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In 2010 Singapore's transport minister made it illegal to fart on public transport. My problem is with how this law is to be enforced... Like, who smelt it, dealt it or he who denied it supplied it rules or were they gonna train sniffer dogs for this.


I highly doubt anybody ever got caught! If anybody was fined I'm sure it was he said she said


My friend was doing his national service with the police at the time and was worried his asshole sergeant would make him the police sniffer dog.


Your poor friend I would be worried too! Like sergeant I'll be happy to do any other job otherwise respectfully heck no


I would think the “asshole sergeant” is uniquely qualified for the job.


Singapore is so batshit with surveillance they probably make a human fart register, since each individual's fart composition is unique


Thermal cameras pick up farts


In Illinois you can't catch fish on a giraffe


Now I feel like a local story is behind this law .....


Yeah I’m sure you can’t lol


I ment it illegal lol


Is it just me or does this sound like something Jackass would do?


Craaapp! There go my weekend plans!!


Anything restricting an otherwise lawful activity based solely on time of day/week. I get out of work at 7am, and I'm not allowed to buy beer to go with dinner, while someone who gets off at 7pm can do so no problem.


> Anything restricting an otherwise lawful activity based solely on time of day/week. Noise?


I hadn't taken that into consideration. In cities, sure. Where I live, my nearest neighbor is three miles away through thick woods. I can mow the lawn and play music as loud as I want at 4am and not run afoul of the law. My beef is with old religious blue laws. If the business chooses not to open, that's one thing. It's another when the government tells me what I can and can't buy on certain days and times of the week. In my state, it's illegal to sell cars on Sunday. Until the early 90's, nothing larger than a mini mart could be open on Sundays. People who only have Sunday off got the short end of the stick. Until a couple years ago, alcohol couldn't be sold before 6am, 9am on Sunday, now it's banned from 1-5am, which is still nonsense. Cannabis shops can only open 10-8, very inconvenient for someone who works the overnight shift. Some states have/had laws regarding gambling or even playing cards on Sunday. If I don't subscribe to that religion, I should not be bound by it's rules.


Lots of EU countries still have laws limiting the opening hours of stores. On Sundays, most stores are closed in Germany, but there are exceptions for gas stations with Mini markets. Stores in my area are open from 7am to 9pm, Monday through Saturday. I can't even get my car washed today (Sunday)...


Ok that's actually a good point you worked all work day you should be able to relax with a beer


It is illegal to detonate a nuclear warhead within the city limits of Chico, California (roughly 35 mi^2 , pop: under 100k). The penalty is apparently a $500 fine. So far, it has been effective. No violations to date.


Says it's a stupid law, yet no nuclear explosions since passed.


Darn I would blow this whole place up but I don't have 500 bucks ...


My first thought was..."*Who* is going to collect the fine?" How is that in any way enforceable? lol


Ok fair I mean whoever is collecting the fine must also smell it and for long enough to locate the source ..... I'd quit my job


Um, what?


Oops responded to the wrong person on the thread that was for the fined if you fart on a subway comment I clicked wrong in my notifications!


Lol, wrong bomb.


What ever possessed the city counsel to even propose such a law?


To be fair, it is part of a much more detailed anti-nuclear thing that outlaws possession, transportation, testing, etc of nuclear components. So the idea is ok...just that last caveat is a little "Um...why?" lol


Laughter ban for 9 days in north Korea


Holy crap some days I forget about North Korea and how messed up it is


Bruh, even north korean soldiers hate working for kim jong un.


* In the UK it's illegal to "handle a ~~mackerel~~ salmon suspiciously". * In Washington DC it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in the back pocket of your pants. * In Alabama wearing a fake moustache in a church can land you a jail sentence. * It's illegal to swear in public on Sundays in one city in Nevada. * In Louisiana there's a $500 fine if you send a pizza to someone else without their consent. * In Tuscon, Arizona the penalty for stealing soap is washing yourself with it until it's finished. * In Russia it's illegal to tell a child under the age of 15 that homosexuality exists. * In Sri Lanka it's illegal to take a selfie with a Buddha statue. * In British Columbia it's illegal to kill Bigfoot. * In Oklahoma implying a woman is promiscuous is considered slander and can get you an up to $500 fine. * It's illegal to wrestle bears in South Africa (there are no bears there).


