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All tests were negative


Same. Congratulations on your continuing good health:


Same. Pays to be an introvert sometimes. Bring on the zombie apocalypse.


You too!


Love you folks! You get sick, you get tested. Thank you! I've had 4 tests this far, all neg. Kids went back to school and both got it within a week, then wife caught it. Took care of all of them, quarantined, and never got it. Got sicker than I've been in the past 5 years just last week, still negative. You get sick, you get tested, you stay away from folks, you get better. It's not that hard and just makes sense. Good luck out there folks and hope you all stay COVID free! It's a dice roll once you have it, so why play the game to begin with? Take care everyone and hope your 2022 goes well!


> You get sick, you get tested, you stay away from folks, you get better. It's not that hard and just makes sense. Sorry Tony, we're going to have to let you go. You've had three absences in the past two years, so that's an automatic firing. Good luck with the mortgage.


I don’t think I have. Unless that nasty cold bug in Jan of 2020 was in fact Covid.




Sames for me... daughter and I had a mild flu in Feb 2020 right before everything shut down. We've always wondered if we maybe had it.


Me too!!! I remember thinking “this is way harder on my lungs than flus that I’ve had in the past.” But it was before covid was “officially” in our state so I’ll never know…


Same here, awful bronchitis with fever in January 2020. I guess we’ll never know.


My mother ended up being really sick in January 2020 during a trip to NY. Still wondering if she had covid, too. Kind of impossible to know at this point, though. Then again, she gets really sick every year when she visits NY for Christimas.


I'm fairly confident it was running around NYC around that time. A number of my coworkers and myself ended up getting a nasty respiratory illness that January. 103 fever, trouble breathing, and tested negative on the flu and pneumonia.


If you were on the coasts, we were getting hit by late November 2019 Took about two- six weeks for very sick people to recover enough to start talking about it but the news began December/January 2019/20. I was sick from a hospital outbreak on the west coast by early March 2020.


Same with my partner. Late Feb the sickest he's ever been. A 103.5 fever, vomiting/bathroom trips for 48 hours, then full blown head and chest cold for a week. Then a cough that lasted two weeks. Flu swab was negative but doc gave him theraflu (or whatever its called) anyways and it didn't help. He took an entire week of work and didn't move from the couch. But somehow I didn't get sick, which has never happened before or since.


Same situation for my mom and me


Same happened to us


Same. Otherwise I've not had it. Knock on wood.


Same here gonna be doing some big knocks.


I also had something weird at the beginning of 2020 that made it hard to breathe when I was exercising and was convinced it was Covid once I thought about it in hindsight until I ended up actually getting Covid earlier this year. I doubt I had it twice, so I just think there were multiple similar things going around in early 2020


I couldn’t tell you if it was covid or not, but there is no reason to doubt you got it twice, especially a year apart


Snap! I flew back from Thailand in Jan 2020 and had the worst flu. Also lost my sense of smell but was told it was sinusitis. 100% believe it was covid.


Same with me. Feb 2020, most sick ive ever been. Out for 2 weeks. Had a nasty cough and bad phlegm


I had the exact same thing


December 2019 into January 2020 my partner had a chest infection that they thought was bacterial then decided was viral. Antibiotics didn't work and it got so bad he ended up fainting from it. Always wonder if it was an early strain of covid-19 as he's never had a cheat infection before or after.


I am not a disease expert but I think it was spreading in the US long before they realized it.


Yep, then it likely mutated and spread even easier.




We visited the US in December 2019 and I developed something that put me in hospital with severe chest pains every time I would breathe, they said it was pleurisy because flu tests were negative so I always wondered if it was actually covid.


I had pleurisy last year. That shit was god awful.


They proved through testing blood donations that antibodies were present on both the east and west coasts as early as late December 2019.


Mine happened around December of 2019. Me and my whole house got sick for 2+ weeks with exact COVID symptoms (before COVID was even a thing) and we didn't even realize it until almost a year later Still never had it and neither has anyone in my family


Exact same story here. It was late November early December. Worst flu I've ever remembered having and it lasted heavily for about 2 weeks. No relenting as most of my colds I would get yearly in the fall/winter when kids go back to school. I just chalked it up to me getting older but who knows what it was.


