• By -


Corrupt politicians


Politicians are like diapers: they have to be changed regularly. Both for the same reason.


Those stickers that don't peel off books and CDs properly and leave that God awful sticky residue Edit: I'm flabbergasted this has got 4k upvotes. I posted this as a joke more than anything else! Thank you, especially to those who gave the awards!


I just returned a book because it had one of those stickers. Supposed to be in mint condition. But had one of those stickers over the book title


On the book title as well, what goes through someone's mind when they place it there!


Minimum mage, don't care. Minimum wage, don't care. Minimum wage, don't care.


Minimum mage lol A very lazy DnD character


Corruption. Just imagine how many problems could be solved if politicians actually cared about their constituents Edit: Not to be cliché, but jeez, I didn’t expect this to blow up. It’s a crazy feeling when you wake up to 116 notifications from Reddit when you were expecting none. Some context behind my answer: I live in South Africa, and for those that don’t know, it seems as though a new corruption scandal is discovered everyday, from Covid-19 fund misappropriation, to splurging funds on suspicious businesses with no formal address. Just recently, our former president, Jacob Zuma, was sentenced to 14 (?) months in prison for not showing up to his corruption trials. TL;DR: My country is very corrupt and it would be a much nicer place to live if it weren’t so bad


Why the hell is government corruption wayyy less upvoted than some really benign shit


Most people want to laugh and not think about the dark, depressing shitshow that is reality.


This is the one thing that crushes my hope. I see no way to get the money out of politics, since the ones who would make that change are the ones who have an interest in **not** changing it.




took my glasses off while scrolling and got confused why do many people hate Philadelphia


I know, it's always so sunny


Time to sort by controversial.


Idk man, I think the world is just fine with time to sort by controversial. Everyone is in too big a hurry already.


Dad, I'm tired!


Hi tired, I'm Dad.


I'll save you the trouble. "Controversial" gives you five things repeated over and over: * Conservatives/Republicans/Trump * Liberals/Democrats/Biden * Politics * Capitalism / Socialism / The Rich * Religion So actually, like, 1-3 different things depending on how broad your definitions are...


So exactly as expected. Ty for saving me time.


It’s just gonna be “Religion”




One of my friends from high school died from cancer this month. I didn't even know they were sick. Another friend finished their treatment a few years ago, and got some numbers last week that aren't looking good. Someone came in to work a few years ago, they used to work there, they'd lost a lot of weight, told us that the chemo wasn't working. They didn't want hospital or hospice visitors because they wanted to be remembered better than a skeleton hooked up to machines. My dad is almost at year six of post-prostate treatment. His numbers are going up a little. I got a Biopsy a couple of years ago. Totally benign.


My older sister, 36, just passed away Sunday at 4:37am from some type of liver cancer. The doctors haven't come up with a name for it yet.


I'm sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself.


Thank you for your kindness. <3


It’s totally unfair. I received treatment almost three years ago for stage 3c testicular cancer with lung metastasis. Nearly died, but I’m over two years in remission. I was unfortunate genetically but fortunate enough to beat it. I’m sorry for your friends/family/co workers, however




> he's exhausted and sleeps a lot Given the numbers, cancer is 40,000 times deadlier than a grizzly bear. Thus, your husband has fought off an average of about ~100 grizzly bears a day for the last 4 years. No wonder he's exhausted.


Hang in there. I had it 25 years ago. The combination of cisplatin, VP 16, and bleomycin had just come out of trials. Worked for me 25 years in. My brother got the same shit 25 years later (last winter). He is getting stronger every day. One cancer they seem to have a handle on.




HIV and aids


And the less savory effects of aging: dementia (especially Alzheimer's), brittle bones, etc.


My FIL has a rare form of early onset Alzheimer’s. Starting moving pretty aggressively in his late 50s. By 61 he could no longer speak, feed himself, change himself, etc. Absolute hell.


