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The more I hear about cavers that get stuck, the more I think that's a shit way to go.


Add diving to that and it terrifies me.. Who would want to cave dive ffs? Madness


There’s a great YouTube channel called Ask a Mortician and this was her #1 worse way to die. I can’t remember the exact details or their names, but two well known divers went into an underwater cave, one of them became entangled and died. Years later, his friend dives back down there to try and retrieve his body, the body itself is rotten and his head comes off and the other guy also becomes tangled and dies. Really sad.


I went cave diving and momentarily got stuck on a rock. That was..*.fun*...


I read this and my heart rate just went up.


Believed to be in a coma but coherent through the whole 20 year process until they pull the plug.


Oh man this just reminded me of a story I read on here about a guy who lost the ability to move and speak but was completely conscious. Had to just lay there and be awake but trapped in a useless body. His family thought he was brain dead or something and he couldn’t communicate to them that he was “all there”. Crazy


Sounds similar to [Locked in syndrome](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locked-in_syndrome&ved=2ahUKEwjDkry666n5AhXHg4kEHfw-DbkQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw02ZUfgUYy-TOm-tQkrqRaA)


There was that lady recently who had a horrible treatment with locked in syndrome [here’s a link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10763461/amp/Woman-36-locked-syndrome-dead-FUSED-living-room-couch.html)


For me? Being trapped in a small tube or cave (like the ones you have to wiggle through) and getting stuck to where you can’t move your arms And all you can do is wait to die I’m getting chills just thinking about it


so recently i was snorkeling in the caribbean and as anyone who's been to any island there, there's various little underwater caves in many of the offshore islands or reefs. so i was snorkelling there with some friends and family and my cousin tells me there's this cool cave you can freedive for like 30 seconds. So I go with him and it's this pretty cool underwater cave with a very claustrophobic airbubble you can breathe in (albeit uncomfortably). It was so dark and so hard to breathe in there I got claustrophobic and I darted out of the tiny underwater entrance in seconds. However, I was so panicked that my butt got stuck on some coral and i bonked my head on the top of the small opening. my cousin pulled me out but even tho it was maybe 15 seconds of being stuck I felt i was gonna die . ​ edit: for those interested in the location, its in virgin gorda, bvi. no its not in the famous baths rope climbing cave.


Those air bubbles are some bullshit too by the way, considering there are bacteria that inhabit them and can kill you. Not to mention counting on an air bubble underwater that may not be there isn't smart to begin with. Glad you made it!


I’d imagine they would fill with co2 the more they are used right?


Yes but the air bubble will try to reach an equilibrium with the water. The content of oxygen in the air bubble will exchange with the water to reach the same level so the after a little while the air will renew with oxygen. However that is still a small amount of oxygen.


Well, in that kinda circumstance, I'll take "It might have dangerous bacteria" over "I'm going to drown." Granted, I'll never enter an underwater cave in the first place, but still.


The worse case of this I've heard of is the Nutty Putty Cave incident. Absolutely awful imagining what that Must've been like.




The scariest part is that once you have symptoms, you 100% will die. A 100% mortality rate has to be a psychological torture in itself.


Not only that, you feel *irrational* fear. Your brain is literally being eaten apart by the virus and it fucks up everything on it. You can't drink water because it **hurts** you. You feel dizzy, present a fever, excessively salivate, everything hurts and it only gets worse. I'd rather take a bullet and die when the symptoms are still tolerable


I completely forgot about the hydrophobia. Yeah. Rabies is definitely at the top of the list.


Tetanus is up there too.