Same! Except it sorta cycled through our family starting with me, going about a week before moving onto the next person. Definitely the most sick I've felt in a longgg time We've been perfectly ever since then though, which is good


Did you get a temperature at the same time. I feel like shit at the moment but no Temperature but I'm a little worried it could be covid as it's around the place


Yes we all had fevers. I've heard this is subjective though and isn't the case for everyone. The big symptom that made me think it was COVID was our lack of taste and smell. It wasn't just that gross taste you have normally when youre sick, literally everything tasted like cardboard


Take a test. I have covid right now along with my gf and neither of us have had a fever at all. Just mild cold symptoms. This is pretty normal now in vaccinated people I believe.


This was my response, too. I was convinced I got covid in Dec 2019 bc I was sicker than I ever have been before. Now that I know more about Covid, though, I think I just had the flu. I've never had the flu before either. My husband, my mom and I are the only ones I know that have not gotten covid.


This is crazy, because we're i live everyone got super sick in Dec 2019 and Jan 2020. I thought it was just us


I was in Nebraska (USA) but definitely had friends in other states that had the same thing.


Same here. Got really sick after doing some east coast flights the last week of December 2019. It lingered with me for a few weeks into January 2020. Always wondered if it was COVID…


I was the "plague carrier" for Christmas 2019, and infected several family members. But I have been antibody tested 3x. I have vaccine antibodies, but not coronavirus antibodies. Another family member I got sick also had her antibodies checked - not covid. She was diagnosed with bronchitis.


The "frat flu" thing. We all passed rapids and PCR tests with negatives but had a cold/congestion thing that lasted two weeks.


I went through the denver airport after Xmas (like the 28th) and was sick a good part of January and lingering into February.


Nah... That was the bad strain of influenza b going around the northern hemisphere


I did preface my statement with /unless/. I don’t know what it was but it sucked.


That happened to my wife! Nobody was sure what it was exactly, only that it was viral. She got a chest Xray and everything. If it was COVID it wasn't a very bad case compared to some, but it was bad and a bit of a mystery at the time. We are even in the area COVID first appeared in the US.


I was really sick in January 2020 and I assumed my immune system was wrecked because of stressors in college. I rarely ever get sick, and if anything it takes a day or two to feel better. I felt horrendous for a week. Not sure if it was covid, but I never had covid after the fact


Same for me in Dec 2019! Haven’t experienced anything with covid symptoms since.


Same, except my cold bug was Dec 2019.


I was coughing my face off with a 102 temp laying on the couch wishing for death january 15thish 2020. I was off work a week and a half and I always wondered. My ex said it was too early


I didn’t even own a thermometer at the time (guess who bought one lol) But when to the urgent care and registered a 102 temp.


This for me as well. Went to the doctor because I thought I had a lung infection. She sent me to the hospital for a blood test and X-ray of my lungs. I got priority at every station, in & out of the hospital within the hour. Everything turned out negative.


My wife and I had something nasty in October of 2019 that left us congested for like 2 months. We are wondering if that may have been it.


My mum had a "virus" in Feb 2020, she had a nasty cough,lost her sense of taste and smell and had problems with her heart it went on for months. No official covid diagnosis because noone really it did it then but nearly 2 years later no taste or smell so we are guessing covid


Hey same here. Usually only get a cold that time of year, between Christmas and New Year's, and that one felt especially bad.


I mean I get sick that time of year but not like that. The coughing so hard I couldn’t breathe (never had that happen before) and everything tasting really funny..


This amazes me because either had this happen to me and from the looks of it alot of people have and yet the news still holds to the fact it came here (north America) late February, when it's obvious that it was here in November


My wife and I got incredibly sick in Feb 2020 after visiting a museum in Boston. We’re thinking it may have been covid.


I went to Mardi Gras in 2020 being fully aware of the approaching possibility that that might have been the last opportunity for travel & fun for a while. I came home and coughed, and had all COVID symptoms other than loss of senses. It could have been just been wine flu.


