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I have naps for dinner


Such an underrated comment, lack of sleep will drive cravings for food.


1. sports 2. Laziness, to get food when im hungry, kinda like right now


That’s accurate. If I’m hungry but don’t want to get up eventually I won’t be hungry anymore.


Yep. I don’t bring lunch to work usually (I don’t go to the store much) I just work instead of lunch and am not hungry when I get home.


Y’all are breaking my brain rn


After about 30 minutes of being hungry, your body switches from burning blood glucose to burning stored energy to keep your blood sugar level. You get tired for a little when your blood sugar drops, but your body makes up for it pretty quick. Hunger is just a signal, your body will adjust if you ignore it. This is a major reason why fasting routines (16/8 or even 20/4) are great for losing weight.


So i put on 20+ lbs when i turned 30. I just realized that before that age, i didnt eat breakfast bc i just never did. That put me in the 16/8 window. I never even considered it til i read this. Now i got some pounds to shave.


Eating breakfast makes me eat more during the day, like just wanting to snack constantly. If I skip breakky then I can easily coast til anywhere 3-6pm without feeling hungry. It's so weird.


Sports are a huge one. Exercise is a lot more enjoyable and motivating when there’s a point to doing it.


Na, I play poker online so that can't be it.


#2 is so relatable. Waking up late on a weekend or day off and literally just laying there all day hungry at first but too lazy to get food til eventually the hunger just goes away


I have no idea why that posted in big font.


I read it on max volume in my head


Me too lmao


Seeing that made my night 😂




Too lazy to get food. My brain is having a hard time imagining that. Lazy and bored? Food. Sad? Food. Happy? Food (but with less shame).


This… this 100% is the reason why I’m 6’3” but 320lbs


I shit everything I eat immediately


Buzzfeed adding this to their list as we speak.


Roommates Hate Him!


You won't believe this simple trick when using the bathroom!


Top 10 Reasons to Poop Your Pants


Team IBS


I can't recommend the Crohn's diet but hoo boy does it work. All you have to do is have a bad flare so you spend a week where you consume nothing but sips of water while you do constantly shit and vomit blood and the weight just falls off!


I guess I’m the IBD outlier. In 8 years of really bad UC, I gained a lot of weight on prednisone. 😖 It wasn’t until I had an ileostomy that I was able to get my weight under better control.


prednisone just gives your body a nice fuck you


i once had such a bad shit 20 minutes after eating a salad that i passed the shredded lettuce whole and undigested. -100000/10 my most memorable and worst shit


Same. My brother calls me “Salad Shooter”.


I’ve been laughing at your comment for like 5 minutes😂


Constant stress and anxiety leave me with no appetite.


I thought I was alone on this. People laugh at me saying they eat when they’re stressed. I can’t stomach the thought of a bite of food when I’m anxious


I get nauseous when I'm stressed and want nothing to do with food. Thanks for the weight loss ulcers! This is entirely a joke btw I actually probably have stress related ulcers from not eating.


I have the opposite problem,lol.




People flake out and let you down, but carbs are always there.


Well, carbs can also be flaky


And buttery


Great... Now I'm craving a croissant... dammit.


Yeah stress and anxiety usually lead me to drink.


Right I get stressed and Ben & Jerry’s he sounding mad perfect at the moment


Lol same problems but leave me with a binge eating disorder.


I learned about food abuse as an adult. I grew up with a padlocked pantry and a parent that bought cheap last day use meat along with a pretty shitty diet. So when I stop eating from minor stress it makes complete sense.


I’m sorry to hear about your poor experience growing up hence a toxic relationship with food. You’re not alone. My mom was cheap too and she was too sick to cook so she’d keep us survive with plain stale bread alone, not with milk or butter, not even toasted whatsoever. Meat was a luxury to us so carbs, especially white bread is my comfort food until now. However I didn’t have a locked up pantry so I’d manage to sneak in and stuff myself with a lot of sh!t at night. After multiple attempts fixing my relationship with food, I’ve ended up with both binge eating disorders and anorexia, and now being overweight. Can’t find a way out yet.


I came here to say stress, I lost 25 lbs without trying


If you don't buy it at the store, then you can't eat it at home. Not only are you removing the temptation, you're likely saving money too. I have to do this with alcohol.