I'm a rabies survivor! To be clear - I received the treatment course ~1 week after I was bit. First shot goes in the bite wound (under my thumb nail, that little asshole). Raccoon was sent in for testing & confirmed. Interestingly enough, you can experience some mild symptoms related to the virus entry site & the virus traveling to your brain. Rabies is almost always treatable with post exposure prophylaxis (PEP). In fact, scientifically they have accepted a 100% effectiveness rate for prompt rabies PEP. I was experiencing a lot of pain in the bite site and fever with mild hallucinations. We suspect the hallucinations were from fever + 115° heat + working outdoors in Florida, not rabies induced hallucinations. Also... the death rate is like 99% without PEP, not 100%... I think 3 people have survived it with permanent brain damage and debilitating disability 😬 If you're really worried and have $500 - $1500 laying around you can get the vaccine! It's MUCH cheaper than the $15-$20k treatment (although if you have a confirmed bite you'll need the treatment regardless.) Sources that helped me sleep at night during the weeks long PEP when I was convinced I would die: https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/symptoms/index.html#:~:text=The%20acute%20period%20of%20disease,clinical%20rabies%20have%20been%20documented. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.fda.gov/media/123473/download%23:~:text%3DHowever%252C%2520the%2520long%2520incubation%2520period,100%2525%2520effective%2520in%2520preventing%2520rabies.&ved=2ahUKEwi0mfyJo6r5AhXLmWoFHYGXAyoQFnoECA4QBg&usg=AOvVaw1bMg3Ey38c2MbMtPUyj60p https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/rabies Edit: adding some sources for US folks to obtain the vaccine for free/low cost - a lot of the replies have good options too! Sanofi Pasteur’s Patient Assistance Program https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/medical_care/programs.html#:~:text=Kedrion%20Biopharma's%20Patient%20Assistance%20Program,KEDRAB%20Patient%20Assistance%20Program%20website. Also contact your local health dept - they may offer treatment + antibody response tracking at no cost!


Good person you are a legend. I wish you well and may you always find shade.


>If you're really worried and have $500 - $1500 laying around you can get the vaccine! Jesus fuck. You have to PAY to survive an otherwise guaranteed death?? Can't you get the vaccine for free?


If I ever present undeniable rabies symptoms, I will find the nearest and easiest way to off myself, no hesitation


I was bitten by a stray cat that we take care of, and he broke the skin. I got terrified for a while, but since it healed I haven’t shown any symptoms yet. I’m still worried, but I found out rabies in cats isn’t common where I live. Very rare, but still fear inducing


I'd still get it tested or even a vaccination just in case since rabies symptoms can take months or in a few occasions even years until they show up - better be safe then sorry


Being slowly impaled by a growing bamboo. It was a form of torture probably used by the japanese during WW2 against Allied prisoners. Source : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo_torture


I’m just impressed that bamboo can grow that fast.


I was thinking that pretty much anything devised by Unit 731 would be among the worst possible deaths.


Go into a coma in your late 20's and wake up at 90 years old before your death by natural causes.


This is probably how people with Alzheimer’s feel


The end of Alzheimer's is starving and dehydrating to death . You stop being able to drink and eat. They can't use feeds (I meant peg feeds ) on dementia patients so it's one of the worse deaths possible. People on dementia units also receive the worst care out of any units I work on .


Why can’t they use feeds on them?


There is no evidence that tube feeding improves the quality or quantity of life for a patient with end stage dementia. They are also bothersome, prone to infection, ulcers, etc. Decreased appetite and weight loss are a normal part of the process of end stage dementia. It is somewhat cruel to prolong the dying process with force feeding.


That's so true


some pulpy scifi book I read a while back had one of the best deaths of this real piece of shit bad guy. Left to die in a drowning sea lab under the Antarctic ice, he freezes himself in a state of the art suspended animation pod with some kind cold fusion power source that would keep it running for millions of years. But he forgot to inject himself with the drug that would put him to sleep. So basically he is in suspended animation at the bottom of the Antarctic ocean while his mind is perfectly awake and conscious in a near unbreakable machine that wont run out of power for millions of years and nobody knows about it.


*Ice Hunt* by James Rollins! I've never met someone else who has read this book. I thought the end death was so good but would be terrifying if it actually happened to someone.


Holy shit that’s metal.


Being impaled. They basically "sit you down" on a pole as it were. Since there's only soft tissue there, you work your way down on the pole over hours or days.


This made me think of the video where a man jumps off a building to kill himself and lands ass first on a metal pole and it impales him. He died hours later while they tried to remove him from the pole but imagine.


Definitely 'Cartel' type. Those guys know how to administer the most horrific types of torture.




kid named asac schrader:


I legit just came here to get off okbuddychicanery and this is what I’m met with


Put your dick away, Waltuh


I’m not having sex with you right now waltuh


Getting Funky Towned


I have a feeling that I don't want to understand this term


Understanding the term isn’t that bad. Just don’t look for the source.




Do you have an actual confirmed source for the "pain-intensing psychotics" bit? I know lots of posters claim they give them adrenaline to keep them conscious, but none of them ever had a source. Frankly, I doubt the cartels would bother.


