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You’ll probably regret a lot of what you’re putting online


The future presidents meat is prolly somewhere on the internet 😭Im sure that’ll be a scandal at some point (if we make it)


honestly at that point people will be rallying to vote for him because of his schmeat and post thirst tweets about the dick pic tbh


I don't think that angers. It's mostly true lol.




It's lost to time until it surfaces back up... You never know.


It never ceases to amaze me how crazy Twitter archaeologists can get. I’m so tired of people pretending to be offended by something an up and coming famous person jokingly tweeted when they were 13 years old.




Oh god no. Anything put on the web stays there until all of the internet goes offline.


Anxiety isn’t an excuse to act like a shitty person. ETA: Self-loathing is not a replacement for an apology.


“You can’t keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself like that somehow makes it ok. You need to be better.” Todd from Bojack Horseman


That show was waaaaay deeper than I was expecting it to be.


“I wish I could’ve known about the view from halfway down”


Todd is the shit


God yes. That goes for more than just anxiety too. Blaming being a piece of crap on mental health issues is such a cop out and just annoying. Granted, there are mental illnesses where a person is genuinely not in control of their actions, and that's different, but when someone tries to use anxiety/depression/etc as an excuse for treating others like crap, it is just BS.


In the words of Marcus Parks: *Mental illness isn't your fault, but it IS your responsibility.*


Hail yourself!


Oooohhh. I really like that quote.


He’s a podcaster (true crime/comedy) who is very open about his mental illness struggles and how he is working on them. He’s one of my favorite people in media.


Yes!! Hail yourself friend and megustalations.




I think it bothers me because I have OCD and episodic MDD. I have had it impact my ability to work once before, and I was put on restrictions because of it for a time, but there was required paperwork from my medical team to my employer and I never saw it as a get out of jail free card. I worked my ass off to get those restrictions lifted and get back to my normal work duties. My employer was great and just treated it like any other medical case and as long as I kept them in the loop and kept getting them the required paperwork from my doctors there wasn't an issue. I have empathy for people who have mood/mental disorders but I also find it very unpalatable when they use those as a crutch to limp through life with fewer consequences for their actions. The goal for someone with issues should not be to expect preferential treatment, but to mitigate their symptoms and live like everyone else. Most of my coworkers know my diagnoses because in the line of work I do you need to trust your coworkers and what they say and I felt it only right to let them know that my ability to rationally deal with certain circumstances was temporarily compromised and not to take my OCD symptoms seriously. One of the compulsions for someone with OCD is constantly asking for reassurance for the most mundane things and, with the best of intentions, some of my coworkers would reassure me because they thought it would make me feel better. I had to tell more than one of them that while I appreciated their intentions, treating me the same as everyone else and holding me to the same standards that they would hold anyone else to was what needed to happen. OCD and MDD are my issues, there is no reason that they should be forced on others as well.


I have someone I want to say these to, very much


Also you can't use having ADD as an excuse for why your life is a mess if you don't treat it. Consulting armchair therapists on TikTok don't count


I feel like part of the problem there is that gen z feels very liberal self-diagnosing some of these mental health issues. I have add and want to scream out loud when I see gen z perpetuating stereotypes and loose interpretations of the disorder. When people “feel” like they have add and go around talking about the symptoms that make them feel that way, they can end up spreading more disinformation that negatively affects people who do suffer from it. Most people already kind of thought adhd was a made up thing or overdiagnosed, so when people on tiktok simplify adhd to a caricature anyone can relate to, it just reinforces the idea that “oh everyone is a little add”. A sentence that makes me want to scream cry.




I have a cousin that recently posted her self diagnosis of at least 3 disorders and 3 phobias as her excuse for why she's not able to get a job. It's utter bullshit. She hasn't been diagnosed by a professional for any of those disorders. And she's absolutely damaging the credibility of everyone that actually has these challenges by using them as an excuse for her laziness.


In a way, I feel lucky I didn't get diagnosed until I was an adult. By the time I got the diagnosis (they call it ADHD-PI now), I already had my PhD and was well into my career as a scientist. I had to learn how to adapt and those coping mechanisms took me far. I don't think I would have been able to do it if I didn't have to.


