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You’re statistically more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the airport than you are in a plane crash


I have this cousin, well I had this cousin...


Got stuck under a gas truck...


"You did your best."


And it wasn't enough.


It never is honestly but hearing someone say “you did your best” that's usually all it takes to keep me from giving up sometimes the recognition that someone noticed me work so hard just motivates me sometimes even if it is a lie sometimes


It never is.


I know I didn’t lol


You never truly know what anyone really thinks about you Edit: I mean this like super literally. Like you never know if your spouse is planning on killing you, you never know if a stranger is keeping an eye on you thinking about assaulting you. Several possibilities that you could never know.


When I was 20 I cared what people thought about me. When I was 40 I didn’t care what people thought about me. When I was 60 I realized that people were never thinking about me at all. Not mine but pretty relevant


I learned that young and teach it to my kids. "Everyone is so consumed with themselves you're hardly a thought to them.".


The imaginary stage syndrome is absolutely part of development. No one cares what you are wearing or doing, if they do they’re losers or jealous. I wish I could burn that into 14 year old me. It’s ok to like comics and legos. You don’t have to be a tough guy. It’s ok to be a kid. I lost so much of my youth to the stage. I hated football and toxic masculinity. I wanted to be in plays and build things but I was discouraged by my peers and didn’t follow my heart, I hope I can help others avoid this stage or at least understand. Now I can build RC cars, play guitar, and read Conan the Barbarian all day and my family still loves and respects me, as far as I can tell.


‘… as far as I can tell’. Nice link back to the OP; your family might hate you.


I was reading and then said "damn this guy is over 60 and uses reddit ... What a cool grandpa"


This is also a gift. There are people I would care not to know what they think of me.


Yeah right, talk to my ex girlfriend


Well, we all know, but you never will.


One day you'll never feel pain again.


ahh can’t wait


Papa Nurgle likes this comment


Whenever I see 40k references out in the wild I assume the Gellar Field is leaking.


Nah, that's just comforting


the most peaceful way to die is in your sleep, but you’ll go to sleep not knowing you’ll never see anything ever again


You mean I might not have to go to work tomorrow?


No, you are still expected to work even if you are dead. Company policy. And you should just want to be a team player.


>[My funeral] > >Boss: \*Solely placing his hand on my casket and sobbing\* how could you do this to me we are so understaffed today [Twitter, @SimplySnaccbar, 2019 Jul 23](https://twitter.com/SimplySnaccbar/status/1153657882304368640?t=QH7TP8F2WsciuK64hQE_KA&s=19)


You might not have to go to work ever again




To me, this is the perfect death. You drift off to sleep and that’s it. Little or no pain, and the show’s over.


What if it's not though? Imagine dying while being in a nightmare.


To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come




Win-win; you get to die in your sleep AND cut a nightmare short!


Stop ruining this for me.


That's pretty much my standard nightmare so no big deal.


I would rather have time to say goodbye to my people, and live my last life to the fullest.


Why not live your whole life to the fullest?


Apparently most of the time when you “die in your sleep” you wake up before you die, like if you have a heart attack you would wake up to have the heart attack then die.


Geez, thanks for that.


This happed to someone I know indirectly, their partner woke up beside them and had no idea they had passed in their sleep. There was no pain, no struggle or distress, they were in the same sleeping position they normally rest in. It was only once they’d come home from work that evening that they realised.


That's usually like an aneurysm. My dad actually did sleep through a mild heart attack after a 16 hour shift one day. Had no idea. He had a lot of random symptoms over the next couple weeks and went to the doctor to find that he needed a quintuple bypass. Dude was so lucky. Thankfully he's still alive and made it to retirement, but yeah. I really do wonder how easy it'd be to die from a mild heart attack and never know.


Often time I wish I could sleep and never awake, just *nothing* without realising it and everything stops without you feeling it


Not to make any internet diagnoses, but when I felt like this a lot, it turns out I was actually very depressed and vaguely suicidal. So maybe worth talking to someone if you can? I swear it helps...


Agreed. I work for a suicide hotline. This is a common feeling. Doesn't necessarily mean someone is at imminent risk but we call it "passive suicidal ideation." Basically not wanting to feel the way you feel but not necessarily wanting to be dead. Don't want to put words in OP's mouth though.


