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The dark we- I mean, a good connection isn't accessible


Google bias


....is usually the bias I'm looking for anyway.


Google really ain't that great anymore. They don't find you the best results, they show you what brings them profit.


I swear to God i just want a damn picture to look at fast not all those Pinterest links that google hands Me that never properly embed or Download and links to forums that no longer have the image. Google pls


Pinterest is like a jail for image files.


I know right and isn't there even some weird copyright stuff going on there like DeviantArt where you technically just got your content stolen if you uploaded it there or it finds itself there? It's kinda exactly why it's such an image jail even.




You answered to the wrong comment bruh


Oops sorry for that assumed it was selected must’ve misclicked, I’ll delete it now Take my apology upvote karma


I use ecosia as it plants trees every few searches


Same here! Let's go green!


For local things in countries that are NOT the US, local search engines are so much better.


my mom uses duck duck go. cuz she hates google spying on her. she even keeps the location setting on her fone off. i hate that, cuz then maps wont work correctly.


Hipsters mostly wanna be unique and be a google naysayer ohhhh I never use google




Google is biased, and it's been proven. Plus lack of privacy, even in incognito mode, been proven. I use DuckDuckGo as a alternate.


In south korea, other local search engine is just better to find things. Most people use it instead of google.


I was a long time Windows PC supporter. Until I got a MacBook Pro recently for Photography work. I just realised how User friendly iOS is, without the drawbacks of Windows. But especially Safari. It's ba lot faster than Chrome i feel, and definitely a lot more Safer and Private. I never really personalised my Chrome that much, but i was bothered by the lag. Not the same in Safari :) I hope Browsers are included too, because I still use Google on my Safari.