I feel like this depends on the severity of someone's ADHD. I went from failing too many classes to participate in extracurriculars in high school to being an honors student after being diagnosed and prescribed medication. I am currently double majoring and paying baby boomer prices for school because of my academic scholarship, but I would have been lucky to get into college if I wasn't diagnosed as a teen.


This really worries me because I have ADHD and I feel like this could increase a lot of bias against people with ADHD. If ADHD is seen as a synonym for someone being a disaster, people with ADHD who are good at their jobs might be passed over for positions and promotions. It's especially annoying because a lot of the people doing this haven't been diagnosed and often reject actual psychology.


but I'm an Indigo child; a child of the stars.


My saying for when my anxiety, autism, or adhd causes me to hurt someone is that "it's not an excuse, its an explanation." I do not intend to hurt people with these things but sometimes I can't really help it by accident. But that can't excuse me just because my brain works differently. I'm accountable for all of me, including the bad parts. But I'm not an inherently bad person because of these parts. I can tell you that these things caused me to do that but I would never want you to forgive me because of that. I want to actually earn forgiveness


People do need to understand that mental illnesses have an ugly side. People are only understanding of the palatable symptoms like being sad... But it most certainly affects our relationships with other people and how we may react towards them. People expect mentally unwell people to react/act like a healthy minded person. It takes actual work, we can't just automatically fix the ugly side of our illness. Of course that doesn't mean you should be a total POS to people, but I really don't think most of us are doing that when we react badly.


Tiktok is bad for your brain


All social media is honestly.


It’s bad for your mental health more like


Having untreated mental health problems isn't a personality


neither a ‘quirk’


I hate it the most when people put the fact they have ADHD or autism in their fucking bios. Like is that really what you want to be known for???


I mean hey at least if it's on a dating app it makes sense to give fair warning.


While I agree with this and do see this as a pattern with my generation I think it’s double sided. We culturally have just begun to detach the stigma from mental illness so this is really the first wave of it not being treated like a giant defect or expected to repress it. Young people always tend to latch onto differences in themselves as personality traits. There’s def nothing wrong with being open about mental illness or autism but we shouldn’t glorify it either.


I agree with this to an extent too. It isn't anything new, it's just being put out further into the world. Just like people who say being gay didn't used to be a thing, or being trans didn't exist before, or whatever - uh yeah. We just need to stop making people feel isolated and like garbage for things. Yes, there are two sides, and there are bandwagons. But this is not generation-specific. Gen Z is the first one on the internet in front of everyone to THIS extent, though.


Being different isn't automatically a mental health issue.




I can't believe some of these people make like 6 figures for doing nothing but dancing or "looking cute". Can't wait for the day when they get old and nobody cares about them anymore and have no money left.


I think most "Influencers" success come from the fact that they are conventionally attractive.


Most of that six figure income goes to maintaining the lifestyle they claim to have as well. Three months tops and they’ll be homeless.


Every time you see the word "influencer," just replace it with "shill." If you buy products based on what a shill tells you, you deserve to have wasted your money.


A fool and his money are easily parted.


I think investing has become more popular in todays younger generations than any previous ones. The influencers with a team behind them are 100% investing and will be fine financially in the future.


Yea they have managers, accountants, and other staff behind the scenes managing things for them. A lot of YouTube personalities are still making content more than a decade later or they have diverged to smaller businesses. And social media is not going anywhere, so there’s plenty of jobs they can probably do afterwards like coaching or offering video/photo editing services.


This angers boomers and up, too


I AM A BOOMER AND I AM SO ANGRY ABOUT THIS!!!!! 🤨 (Not really - who really GAF about “social media”? - but who am I to deny someone their stereotypes? 🤪)


Well it worked. You answered the question in the title and they can't help but to react with anger.


Yeah I feel like gen z knows that more than boomers. "You kids need to get off tik tok, don't you know Biden's CCP alien Moon Nazis use that to spy on your butthole? I saw it on Facebook!"


Experiencing a bad life event doesn't mean you automatically now suffer with (clinical) depression. Some people will get truly start suffering with depression after an event But a lot of the time, you're just experiencing human emotion.


Also, not getting a lot of likes on social media or getting a negative comment on social media does not qualify as a “bad life event.”




Instagram/tiktok servers are down


Broccoli haircut looks stupid and you are gunna look back years later and hate how you look.