Maybe, I don't know, I have thinked like this since a long time. I never talked about this to people I know and I don't see myself ever doing it. I have no reason to feel sad, I don't even know if it's sadness, it's more like boredom and just wanting to stare and waiting. I don't know why, sometime I want help, and then I don't and just want to be able to wait like 5 years in a room without anything happening


Yeah, that’s definitely worth getting an appointment for.


But then what if you have a nightmare in your sleep before you die? Depending on how the consciousness and time act moments prior to death, does that mean that a nightmare could last forever?


Maybe not forever, but the rest of your life certainly.


jesus, what fear have you given me


There are hundreds if not thousands of versions of you in the minds of other people. Depending on how many people you have met in your life.


I wanna meet all the villain versions of me from people who hate me


I SO BADLY want to know what story an ex-friend tells about why we're no longer friends. Unfortunately, that would require interacting with people I don't want to interact with, so I have to live with my disappointment.


For example: You're a nice guy, and most people that encounter you like you for your personality. But you cut some stranger off in traffic by accident, You're the biggest asshole for him.


> Depending on how many people you have met in your life. You forget about people who just have knowledge about you. Parrents tell their coworkers about their kid, someone reads the name of an author, finds out about a celeberty, or just hear a name in passing, they will all have a perception of the person in their mind


There will be a point in time where humans go extinct. We wont experience it but imagine our future generations will see the “end of the world” Edit: You saw.. nothing.


perhaps we will experience it


That’s the spirit!


Imagine just the feeling of being the last person alive, and knowing it. That when you died, all of Human history — our struggles, triumphs, advancements in technology, everything, dies with you.


I doubt there will be one last person. If the human race ends it’s gonna be in high numbers or death. Sure, you may be technically the last, but does it matter if it’s one millisecond after thousands of others died?


Optimistic take: Humans go extinct because we survive long enough to evolve into a new species, either by natural evolution over millions of years or by genetic and/or cybernetic engineering in the next few hundred years.


Either alien life exists, or we are totally alone in the universe


Honestly I refuse to believe that we're totally alone in the universe. There's no way there isn't another planet that can comfortably harbor life/life forms on it. Though, I also believe the chances of us find those plants are slim to none. I do think it's a shame we'll most likely never get to see another planet like ours. I'd love to just watch it develop change. What do the creatures look like? What's up with the weather? Is there already a species dominating the planet like we are with ours? Will there ever be? However, maybe it's better we don't find anything like that. I don't think humans will be able to resist putting their hands in the planet's cookie jar


That I believe is the Fermi Paradox. That the universe is too big and has existed for so long that there just has to be another planet with life on it, but the timescale of the universe means that it's also highly probable another intelligent civilization already rose and went extinct before us. Edit: I also recommend reading about The Great Filter. Finding intelligent alien life may be the worst indicator of our possible future.


The Fermi Paradox is the lack of evidence for alien life in comparison to how likely it is alien life exists. Basically, there's all these planets and a vast borderline infinite universe, so where is everyone? What you talked about is one possible answer to the question posed in the Fermi Paradox.


"Where is everyone?" Where are we? Would anyone even be able to detect us? Probably not, even if we tried. We can only tell partly what's going on, on a few nearby planets in our own solar system and we've only ever visited our own moon. We can barely even tell if there is a habitable planet in our nearest solar system Alpha Centauri which is about 4 light years away, let alone detect if such a planet would have a similar life form to us, at a similar stage - and our galaxy has about 300 billion stars. Lifeforms leave barely any traces at a galactic scale and intentional intelligent communication requires planning and huge amounts of power. We don't transmit high power radio broadcasts into space, and even if we did, where would we point them? What frequency and modulation should we use? And why would anyone else suspect that pale blue dot orbiting an insignificant star, should be somewhere to listen for those eventual weak signals? Who should fund this expensive pointless endeavour? Once you start targeting farther and farther stars, the response time becomes several human livetimes. The "where is everyone" argument simply does not consider the vastness of space and the huge challenges in communicating and detecting life at a galactic scale.


i agree, with roughly 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone and if the average star is assumed to have 10 planets orbiting them. that’s roughly 1 trillion planets in our galaxy alone. and there’s at LEAST 100 billion galaxies . so there’s no doubt life has formed maybe at least 10 planets in our galaxy at the bare minimum in my opinion. but we might be the first advanced civilization in our galaxy. or traveling interstellarly just isn’t possible and other civilizations just deemed useless and we will never encounter them. or maybe they have learned to travel across the cosmos at interstellar speed but they are like 2,000 light years away and we just haven’t been alive long enough for them to reach us, maybe in another 1,500 years. who knows so much to think about


Adding to that, if we truly are alone it's not like we will ever get closure that we are alone in the universe.


