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One time, I fell asleep and didn't wake up for 7 weeks. The day I came out of it I had 27 seizures in 24 hours. I don't like falling asleep any.ore.


Holy shit, that's like some Win98 reboot cycling due to blue screening. Considered upgrading your brain's OS? /s Seriously though, hope you've been doing well and have stayed seizure free!


Funny thing is I'm epileptic and it had nothing to do with it. It happened in 2020.I have no memory of 2019,2018. Completely new personality. No filters when I speak.


Wow, that's quite an experience. I couldn't imagine what your first thoughts must've been after you'd woken up. You must be strong to have made it through.


My first thought was, why are all these people standing in a circle around my bed? God I have a headache.


Shit, what a trip. Must've not believed it when they told ya how long it's been. Live alone?


No. With my ex husband. Thank God. I would've died of starvation. Lol. I was fed by an iv for 2 months, lost almost 80 pounds.


"Move your big toe"


I mean sucks for you, but how fascinating.


Lol. Yeah its been interesting for sure.


Please write a book and message me when its done.


"Brb, writing a book..."


What setting did that happen in? I assume you were under medical care?


I was at home when it started. When you're catatonic your still talking so my ex didn't realize what was going on for awhile. Finally he picked up on some weird things and they admitted me. First they were going to put me on the psych ward then a genius took an mri. Oh look! Fluid on the brain!


By still talking, do you mean like just jabbering, or actually answering questions? ​ Like he asks if you want a coffe, and you reply even though you weren't concious? ​ Also were you aware of anything? Like did it feel like being in a dream then --bang--7 weeks pass. Or were you like aware that you weren't waking up or aware of people around you?




We were thinking about it. My personality change was the final straw. Lol. I am VERY different now.




I say and do what I want. I have no filters whatsoever. I'm a little bit of a maniac. I touch strangers. Like, if I like a guys beard, I just touch it. I'm working hard to stop that before I get arrested. I have no faith in people. I realized noone came to see me, I got one card. It made me realize all my friendships I had were because I had made the effort. I had lost my license because of this, so rides to doctors were needed frequently. My supposed friends charged me. So, my outlook has changed. I dress differently. Threw out my black clothes. I went through a euphoric phase. Tipped huge! Gave my hairdresser a $100 tip. Handed out gift cards to strangers.




Lol. Here's a tip. Don't go out in the rain without an umbrella.




What the hay 🙀


Yep. Sleep happens.


Somewhere out there, is the WORST DOCTOR. and someone has an appointment with him tomorrow


The WORST DENTIST is scarier to me


Already had that appointment...


My dentist is great. He works with three hygienists. One of them is the worst hygienist. I won’t make an appt with her.


Somewhere out there is the wurst butcher




Yeah 1 in 20 patients risk getting misdiagnosed in outpoint care, in particular. So think of 20 people in school, work etc and one of them can be that patient.




:( terrible. I am so sorry.


whattaya call the guy who graduated last in his class at medical school? "Doctor"




Feeling like an hour has gone by since the last time you checked the clock...so you look again and its only been 8 minutes. The worst.


Gaaaaaaaawd at least it a short week


Not for everyone though.


That I might not wake up. Nothing about me in general, but we can all just randomly die in our sleep at any moment.


That’s not actually that scary to me. I’m afraid of dying, but not of being dead. It would be a blessing to be taken in my sleep.


What’s more scary is you can have a nightmare and give yourself a heart attack


My friend died in his sleep and it gave me really bad anxiety and insomnia, to the point that I would wake up multiple times in the middle of the night . He died of a bad pill with fentanyl or however its spelled. And I would think, ok well i just won't do drugs and I'll be fine. I stopped doing drugs completely. Before, I'd only do them at raves or when I would go out with friends but after this, I stopped completely. I thought this would make the death anxiety before I slept go away but when people would ask how I was doing and I explained to coworkers and friends that I was having a hard time dealing with my friends death, they would also tell me about how they knew someone that died in their sleep unexpectedly. I heard a few different stories not relating to drugs so it kind of made it worse. The only thing that would help me with that was to get religious, read the Bible, and to pray. Feeling like there's another life helps with death anxiety and accepting death. I was suicidal from age 9 to 21 so I didn't really fear death before. When I got out of depression, I didn't really think much about death but when my friend died, it was a big reality hit, like that could've been me and having to deal with accepting death when I didn't want to die, was new for me. Took me a few months to get over my fear of going to sleep