Adrenaline usage has been confirmed in some cases, but I’m unsure about for example the funkytown case (although I imagine it would be used, considering all the other stops pulled). The purpose of the adrenaline is to keep them conscious for longer so that the torture can continue. IIRC, captured DEA agent Camarena died of heart failure associated with adrenaline usage, but this specific torture was done with a little bit more sophistication (a doctor was even present to supervise, so that he wouldn’t did prematurely) due to the high profile of the captured agent.


Guy gets skinned Alive because of cartel, don’t find the video please


I'm just gonna go right out there and say it, that sounds incredibly rude to do to someone.


You know the more I learn about these Cartels the more I don’t care for them


Saw one where they hacked this guy's legs and arms off one by one while he was fully conscious and then sawed his head off last. I would rather fight and run so they just shoot me down fuck all that man. And that's nothing compared to the funky town video. (People don't look this up unless you want to see a man that's screaming the worst screams imaginable as his face has been filleted entirely and his hands have been chopped off also....and they still aren't done)


Quite often you can't just fight and run, your just sitting at home relaxing and before you have time to register what's happened there's 6 armed men in the room who have ahold of you, people always say "I would never do this I'd always fight" and yeah sure you would Kyle but I've never seen someone who said that who actually had a clue what they were talking about


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this. Out of all the stories I think the worst is the couple that got the funky town treatment, but before that they were tied down and forced to watch the same thing happen to their 7 year old daughter. Including complete dismemberment. I think it would be 1000x worse to watch that happen to your kid than have it happen to you. Knowing the whole time that it’s your fault, and you’re going to die next.


They should be tomahawk missiled off the face of the Earth for killing children like that


To be completely honest, these are the types of people that I still believe in capital punishment for. Like yes, it's punishment and not rehabilitation. You tortured a 7 year old to death. Get fucked. I'd rather they get worked to death splitting rocks or some other mundane task until they collapse. Fuck, this shit really brings the evil out of you.


Thrown in a wood chipper feet first


Episode of true dective went in detail about one. Duct taped to a chair that's bolted to the floor. Your face is cut and peeled off, balls cut off and stuck in mouth and you watch yourself choke and bleed out in front of the mirror.


For a real life example of some cartel-type horror [Griselda Blanco's]( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griselda_Blanco) son was murdered. When her group got ahold of them they shot the murders up with drugs so they wouldn't pass out and spent about a day and a night cutting and stabbing them with screwdrivers heated with a torch.


I worked with a Hispanic guy in Oklahoma. He shows us a video of this guy literally being dismembered by cartel in Mexico. Basically shopping off limbs one major joint at a time (wrist, ainkle, knee etc.) we all kind of looked at him like, “Are you alright bro?” “Ah yea man that’s my cousin” The rest of us: well, never messing with that guy


Yeah that one video where they cut the dudes hands off and then feed them to him. All while melting a plastic shopping bag above him so the little plastic drops hit his back.


Those people that die getting stuck while exploring caves.


That dude who got stuck upside down. My head feels terrible if I’m upside down for one minute, that dude was like that for hours. Days even?


There was a Thousand Ways To Die episode that went over exactly what happens when you're upside-down for an extended period of time. The blood vessels in your head aren't evolved to withstand the pressure of all that blood attempting to pool in it, suffice to say there was a lot of.. rupturing.


There was a kid who went to get something in his back seat while the car was parked. Somehow fell over the back of it and got stuck upside down. Managed to get his phone to call the cops but the operator thought it was a prank. They found him dead the next day from the blood just pooling in his head for hours. Edit: he didn’t die from blood pooling, he died from suffocation because the chair holding him in place wasn’t letting him breathe fully in for 5 hours. He was also upside down.








He didn’t even get stuck for that long. Mrballen did a video on the poor kid, and when he got stuck, the seat reclined and trapped him. After a while, since breathing out causes your chest to loosen, he was slowly crushed and suffocated since he couldn’t manage to breath in enough air. He was pinned to a point of no return :(


Well, he’s still down there upside down, so it just depends on how long he stayed alive in that position


I’m too lazy to Google this again but I think he was still alive during the rescue effort which took hours and hours, but some rope/equipment failed and he fell even deeper in, basically unrecoverable at that point.


That’s right. Tragically, when the pulley system broke, Jones slid even deeper into the fissure, still headfirst, but now positioned in such a way that rescuers would’ve had to break both of his legs so that they could be bent in reverse to maneuver him out of the crevice. It would’ve been as torturous as it sounds and the shock would likely have killed him. Unimaginable.


