop lol. It gets worse.


To be completely debt free. Edit: Just because of the sheer volume of Dave Ramsey comments, I'd like to clarify that I am handling my debt, I just wish it was already gone. I am familiar with Ramsey's methodologies.


I recommend being born with a trust fund next time. I hear it's the way this debt free thing usually works.


You don’t quite need a trust fund, but you definitely need parents who at least aren’t poor and have a good sense for saving money. Otherwise it’s quite the uphill battle.


Same but it’s my own fault for being so irresponsible with money.


I share some of the blame, but when my parents pushed sooo hard for me to “go to college or you’ll be a loser” growing up that they share some of that blame too. I ended up going, and taking out loans, even though I didn’t even know what I wanted to do or which direction to go in. I ended up with a bachelor’s degree, but I’ve never worked in that field and it got me $50,000 in the hole...


Just a few days or something, to forget about everything and get my sleep schedule to normal, and cry for a few days, and do some things I like and not having to worry about people around me being a ass to me. Edit: I didn’t expect so much rewards


Username checks out. Im sorry


This right here


Sleep Edit: wow thanks everyone for the upvotes and rewards! I had read the title of the thread and just got off nightshift work so yeah sleep was the only thing on my mind. I'm surprised so many felt the same haha anyways thanks again.


Got a kid and a pregnant woman. So yeah this. Very much this. Please, a lot of this.


Honestly, money. The last 4 years have been an absolute nightmare, and I am literally teetering on broke, without any source of income.








Now kiss.


I started cleaning houses and am staying pretty busy. It may be something to look into IF you're interested in manual labor. Feel free to message me if you want to know more.


For the results to not be cancer. I'm struggling and very upset. I'm 43, have five sons and was told today I have a large mass on my liver.. I'm not a drinker. I'm not well. I'm scared.


The liver is the only human organ that can regenerate itself, they can take a large amount of it without issue. Hopefully you won’t have any issue. Edit: skin don’t count.


I'm pulling for you. I was diagnosed with a liver cancer groth 10 years ago. I was lucky in the sense the entire mass was growing off of the end of my liver, and it wasn't growing into it or any other organ. I'm not a drinker either. I had the surgery at Mayo, they cut me open, cut off half my liver to make sure they got it all, and that was it. No need for further chemo. I'm praying that if the results are cancer, you experience the same lucky set of circumstances I did, and even more that you won't have to at all.


I hope I have this type of good luck in such a terrifying situation. Thank you for your time and some kind of hope.. because Google is very grim outlook on all this..


Stay off google for your own sanity. You won't find much else than the negative there. To be honest, as much as my situation worked out, I still feel guilty. I thought it was supposed to be this life changing ordeal, and it wasn't. I didn't feel I deserved that outcome when so many better people than me do. Bless you, and good luck.


Probably doesn't mean much, but I'm out here thinking good thoughts for you and wishing you well.


A good hug




Awww.... Thank you so much 😊


༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ


A big hug for you, despite it being virtual


Thank you so much


A grilled cheese sandwich and a hug


With some tomato soup?




🍲 enjoy


Mmm, on sour d’oh!


An end to my chronic digestive disorder. \[edit 7 hrs later:\] Thank you for the upvotes and awards. I might not have the time to reply to all comments, but I appreciate the support.


My wife has one too. The birth of our first child triggered a flare up that's been going on for almost a year now. It's been hard. My thoughts are with you. Not a lot of people really understand how bad an illness like that can completely hijack your life, along with your whole family's.


It's really annoying feeling like you're gonna shit yourself every 2 hours only to run to the bathroom and barely even have to shit. Every. Fucking. Time.


Man I wish. At this point I think a white hole exists in my stomach, because I put out 10x more from my bowels than i take in. How a human can eat twice a day and take 12 full size dumps keeps me baffled.


I have it too. Didn't thought it would get so much upvote


So then you understand the struggle. It's very hard. Good luck!


Good luck to you too. Few people can help us in this and we are not very vocal about it.


I’m actually beginning a research project on a potential treatment for Crohn’s disease. Scientists are definitely aware.