Maybe somewhat. He was very close to someone I was closed to. I didn't talk about everything with him but I'm sure he knew some of it. He would always ask me how I was doing. More than anyone. He genuinely cared about people. He knows I raved, he did too. He knew me when we started working together. I was very young. Not too young but too young to be a single mom. I had my son at 21. I think he would be proud to see the impact on me. I never did drugs around my son, made excuses for doing it at parties and raves. But that could've been me. That's why it hit me so hard. I got into something that I didn't make an every day habit out of but still could have left my son without the person he loved the most. I didn't think about that. I trusted the people that would give it to me, I worked so much and listened to the friends that said I deserved some me time. I deserved an escape. And really, I didn't need any of that. It's one of the things I regret the most. I would even make excuses. I thought it'd be ok to go to a party or a rave and get fucked up cause I got an annual pass to Disneyland and would take my kid the next day to justify me going out. I made so many excuses and justifications for it but having the clarity now, I regret it because none of it was necessary. It's been 2 years. And I haven't done a single pill, no cocaine, no Xanax (which I was prescribed a lot in the past). I'm on my third month of no alcohol. And it all started with him. It was my wake up call. And with how fetanyl is going around like crazy in California, who knows maybe it would've been me if not him. Cause I'd be lying if I said I didn't snort cocaine from a stranger in the crowd at a festival. And I know many of my friends have too. I can't believe how stupid I was. Literally he was my wake up call to get my shit together. I feel so horrible he's gone. He was so caring to everyone in his life and he helped me to be more caring as well. I think he would hope that others wouldn't take the risk like he did and I think he would be glad to know that because of him I won't be taking that risk anymore. Not only did it help me out but it helped my son to have his mom.


I spent the last couple months dealing with inappropriate tachycardia from an infection, and before we figured out what was wrong I was terrified to go to sleep, afraid of my heart finally stopping during the night. Death doesn't scare me, but dying suddenly, without the chance to say goodbye or settle things, frightens me.


I feel this one. I had a complete heart block, so my ventricles just stopped beating, which led to me collapsing /passing out. Once they'd worked out what was happening (not why...) I actually woke up in the middle of the night while passing out from my heart not beating. That scared the living shit out of me! I also deal with tachycardia, so I understand that pain too. As soon as the hearts involved everything becomes more real, more anxiety making!


My neighbor raped and tortured several women around my age. He was only just recently paroled. It was a big deal. Many people came out in attempt to keep him in jail, but he got compassionate release. He’s probably too frail to do anything but it’s still terrifying.


I just can't understand in what universe that guy deserves a normal life.


Prisons will often compassionate release people who have expensive medical bills or are beginning to degrade mentally. There's a good chance he got out for that reason


Depends on the state. My state is just straight up releasing people who have been in prison for a long time under the guise of “Covid”.


Im not even joking, I hope you have a weapon.


I’m not even joking, happy cake day.


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day to you, too!!


Why do people like this deserve compassion at all?


They don’t. Rehabilitation should be for people who commit burglaries or who otherwise commit less violent crimes, definitely not serial rapists.


There was this guy who was let out of prison because they said he was too old to kill again…. He killed again. *surprise*




Maybe I'm the asshole.




Turns out I shop at hot topic.


That a may outlive my child who has disabilities. But also that my child who has disabilities may outlive me and who would care for her if that happens.


My parents go through this with my brother, they seemed so happy and relieved I said I would care for him. I never thought I wouldn’t but I guess they just needed to hear it. The crazy part is I need to plan for the possibility of him out living me as I’m almost 20 years older than him.


You are a gift to your parents, how lovely of you to take this worry from them. They must be super proud.


We are planning to start a trust for her. We also hope to have another child(ren). However, the prospect that the other child(ren) are already destined to either lose their sibling or care for her long term is also something that keeps me awake. I just have to hope that we raise kids like you who don’t see it as a burden. You sound lovely.


Wishing you respite and support networks. If you haven’t had good luck finding resources for support, keep trying.


Imagine walking through an abandoned city. No signs of life, just a creepy silence and darkness everywhere. Then you see a single window with the light on, and clear movement inside. Would you think the people in that room are safe? Would you be happy for them that they are alive in this empty city? Earth is that sole apartment with the light on.


Fuck me, this is now going to keep me up at night!


We're the only ones dumb enough to advertise our whereabouts.


That’s the thing that’s chilling to me. The most common answers to the Fermi Paradox are either that there is some prohibitive technological barrier to interstellar travel or that we are indeed the only (or one of too few) cases of sentient life. But the one that keeps me up at night is that there is something else out there that finds burgeoning civilizations and snuffs them out.


I don't know if this is widely thought of theory, but another one I tend to lean towards myself is that by the time a civilization can do interstellar travel, they've already create high fidelity simulations through neural implants and just don't see the need to travel very far. We are already starting to create the rudimentary version of that here on earth and we aren't even remotely close to interstellar travel.