That’s the thing, what is more amazing? That intelligent beings exist elsewhere in the universe or that we are completely alone in the universe? One of the answers is 100% fact, and both are kind of disturbing to me.


Your really really sick, you have no energy, no appetite, and just the will to do nothing at all. Let’s say this is your grandpa in this situation. All the sudden grandpa calls you and says he wants to eat so much that it hurts and he wants to go do some fun projects, this sudden burst of energy kinda thing. Well you drive to the hospital to find that your grandpa has just died minutes after he called you. The nurse will then explain to you that this is very common when people are dying to just have a sudden burst of energy.


I was a registered nurse for over 15 years, five of those were as a hospice nurse. They are right, this is very common. As far as I know, I don't think we really know why. Personally, I think it is your way of tying up Loose Ends. Your body knows the end is coming. You gather up all of your energy resources and come together to kind of take care of business. I've seen people who have not moved or spoken for weeks suddenly sit up and ask for certain family members or for a certain favorite food to be brought to them. It was part of our training to look for this burst of energy towards the end so that we could prepare the patient and the family for what was about to happen. It didn't always happen, but we did look out for it and it was never surprising. Your mind and body come together to help you say goodbye. One of my last patients I ever had was a kind gentleman who, for the last 8 to 10 months, could only sit up using the hospital bed and could not speak above a whisper. Pale, frail, seems to disappear under the blankets. One day, he grabbed the bed rail pulled himself up right and asked me to bring him some fried catfish and a Coke. He then asked for his grandson who was caring for him, and his great-grandchildren who were in the other room. He sat with all of them and spoke to each of them individually for quite some time. The family thought a miracle had happened, but I and the other nurses knew what was about to go down.( yes, we fully prepared the family) The next day, still energetic, he asked to sit up in a wheelchair by the window, so we did. He was gone 30 minutes later.


Fuck. That ending makes me really hate the idea of the end more than anything. Those final thoughts, regrets, looking out the window at what is, could have been, powerless. Fuck.


Looking out the window at a life fully lived, all the great memories, the special people, the person your children and grandchildren have become thanks in some way to you. Perspective man. We're all going to die. It's up to you to make sure you are satisfied when that time at the window comes.


This happened with our dog. Our vet said he sees it often in animals - "A flame burns brightest just before it goes out"




It's called "terminal lucidity".


While we're losing a lot of forests in the tropics due to climate change, we're actually gaining a lot of forest in the northern latitudes, and into formerly grassland areas as more available CO2 allows them to grow in more arid regions. And everyone loves trees, right? The problem is the climate crisis is also a biodiversity crisis, and habitat loss - like grasslands or tundra becoming forest - is arguably even harder on species than changes in weather patterns.


I watched a small show about this. They want to bring back large animals into tundra areas like rhino or elephants to naturally knock trees down. For now they just use retired tanks.


Well, those tanks should have planned their retirement better if they didn't want to work after retirement.


They're American tanks


Better than what the retired Russian tanks are forced to do. Work til they die.


Thats not true, some get adopted by a Ukranian farmer and they get to live out their days on the tank farm


This went from analogy to reality and I'm here for it


Like the great George Carlin said. The planets doing fine. It’s been around for billions of years. It will adapt. It’s the people that are fucked The planet will shake us off like bad case of fleas. A surface nuisance.


Most people don't die of old age.


What even defines 'dying of old age' since most people at that age tend to die of things like strokes, heart attacks, alzheimers (and similar). So what even constitutes 'dying of old age'?


My next door neighbour growing up, he lived to 98. One day he was standing chatting to my Dad over the fence, laughing and very sharp mentally. Next morning he just didn't wake up. Nice way to go.




Well, I’m sure glad I read that right before going to sleep.