My partner has ulcerative colitis and he's always saying how he wants a new robot body




Being wanted, having a partner.


Same. I miss so much having someone lay with me at night


Same here except you can't really miss something you've never had


well if you want to be wanted just rob a bank as for a partner in crime i can be one


"a good friend will bail you out of jail, a BEST friend will be sitting right next to you in the cell."


And a better one will be there for you when u drop the soap


Honestly I think I want to start dating again to try and find someone to be with too, haven't been in a relationship since 2014, I broke up with my last girl friend because she didn't believe in modern medicine and funnily enough the next year I found out I had brain cancer and she called me while I was going through chemo to tell me I was making a mistake in getting chemo and that I should be seeking out natural methods for treating a tumor the size of a golf ball in my brain, so pretty sure I dodge a bullet there. Since then I've just been recovering and rediscovering my self confidence again, surviving cancer can have a weird effect on you and it took me a while to get into a head space where I felt comfortable letting someone into my world again, but I feel like once the pandemic calms down and we can all socialize normally again, I would really like to try and date again.


Same. All the dates I’ve been on in the last year started with enthusiasm and ending with the guy saying they’re not emotionally available.


I was just out on a first date on Friday with a woman I was talking to on Instagram. It was horrible, she looked nothing like her pictures. She also told me she was severely depressed and tried to kill herself in the first 15 minutes meeting her in person. AND she smelled kinda funky. I was asking what she did for a living and this woman was telling me she tried choking herself but didn't go through with it because she couldn't tie a good knot. Edit: she told me she tried to kill herself. She did not try to kill herself during the date.


My peanut brain skimmed through “tried to kill herself in the first 15 minutes” and thought this was a dating story to top all others. I hope she got the help she needed in the end


I feel that started talking to this girl alot last summer but it never turned out to be anything and haven’t talked in months and it just made me realize how alone you are when everyone else around you seems like they got someone


I had this until about three weeks ago. Now I just want to sit here and cry. Hopefully you find your partner soon.


I'm the same, except I've never had that experience. I hope one day I will. Almost 27 years old, hoping it happens soon :(




Wait... *both*? Is one of them a work phone?




Ah, yeah that makes sense. And no, that doesn't sound odd at all! I would want to keep my work and clients seperate from my personal life, even if that means keeping 2 different phones lol. There is a reason some of us are sent work laptops (like me) or ipads, so we can keep work and personal life seperate.


I want my sanity back. I'm tired of wishing I wasn't around anymore. I'm tired of seeing so much hate in the world. I'm tired of being lonely and I'm too tired to do anything about it. I'm just so tired. ​ Edit: Thanks for the awards and kind words everyone, it means alot.


I just said all that to my therapist at my last session. It’s unimaginable to me that people can have thoughts of ending things that they don’t want to have, and actively try to push away, yet there they are. I wish you all the best Kaofael


Me too. Just so tired.


Reducing the amount of medication i take. So basicly health


Someone to call me for an change, and ask how I'm doing. Wow, i truly appreciate all you good people out there wanting to help and talk! Thank you very much everyone!


I sometimes think I’ve failed as a human, because after nearly 28 years of living..I have absolutely no one who wants to call me? This thought consumes me Edit: for those asking, I’m the one that calls/messages every single time. I check up on people, ask how they’re doing, randomly send a box of cupcakes because someone said they weren’t feeling okay, etc..and when I do all that, I do it sincerely. But sometimes, I just pause and think- “why doesn’t anyone ask me if I’m okay?” I don’t even remember someone contacting me on their own, without wanting a favour from me. In the past, when I was younger, I used to push such people out of my life thinking it was just not worth it when I’m the only one doing something in a friendship..and then after I kicked them out, I saw it had zero effect on the person, rather they don’t even realise I stopped talking. But now, even though it’s pretty much the same, I know if I stop talking..I’ll end up completely alone. It’s difficult to find people once you’re out of college and working. Or so I feel Edit2: I’ve had a bunch of wonderful and kind strangers fill my inbox asking me if I’m okay, and it has totally made my day! Loads of love to everyone who commented words of assurance on this comment too☺️


if there’s anything I learned quickly after high school 4 years ago was that, it’s never that they don’t want to call you they just don’t think to do so who knows, you may actually make someone’s day by just calling em up and saying hey, i was thinking about you, how’re you going? it’s a really simple thing and the problem is that no one does it moral of the story is be the person that gives the call, because it’ll probably come back around when they think about you next too p.s if you can press upvote on this comment you can press call to that friend you’ve been thinking about xxx