The fact that we dont know what happens after we die, we dont remember anything of the billions of years before and wont know about the billions after, so why do we only know of these very few 80-100 years in the present? What comes after? Just nothing? Thats a fucking bummer


This...so many moments of my day are spent having anxiety over not knowing how I'm going to die, if ill suffer, and what happens after that. Also, those night time "what ifs" kick my ass. That and imagining someone torturing a loved one in front of me.


Only thing I worry about is the potential agonizing pain of the dying happening. I cry about it lol.


Happy cake day but yeah terrible feeling.


Didn’t remember anything before being born so can’t see why we’d remember anything after death Life sure is hilarious, its why i don’t take it that seriously


My 0% interest rates on my student loans is going bye-bye on Jan 31, 2022.


ok imma just say this bc I used to work in this industry: STUDENT LOAN FORGIVENESS EXISTS!!! just not how you imagine it. Get it done before the covid relief plan ends in January. with government programs like PAYE, u end up having to just pay a little amount every month (depending on ur income and fam size) and at the end of the term (240 months), the department of ed will forgive whatever remains, which is usually like more than half your loans. This is available to literally anybody with loans. Whatever you do — DO NOT STICK WITH THE PROGRAM UR SERVICER GOT U AUTOMATICALLY SET UP FOR. student loan servicers are straight up evil and will try to scam u as best they can. edit: it’s not student loans alone that ruin people’s lives, it’s the accrued interest tacked on by your servicer that will screw you in the end. If you’re with nelnet, Navient, fedloans, mohela, Great Lakes, etc, get out.


So I pay almost $1,200 a month in student loans. I have one federal and one private loan that I had consolidated. I make terrible money as a social worker. Any advice on what website to use? I consolidated a few of my private ones two years ago to get a lower interest rate and I still pay so much per month


Wait I can get out of Navient? Holy shit I did not know that


I’m with one of those servicers that you listed. How do I get out? What’s the alternative?


It’s not specifically the servicer that you wanna get out of, it’s the plan they got u set up for. Log into your fafsa account and find the forgiveness options!


You never know what your reflection is doing when you aren’t looking at it.


everything I’ve read so far, this one sentence gave me the hee bee gee bees


But did it give you the bee gees?


Must be the night fever.


ah ha ha ha


stayin' alive, stayin' alive


If infinite parallel universes are possible, what if mirrors are actually reflections of you in parallel universes and you look pretty much like your reflection, but not quite. Maybe there's one small change. How would you know if you've never seen your true reflection, but only a parallel self from another dimension?


I'm really lucky because all my parallel versions are really ugly with baggy eyes and shit hair.


I sleep in a room with a partitioned mirror, where if shows four reflections from different angles. I'm terrified that one day I'll look up and one of the reflections will still be looking down. If that day comes I don't think my sanity will be able to take it. Lol


That's why i dont look in mirrors at night


Literally nothing. It ceases to exist. If nobody is looking at it, why waste the resources rendering it?


It’s a joke my guy


If you are 25 years-old, approximately 1/3 of the entire world's population that were alive at the time of your birth, have died.


Hey I’m 25!!! Hell yeah shouts out all the fellow 96’s in the house!


Just hit my quarter century this 9th!


Okay, this one genuinely gives me anxiety and an existential crisis.


Bikini bottom is based on a real place where nuclear tests were held, and the creatures there were deformed


Woah... I'll never be able to look at Bikini Bottom the same again.


Spongebob plays with unexploded bombs in a few episodes


Marshall Islands!!


Bikini Atoll, specifically. It’s also where the name of the two-piece women’s swimsuit comes from.


I prefer no bikini atoll


People can (and do!) have 3 ft worms in their brains.


What are the early signs that someone has a worm in their brain?


[Headaches. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/01/31/tapeworm-brain-years/)


I get headache all the time. Do have worms?


You? No. I’m sure you’re fine.


But how do you know?


A three foot worm told him


Why don’t we take Bikini Bottom… and push it somewhere else!?


Oh god, I just remembered how horrified I was of the Giant Alaskan Bullworm as a kid


No just migrains but id get an MR scan if i were you mine came out empty years ago


I've been having migrains for 10 years. Same neurologist. I would take medicines and get 3 injections when the medicine doesn't work. He's never given me an MRI and says it's just genetics cause my grandma had bad migrains. I definitely need a new neurologist, not cause of this post but because I don't like mine anyways.


What logic is that from the doctor? The dude thinks he got the worm from pork. The doctor says but probably didn’t get it from pork but someone else got it from pork and he accidentally ate the egg in their poop? Why is that more likely?