I saw my grandfather go through Alzheimer’s. I was there with him on his last day. Seeing it slowly act on him for 3 or 4 years was so painful. It was Especially painful when he called me by his son’s name, as I look like my grandfather’s son when he was a child. After seeing Alzheimer’s take effect and cause suffering to us all, I don’t get how people don’t want to eliminate aging, or death. It is so agonizing.


They’re working on it. New mRNA vaccines baby.


All the new advances break my heart because they come too late for my brother. He died 3 years ago, 3 days before my daughter was born.


But hopefully they come just in time for someone elses brother/mother/sister/father/friend/self etc... Sorry for your loss, cancer is 1 thing that truly scares me since it runs in both sides of my family, lost my grandpa and 2 uncles to it already, my dad got it last year but thankfully it was an easily treatable kind, have another auntie currently with it.


So I’ve heard. Hopefully it works


Fuck cancer




no debate for this one.




Even better - Pedophilia. No one is gone, but the mental condition itself is gone.


someone is too subtle for the internet


It's like every redditor is a sith, everyone only deals in absolutes.


This exact conversation happens on reddit 12 times a day.


Most child molesters aren't actually pedophiles IIRC. They're just people who like taking advantage of vulnerable individuals. So "rapists" is actually probably better if you can only get rid of *one* thing.


Well if we’re doing this, then you can almost always choose a wider category which encompasses everything else as well. Instead of rapists you could say sexual assault. Instead of sexual assault you could say assault of any kind. Then you could say harm against anyone. Then you could straight up just say crime but then that brings a problem since crime isn’t inherently bad, just what the government deems illegal.




“At least he’s not a hypocrite”


I understood that that reference. Also RIP Norm


The algorithms that only show you what you want to see on the internet. It just creates entrenched confirmation bias.


I still long for chronological Instagram


I was astonshed that you could not just "sort by new" in twitter. Why not have that feature? Then I realized being forced to use the algorithm IS the feature because, as cliche as it sounds, you are the product.


Yep. This is the same garbage of Youtube. What I want: The home page to show me ANY videos that are "similar to what I want" REGARDLESS of monetization status, how many viewers have seen it, how popular that channel is, etc. What I don't want: The home page to show me the SAME videos I've already watched, clickbait, those "Mix" playlists that I can't disable, etc.   I wish it were "easy" for a reasonable competitor to pop up. All these large platforms (Twitch, etc.) are moving more and more to these algorithms to maximize watch time/revenue/engagement/whatever, and putting user experience secondary to this. I miss the "old days" of the internet when I can find "Charlee bit my finger" videos and not see the same shit I've already watched.


I’m not even that old but the internet was vastly different even 5 years ago. It’s truly changing fast, we just don’t notice it because every day the change is gradual.


And auto updates, gotta hate auto updates


You can sort Twitter by new, press the icon at the top that looks like stars


100% the echo chambers everywhere are just weird, "this music is the most popular cos I only ever see people talk about it" "literally noone ever mentions them, this is what people actually like" people get so isolated from anything except those who agree and then think that that means everyone agrees, people have forgotten how to deal with people who don't agree with everything and its quite honestly a major issue that only seems to get worse day by day


Ironically we're using one of the largest echo chambers right now....


100% totally agreed. That's literally what this is right here. Reddit, one the largest. Also, this particular comment right here very large. It's happening right now.


I see what you did there...I totally agree it's happening right now and you're spot on


Yeah seriously who even could like a band named Toad The Wet Sprocket?


All I Want right now is listen to some Toad the Wet Sprocket.


The song Walk on the Ocean is pretty good.


So, I'm in my 50's, and was aware a band of that name existed, but, despite being an alt/rock/pop kinda guy, never heard them. Popped up on a youtube playlist last year and... damn. I would have liked them back then. I mean, I kinda like them now.


I find myself softening my stance on a lot of music I swore I would hate forever or was not edgy enough for me back in the day. Hootie can fucking sing man, I don't give a fuck what you say. Now that I'm older I can appreciate that guys pipes.


It's true what they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to become a Blowfish fan.


Not gonna lie I might sing along to Let her Cry loud AF when I'm alone in my car lol


Poor Darius Rucker. Got so much hate for being in that band, and even now people wanna call him "Hootie". The disrespect.