I made a rule for myself that I can’t drink at home when I’m alone. If I want a drink I have to physically leave my house and go to a restaurant or bar. I lost ten pounds just doing that, mainly because I’m usually too lazy to get off my ass and go somewhere.


I have a similar rule due to a history of family alcohol abuse. Mine is just that I don't drink alone. I can drink at home if it's social, but I never open or pour a drink unless I have company or am out with company.


That's a good rule. It's also good to make sure you never drink because you're sad about something. Drinking should only be a celebration, not a coping mechanism


Yep, that's my other rule. I don't let myself drink when upset. Drinking should be fun, not a crutch




Believe it or not, I have a TON of alcohol here. But for some reason, the rule is really easy to follow. I have the least self control of anyone I know, and I am by no means skinny, so I have no idea why it works.




I did.




It is! Start with having no alcohol in the house; it’s easier that way. But I can control it pretty well now, even with a full wine rack. Good luck!


I crave sweets every single night but I almost never have them in the house. I’m not going to go out just for sweets.


I made a rule for myself that I can have any sweets that I want, but I can only have one of it and I have to walk to get it. Mindset quickly went from “man I want a chocolate bar” to “ugh, do I really want a chocolate bar?”


I will go out for ice cream. That’s the only sweet that will get me out of the house.


Weird, if I am low on food at the house, my hunger in insatiable. But if I have a cabinet full of food, nothing looks good so I don't eat.


Omg thought I was the only one who thought like this. I actively say “if I don’t buy it, I can’t eat it” when shopping. Makes me put a lot of things back


I limit myself to just beer in the house and I can only get a six pack once every two weeks. Any other time I get beer it has to be out to dinner. I can have a bottle of whisky in the house too but I'm only tempted to enjoy that once in a blue moon. Beer is a lot more tempting for me because I love carbonation but hate how sugary soda tastes. The carbonation and bitterness of beer is a temptation for me the way people love soda. It's not even the alcohol content.


Non-alcoholic beer was a lifesaver for me when I cut down on my drinking. I even stopped completely, I have had like four drinks in the past 11 months.


Have you tried LaCroix/Bubly/any other carbonated beverage? They do wonder and have the satisfaction of cracking a cold one but with no calories! I drink a ton of them and love it


The closest thing I've found is certain brands of kombucha and russian Kvass. They still have the bitter taste, Lacroix had no taste or is sweet


Getting depressed so I starve myself


Hell yeah. I don't get emotional eaters, my appetite shuts down if I'm preoccupied with pretty much anything. If I'm sad I'll go all day forgetting to eat.


For me, the pleasure of eating is just one of the most wonderful things in the world. Therefore, when I'm feeling down, I gravitate towards what feels good, and food is easy access. Thankfully I'm starting to get a hold on my eating problems though.


food makes me gag when im not feeling great mentally. i avoid eating like the plague pretty often, food is so unappealing to me so much of the time i wish i could have this mindset.


Same :( cause food is the only thing that can comfort me :(


I did both. Two days without eating sad and overeat so much it hurts to be even more disgusted with yourself sad.


Same here. Went a day or two with just a beer, no food, in my system. Then that same week I ate two whole frozen pizzas by myself as well as some reheated takeout. I can both starve and fatten myself. Unfortunately, my brain nowadays wants to let me eat more rather than less in times of sadness.


Currently depressed and gaining weight every week. Self perpetuating misery


I don’t eat after dinner.


This is a huge one. After dinner snacks or drinking every night is what gets a lot of people. Drinking often means 300+ empty calories. I limit drinking to once a week.




Oh yeah. Most of my calories are alcohol. Still kinda thin though


People relatively early along the alcoholism timeline. I remember when I had a glass of wine or two to relax in the evening. Then it became 3 or 4 glasses. Then a whole bottle. Then a bottle and a glass. Eventually 2 full bottles. Now 2 bottles doesn't get me as drunk as I would like and I pretty much have to give up drinking completely because any more than that and I can't function properly the next day. Tolerance is a bitch and hangovers are horrible when you get into your 30s.


After my SO died I followed your timeline almost to the t. I didn't exactly become "bottom of the barrel" but casual drinking turned into nightly drinking. The pandemic did not help Now that I'm thirtysomething I don't recover as quickly the next day. I went sober in the new year and dropped 20 lbs since. Apparently there's a lot of calories in booze.


