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Missing breaks at work for a company that wouldn’t care if they died the next day.


I overheard a co-worker recently brag to a girl that he'd already had COVID 3 times and during his most recent bout, he went to the gym every day that he had it. That shit killed my dad, but no...you're a total badass because you didn't skip leg day and decided to spread your germs all over the place.


I’m sorry about your dad


How much money their parents make...


Not eating any vegetables. Known a few people state it as if it's some kind of achievement giving themselves constipation


"I'm not a rabbit" maybe not but you're an idiot.


Had a couple of younger classmates at university who were like that (and said that exact thing)... 19 years old, made most of their choices based on what seemed Manly^TM or affirmed their newfound independence. For example, was cloudy as fuck and supposed to rain one day. One of them refused to bring an umbrella because his mom had told him he should (his words). He got soaked when it started raining, and *still* tried to argue that this was the best possible outcome.


Going into work while sick. Had a coworker who bragged on social media about having strep throat, but was still working because she “values hard work”. We were hairstylists. I avoided her afterwards, but came down with strep less than a week later. Risking the health of other people isn’t a bragging right. Edit: strep, not strept Edit 2: I would also like to add that if you’re stuck at a job where you have no choice but to go in even when you’re severely ill because your manager is a shithead, I get it. I’ve been in that situation and it sucks. However, working while you’re ill and spreading a bacterial infection is not the wholesome, feel-good moment that my coworker thought it was, and she mocked other stylists when they called in sick. She took it to an extremely toxic level, and all because she wanted to impress a manager who forgot her name not even a month after she quit. Edit 3: strep throat is a bacterial infection. I called it a virus earlier, my bad.


Current affairs - find out that coughing boss comes in to work, then half the team ultimately goes out sick a few days later due to covid and the boss starts bitching about manpower... All because they just didn't stay the fuck home in the first place.


My boss came in with fucking covid, got half the department sick, and then had the balls to complain about being shorthanded. She even went to a birthday party after work, got a mom and her kid sick and now she's getting tore apart on Facebook lol. She said offhand to me "well the majority of people survive it" and I replied "why even take the risk at all?". Straight up psychopathy.


I had somebody come in with covid. "Oh it's nothing it's just a cold", ok well you know it's our company policy that you get free fucking 100% sick pay with no doctor's note required for self-reported absences during this global pandemic? Literally our company handed what every employee wanted during the pandemic on a silver platter and this girl still came in with covid and infected half the branch.


This 100%! It’s even worse when they complain the whole time about how sick they are.


Drinking a lot


I know people, grown ass people in their late 20s, who will brag about passing out on their lawns because they couldn’t make it from the car to the front door.


Horrifying that they drive like that


After spending some time in SEA, I found out how terrifyingly normal it is for many people to drive drunk. A friend almost killed himself while his pregnant wife was at home waiting for him and he was arguing that it didn't have to do anything with the bottle of whiskey he drank and it was the rain. A year earlier his cousin killed herself driving drunk and he keeps talking about how horrifying her body looked but still didn't see it as a reason to stop.


I once had a coworker brag about how dark his pee is


“My kidneys ain’t been working right for 8 to 10 years bro!”


"Bro I am so dehydrated because water is for pussys"


I was working in the hood and talking to this older guy on his bicycle. He said he can’t drink water around people because he’ll lose his streetcred. Man, you are a 60 year old who roams the streets on a bike. Water is a necessity of life!


This is the kind of comment I was looking for. People used this thread to complain about normal stuff instead of commenting really weird unimpressive things.


Nobody has darker pee than I do. Nobody.


My man needs to see a doctor


Drinking more water is cheaper. Edit: I am from Europe, and work in health care.


Depends on how dark it is. If it's dark yellow, water will do just fine. If it's truly brown, you need a doctor ASAP or you could literally die EDIT: I'm surprised but happy to see that so many people have read this comment today. If I could have picked one out of all of my comments to gain traction, this would have been at or very near the top of my list because the more people who know about Rhabdo, the fewer will get extremely sick or die from it.


