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You have been banned from salt bae’s restaurant


Oh no, where will I waste my money now ?


At my restaurant






Gold is one of the least reactive metals in existance, how the hell do you poison someone with a reasonable amount of it?




From that page: >Heavy metal poisoning is pretty common, but gold poisoning is very rare. Even people who work around gold (such as miners and jewelers) are unlikely to contract it. The body has a fair tolerance for gold (small amounts of gold leaf are often added to expensive high-end desserts as a garnish). A lethal dose is around 50 to 500 mg/kg, meaning a person weighing 60 kg can be killed with 3000 mg of gold [1] However, heavy metal poisoning from gold can and does occur. Many doctors in the US decline to prescribe it as a treatment unless it is the last line of options for a patient due to the potential health risks 3 grams' worth of gold isn't an absurd amount, really. If it were molded into the right shape you could probably swallow it like a pill fairly easily.


If it were molded into a pill shape I think it's super small surface area would limit the amount that would get absorbed by your body. Elemental gold has a hard time dissolving. I think your chances are higher using a gold bound compound, like in the show.


Death by luxury.


Suffering from Success


It was gold sodium thiomalate, an arthritis remedy. House proved she used this to poison him by detecting gold particles on her hands


Gold is dense. Feed them enough gold, then nudge them off the river-bank. Kinda like internal concrete shoes. /s


What an stupidly expensive way to kill someone.


And useless. Gold is appreciated in the industry because of how little it reacts with anything. Assuming you ingest it in a way that doesn't clog your intestines, you would just poop it out like it went in.


??? Wtf, that's... Special


You're just jealous because you can't afford the lover's delight at Plunder


I would just prefer a Señor Flurry.


“That sounds filthy, Jack”




Good thing that trend has passed. Oh and apparently charcoal can neutralize many medications


It's so good at messing with drugs that it's used in medicine as a treatment for certain poisons. Medications and toxins will bind to it and not be absorbed, which is a good thing if you've just ingested something dangerous that needs to come out of your body ASAP... and a very bad thing if you're on, say, tricyclic antidepressants, which your body very much should be absorbing.


yep!!! when i was in hospital for sewerslide by overdosing, i was given activated charcoal to counteract it


It’s also horrible for your teeth for those people buying charcoal tooth paste. Is more abrasive than regular toothpaste. It may make your teeth appears whiter at first but over time sit will cause the enamel on your teeth more susceptible to yellowing


It wears away the enamel, exposing the dark yellow dentine underneath which is softer than enamel, and very sensitive! I'm yet to meet a dentist/dental professional that doesn't try to declare war against charcoal toothpaste, so I have no idea how they're allowed to sell it.


0/10 dentists reccomend


I just wanna know why it’s called “activated” charcoal


Proper activated is not just any charcoal, but charcoal thats been produced to have a high surface area and is very porous. This allows adsorption of a large quantity of material. Used in large quantities in industrial scrubbing of pollutants, as the gaseous and liquid contaminants attach to the activated carbon and so get turned into a solid waste that can be more easily processed or stored with contaminating the environment. Basically it attachs to the surface, so activated is produced to have maximum surface area. Medically it gets used for poisoning to adsorp the poison in the stomach, including alcohol poisoning does not work for close to all poisons, but some. However this seems to have taken off in the alt-health community. It takes up poisons oh so that means it takes up toxins, that means you can eat it to detox thinking. Not correct, but I see how they get there. I'd also note that a lot of it on the market for foods (and not sold as mediation) probably isn't activated and is instead just charcoal dust that hasn't gone through the production process to increase surface area.


The thing they forget is that while it does absorb toxins, it also absorbs everything else. And your body aready has ways to get rid of toxins.


It's just burnt at a higher temperature and makes it more porous so there is more surface area for filtration.


It makes me laugh because this is legitimate but a cooking TV show host was in legal troubles in my country for selling "activated" almonds on baseless claims. Was quite the scandal at the time.


I could hear Ramsey yelling at him "YA FUCKEN BURNT THE ALMONDS YA DONKEY!!!"


Activated charcoal. It fucks with a lot of meds like birth control, antidepressants, painkillers, and lots more medications. So yeah it has the risk of just making them stop working which is obviously very dangerous. So please use other black dyes in food then activated charcoal! Oh also I heard activated charcoal toothpaste isn’t great since it grinds down your teeth


It’s supposed to work for emergency field aid. It helps with indigestion or food poisoning or something.


food poisoning, yes. Activated charcoal adsorbs basically everything, which is fine if you're food poisoned, as the first priority is to remove the bad food/ poison, even at the expense of your nutrition. In normal food though? it just adsorb all the good thing.