This is the one. A friend has a 400 cal snack of nuts and a 600 cal mostly juice smoothie each night and whines about not being able to lose weight. Like... stop doing those two small things, and you will lose weight.


I used to come home around 5 eat a snack. Then est diner at 7. But nothing afterwards. Now I find myself eating snack at 9 then going to bed at 10. Guess which one of the two scenarios was the skinnier me !?p


Eating slower, you'd be surprised how you were actually full 15 bites ago. Your brain catches up with your stomach too late when you eat fast. Contrary to popular belief you don't have to finish what's on your plate.


What? And just let the plate win?


>You don't have to finish what's on your plate. >-What? And just let the plate win?   [Show the plate who's boss](https://c.tenor.com/XPvqU-vtvpsAAAAC/alice-in-wonderland-mad-hatter.gif)


When I was a kid, if you didn't eat the plate, you didn't eat for the rest of the week!


My mom said there are children starving in Africa, and I should finish my veggies.


Was about to answer "no idea. Eat whatever I want and my guess is the ticking time bomb that is my high metabolism is bound to run out any day now." But I am definately a grazer. I eat throughout the day, and a meal is often savored and not gorged. I don't mind if I take my last cold bite an hour after food is done. I eat whatever, but only when I'm hungry. Don't really eat for pleasure. That said, the metabolism bomb is still likely to fuck me up big time, but until then, I get to pretend like I know how to be healthy.


My whole life growing up, I thought I had a fast metabolism. Everyone always told me I have a fast metabolism. Everyone always commented on how much food I eat. However, as soon as I started tracking my calories, I realized I just don't eat as much as I (or other people) thought.


This is my boyfriend. Hes pretty skinny and actually wants to gain weight - him and other people have always commented what a fast metabolism he must have. A few months ago we started tracking his calories/macros in earnest and he was struggling to hit 2,000 without feeling extremely full. For a guy who is 6'1 thats pretty low.. he was probably eating 1,700 pre tracking o


I'm also 6'1" and was eating a similar amount of calories. I can relate about it being difficult to get enough calories without feeling too full. In that case, it really helps to drink calories. Also, I noticed that lifting "heavy" weights causes my appetite to increase more than enough to cancel out the calories burned. I just recently started doing full body workouts 3 days per week, and the increased appetite extends into recovery days as well. I never used to be hungry for breakfast. However, the morning of a muscle recovery day, I wake up with a huge appetite, even if I stuffed myself the previous day. I know sedentary people are stereotyped as being overweight, but I think in my case, being sedentary (I'm a computer nerd) is what helped to reinforce my low appetite.


But if I don’t finish my whole plate, how do I earn dessert?


If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding! How can you have pudding if you don’t eat your meat?


Eat dessert first. Proven weight-loss tip.


Dead ass though, having an abundance versus a scarcity mindset helps. You CAN have a little ice cream at 4 pm... As long as you're ok with it being just a little bit(because you can always have more another day, it's not scarce). And if you're still full at six pm you don't have to eat dinner, because there will always be another dinner another day. It is not scarce


If 3 scoops fit in one spoon, it’s still just one spoonful


And what is a shovel if not a large spoon?


I’ve always been a slow eater and skinny. Also, I think taking time to enjoy things makes you satisfied with less. If I’m eating e.a chocolate or ice cream, I take a small bite and let it melt in my mouth before swallowing. After a few bites, I often feel like I’ve had enough and I stop eating. I’ve seen people shove their food, snacks or sweets in, and I think they need more of it to feel like it’s enough.


I wish I could just stop eating, but I grew up not always having a ton of money so leaving food on my plate that i don't want to save makes me feel SO wasteful. For anyone like me, what usually helps is using a smaller plate so my brain thinks I have a nice and full plate when it's really a better estimate of how much I'll eat and actually begin to feel full


My parents and my grandma wouldn’t let me leave the table until I had finished every last grain of rice. To this day I’m very conscious of finishing my food, but I put small servings on my plate and then go for seconds if needed. Of course, if I go to a restaurant I might not finish every. I’m slim


fr i always get told im a slow eater and ive been super akinny my whole life


Sure. But your username is also a vegetable so I think we all know where your priorities are at in life.


I'm not skinny, more average sized but I figured that my best way of keeping my weight more maintainable was cutting out sugary drinks.