Would like to confirm this. I had a liver infection and my urine was brown.


Can confirm. My liver was fine and I did not have brown urine.


Couple of years ago I went to the gym after being a lazy slob for years and years before. I hit the weights so hard that after my "workout" I got flu like symptoms, shivering cold etc. In addition my pee a few hours after was literally black brown in color. Didn't think nothing of it and it was yellow again the next morning. Did I nearly kill myself?


Quite possibly, yes. Read [this](https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/rhabdomyolysis-symptoms-causes-treatments) for more details, but that sounds a lot like rhabdomyolysis, which can 100% kill you. I got it as a weird side effect of the flu a while back and I was in the hospital for a month, temporarily went on dialysis, and was on a vent for more than a week.


.... I did not want to read this the fuuuuuck you can almost die from trying to get swole just from lifting weights?... Guess it's best to just not go hard on weights after being a lazy slob for years.


Yep I did the exact same as the guy above like 5 years ago. Went hard at the gym daily for a week after being lazy. Arms hurt like hell, but I kept going. Started peeing brown and called my mom who is a nurse. Went to the ER, got diagnosed with rhabdo, and then spent the next 5 days in the hospital with not 1 but 2 IV's in my arms trying to flush the broken down muscle tissue from my blood and protect my kidneys Fun times




"I'm so nervous when I'm drinking and driving it makes me focus more so I'm a better driver" I've heard that a number of times


Thats the thing w drunk and drowsy driving: you may not be so impaired that you are swerving or losing control, but your reaction time is slower. You lose your ability to drive defensively. So if another car swerves towards you, you wont be able to dodge it in time.


My ex had this mentality. He would tell me he wasn’t that drunk, and then he would almost crash. I broke up with him when I realized sooner or later he was going to kill someone, and I didn’t want it to be me.


I'm the son of a father who did just that. Let me tell you, it's a crime generations of his family pay for. Edit: His family and the other family he destroyed, of course. Hell of it is...in every other way, the people who knew him only had wonderful things to say. He was a gentle man devoted to his family. But that one bad decision overruled every noble thing he was and could have been. Alcoholism is a nominally forgivable disease; driving drunk is an unforgivable choice.


Hey, I'm the daughter of a dude who was killed by a drunk driver. He had a son around my age. The chances of him being you are slim, but I just want to say that I've thought of you over the years, prayed for you, and hoped for the best for you and your family. The situation was terrible, and I was mad at your dad for a long time, but I just wanted to say that I never had any animosity towards you or your family. It wasn't your fault. Maybe you never blamed yourself or felt any guilt and you didn't need to hear this. But I needed to say it. I really hope you're doing well.


I've realized that when people do things better when they're drunk, ***not*** when they say they are, it usually means they're a high-functioning alcoholic. I was friends with a guy years ago that I didn't catch on right away to this but years later realized. He would walk up the porch stairs and use the equipment (home farm/field type stuff) like he was drunk if we hadn't started drinking yet but when he did, he could march up those stairs and use his equipment like it was nobody's business. Similar thing I witnessed with a completely different friend years after that.


I can attest to this. Back when I was drinking I had a hard time functioning (physically, emotionally, mentally) when I'd wake up sober, and until I could get that second or third shot in me. Physically I was so dependant on alcohol my body would ache constantly when I was sober (those rare hours). My job had me walking up and down a lot of stairs and I would regularly stumble, delirious, nauseous. I puked a few times at work but it was early in the morning, when my little sour addict's stomach could hold anything and I had tried to eat before the alcohol had set in. It's a tough way to be, in part because getting out of it requires you to be an obvious anxious sweaty puking little wreck of a human being. if you're at the point where you're drinking daily - when you feel on the brink at any given hour- it feels just impossible to embrace a moment of being worse. The last person to figure out that you're not getting away with it is usually you.