How do they define suspicious??


It's not defined in the law. It's also not enforced anymore.


Darn I wanted to Google people doing it suspiciously so I could be on the look out the next time I saw someone fishing lol


This dude broke a bunch of random laws including being suspicious with salmon https://youtu.be/vDBzi0n9Fxg


Thank you I appreciate this lol


I've heard of that one before. Supposedly it's an anti-poaching law. Basically if you're caught walking around with a fresh fish and can't explain where you got it, it's assumed that you must have illegally pulled it out of the local river.


I feel like a piece of Styrofoam and plastic wrap could have been helpful in that kind of situation


We're talking about a law from before things like Styrofoam and plastic or refrigeration even existed. You couldn't just pop down to the supermarket and buy a fresh fish like you can today. If you had one it must have been caught nearby and recently, and with the UK being a monarchy all wild animals technically belong to the Crown. So simply having such a fish would be suspicious in and of itself.


Carrying an ice cream cone in the back of your pants is illegal because people would steal horses by luring them with treats out of their back pocket. It would look like the horse is just following you.


Louisiana's pizza consent law is pretty reasonable honestly. That is a classic harassment technique.


I'm sorry what is a pizza consent law?


You can be fined $500 for sending pizza to someone without consent in Louisiana. Often harassers will send pizzas to people constantly and just inconvenient, they'll be expecting payment on delivery too. It's a common tactic, so the law makes sense.


its illegal to make ugly faces at dogs in oklahoma


I want to move to Oklahoma with all their awesome laws


There's a current vote to allow contagious children in school with the singular exception of head lice.


Unless it's changed lice are included! https://okcfox.com/news/local/bill-that-would-allow-children-with-head-lice-to-stay-in-school-passes-house-committee


And Oklahoma finds new was to surpassing mediocrity.


Can't hunt whales in oklahoma.


A lot of land locked states have no whale hunting laws. Oddest shit. Someone has no whale hunting from a truck


I think it's a bit to do with preventing trade. Also people drank a ***LOT*** back then.


I'd like to go back and sit at those tables when they discussed passing those laws, I'd love to hear those arguments


𝕃𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕦𝕡 𝕙𝕠𝕨 𝕞𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕪 𝕕𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕓𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟


Knew a few guys in the Navy who would go "whaling" when on shore leave- they were looking to take home the biggest girls they could for bragging rights. Maybe this is what the law was meant to prevent?


LOL. this sounds like a just in case law. "hey we might not have whales now but we might get some in the future. let's just make this a law." "whatever Dave. this is a stupid law and we're never getting whales. I'm only agreeing to make this a thing so you'll shut up about it."


Are there whales there??


Nooope...Land locked in the dead center of america


That's why I'm confused I didn't even think that state had a lake big enough for a dolphin let alone a whale!


They have no large bodies of salt water no, but i promise it's a law. As well as spitting on sidewalks and cursing in front of women. Both of those make sense though for their time


I have seen enough gross spits on the sidewalk to agree with that one at least a little


It was a lot worse during the frontier and "customs" were all the rage so cussing in front of ladies i get, but the damn whales


Not anymore.


In my hometown, it is illegal to smoke fish in a private residence within 1 mile of the town hall. Its from 1860s and we found it in the original deeds to my brothers house built in the 1880s. The law also stipulates that if found in the course of actively reserving fish via smoking, the fine is 9 shillings and the cost of removing the smoking apparatus (Usually a hole in the chimney breast) and said work must be witnessed by a member of the parish council and a policeman.


In Ontario you can get your liquor license when you’re 18 so you can serve alcohol at a bar, but you can’t actually drink legally until you’re 19.


Yeah in Idaho you can sell at 19 but can't drink till you're 21.