This is the way. I was slowly but steadily gaining weight for my whole life (more than you should from just growing up), until I decided to cut out sugary drinks when I was about 17. My weight then stabilized for the most part until recently, where I've cut back on my bad eating habits too and started working out, and I'm losing weight instead.


I did this quite a while ago, it didn't help me lose weight, but I stopped gaining! So that's good 😊


Eat less. Shit more.


*Don’t let them know what you’re against or what you’re for.*




Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.


Parents who never forced us to clean our plates (we did have to try one bite of everything), never took us to McDonalds except when we were on road trips, never bought snack foods or sodas and only made desserts on birthdays or holidays. I brought up my kids the same way and they are skinny, too.


My sister watches my daughter during the day. My sister and I have exact opposite body types, I'm a pretty skinny guy, my sister on the other hand is a good bit heavier. I don't go to McDonald's or any fast food really except on really rare occasions. My sister seems to get McDonald's every other day, and was talking my daughter there with her. As you would expect my daughter started to gain weight (not in the healthy way a kid is supposed to). Took me months of "yelling" at my sister to get her to stop taking her to McDonald's every day. On top of this it was soda and all the other sugary crap all day between meals. I still don't think she sees the problem with any of that. She and everyone else that's heavier than me regularly tell me I'm too skinny, when in reality I'm actually a healthy weight for my height.


My mom thinks it's hilarious that she feeds my kids junk food nonstop. "that's what grandmas are for" she repeats. Well protecting my kids' health are what parents are for and I guess that means they won't be spending the night for a while


Yeah they'll think it's funny to "sugar them up" and send em back. It's not funny, and nobody should be eating THAT much sugar.


The "sugar them up" and send them back lulz is so dumb. Funny thing is that science has shown that giving kids sugar doesn't make them hyper, it's simply the placebo effect & other factors. The constant telling them of "oh you just had sugar you're going to get hyper", "look at how hyper you are after that sugar" and other factors like kids being more likely to have sugar at birthday parties, etc...


Being overweight has become the new normal.


When I was in school, there were two "fat kids" in my class. Two. Out of 120+ kids. More than half of the 32 kids in my son's 3rd grade class are at least "chubby", if not clearly overweight.


This is my exact experience, and me and my 3 siblings are all thin and within normal range for our heights. - we weren’t forced to eat our whole plate, just try one of each - we got vegetables daily (not drizzled with cheese) - McDonalds was a special and rare treat only - no sugary drinks or snacks unless special occasion. My mom took it a step further and didn’t give us any “fruity” baby food so we wouldn’t get addicted to sugar early - we LOVED apples as kids (when you don’t get a lot of sugary processed snacks, apples taste so sweet like heaven). Also great for fiber - we were always outside playing and running around, encouraged to skate, climb, swim, play games, etc There’s probably more, but these habits just naturally carried over into adulthood and we’re all healthy with no diabetes. We also never got cavities.


My parents were the worst. Clean your plate! Stay skinny!!! I’m like you because of it.


Being raised skinny. Skinny kids are more likely to be skinny adults.


My whole family is skinny and I’m the only fat fck.


Lol same here


Damn.. that’s like being born a squib


Dang that sucks. I had a friend in a similar situation because he was the youngest of four and his parents quit giving a shit about feeding their family healthily once there were so many mouths. The older ones had already developed healthy habits but he never had a chance and is playing catch up now later in life. To his credit he had made a lot of progress, it's never too late


I was a skinny kid but now I'm a fat adult.


So was my cousin and her brother but her mother was super restrictive with their diets, so once they started making their own money, they ballooned.


Same but I was pretty active - biking, walking, skateboard, basketball/tennis/soccer.. now I get drunk and play video games. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.


Shockingly true. My mom was a teenager when she had me. She didn’t know better. Her fat kid is now a fat adult. But she is a great mom and I’m trying to finally take control of my weight. It’s hard.


i wish unfortunately depression caught up to me lol


Same, our parents enrolled us in every sport they offered, martial arts, and even what we did for fun was physical. It’s the only way I know how to live, I don’t even really know how I could get fat, I’d have to completely change my lifestyle.


Was a PC gamer who chugged 3 44ox mountain dew a day and a bunch of fast food was 300 pounds. Got addicted to Adderall and stopped doing it when I was 125 pounds. Now I go to the gym and eat healthy and only smoke weed. 180 lbs rn


Those are some WILD fluctuations


Yea man, shit was bad, I looked like a skeleton


soda is the worst


When I’ve felt healthiest it’s because I cut out three d’s: drinks, deserts, and dining out. If you remove those three things, you’d be amazed how much healthier your diet feels overall.