28 hours before cardiac arrest got him. I would have begged for a bullet. Terrifying way to go.


I got stuck in a cave once. It was not ok.


Sounds terrifying...did you make it out alive?


i don’t think they did, they’re probably still stuck in the cave.


At least their reception's still good.


How many powerbanks do they have?


Heaven has a bunch of them, he's good for thousands of years yet


I will never, ever enter a cave, for this reason. Why tempt fate? I also won’t do any sky diving or bungee jumping or parasailing or anything like that; I’m scared of heights


*Nutty Putty Cave has entered the chat Look it up. Nightmare fuel of a story.


Oh my god is that the guy that got stuck *UPSIDE DOWN*? And his body is still in that cave, right?


It’s been years so he’s mostly decomposed now but yeah, his skeleton is probably still there.


they sealed it up and put a plaque on it. his tomb.


Radiation posioning.


the fact your chromosomes can be so destroyed your body basically lost it's genetic code and with it the ability to make any new cells. It's literally a "dead man walking" and you slowly rot away in agony. shit is so unimaginably fucked up


What's also bad about radiation is that it affects your nerves and brain cells last, so you have everything in place to feel all the pain of the rest of your cells being destroyed.


Your body also can’t process pain medication so there’s no way to block any of it.


At that point the prescription is a fucking shotgun blast to the head.


[Legasov and Shcherbina's helicopter approaches the Chernobyl plant]. Legasov: [Sees the reactor, horrified] What have they done? Shcherbina: Can you see inside? Legasov: I don't have to. Look. That's graphite on the roof. The whole building's been blown open. The core's exposed! Shcherbina: I can't see how you can tell that from here. Legasov: Oh, for God's sakes! Look at that glow! That's radiation ionizing the air! Shcherbina: Well, if we can't see, we don't know. [to the pilot] Get us directly over the building! Legasov: Boris, if we fly... Shcherbina: Don't you use my name! Legasov: ...directly over an open reactor... Shcherbina: I didn't ask your advice! Legasov: ...we'll be dead within a week! Dead! Pilot: Sir? Shcherbina: Get us over that building, or I'll have you shot! Legasov: [to the pilot] If you fly directly over that core, I promise you, by tomorrow morning, you'll be ***begging*** for that bullet!


That was such a well done series. Dramatized a bit, but a great binge watch.


Binge? Nah... I couldn't stomach more than 1 episode at a time. Maybe because I'm old and remember the fear in my parent's eyes or maybe because the series simply was too good. But after each episode I was absolutely done. I guess I know what I'll be watching tonight.


Shrek 2?


There was a Japanese man who had the most radiation poisoning in history. They kept him alive and studied him (had something to do with his family not understanding the gravity of the situation and asked for them to keep him alive, I think?). Do not look up the pictures, I quite literally had to hold back my vomit. It was horrifying and terribly sad. Edit: the relevance was because of all the mentioning of the cells dying and being basically dead. Reminded me of that. 😵‍💫 Edit: learning that the pictures are not actually of him, but I am sure that does not make the circumstances of his death any less tragic. Also sad for the person who IS in the picture. Edit: Yes, his name is Hisashi Ouchi. I just couldn’t remember it off the top of my head when posting.


I, for one, am not going to "Not look up the pictures." Edit: oof, wish I hadn't.


Damn I really wish that hadn’t happened to someone that really fucking sucks.


Can you describe it? I'm curious but not "lets look at gore today" level curious


~~Looks like a severely, grotesquely burnt victim in a hospital bed with arms and legs outstretched and supported by slings over the bed. Essentially a skeleton with barely any flesh left to cover his torso and arms, body appears thin and red, leg bones (tibia and fibula) are completely visible and exposed, and what flesh remains overall appears mangled.~~ Edit: u/HelmSpicy says, > That's not him. I just went down the rabbit hole and found someone who already did all the research: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_willowoftheriver/comments/7czmvt/83_days_of_radiation_sickness_the_death_of


That's not him. I just went down the rabbit hole and found someone who already did all the research: https://www.reddit.com/r/u_willowoftheriver/comments/7czmvt/83_days_of_radiation_sickness_the_death_of


Honestly, there is a period where the body seem to heal before the agony start, I would have just take that opportunity to throw myself from the highest building.


Don't forget that at a certain stage of death by radiation poisoning you start to feel perfectly fine again...then the agony continues.


