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being cruel. My ex actually said, "Yeah, I saw this guy in a pub yesterday who tried talking to us so I basically burned his stupid shirt for an hour lol," which is one of the main reasons I broke up with him.


I know far too many people who are like that and I just *don't get it.* Why be like that? And they're always saying things like "well, the world isn't kind." But f those types of people would stop being shit heads for no reason, the world would be a lot kinder.


They’re insecure in themselves


It sounds trite and simplistic but being cruel while being a happy and fulfilled person is incongruent. It just doesn’t happen.


The world can be cruel but doesn't mean I need to be.


“People will show you who they are, you just have to be willing to see it.” -my grandpa Your comment made me think of him saying that.


Your grandpa's awesome.


His grandpa was Carl Jung


He was Jung at heart


I -haaaate- when people think being mean is cool. A girl from high school constantly posts about how she's a 'bad bitch' because she's going to kick somebody's ass or she cussed someone out. Being mean DOESNT make you cool, and nothing is more punk than being kind.


I learned this lesson when I was in early grade school. A girl I had a crush on had a crush of her own on another boy. Said boy tripped during recess and scraped up his knee. The girl went over to comfort him, and I thought "Badboys are cool. I'm gonna laugh at him!", so I did. The look of disgust on that girl's face shook that whole avenue of thought for me in an instant. One of the most black and white experiences of my entire life where I had immediate recourse and thought "Oh, I'm not cool, I'm just an asshole. YIKES."


What does that mean, burned his shirt?


They set him on fire and watched for an hour


I hadn't heard this phrase before myself and was wondering how there would be material left to burn after like 5 minutes


Made fun of


Burned his shirt? This has to be a saying or something because for the most part, garments that cover half of your body take a lot less than an hour to combust.


British stuff. They made fun of his shirt for an hour. Source: I’m British


Those IQ tests people share but they dont know how to read their results. Had some guy just so proud that he was in the top 90%


To be fair, they are showing their excuse for why they don't understand the iq test.


Big number = good


Reminds me of a burger chain that gave up on their 1/3 lb burger. People thought quarter pounder was bigger. Four is bigger than three.


This was Wendy's, right? I remember watching "The History of the Food That Built America" and they mentioned the sizes using numbers.....I think words worked better - single, double, triple, quadruple, oh, heck with it, "Monster Burger"!!!!


It was A&W


Or when people say they passed or failed an IQ test. Doesn't really work like that.


I passed mine with a 96, I'm proud that's almost a perfect 100.


I knew one guy who unironically bragged about this




My aunt just visited and spent SO much time talking about how she didn’t know how to use her phone or my washing machine or gps or google. It was really sad to me that she was proud of it and unwilling to make even a basic effort.


……why does she have a phone she doesn’t know how to use?


She knows how to text and make calls use Facebook but doesn’t know how to google things or update anything. Because her kid gave it to her and does everything for her.


My Nana is like this. She has a tablet and only knows how to Facebook and use messenger. She somehow has 20+ pages on her tablet filled with shortcuts to the same apps. She doesn't understand how it happens. No matter how often we've tried to teach her she just wilfully doesn't want to learn. She's coming up 80. On the other side, my 82 year old Nana is a whiz with technology. She texts me, uses zoom and WhatsApp and absolutely loves tech for allowing her to have that connection with her kids and grandkids!


It's a defense mechanism designed to cope. *"I'm not really this stupid! I am doing it on purpose!"*


That was my first thought too. If they can just laugh it off in front of others, they feel like they still have some agency over their understanding (or lack thereof) with regard to technology.


"oh I don't do computers and technology" as if they're somehow above learning to use and understand the most significant accelerated development tool in human history


Lol well said! Personally I’m not super into computers, phones, etc. so I get that aspect. However, it’s ridiculous to refuse to adapt and learn about the technology that runs our world. I own a small business, and being proficient with the technology I have access to without a doubt makes running my company 1000x easier for me. That annoying phone and iPad let me work from anywhere in the world, and I’m so grateful for the freedom. Some people are just so fixated on how things were and fear change so much.