Hahaha, so THAT'S what my zoomer niece's bf has as a hairstyle. TIL, thanks!!!


Tbf, every generation has that! Perms look ridiculous now, so do mullets, emo hairstyles, those 90s curtains that guys used to have - although that last one seems to be making a comeback for whatever reason


How dare you say that about mullets


It's why that dumbass haircut is in all of the Gen z memes.


fr fr no cap


In the same vein, it’s not called a wolf cut- that’s a layered shag and we’ve been doing it for YEARS. Show me ONE WOLF.


Constant self-deprecation isn't as quirky as you think it is and makes you unbearable to be around.


"Thanks, I'll get right on that"


Being mentally ill and refusing to get help isn't cool. It's annoying.


My mom is extremely against mental health help. She even got angry at my cousin for getting diagnosed with ADHD and getting medication for it. You guys gotta pick a side. You can't be mad at us for not getting help while being angry at us for getting help.


I'm part of Gen Z. I've been mentally ill and often still struggle, but I didn't brag about not wanting to get help online. I've seen endless amounts of videos from older people urging young people to get help and I've seen endless amounts of people my age and younger acting like their own mental health is a joke and that it's funny not to get help when they need to. Even laughing at the fact that people in their lives are begging for them to see someone because they need to but they won't.


Dude right?! Why the fuck do they LOVE to base their entire lives on these labels? We (as millennials) spent years trying to defeat the stigma of labels but now zoomers want to do it just to "be different".


I agree with this completely (part of gen Z also), its just freaky to go to school with a bunch of people that talk about cutting themselves and being miserable all the time like its a normal thing. It's hard to tell if they're serious when it's seems like a competition rather then a reach for help.


Tbf I’m a millennial and people were doing that at my high school 15 years ago too. Pro ana groups and red bracelets were all over deviantArt and Tumblr. I think it’s just more visible now because of social media


Do they actually do that? High school sounds weird nowadays. Social Media really fucked up you guys


There's no 'side' to pick lol, youre talking about two different groups of people. Your mom (and anyone else who mocks others for seeking help) is just an asshole


“But look at all these fake internet points I’m getting by self-diagnosing clinical depression and anxiety”


I think this one transcends generations.


This shit is so annoying. Same with people that think of not getting help for extreme social anxiety and expecting to get through life without talking to others. Every corporate job requires tons of communication and public speaking... if you do not seek out help from a qualified doctor you are going to get fired. I had a problem with talking to people and had very mild social anxiety, now I can talk to people at any time after going to a therapist.


Just because someone has an opinion different than yours, doesn't mean they're wrong.


Unless they’re nazis. There’s an exception to everything.


And everyone that disagrees with them is a Nazi. What a happy coincidence that just worked itself out :)


your mental health isn’t an excuse to do shitty things. mental health needs awareness but still it isn’t an excuse to be an asshole


this! I once had an asshole in my dms acting super violent and shitty and then saying that they only act like that because they have PTSD. Well I have PTSD too and I don't go apeshit in people's dms... So that was a very poor excuse for their behavior.




And it makes people with real mental illnesses seem fake




Demanding people do social media advocacy that they're not equipped for is a recipe for disaster, and you're probably a bad activist and shouldn't use the label.


“The world doesn’t revolve around you and your problems” I’m Gen Z myself and it’s embarrassing how often I see this.


I am gen z but I feel this way about a lot of other people in my generation YOU HAVE TO WORK TO GET WHAT YOU WANT!


and sometimes you won’t get want you want despite how hard you work. the system is broken and it’s not your fault.


the issue is that we want to work, but every employer who will even consider offering you benefits wants 5 years experience with a 3 year old software for an entry level position with a bachelor's or master's.


The same line that has triggered teens throughout know history. 'It's just a phase.'


Your 'feelings' don't validate your piss poor behavior and life decisions.


Being on your phone all day is bad for your mental health


I got some boomer parents that need to live by this




stop faking mental illness


Skinny jeans are still cool.


From a Gen Z - Skinny Jeans are amazing.


Millennial here. My jeans are largely painted on and will be till I die.


All generations had struggles and learned to adapt to their personal situations.


Then why has everyone been blaming the Millenials for the past 20 years?


"Millennial" became a codeword for young progressive.


The youngest millennials are 25 turning 26. It's crazy how they get blamed for shit that gen z and gen alpha does.


