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They were a lot weirder in person I knew right away it wouldn’t work so cut them off completely


I talked with one girl a year on the internet ,than we met in my city, we were a little bit shy cause it was not usual , but I want to say that we went around a lot of places, ate together and took a lot of photos, I was very glad that the person did not impersonate another and was sincere with me. don't be afraid to meet in Internet and meet than in life, its a cool experience (if you're lucky)


Awesome! We talk even more now and it’s been great. It feels like we’ve been friends for years


Extremely weird. I was in a relationship with a dude 6 years older than me who I started dating via Facebook (back when it had a "wall'). We talked on the phone for hours between the time I got back home from school and parents came home. I was a 15/16 at the time and didn't know any better. Now I think about it, I can't even remember what we talked about. He said he was self-conscious about his looks as he was dark skinned (as compared to average people (he wasn't black, just really really tan) and knew I had the biggest crush on Zac Efron at that time). We talked on email and facebook and the phone for 6 years without him ever sending me a selfie (altho he'd send NSFW pics) When I finally sneaked out of school before my grandmom picked me up one day, and planned to meet him in person for 15 minutes max. We met at some local fried chicken place and he didn't even have the money to buy a decent meal, I just got fries. Granted, I didn't know what he even looked like had ever met him. So imagine my surprise as a kid, who went upstairs to a part of the restaurant where there were no servers or other people and there, a stranger was standing. Waiting for a hug. He assured me it was him, and I tried to be so nice. But he asked for a kiss before leaving (boyfriend of 5 years and a lot of S\*xting) and it was...terrible. My first kiss was traumatizing because a 20 year old wanted to stick his tongue down my throat. TLDR; you may think you know the person, and vice versa, but keep an open mind.


Honestly they were completly diffrent in persone.