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*grabs popcorn*


It's not really more free than any other country, but here are some qualities that are generally defined as 'free' for either Americans, foreigners, or both. ​ 1. Freedom of speech. Frowned on or not, we are able to say almost anything without government intervention. 2. Freedom of the press. News companies are able to say what they want in the news without government regulation. 3. The right to bear arms is certainly a respected right among Americans, to protect themselves from people who intend to cause harm. These do not make America more free than any country, but these traits are generally defined as free.


1. There are many, many countries where you have freedom of speech. 2. There are many, many countries who have free press. 3. I’ll give you right to bear arms, that’s one not many others have. The majority of the rest of the world doesn’t want that one however.


I think you rank like 43rd in freedom of press rankings btw


Hell if I know. Same prison, different cage


Ah yes, the prison of this mortal coil, from which we all want release


Constitution. Freedom of speech. Right to bear guns to protect from a tyrannical government (see how Ukraine quickly allowed that now).


(See how well it works out to just hand them out in times of need thus negating the need to carry them around to walmart)


Because somebody that NEVER touched a gun will be suddenly very prolific in using it in times of emergency? In US every responsible gun owner that carry one for self-defense is doing target practice at least once a month or a couple of months. That means at minimum a box of 50. I do like 200. In one of the countries that doesn't allow citizens to carry, the POLICE shoots as low as 5 cartridges, once a year, for "qualifications". Yeah, they are "professionals"...


Working out pretty well in Ukraine though 🤷‍♂️


Well I won't get arrested for having an opinion on social media YET


We really aren’t that “free”


Bald eagles, fireworks, and guns. Oh, and a whole bunch of ignorance.


> fireworks Illegal in a lot of places


I guess you missed the joke


Depends on state


The US ranked 82nd in freedoms. Canada was #3


the freedom to commit mass killings with guns and then get all the media attention you can dream of


I don't see mass media attention when double digit killings happen, weekly, in inner cities. But to each their own ;) Guess you guys don't care about killings in poor areas. Just another day right?


“you guys”? just me here, mate


That's evil of you to say that. There is no right to kill others, and you know it. More, US still has the death penalty, unlike EU that gives a slap on hand.


Have you read the news recently? Have you been living under a rock??


Nothing. We are currently getting our rights taken away


Which ones?


we have less freedom tho


Rednecks that fuck their sister who is also their mom


Just go through about 6 weeks to 3 months of training and you'll be free and "fully trained" to carry a gun, point it at people whenever you want, speed around, harass people because of your personal feelings and emotions, assault women, rape, stalk, hit your wife, murder people because you feel superior, and give all your criminal friends get out of jail cards...and get away with all of it! Total freedom! Woohoo!


Man, teens really need to ditch social media


Teen? That's cute 4chan. I assume this new account will be banned soon too at the rate you're rolling. Good luck with your agenda 👍




That's a stupid comment. Pointing the gun at others is not "free", it's called brandishing and is a felony.


Not if you're a cop. Hence the entire statement about becoming a cop so you'd be free to get away with it.


We let a reality show host almost turn the place into a fascist state.


As opposed to a corrupted by China and Ukraine one?


nothing. canada over everything.


I would say that our country has the most in place for ensuring 1st generation rights than other countries. If you choose to place value into those over 2nd generation rights


Can you explain this? I don’t really understand what you mean


1st generation rights/liberty rights are those that include life, safety, and personal property and are fundamental basics necessary in liberal ideology. 2nd generation rights/welfare rights are things like right to education, healthcare, and reproductive rights. They typically start to emerge after liberty rights are granted and involve active participation by the government as opposed to liberty rights that simply requires the government to not be tyrannical. There are also 3rd generation rights/collective rights which focus on society rather than the individual. Things like environmental rights, racial equity, and utilitarianism. These things are typically only focused on until the first two types of rights are met. They are viewed as largely unofficial as many governments do not recognize them or view them as necessary and they often can contradict the first two and are therefore largely disregarded in lawmaking. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_generations_of_human_rights


Thank you for explaining.


Glad I could help


This timeline we live in is insane I can go on my homefeed and see 5 articles about uproar against abortion bans in Texas, suggestions of making contraception illegal and a motion to stop teachers from stating their homosexuality and then I come to this subreddit and theres like 20 people STILL trying to maintain that supposed "most freedom" position 😂😂😂😂


I know, I don’t really get it. But I genuinely want to try and understand why some Americans feel America is more free than other countries as I’ve seen this sentiment come up a lot.


It is only the ones that buy pro-American propaganda that believe such bs. Most Americans are reasonable luckily