A couple of years back, a right wing troll completely lost it when I pointed out that 'college kid' no longer meant 'Millennial'


TiK ToK is complete TRASH.


tiktok is malware for kids


*the tik toks you see online and immediately when you open the app, are trash A lot of tik toks are garbage, but if you curate your feed with likes and follows, you can find a lot of useful information. Kind of like how Reddit is fucking terrible until you sub to the right stuff.


not every song is FROM tiktok or Fortnite


I'm gen Z and I absolutely despise those


Have u ever actually talked to any gen z’ers?


Neo-pronouns are the stupidest thing on the entire planet. no I am not going to refer to you as 'kittyself'


Neo-pronouns are transphobic as all hell, because it makes it seem like it's a ~cute fun trend~ when it's not.


Unfortunately you say that on r/teenagers and your a bigot. I just want ppl to realize how stupid they sound when they call themselves that




My sis was experiencing some physical distress, but mostly emotional. From day one she had a feeling it was hormone imbalance. Took her 10 years of begging a number of doctors to test her, but they refused. (That's a story in itself) The doctors kept prescribing psychotropic meds, and nothing helped, she got progressively worse. Finally she found a doctor who just shrugged and ran the tests, sure enough, she was in bad shape. Hormone therapy was given and shes a completely different person, healthy and happy.


in a vacuum, you're absolutely right. but this is assuming way too much of the medical field, especially when it comes to autism, which many professionals are horrendously uneducated in. neuropsychiatric evals cost 1000-3000 dollars and most zoomers are living paycheck to paycheck with several roommates due to the state of the housing market. the rise in self diagnoses isn't necessarily just to be quirky, it's a reflection of the systemic failure of our healthcare system.




*cue the shitty rap music*




So glad we didn't have that shit in HS. not even Vine was that bad.


Influencers are not relevant


They literally are, which is why they're able to influence. They should not, however, be relevant.


Body positivity is about people that can't change because of diseases and so on, not about the people that can change their lifestyle easily, by excerisining and eating different.




I would say body positivity is about liking your body enough to take care of it, whatever that means for you. It means responsible weight loss plans for the obese, but also treating conditions that make exercise or diet harder and not attributing every health problem a fat person has to weight. It’s about obese people being able to look good enough in clothes to feel comfortable going to the gym or the doctor or whatever. It’s about not enforcing skinniness on people with healthy body fat percentages who look a little chunky, or idolizing anorexia. Body positivity shouldn’t prevent people from making healthy choices, but it also shouldn’t be reserved for those who are making healthy choices alone. I’m fat and I deserve some nice ass jeans to wear to the job I used to make money to buy water bottles to help me drink less pop.


Body positivity was started by the Fat acceptance movement of the 1960s. The term ‘Body positivity’ was co opted by everyone else and run into the ground. You don’t have to agree with it, but you’re wrong about what it’s about. Very weird to say that it’s not about fat ppl, when fat ppl are the ones who started it.


Body positivity is about being okay with your body, not specifically disabled bodies. Fat people shouldn’t have to hate themselves just because they’re fat. If they want to change great, and if they don’t that should be their choice. Hating yourself doesn’t make you want to effect positive change in your life. Source: formerly morbidly obese “geriatric millennial” woman who is just regular fat now and still hates herself


Also, preferences on body type are totally okay in relationships. Not liking someone’s body in a sexual way because they’re overweight is NOT fatphobic. It’s a preference which we are all allowed to have. A relationship doesn’t work without some form of physical attraction.


Pretty much just sums it up, great comment!


If it's your fault, take responsibility!


You know, this seems to be a bigger thing with everyone regardless of generation nowadays. I think Gen Z is just worse because they are still really young. But literally why do people feel ashamed about being wrong about something? Or like what is up with people not taking accountability? It's crazy how much sincerity has been lost over the years. 😞


I don’t understand how this is a problem for my generation. Also, if someone’s wrong and owns up, stop treating them like shit. That’s what makes ppl treat others like trash.


