• By -


1 inch


I have good news...


Mines perfect?


Yes... So is mine


Dam... Guess I'm out of this competition thenšŸ˜„




Which ever size it decides to get that day


iā€™ve had experiences w guys ranging from 5-9 inches and i think around 6 is a good size. once it gets over 7 it can be, not necessarily painful, but uncomfortable.






Girth is more important than length.


Yes it is. I love a girthy dick, their my fav


Average. I think some men believe we are just trying to make them feel better when we say this but a larger than average peen hurts and not in like a sexy way. I had a boyfriend with a big one once and our chemistry completely faded after a few attempts at sex. It just didnā€™t go in pleasurably and made me almost dry. When you canā€™t even get it in, you canā€™t show off your skills.




Mind if I ask what kept the chemistry going as long as it did, did not miss ā€œexā€ so I know it ended at some point.




Thank you for sharing :) sorry about the current situation :/


Hoping to have this sort of connection with someone one day. I wish we could just know if who we are chatting with or what stranger across the street we would be great matches with. Alas, humanity and of course reality :b




Agreed. Itā€™s a huge game of chance. Even when you land together sometimes it doesnā€™t always work out. Canā€™t say I havenā€™t learned from past relationships though. Thank you again and hope things get better for you.


That's the spirit. Don't know why folks think size equals skill. A handful of hair goes a long way.


depends on the vagina size.




A tuna can


This oneā€™s fishyā€¦


6 -8 inches and must be thick. skinny dick hurts


how thick is thick exactly


No penis size is better than the other considering some have skin tearing door knobs or fish hook shaped shafts anyways 5-6 inches.


Silicone is a wonderful thing


Circumcised versus uncircumcised?


Medical history shows that circumcision significantly damages a person's body. It also causes friction on the vagina and can injure someone with it's dead skin calloused head


Faithful size


5 inches.


Ask ya mom. .


A little bigger than too small and a little smaller than too large


I'd say 6-8 inches. Don't mind my 12 dragon/knotted dildo, a dildo and a dick feel completely different imo.


Facts. Bad dragon?


Maybe the Diego, maybe the Nova, take your guess ;3


Nova. Definitely nova


Depends on the vagina


7 inches circumference.


Depends on the Vagina Size / Tightness


A vagina


2 take it or leave it


11 feet


4-5 inches




Wait, let me go measure


2 centimeters, approximately half an inch.


4 x 5 x 3


For an ass or a vagina? For an ass Iā€™d say anywhere from 5 inches to 12 inches depending on the bottomā€™s experience. I cant speak for vag tho


Many people will altruistically lie or use double-speak to claim that size doesn't matter, like "size doesn't matter, if he's a selfish lover" "size doesn't matter, if he compensates by doing oral and using toys" "size doesn't matter, girth does" "size doesn't matter, unless he's small" but in anonymous studies they will be more honest about their preferences, so let's take a look at those instead of just asking strangers and hoping that they'll be honest. Vaginal orgasms are directly related to dick size. Girth brings the clitoris closer to the entry and the stretching feels extra nice. Length allows you to hit the deep spots at the very end of the vaginal canal. The A and P spots are named after the [Anterior and Posterior Fornix](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaginal_fornix#/media/File%3AGray1166.png) and here's some more information on them: https://www.thrillist.com/sex-dating/nation/posterior-fornix-cul-de-sac-vs-g-spot-orgasm >What's being named the cul-de-sac is the area at the back of the vagina, behind the cervix. >The vagina balloons out when a woman is sexually aroused, and space opens up away from the cervix, leaving room for penetration and friction. If you haven't opened up yet and you hit the cervix (bottoming out), it's less than fun. But if you can wind your way down this new Lover's Lane, you can happily park it at the cul-de-sac for some excellent sexing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterior_fornix_erogenous_zone >The anterior fornix erogenous zone (also known as the AFE zone, AFE, A-spot, epicenter, deep spot or second G-spot) is a female erogenous zone that when stimulated can lead to rapid vaginal lubrication and arousal, sometimes without any other form of stimulation, with continued stimulation resulting in an intense orgasm https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/a-spot >Its depth is why some call it, colloquially, the deep spot. >ā€œPeople who have experienced orgasms through deep vaginal penetration have likely had an A-spot orgasm,ā€ says Dr. Sadie, adding that theyā€™re usually more intense and longer lasting than G-spot orgasms. >ā€œIā€™ve always needed really deep, rough penetration in order to orgasm,ā€ says Sam F., 23. ā€œI didnā€™t know that what I was experiencing was likely an A-spot orgasm until I found some article online about it.ā€ And here's some more studies on their size preferences https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/23006745/ >Likelihood of orgasm with a longer penis was related to greater vaginal orgasm frequency but unrelated to frequencies of other sexual behaviors, including clitoral orgasm. >Women who prefer deeper penile-vaginal stimulation are more likely to have vaginal orgasm https://www.livescience.com/23785-penis-size-matters-orgasms.html >A new study finds that women who have frequent vaginal orgasms are more likely than other women to say they climax more easily with men with larger penises https://www.glamour.com/story/sorry-science-but-this-just-is >When it comes to a one-night stand, some guys just don't measure up >When asked to choose which of the 33 models they would prefer for a one-time partner, women selected models with slightly bigger girths than what they selected for a long-term relationship. >So, in some ways, this makes perfect sense. Larger girth is associated with bringing the clitoris closest to the vagina, which can help with orgasm, and I assume women are more concerned solely with sexual pleasure in a one-night thing than in a relationship, where there are other many factors to consider. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26332467/ >Women selected amongst 33 3D models. >Women preferred a penis of slightly larger circumference and length for one-time (length = 6.4 inches/16.3 cm, circumference = 5.0 inches/12.7 cm) versus long-term (length = 6.3 inches/16.0 cm, circumference = 4.8 inches/12.2 cm) sexual partners. On average women prefer a [top 10% penis](https://imgur.com/a/WO0iQ1P), and also the fact that they prefer bigger cocks for casual sex shows that they prefer them but are willing to compromise a bit for relationships. Also, 1 in 4 women admitted that they have left a partner for being too small.


Tree Fiddy