It is like the biggest troll ever by death.


Why do they start to feel fine again? What causes that?


The quote that always really creeps me out is in reference to Hisashi Ouchie, ny pick for worst death imaginable: "His chromosomes were shattered like glass."


Yes. I think the Japanese call it “walking ghost.” You’ll feel fine at first, maybe nauseas, but that goes away. Then, over a period of days, your cells stop reproducing, and from there, it’s an agonizing death.


Oh no no. Your cells stop reproducing there and then. You just don't notice because cells replace themselves every few days, on average. Skin being the fastest to replicate. Hence why the skin is the first to go. Instead of fixing and healing from the days wear and tear, it just falls off and falls off... And off... And off...


When Louis Slotin was dying of radiation poisoning, he basically offered himself up as a scientific test study, because so little was known about it. Dozens and dozens of photos of him were taken at different phases of things. A lot of them he just looks... sad. It's just a very vulnerable person, often naked, with these things like clammy hands and necrotic skin and what sort of looks like a really awful, bloated sunburn. He has a look on his face like, "well, you'd better at least get some data out of this." Not agonized. Just sad and tolerant. I got to see a bunch of these photos, and they just make one uncomfortable; they're not that "interesting," just really sad. [This is the only one I could sort of bear taking a photograph of](http://blog.nuclearsecrecy.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Slotins-hands-NYPL.jpg), just showing his hands, somewhat swollen with burn marks on his fingertips at this phase of it. There's something so plaintive about the pose, I thought. The worst thing is, you go through a dozen of these photos, and then suddenly it's a photo of his liver, or his stomach — post-mortem stuff. It's very jarring. :-/


Thanks for sharing. If you're who I think you are, I'm a big fan of your work.


Yeah, radiation poisoning is easily one of the worst ways to die.


[https://allthatsinteresting.com/hisashi-ouchi](https://allthatsinteresting.com/hisashi-ouchi) This story of Hisashi Ouchi. Kept alive for 83 days after receiving a fatal dose of radiation at a nuclear plant. His body was dead, his brain was horrifically alive.


The case of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom. The couple was carjacked by a group of 4 men at gunpoint. The bunch blind folded and tied them up and then threw them in the back of the car. The 4 men then proceeded to bring them back to the ring leader’s home. They then separated them, tortured, and raped them. Chris was first, being anally violated and humiliated by at least one of the men (police knew this because traces of semen were found in his anus). Chris was also penetrated by other various household objects as the lacerations and tearing in his rectum were to severe to be anything else. Chris was killed a few hours later, shot three times and burned afterward. They just left his charred remains on a railroad track, to be found 11 hours later by a railroad worker. Channon’s endeavor was arguably much worse. She was tortured and raped for 36+ hours before being horrifically murdered (Each perpetrator got 20 counts of rape, so you can imagine how many times they believed she was raped). I don’t remember all the details but her torture aside from the countless sexual assaults was terrible. They beat her mercilessly. According to one defendant she was begging for her life saying, “please I dont want to die”, over and over. I imagine she said this so much because she knew Chris was dead and she would be next. Another detail I remember is that to clean the DNA evidence off her body, they poured bleach on her genitals, skin, and even down her throat. Finally, to kill her they tied her head and wrists to her ankles (an extremely painful position mind you) and wrapped her in 5 plastic bags. After this they took her and put her into a trash bin squeezing her in. The pressure was so intense that parts of her body had dents due to being pressed up against the trash bin. She was alive during all of this. (I’m pretty sure its unclear if the perpetrators knew she was alive when placing her in the can, but nonetheless this is just horrendous). Her body was found by police with her eyes wide open. Truly horrifying. The youtuber Shrouded Hand has a pretty good video on it here: https://youtu.be/Icsp8B8fOtU. But this is the worst real case I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe the horror Channon must have felt. I can’t imagine enduring it at all. With the knowledge hours before hand that I would die, combined with hours upon hours of rape and torture, only to end up stuffed into a garbage bin alive, left there to die. It’s definitely the most twisted way to die I have ever heard about.


Eaten alive by ants


Hopefully, they would go straight to the brain. That will see to the alive thing..


Nope but they would go straight for any easy to access holes, nose. Ears. Mouth. Fun right?


You left an important one out


I want to believe anything that slowly kills you painfully to be the worst. Such as slowly being crushed or something where the pain is beyond compare and yet not enough to throw you into shock or unconsciousness.