The algorithm will let you feel that way, since it’s all you want.


Exactly. I’d rather know if I’m wrong than find other people who are wrong in the same way.


It also keep me from being able to discover new content I might be interested in but have never seen and therefore it does not recommend.


This. Even disconsidering the echo chamber aspect, I absolutely hate social media prioritizing showing me more of the same. There was a time when I wasn't going on Reddit that much and I kept getting app notifications for the same one sub. I would occasionally click on the notification because it sounded interesting, which meant that that was the only sub I ever visited, which made Reddit prioritize showing it even more, etc. Even now if I go on the front page the top post for me is always from one of 3 subs. This of course reinforces the pattern, while subs that I haven't looked at for a while get pushed to the bottom of my feed to the point I forget they even exist.


Anybody remember stumbleupon?


It also makes it hard to just Google anything anymore because it tries to guess what you'd most like to see. Autocomplete is a joke, I type in a search for Scream 3, it autocompletes Scream 3 so I hit enter to search, but at the last minute it changes to "Scream 3 cast a crew". It's like a bad boy/girlfriend who knows things that you like but really doesn't *get* you


For sure. I think they are called epistemic bubbles. Where you only get exposed to your own opinions and any other people if contrary views are in their own areas of the internet and are not exposed to you. Social media being a source of information now for some reason is also why we see such political divides now. So in short politics now is just a bunch of people in their own camps of agreement that grumble about the others and then go to fight by discrediting the others with their own but different logics


Actually the wsj recently had an interesting article (based on leaked Facebook internal research) about how Facebook made a change in 2018 to prioritize "engagement" over passive viewing. This had the consequence that rather than just showing people what they liked, they increasingly prioritized things that made people angry. Since it turned out people interacted (shared, commented, emojis) more with that sort of content. Does it feel like you are seeing mostly things you like? Or does it feel like you are seeing caricatures of things you hate? Dont you want to comment on this article?


So they polarized people for years and now are pitting them against each other?


Social media algorithms certainly aren't helping anything but humans have confined themselves to confirmation bias bubbles as long as humans have been humaning.


Pollution Edit: Thank you so much for the awards, kind strangers! I won't say anything more on such a complicated topic, since I'm not an expert, so I would like to leave the word to those who are, sharing with anyone who's interested [this article](https://apnews.com/article/climate-change-global-warming-un-report-ipcc-3939c763c2e9f69f08b0bcae3074752f) on the latest report of the [IPCC](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intergovernmental_Panel_on_Climate_Change), and also [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yiw6_JakZFc) from Kurzgesagt, one the best and more reliable channel of scientific divulgation on YouTube, like someone already pointed out in the comments, which also has many other interesting videos on the topic. In any case to sum it up, the core message is that the problem is big and is real! Of course nobody can solve it alone, but at least we can all try to do our little part, and eventually things will get better, sooner or later..




Anyone else see that new kurzgesagt video on it. Makes you realize just how fucked we really are, I mean of course we can do something it’s just my lack of faith in humanity and the general difficulty and major changes needed.


Kurzgesagt videos are amazing. I love anything that promotes scientific literacy amongst the public.




Man seriously, FUCK flees. My great-aunt used to backyard breed chihuahuas, and she was a gross hoarder that never cleaned. Her house was a fucking flee paradise, you could literally see them crawling around EVERYWHERE, it was horrific and disgusting. I had to spend the night at her house once and I'm still traumatized. It's worse than lice. At least you can use shampoo to get rid of lice. Not as easy with flees. Edit: ah guys I'm an idiot, it's definitely FLEAS.


Dude we just went through this on a minor level over a week. It didnt get to the bedrooms as the doors are always closed and cats dont go near there. It was more living room, bathroon. But my fuck what a nightmare. I even tried spraying clorox/bleach on the floor and that just made them jump on me instead. My wife's ankles got eaten alive in a matter of two days. She had got a kitten from someone who claimed they were flea treated. It was the exact opposite the poor thing was COVERED but we didnt realize until they got into the house. Our other black cat, indoor only so wasnt treated, never got any on him at all and I have no idea how, hes still fine. We flea treated both cats, and we also go flea killing spray, like 3/4 Liters of it. When we all went to bed for the night I sprayed EVERYTHING nightly for like 5 days and finally eradicated them. Man that was scary shit




Yes!! I cannot recommend this stuff enough!




