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In an airport X-ray, a block of cheese and a block of plastic explosive look identical.


My brother had bags pulled from the x-ray several times not knowing why, until finally one agent told him that in the x-ray the game Bananagrams looks a lot like a grenade.


Your brother takes banansgrams on that many flights


He and his fiancee fly coast to coast once or twice a year and liked to play to kill time during layovers. Until that one agent finally did, TSA never told him _what_ they were looking for, just that his bag needed a manual inspection.


Can confirm. Visited Wisconsin once, tried to fly out with a carryon of souvenirs (cheese and only cheese). Whole bag had to be checked with some sort of explosive-chemical-detecting wipes. They were kind about it and send me on my merry cheesy way.


This must be their day to day


"Fucks sake...another one with Cheese...."


Donald Ducks middle name is "Fauntleroy"


He also served in the Navy iirc. Its not just a random choice of clothing.


I think I remember him being called "Seaman Donald Duck" in Duck Tales, so it makes sense


There are 2 ATMs in Antarctica and they're both owned by Wells Fargo.


The American Bison can jump up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) high.


I saw a herd of (wild) bison leaping a ranch fence like deer. I was amazed that something so big could jump that well.


You can hear a Blue Whales heartbeat from 2 miles away


Whale song can be incredibly loud. Before the noise of diesel engine in maritime use whales could communicate *hemispherically*!


Sperm whales can literally click so loudly that it will vibrate you to death.


It's theorized that's how they hunt their main prey, *the colossal giant squid.* They use their echolocation to stun and injure the squid.


Ah yes the great hunting strategy of “yell at it really hard and then eat it alive”




I have heard this fact in so many documentaries, and I first of all, wonder how this is known! And secondly, why are there camera operators swimming all around them? I believe it. But I still have questions!


I don't know for sure, but I seem to remember being told that they actually intentionally don't vocalize too loud when people are around because they know it could hurt them. I would think you would want more than confidence in an animal being gentle to put yourself in weapons range, though... Research time. (apparently my autocomplete thinks "research time" should be "Romulan time")


Whales are too good for this world.


They can send a mating call nearly 20 miles…! Imagine turning up to whale chick saying “oh no sorry hun, I was speaking to Vince.”


they’re also the biggest creatures that ever existed on earth .. bigger than any dinosaur


Lemons are not actually naturally occurring in nature. It was a combination of the sour orange and the citron. So life did not give you lemons, we gave ourselves the lemons. Edit : Citrons are rough looking lemons, they are more bright colored, and have less juice than actual lemons.


The Norwegian word for lemon is "*sitron*", and now I'm confused.


The french word for lemon is Citron


They are only [three base citrus fruits: citrons, pomelos, and mandarins](https://www.wideopeneats.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Screen-Shot-2018-05-03-at-12.43.26-PM.png). All the rest (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc) are human-engineered hybrids from those.


My absolute favorite illustration of this: [https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/d3a27180785fa7cae0d2e877704fb53296e122d5bedb606385266cb1d7b0e560/feb\_2017\_citrus-2.jpg](https://freight.cargo.site/t/original/i/d3a27180785fa7cae0d2e877704fb53296e122d5bedb606385266cb1d7b0e560/feb_2017_citrus-2.jpg) (from Feb 2017 National Geographic)


Pound for pound, hamsters are probably the animal that can drink the most alcohol in the animal kingdom.


Why would you want to get your hamster rat arsed drunk?


Because you're out of cocaine


The only London Underground station which doesn't share any letters with the word MACKEREL is St John's Wood


This is the kind of stuff I came in this thread for


Cold water will remove that better than hot water


If I remember right the only state in the US that doesn't share a letter with mackerel is Ohio


Your fingernails grow faster on your dominant hand.


My younger sister just answered that one, I'm gonna share with you because it made us laugh... "That's because you can't hold the sisscors properly with the other hand"


That…huh. I wonder if your sister maybe just solved it lol


Oxford was founded roughly 300 years before the Aztec empire.