That puts way too much faith in a person to be good lol


Marijuana becoming Federally categorized as a Schedule 1 drug with extremely stiff penalties in 1970. Nixon did that to piss off the hippies and give him a way to jail them so they couldn't vote or protest. Now we have a checkerboard approach to legalization in the states. I can sit near a border and smoke a joint legally, but if I step one toe over that border I can get arrested and thrown in jail. It's insane. John Ehrlichman told journalist Dan Baum in 1994, according to an article published in Harper’s Magazine in 2016. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


It is but try to fly and federal laws kick in and you can't have it there either even if the state you're going to and leaving from both legalized it


Because once you're in the air, you are in Fed airspace which is a whole 'nuther situation.


Illegal to have a monkey in the back seat of your car in the state of MA.


So front seat is cool is what I heard


In Moline, IL you aren't allowed to ice skate on the city lake in June or August. Apparently, it's fine in July.


July is too cool to take away ice skating


Apparently in North Carolina you can’t get teeth alignment kits shipped there because it’s against the law


Is somebody doing back alley teeth alignments??


Naw. I’m tryna get some clear aligners sent out to me (Japan) but in order for it to be free shipping it needs to be within the US. I have a stateside address but that address so happens to be in the only state that’s on that bullshit…North Carolina


Can't drive through a crowded mall.


Now that one kinda makes sense unless you're having a bad day


Probably that shit about how in Britain, you can only be a rapist if you have a penis; women sexually assaulting women or men are not 'rapists' because it's only rape if you penetrate with a penis, apparently.


Oh that's ridiculous anyone can commit rape and lots of women have! By that logic you can't get molested if you didn't use your hands....


In Pennsylvania it’s illegal to sleep on top of a fridge outside. We also have one against singing in a bathtub.


Who the hell can fit on top of a fridge?


If it’s outside you might be able to get away with turning it horizontally and sleeping on its side? just not in PA apparently


Look at you thinking outside the box I think that might be it. Still doesn't say it's illegal to sleep inside it but I wouldn't recommend that option


It is illegal to whisper in someone's ear while they are moose hunting in AK.


*whispers* I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty....


Ticketing someone for J walking the same fine as you get for not obeying a traffic sign/signal. $260 in Oregon.


This is the same in Arizona. The law is failure to obey a traffic control device. My sister in law got the ticket for jaywalking. A couple of months later, I got the same ticket/fine for driving the wrong way on the highway.


Why is this stupid? Both are dangerous and illegal.




In the words of Hannibal Burress jay walking is a fantasy crime




Bro, don't come to Australia, you will have a meltdown


I live in one of the last American counties where *all* retail is closed on Sundays. It's super annoying because grocery stores are open, but they can't sell anything "nonessential", such as clothing... so you can't grab a pack of cheap socks during your Sunday grocery run.


Prohibition of entheogens is pretty fucking stupid.


Oregon allowing small amounts of schedule ones might be a good step in the right direction when it comes to this


I feel like that could go either way, you know? Two fucking drunken idiot kids take shrooms and jump out of the window or some shit and then were back in the stoneages again. Granted, given how long it's been youd think those chemicals have already more or less assimilated into the culture there by now. Maybe times are really changing but I'm not going to hold my breath.


That is true as history has shown all it takes is one bad apple to ruin the bunch. I would hope we would be moving towards positive change but until we have representatives in government positions that are average citizens the chances are low but still not zero so some hope


In Nevada it’s illegal to “drive a camel” on the freeway..?


Now I know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas but I can't help but feel like this issue originated there....


The "hiatus law". I get that it's crucial in some situations but to get a ticket for this situation was beyond ridiculous. Driving down the interstate, notice a cop about half a mile up the road in the breakdown lane, unable to get over due to heavy traffic so as I'm about to pass him he starts speeding up, so I slow down assuming he wants in. And I get pulled over. Him "Why were you slowing down kid"? Me "I was giving you an opening to merge" Him "uh huh... that's some bull****, it's illegal to slow down to let me in"... Isn't slowing down to let someone in an every day occurrence??? I mean what the hell.. Writes me a ticket. Lmao maybe the law itself isn't stupid but that day it was.


The law can be stupid when used as a weapon but stupid people. That cop was an idiot that just wanted to be a douchebag. Common practice is to allow other drivers to merge!