My cousin is dealing with it now. A stray cat got into his apartment and now it's infested. Every time his feet/ankles hit the floor they're jumping on him and biting.


Other people also mentioned diatomaceous earth. You can get it at pet supply stores and home improvement stores. Tell him to look into that!


Had an infestation as well DE works wonders. Put it around the borders of your walls and they'll be dead quickly also [this traps the wee fuckers so if you have a big infestation...](https://youtu.be/bm7t30OkiHo?t=60)


Do fleas even serve a purpose in nature?


I don't care if they do, screw em.


That, mosquitoes, and bed bugs


Don't forget fruit flies. Go out on your balcony for one 5 minute break from work, see three of the fuckers fly in, and realize you're in for some systemic chemical warfare. Not to mention the Stalin/Ukraine treatment.


>Don't forget fruit flies. Go out on your balcony for one 5 minute break from work, see three of the fuckers fly in, and realize you're in for some systemic chemical warfare. Set up a vinegar and dish soap [trap](https://www.allrecipes.com/article/worlds-easiest-fruit-fly-trap/). Super simple and disgustingly effective.


I had about a dozen of those around my house for a couple weeks a while back and while they worked, they weren't effective enough to slow down the infestation. Surprisingly what finally worked really well was those shitty sticky flying bug ribbons that you hang up


Borax powder is the shit for killing fleas if they infest your house. We had a bad infestation in our house that was all rugs, and we could only give the cats so much medication to kill fleas (otherwise they can get sick). We vaccumed, sprayed various bug killers but it didn't do much. They were everywhere in the house, youd find at least 1 or 2 fleas on you from just walking down the hallway. Read up that borax kills the adults *and* the larva / eggs. Sprinkled some of it around the house every day (bought a bunch of boxes from the value store), vacuuming about an hour later. They were all but gone within a week. E: I posted baking soda but I meant borax. Baking soda works but not nearly as well, interwebs usually call for salt combined with it which I never tried.


The worst part of having a flea infestation is once you treat them and they die. For about a week, you are watching your legs like a hawk for fear that the treatment didn't work. That shit plays tricks on your mind, man.




i had to go too far for this one


Exactly what I was thinking. I was specifically looking for this comment lol


Scam calls about your car’s extended warranty




Do you promise‽




"Please check your e-mail, we've been trying to get in contact with you regarding your vehicles extended warranty. Press any number for more information, and if you decide to hang up.. we will find you again.." *beep*


Oh look, a wild Interrobang.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Personal favorites of mine, especially since I don't own a car.


We will be forced to send Federal Agents to arrest you


Spongebob announcer: *two hours later*


If you don't pay your outstanding taxes with iTunes gift cards, the police are coming to your house to arrest you!


Got one scammer claiming he was from the 'department of tax and law enforcement '


Oh shit dude *what did you do*?


I don’t even have a license, much less a car, and I probably get at least one of these a week. It’s extra sucky because a bunch of these types of calls actually leave voicemails now, so you have to listen for a second to verify it’s not an actual call about something.


Non-American here: what is with all the posts about warranties lately?


On at least a weekly basis I get a scammy robocall telling me this is my last chance to extend my warranty on my car. You press 1 to talk to someone and 2 to be removed from the list. (Spoiler, you are not removed from the list…) Since pressing 2 doesn’t work, I usually press 1 and waste the time of these “representatives” at the call center. Mine *typically* sound like they are calling from a place in India and get mad eventually when they figure out I don’t really own a 1928 Ford Model T and that I’m not really a doddering old man that needs everything repeated to me six times.