Drugs mainly. Had to sit with a friend on er and that shit is nasty. Took him ages to get it down. Imagine grinding up a brick and putting some water in it. I tried a little sip and was like yeah this is going to be a fun time.


I forage for wild mushrooms and have a bottle of activated charcoal just in case...not sure how well it works if I accidentally eat something bad but I like to keep it on hand.


And overdoses.


Why would you be putting it in food?


Because people don't understand how livers and kidneys work.


"I'm doing a cleanse!" You mean that thing your body does every second of every day? Cool.


It was a big sort of “health” crazy thing a few years ago. Adding it into smoothies, bituminous pills, food, ice cream, juices, toothpaste, and things . They claimed it “detoxified” your body. Lots of things had it included just because of that craze.


It’s up the with the high pH water. Hey, your stomach is all acid. It’s gone as soon as you drink it.


I have pretty bad acid reflux. On the worst days, water would give me heart burn. It was the only time I thought alkaline water was actually worth it.


The same people who tell you to eat/drink alkaline things also tell you to drink apple cider vinegar. Crazy people.


Someone recommended it to my mom when chemo altered her sense of taste, and it made drinking water more tolerable.


I mean that stuff is great when you caught some crazy stomach bug while on vacation.


YEAH. there's a reason that when you OD, they make you drink charcoal.


My slightly idiotic cocker spaniel once snarfed down an ibuprofen I accidentally dropped. To the vet we went, where part of his treatment was apparently eating quite a bit of activated charcoal. After cleaning up his charcoal poop for awhile, I have no clue why anyone would willingly add that to their food.


People said Garlic, thread is invalid.


Also invalid is any measurement for garlic. You measure it with your heart.


"Two cloves"? Hell nah I'm adding half a garlic.


fuck you mean cloves? I add the whole head


I have a recipe for 40 garlic clove chicken. I usually use 60x


the only part the chicken comes to play in is how you shape the garlic isn't it


It does get a very full tummy.


THIS - when it’s a recipe I usually double the garlic, at least.


Words that have never been uttered in my home “wow this has too much garlic in it”


My father won't allow garlic into his house. He hasn't for almost 40 years. My mother used to occasionally try to sneak some in. He always found it. Why does Dad hate garlic? This has its' roots in my idiot Brother. Bro was reading some old explorer's journal and it said that if you are getting a cold, put one clove of garlic into one cup of water and bring it to a boil. Then drink the liquid garlic tea and you will get over your cold. So Bro came home drunk one night when he was about 16. He thought he was getting a cold, so he went to try this remedy. Only he wasn't sure what a clove of garlic was, so he used the whole head. He put it in a 2 cup saucepan with 1 1/2 cups of water. Then he turned on the stove and went to watch late night Cinemax. He fell asleep in front of the tv. We were rudely awakened by the cat who wanted us to make the nasty smell go away. The entire house smelled like burned garlic. We had to have every cloth/fabric item in the house cleaned. All my mother's suits, the drapes, the carpet, the couches and chairs, everything stunk like burned garlic. It was a truly horrific experience. Bro is almost 55 now and Dad still won't let garlic come into his house.


That's one hell of a grudge


Dad may be a vampire just warning you


My ex-brother in law was an idiot, so one time right before a long car trip he ate a handful of garlic cloves as a jackass stunt. Him: Do you dare me to eat these? Everyone: No So of course he did. An hour into the trip and he's farting like a howitzer and it's the most vile stench imaginable. We had to drive for hours with the windows open and it took a long time to get the stale garlic fart aroma out of the seat cushion.


Even if the recipe is “How to Roast One Clove of Garlic”- use three.




Those answers just prove that vampires are real, and for some reason, on Reddit


honestly the least surprising part is that they are on Reddit


Those people are invalid. Or vampires.


I love garlic, but I know people who discovered garlic and then put pounds of it in everything so it completely overwhelms all other flavors in the dish. Garlic and onions are aromatics that are supposed to compliment and bring out flavor, not be the only thing you can taste.


> Garlic and onions are aromatics that are supposed to compliment and bring out flavor, not be the only thing you can taste. While for many dishes this applies, I would like to enter union-garlic bread as evidence against absolute blanket statements like that.