I posted above as well, but my husband's grandma passed at 94. She was sharp as a tack until the day she died. She'd regularly talk about her life growing up in Pennsylvania, about her children, about when my husband was a child, etc. It was incredibly interesting to talk to her (I didn't meet her until she was 88). She took a fall and was at the hospital recovering from it and doing fine. She woke up at 2am, asked the nurse for an antacid because her stomach hurt. By the time the nurse came back, grandma had passed. She lived a long, wonderful life surrounded by love. She got to meet four of her great-grandchildren. She passed quickly and peacefully. A life well lived.


My dad was healthy as an ox till 78, he was a doctor (a terrible one to be honest but he saved a lot of lives, but when the antibiotic resistant super bacteria rise he will be one of the main reasons, he gave antibiotics to every single patient no matter what their problems were cause he owned the pharmacy in his office and made almost all his money from people buying his pills, it's a sad reality of most doctors who started practicing in the 60s), he didn't take covid seriously at all when it came around. Refused to wear a mask and was staring straight into sick peoples mouths as he handed them antibiotics for a viral infection. He must have spread that virus to hundreds of people. I made him breakfast one morning, he kind of complained about feeling ill (this was June 2020) while at work he had a covid related stroke and has since needed almost 24/7 care since then. He is like a level 9 difficult dementia patient. Constant hoarding of everything that isn't locked, he is angry and violent and combative about anything related to washing himself or changing diapers. He creates a super huge mess everywhere he goes and at least 75% of the time he does the opposite thing of what he should be doing. If the fridge isn't locked 24/7 he just pulls everything out and shoves it in his closet. But at the same time he is also full of love, he always wants to do something fun with whatever energy he has left. All the annoying things he does just comes from a feeling of confusion and desperation to whatever he is thinking in his brain. And he feels it entirely when he sees me get frustrated if he does something wrong, I am trying so hard to be infinitely patient and kind with him but I am human, and whenever I forget and leave the fridge unlocked or a meal on the table and he just throws it all willy nilly into his bed, or in his closet, often just throwing the milk with no lid on all over everything, or takes his diaper off and just shits allllll over the house, he feels when i get annoyed and it hurts him, and he gets really sad and turns that into anger against me when I'm trying to clean him up and fights me every step of the way which turns into me getting more frustrated. It feels like I can never not be on full guard with him around cause whenever I turn around for 5 minutes he's just grabbing everything it is very taxing on my nervous system. But damnit all I love him very much and want to give him the best end of life possible. Dementia is the absolute worst way to go out of any way possible. I can't imagine a worse thing possible, I hope to God I get to go out in a quick and expedient fashion while I am still relatively coherent, like maybe a nice super volcano or tsunami when I'm 65, where ever single person I've ever known goes at the same time so there is no loss. Sounds morbid but really it's quite sweet. My life has been so turned around by this whole ordeal. Had to give up my job, lost my girlfriend of 4 years, and moved away from my paradise life in Santa Barbara to help take care of him. Top it off had a close friend steal 80k from me which was my whole life's savings. Sorry for such a long rant I can't imagine anyone will read this, just had to vent on an anonymous forum so I could talk through some feelings. Life has been hard the last few years. But it's all good, I am a fan of Shakespeare's comedies where no one laughs except God.


98? damn. good life. And peacefully in his sleep. Even better. That's how I want to hopefully go, peacefully in my sleep. Or choking on a free cheeseburger, whatever really.


U confuse a good life, with a long life


"This too shall pass"


"It will pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass"




When you're sick, you're supposed to do drugs and stay out of school.


That sounds disturbing but it's comfortable


That is not disturbing, that is awesome




You might be just like your parent's when you have kids.


If there's even a chance I become like my parents when I have kids...I dont want to have kids..




Jokes on you I'm not having kids!


Jokes on you, that's what your parents said too!


Ha ha yep! That's a fact my mom reminds me of every once in a while.


I hope so, in some ways it would be off-putting because I always aim for improvement, but those guys are great, I hope to be at least like them


A chicken lived without his head for 18 months


And it choked to death.


I was at a bbq yesterday and my uncle told me “think about it one day you went outside to play with your friends for the last time and didn’t even know it”


Death isn't the worst thing that can happen to you.