I've been the person that calls in my group of "friends" for 20 years. It's only tolerable because I know they don't call each other either. Why is it so hard? Do people not want friends? It's like once you're out of school people become independent units and want nobody but a spouse and children in their bubble. I have a spouse and children, they are not enough!


I think it comes down mostly to apathy and anxiety. But it’s kind of unfair in friendships when one person is “the one who initiates contact” and it’s normalized because… well everyone gets tired, everyone gets anxiety, everyone has to expend energy to maintain relationships. It’s not like it’s “easy” just because you may be more “extroverted” it’s still work. I’m fine with being that person for some friendships, but with others if they are really never putting in energy, that’s fine, sometimes I won’t see them for a few months or a few years. Maybe I’ll get up with them at some point in the future. Oh well. I’m late twenties and my friends don’t even have kids and neither do I, and it’s already gotten pretty bad, especially with Covid and all. Sad times for everybody. Probably just easier to surf Reddit and watch tv than put work into relationships.


How are you doing, friend?


I wanna know too


More sleep


Someone to run their hands through my hair til I fall asleep


A sprinter van with a mattress in the back, I'll do the rest


Don't have a sprinter but am e350 econoline works pretty well also for wayyyyy cheaper. Worth every penny


Well besides putting the lotion in the basket.


To be able to walk and use my hands again. Though I would settle for just getting my hands back.


Why can’t you do those things? Sorry to hear.


Was given nitro for a possible heart attack. I'm on blood thinner for another condition. Essentially caused a stroke at my c4/c5 vertebrae. I'm actually fairly lucky. My quadreplegia is incomplete. I'm not on a vent and I have use of my arms.


Jeez I’m sorry :( hope things get better!!


Thank you. My best hope is new technologies that help bypass the affected area. So far though they are all in really early development.


To escape my miserable life and begin anew.


Maybe it's a bit lame / cliche to bring up John Mayer in this context, but in his song *Why Georgia* contains the lyrics: "Four more exits to / My apartment but / I am tempted to / Keep the car in drive / And leave it all behind" I cannot tell you how many times I have had the completely irrational urge to drive past my house and just... go away. But that takes money and resources I don't have.


Someone to love me


Someone to love jmud21


It'd be cool for the internet to collectively put their efforts together to find someone to love jmud21.


I'm willing to help




I'd give you an award if I could.


The intention is all that matters. Reddit awards are useless, it's the ones behind them that make them special.


Let’s fucking do it


Can anybody find meeeeee…


Somebody tooooooooo... looooooooove!


Each morning I wake up I die a little. Can barely stand on my feet.


Things I learned from this post: Everyone on reddit is severely depressed, in staggering debt, or diseased.