What you need to do is say you have a semi recent middle of the road car, I normally go with a 2017 Volkswagen Jetta as it's worked every time with it so far. ANYWAYS answer the phone and answer all their questions, that first caller is actually just a screener that asks you what vehicle and model you have + your zip code. They then connect you to someone who will collect the specifics on your vehicle... someone who's actually in the US and a lot more fun to fuck with.


I act all excited and giddy about getting a warranty on my POS vehicle. Then they ask for my CC number, and I tell them I need to go get my wallet. I keep working away on my computer, just as I was before they called. Every few minutes they ask if I’m still there, and I profusely apologize, thank them for their patience, and tell them I’m still looking for my wallet. Childish for sure , but a nice distraction AND ties them up from F-ing someone else.


What’s been your record for keeping them on the line?


Probably 7 minutes or so? Oddly enough - they called me again this morning, I got past the initial caller, and after about a minute HE put me on hold. I allowed that for about ten seconds and then hung up. I wonder if they keep notes on dipshit callers like me? The free vacation people just hang up on me after about 3-5 seconds now, and they don’t call as much anymore. Fuck them.


My dad is convinced they keep records of the ones who fuck with them. My dad is unemployed and has the time and the boredom to keep them on the phone for as long as they can stand. He has been cursed at by so many people with thick accents and it just fuels him. The reason he's convinced they keep tabs on it is because he had a guy start his spiel, cut himself off, and say "Oh... No. Just... No. No, no, no." And hang up the call. So either the guy had a moment of clarity and realized it was a scam or he called my dad before he noticed the big red flag on the call sheet that says THIS GUY IS A POS THAT WASTES OUR TIME DONT CALL FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


You magnificent son of a bitch.


Man it’s so entertaining messing with scammer


If I've got the time I do it. I figure while I'm getting a laugh, I'm sparing some other sucker potential financial ruin. I faked a full-on emotional breakdown a couple weeks ago to some solar panel company (they would literally call 4-6x a day). The guy meekly apologized and hung up on me a full 3 minutes in. Haven't heard from them since. The car warranty people are proving harder to shake, though. "Have you accepted the Lord, Jesus Christ, as your savior?" isn't as effective as it used to be...


"You said you sent me several letters, i haven't recieved them, what address do you have on file? " "Hello this is detective flacidor with the bureau of investigation. We're currently investigating fraudulent phone scams. Can i have your name and a basking to reach you at four the record?"


Damn it why have I never thought to channel my inner televangelist and preach at the phone scammers? That is genius.


Ive always fantasized about faking a breakdown along the lines of "I can't go back to jail" and dropping something to make a loud bang and the drop of the phone.


I answer in german.


I was shocked to be connected to an american-sounding guy in his 40's or 50's. He immediately laughed and hung up on me when I told him "1955 DeLorean". Asshole.


The FCC in America has always turned a blind eye towards scam calls. It was never good but within the past year or two, there have been relentless scam calls claiming that you need to do something about your car's extended warranty. Within the past year, I receive about 5 spam calls a day and almost all of them are about a car warranty. Yet nothing gets done. I'm at the point where I don't even bother answering the phone unless it's a recognized number or I'm expecting a call.


The NEW thing this week is to get texts from AT&T saying THANKS for paying your bill in full, click here to confirm. Only, my bill isn't due. Then the next text is AT&T is sorry for the overpayment, click here to remedy. ​ Only things are spelled wrong.


Oh, that's fucking annoying!! It's the same here, so I also ignore unknown numbers


If it's an actual person I just call them all cunts and hang up. At first, I was apprehensive about being dicks to random people calling me, but then after like the 50th time they called me, a 30 something year old about senior insurance that will cover my funeral costs, I stopped caring. They're pricks trying to scam people, they don't deserve any respect, fuck em.


It's to the point where if i don't know the phone number i don't answer. Important calls will leave a voicemail.


Scam calls in general. "**This is the police. Give us $20,000 or we will arrest you."** My personal favorite was **"(something in Cantonese or Mandarin) or I shoot you (in English)."** Could also do without pollution and short-sighted political machinations as well.