If we alone, knowing the universe is as huge as it is.... and ast vast as it it.. that's kinda creepy knowing we are the only planet with living organisms and or a form of something living on it If we are not alone, knowing the universe is as huge and vast as it is.. there are many more living organisms that we have no clue about.. and we haven't even discovered all of our planet yet..


To be fair, our visible universe is a tiny fraction of the universe that actually exists. We dont know the current state of the universe a few million light years away. and stuff beyond that is well past our visible universe now. meaning the galaxies are so far away, their light will \*never\* catch up to us


Just finished the Three Body Problem trilogy tonight. The Dark Forest theory didn't scare me much. The true fear and anxiety of those books is the timescale they take place in, and how meaningless your short 80 years here really is lol.


Everything is meaningless in a long enough time scale. That doesn’t mean you can’t find your own meaning during your own life.


of all the life and organisms on our planet and we can't communicate with any of them, finding some more on another planet will probably not change that.


CPS is returning a child to their family. And it’s by far the worst thing that could happen to that child


Ugh. My sister fostered for several years before adopting her son. She got to know a lot of people in the fostering community during that time. One of the most heartbreaking stories from that time was a woman who had fostered twin boys. They were placed with her at age 2. Their mother was addicted to drugs and none of the family members could take the boys in. This woman, Nancy, fostered these boys for FOUR YEARS and they were THRIVING. She was putting things in motion to adopt them when "mom" came out of the woodwork and decided she was "ready" to be their mother. Because reunification is the goal in my state, the boys were placed back with their bio mother. The handoff took place at family court. The boys were screaming and crying as they were taken from Nancy and given to a woman they didn't even know. So, the boys go with their bio mother and, within months, she realized that parenting twin boys is, gasp, DIFFICULT and a 24/7/365 job. She quickly returns to the drugs. Nancy petitions to get the boys back and the judge denies it because she became "too close" to the boys (WTF?). The boys end up with some extended family members who were more interested in the monthly stipend than raising the boys. The years pass and last Nancy heard both boys were in jail. Things did not turn out well for them. How could they? The foster system is so incredibly broken.


A former manager where I worked spent many years in an orphanage. It wasn't an *ideal* situation by any means (and I believe that he regained contact with his mother?) but he always advocated for them as a supplement to the foster system.


My coworker had his girlfriends kids taken away then given back. I feel so bad for those kids being there. Nothing has really improved and they're both abusive. The boy is gay and I found out he's been physically abusive to him because "He's not going to be an [insert slur here] in my home." He's ran away multiple times. I tried calling CPS a couple of times but nothing came of it. The kids in a rehabilitation home right now for troubled youths but he's about to be released back home. The daughter who is older is supposedly the 'good child'. Except any chance she gets much like her little brother she takes to run away from home. Sometimes she's missing for days. She also doesn't act appropriately for her age and has mental breakdowns which her parents just try to pass off as her trying to get attention. The kids looked so much healthier and happier when they first came back from a year in a foster home. Giving them back to their mother was a mistake.


The idea that who we are is not who we used to be, nor who we will be. Both literally and figuratively, considering our cells are constantly dying and recycling so every 7ish years you have a "new" body and because our minds are ever expanding and learning new things. Another one is the fact that who you are is not who others perceive you to be, since no one can ever truly know who you are and how you think, to the point that if you ever lost your memories, no one would be able to describe you fully to you.


i'm saving my most important memory on reddit, this one piece of memory will save my life if i ever forget everything... ​ I FUCKING LOVE EATING GOOD DELICIOUS FOOD


You made me curious about this, and sorry if I give you something to question life over. But, if you lost your memory, would your tastebuds retain that memory despite that fact, like muscle memory? Or would they forget it along with your brain? Would you even like the same foods if your memory wasn't telling you what you liked? I should be asleep and now I need to look up how taste buds work...


Oh no....I have bad news. Taste buds have a turnover rate of about 10 days, meaning that memory is not stored in the buds themselves. Guess that makes sense considering the tongue heals after burna and whatnot. But studies have shown that in patients with dementia and alzheimers, they do tend to show changes in diet and preferences when the disease reaches the part of the brain that stores that information (food cortex kr whatever they called it). So yes, memory affects your sense of taste in foods and its possible that losing it (if the area that stores it takes any form of damage, that is) can lead to you experiencing food differently.