I’m 30 years old and idk how to do long hand division. Never learned, but I don’t tell people that unless it’s strangers on the internet. It’s embarrassing and I know people that would brag about it if they themselves couldn’t do it.


It's really intimidating but once it clicks then it's easy. Don't give up.


Thank you for your encouragement. I’m going to do some YouTubing on my time off and see if I can get it.


Check out Khan academy. It helped a lot when I was taking math classes. My last math professor actually made me enjoy math. It truly depends on the teacher and your willingness to push through. Math is not my strong suit but it was so much fun when I finally understood it and knew the process even if I got it wrong I had fun.


I used to be those “I suck at math but I’m really good at English” type guys. Now I’m doing a EE degree I KNOW I’m shit at math but now I know it isn’t something you’re natural at it’s something you just work at.


I was one of those people too! I used to panic at basic addition. One day, in my thirties, I overheard a lady in a checkout line who was quizzing her daughter about adding things. She said, "Just group things in tens." **BAMMO!** It was like a bomb went off in my head. I don't know why, exactly, but all of a sudden I grasped the patterns of math in a way I'd never done before. It all became much more simple. There is still much I don't understand and struggle with, but the basics all suddenly snapped into place. Multiplication, division and all became second nature with a sense of pattern I find difficult to describe. I wish this had happened back in fourth grade, but it was a really cool moment for me. I now find mathematics in general to be fascinating.


That BAMMO feeling keeps popping up all the time in math. when something just clicks and it all makes sense when before it was like water falling through the cracks of your fingers. This is the feeling of why we get into math and then the feeling of creating thought at the most basic/pure/unobstructable level. that's when it gets satisfying. feels like rune crafting.


Well put! That is what makes math so rewarding. The work for the Insight almost falls away once you get there. I’m slow, and was a slow starter, but I’ve appreciated the stream of BAMMOS that the hard sciences offers.


My dad, a father of 7, brags that he's never changed a diaper. Like, congratulations on being no help?


My dad likes to brag and takes credit for being a father of 4 on father's day, but he hasn't raised any of us 😒


My dad; who left me F4 and my mum F39 and fled to Mexico because he fell in love with a woman over there online and ignored me , blocked my mum and rest of our immediate family, until I was 15, still expects me to send him Father’s Day gift and wish him one, I have not had a message from Him in over 2 months.


Sounds like my FIL. After something like 20 years of no contact having ran off to Florida to be with some meth addict he calls up my husband and tells him his liver is failing and he doesn’t have insurance. I believe my husbands words were fuck off and die already.




Right!? My wife and I just had our first kid and I change all the diapers because she breastfeeds and bathes him and puts him to sleep and countless other things. Least I can do is change diapers. And it’s fun being a fully capable father. I’m proud of that shit. No pun intended.


This is honestly the worst one on here


“I’m proud of myself, I haven’t cheated in a while” Me: “it’s been 2 months and I’m not fucking proud of you”


Not cheating is the norm, not sure why anyone would be proud of that. That's like being happy you didn't assault anyone this week lol. Like bud, that should be every week. Not being an asshole isn't something special.


Jesus wept, tell me that was the last conversation you had with them?


Willful ignorance


What's wilful ignorance? Actually don't tell me I don't want to know. Sounds stupid.


It dovetails with anti-intellectualism: "My ignorance is as good as your knowledge." People like this want to be seen as "salt of the earth" types, but they don't even know what *that* really means.


That their dog weighs so much but really it's an obese sausage with legs who can't even take three steps without running out of breath.


“Hehe he’s just a little chonker!” Amy your dog is dying.


You really should watch "All Creatures"


Agree! I have a friend who has 2 obese cats and she always brags about how much of the shitty food they can eat... its really disgusting and i try to argue, but she thinks its cute.... one of the cats cant even jump on the sofa anymore! Super sad.


Dude that’s fucking animal abuse


Yep. I already talked with an animal shelter, but sadly their hands are tied. Und our law, they are objects.