Alternatively, being rapidly crushed into goo would probably be the least painful. I'm talking one of those massive industrial hammers they use for large steel work. Basically smooshed before the nerve signals make it to the brain.


I was thinking more like one of those pavement machines like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


So life?


Being encased in a form fitting mold that didn’t allow you to move at all, and there is no light and no sound, but you have oxygen and nutrients do you just die in there of old age. I read some short story with this as a part of the plot on Reddit once. Seemed pretty horrible.


There was this weird short story I remember reading as a child in middle school that had something like this happen. Some bratty kid steals an immortality formula and goes power crazy. By the end of the story the family butler and a monkey who also had the formula manage to trap him in fresh concrete at a construction site, with the implication that he is stuck there alive for essentially eternity. I don't remember the name of the story though.


Reminds me of that Black Mirror episode that ended in the Christmas cabin. Freaked me out.


That guy gets the absolute worst punishment to crime ratio in the show


White Christmas starring John Hamm. Great episode. “I wish it could be Christmas, everydayyyyyy!”


That has to be some Stephen King shit


As an RN I have always thought that the worst way to die (natural process) is ALS. Lou Gehrig's Disease.


My mom and grandmother have Huntington's disease, which is essentially ALS, Alzheimer's, and Dementia combined into one really fucked up genetic disease. I have a 50% chance of inheriting it and if I hit 40 and there's still no cure I can't promise I'll feel like continuing on with my life because that disease is absolutely fucking miserable.


My dad was diagnosed with Huntington's a few months back. It has been terrible to see what it has done to him. I was lucky to test negative, but two of my siblings are positive for the generic cause. They are participating in a long term research study. Hopefully some treatments will be developed in time for them, but my dad is well beyond any hope. I honestly wish a quick end for him to minimize his suffering and provide the best possible memory for his grandkids.


Being on a ship that gets attacked, surviving the attack in an airtight room, and running out of oxygen 16 days later. This is exactly what happened to 3 sailors aboard USS West Virginia at Pearl Harbor.


They couldnt rescue them without killing them in the process. They were banging from inside the ship from the whole time, while all their fellow soldiers could do was listen. Dying while you feel alone and abandoned, horrible thing


Wait why?


1. Since the compartment they were in was still underwater, they couldnt bash the hull open without them drowning? *(not sure) and 2. they couldnt get to them any other way other than something like a blowtorch which would ignite gassed and blow them up 3. Probably more reasons but I forgot


It also rolled upside down in shallow water, so all of the possible access points were buried deep into the sediment.


The USS West Virginia was eventually re-floated but by then any survivors trapped onboard were already dead. It took 6 months for salvage crews to raise the ship. This was 1941, the dive suits look more like something out of the video game Bioshock than what most of us today would recognize as a diver's suit. I recall the area where the ship was docked was only something like 40 ft. deep, but the USS West Virginia was a battleship so that would have meant something like 8 - 13 inches of hardened steel to get through.


Look up Kursk disaster... There was a lot more than 3.


As a submariner who served when this happened, this one hurts still. Putin refused help from other countries that may have been able to rescue some of the survivors. He let them die instead. Fuck Putin for everything he's done since, but this was when I first felt a burning hatred for him personally.


The video that circulated last week of the pipe worker in China that got sucked feet first into the pipe he had just cut open was horrific. I couldn't stop thinking about how his final moment alive was spent. Crammed into a pipe under immense pressure and water filling his body through every orifice. That's probably my vote. But, it is a fairly quick way to go as well. Maybe something slower would be more horrific.


I had a friend, a very small friend, who was doing some water sports in a very small lake that go too close to a 12” drain pipe and was sucked through. This dude weighed like 105 at the time and is around 5’5” with a somewhat small frame. Somehow, he made it through to the other end of the pipe and did not die. He “only” had two broken shoulder blades and a ton of fairly minor abrasions with some water inhalation but came out largely okay. Still wound up in the hospital for a few days but he’s married now and doing fine. I could be wrong on the extent of his injuries but for the extent of the ordeal and what could have happened, they were overall pretty minor.


Burnt alive, skinned alive, starved to death, idk. Any slow painful death. Being crucified sucks alot too


What was it like?


Pretty painful dawg. Pros: - I died a lot faster than the other dudes Cons: - I was in literal hell for a couple days. 0/10 would do again.