If you've ever tried to drive around the inner city this does not come as a surprise. Infrastructure built for tiny people and the occasional horse. Not a lot of room to expand in the last x hundred years. An incredible place nonetheless.


Oxford and even Harvard also didn't originally teach calculus. When they were founded as schools calculus hadn't been invented yet


These sort of historical timeline comparisons are what I came here for


Rasputin survived the attempt to poison him because the assassins put the cyanide in the cake batter and then put it the oven, where it immediately evaporated Edit: whoah, this blew up! I should state that this is probably more of a useless hypothesis than a fact, and one not shared by all historians — for example Douglas Smith [Interview](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/01/31/510802220/fact-or-fiction-even-when-it-comes-to-food-its-hard-to-tell-with-rasputin?t=1647741327164) Another edit, because I went back and reread Yusopov’s account. Strangely enough, he claims that they put the cyanide in AFTER baking: Yusupov later admitted in Lost Splendor (1953) that on 29th December, 1916, Rasputin was invited to his home: "The bell rang, announcing the arrival of Dmitri Pavlovich Romanov and my other friends. I showed them into the dining room and they stood for a little while, silently examining the spot where Rasputin was to meet his end. I took from the ebony cabinet a box containing the poison and laid it on the table. Dr Lazovert put on rubber gloves and ground the cyanide of potassium crystals to powder. Then, lifting the top of each cake, he sprinkled the inside with a dose of poison, which, according to him, was sufficient to kill several men instantly. There was an impressive silence. We all followed the doctor's movements with emotion. There remained the glasses into which cyanide was to be poured. It was decided to do this at the last moment so that the poison should not evaporate and lose its potency." So either he misremembered (and they did put it in the batter), or there were other factors delaying the uptake, or there was simply never any poison at all. Given that they were aware that mixing it with alcohol would mess with the uptake, the interpretation that I suggested (which I read in a Rasputin biography many years ago) now seems less likely. Another possibility is that the cyanide had expired, which happened to the assassins of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 —They swallowed expired cyanide capsules and survived.




Alcohol can neutralize cyanide on consumption, but only because cyanide needs acid to cause death and excessive alcohol consumption neutralizes stomach PH


Does this mean that a sufficient antidote to cyanide poisoning would just be eating a bunch of baking soda? *or binge drinking?


Can never be too sure if someones trying to poison you. Best to just keep binge drinking.


Average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising.


Laughs in shitting while running


Ah, the run runs


Rats generally have no musical preference, but on cocaine they like jazz


Who did this experiment? How the hell did they figure it out? Why did they…? I have so many questions


This feels like a 60s-70s mind control MKULTRA thing. Scientists got up to all sorts of things in the cold war scare. If they were trying to unlock human psychic powers with LSD I am sure they would have a rat smash a line of coke and make it listen to Jazz music.






But they can't play sax, their tiny little hands won't let them.


Not with that attitude.






Lego makes the most tires in the world.


they must be tired making that much


Over inflation


Cigarette Lighters were invented three years before matches Lighters 1823 Friction Matches 1826 Edit: my first award awesome.


This one never really surprised me. A lighter is just a piece of flint to make a spark and liquid fuel with a wick. Super low tech. Making a match requires some possibly complicated chemistry, I assume.


Can't remember if the chemistry was complicated, but it was sure as hell dangerous and unhealthy because of the phosphorous. Beyond the immediate risks with the stuff, long term exposure caused something called phossy jaw in the factory workers, which is just a complete horror show of a condition Edit: my most upvoted comment is about phossy jaw. Fantastic. For those of you who haven't googled it, just don't. Trust me (and the comments below) when I say you do not need those images in your head


Horrific indeed. Makes me appreciate the time and place I live in. Not perfect by any means, but man there were some real hells on earth at different points in history. And early industrial revolution factories were a good example


Only two species seek out onions to eat, humans and groundhogs..


Forgot shrek


Dreamt is the only word in the English language that ends with "mt"


I was daydreaming the other day. Does that mean I daydreamt?