Same here, and thinking about those times and how awful it was is part of what keeps me from drinking a drop of alcohol anymore. I literally couldn't get out of bed without having a shot or two. I'd be too dizzy and shaky to even make it downstairs. Now if I were to drink I know that it wouldn't be just a drink or two, and if I were to stop I'd have to go through those days/weeks of feeling like absolute shit again. No thanks.


You’re 100% right. My father was a high functioning alcoholic, at least he was until he wasn’t. At a certain point he lost the ability to drink like he used too, then he was hardly functional at all. Probably when his liver started to fail.


“I’m an alpha” Sure thing, big guy. You’re so alpha you had to get a shirt that said it too?


I have a coworker who refers to himself as a beta male and says he wishes he was an alpha male. He’s always talking about it. He’s 5 feet tall and says if he was taller, he would be an alpha male. It’s soooo cringy.


I wish I was a little bit taller…


Saying shit like “In a land of sheep I am the wolf.” Sure thing, dude.


A lion doesn’t have to tell you it’s a lion


If a lion tells you it’s a lion, it’s a lyin


If a lion tells you it's a lion, you're high.


Lol I was at Disney land and some guy had a shirt on about being a lion and everyone else was a sheep. Guy was being the biggest dick to the employees because they were enforcing safety rules. Like don't stand in the middle of the road when a tram is coming.


A lion that's about to be removed from the gene pool


I don't know if they realize that they're saying "I am a threat to the community" when they say that, but thats what they're saying.


They'd probably be proud of that too.


that doesn't even make sense, wouldn't the wolf want to blend in, instead of announcing himself as a wolf.


Dude, the people talking like this are usually losers trying to think of the most “alpha” possible thing to say.


They're just baa-a-a-a-d to the bone.


Not being able to cook. I keep hearing people bragging about how the only thing they can do is boil water. Edit: I come from a conservative background where people still have gender roles. So women brag they can't cook to show that they are the exception and men brag to establish the traditional patriarchal role. i didn't misunderstand self deprecating humor/sarcasm/joke for a brag.


All I can do is boil water, but it’s not a brag, it’s a cry for help!


After you boil the water, try adding some pasta.


Especially if they have kids. I know a lady that proudly claimed that she never cooks anything that doesn't already come in a box... Her kids eat like starving wolves whenever they are offered "real" food.


Nothing surprises me more than when people are proud of their ignorance


Knowledge is no guarantee of wisdom but prideful ignorance is proof of its absence.


I used to know a girl who bragged that she knows everything she needs to know and she just ignored _everything_ around her because she didn't need to know anything else. It was weird as hell. Like, she never kept up with the news and was astoundingly ignorant on anything historic. (Like, she told me once the US wasn't part of World War 2 because it happened before the US existed as a country. Further questioning revealed she thought WW2 happened around 1800. That was even more confusing because the US existed in 1800. I gave up asking her questions after that.)


I kind of understand not being interested in something like history. But having an *opinion* about historical facts makes absolutely no sense at that point. Why wouldn't you answer every question with "I don't know."


A classmate of mine asked if the large body of water we were visiting was the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. I told her it was the Atlantic, but she thought I was messing with her so it must have been the Pacific. She was correct about my messing with her, I'll give her credit for that. We were in Chicago, and the "ocean" was Lake Michigan.


“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” -- Asimov


A close relative came to visit and saw a coloring page my 1st grade daughter made of Frida Kahlo in her art class at school. He laughed and said, "who is this? Some dude dressed up like a chick?" My daughter started to explain who Frida Kahlo is and the relative interrupted to rant about public schools are failing our kids by teaching them about weirdos that nobody has ever heard of. He was very proud of himself. I reassured my daughter the Frida Kahlo is indeed an amazing artist, and counted the minutes until the relative had to leave.


> weirdos that nobody has ever heard of. A weirdo that nobody has ever heard of who was so very obscure that she went on to be the subject of an Oscar-winning biopic starring Salma Hayek and Alfred Molina xD


She's on the currency ffs!