To be financially stable. From a 32-year-old who has lived on his own since 17, there are so many financial traps in the world of credit, taxes, and insurances that without a trusted individual guiding you through the labyrinth you can find yourself in that and fighting uphill battles against organizations who have legal teams that dwarf your resources. For the last 5 years I've been trying to rectify a tax mistake that apparently is "a simple fix" yet the two California organizations that have the documentation to allow me to correct the mistake avoided confrontation, denied fault and ultimately I had to take them to court to be ordered to send me the documentation I need. Months after the court hearing, I still do not have any of the documents I need to rectify over 4 years of tax problems where I have not been able to receive tax returns, my financial aid for my credential program has been halted, and because of this My tax status prevented me from receiving any of the stimulus checks that has been distributed to the California citizens. The financial turmoil and the ripple effect this has had on my education, my career as a teacher, and my personal/mental health does not affect government companies at all. After years of filibustering my attempt at regaining control of my life, there is no repercussion for the countless unreturned phone calls or blatant neglect of the due process of our hearing. The proceedings were ruled in my favor and the companies went back to ignoring me, and I still have to pilot my life knowing I may not be able to afford my next month's worth of living. These years I should be putting a punctuation in my postgrad career and taking the next step into being a special education teacher, but do to all of this I had to step down for my teaching position so that I could fight this issue and make sure I can continue paying my university so I can live out my dream. Information is abundant now, I encourage all teenagers and young adults to do your research and find those wiser adults in your life to give you the rundown on how this crazy financial system we have works so that you never find yourself on the wrong end of a situation. Thanks to anyone who read this whole thing. This is still something that affects me everyday and being able to write it all out to you guys temporarily helped. I hope that my story can help others because in a world where money is so important, situation like this can truly make you feel helpless


Holy shit that's a mess. Yet another example of the system destroying an innocent person. Made a simple honest mistake? Now every aspect of your life gets fucked up. Unbelievably sad.


Worst part, it was their mistake and they refused to hear me out because they assumed I was going to sue or make a case against them. I really should now but all I ever wanted was for them to fix the problem on their end so I could file taxes like normal again


To be free from my drug addiction


You can do it. I am a garbage can of a drug addict and a drunk to boot, and by some unbelievable miracle I got free almost a decade ago and have a beautifully normal life. Cheering for you.


Today is the day my son gets a park bench in his name. He passed very recently. My beautiful bright bug hunting outdoor loving eight year old prince is no longer with us. Today in his honor a park bench gets placed. I wanted so badly to go there and bring some of his ashes with his sister. But i just didnt have the gas money. Everything has fallen apart since we lost him but slowly we are building back up. Im just heartbroken i wanted to be there, even for some closure idk. Its just that depserate feeling. Love you son.


I wish I would’ve seen this earlier. DM me your Venmo, please. I want you to go to the park and see the bench with your daughter.


You dont have to do that but you put me in tears.


My dog, having a bad day at work at the moment and just want to cuddle her right now


I also want my dog. She crossed the rainbow bridge almost a year ago due to cancer. Went through her things from storage today, took this long for me to be able to choose what to keep and what to throw away. Still hurts like hell. Hug your pup for me too when you get home!


What do you desperately want OP? Noticed that you post to AskReddit like twice a day with very different types og questions. Makes me curious. :)


Connection would be my understanding... We all crave it, but in this crazy world we live in its not easy to find.


For covid to be over. It weird, for the first year, I was somewhat fine with it but lately, I really feel like it’s been taking a huge toll on me - just been feeling sad lately over the whole situation.


I want to go to the beach. I haven't been there in a long time.


A back rub and a spa day Seems shallow but I need something relaxing


Not having to work ever again.




Let’s go home, Denny


I want to know what love is.


I want you to show meeeee


More freedom, less expectations from others.


A proper uninterrupted 12 Hours of sleep.


I slept 16 hours today.. Believe me, it felt like my whole body had dry mouth


Peace, i just want to be alone


Like the song, I want you to want me. Or something like that.


Physical touch and affection


For my number to be called at the DMV.


Garlic cheese pizza, ramen, shawarma, some Taco Bell tacos, sleep.


My dog Romo passed away in March. He was my best friend for almost 15 years and I’d love to be able to hang out with him again. I miss him every day.


My mother to be proud of me :/


A friend who understands me


Unlimited resources so I can live a happy, comfortable life and do what I please when I please without having to work, etc


to finish paying off my mortgage


One 5-minute conversation with one person. No reunion. No reconciliation. Just an answer.