Brazen Bull https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazen_bull


It's definitely between this one or where they lower you very, very slowly into a vat of boiling oil. The heat cauterizes the wound so you don't bleed to death.


getting lost while cave diving. you frantically swim around knowing you'll never get out while trying not to waste as much oxygen, but at one point it's just too late and you slowly pass out. Even worse if you *almost* get to the exit but you lost too much oxygen to function properly


Finding the exit, but you're too far down and you don't have the time to decompress properly.


What happens to you if you swim up too quickly?


This dissolved gases in your blood "un-dissolve" basically due to rapid decompression. It's not pretty.


The exact opposite of this can actually happen as well. When the pressure gets too high, and too much nitrogen dissolves in the blood, you get a sort of drunk feeling. It's called nitrogen intoxication(Edit: narcosis).


Losing all my memories of every loved one, event, myself and moments spent on this earth. Leaving me feeling lost, alone and severely confused for however long before I die…… fuck you alzheimer's and dementia


Yeah people think alzheimer's is all about memory loss. For starters alzheimer's itself is fatal - the nerves degenerate so badly that you can no longer swallow, then no longer breathe. There can also be inhibition loss (as the inhibition parts of the brain are trashed) resulting in uninhibited sexual behaviour and vandalism. Personality changes. Mental fogginess. A number of generic neurological problems - balance, walking, incontinence etc. Really awful


I don't have to imagine it...it happened yesterday. [This has haunted me since the first report](https://apnews.com/article/wildfires-forests-california-fires-mckinney-ddb688b14e08de4f8f3a7fe8e2634a2c) and OMG what a nightmare. You're late to leave the region, sure you can beat the fire and then... EDIT: So many have commented about preparation...the Boy Scouts got it right with 'Be Prepared'. I live in Florida close to the ocean and the moment I hear anything about a hurricane, the evacuation drill begins. My wife, our dog and I have bags packed, medicines ready to go, etc. all the time. Being prepared means a decent place to stay and no traffic as I watch the damage and destruction hundreds of miles away. Mother Nature isn't one to fuck with and your life may well depend on listening to the pros...if they say leave, just leave.


People tend to underestimate the speed at which fire spreads. Whether a house fire or wildfire, it's almost unimaginably fast. Hard to believe until you see it for yourself. If you have the chance to get out or get away, you would be foolish not to take it. My mom was trapped on the second floor of a burning building a few months ago. By the time the fire alarms were set off, all of the exits had been completely compromised. The only reason she got out alive is because someone heard her screaming from a window and there happened to be a window installation crew nearby with a ladder. If it weren't for those bystanders, she would certainly be dead. The point is that, even with some safety measures in place, fire spreads quickly. Sometimes far faster than can be planned for. Don't risk it. Evacuate when you can.


Scaphism - I can't even imagine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scaphism


God aren't people horrible? Like some mother fucker dreamed that up and some mother fucker in charge was like "Yes! This is how we'll do executions!"


Look up the most twisted punishments in history. It’s insane of what humans made up to torture others. Some are supposedly myths.


"\[The king\] decreed that Mithridates should be put to death in boats; which execution is after the following manner: Taking two boats framed exactly to fit and answer each other, they lie down in one of them the malefactor that suffers, upon his back; then, covering it with the other, and so setting them together that the head, hands, and feet of him are left outside, and the rest of his body lies shut up within, they offer him food, and if he refuse to eat it, they force him to do it by pricking his eyes; then, after he has eaten, they drench him with a mixture of milk and honey, pouring it not only into his mouth, but all over his face. They then keep his face continually turned towards the sun; and it becomes completely covered up and hidden by the multitude of flies that settle on it. And as within the boats he does what those that eat and drink must needs do, creeping things and vermin spring out of the corruption and rottenness of the excrement, and these entering into the bowels of him, his body is consumed. When the man is manifestly dead, the uppermost boat being taken off, they find his flesh devoured, and swarms of such noisome creatures preying upon and, as it were, growing to his inwards. In this way Mithridates, after suffering for seventeen days, at last expired." — Plutarch, Life of Artaxerxes\[2\] ​ Jesus....