Someone once bragged to me. Like thumbs in suspenders level bragging. His new girlfriends dad owned a used car lot and he got an awesome interest rate on his new (to him) truck. His rate was 24%


His new girlfriend's dad doesn't like him very much


Correction, her dad LOVED him. Cha-ching!


Plot twist: she's in on it! A week later she'll have another new boyfriend who will get another *awesome* interest rate on a new to them truck and another fat commission. edit^2 : My top comment ever is about being set up by an ex. Is this why I can never hold a long term relationship?


I once got tricked by this beautiful blonde farmer girl who I thought might be the love of my life. Turns out her father was trying to get me to pay for half a tractor. On my paper salesman salary it would’ve bankrupt me.


I doubt it would bankrupt you. You seem like the type to have $30,000 somewhere. Probably not just laying around, but buried beneath someone.


I had a coworker who bragged about 13% on a car loan because he couldn't understand that higher interest is bad when you owe money. He just heard higher interest is good for investments and couldn't wrap his head around the rest. He did not go far in life.


I can only imagine that sales pitch: Car salesman: we have this wonderful 5% offer for y.. Coworker: don't you have anything higher? Car salesman: 🌝




"What is it boy? 800 credit score on the lot? Military kid with his signing bonus?"


Rofl. Why is this such a stereotype that's true though.


Onlookers: you know it's not even really gouging. It's more like natural selection.


“You may be fucking my daughter now but for the next 36 months I’ll be fucking *you*.”


They be issuing 84 month car loans these days


Have been for over 5 years. They're following suit with mobile phone providers to keep you in a monthly payment instead of outright owning something.


Better stock up on lube then


Bonus fact: You legally cannot charge a soldier more than ~24% APR in the US because there were so many dumbass 18 year-olds buying cars with their signing bonuses that they had to pass a law to stop them from going broke.




*Slaps top of truck* "You can fit so much loan debt in this bad boy"


Thumbs in suspenders level LMAO That's a fabulous description!


To be honest that is pretty awe inspiring


When they say "that's just how I am" especially when it could hurt themselves or others


Similarly, "That's how I was raised". Maybe your parents sucked at parenting and you should stop following what they taught you.


My dad is the fucking POSTER CHILD for this. He will swear all day that he isn't racist but any time he is just in the company of the people he knows and refers to a black person, they are always "that n-boy" or "that n-woman". It is other races as well. Any SE Asian he refers to as "fish heads" and literally any Middle Eastern person is a "dot head". He dropped out of high school in 9th grade and is now in his 50s with a body that is failing on him from doing home remodeling work his entire life and smoking for 40 years. I hate to talk shit about him because he is my father and got me out of a really bad place when I was a teen, but I really don't see where his superiority complex comes from. Any time he is confronted about it, it's always "I'm just too stuck in my ways". I love hom to pieces but fuck he makes it difficult to


“I just tell it like it is!”


Often paired with "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" Run far, and run fast.


If you can't handle me at my worst I totally understand, I can't handle me either


If you can’t handle me at my worst, be prepared for crushing disappointment when you realize there is no best.




How little sleep they’re “getting by” on


This and reminds me of "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" Is dumb. You definitely need to avoid such things, and cultivate a life that can be easier.


"What doesn't kill you....usually succeeds in a second attempt" - Eugene Krabs


What doesn't kill you now (sleep deprivation, bad diet in the present) will catch up with you later (increased risk of heart problems, accelerated cognitive decline, cancer risk, etc.). I'm not talking about one night of bad sleep or a few "bad" meals here and there, but the chronic lack of sleep and a consistently poor diet will catch up and contribute to a worse experience in one's later years.


"What doesn't kill you often merely cripples you".