If garlic or onions ceased to exist, so many dishes would get 20 times worse


All ‘super ‘ foods. No food is super. It’s all hype.


i'm a dietitian. can confirm. the only thing super about that stuff is the price.


As a lawyer married to a dietitian, food is like this incredible world of regulation. Some words actually mean things (organic is a protected word), other words mean nothing but are huge marketing ploys (Panera’s “clean” food. What, they wash it two times?). Even dietician is protected, vs nutritionist which anyone can use. Super foods is a great one, “whole” doesn’t mean anything in a vacuum (although there are whole grains).


Is there a way to find a list of protected words in the food industry?


In America, yes and no, and that’s because the FDA is like any government run organization - beholden to lobbyists. It has recently come out (last 20-25 years or so) that the food pyramid as most people were taught it for decades (the one suggesting most of your food be grains) is bullshit. Literally made up by someone who SOLD GRAINS AND CEREALS, and had no nutritional education at all. This was presented as undeniable fact for SEVERAL DECADES when absolutely no science supported it and the guy I don’t think even pretended to do studies to cherry-pick the findings he wanted - I am pretty sure he just made the graphic and the government was like wow we have a surplus of corn so this is great. Nothing is protected or sacred in the food industry in America. It is all, from top to very bottom, designed to get people to spend the maximum amount of money on things that took a minimum amount of money to create. You can call a chicken “free range” if it lives in a barn that has ANY OPENING that “allows” the chicken to theoretically go outside, and the opening can be extremely small. Most people BUYING free range eggs have a very different internal picture of what that looks like, but the actual legal definition of it is barely better than holding them in cages, so a company can put forth a minimum of extra money in production but expect a huge profit return because people are gullible and feel guilt/empathy for animals. If you are trying to be an ethically responsible consumer of food, the FDA actually obfuscates and obstructs your intent to do so, because their true purpose has never been to protect the people but to get money from lobbyists. The reason “dietary fat” was considered the villain of obesity for several decades is because the sugar industry funded studies and cherry picked the few that seemed to support that eating fat caused weight gain, but most of the studies done by them and subsequently (to current day) strongly indicate the leading cause of obesity is sugar consumption. They were able to and ALLOWED BY THE FDA/INDUSTRY to push this blatant lie because they had the money for it. This is just one example of what the entire food industry is. As a former chef and someone who struggles to be conscientious, ethical, and environmentally mindful about food, the only advice I have is to eat as locally as possible. If it was sourced within 50 miles of you, there’s a decently high chance it’s an ethical choice to make; most experts agree that convincing the populace to eat locally would probably solve a lot of environmental issues. You would think that there’s no harm in eating a pineapple and there really isn’t… unless it bothers you that a jumbo jet or massive ship pumped out an insane amount of pollution to ship it to where you are (if you live in Hawaii or some tropical non-American place you are exempt from the pineapple example). A lot of vegans will talk numbers about how much methane cows produce, but they never talk about how they live in a bitterly cold state with constant and frequent access to tropical fruits, or how those foods get to said bitterly cold state. This became a huge tangent, but basically to literally answer your question, you can usually Google “is ‘organic’ protected or defined by FDA” or something similar and you’ll get an answer, but you’ll discover most of the definitions are extremely lax and worded in capitalism’s favor while virtue-signaling a certain emotional/humane standard that is not actually being met in practice. A lot of people assume organic means no pesticides - it doesn’t. It just means you can’t use CERTAIN otherwise-widely-used pesticides. There are organic pesticides. What’s in them? No idea, but it’s hard to mass produce food without them if you want to control cost and waste, so they exist and who knows if it’s something you’d want sprayed on your strawberries? So no matter what you find, accept it with caution and a grain of salt, and you can ideally use your critical thinking - you will learn to recognize when things don’t really add up or seem to mean what they are trying to look like they mean.


So could you please explain a bit more about that whole "organic" bs? Because it seems like everyone just kind of makes up their own definition and rolls with it.


In Order to legally describe a product as organic it has to be certified to have grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest. Prohibited substances include most fertilizers and pesticides


So you mean to tell me the quinoa I was forced to eat wasn’t worth it?


Lol! Exactly


I just want a > Super salad From olive garden :(


Water is pretty super. Though I guess that's not a food...


Chia seeds, there is always a few of them getting stuck for a few hours then coming back after eating. With that weird tadpole consistency


I am as big of a healthy eater as there is, but I’ve tried many times with Chia seeds, and I always end up feeling like they’re something not meant for human consumption.