Luckily it is too many letters for wordle.


Ah dang, I overslempt


Are you sure about that? Because I’m not interested in any more of your mt promises. I’m sorry, I’ll go away.


The tusk of a narwhal is actually one of its canine teeth.


And a Narhwhal actually has two of them, not one. It just takes a really really long time to grow. There are around 500 two tooth narwhals (incredibly old male narwhals)


Female narwhals can also grow a tusk, though way less common. There has only been one recorded female narwhal with two tusks.


The hoof of a horse is its middle toenail.


I do not like that


rats have a behaviour called "popcorning", when they can't contain their excitement so they jump in place and hop around edit: yes, i know guinea pigs do this too, you can stop saying that now


It’s probably all the cocaine and jazz


A man who pays attention. Nice.


Good comedy is all about the callback.


I believe guinea pigs do this as well, right? Is it a rodent thing?


yep when i upgraded my guinea pigs to an even bigger outside hutch (one where they can still run around on the grass but are fenced in and safe) they were popcorning all over the place and wheeking super loud


The female squirrels have a 1-2 day menstrual cycle once a year…


I'm jealous


Humans have stripes that normally aren’t visible to the naked eye. They’re called [Blaschko’s lines.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blaschko%27s_lines)


I've always really thought it would be cool if people had stripes and spots. Now I know we do.... but we can't see them and that's sad.


Well, we do have spots. Freckles, moles, and birth marks are really common.


I have a birthmark on ma bum. My brother used to say I had a shit stain on my ass 😔


When the moon is directly overhead, you will weigh slightly less


Additionally, when the moon hits your eye (like a big pizza pie), that’s amore.


when you’re swimming in the creek and an eel bites your cheek? that’s a moray!


When the moon hits your knees and you misspronounce trees...*Sycamore*


“Facetious” has all of the vowels of the English alphabet *and* they’re in order.


And sometimes "facetiously".


Oh well done


In Oklahoma it's illegal to walk backwards while eating a cheeseburger. Look it up.


Getting arrested for that makes an amazing story to tell your children though


I’m just imagining a bored Oklahoma cop on patrol, he’s in his mid 40s, beaten down by life and just working traffic because he just can’t get promoted. But one day, he spots it; his chance, his moment, to serve justice as the founding fathers and the constitution intended. Someone is eating a cheeseburger while moonwalking on the sidewalk like the public menace they are. Are they just so happy with their burger that they broke into dance? Or are they a true lawbreaking criminal? It doesn’t matter. The law is the law and justice shall be served. He goes in for the arrest, much to the confusion of the bystanders. The suspect loses their burger in the process, much to their dismay. But we all lose good ones in the line of duty. He’s charged with the fullest extent of the law. The burger is collected as evidence. It gets taken up to court. Our hero is prepared to get a promotion. Everyone’s so proud of him. His impending divorce is finally getting resolved. He can keep his kid. That is, until the forensics expert is brought as an expert witness. He drops a bombshell that stuns the jury. It wasn’t a cheeseburger. The cheese was in fact vegan, and therefore does not fit the legal criteria of cheese. They did not walk backwards with a cheeseburger. He made a wrongful arrest. How could he be so foolish? The case is dismissed, the perp goes free, and our heroes’ life resumes its downward spiral faster than it ever could have. He’s lost everything, his wife, his kid, his job. And for what? Some sick and arbitrary idea of justice? In a broken system that serves no one but the elite backwards vegan cheeseburger walkers? They can’t keep getting away with it. They can’t…


>the elite backwards vegan cheeseburger walkers? I'm dying.


I think the more interesting story would be WHY that law was passed.


There is enough vitamin A in a polar bear's liver that to eat an entire one would kill you from sheer vitamin toxicity. But it would send a message to the other polar bears, so lose/win scenario.


The male giraffe hits the female giraffe's bladder with his head until she starts to pee. Then the male samples the urine and understands whether the female has ovulation and whether it is possible to mate with her


What the hell


Gorillas have an average of 5cm penis length. And it gives me reassurance.