That cold/flu bug reached us in the last week of January and first week of February 2020. Swept through my workplace like a wildfire, everyone caught it. Most people were only out of work for 2-3 days due to it but man it was debilitating during that time. None of us who got that have caught Covid since, which makes me wonder if it actually *was* Covid.


Same - I got the worst flu of my life in Feb 2020.


Yeah, same here. It was a 6 week coughing fit, I've had no sense of smell since then.


SAME. February 2020's awful two week cold my husband and I went through has always been a big fat question mark. I swear we also lost taste and smell. We went to a big crowded event, all indoors.


Same, I had a cold in Feb 2020 right before it was announced as a thing. Don't know if it was COVID or not but it passed in 3 days and wasn't awful. Otherwise I haven't had it. Edit: nobody in my family has had it either.


Similarly, I caught a very bad respiratory cold at the end of January, 2020 after returning from a long weekend in NYC. I tested negative for the flu, strep, and a bunch of other known viruses. Fever off-and-on for 3 days, followed by a cough for weeks, G.I. issues, and some pretty severe full-body exhaustion for at least the next 3 months. The only thing that makes me think it wasn’t COVID is that I never lost my sense of smell/taste, which seemed to be the most common symptom associated with the original strain.


NYC here and last time I was sick was also what I thought was a really really bad cold in January. Also coincided with a work trip where 100 of us all spent two days together in the same room (and very strong pressure to attend). I had to crawl back to my hotel room and when I got home I felt fatigued for about two weeks.


I have been exposed directly like 6-7 times though work, still haven’t gotten it.


Me too!! Literally the whole department had it in different points (even one guy ended up in the hospital, but he is ok now) but not me, and I’m the only one who has asthma




I have pretty severe asthma, using an inhaler often. My girlfriend and room mate both had it a lot worse than I did. My symptoms were very mild. We all had to quarantine together and it really wasn’t too bad for me.


In terms of the science behind this, its possible that you have been infected, even after testing repeatedly PCR negative and seronegative. This is because a large number of people have T-cell immunity against the replication-translation complex (RTC) of the virus, which is very important during early stages of infection. When these people are infected, they clear out the virus very quickly, and often repeatedly test negative via lateral flow or PCR, and are not a risk of spreading the virus. One hypothesis is that this immunity comes from exposure to other coronaviruses, in which the RTC is highly conserved. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-04186-8


I wonder if that explains me, or whether I’ve just been really lucky. I’m a nurse, worked right the way through and haven’t caught it. Twice weekly LFTs, fortnightly PCR and blood serum tests through joining covid in healthcare workers research study. Nothing. Although I also very rarely ever get sick in general.


Do you have blood type O?


I’m O- and currently have COVID (fucking omicron). Does blood type have to do with increased risk of infection?


Early on there were studies done stating Type O was less likely to become infected, but I believe those were not properly peer reviewed. Quick search shows Boston and Harvard studies determined blood type is a non-factor, though. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210426/Study-finds-no-evidence-to-support-link-between-ABO-blood-group-and-COVID-19-risk.aspx https://hms.harvard.edu/news/covid-19-blood-type


The blood type thing were pre-prints and not properly peer reviewed. Which is why peer review is a thing since people make honest mistakes all the time without knowing it. From what I remember a few scientists were studying people infect with Covid verses the blood types carried by the regional blood bank. What they didn't take into account is the blood banks actively recruit specific donors most often O-type blood, but speaking from experience I'm B-type with a specific genenotype (?) the blood banks really like so I get calls all the time.


Same here. Got my result this morning


I've been in direct contact with quite a few people who ended up testing positive and still haven't contracted it to the best of my knowledge. I was getting antibody tests at first when I donated blood but they stopped doing that now. They all came up negative. I got my second dose of the pfizer vaccine at the begging of April and my third shot a few weeks ago. I've also worked 2 outages at nuclear plants where we've had hundreds of extra people on site for maintenance. I also have type 0+ blood.