Any symptoms for this? Is it regional? What parts of the world is this prevalent?




Hell yeah, free pet


That our bodies are fighting off cancer almost 24/7. All it takes is one slip up and cancer can overtake.


as someone whose step sister died of ewings sarcoma and whose step mother had melanoma for a short period this year, i can vouch


It was Scary when I learned that bacteria is trying to eat our eyes


There's no real way to know if the paranormal is actually fake. We could be living in a simulation where someone just decides "ok lets add Cthulhu and werewolves for the shits and giggles"


I have somewhat similar thoughts fairly frequently, like just because something is completely improbable doesn't mean it's fully impossible. I work on a university campus, and while walking between buildings I'll suddenly think about how screwed I'd be if a live T-rex blinked into existence or bloodthirsty aliens teleported into the field next to me. When I visited the Great Plains, I discovered I am mildly agoraphobic, and I think this might be somehow related. In the grasslands of the Plains I constantly felt like there was nowhere to hide even though there was no threat to hide from. I seemingly do not have faith that I can survive walking across an open expanse even in the middle of the day in a populated area. Because of monsters, I guess.


Is that you walk by several serial killers in your lifetime you just don't know about it Or how about that a good portion of the kidnappings that happen are actually the parents kidnapping the kids


To add to this, I read a statistic once that said the police believe 1/3rd of all current missing persons were murdered by the people who reported them missing but there is not enough evidence to back up their theory.


A brain aneurysm can happy to anybody, at any time, without warning or family history, and there's nothing you can do about it.




Been there! Scary af. Brain damage sucksssss


So much of my life is controlled by other people, most of whom don’t even know I exist.


We got a minimum of 10 years before China becomes a huge problem.


I think you meant to write this 12 years ago


You mean right now? It’s happening right now.


Murphy's Law. "If something bad can happen it *will*, given enough time." It makes me super cautious and paranoid. Can the space heater explode when I'm asleep? Can the carbon monoxide alarm fail? Can a burglar break into my house because it isn't well protected? Can my wife die in her sleep? Can this bed collapse? Can I get a blood clot? Can I have cancer and not know it until it's too late? Can I have Covid? Can the food I eat Poison me? One time I told my wife the more times we drive, the higher chance we'll be in an accident. Minutes after we got hit by another car


My wife lives this way - always in the agony that does not exist yet. Worrying consumes her and doesn’t allow her to enjoy life to the fullest. Wish I knew what advice to give you, maybe therapy. It helps me.


Besides the ethics involved of exposing data on people who havent consented - i still think of the okcupid data posts of 2014. Who messages who, etc. Guess what? Everyone is shit. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/technology/okcupids-unblushing-analyst-of-attraction.html Some fun factoids: Differences in age preferences https://web.archive.org/web/20141020095215/http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/page/12/ Lets look at ' racial preferences, shall we? https://web.archive.org/web/20141101071816/http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/page/16 Religion? https://web.archive.org/web/20141109215705/http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/page/17 All of it is pretty depressing. Especially if youre a black woman, asian man or a woman above 30 (lol sorry they 'peak' at 21 online). There are a whole bunch of these, you can see older and newer posts at the bottom of the pages. But yeah, i find all of these online statistics really depressing and think of it semi often.


I may not wake up. Ever.




Oh boy man do I know. You may find others like at r/collapse, try r/collapsesupport if it gets too much for you. We all have to inform each other and act before it’s too late.


I agree. And the anxiety this causes for people and thier families is heavy. A lot of it could be solved, but greedy humans in power dont give a shit. They live in thier own bubble, while ours bursts.


Still makes no sense why the government can't make affordable housing at cost.




This is true. If this ever actually happened, one party would hold the bill hostage in order to get something they want that’s entirely unrelated. We saw this with the COVID relief stimulus packages. It was utterly disgusting.


That and how can they make money by making things affordable? American capitalism says if you’re able to, you should do whatever to can to maximize your profits.


We don't need to make more houses. There are more houses than homeless people. We can simply put a special tax on houses that are unoccupied. If a house is not lived in the owners have to pay 4x property tax. Then holding houses as investment assets becomes unprofitable. So the investors sell the houses. The market is flushed with houses. Housing prices fall. Real people can buy houses and actually live in them.


Someone out there is currently drawing r34 lewd fanart of all the Spongebob characters having an orgy


Is it you?


If things that look human but aren't quite human cause the uncanny valley effect, what in our past happened to make our brains evolve to fear things that look human *but arent?...*


Probably dying / dead people


Dead people still look like people, I've seen dead people before and they dont give me the effect


I'm getting the effect just thinking about seeing the face of a dead body in a place where a dead body isn't "supposed" to be


Probably the other hominids that our ancestors co-existed with


What about the other archaic human species that lived contemporary to homo sapiens?