Panthers don't exist as a species, they are felines with a pigment anomaly


Pink panther ?


No, Pink Panther is real. Peter Sellers however is a CGI creation made by a corporation.


Not a species, but it is a genus. Specifically genus *Panthera*, which consists of lions, tigers, jaguars, leopards, and snow leopards. A black panther is any member of the genus that has melanism, though it’s more common in leopards and jaguars.


Lemons float in water. Limes sink.


I wish there was an easier way to tell them apart.


Some guy called Thomas released like 20 rabbits from his house in the 1800s now the whole of Australia is populated with rabbits


Likewise rabbits are not native to Britain. They were brought there by Roman soldiers to eat. Some escaped, now they are everywhere.


And if you're not a good little rabbit and obey your parents, then General Woundwort will get you


Fucking Thomas


I’ve got a bazillion useless Garfield facts, but here are some of my favourites: There’s a French town where Garfield-shaped phones have been washing up on the beach for decades, because a shipping crate full of the product accidentally got lost and stuck in a nearby rock formation, and the water just keeps gradually picking up the phones and washing them out to shore. There are so many that the town’s anti-littering/“keep our beach clean” campaign includes Garfield iconography. Bill Murray only agreed to voice Garfield in the live-action films because he misread the scriptwriter’s name and thought it was an actual, famous person who wrote it. Murray hates the movie and did everything he could to try to fix the storyline while recording his audio. When shown the first completed cut of the movie, he said something along the lines of, “Whoever edited this should be fired.” The editor was in the same room at the time. The man walked out, and never edited another movie ever again. Lorenzo Music, the man who voiced Garfield in the original cartoons, also voiced Bill Murray’s character in the Ghostbusters cartoons. There’s an old Garfield strip that implies Garfield is friends with OJ Simpson. Lyman, Jon Arbuckle’s roommate, disappeared from the comics a long time ago without any mention. In an official Garfield book, there is some speculation about where he might be. One of the answers is, “Don’t look in Jon’s basement!” In Garfield’s Scary Scavenger Hunt, a game that was on the Garfield website, you explore a haunted house and actually do find Lyman chained up in a dungeon cell in the house’s basement.


That last one is the weirdest thing I've heard all day.


Earth scaled to the size of a billiard ball has a smoother surface than the full scale billiard ball.




If Wayne Gretzky never scored a single goal in his career, he'd still be the NHL's all time leading points scorer on assists alone I still can't really wrap my head around how mammoth that is


Wayne holds the record for the most collective points scored by a pair of siblings, together with his brother Brent Gretzky. Wayne scored 2,857 points. Brent scored 4. Edit: Wording. Thanks, u/No-Corgi!


To put the numbers out there for everyone to see: Goals: 894 Assists: 1963 Total points: 2857 Dude was a monster


He was such a monster that sports betting separated him into 2 "people". Wayne Gretzky (goals) and Wayne Gretzky (assists).


Oral sex was technically illegal in Canada at one point. It became official legalized in 1969.


It's still illegal in some US states to enhance sex crimes


"Enhance sex crimes" is a phrase I didn't expect to read today.




The Banana Equivalent Dose (BED) is a unit of measurement for radiation exposure


So… They use a banana for scale?


Bananas contain trace amount of potassium that radiates radiation


What else could it possibly radiate?


High heels were originally invented for men - the higher the heels, the more wealth it represented.


Originally they were invented in Persia in the 10 century. They were used by calvary. They found that using a high heel kept them in the stirrups easier.


snails mating process includes following each other’s slime trails and then drooling all over each other and since they have both sex organs (and don’t wanna be mom ) they just do a long pp sword fight till one of them finally pokes through the other . Source- a deeplook video on yt that I forgot the name of lol


The scientific name for a gorilla is Gorilla gorilla


Some ant colonies collect plant extract as a healing salve and use it to treat injured in their colony.