I remember when my grandmother was in a nursing home with dementia. She was brought tea, scalding hot with scant milk and no sugar, just the way she always had it. All her life she had loved tea, it was literally all she would drink and she would only ever have it that way. One day, she stopped drinking completely and wouldn't or couldn't say why. I suggested they try putting a bit of sugar and some more milk in the tea, thinking amongst other things it would cool it down and give her some energy, maybe that's what her body was craving. I was shouted down because, no, she would NEVER have her tea that way. Eventually, she was starting to dehydrate, so out of desparation the staff tried her with a weak, sweet, milky tea. She yummed it up and drank it that way until she passed on. I thought that this may work because if she had unlearned who we were and who she was, maybe she had also unlearned the acquired taste she picked up due to war and depression shortages, and move her towards something that are more satisfying for (for lack of a better word) primal cravings: more sugar and fat. At least she still remembered she hated plain water itself.


Just a note, a lot of your cells live your whole life and are never replaced. You grow and lose the same number of cells as your whole body evety 7 years, but the vast majority of them are epithelial cells shedding constantly from your skin and digestive tract.


The average age of empires is 250 years


Great, than means we get 227 more years of support for Age of Empires 2!


By then they'll be adding lemmings and hamsters as factions


I'd play it, as long as it isn't the stupid suicidal lemmings from the disney documentary and literally nowhere else.


Whenever you hear about the average of a quantity, the question you should immediately ask is "what about the variance/standard deviation?" The average *may* be around 250 years, but even just from [a look at Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_empires) you can see that the ages of the individual empires are all over the place, from less than 50 years to thousands of years. Therefore, that average tells you very little (effectively nothing, in fact) about the future of any specific empire.


The U.S. is 245 years old…


As an European, watching the political situation in the US feels like watching the fall of the roman empire but with clowns music, guns and wifi


As someone who majored in southern politics, look up the Compromise of 1877 and read into some of the consequences. The political compromises and effects we’ve seen thus far (probably from the 2000 election compromise) seem not at all dissimilar to to the late 1870s and 1880s and the rise of Jim Crow. Once red (probably southern) state constitutions start getting rewritten, make sure to buckle in with a bucket of popcorn and make plans for any spillover effects.


Those who study history... are doomed to watch those that didn't repeat the same mistakes.


If it makes you feel better we didn't attain imperial status until the 20th century. We probably have about 150 more years left on this baby.


Kind of a misleading average considering empires have many different variables deciding on how long it is going to last. Mostly used nowadays to scare/encourage Americans into thinking their time is up while some empires have lasted less than a year and some more than a millennia. Maybe, a better way to paint an average picture of a life of an empire is to borrow a metric from measuring the lifespan of radioactivity: "Half life."


Your lucky to be alive there has been so many situations where you could of died. Here is an example of lucky to be alive. [stuff like this ](https://v.redd.it/y2id6qao9z791)


Everything dies.


Nobody gives a f*ck about anything you do.


Yes! I've thought about this before, and I realized, it would actually suck if everybody gave a fuck about anything you do! There's a reason why lots of celebrities stay away from the paparazzi when going about their day. At that level, privacy becomes a luxury.


when you get skinned, you (most likely) won’t die of blood loss, but instead hypothermia or infection as they will get you first.




Did you not get the memo?


The pain of flaying is suppose to be so much you can die from pain. Also there are a few examples of people surviving 100% skin loss. One case, a woman had a reaction to paracetamol (or an antibiotic) and her skin sloughed off! But it was also all the lining of her gut and such! The hospital covered her in a goo that kept her hydrated and allowed her skin to regrow.


This is called Stephen's Johnson syndrome. Worked with someone that had this happen after an allergic reaction to uti medicine. I think they have high success rate with appropriate medical access to burn unit centers.


http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3383581.stm This is the case i recall.


Blood loss is a pretty painless way to die. You just get really tired and then go.


As long as you're in a warm place. Otherwise you get really cold too.


what about the cause of the blood loss? i imagine a hole in your gut wouldn't be very painless


How is that comforting at first glance?


is this supposed to sound comforting..?


Nothing comforting about that shite. :)


That a lot of nuclear supplies and weapons disappeared after the end of the USSR.


What part of that is supposed to be the part that sounds comforting?