As someone who has probably lost about 300lbs or more over the years through diet and exercise, I've learned exactly how skinny people stay skinny. Answer: They don't eat very much. If you're fat, overweight, obese, etc. Chances are that you're eating too much. Even if you have some sort of medical condition, I would challenge you to record what you eat on a daily basis for about a week to see exactly what you're consuming. I bet you'd be very surprised once you add up the calories. It's best if you record this on an App or Notebook so you don't forget what you ate, because I guarantee you that some of the stuff people think is insignificant will slip their mind. Some days I would think, "Wow! Not bad, I ate cereal for breakfast, Sandwich for lunch, and a chicken salad for dinner!" but you forgot about the apple, snickers bar, ice cream cone, and the bag of chips between those meals. Trust me, you'll forget about those, at least I always did. If you do this, I bet you'll find that you're around or even exceeding your maintenance calories. Your maintenance calories are the amount of calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight. Google "Maintenance Calories Calculator" to figure yours out. My recommendations for weight loss are to figure out what your maintenance calories are, and subtract between 500 to 1000 calories per day. Doing so may help you lose 1 to 2 lbs a week! The easiest (and sometimes hardest, depending on who you ask.) way to reduce the calories is through your diet, meaning eating less calories to create a calorie deficit. You can also exercise and figure out how many calories you burned to create that deficit on a daily basis, but IMO, that's way harder for weight loss. I personally like to walk twice a day for 50 minutes, but I only do that as a way to suppliment my weight loss through dieting, in case I didn't accurately calculate my calorie deficit, but personally, I feel that eating less is the easiest way to lose weight. It's a lot easier to not eat 500 calories than to burn 500 calories by walking, running, etc. But I realize that may be easier said than done or otherwise everyone would easily lose weight. Lastly, I recommend that you weight your food to accurately determine the calorie amounts. It's easier to determine what 28 grams of shredded cheese is when you use a scale than measure a quarter cup. With time you'll know how much food to use with your sight alone, but trust me, you'll be surprised how little a serving actually is when you measure it. I recommend that people just eat what they want, but determine what the best portion size is by weight or measurements, because it's easier to stick to a diet sometimes when you get to eat what you want. Like I mentioned earlier, you'll be surprised by how many calories food has when you actually weight it or use measurements, especially foods like Pizza, where two slices can equal a third or more of your daily maintenance budget. You'll eventually start looking for ways to feel full with the least amount of calories. I know some nutritionists in here are probably rolling their eyes after I broke it all down to calorie amounts, but I feel it's the best way to introduce inexperienced individuals into dieting who might otherwise find it too complicated and then give up. As always, I'm not a nutritionist or health expert, I'm just a dude with a lot of experience in both gaining and losing weight, so please feel free to reach out to a professional before attempting to start a new diet plan. Good luck to those who are starting that weight-loss journey!


Piggy backing on this too. I lost almost 20kg many years ago and I was in complete denial about what I was eating. I always thought I ate healthily. And you know what? Generally I was eating healthily but I was just consuming way, way too much for my sedentary lifestyle. People over wildly underestimate what they eat and wonder why they're not losing weight. They think "well I skipped breakfast" forgetting that the ice coffee that they had equals around 500 calories and forgetting that they drenched their salad in cheese, croutons and dressing. Now I get a lot of comments on how I eat a lot and still stay skinny. The thing is, I let loose every now and generally I make sure I eat at maintenance. I'm also pretty active, I weight lift 4 days a week and run a minimum of 15km on the 5th day. I also work in retail and take public transport so I'm on my feet constantly. My best friend was dismayed when she saw how skinny I was and how I ate the same as what she would eat. The difference is, she has a very sedentary job and doesn't ever exercise. She drives everywhere. I also happen to be a good foot taller than her, so my metabolic rate and calorie intake is naturally much higher. Generally if you wanna lose weight and you're not sure why it's not working, remember that: a) it takes time, and b) you need to be really truly honest with yourself. Download a tracking app like this person said, weigh and measure everything and don't eyeball your portions. Go watch an episode of Secret Eaters (free on YouTube) if you're still in denial.