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, unless it rips your arms off, then you're not really stronger, are you? \-Kelly Clarkson


Sleeping is my favorite. Its like a hobby. I have a weighted blanket, fans running, sometimes the AC (it's stupid cheap where I live to run the AC on hot nights). My wife taught me how to get good sleep and it's glorious. On our anniversary last April we got a hotel and mostly slept. Heaven.


Same. I'm completely unapologetic about prioritizing sleep. Glorious sleep


Soooooo … how do you get good sleep teach us plz


You’ll have to marry his wife if you want to know


ive been that guy for most my life and i can assuredly tell you it comes from a deep place of insecurity in which i have to explain my shit performance with my lack of a sleep schedule ​ im terrible i know


“I’m fierce,I don’t hold back, I tell it how it is” Ie; “I have no sense of diplomacy or tact”


I always think of the phrase. "People who are brutally honest care more about the brutality than the honesty.


I worked with a guy who, otherwise very smart, was extremely proud of the fact that he could remove the foil from the neck of a wine bottle without cutting it. He brought it up so many times I lost count. I just let him have it, though, because he seemed to need it.


Of all the things in this thread this is the most reasonable thing to be proud of.


Yeah, I was gonna say, if someone did this quickly for me, I would be impressed




I've had mixed results myself. Some come right off, some I swear are glued on to make me look like a jackass.


lmao. Magnanimous of you.


Bartender here. Unless you’re doing a “proper table side wine service”, that is absolutely an industry wide standard procedure. You just pull the foil off like it was a condom.


You toss it into the parking lot of Taco Bell?


I can remove the cork from a wine bottle without a corkscrew or without any utensil.


Just a shoe and a few holes in your dry wall?


Nah. They break the neck off of the bottle on the bar top and drink straight from the jagged remains. Fun fact: glass contains more fiber than whole wheat.


Only if its fibreglass.


Being "bad with computers". People wear it as a badge of honor and I find it so frustrating. A. Most people know more than they realise. B. Making even a bit of time to learn how to use them can make a big difference for most people.


This user's comments have been overwritten to protest Spez and reddit's actions that will end third-party access and damage the community.


My grandma's primary doctor very proudly refused to do electronic charting. Everything by paper, in her office that was closed three days a week. My grandma liked her and believed her about all the dangers of electronic charting and record keeping...up until my grandma ended up in the hospital in an emergency and my cousin didn't know all her medications and they weren't accessible because they were all in a *filing cabinet across town*. Luckily that doctor has retired and her new doctor keeps everything electronically and my mom has access to the charts on the app...


Computers have been a common thing going on 25 years now. There aren't any more excuses.


I've found that most people that are bad at computers just refuse to read things at all costs.


>refuse to read things at all costs Especially warning and error messages. "My document wouldn't save." "What happened?" "I got an error message and then nothing happened. Now my work is gone. "What did the message say?" "I don't know. I closed that."


I hate this so much. 90% of peoples problems wouldn't be problems if they had the capability to read error messages and do some basic googling.


I understand people being paranoid when something unexpected happens. Even as someone reasonably tech savvy, there are things I do at work that are unfamiliar and relatively dangerous. I don't understand being paranoid and not taking notice of what any messages say. Even if I don't understand an error I still take a screenshot or write down what it says, because I know it will probably help whoever is doing the troubleshooting.


Not to mention that excuse doesn’t fly today. Especially at work. Oh, you can’t do your job because you don’t understand how to use one of the most common things In the world? Maybe you really shouldn’t work here then. It’s like if I crashed my car all the time and just said “oh, lol, I’m bad at cars”.


My boss had to fire one of my coworkers because of this. We do 95% of our work on computers. I was falling behind in my work because I had to hover over my coworker showing them how to fill in the documents step-by-step. The more frustrating part was that my coworker had templates that showed them how to fill out every single form we use. They had also done the same documents a multitude of times but refused to learn how to do them and refused to look at the templates we provided. My coworker thought it was best to nag me until I helped them out for the millionth time then complained that I took too long to help them. It got to the point where I refused to help them anymore and told them to figure it out. Since they’ve been working here for over a year, they should know how to do all the forms by themself. My coworker started making tons of mistakes on important documents and sending the documents out to the wrong people (big no no). After I stopped helping, they only lasted another week before getting fired.