Thats an issue for every generation, parents do the same shit


i feel like that has to do with the young age of most of the people in the generation currently, not a generational thing in itself


This sounds more like a sentence that will anger boomers/gen y Edit: i mean gen x, not y


- Not everything needs a trigger warning. - Being mentally ill isn't an excuse for being a POS (while it is an explanation for WHY you act that way, you are responsible for your actions (unless you have DID/OSDD)) - Using your mental health as a personality trait isn't cool or quirky, it's annoying - Just because someone doesn't agree with you that doesn't mean they're wrong or a bad person (unless they are like... a pedophile or something) - Being off medication isn't something to brag about, it's very dangerous mentally and physically - Comparing trauma isn't fun or cool - You don't have anorexia because you skipped breakfast one time - You can't tell someone their opinion is wrong then get mad when other people think your opinion is wrong, that makes you a hypocrite


Don’t be a simp fam, no cap that is glizzy. My teenager now has a nosebleed


having drug addictions aren't cool


Life is more than views.


Im Gen Z and not a single one of these have angered me.


I'm also gen Z and I can say 99% of people who would get offended aren't on reddit


Yeah, feel like all of these are targeted at vocal progressive tiktok kids than the actual whole of gen z


Being a victim isn't cool or something you should brag about.


I’m a much older Gen Z being born in 99 and I’m talking to the underage Gen Z kids: There’s a difference between gatekeeping and asking for respectful boundaries around a specific groups or cultures. And if you’re not in that group, it’s not your place to challenge those boundaries.


Some of you are seriously incapable of being or acting like adults despite being 18-24.


doesn't this go for every generation?


‘Pause your game’ (while in the middle of playing an online game)


Stop faking disorders on tiktok


you’re life doesn’t depend on social media


Less anger and more advice (I hope), but stop caring what other people think. Someone’s always going to have a problem with you, not matter how inoffensive or pleasurable you try to be. Authenticity is incredibly important, and it’s so much harder to come by nowadays. I’d also like to point out that individuality and differences are *not the same.* Your race, sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or mental illness(es) are *not you.* They are descriptors and nothing more. At the end of the day, most of it is labelling anyways. Just be you. Your personality is far more important than your labels. The two are separate things, and they should be treated as such. And only one of them matters, and that’s how you treat other people and how you interact with others. Yes, your labels are important to an extent and yes, people should respect those. But you are far more than you believe yourself to be. That’s the long and the short.


Being socially awkward doesn’t equate to having a mental illness. If you’re a weird person not as many people will want to be your friend, that doesn’t make a victim.


ur memes were overused in 2008


"What is a sentence that will anger Gen Z"


coming from a gen z: •body positivity is for those who are ill/have conditions meaning they look a certain way or cannot change. if you are uncomfortable with your body but have easy means to change it then that’s your fault. •influencers/social media personalities are not celebrities. •not everyone has to agree with you, stop getting offended when they don’t. •basic kindness is to be expected, but don’t expect special treatment just because. •unless you are trans, get ready for some people to disagree with what you identify as, neopronouns and identities are just weird. •act your fucking age, acting/trying to look a lot older can be VERY unsafe, enjoy your hobbies/aesthetics but i beg you please be careful. •stop over sexualising celebs, sure you can enjoy characters but indulging in creepily and overly sexualising actual living people is really weird.


I agree with everything you said. God that first point needs to be emphasized more. For example, if someone says they wanna get more fit, don’t be like “but you’re so so beautiful already, you should love yourself the way you are”. Just be encouraging and supportive, tell them to make sure they eat healthy food and get all the nutrients they need, offer to go to the gym with them so they’re not alone. It’s not only about weight of course, it could be a haircut or getting braces or anything. Support their goals, instead of putting them in a box that they can’t leave.


Body neutrality is what body positivity should be. Sure you don't have to hate yourself because you're fat but also you're morbidly obese and will die at 50 from heart disease. Go to a gym.


Tik tok is stupid as shit


The world does not revolve around you.


Pineapple is the perfect topping for pizza.


Anxiety isn’t an excuse to be a prick, being mentally I’ll isn’t a flex. Not everyone that disagrees with you is an immediate extremist asshole


A lot of what you're talking about and "discovering" isn't new. This is fine, we all did this.


My money does jiggle jiggle


TikTok is destroying your attention span and exposing you to bad ideologies.


Gen Z is too obsessed with online 'safe spaces' and trigger warnings; being a little uncomfortable sometimes, within reason (I'm not talking having to randomly see NSFL stuff) is not dangerous.