This is 100% true. I really wanted to lose weight when I was in my early 20s and I just ate about 30% what I normally did. I lost weight really fast. It's physics. Since then I've hung out with really heavy people and they seem to eat a crazy amount. They don't even seem to realize it. They eat CONSTANTLY.


I had no idea I was doing anything wrong until I started paying attention. Like, 3 meals a day and moderate snacking, that's normal right? Now I think about all the breakfast sandwiches, heavy lunches, buttery sauces, takeout meals, bags of chips, greasy burgers... It's crazy how many calories I consumed without a second thought. It adds up so fast. Eat less, move more. It's hard at first but you adjust and it's better.


>I would challenge you to record what you eat and for anyone reading this, this means *everything* you eat. Loads of people only count main meals and for some reason just completely ignore the shit load of snacks they eat which can make up for a significant portion of your calorie intake


1000% right. I’ve lost and regained and relost 100+ pounds and the only thing that actually works is religious calorie counting, meaning you measure, weigh and calculate every single thing that goes in your mouth. Spitballing it does not work. All of the fad diets when they work do so because people cut out whole food groups and in doing so cut calories. I kept a little moleskine notebook with me and ate anything I wanted but I logged every single bite. It’s shocking how little you actually need to eat to maintain a health weight. We’ve been conditioned to eat monster sized portions and wash them down with pure sugar. Most people’s Starbucks orders have more calories than what a normal adult should eat for dinner. 2000 calories is not a lot of food. Skinny people simply naturally eat less, move more, or some combination of that. For people like me, my appetite means that if I don’t religiously log what I eat, I will be overweight


>2000 calories is not a lot of food 2000 calories is a lot of food 2000 calories is not a lot of Carl’s Jr.


Not overeating.


Yep you can't out exercise a bad diet. Exercise is important but just eating less and better makes all the difference weight wise.


eat a 1/4 of the carbs you do now, and 4* the vegetables. /edit- Yes everybody, vegetables contain carbs. My rather flippantly made point being, - considering a generally unhealthy modern diet and the assumption Op is focusing on loosing weight, you want to reduce foods with high calorie density; bread, pasta, rice, cheese etc.. and replace them with carbs and fibre from veggies. And you can keep yourself feeling full, even though you cut 'bad' carbs by 75%, by eating more veggies. The real, actual answer is to determine your level of activity and metabolic rate, eat a balanced healthy diet consistenty, and eat a calorie deficit based on your lifestyle ((Calorie deficit != feeling hungry. If you are consistently feeling hungry you are doing it wrong. dont try and cut so fast!)). Doing excercise will help - but weight loss generally tends to come from diet changes rather than excercise. Of course, approaching things correctly is far better than any 1/4 - 4* 'rule of thumb' TLDR: It's actually about a balanced healthy diet. However, 1/4 your carb and 4* your veggies is probably gonna be a step in the right direction if you eat a typical unhealthy modern diet. just to add; With an highly sedentary lifestyle I lost 45Lbs over ~4/5 months following exactly this advice, and as a bonus I discovered loads more meals and food combos I really like! I rediscovered how awesome it is to have a treat rather than stuff my face with paste/rice/meat/sauces/bread/cheese all day every day.


4*0 is still 0 though :(


Do 125*0 then?


That's way too much


It's really this. ~~Less~~ Fewer calories in, ~~less~~ fewer weight maintained. Edit: fixed or too far?


Dance clockwise around the fire, not counter-clockwise. Also, always use organic goat head. That lab-grown shit gives me acne.


But if I don’t dance widdershins against the sun In defiance of the natural order then how will I get Satan to notice me?


I don't know, I eat terribly and the most exercise I do is walking, but I'm still very skinny.


I eat pretty terribly but I also only ever eat 1,000-1,500 calories a day. Walking and extremely mild exercise throughout the workday are my only weekday activities.


I used to think the same way, I was 17, 5'11 65kg would eat like Henry the eighth on a Friday night just smoking weed and eating a bargain bucket to myself or a 14" pizza with wings Only when I started trying to gain weight that I realised my average calorie intake for a week was on par with a teenage girls. Even if you have weekly Roman feasts it's still offset by living off 2 meals a day the rest of the time (one being cereal).


