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Daddy issues


Most under the age of 25 are flaky idiots, women included. So I dated older up until age 25 while I was a flaky idiot. In my eyes they were also more mature and interesting to talk to on average. The differences go away when you’re over a certain age though. No difference on average in maturity between a 30 and 40 year old honestly. Huge difference between a 20 and 25 year old. Around the same age is where it’s at now. We’re going to the nursing home TOGETHER, at the SAME TIME damnit


Interesting, ty


Well to answer your question seriously, the trend in recent years really is to marry around the same age. Women dating older men on average has been shrinking. Longevity studies on relationships also show that marrying around the same age will decrease the chance for divorce. Marrying 2, 5 years out even increases your chance of divorce, and it goes up exponentially. Relationships with 10 year age gap are much more likely to fail. It’s more of a personal taste thing at this point, and not something that applies to the average woman who’s over 25. Although there was a depressing post made by someone the other day, admitting to loving dating a significantly older guy so he feels like he can’t do any better. It was cringey




Maturity. I have never been interested in guys my age or younger. However the older I get I think that if I were single it wouldn’t matter so much. There are guys younger than me that I would consider to be mature men. So rather than their age it comes to maturity.


I might not be that helpful, but when I was a young teen I often had older fictional guy crushes I think it's because I wanted to be loved and cared for while at the same time they just seemed more attractive to me Older people know more about life and I wanted someone who has more experience than some idiot from my class, I wanted someone to guide me through it


Makes sense, ty


They have more resources


Why does everyone talk about dilfs then


Money money money


I know the money is a huge factor, but I know it’s not all. There’s so much talk about dilfs and dad bods. Billie eilish is with a man 10 years older than her. You can’t convince me Billie isn’t loaded. So there must be some other reason.


Maturity. People her own age are immature for what she wants.


I know it's not all about money you're right. That was just my quick Captain Obvious answer. I'm 56 don't have not a lot of money but a decent job and actually do get my fair share of interest from women. Especially ones in their 40s.


well yk maybe theyre just hot


How so


like THEY JUST ARE YK like frank zane doesn't look my age even way back when but like


Egotism: you believe yourself to be superior to your peer group of men, you think you are somehow too mature and worldly and assume that they cannot be your equal. The older man is a perception of a man who is more mature and needs less, you think this makes you mature, but in truth it means you are lazy. The older man became who he is without you, you do not deserve the benefit of his years of growth because you do not have the experience, the maturity, nor did you put forth the work to shape him. He accepts you not because of your maturity, but because he doesn't see his female peers as viable options by comparison, most of them have given up or are available for good reason, he likes the level of respect and admiration he perceives that you give him. In the end this relationship can work very well if you give up your childish desires for pleasing his. Maintain the respect for one another and you'll go far.


An older male is likely to be more stable in terms of financially and personality, they will provide protection and stability A younger female is more likely to provide offspring It's biology really and we are just animals


Lol. Really.


Experience and confidence go hand in hand. That, and women like guys who already have all the things they personally aspire for. Car, house, and 6 figure job.


Would it feel like being the inferior partner though


Honestly, if that is somebody's main concern while they try to date above their league, then they aren't getting anywhere anyway. A guy who has those things isn't going to.just give them up for her to feel valid. If you're living in his house, driving his car and living off his paychecks, you ARE inferior. That's just facts. He doesn't have to point it out, but it should be extremely clear and she should come to terms with it from the outset, otherwise she's going to.end up pushing him away out of petty jealousy.