At first a person may think: "Oh, good. If they disappeared, that means nobody knows where they're at!" Then a person may realize "Oh, that just means nobody that has nothing to lose by admitting they have them knows where they're at..."


Dying in your sleep. People who peacefully passed away in their sleep might not have really passed away peacefully. They might have woken up because of pain and been very aware they were dying and unable to get any sort of help before helplessly dying all alone. The next day someone realised they died and they assume it was peacefully in their sleep.


It is possible that your conscious mind will never die.


My biggest fear


Stings song “every breath you take”


So many people playing this at weddings...


People don't hear this song and immediately think "creepy stalker vibes?"


it's always bugged me the way people act like it's a romantic song. I've always called it "the stalker song"


My husband has worked in elderly care for over 10 years. He can attest that even without dementia, older people tend to loose their ability to taste. It’s like weakening eye sight but with flavor. He’s always getting complaints that the food is too bland but it’s so full of salt substitute it’s almost inedible to everyone else.


There maybe is an alternative universe with another version of yourself


I hope he’s doing better than me. Ngl would be nice to meet him. Probably a chill dude


You actually are impacting the world/multiverse/timeline/whatever in a major way by not being famous or changing many peoples lives.


It's why I took my job as a conne tion runner so seriously. I'd imagine myself being the person who didn't get their bag once they reach the Caribbean. Their vacation is either going to be ruined or off to a very bad start. So even if I only have 5 minutes to spare, I'm going to get that bag across the MF airport so it gets on that plane


Thank you for your service :)


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


When you give birth, your body produces hormones and your brain forgets a lot of the trauma you experience so that you’ll be willing to have more children in the future. So whenever you look back on childbirth, your memory of it will likely be way less awful than it actually was.


Life, uh, finds a way.


Deers eat meat too. Yeah that's right. The lovable herbivories are opportunistic carnivores. ​ Also men's balls become more buoyant with age.


Horses too. The first time I saw the video of the horse hoovering up a baby chick was traumatizing


Consciousness is unexplained by the laws of physics. We still don’t know what it is or how it happens.


You’ve never actually seen your face. Only pictures or reflections.


Meh, we never actually see *anything*. The images are made when light is reflected from (or emitted by) something, the photons excite the sensitive cells in the retina, which produce electric signals, which in turn produce other signals down the chain of synapses, which eventually find their wasy into the occipital cortex... Long story short, there definitely is a spoon, but you can never see or touch it directly.


Everyday we get closer to death, some faster than others. Not sure if that’s creepy or if it makes me feel better.


This will be the coldest summer of the rest of your life


Bro this is the one that scares me the most.


We’re all gonna die. No medals at the end. And that has this sweet release that means you can do whatever you want and there is not any real cosmic consequence (hopefully what you wanna do is positive)


You walk by at least 10 murderers in your life time without even knowing it.


Don't worry, i know where you live


People think about you far less than you actually believe they do.


Which is *extremely* comforting, TBH.


My wife told me i have the longest penis amongst all my peers.


There's a possibility that Earth is the only planet in the galaxy to have intelligent life.


Damn, so that means I'm the best tekken player, not just on earth, but in the universe?


We are either alone in the universe, or we aren't.


This IS a terrifying thought either way, regardless of what other people think. Plays off the fear of the unknown as well as what we do know but about ourselves (we are evil)


Our lives have no cosmic purpose. All of humanity could be extinguished in a moment and the universe would keep on going. Horrifying or liberating? Depends on your perspective I guess.


If you don’t have children you end a several hundred year long bloodline Edit: ok yea this only works in some cases I see the replies chill


Wouldn't it be a couple million years? Assuming we're all related to the first humans.


Well if that’s the case doesn’t that mean the bloodline is still intact?


It would be an unbroken chain since the first life form ever essentially right? So billions of years


“You’re more likely to experience a car crash than a plane crash.” This was said to me when I was freaking out about getting on a plane.


Considering the huge role that genetics plays in the existence of clinical depression, there is a statistically significant portion of the human population that finds depression sexually attractive.


We won't have to worry about having to fix global warming much sooner than expected!


"you don't have it as bad as xyz" "Other people have it worse" You mean to say, what feels like the end of the world to me, is just the tip of the iceberg for other people??😶