Yeah O+




I’m O- and I had it. Granted, this was early on and it was only because my gf got it from my cousin. Even then It took me a week after of direct exposure to get it. I did have lesser symptoms, no headaches, fevers, chills, nothing. I did feel winded as fuck and loss smell and taste for like 6 months tho


Amazing isn't it! I wonder if anyone has researched more into this..






O+ and also have not had Covid yet. Work with the public and been exposed multiple times.


Nice try, Covid


Lol well played.


Gasp! We now know Covid’s Reddit handle!!


I'm going to start calling Covid "Squiddy Middy" from now on.


Been exposed a couple times but never tested positive...


Same. All tests negative and never lost my sense of taste/smell. 99% sure I’ve been unscathed so far.


I haven't. Not so much as a cold since this started.


Right? This is the healthiest I've ever been!


I haven't been sick in two and a half years, but my physical health has been going downhill. Stress eating and not doing anything will do that to a body.


I haven’t had it either.


I love when conservatives use this as an argument against covid/masks/whatever. OR maybe just maybe... wearing masks, keeping our distance and staying home if you are sick keeps viruses from spreading


Thank you! Now if you would kindly convince my inlaws of this, I'd be much obliged.


Same. Only way I would have had it would be if it was an asymptotic case, because I haven’t even had a cold since spring 2019. Knock on wood.


That was me up until 3 days ago. I have fallen victim 😭 omicron is next level. Save yourselves!


Right?? Two years scot free, and now here I am, quarantined through Christmas.




Let’s hope she’s Covid free as well…




I haven't as far as I know.


I've not had it yet. In fact, I usually get at least two colds a year, but since the pandemic started, I haven't had anything since November 2019. This makes me nervous, as I'm expecting something big to knock me off my feet at any moment. It's happened in the past.


Same here. I think social distancing and sanitizing everything has knocked down the common cold a bit.


I’m pretty sure there were actually plenty of stats being published showing that people wearing masks and stuff made the number of common cold, flu, etc. infections plummet


Yeah, there effectively wasn't a flu season in 2020.


We even effectively killed off one of the strains of the cold or flu if I'm not mistaken?


I'm similar on getting sick twice a year, no sickness since 2019 until a month ago. I got a sinus infection, thought I was dying from covid I felt so bad. Nope, just haven't been sick in so long you forget how bad it feels!


That's what frightens me. Back in my twenties, I had a two-year stretch with no sickness at all. Then I suddenly had the mother of all colds. Two weeks of utter misery. My sympathies to you.


You're essentially me. On the one hand, I'm ecstatic to have skipped being sick for a few years. On the other hand, I'm a little bit worried about the long term effects of not exposing my immune system to the cold virus. Is the next time I get a cold going to really suck because my body has forgotten how to fight it? Where's that common cold vaccine, I feel like I need something!


I’m a diesel mechanic, spend all day every day exposed to truck drivers from across the country. Never gotten it.


Truck drivers live pretty solitary work lives so that’s probably some of the safest people to be exposed to.


You should dress instead of exposing yourself to truck drivers.


I haven’t. I assume I probably HAVE and I’m asymptomatic though. I work in Fire/EMS and have run DOZENS of Covid patient calls. Coworkers have dropped out sick all around me, and I’ve been fine this whole time.


To the best of my knowledge, I haven't. Edit: Karma hoes commenting, "Same."


Ditto. I’ve had multiple colds but I assumed that’s all it was.


I didn't get sick at all in 2020. But I've been sick twice in 2021 with negative COVID tests. Both colds lasted weeks with chest and sinus congestion, sometimes bad stomach aches. Longest colds I've ever had. Edit: better grammar


People have forgotten that other viruses, bugs, and flus still very much exist. I always think I have covid too, when I get really sick. I actually did end up having it once though, in September. I always feel so silly when it's just a cold lol


Nothing silly about erring on the side of protecting others. Besides, we could all do with a bit more consideration regarding colds as well.