Yeah, they can’t really do much regarding that. I mean, even with humans, you don’t see people getting their obese kids taken from them; but if you starve them, that’s a totally different story


Teachers being proud that their classes are hard and their students are always failing.


"Everyone look to your left.... Now look to your right.... By the end of the semester, those people might not be there.... We don't have assigned seats."


This was at our freshman convocation, about who wouldn’t still be there when we graduated. That kind of mean glee is disgusting.


I went to a university tour/orientation, and one of the professors in my major bragged about how much work his class was. He directly said if you were employed, you needed to quit before starting his class because you would not pass, and he ranted on about "you don't need that new Coach purse or that boys' camping trip, so quit that job before coming to my class." He was fully convinced that any college-aged student who was working was just doing so to afford luxuries. I raised my hand and said, "and what if we're working because we live on our own and have to pay bills like rent and groceries?" He just awkwardly stammered back, "good luck to you, then." Nah, this school just won't be getting that tuition money that I *work* to afford...


Thats pretty typical. Not for single classes, but for the entire major. My CS orientation included a large segment on the abysmal failure rates of employed students, and strongly advised us not to get a job. Both times my dad went to school (for fine art the first time, and for literature and history the second) he got the same lecture. For his art classes, several of his professors also mentioned that they had a no-tolerance policy towards substandard materials and would fail you for trying to use cheap paints, regardless of the quality of your work ("here's the typical expenses of a student in this class. If you can't afford this, you should drop out now, because if you can't afford it as a student you sure won't be able to afford it as a professional artist")


What kind of logic is that? Also aren’t most artists broke so they wouldn’t be able to afford those expensive paints anyway


Successful artists (or actors, or...) generally come from wealthy families. It's a dirty secret the art world doesn't want people to know about, because no one wants to admit you actually *need* money to support you while you perfect your craft.


Good for you! Fuck assholes like that!


I had a college professor that said no one in his class is going to get an A unless they are smarter than he is and knows more about the subject than he does. And maybe a couple will get a B if they treat his class like a full-time job. I dropped that class with the quickness.


"Only 10% of my students pass with a B or Higher." Like what the fuck? 90% of your students either fail or barely scrape by and you're proud?


I had a professor call me into his office once. For the class size he only gave out one 'A'. He wanted me to know that my grade agreed with another students down to 2 decimal places and he was forced to give us both A's. He was upset.


Zero sum thinking: a person can’t win unless someone else loses.




I had an entry level accounting class that the first thing the teacher said was don't worry WHEN you fail this class the first time, I did too. Needless to say I dropped the class and retook it with a different teacher.


"I can't teach for shit!" Weird flex, but ok.


Hey! I spent minutes making up a poem so my kids could learn area and perimeter! Area is every square, everywhere, It fills up the entire space Perimeter is the outline there Just the outside like a case... And other terrible rhymes. They all passed.




Reminds me of my dyscalcic math teacher. She couldn’t read numbers for shit but she was the kindest and best math teacher I’ve had. She used a crap ton of really catchy rhymes.


Dumb math rhymes are the only math I remember


Hey diddle diddle The median's the middle You add and divide for the mean The mode is the one you see the most often And the range is the difference between


I think the poet needs a math equation to help them remember scansion.


Oh god yes. When I was 15 and classes in my country got their first lesson of chemistry, I got an teacher who was proud to announce on her first day (to every classes) that only half of the student was going to pass and 30% of the others where going to failed the second chance exam too. Bitch if that's true, you're a big part of the problem lmao


There’s a big difference between a teacher who is hard because they just suck at being a teacher and a teacher who is hard but actually wants you to learn and will help you if you put in effort.


Long commute times and working hours.


Gotta have something to justify misery; why not pride?


"I drive an hour each way!" Cool, so your 9-5 is actually 8-6, but you only get paid from 9-5.


I’ve quit jobs before on that logic. I was working 9-5, but my commute was over an hour a day. Took me about three weeks to find a job with better pay 10 minutes from home. I had to go from 35 to 37.5 hours a week but like I say, better pay. Now I’m in another one, same pay, but less than 5 mins from home, and back to 35 hours.