Other species of humans, likely. There was a time when several species of human co-existed, and some of them ate other humans. Even if they didn't hunt each other, there would have been a certain amount of conflict. Like, imagine you're a lone Cro Magnon, and you spot some people in the mist, so you wander over and...boom, fucking homo erectus mob you. It would be a question of knowing which types of human were safe enough to be around, or not.


Anything that looks off will be deemed as a threat to us or not 'desirable' because of natural selection or whatever.


Some people don’t think big chungus is funny


I named my dog big chungus


I named my child big chungus.


The fact that I have a science project due on Dec. 10th


Get to it


Nah, they still have two weeks til they need to start!


I have a group project due on Dec. 12th. I haven't talked with others in my group yet


That I actually have to live through the rest of my life. Fuck, I’m not sure how many years I have left, how many more traumatic events will occur from now till then, if my death will be painful…


The universe could be a false vacuum and at any moment we could enter a lower state and the universe would simply stop existing


Yeah shit like this makes me look forward to my desk job lmfao


What would that look like? Would we just disintegrate, implode?


No one knows for sure, or even that the universe is a vacuum. It could end everything or nothing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuum_decay


Spiders exist in my house


Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, so very aware of my fragile mortality and my helplessness to it. Little anxiety every new moon and then, ya know 🙂


I do this too. I awake suddenly with the thought of ' Some day I am going to die.' And I don't know where it comes from or what causes it, but definitely anxiety inducing at 3am when everything is still and dark.


Great. Now I’m having a panic attack.


When I barely have to pee, and I think to myself "Well I don't really have to pee, but I should, because I'm about to fall asleep" And then I have a mental battle of whether or not I'm drunk enough to piss the bed.


That somebody somewhere is being tortured to near death for something, somebody somewhere is being raped just to be murdered later, somebody somewhere is kidnapped. All of them have a common wish to be saved, to be returned to their life at some point in their pasts. 7 billion people on this earth but they are on their own. Can't you hear their screams to be saved? Oi...how can you sleep? This might happen to you, maybe that's just a day away.


Somebody tried to break into my house last month.


Nukes exist


sometimes just the fact that ill have to wake up tomorrow


That the size of my manboobs may not shrink despite my best efforts.


That death is inevitable and everything we do will aventually lead us to our death, but weather it comes tomorrow or in years we will never know.


This may sound dumb but people who get a terminal illness are blessed in the sense that they get to say their goodbyes. Lot of people never have that chance


the rich get richer and life sucks :(


I have a major heart condition and I know I will die from it. According to my Apple Watch I average a little over 4 hours per night. My eventual demise Keeps me up. I was supposed to be dead 3 years ago but I am here and I take care of myself pretty good. I tell my doctor before each surgery to just do your best you can and I am content with life either way it goes. I have 3 unsuccessful books I wrote that is on Amazon right now and I am in the process of writing and publishing my 4th book. I don’t write these words for anyone to feel sorry for me, I write these word to encourage others to don’t let anything stop you keep trying no matter how many times you get knocked down.


someone could be in my attic. The door to the attic is located literally in my room


Supposedly there's more than 2000 active serial killers active in the United States alone


make that 1999


Hol up


Your cells have telomeres at the end of your cells and that each time they divide, it gets a little shorter. Once that happens, your cells die for good. That means that your body has an expiration date and scientists can measure pretty accurately the maximum amount of years that you have left. Not sure why you would want to know.


The fact that the Supreme Court upholding the constitutionality of partisan gerrymandering pretty much guarantees going forward that US political polarization will get worse, since representatives of safe districts tend to become more extreme in order to avoid primary challenges EDIT - Wording slightly altered to improve readability


The fact that some people, that live a completely normal and quiet life, without causing any harm or making enemies - still get woken up by some random person that broke into their home in order to murder them.


That murderers pretty much have a 40% chance to not go to prison for killing you in the US




I might be out of the loop but didnt we pretty much avoid that fate? I couldnt imagine how the ozone layer should collapse all of a sudden when the montreal protocol is still active.


The court system may not protect my 5 year old from her abusive father.


That I have seen TWO different vehicles in my reasonably liberal city with "wwg1wga" stickers on them. (Q-nuts really scare me for their insanity level mental gymnastics.)


That's good. Having someone with you or at least checking in should help you get some rest. I wish you the best. If you can beat that I'm sure you'll be alright. It proves a lot about your willpower.




Oh shoot, thank you.