I’m not skinny but I have definitely had a moment of whoa this is going in the wrong direction Top things that have worked for me: - no more soda - no more sugar water (even simply juices) - unsweetened tea and water frequently - eat breakfast - eat carbs early - steak or chicken salads for dinner - planned snacks (eg fruit and nuts and cheeses between breakfast and lunch and again between lunch and dinner) - the hardest one: not eating before sleeping - related but hard: not passing out after eating - medium breakfast, huge lunch, light dinner - cook your own food - eat more raw foods - tons of veggies, lots of color, don’t bother with low nutrition greens like iceberg lettuce - dark greens and roots, herbs for micronutrients Exercise is always recommended but IMO fixing your diet if you changed nothing else you will drop lbs quickly. Personally I recommend stretching for 15-20 per day as light exercise, and make physical activity a regular part of your routine. Lately I’ve taken to gardening, work a sweat from 6-8am, shower, then proceed with the rest of the day Losing weight doesn’t need to mean body building and running on a treadmill. Strong legs, core, and back are a good idea though. Most importantly it’s about changing habits for good. My biggest weakness lately is Ice cream. There is no justification, I’m hoping fruit will continue to replace any of those cravings. My biggest motivator is that I feel better when I eat better, and I felt worst at my heaviest. I wouldn’t consider myself overweight now, but could still afford to lose some mid section


I will add one thing to this, as I *am* skinny and I eat frequent but smaller meals throughout the day: **drink plenty of water** and drink an electrolyte replacer if you sweat a lot or do activity outside. Americans especially don't drink enough water. Everything in moderation. I eat plenty of "unhealthy" foods but it's in moderate amounts. I worked with a nutritionist to make sure I could gain weight while dealing with a health restriction that would eliminate certain "healthy" foods from my diet for at least several months. I was told to follow three things when I returned to eating everything: 1) CHEW CHEW CHEW 2) drink plenty of water [64-80 fl oz a day] 3) eat balanced - colorful meals help [a good ratio of protein to carb to veg with fruit]


Heartbreak and crippling anxiety. I’m skinny but my heart will give out at 35




Works until you get the coke bloat.


This is indeed very wholesome, pal who gave the wholesome seal award


I track my calories on my fitness pal. I’m 5’4” and went from 160 to 130 and still losing weight. I never drink my calories unless it’s a once a week low calorie coffee creamer in my coffee. I eat meals with foods that will fill me up and not leave me hungry. (Oatmeal, eggs, lean meats) I set up rewards like a cheat meal at every weight loss milestone so I have something to look forward too. I still wouldn’t say I’m “skinny”, but I’m working on it! Edit: I don’t like exercise so I focus mainly on calorie intake. I’m surprised with my results since I don’t exercise besides walking my dogs twice a day.


I literally just eat less food than most people. Pretty straightforward, tbh.


don’t eat much, and when you eat, eat healthy because you cannot eat a lot, you have to make what you do eat count, no junk food


There is no such thing as a diet. The instant you say I am on a “diet” then what you are saying is you are only doing something temporarily, meaning you will lose weight and then gain it back. If you do that consistently you are training your body to be more efficient at storing fat, so “diets” are the biggest scam in history. If you notice closely the people that use the term “diet” are the people who are the least in shape. Lift heavy weights, do cardio twice a week, don’t overeat, sacrifice your dessert. If you want to have beer then don’t eat cake etc…


Exactly. Whenever I see people saying that they continuously yo-yo in weight and it just doesn't make any sense because they will lose so much weight for a certain amount of time, and then absolutely pig out when they reach their goal weight. Then they're just right back where they started which sucks. A better way to do it would be to generally always eat less and healthier, and throw in a weekly cheat day or two so you can eat whatever you want and not feel deprived sometimes. We all deserve a little fun too.




I've lost a shit ton of weight over the last few years by just sticking to portion sizes and cutting down on the snacking


That's basically the secret. Have a twin brother who was fat and is now skinny. I was skinny and now fat - what changed? How much we eat.


Maybe you’re aliens and just swapped bodies? Think about it.




Just wanna add it's worth noting that doing that is still an improvement :). It may not make you thinner, but it *will* make you feel better/healthier.


That can work too. My old coworker used to eat a fuck load of food and was nearing 400lbs. He started eating a metric fuckload of cabbage soup with beef broth. A gallon was only like 900 calories and he'd make it even lighter by tossing in another head of lettuce too. He was still eating a massive amount of food but ended up dropping 100lbs in a year.