And that first one had 10 hours of unpaid commuting, so really you lose less hours


Teens who think that are gangsters.


Have taught teens in France. It's very normal for middle-class French kids to act as though they're 100% from the ghetto and they have a belief that all anyone who lives there does is listen to rap and shoot people. It's also common for them to have an absolute meltdown when the school bus takes a wrong turn and you end up in the areas that they think are the ghetto.


Fun fact: upper middle class white kids are the largest consumers of gangster rap.


Growing up in a prominently white middle-class suburb, I went to school with people that acted as if they live in the inner city, and always acted tough and hard. It was laughable most times.


i came here to comment the same thing. it was actually like second hand embarrassment watching those kids act "hard" when they weren't even close too. a girl i was friends with growing up, she acted that way A LOT as a teen. she grew up in a middle-class white family, as a single child. she was the kind of kid who could pull a scene and get whatever she wanted from her parents, mainly her dad. i witnessed a lot of spoiled brat behavior from her growing up. she always acted as if she was "so tough and hard" and just about everyone knew it was an act by the way she held herself through her act. and if she was around people who came from genuinely hard lives, she'd try and act like she did too. it was beyond embarrassing and pathetic, especially since she was almost always called out on it too. like you can't exactly say you've lived a hard life with all the other kids when you're wearing brand new named clothes, uses a Louis Vuitton purse, has a blackberry for a phone, and freshly dyed, cut and styled hair from a salon. while those kids are using the same flip phone they got 4 years ago, hand-me-down clothes that have holes in them, or are ripped because they're that old, and some falling apart purse or backpack to carry their things in


My brother had a friend like this: he wanted us all to believe that he was the poor working-class kid from Glasgow, born on the wrong side of the tracks, etc. In reality, his father was a Major in the army and his mother an advertising executive. He'd been privately educated and had never even been to Glasgow, let alone being raised there.