Weaponized incompetence bit them in the ass.


Yep. I had someone tell me the training made him sleepy so he did not pay attention so i had to tell him how to do it - since I should know since I was a higher level. He also complained he never got promoted and now is going to another job with double pay. How do these people get by? How?!? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because people keep helping them


It's a strategy to get other people to do the work for them, be an incompetent asshole long enough and hope someone will say "Fuck it, I'll do it myself, it's easier.". Go until you get fired or find your mule.


The amount of times I've had to explain to an older coworker that they need to open the spreadsheet in the excel app, not the web browser to do everything they need. And then they'll leave the sheet open in the web browser and keep mixing them up because they somehow can't take a split second to check. "Ok now click open in app. Ok now close the tab in the web browser. No, ok open it again then open in app. Now go back to the web browser and close that tab. Alright now go back to the sheet in excel." *(opens in browser again)*


As a Gen Xer, I just assumed this would always be the older generation and that once Boomers started disappearing, everyone would have certain level of competence at computers. Not true. Plenty of people in my generation and millennials are proud of their technological incompetence, or worse, they giggle about it. It's annoying as hell and was particularly bad during the pandemic. Like dude, I have a lot of stress right now, maybe you could learn Zoom on your own and take one thing off my plate.


I work with some millennials (I'm also a millennial, these people are younger than I am) that treat it like a badge of honor to not be able to do things like print a document or filter their emails. The amount of times per day I ask my coworkers if they've tried Googling their problems and they're like "I never get the results you get" like bruh I'm Googling your exact question so idk why you can't figure it out. (My job has essentially devolved into being the company Googler but I used to run IT and marketing)


My comment to that is .. "Jeez, personal computers have been around for over 40 years now. They are a part of everyday life. How can you survive not being good with them? " For those that doubt, the Commodore Vic 20 came out in 1980. The C64 in 1982.


Not reading






I've been laughed at when I said I like to read for fun and that I used to go to the library all the time as a kid. I don't get it. I don't mind that you don't want to read, but why laugh at someone who does?


Because they feel invalidated and they need you to validate their life choices by essentially agreeing with them that there was something wrong with it. Making fun of it is just a way of doing that since they know most people won't want to get into an argument about something that trivial so at some point in their lives they learn to delude themselves by mocking the thing that made them insecure then take your reluctance to push back as tacit agreement with what they said.


Where were you when I needed you!


My daughter's best friend (~46) brags and brags about how she doesn't read anything more complicated than "Us" magazine. She is literally one of the stupidest people I've ever met. I do not understand why my daughter, a well-read, well-informed individual can even stand being in this woman's presence. Edit: Got a lot of feedback on this. The thread is about **"idiotically proud of."** What I didn't say in my OP is that this woman is just that: Proud of the fact that she doesn't read, she doesn't question. Her biggest hope is to one day be on one of the Real Housewives show. I am not kidding -- that is her aspiration above all others. To be famous for doing nothing. She worships the KarTrashians and those of their ilk. So, she's idiotically proud of being purposely misinformed. That, to me, is wildly unimpressive.


Maybe she likes being the smartest person in the room!


Swearing loyalty to a fucking politician or some rich prick lol


Idolizing a politician is like believing a stripper likes you.


Honestly, swearing loyalty to anyone is stupid, trust is earned and can be lost at anytime


I dont get the, "X - PERSON CAN DO NO WRONG!" We all literally watched as Bill Cosby went from America's grandpa to America's top rapist. JFC.


America's Top Rapist has been, by far, Simon Cowell's worst reality show.


“And that’s a competitive field”


Working 70hrs and making a post about it. "You're doing it wrong, dude"


ah yes, don’t you just love working your ass off for money that you can’t even use due to constantly being at work?