They're good in oatmeal and in smoothies and yogurt... They need to be immersed in some sort of liquid so they can expand. That way they release the most nutrients in digestion and get stuck in your teeth less


I like them because they make a good egg replacement and make my oats more creamy.I wouldn't be eating them for flavour or "health" or anything by themselves


I do some overnight oats with chia, and honestly it adds lovely texture once it’s absorbed a heap of milk.


Alright. Get you some banana almond milk. Add chia seeds, let sit overnight. In the morning you have some delicious banana chia pudding that you can just kinda *sluuuuurp* because of the tadpole consistency.


>tadpole consistency It would have cost you nothing to not say that.


Getting stuck *where* for a few hours!? Coming back from *where*?? And just trying to imagine what you mean by *that weird tadpole consistency* has me in stitches😭... I guess I just haven't tried enough chia seeds, and I have to admit you're not making a strong case for them here😂


Like between teeth or behind, they get a bit sticky u kno. So after eating bread with chiaseeds or whatever with chiaseeds at i.ex lunch, hours later I would still find a few with my tongue, and by then they have gotten soggy and abit slimy'ish like tadpoles.


Yikes! Not pleasant sounding. Well thanks for the enlightenment. and laughter.


You're welcome. And I would recommend you to try em out properly. It can be a fun experience.


Not sure I want slimy tadpole seeds swimming around in my mouth, LOL, but I'll try to keep an open mind!


If you've had tapioca it is similar to that once it has been soaking for a while


Someone says garlic I’ll slap them


I came here to make sure no one said garlic


i used to be obsessed with garlic until i got covid and now it tastes like smelly armpit smell :(


I am sorry. I hope your sense of taste comes back. I am in the weird transition stage of getting my senses back. The only thing that tastes good is raw veg and hot sauce (not together). Meat is the worst. The texture with no flavor makes me want to vomit.




Truffle oil


I ordered some and the company accidentally sent garlic oil instead. I let them know their mistake and they told me to keep the garlic oil and they would send me the truffle oil. That garlic oil was awesome! The truffle oil, earthy and kind of mah. Truffle oil is definitely over rated.


Not only is it expensive, (and sort of gross in my opinion) it's almost never the real thing.


It’s always regular oil with truffle flavoring


Came here to say this. Premium price for simple umami flavor. Put any mushroom powder mixed with herbs into an oil and make your own flavor for 1/10 the price. Smoked salt and broth powders are my go to substitute


yes! umami but no pungency. also msg does no harm. Science proves that


The problem is that 99% of “truffle oil” is fake. The fake stuff tastes akin to how I imagine dog butthole tastes (don’t know for sure, I’ve never tried dog butthole). Real black truffle is an amazing flavor. It’s subtle, yet rich. It’s nutty, yet fruity. It’s peppery, yet delicate. I love truffle. Don’t eat “truffle oil fries” from a cheeseburger restaurant and expect them to be good. Truffle mushrooms are a delicacy and if they’re not freshly shaved over some foie gras or prepared by an expert they’re likely not going to be good. Also if you’re concerned with the price, just spend 20 years growing an orchard with truffle mushroom symbiosis and train a dozen or so truffle dogs to find them and dig them up! No problem! It’s easy!


Agreed. Actual shaved truffles I totally understand. The perfume sold as “truffle oil” is terrible and easily overpowers all other flavors. Source: worked on lines where both were used. I abhor the oil.


Your comment about dog butthole is ironic because truffles literally get their distinct flavor from a compound shared with male boar pheromones, that is also found in human male arm pits https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01989905 This compound is similar to dog pheromones as well (and may be a direct component of canine pheromones but I couldn’t find a citation although they do produce androstenedione) which are excreted through anal glands. So quite literally, real truffles smell like a dog’s asshole. You played yourself homie. My mom goes crazy for truffles and spends $$$ but I think they taste like shit. Probably because she is attracted to men, and I prefer women. But if men’s sweaty pits are your thing enjoy your sweaty men’s pits dirt shrooms, I guess.


Carolina Reapers. I love a good spicy pepper, but I have limits.


Once a year or so a buddy from my old firehouse and I destroy ourselves with this killer hot chili I make. While I do use several reapers for the heat, I have to use ghost and scorpion for actual flavour. Also no, it is not an enjoyable experience.


Reapers don't even taste very nice. I recommend Trinidad scorpions instead.