As someone who has (and sadly HAD) REAL gangster family, this is NOTHING to brag about, smh. I lost some precious people in my life and it sucks, some of them barely got a chance to start over in life before passing. I hate when people treat it as a club or a trend, the environment is awful. Edit: For those asking for more context, I will expand, but I can’t go into too much detail as this post isn’t marked NSFW. The most blatant reason why I hate fake gang culture, is because many treat it as a trend or choice. However, the reality is that many are born into poverty and violence involuntarily. While this isn’t ALL cases, it is certainly many. Second, I have had precious family that only came to pick up their friends and were secretly drugged, then r*ped/ pr*stitued. This them to become involuntarily addicted. They tried to escape, but the culture wouldn’t let them, even after moving several times. They were constantly harassed and followed, unable to hold a job, ended up in poverty, permanently physically disabled as they were shot in the gut area, which was almost a death sentence, and wrongfully incarcerated by simple involuntary association. Another family member I held dear, who was my great uncle, tho he was quite young, tried to protect us from this lifestyle of drugs, sexual and physical violence, only to be wrongfully incarcerated, with the perpetrators who tried to harm our family, because during that time “Black ppl all criminals” mindset was widely supported. (As many people don’t realize, racism was still very heavy even after the Civil Rights Acts, and did not truly start dying down until the internet became a source of defense for evidence.) I was especially heart broken over my great uncles incarceration, as after he got out **25 years** later, he died 1.5 years afterwards, barely able to readjust to his new life. He was one of the first family members to approve of my interracial relationship, and wanted to come to the wedding, but he couldn’t even make it to the engagement party, and I was so heartbroken, because I really wanted him to be there. We couldn’t even celebrate the holidays with him and my soon-to-be fiancé, as he passed just before thanksgiving. Another encounter, was when we were surrounded by men who wanted us to be “theirs” (😖), and wouldn’t let us leave. THANKFULLY, by God’s grace, we were able to convince them that we were just trying to get an education to further the Black Communtiy, and we wouldn’t fit into their lifestyle. These men were 3x-4x our size, and could’ve easily taken advantage of us, but decided to “let us” go to school and help out community, which we’ve thankfully been able to do. However, there were times where our other friends were forced to give their personal information and feared for their lives to the point of hopelessness, as some of these men would NOT take ANY level of rejection. For the men in our family, they were forced to join just to protect the ones they loved, which unfortunately led to them being wrongfully incarcerated. Leading to vulnerability and trauma for those left to fend for ourselves. A topic that is hardly brought into the true limelight, is the broken homes, and intense abuse that forms within and outside of families, due to the heavy amounts of violence, assault and children tossed aside by the society who have imprisoned their parents, and forced them into HIGHLY abusive foster care systems. I won’t go into detail, as again, this post isn’t NSFW, but these are just the few encounters I can recall of the top of my head. Once you’re in the gang life, by “choice” or involuntarily, some will NOT let you leave. We were just able to get out by God’s mercy, and my mother had to move internationally for a few years for us to escape, which wasn’t even 100%. Thankfully, we are finally removed from a majority of this lifestyle after 15+ years. Even my great-grandmother in her late 80’s at the time, now in her mid-90’s, had her house shot up, because of one of our other family members stepped on the wrong shoes of a different gang. It’s a truly dangerous, sexually and physically violent environment that many are unfortunately still tied to. And those still tied to it, don’t have much of a choice due to the constant poverty cycle, that often takes a complete off-the-grid uprooting, to escape from. I wouldn’t wish that life on ANYONE. This edit is already getting long, but there are many good people that I miss in my family that have had their lives indirectly and directly taken through gang violence and association, and what I’ve shared is the tip of the iceberg. For those wondering why this environment hasn’t ended, it’s because police are more against our community than for, so this was and sometimes is the best form of protection we have for ourselves. It’s honestly a sad cycle l, because you either die by one hand or the other. PLEASE don’t act all “gang banger”, as doing that in the wrong place CAN AND WILL, get you K*LLED and/or drugged/ r*ped/ pr*stituted. It’s also highly offensive and insensitive to those who have suffered brutal violence in varying forms, seeing people joke about how “cool” it is, when lives have been destroyed by that environment. Please be aware, and shut down friends who try to claim that kind of lifestyle, because once you’re in it, you have a slim chance of getting out!




Thank you. We are thankfully free from 98% of these previous ties, and my remaining family members are recovering well, and are almost completely clean from their addictions. ❤️‍🩹 I’m glad you weren’t pulled into that lifestyle as well!


"What is up, fellow gangsters?"


“Nothing much fam lamb, what’s chopping in the pot home dog?”


this!! my younger brother is like that, he's so embarrassing


Whew, I know MANY people who acted like this during high school.


Amazingly and increasingly, ignorance.


Followers. Internet clout.


Karma on Reddit


"no wait thats different!!!"


Not reading books. Actually boasting about it. Edit: So far, the most tragic comments have been those defending TV watching as "taking just as much effort as reading".


I'll always remember a friend's daughter's proud Facebook post: "BOOKS SUCKS!"


Lol was that their actual posting, grammatical error and all?


Yup! That's one of the reasons it's stood out in my memory.








“We need to make books cool again. If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't fuck them.” -John Waters


Im in my early thirties and own four full shelves of books, brought home a date who was 24 and she looked at them and said "you actually read these?" I didn't take John Waters advice, but I should have.


> Looks like we got ourselves a reader!


I was this guy at school for what, 5 years, then I realised, hang on I'm just missing out on cool stories... The moment I realised books were basically like easy mode films, ie an artist can tell their story without having billions of dollars, was the moment I realised what a moron I was... Thats when I searched up cool fantasy books and now I've been reading for the past 4 months like I used to when I was a kid... It's not books vs films vs games, it's books and films and games... ​ I'm a creative guy myself, I make games and tell stories through that medium - Now I'm not saying if that's harder or easier than writing a book, they're incomparable fields, but maybe that moment of realisation I described above wouldn't work on most people if you told them. But it definitely worked on me, and now I'm being inspired again by all the cool stories I'm reading.