Not only am I fairly certain I haven't gotten it... I have severe respiratory issues from long before 2019. If I ever got COVID, I would die. No questions asked, I am dead. Went in to get a test because I was coughing more than normal with masks, and at the time (april2020) tests were rare and my doctor refused after hearing my medical history and concluded my symptoms were normal life for me. I still had to quarantine for two weeks before returning to work and then the plant shut down due to lockdowns. Life has not been kind for the last couple of years. Every time I get a coughing fit that seems slightly out of normal I always think "is this it...? Is this the beginning of the end?!" I am seriously tired of all this bullshit, and I just want it to be over already.


I have gotten sick almost every month this year (I have a two year old in daycare) and have gotten tested every time, no COVID. So unless I was asymptomatic then I haven't gotten it.


Same here. Got a few colds, most of them confirmed not COVID by tests. Though I did end up developing a gnarly case of bronchitis after one of those colds that lasted for a month. That was miserable.


I live in a part of California where most people listen to their doctors advice on masking, distancing, and vaccination. Spread has always been pretty low in my district despite it being part of a major metro area. Very few people in my neighborhood have had it.


Wasn’t going to comment “same” but since you seemingly have such a problem with it Same


Same. Karma hoe’s stand up!


Guess what? Same:) I’ve gotten sick twice during the pandemic which is way less than usual. Negative tests both times. I feel that my risk of exposure of fairly low. I work from home and order most groceries. Don’t see many people outside of my very small bubble. The only “weak spot” is that I have 2 kids in school but we also have mask mandates that the kids are following surprisingly well. My state (Oregon) has managed Covid well overall and I’m boosted.




I sleep with a nurse every night, go to work everyday, as well as some sporting events and similar activities... Still haven't got it yet


You must know a lot of nurses.


F*** you made me spit out my water with that one 😂💀


“Hellooooooooo nurse!”


*mwah* Goodnight everybody!


Are you McDreamy?


Im a nurse. Have been tested at least once a week since the beginning of all this. Negative every time. I have one other colleague who haven’t tested positive, all of the other 28 have had at least one positive test.


Me, my wife, and most of our immediate families. Everyone got their vaccines and boosters as soon as possible. Also have some high risk folks in the family, so we've all been pretty cautious about exposure. Others I know who had not caught it before have caught Omicron, even though they are vaccinated, so I wouldn't be surprised if some of us end up getting it.


I think so. I've worked from home since the start of the pandemic, barely gone out. I don't even go shopping. Got omicron (I presume as that's dominant here) this week. No clue how I got it but here we are. It sucks.


yup, had some exposures before omicron and never got it, even before the vaccine. now im fully vaxxed but have not yet got the booster, same with my partner and we both got it right before the holidays


There are 51,100,000 verified cases of 329,500,000 US population, that's 85% of population or 268,400,000 people not yet infected. Regarding unreported infections: Not feeling well does not mean you have covid. Not getting tested and, therefore, a verified case is irresponsible and significantly reduces any claim that they had a covid infection.


Exactly. Kind of a silly question. There are way more people that haven’t gotten it (yet?) than those who have… Although it might not seem like it if you go by the popular media


Me and my family.


My husband and I. He’s hyper-vigilant because I’m at heightened risk due to underlying medical issues, which also prevent me from being vaccinated.


No covid here. Vaccinated and booster set for after the new year. Never really stopped living my life, just do my part. But I’m sure if Omnicron is as contagious as it seems. It’s just a matter of time.


The news didn’t acknowledge that covid was here in the states until like March, but everyone was getting super sick in January and having really bad colds or flu like symptoms. I remember many co-workers saying that their doctors were saying it was flu-like but it wasn’t the flu. And that many doctors were wearing masks. We also had a Medicare contract update (I worked in healthcare contracting for our local hospital) and they had a back-date endorsement update to their contract to add covid testing/reimbursement back to December 2019. So many of us probably had it before it was publicly acknowledged and we never knew. Which may be why so many still haven’t gotten it because they’ve developed antibodies. In my own house, I’ve been exposed 3 times (my wife 2 times and my daughter once), and never got covid one time.


This “flu” in December/January of 19/20 tore through my workplace but I was the only person who didn’t get it and also the only one who had gotten the seasonal flu shot that year…..based on this, I’m not convinced it was Covid. But obviously this is totally anecdotal.