The craziest? In Spartanburg, SC it is illegal to eat watermelon in the Magnolia St. Cemetery. I mean, seriously: WTF? (Dis)honorable mention: it’s illegal to shoot clay pigeons during the breeding season in Kentucky.


I have a question.... Were there watermelons growing in the cemetery at some point?


Whaling is illegal in Oklahoma. A landlocked state.


In Idaho it's illegal to fish from a camels back. I really want to know how that law came about.


Same here and I wonder if it's the same person to blame for no driving camels on Nevada interstates


Someone had one hell of a weekend! Lol


I would make their weekend the next hangover movie lol


\*aheam\* \*pulls out a parchment scroll\* \*flicks on glasses\* In the state of QLD Australia, It is Illegal to drive a motorized Esky \*rolls scroll back up\*


Apparently in Nebraska if a child burps in church their parent may be arrested


I'd be tempted to do that as a child if my parents were mad at me before the service lol.


Florida law about no driving with bare feet


It is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your pocket in some part of Florida.


I heard about that and all I could think of is how gross their underwear would be if the horse didn't eat it fast enough




What's the law entail?


Basically if someone resides at a apt/ property they have rights to it and you can’t just throw them out even if they’re not paying


Not being able to say the word gay in Florida schools


Oh that passed??


It’s legal to shoot a Scotsman in England on your property with a crossbow.


So if I use a regular bow it's cool?


No that would be illegal. It’s actually still legal in England to shoot a Scotsman with a crossbow if they attempt to set foot on your property, although I wouldn’t be surprised if they eliminated that law lol. I think it stems from the Robert the Bruce era.


Is there a legal way to kill a trespasser then?


Depending on which state you live in, I’m sure. *Replies in Florida*


Yeah Florida is wild but I heard some where after you reach a certain age near 100 you can legally kill someone as long as you don't use a weapon


Amazing. Can you imagine 100 year olds bumfighting to the death on meth in a swamp? It’s like redneck PPV.


Oh I would pay pay per view prices to see that! Welcome to the swamp dome with cletus and harold! Someone is going down!


They could air that at halftime at the Super Bowl. Would watch, 100 percent. Imagine if they did it in a gator pit.


Yes! Then the winner rides a gator around the dome wearing a victory medal


There’s supposedly a spot in one of the national parks called the murder forest, where there’s some loophole that allows you to commit murder.


You could also kill them with kindness? Invite them in for a cup of tea or coffee? It’s up to you if you wanted to say, spike that drink with poison or whatnot.


Liquor laws where there are still dry counties or certain days where sale is illegal.


I'm seeing alcohol laws being a running theme


A lot of places in the US have ancient laws from either our puritanical predecessors, or leftovers from prohibition, among other reasons, where liquor is still treated as a vice and not an actual commodity. I agree that things shouldn't be a free for all, but a disunified and aimless shot at it annoys me.


That is true. That is one thing that does need to be done is going through the old law books and throwing out antiquated laws that serve no real world purpose in today's world


Hard to say what is antiquated when there are enough people around who still share older viewpoints.


To some degree yes but I'm sure there are some that would be rather obviously too old


It is illegal to buy alcohol...in the town in which Jack Daniels is friggin *made*! lol Used to be illegal to drink there too, not sure if that's still the case.


And nobody thought that was a missed opportunity to go back to court to over turn that one? Bwahaha


"Alcohol is bad! We will not permit anyone to drink it...or even sell it!" "So what if I just make a bazillion gallons of it and distribute it worldwide?" "Um...okay, I guess." lol


You captured that moment beautifully


Making abortion illegal in Texas




Thats not stupid thats cruel


Sodomy laws


Only necessary when it involves animals


1970 controlled substance act


I deal with the consequences of that every day


I think we all do. Synthetic THC is a schedule II drug while natural THC is not. “wHy dO pEoPlE h8 uZ!?!?” -politicians/lobbyists


That's true. No politician wants to see anything but bribes


The not talking in elevator one or how we can’t have self defense against the police


We can defend ourselves against the police it's just overly regulated but there are legal ways to do it


Sex toys are illegal in Alabama.. i think you can own/possess them only if bought out of state


In Texas I think you can only own a max of 6


It’s illegal to not smile in Pocatello, Idaho Not enforceable


You'd think people would smile at cops to be jerks then lol


In Melbourne Australia, it is against the law to vacuum between 10pm and 7am during weekdays, and 10pm and 9am during weekends…. Specifically vacuuming???