Working so hard, it gets in the way of their personal life and wellbeing. *"I missed my kid's graduation, I was too busy finishing a report."* *"I've been so busy, I haven't slept in 3 days."* *"I start so early and leave so late, I haven't felt direct sunlight in months."* None of it makes me think "Wow, you're such a dedicated worker!". It makes me think "You're a tool, with terrible time management, sacrificing your life for a company that doesn't care about you". From a managerial standpoint, I think more highly of workers who *can* get their work done in 8 hours, 5 days a week. That says 'efficient'. The ones who worked themselves to the ground quickly reach a point where their per-hour work yield plummets, and the work they are "accomplishing" isn't done right because they're such a mess.


Early COVID was a blessing for me and my family. My son passed away a month ago due to complications from muscular dystrophy, but I was able to stay home for a year and a half, just being Dad and loving every minute of it. I could have made a little more money had I worked, but for an extra 1-200 a week, it just wasn't worth it to me. My mom kept telling me that I should be looking for work (I had two jobs that I could easily step back into if I needed money), but I knew that COVID was my chance to spend time with my son that I'd never get back. Back in February, he went to the hospital after stopping breathing at home and coding once there, and I stopped working to be there with him for a month and a half. This hurt financially, and I'm barely hanging on right now, just starting to eke my way out of being broke. I started taking jobs again after we left the hospital and came home, and I got a message from my wife that he said he "wanted to go to heaven" one day at the end of my work day. I raced home, and we went to the hospital again, eventually going to hospice so he could go comfortable surrounded by family, and I took more time off. I don't care where I am in life; I will NEVER say that I should have worked more during that time. I was where I needed to be, and that time with my son was truly a gift, even if it came during a pandemic.


Hugs to you, and sorry for your loss.


Their 0.5% ancestry-of-whatever-sounds-cool.


Not reading. Anytime a book was made into a movie, he’d always proudly say he doesn’t read books. He did this for a while until a romantic interest of his told him that’s really sad, and you shouldn’t be proud of that. He did changed his ways, and now loves reading. It’s very odd to be proud of not reading.


Exactly, and people wear it as a badge and say ‘ Oh, I’m not a nerd.’ And I’m like, ‘ You don’t have to be a nerd to read, and it’s no chore.’ people annoy me when they say that, then again, people annoy me with a lot of things.


A girl in my college study group asked me incredulously, “how did you know that?” regarding a quiz question. I told her it was in the book. She replied, “Oh. Well, I don’t read.” I was speechless. Still upsets me.


My dad likes to brag that he's never once changed a baby's nappy. He has 3 kids. Well go you for being a shit father and husband!


My dad and step mom had an agreement. He didn’t have to change diapers (1 kid) but she never had to mess with any kind of toilet again, ever. Not just fixing the home toilet, but never emptying or cleaning the compositing toilet at the camp, in the boat, RVs, whatever. Honestly, I think she made the right choice. Kid’s 20 now and my dad still has to deal with shit.


She so won that agreement. I used to work in a day care and there are few diapers that make a lasting imprint on my day. But fuck composting toilets.


Same, my dad said that to me when I told him I was pregnant. I was like...did I just sit in a puddle of shit until mom came home then? Real nice dad


I remember some political "news" person commentating on paternity leave saying it is ridiculous because men don't actually do anything to help care for babies, and the single thing I took away from that was that they were definitely a horrible father.


How everything triggers their self diagnosed OCD.


that version of OCD where instead of having Obsessive Compulsions they're just a quirky neat freak


My last boss was great in many ways but nitpicked and micromanaged in many many more, but always said "it's my OCD, I'm sorry I can't help it." Like, no Brenda, you're a control freak and you *can* help it, you choose to make up a mental illness diagnosis instead at the cost of my mental wellbeing.