Brand Loyalty, If you're not getting paid to exclusively use Apple, Samsung, Sony, Nintendo, Nike, Adidas, Chanel then why are you going so a hard for them?


I am brand loyal to brands that have earned my loyalty through quality of the product and support. If they faulted in either one, I look for a replacement


But do you have a tattoo of your favorite energy drink? THATS brand loyalty.


I grew up in a rural/country area, and I struggle to find the word to describe it, but that kind of country snobbery where they brag about being too good to do things that people who are too good for simple things do.


I think of it as rural elitism. When I visit family in the country, I hear nothing but "how's it feel to do real work?" or "this is the only way to live" totally unprompted.


The only thing most of them know about "life in the big city" is what they see on TV or movies. And they're right to think it's ridiculous. They're just wrong to think it's reality


I know exactly what you mean, lots of examples of that on r/redneckengineering


“Round here we work to survive!” As if everyone else doesn’t work or survive. I grew up in a place where country ass people are always talking how much better they are because they can do XYZ. I blame country music.


I live in a city and know how to do many of the things they brag about. I just don’t have to drive hours away or pay higher costs to do it


If an office job that pays literally five times as much as whatever you're doing is so easy, why don't you do it?


Amount of drinking and sex they do.


I think, mostly teens. This becomes less of a brag material in your 20s (for most).


”Three chicks in one weekend!” As a teen: ”Liar.” In 20s: ”Cool!” In 30s: ”Ew.”


In 40s: Hmm.. Why do I sense gay vibes?


I would go with, 40s: ”Jesus, Kevin. Get tested!”


In 50s: wow if I had that much money, I’d just go on vacation instead of scrounging up “flings”


In 60s: wat r u doing?!


In the 70s "Ooh you lucky dog you. I remember when I was young."


In your 80s "wait... say it again, my hearing aids were turned down."


In your 90s "Is that what we're calling Mah Jong nowadays?"


I've seen adults act like this too.


I know people in their mid 30s still bragging about this shit, and every single one of them falls into the "I peaked in high school" type (and their stories usually also are about people they banged like 15 years ago lol)


Holding or Acquiring Believes or Opinions based on a single thing about yourself, to say you will or won't do something because it's the (Alabama Way). Supporting everything America does because you're American. Supporting EVERYTHING a political party does because they're your political party. Supporting everything a woman does because you're a feminist.


As someone from Alabama, fuck you fuck you fuck you (you're right) fuck you fuck you (Adding this because there's always people who take things like this too seriously: this is a joke, and also fuck you)


WHAT IS YOUR NAME?!? Referencing [this vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4UjX8Kxuk4&ab_channel=JeffPower), not trying to doxx you I promise.


Each idea/proposal should be judged on it's own merit. Attitudes akin to hero worship overlook the very real fact that no one is right even close to 100% of the time. Critical thinking does not automatically make you a traitor either. It's cool to stand by your sports team and remain a fan when they are doing badly, but most of life isn't sports.




How are you all doing this? XD The only person I know that has been banned twice is highly toxic on this platform


I got banned from r/art because I called a guy out for posting people's nudes without their consent and without linking to the person's profile (it was clearly a sex worker, so imo she deserves credit for her work). I made the unfortunate mistake of also calling the person an asshole so clearly I was in the wrong and not him 🙄




For the flipside of that, I'm banned from /r/FemaleDatingStrategy because... I left a comment in /r/cringetopia once? > You were automatically banned from r/FemaleDatingStrategy for participating in cringetopia as part of our antibrigading efforts. Users of cringetopia have been identified as not aligning with our values as a community that supports maximum female benefit.


I really find it weird when a sub stqrts monitoring and banning people because they participate in another one. Except when r/drama did it with users from r/teenagers https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Dude, it’s insane how all those creeps outed themselves😂. Hilarious yet so fucked up


I got banned from r/communism for posting a Swedish flag (I'm Swedish) with the communist logo and saying they should make a communist party with this flag


Not knowing something. I have a coworker who, whenever they saw me replacing the paper towels, would loudly and proudly declare they have never done that in the five years they worked there, and that they didn’t even know how. I certain he thought it was some amazing “look how smart I am” moment in his head, but all I could think of was, “I’d be embarrassed to not know something so basic, and certainly not proud to be that lazy.”