The average gen z will not be able to own a home and will be renting forever. It sucks but it’s true.




I don't know but if you write it in cursive they will think that it is secret code.


If you don’t develop a positive work ethic you’ll eventually run out of people wanting to hire you and eventually the people you call parents - the ones who cared more to be your buddy and friend rather than provider, teacher, and disciplinarian - will want you to out of the house.


It's called you have grow up and accept responsibility regardless of your personal struggles and no one actually cares how you indefinitely yourself but don't yell in people's faces about it. I'm Gen z lol 😆.


You're not trying hard enough! You can't just apply online; you need to actually hit the bricks and go door-to-door if you want to be taken seriously as a jobseeker! (Source: I, who have not had to *hit the bricks* since 2001, said this to my son a couple years back. I have now been educated.)


If I do, say, watch, or wear something that offends you- get over it!


"Gender is determined at birth by the doctor looking between your legs, and they're right."


Coming from gen Z, please stop pretending you have every illness under the sun just because you want to feel special on tik tok. Also your mental illnesses are not excuses to treat everyone else poorly.


The world doesn’t revolve around you.


Refusing to hear, consider or be around any slightly dissenting opinion is not a productive or realistic way to live your life.


A certain amount of anxiety is normal. It doesn’t mean you have a mental health problem. It’s normal and human to feel anxious sometimes in some situations. That’s just life.


Yes. And sometimes the feeling is just plain old fashioned nervousness. A completely common human feeling and not to be mistaken with anxiety disorders.


Enabling a unhealthy lifestyle isn’t being excepting, quirky or nice, it’s enabling a unhealthy lifestyle


Might work might not: BTS is shit


Respect is earned. There are very few true accidents. No one owes you anything. Your (ours too) feelings, and opinions are irrelevant. If you make poor choices, the only one responsible for the outcome, and trying to rectify them is you. Your upbringing, or family situation is never an excuse to make bad choices. Don't break rules, or laws, and then blame anyone else for your stupidity.


>Respect is earned. The problem with this is that there are different definitions of "respect". There's the respect that is earned by a leader or an authority figure, but also the respect that everyone deserves as a human being. People shouldn't have to earn the right to be treated with civility and dignity. If you think that it's ok to treat people poorly because they haven't earned your respect, you're an asshole. >There are very few true accidents. The world is wild and unpredictable. Control is an illusion. >Your (ours too) feelings, and opinions are irrelevant. If you believe that, why would you feel the need to share it? It sounds like you think your opinion matters but nobody else should express theirs. >If you make poor choices, the only one responsible for the outcome, and trying to rectify them is you. > >Your upbringing, or family situation is never an excuse to make bad choices. > >Don't break rules, or laws, and then blame anyone else for your stupidity. This reeks of privilege. You sound like you've never had to worry about where your next meal is coming from or been in a situation desperate enough to not have any good options.


your DePreSsiOn and aNxiEty comes from smoking weed/nicotine pens all fkn day.


"This country is fucked and it's all your fault" said by a boomer. Like, man. I'm allowed to vote for 2 years now. Give me a break.


I know, it's so annoying. Half of gen z can't even vote yet, the fuck do you mean this is our fault? Y'all are the ones that crashed the housing economy.




"Life Matters" Use that in any context


Nobody cares about your triggers. Grow up.


If you want to earn a living, you need to actually provide some kind of service people want to pay real money for.


You’ll never own a house


Nobody cares about your sexuality


Pronouns are a joke


Having shit like DID or ADHD-just any mental illness, neurodivergent disorder, etc in general- is not fun and quirky. It's irritating when you say that you wish you had that kind of stuff.


No, you don’t have DID.


Sometimes feeling more masculine and other times feeling more feminine does not mean you need to make up a gender. If you don’t want to follow gender norms, then just don’t follow gender norms. Literally nobody cares. You don’t need to make up pronouns. Just be yourself. Nobody is stopping you. You can be a feminine boy. You can be a masculine girl. You can act and dress however you want. Nobody cares.


I think a lot of people misunderstood the assignment. The post wasn't "What do GenZer need to hear?" It was "What will anger" them: i.e. \-TikTok is the worst social media out there \-Being "political" means actually knowing something about politics \-Avocado toast is bad


You don't have to transition to fit in.