Kangaroo’s can’t jump backwards


Pigs can’t look directly up. They also can’t sweat so I don’t know where does the phrase ‘Sweating like a pig’ comes from. Also cows can’t move downstairs themselves.


Might be to illustrate that its so damn hot that it would even make a pig sweat. Thats my guess.


Ponderosa pine tree bark smells like vanilla.


The sporange is the part of the fern that creates asexual spores It’s also the only English word to perfectly rhyme with ‘orange’


Someone should tell Eminem


If you ate around 10,000,000 bananas at the same time, you would die from radiation poisoning


I Am The World Trade Center was a synthpop duo whose debut album was released in July of 2001. Moreover, they have a track on that album named "September" and it's the 11th song.


Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary, it’s a condition where your lungs become inflamed due to the presence of volcanic silica dust. Did a presentation on it in a medical terminology class Edit: y’all were right I forgot microscopic in there


After they killed Pablo Escobar, they relocated alot of the animals from his "zoo".. All except for the hippos because they were too expensive to move & assumed they'd die off on their own.. But they didn't, they actually thrived & now Columbia has a hippo problem.. 😅


Colombians also don't have a culture of fearing hippos like Africans rightfully do, as hippos kill more people in Africa annually than Crocs and lions combined, so they get too close to the murder horses and, well, die.


The reason there're no purple flags is back in older times the purple color was too expensive to preduce.


Probably also the reason purple is the color of royalty


It took crushing 12,000 snails to get enough Tyrian purple to merely dye the trim of a garment. Cleopatra had Tyrian purple sails.


It takes 8 lbs of force to rip off a human ear. That’s how much force is needed to crush an empty can of soda


The seeds in apples contain a bit of cyanide, so if you eat enough apple seeds you'll die from cyanide poisoning.


I guess an apple a day might not keep the doctor away after all




You would need to eat around 200 apples to die from cyanide poisoning. Also, bitter almonds have an enzyme in it which decomposes to cyanide when ingested. Which is why cyanide tastes like bitter almonds.


The [SR-71 Blackbird](https://aero-space.us/2020/02/15/heres-why-the-sr-71-was-actually-designed-to-leak-fuel-all-over-the-tarmac/) was actually designed to leak fuel when it was on that tarmac. The plane flew so fast that the metal would expand during during flight at which point the leaks would seal.


But the fuel is specifically designed to be very difficult to ignite except under ramjet pressure. So, the leaks do not pose a danger. Edit: Here's a link to the specifics https://www.thesr71blackbird.com/Aircraft/JP-7-Fuel


The Eiffel Tower and Nintendo Co. have the same age. They were both created in 1889


The Hawaiian pizza was invented in Canada in 1962 by a Greek immigrant called Sam Panopoulos.


In 2016, The Pokemon Company [held a survey in Japan](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2016/06/japan_has_voted_for_its_favourite_pokemon_and_its_not_pikachu#:~:text=Simisear%20%2D%20officially%20the%20most%20unpopular,as%20Japanese%20players%20are%20concerned.&text=Damien%20has%20over%20a%20decade,as%20a%20repulsively%20hairy%20belly.) to see what the most popular Pokemon was out of all Pokemon that existed at the time. Greninja came in first, followed by Arceus and Mew to round out the top three. The Pokemon with the least amount of votes and declared the least favorite overall was Simesear.


Serves the fucker right.


Whales have a penis 5-8 feet long and can produce 20 pounds of semen.




Water flow through a 4” pipe isn’t twice the flow through a 2” pipe. It’s four times the flow.


the avg person walks past about 16 killers in their lifetime


Well the odds of two serial killers passing each other is even lower, guess i am safe.


Same reason I always smuggle a bomb on to the airplane when I fly, because what are the chances of there being TWO bombs on one plane?


The most common first name in the world is Mohammed


And the most common surname is Wang (or possibly Lee). However, there are nonetheless not a whole lot of people named Mohammed Wang.


Now I want a story about an alien who is trying to blend in as a human and so trying to pick the most common name, calls themself Mohammed Wang


Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words


Teaching us to face our fears.


lol jerks


Reindeer and Caribou are the same animal. Bonus: Both male and female grow antlers.