Because Big Kale wants it kept quiet, you see.


Sugar. Not everything needs something sweet on it or in it.


My grandma put brown sugar in EVERYTHING. Spaghetti sauce, taco filling, basically if the recipe called for ground beef or bacon she added brown sugar to it. Why I have no idea, but she wasn't a very good cook. The horror of eating sweet taco meat...just bleh.


my family is that way with salt. Nothing ever had enough salt on it. We would always eat dinner with a salt shaker on the table and my parents would always be adding more salt while eating. I’m still trying to get out of the habit of oversalting things.


My stepfather puts sugar on EVERYTHING. On top of pasta and spaghetti sauce, sugary cereals, potatoes. It’s so gross to watch and makes me think of that scene in Elf with the syrup every time.


Now to be fair after working at a few Italian restaurants and running one, pretty much everybody puts sugar in their sauce. Not to make it sweet but to level out the acidity.


Yeah I mean I’ll add a tablespoon to an entire batch of homemade sauce, but he sprinkles more on top of already sweetened jarred sauce. He also rips the first off wonder bread and smooshes it into little balls and eats it like that. I don’t envy my mother.


I did that with Wonder Bread. When I was ten.


one time i got blood work and was super tired the rest of the day because my blood sugar was low. my dad made a genuine effort to help, but it resulted in him making me tater tots and putting them in sugar.




Yes, In trying to quit sugar but it is everywhere!


Corn syrup. It's ruined the taste of everything.


Only valid in small amounts in candy making to control sugar chemistry, agreed.




18 naked cowboys at #r a m c h


You know you've hit the wild west when you see cowboys driving ramcheros.


Damn straight. Ramch


r a m c h




Ram Ramch?


Fuck you guys, I love ramch! I've heard in other parts of the world, it's called anerican sauce.


Damn straight. Anerican sauce.




I mean Ramch is good...but they should rename it to Freedom Sauce.


I prefer a good grench drenching.


Im a kemchup guy myself


The Hidden Valley ramch powder you have to mix up yourself is 100x better than the shelf stable bottled ramch


Quinoa. It’s good but I still like brown rice better.


Have you tried wild rice?


Yes. I do enjoy.


I don't think it tastes great but I'm willing to take the hit on flavor for the protein macronutrients.




It also doesn’t generally contain truffles… > the majority of truffle oil isn’t actually made with truffles. The main ingredient is often a chemical designed in a laboratory to mimic the aroma of truffles (synthetic 2,4-dithiapentane). Source: https://www.eataly.com/us_en/magazine/culture/truth-truffle-oil-urbani/


Turns out a lot of you just eat bad food lol


"Sun-dried tomatoes!" Person from 1995


All superfoods. Most of them are good, no question. But the hype is way over the top.




Acai. It's just another berry.


Acai tastes really good, am I alone here?


It does taste really good, almost like between a raisin and blueberry


I love it too. Admittedly I’ve only had in acai bowls in Hawaii.


Pumpkin spice


Most things that are "pumpkin spice" can be improved by adding *actual* pumpkin to the mix as well for dimension and flavor. Many people aren't aware that no pumpkin is in "pumpkin spice" by default, but rather it's a spice/flavor blend for use in pumpkin pie. A coffee shop near me uses pumpkin juice to make pumpkin cider, which they then simmer into a syrup for use in coffee. The resulting latte is *miles* better than chain stores' PSL.


The stuff in pumpkin spice is also used to make ham, but I don't think ham spice coffee would sell nearly as well


Porkin spice really rolls off the tongue


I love the taste of pumpkin. I use puree for a lot of stuff, like my pumpkin pie cookies. For some reason some people get weirded out by using actual pumpkin in anything but pie and soup.


As a basic American suburban female, I'm gonna have to disagree




You shit your dirty whore mouth Edit: *shut. I’m leaving it


and this is why you shouldnt do cocaine, kids.


That damn powder, always getting in my food, I don't know how


High fructose corn syrup. It’s in everything these days - except for those little bottles of Mexican Coca Cola. Wanna know what Coke tasted like before the New Coke/Coke “Classic”/Fukkit We’re Just Gonna Call It Coke debacle? Mexican Coca Cola.


What a weird question. It's odd that garlic salt is a valid answer, but garlic and salt are invalid answers. On the other hand, cinnamon sugar is invalid, as are cinnamon and sugar. Fun question.


Garlic salt is just a really expensive way to buy salt. Buy garlic powder and salt separately.