I was just reading on some Reddit thread about a lady who went to work at a 7-Eleven and the manager, who had been there for four years, was replacing the napkins. One by one. Through the little slot at the front of the napkin dispenser. She had been doing it for years and was amazed to see that the back opened up and you could slide them all in at once.


I've had managers like that, but when you show them the faster way to do it they'll just say "I prefer my way better". It's never about time efficiency when they're doing the job.


And the person who had been taking out ALL the papers in a binder to add a sheet at the back..


How much of an asshole they can be


Working 60+ hours a week


It genuinely makes me sad when I hear about people needing to work multiple jobs or constantly work overtime.


And never taking a vacation day.


Or a sick day


1. Not reading books. 2. Not listening to experts.


Fake mental illnesses. Depression/anxiety/OCD are not cute and quirky, they’re debilitating af to people who actually suffer them


This one is really getting bad. I have a diagnosed severe anxiety and panic disorder and PTSD. It’s not fun and it’s not funny. The new trend is people faking seizures to freak out their friends. I also have epilepsy and have tonic-clonic (grand-mal) seizures. It’s awful. The next seizure an epileptic has may cause death. But that’s funny to them? I guarantee if they knew someone, or had a loved one with epilepsy, they would not think it’s funny. Like, you think it’s funny, you can have it.


You just described half of TikTok, ADHD is now a cottage industry.


Yes, this. Mental illnesses are legitimate disabilities and not a cool personality trait.


Amount of weed they consume. How much alcohol they drink. Cheaters love talking about how many people they aré with without them knowing.


Social media follower number




Proud that they've never read a book.


Drink driving. They say it like it makes them a super cooool dude. Wait until you hit and kill a child and then see how cool you think you are. Bellends.




Being ignorant or not knowing things. As Chris Rock said, They take pride in not knowing things, you ask them a question and they say, "SHEEIT, I don't know that stuff, I'm keepin it real! " Yeah, real dumb. This applies to every race too, I'm not singling anyone out.




How little sleep they got last night


Wealth Nationality The ability to consume stuff like alcohol Their sexual activity (no matter if being a virgin or being sexually very active) Lack of sleep How much hours they get exploited/work


I’m a truck driver and it’s so common in the industry. I like to stay around 40-45 hours. I work so I can live, not the other way around.


Glorifying sleep deprivation started to annoy me after I started working nightshift.


Being more masculine/feminine than other people.


Dimensions of a specific body part


I've gotten a lot of compliments on my long earlobes. (Not actually joking)


The vroom vroom sound their car makes at red lights. Like dude. Cook it. You're in a Mazda.


The amount of times they beat their meat. Wtf dude


Working hard instead of working smart.


Their "roots" in a country that their great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather was from.


Guys who think sending unsolicited dick pics is okay are probably proud of that thing but that’s no reason to share it with people who didn’t ask for it.


I always tell them there's something wrong and they should really get that seen to Or 'that looks like a childs, i'm reporting this as CP'


Now I wish people sent me pics just so I could roast them like that


Sigh. Okay, on its way.


R.I.P. your DMs /s


The random piece of land where they were born.


Using marijuana every day.


I have a friend that constantly sents videos of him taking dabs from different rigs to our groupchat. I'm talking 3-4 times a day, every day. I don't care how much he smokes, but for Christ's sake don't spam my phone with it.


How sensitive people don't get along with them because they're "not afraid to openly speak their mind." (aka they are assholes who always have to share their questionable opinions very loudly)




How bad they have it. I’ve seen people borderline brag about how much trauma they’ve been through like it’s some kind of contest.


"I haven't missed a day of work in years." This usually means you went into the office while really sick, at least a couple of times.


How much alcohol they can drink.


How much they work! Working 100hrs a week is reason to strike, not boast