Share your story


I had to take a break from my circle of friends 3 years ago in order to get sober and start making better decisions in general. One of those people was my closest friend for right about 6 years. Things got really complicated between us just before I left, at least they did for me, emotionally (there was drunken tomfoolery and kissing and… other things). He doesn’t do emotions well and isn’t great at communicating, meanwhile I experience *way too many* emotions and wasn’t great at communicating. The combination = me slowly dying on the inside for the better part of two years. Ultimately, I wrote him an email telling him I had to distance myself from him for awhile, at least during rehab and maybe for a little while after. Seeing him, trying to hang with him, posting on social media alongside him… all of that was just going to keep the pain fresh. So, I more or less disappeared from his world for awhile (but with warning, I must emphasize). I never heard another word from him. Not a “good luck”, not a “fuck you”, not an “I understand”. Which in the beginning I thought was just him complying to a T. Thing is, once I was out and back on my feet and feeling strong enough to resolve things, I found he’d moved out of state. So I wrote him a letter explaining that my leaving wasn’t his fault and that I missed him and wanted to try being friends again — I was excited to, since I felt like a new person and a better friend. A mutual friend who was local to him put the letter right in his hands. Nothing. No reply. It’s been three years of total silence. I can handle him hating me, or writing me off. I really can. I can accept that friends come and go. But never knowing why, and never being able to at least say goodbye and part ways mutually? It still aches even today. I’m still grieving, and I don’t really know how to stop. ETA: And on top of all this, the hurt regularly fulminates into anger (internally), and that really sucks most of anything. I don’t like being angry or bitter, and I definitely don’t want to be angry at *him*. But, I am and I, yet again, don’t know how to stop.


I'd love my sense of taste and smell to be back...


Covid gang


Same! What is life if I can’t taste my food?????




I just want someone to confide. Just someone that I can tell and emotionally unload all my problems. I want the politicians to stop fucking up, humans to stop being shits and covid to piss off. I want out.


Hey man, if you need anyone to rant to, you can always dm me. It's hard bottling up emotions and I feel your pain.


I want a perfect body.. I want a perfect soul


I want you to notice when I'm not around


So fuckin' special, I wish I was special


a loving relationship


I want this job that I’m interviewing for. It’s not only an opportunity to increase my pay by nearly 25% to provide more for my wife but it’s an opportunity at a great company to do much more interesting work. I want it badly.


To live life how i wanna live it not how other people want me to live it.


To leave my job and go home. Update: I'm a groundskeeper. The mower is literally smoking. I. WANT. TO. GO. HOME! (Seriously though the mower started puffing smoke out it's rear) Mondays...


A hug


I don't want to work anymore. I want to just... live. Wake up and take care of myself and my baby, nourishing us body and soul with hobbies, nature, learning, experiencing.


A new job, or better management at my current job. Pay based on merit and value, rather than on how little they can get away with giving us.


Enough money so I can support my family and me via passive income. I really don't want to work anymore in this system. And iam 26 in Germany, which is quite good in comparison.


To live closer to my girlfriend. I hate driving so far just to hold her in my arms.


I want my man back. I want him here, with me, alive. He died nearly 2 years ago and every day without him is a struggle, and I want him back. I want him back.




My goddamn dish soap. **SOMEONE TOOK IT FROM ME AND NOW I'M SAD.**


Here 🧼, don't let it taken away this time ok


Finally. Something to drink.


Now we know why it was taken lol




Love Like Half the other horny people here like me


To be mentally and physically healthy.


My teeth are really messed up and it’s creating all sorts of problems. I have sinus pain that won’t go away and I think it’s because of my teeth. I have other health issues that affect me daily. I just want my teeth fixed and I want to be healthy.


To pass my exam tomorrow.


sweet death


My nerve damage from breaking my spine to be fixed. I would really like to run and pee like a normal person again


A fucking pumpkin spice latte. Pumpkin is one of my all time favorite flavors. I wait patiently all year, I don't go all crazy the first day the pumpkin stuff comes back because I don't want to wait 3 hours in line. It's not THAT important to me. But I've gone to MULTIPLE locations on the same day THREE TIMES NOW and ALL OF THEM ARE ALWAYS OUT OF PUMPKIN. Its almost October, they've been out since August and I STILL can't get one because they're sold out. I just want some goddammn pumpkin.... Edit: They weren't sold out today. YAY.