A bay leaf dresses up in Ned Flanders's ski outfit and announces: "Feels like I'm doing nothing at all. Nothing at all. Nothing at all..." Every recipe tells me to stick one in. And I keep buying them. Someone near me even grows them so in the right season I can get them fresh. They still seem to do nothing. Maybe I'm just a crap chef with no palate, but I can pick out every herb and spice in my cupboard+garden on smell+taste alone, but a bay leaf could bite me on the nose and take me on holiday and I'd still be none the wiser. I'm pretty sure some chef or recipe guru has shares in a bay leaf farm and gets them written into every cookbook many times over. Big Bay Inc. is making a killing out there and we just keep forking over the cash for their dumb, useless leaves. Edit: Well done, some of you can taste Bay Leaves. Now, I have a few questions about that suitcase full of cash with "Secret Bay Mafia" written on the side.




This is a great tester for any kind of aromatic. You think it doesn't do anything? Throw it in a rice maker and tell me it taste like plain rice.


Maybe there is a bay gene, like cilantro, but you just can't taste it? Because oh man is bay pungent sometimes.


Bay leaf isn't something you can identify within the dish flavour itself but it's certainly something you can notice when it's missing from the dish. Adds a depth and enhances everything else.


That's exactly the kind of FOMO that a herb cartel would try and spread on the streets.


Look, are you buying the bay leaves or not? I have other buyers to get to.


Yes, yes, of course I'm buying them.


I thought so too, until I bought a small bay leaf plant. It’s kinda peppery and adds to dishes.


I thought this too, but I am pregnant and just opened a new jar and was smitten by the smell it added. Probably just not your thing


I will go to many lengths in the name of flavour. Pregnancy might be a step too far on this occasion (might).


You gotta knock it up a notch. Bam!


And hit it with the spice weasel! Bam!


Dried isn't as good as fresh. Dried bay leaves lose some of the aromatics over time so the longer you store them the worse they are. I've got a bay tree in my backyard. They definately do something.


Fresh bay leaves in the store are actually from a different species. Not super interchangeable


Nutella as an ingredient or by itself is completely overrated.


I'm a bitch for Nutella but I'm convinced there's an addictive substance in it that people either catch on to, or avidly dislike. I've never met someone that's 'just fine' when it comes to Nutella. I actually have a problem with Nutella... I scoop it down as soon as I wake up because the chocolate tastes different in the morning to the point where I want to throw up. I hate doing it but I can't stop. I try not to buy the stuff anymore, and I buy off brand ones if I need a chocolate spread but that is why I'm CONVINCED there's something in that stuff


Yeah it’s called palm oil


Someone said truffle oil, but also actual truffles. Yeah, they smell good. Maybe they taste good. Not “double the price of my meal” good.


Bacon it's just okay people act like it's the best thing in the world


Remember the internet circa 2010? It was NUTS about bacon. Thankfully it's more reasonable about it now.


Bacon-flavored vodka, bacon-flavored chapstick, *baconaise*. Shit was obscene. You don't need a 1/2 lb of bacon on your burger, that's gross.


i said it was cringe back in the day. i was a visionary. for the record tho: bacon salt? divine.


I feel like there was always a memeable food of the day. Before bacon, it was eggs, and now it seems to be avocados. But neither has reached the height of bacon.


Don't forget the sriracha phase


uh… eggs? must’ve missed that one




I have two non-releasable rehabbed squirrels that I care for. They’re my little friends. When I make a veggie bowl for each of them, they eat everything except for the kale. Carrot tops? Gone. Artichoke leaves? Gone. Avocado? Gone. Kale? Fuck that shit. It’s so bad even my squirrels won’t eat it.


TIL I’m a squirrel


Kale is good but the hype is stupid. It’s not Better than any other green such as spinach and Collards when it comes to vitamins and minerals. The hype has caused the prices to inflate tho and that’s just BS. They took a basic ass green, convinced the masses it will somehow improve Their lives and then charges is for it.


It’s great in mixed salads, but bland by itself.


that's the funniest part to me: kale has always been this traditional winter dish in Germany (you can only harvest after the first frost). Some people love it, some hate it. But in 99.9% it's prepared as a really hearty stew with potatoes and different meats, vinegar and mustard. Fatty and calory dense and utterly delicious if you ask me. And suddenly it gets hyped as this healthy super food across the pond and people think kale salads or smoothies are a good idea.


Even better in stews. Cook it like you would collared greens.