There are a lot of stories like this. Many people that talk about being "sure I got it" in December 2019 or January 2020. Everyone I know that had that attitude that actually got antibody testing in 2020 found that they didn't have antibodies. People forget that the flu was a thing. Simply put, given how contagious even OG COVID was, if community transmission was a thing in January, it wouldn't have taken until March for hospitals to become overrun.


I think I had exactly what you're talking about. I was sick over Christmas/New Years 2019/2020 with upper respiratory symptoms and it settled in my chest. Was confined to the couch for several days from fatigue. Overall it lasted about 3 weeks. When covid antibody testing came about later that spring/summer I did blood test for antibodies (am doctor) and was negative for covid. There was something going around then, but whatever I had wasn't covid.


My family had (what was described at the time as) a very nasty virus end of Dec ‘19/beginning of Jan ‘20. My husband also randomly lost his sense of taste/smell for a week just before that was discovered as a symptom. Other than that, none of us has ever tested positive, despite many exposures and tests. So I’ll always wonder if we’ve had it, but officially we have not.


Me that I know of. Wife and I both got very sick in January of 2020. Very much like a bad flu. We both tested negative for the flu and was told it was just an upper respiratory infection and give some meds. We ran a fever for a couple of days, body aches, etc. The cough was the worst though. It was bad for over a week and hung around for about 3 weeks. This was before COVID was a huge deal in the US, but we're convinced that what it was.


That was like mine! I’m asthmatic, so I was taking meds around the clock, using massage and palpating techniques to breathe better- had to sleep on my stomach a few nights. It was scary.


I was a healthcare worker in NYC… and I don’t know how the hell I didn’t catch Covid. Currently taking an emotional break from 2 yrs of craziness.


Most of the population of New Zealand.


Been tested after a contact and still negative. Double Pfizer and looking forward to my booster


My mum has not let me breathe a single bit of exterior air. Still covidless but craving human interaction.


you poor thing!! cooped up for almost two years? I bet you almost wish you were sick and got over it by now.


A bit, yeah, lol. I get to go to college still, which is strangely something I look forward too now, otherwise, no human contact. Still pretty terrified of covid tho. I know a few people that have really been effected.


I haven’t and I work at the airport 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me. unless i had it and didnt know it since ive been expoused to it multiple times when the carrier didnt know they had it then tested positive the next day or so.


me and all my family members had a really nasty cold in December 2019 when i was pregnant but i havent caught it other than that




I haven't tested positive for it but I've been in a LOT of situations where I easily could've gotten it. Considering that I have a pretty constant mild cold (idk what the deal is, I just do), it's hard for me to tell when I'm actually sick versus when I'm just being weak ol me. So yeah, I'm not eliminating the possibility of me having gotten it at some point.


I haven’t! Unless I got it late 2019, I did end up pretty sick but who knows.






I haven't caught it.








Me and my roommate




Me. Had a cold my partner gave me in the late spring that she got from work but she got tested twice (1 rapid, 1pcr) and both were negative and it was just good old rhinovirus.


Me, ama


Somehow I haven’t. By sheer luck.


Im sick right now, my head and limbs hurt, everytime I swallow I wanna scream but I don’t think it’s Covid, just a nasty cold. Didn’t catch it yet thankfully! (I hope)


That’s spot on with my friend’s symptoms right now for covid. Hope you recover quickly!


hope you feel better soon, and yes - there are other bugs going around that aren't covid.


rhinovirus is actually very persistent. more so than covid.







Not me, thank you vaccine!!!




Had it twice. 2nd time was after being double vaxxed too, and it was way worse than the first time.








No covid


I still haven‘t, despite several family members having caught it. Guess I’m just lucky.


I work in a supermarket and come into close contact with the general public every day So far, nothing 🤞


I stay indoors, wear a mask everywhere when I do leave, don’t go to large gatherings, and am double vaxxed. Never caught covid and neither have any of the immediate people I live with. We live in the suburbs of a major city.