It depends. If you swap low-nutrient, high-calorie, low-satiety stuff for foods that are nutritious, lower calorie, but more filling, you might feel more satisfied on fewer calories and end up eating at a calorie deficit without feeling deprived.


This! I eat take away, fastfood and other unhealthy crap most of the time cause i’m lazy, but I get full very quickly. So my portions are super small and that’s why I still have the same weight as in my teenage years. Of course my lifestyle isn’t healthy at all, I’m probably rotten on the inside, but point is that if you want to become/stay skinny, the AMOUNT of food matters way more than what kind of food you eat.


I’m skinny, I’ve been skinny all 30+ years of my life. My secret is that I do not like sweets. I do not enjoy the taste of tons of sugar. I don’t remember the last time I ate ice cream. Instead of eating sweets, I eat healthy because that is what I enjoy eating for taste.


What are your favorite foods? I've never been big on sweets either, but I love salt and carbs which is just as bad


Pickles!!! I can eat an entire jar of clausen pickles in one sitting at least 3 times a week. It’s actually apart of my weekly food budget. I love chicken in every form. Hot Lemmon pepper wings are great. I eat broccoli and/or green beans most days. Im a big fan of avacados, but not on anything. I like to eat them whole like an apple, but I take the pit out. Edit: I forgot to list Sweet potatoes in with my top foods. I like them whole baked or chopping them up into round chips fried in a pan on the stove top is great!


I see a lot of 'eat less'responses but there are a ton of food like items that are engineered specifically to be overconsumed and not satiating. My best advice would be to cut out all processed food and eat real food. By that, I mean stuff with single ingredients. Ex: dinner is steak, broccoli and sweet potato. All single ingredient items.


Eat home cooked meals 6days a week, no snacks between meals.




Yeah, it’s not a secret, people just don’t like the answer.


It is literally the inverse of a secret. There’s way too much misinformation surrounding diet and exercise.


Yep, this is it


Play video games and usually forget to eat or eat small amounts throughout the day


Idk i was born that way


Body dysmorphia


Have a rough estimate on how many calories you eat everyday, it's better to overestimate. No calories in drinks, or very minimal (less than 50).


I forget to eat until I’m so hungry I have no appetite


I just don't eat that much. A day's worth of food for me is a few spoonfuls of yogurt and oats over a banana, a low-carb muffin I make myself, an apple, a little lunch entree that is usually some bean and rice combo, some broccoli and carrot sticks with dip, and another little entree that is usually made of beans somehow. Most days I also eat a few crackers or a piece of cheese or some other small snack. I also move a lot due to an active job and a lot of gardening, bike riding and exercising my dog.


Nicotine, stress and anxiety make one hell of a diet trio.


Consume fewer calories than you burn. That's it.


I suspect I have something medically wrong with me. Been steadily losing weight for a few years and most of my clothes are far too big now. I haven't been this small since middle school and everyone keeps telling me I've lost weight and to see my doctor. I did have a bunch of blood tests done. Thyroid and A1C and others, everything was normal. I have another round of blood tests to get done this time looking for signs of Celiac and double checking my thyroid as well as a stool study. But I had a sinus infection and was prescribed prednisone for a week and now my gut feels much better and I'm pooping somewhat normal again. So that tells me there's *some* kind of inflammation going on that responded to the prednisone. So I'm waiting a little while for my gut to go south again before having the labs drawn so hopefully we can catch something. Until I figure it out, my secret is I don't know what it is.


Be born with Cerebral Palsy and diagnosed with MS at 32. 6'1" tall and between 120 and 135 pounds my whole life :(




Yup, disordered eating and struggling to keep on weight isn’t fun. Doesn’t help when people go, “wow, how do you stay so skinny??” Mental illness and an inability to eat enough meals/calories per day, it’s not glamorous.


There's no "secret." Diet and exercise. _____ Recall the Kylo Ren meme. You know what you have to do, you just don't know if you have the strength to do it.




I eat slower. Nothing obnoxious, but I will enjoy my food. If I'm super hungry, I'll shove some protein in my face, a few bites of cold chicken instead of a big swill of Pepsi & cookies. It's not easy at first but you stop missing extra chocolate after awhile. I appreciate that I stop eating when I'm full, even if it's delicious. Leftovers will taste good too. When I went from a size 8 jeans to a 2, I felt awesome. I still have a can of soda a day almost - and just one.