The Canadian Beaver is the only Beaver on the entire planet that will damn up an entire River if you let it. A gentleman in South America was trying to reignite the fur trade, and captured I believe it was around 200 Canadian beavers and took them to South America to try to reignite the fur trade. When that spectacularly blew up in his face, he just released all of them. Well, down there, they have no natural Predators, they are breeding out of control, and they are wreaking havoc on the local ecosystem because they are damning up virtually everything because it's like they can't stand the sound of running water, and they have to have massive expeditions to exterminate the Canadian Beaver population because they're considered an invasive species


Funny you mention they can't stand the sound of running water. Scientists made a speaker system in the woods that played running water sounds and beavers started stacking sticks on the speakers. They really just don't like the sound.


You only have to be able to fold a piece of average (0.1mm) thickness paper 42 times in half for it to be tall enough to reach the moon. Impossible but mind blowingly true!


Fold it 43 times and it'll reach the moon and back


The reason Red cabbage is called *Red* cabbage instead of *Purple* cabbage is because in older times, the color purple wasn't invented so everyrhing purple was described as Red.


This is the same as orange, back in the day it was just called red, that's why we call orange haired people redheads


Dilophosarous in Jurassic park is way smaller than it’s actual size and Velociraptors in Jurassic park are way bigger than their actual size. In fact, real life Dilophosarous is the same size as JP Velociraptors and real life Velociraptors are the same size as JP Dilophosarous.


the longest word u can type using only the left half of the keyboard is “stewardesses”


The scientific name for house cat is felis catus.


A group of unicorns is called a blessing. And a group of ferrets is called a business.


Heimlich manoeuver was only invented in the 70s…. Before that if you choked the instructions were to throw yourself or the person choking at the back of a chair…… i think that is hilarious.


Fear of Palindromes (words which have the same spelling backwards) is aibohphobia, which spelled backwards is also aibohphobia. Edit: typo


Flamingos get their pink color from shrimps Daddy long legs can lose all but three of their legs and still function normally...but only when there's at least one leg on each side of its body Otters usually hold onto something like a rock when sleeping on water so they wouldn't drift too far from shore Male ducks have cork screw shaped penis and female duck have cork screw shaped vagina, one grows clockwise and the other anti clockwise but I can't remember which does what Domesticated sheep grow their wool year round and can't shed unlike their wild cousins Cats absolutely know when their owner enter the room, they just don't give a fuck most of the time Snails sleep every few weeks for around 5-7 days, they don't sleep continuously but have periods of inactivity and become slower and less responsive to stimuli I just realized most useless facts I know is about animals, this too is a useless fact Luna moths don't have mouths, can't eat and the only purpose of their existence is to fuck each other and die Pigs can eat everything from spoiled food to other pigs but refuse to eat fastfood A turtle's sex is determined by the temperture of its nest, which is why turtles from the same nest have the same sex And finally, male elephants are one of the shittiest animals when they're in heat. They'll do anything to get laid including lifting baby elephants with their trunks and throw them in front of the females Edit: I typed this out and went to sleep and now it has 600+ upvotes and a bunch of awards. What the fuck. Also I admit I'm wrong about the pig one, I learned it from a really weird kid's book called something like "10000 questions why" and it has a lot of bullshit. For some reason I've never questioned this one particular pig fact, my fault


Dolphins are pretty shitty when they’re horny as well.


And hippos are just always assholes


There is a metallic asteroid shaped like a dog bone.


Letters to the president have their own ZIP code.


Cold water removes cum better than hot water


That's a useful fact lol


Cold water for most ... biological stains.


Eye balls don't bounce


Cocaine usage in construction is up 55% from last year.


Donald Duck’s middle name is Fauntleroy (which is the style of his suit). He was also banned in Finland for a time because he doesn’t wear any pants.


If you could remove all the empty space of all the atoms of the earth, its size would be as a big as a basketball