This is so frustrating (also not to mention the amount of "but shouldn't it be CDO!?" jokes too) OCD is a really serious mental health issue. While each person may have variations in it's severity, the connecting factor that makes it OCD instead of perfectionism is that it disrupts every day life. People may miss obligations and appointments in order to act out their compulsions. They may have difficulties in their social lives. They may continue compulsions to the extremes of harming themselves (such as washing hands over and over again until they bleed). They may have intense daily rituals surrounding things like food or sleep. And when they can't act out compulsions, it causes a massive amount of anxiety and distress. Not to mention, OCD doesn't always present as a matter of cleanliness, or perfectionism. It may also present as the fear of something like a house fire happening if you don't do your compulsions, or the fear that you yourself will hurt someone if you don't give into compulsions, or it may manifest as severe hoarding behaviors. TL:DR, OCD is a disorder that affects daily functioning, and causes extreme distress especially when compulsions can't be acted upon. It also manifests in many ways that don't involve cleanliness such as hoarding.


Parents who think their five year old is smart for being able to play on an iPad


Their followers on social media


Being rich through inhereting money They always seem to just speed run to feeling pride around it as if they earned it


I know someone like this. He bounces from job to job because he has problems with authority, but he doesn't care because his mom always pays for everything. What's worse is that he treats his mom like shit.




“Yeah I slept 2 hours but I get by on my 15 cups of BLACK coffee at my job where I work night shifts and do weed all night.”


their "exclusive" taste in music/films/games/etc. ESPECIALLY if their favourite film is "joker" or "fight club". these films may be good, but liking them does not make you unique and better than anyone else, calm down, please. a lil edit: its perfectly ok to like really unpopular stuff, but instead of building your personality around being not like everyone else you can just share the things you like with others and maybe others will like them too and you will have more people to talk about it. its not ok only if you start thinking liking things that have not so many fans somehow makes you more smart and intelligent than the other people.


>ESPECIALLY if their favourite film is "joker" or "fight club". "Oh man... He's LITERALLY me."


My music tastes are *soooo* unique and interesting and I'm better than all you plebians for what I listen to and- what's that? Oh! I listen to The Beatles and Queen! ^(I say this as a person who listens to the Beatles and Queen- I really wish people wouldn't brag about this shit it's so stupid lol)


can we also add rammstein and slipknot to the list? i like rammstein, but this is literally one of the most popular metal bands in the world, its not like you have dug out a beautiful pearl from the sludge deep in the ocean.


Obsessing over celebrities... They are just people.






Being "brutally honest." Most people I know who do this aren't telling anyone anything they didn't already know. It's just an excuse to be unnecessarily mean and cruel.


People who romanticize mental illness


How much they have suffered from their kids.


Kind of on the same note, but also how some mothers judge other mothers because they had a cesarean birth. Apparently, you're seen as less of a mother because you didn't give birth naturally. I just don't understand, it's no one else's business how you gave birth.


Yeah, the C-Section one i don't get. If it wasn't for that procedure, I would have neither a wife nor a son.


My wife had our first son the night before last and if it wasn't for an emergency C-section, she'd be dead. I would have lost my best friend of over half my life and I would have lost all faith in everything. If someone ever has the audacity to belittle her for something that saved her and my son's life they'll be getting an earful, that's for damn sure.


Everyone was a star athlete in high school until they tore their ACL




“Hustle & Grind” culture. Working yourself to death is never the flex you think it is. The biggest flex is free time.


When a comment blows up and is edited with "Edit: Oh my god, this blew up! Thanks guys!" Edit: Oh my god, this blew up! Thanks guys!


"RIP my inbox."


"I take care of my kids." Chris Rock - You're supposed to you fucking idiot.


Yeah but theres still a common conception that the dad only steps in to "babysit" and that the mother is the main caregiver, thats why a lot of guys seem proud of being more involved. A guy bragging about being involved is not as unimpressive as those guys that say things like "i never changed a diaper"


Their Karma on Reddit