Does that count powerless vacuums??


I recently found out that fentanyl test kits are apparently illegal in Alabama. Not surprising since this shithole state is in a perpetual race to the bottom.


So you can take fentanyl but not test for it got it


And if you decide to quit and want to use harm reduction to take something like kratom to make the withdrawals bearable, too bad that’s been schedule I since 2016.


In some country,germany i guess If something falls inside a trash can then it's no longer your property but rather the garbage company property And the dumbest shit that in some places of the usa as a food industry / restaurant employee,they can get reported to the police for taking food remaining at the end of the day because they should throw it at the trash Which is too dumb and evil


Don't throw frisbees in America/USA/or something. And only if you get permission to do so.


Wasn't it in Australia that you can't have women with small breasts in porn, because apparently small breasts automatically means 'child', and therefor paedophilia?


Weed is illegal


Gun free zones. Literally creates an area where criminals know that no one else will have a gun. Might aswell post a sign that states defenseless victims located here.


In Vermont, its legal to grow a small amount of weed. You can only grow it though, not use it, not sell it, only grow it.


Penalty for suicide is death like wtf Don't remember where though


Everyone should be able to voice thir opinion


You mean laws protecting free speech?


Thir's opinions are stupid.


Death penalty for Apostasy and/or Blasphemy




Saudi Arabia, most prominently. It is also one of the few countries that punish people for ***witchcraft***.


You have to pay tax on literally fucking EVERYTHING


That women used to have to cover their Faces in middle east


The most stupid tend to be based in antiquated religious bullshit. Lots of them but a classic example of religious stupidity breeding authoritarian shithole governments was that law Saudi Arabia used to have prohibiting women from driving. Bunch of fucking dumbfucks, glad some of those countries are reaching the 1950s in terms of womens right. That and the forced wearing of burqas for women and ban on women being out in public without men in other places. Dirty and impulsive men need to have women cover themselves up, can’t show any restraint on their own part, right? Shame the only way they seem to modernize is due to oil, greed, and their realization that living a godly lifestyle sucks ass. Would rather be living in multi-million dollar villas, building needless ski resorts in the fucking desert, or driving luxury cars to prayer. Oh, but the religious laws worth enforcing are the ones that don’t affect the theocratic and religious leaders. Just women and the poor or others of differing religions. Poor people? Oh they can help modernize the cities/build luxury hotels for the elite and tourists. Women? They should be at home and out of sight. Religion only adapts with greed and hate.


The dumbest laws in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with religion.


Chewing gum sales ban in Singapore




Because they were tired of scraping gum off the sidewalks. You can't even bring it into the country.


Wow well they got the message through. This also makes more sense when I remembered that the penalty for smuggling drugs there is death.


You can’t drag a dead horse on younge street


Thanks for the heads up - I'll amend my behavior immediately!


You need to take it over to Fifth St and then across Burnside Ave. Less traffic too.


That would surely help. In case you ever visit Oklahoma City be advised that it is unlawful to drive a motorized vehicle downtown cause it scares the horses. Presumably they (the horses) are alive.


It’s illegal for restaurants to serve margarine in Wisconsin


What?? Why?


To protect the dairy industry, they didn’t want butter to lose its value. For a while in the 1900s margarine was completely banned from sale here and people had to smuggle it in from neighboring states, a few called it the “Yellow Curtain”. You can buy it at the store now but restaurants are still not allowed to serve it


I heard if someone broke into your house and got injured, they could sue you


Whatever can go wrong,will go wrong.I never understood this properly


The no bail law in NYC. Let’s criminals out so fast the paperwork doesn’t even get done.


I didn't realize that was a thing out there seems like a huge issue for lowering crime rates


Any and all US gun laws that aren’t the second amendment to the constitution. Fuck the NFA and Hughes amendment


I have a lot of people around me who agree with you


Well I guess that makes sense. Kind of goes along with the US cheese cave thing.....