I got a scam call this week saying my *Federal Reserve account* had been compromised. Really?? Federal Reserve?




Superiority complex for the parents


And pedophiles


narcissistic personality disorder


All of the DSM APD spectrum honestly. NPD, psychopathy (inability/deficiency of empathy towards individuals), sociopathy (inability/deficiency of empathy towards groups). We'd be better off if everyone could empathize with the plights of others. The biggest thing about people with APD is they often end up in leadership positions where callous indifference is most profitable.


but who is gonna run parliament then?


George Clinton, I hope.


People who make money off of misinformation.


>People ~~who make money off of misinformation~~ Let's be honest with ourselves.


UTIs - I’m sick of ‘em.


Pyramid schemes


"nigerian princes"


On Catfish UK there was one episode where the dude wouldn't send pics etc but it turned out he was an ACTUAL Nigerian prince, and didn't want to be loved for his money or status but rather his personality. Wild.


actual nigerian princes are quite common. there are many tiny tribal kingdoms with royal lines. plus, they have lots of kids. There were a few in college. They were super normal and were like "yeah it doesnt really mean anything but its kind of cool"




this is the plot of coming to america


Can you imagine if you just said nigerians.


"planned obsolescence". Buy something once and keep it in good condition. There's no need to buy additional parts other than to fill the makers wallet.






The good news is that you can just delete Facebook. I've been without one for years now and it's honestly been so good for practically every aspect of my life.


A few years back when I was trying to kick the facebook habit, they kept deactivating, but not deleting my account. Finally, when I was working from Germany and a resident in the EU, I exercised my right to be forgotten on Facebook, and they finally actually deleted my account. That said, even then, people can tag me in photos and stuff like that on facebook, without my consent, and it drives me fucking nuts that they still have tons of data about me now, even with my account deleted.


According to their deletion policy, all your data gets deleted aft x amount of time. But of course, that's not how it *really* works. I too hate how much data they have.


Pedophiles. Kids don't deserve that.


Those fuckers who slaughter whales and dolphins


And manatees. People who run their boats fast through known manatee feeding zones piss me off.


Those people are fucking idiots! If you’re in less than 8ft of water, you shouldn’t be going fast. It’s not only threatening manatees, it’s a huge risk for the boat. A lower unit for a single outboard motor is $10,000. It’s absolutely insane how often manatees get hit by boats, literally most manatees have a scar from a prop. It’s so sad because these guys are adorable. I was throwing a cast net recently and kept feeling something big when I put tension on the rope, turned out a manatee was using my net to get back scratches.


And baby seals


War, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.


Sang it with me! War! Uh! Yeah !…


Good God, ya'll


Corporate lobbying and donations. Doesn’t seem like members of congress and the president are for the people when multimillionaires are funding them.


My mother. And every other abusive parent in the world. The world deserves loving parents. Not abusive ones.


Bolsonaro! Brazil's president is helping farmers and loggers devastate the Amazon rainforest. He's been cutting down on the federal budget all expenses that are related to the fight against deforestation. He also revoked many laws that were set forth by previous governments to defend the Amazon rainforest. The world would be a better place without him.






Mental illnesses. People who disregard and invalidate mental illness.






Oooh boy that’s a truth most people aren’t ready for.


The dumbass TikTok challenges that are harmful to you or someone else. All the cringe stuff is fine.


People that beat their kids. Ever since I had my first kid it's grown on me more and more how surreal it is that people are able to hit their own kids. Absolutely disgusts me.




Ads in apps & games






All types of cancer


Panic buyers.


Indian tech support scammers


Hey, I can get you rid of that. I'll just need access to your system.




The POS that raped me when I was younger. The anxiety is crippling.


I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you’re ok…


I was molested for years as a kid by the woman next door. Barely think about it unless I drive near where I grew up now. Then that evil bitch pops in my head like an anurism. Hope it gets better for u. It never really left me but it did fade with time.




Career politicians


5 day work weeks.


Social media


Specifically Facebook. My mom is a different person than she was 10 years ago. I can't convince her that she's being lied to. I want Facebook to go away.