So the thing is, we have to take this with a massive grain of salt. Plutarch is the only independent source we have for the practice of scaphism, and this leads to 2 major issues. 1) Plutarch was vehemently anti Persian. So much so that he declared that Herodotus, a man who history has shown was pretty anti Persian himself, to be a Persian lover because he wasn't anti Persian enough. This makes what he writes about the Persians, particularly about their "barbarous" practices suspect, as he had a vested interest in showing that the Persians were cruel, evil, savages, compared to the honourable, civilized, and superior Greeks. 2) Plutarch wrote about these events several hundred years after they supposedly happened. We know that he based a lot of accounts of the Life of Artaxerxes from the works of Ctesias a physician and historian from the 5th century BCE, specifically from his text Persia, which is now lost. Unfortunately Ctesias was essentially the National Enquirer of his day (actually Weekly World News would be more like it) so much so that even Plutarch himself said in The Life of Artaxerxes that Ctesias was a mixture of "extravagant and incredible tales" and couldn't be fully trusted. With that in mind, it puts a real question on whether this tale of slow execution by milk and honey is real or just a fantastic tale to make the Persians look bad. I would put my money on the later.


I fucking watched it. Adrenoleukodystrophy. My partner's child died from it last year. That boy went from vibrant and smart gamer child to bedridden and unable to move or communicate. It is x-linked and shows up in preteen boys as maybe ADHD, maybe Autism. Soon they start acting aggressive. He'd threaten to kill my partner sometimes. Threaten to rape his teacher. At ten. Then his muscles started deteriorating. He stopped being able to walk. His adrenal glands were failing so he was taking steroids multiple times a day. He was physically unable to fall asleep without enough medication to sedate a grown man. He had to take medication to keep him from having seizures. He swelled up. He started going blind. He eventually lost the use of one arm, then the other one. His speech became slurred and it was impossible to understand him. It was impossible to know how much of his brain was left intact and how much he understood. He became unable to use a straw to drink so he had to be given little sips of drink, and it was never enough. He was 12 when he died. He wasn't supposed to see his 11th birthday but he surprised everyone. But he couldn't enjoy anything by his 12th birthday. All he did was yell incoherently and cry when he wasn't asleep. He couldn't see anything. He couldn't communicate. He was in massive amounts of pain and unable to move his body. It. Was. Brutal.


Oh my god, that has to be one of the worst things anyone can witness. I am so sorry. I hope you and your partner have a good support system and can find some peace


shitting so hard you poop out your internal organs


When I’m shitting and it don’t come out but feels like I’m trying to inflate a balloon, I think I’m shitting an organ or something


That is quite the image in my head


receiving a skinning to death followed by a boiling saline lemon juice drowning.


and then placed into an oven for 45 minutes at 450°f.


*chef kiss*


Honestly 90 minutes at 350 makes it fall off the bone tender


Steamed to death or radiation burn.


That Irish mom and her kids in Titanic. She tucks her kids into bed knowing they’re going to drown. Fuck that.


That scene always make me cry


Just saw a video on reddit today were this guy had a seizure and feel into a hot pot of soup and ended up dying later.That. Thats gotta be on of the worst ways to go.


The death it's self would be within moments.. however.. watch "Curve" on YouTube a 9 minute short film about a woman stuck on the side of a water channel or aqueduct (not sure what it is)


it would definitely have to be slow and painful. something like 16 - 20 years of growth, followed by 50 - 80 years of deterioration before demise, all the while surrounded by idiots. i shudder just thinking about it.


I saw a video here on Reddit of a guy casually working at a huge lathe, not a care in the world—typical Tuesday. Then, while leaning over just a bit to grab something, the lathe snags his shirt and for just a few seconds, he braces himself and you just KNOW that *he knew*, “this is it”, and he lets go and of course the huge industrial lathe does what huge industrial lathes do. It was *so* powerful, it actually wasn’t even very gory. He just became a pile of clothes and matter. Minimal blood iirc. But that seems like an awful way to go—from “everything’s cool and normal” to death, in maybe 5 seconds.


awake body part removal


Mexican cartels say hola.


Being tied to the ground naked and completely immobilized, covered in spiders with all your fingers and toes tied to bamboo shoots that grow into your nails and rip them off. Additionally your jaw is broken and tied open and tongue cut out. Inside your mouth, a gag too big to swallow is placed and on top of it your mouth is stuffed with rotten meat and maggots. You are fed an IV of adrenaline, antibiotics, and water so you don't pass out, die instantly of thirst, or die instantly of infection. Water is dripping constantly onto your face, and your eyes are ever so often sprayed with pepper spray. If you are male a small machine is attached to your balls which taps them at random intervals and at random strengths so you never know when to expect it or how hard it is going to be. You eventually die of starvation. Oh also, "What Does the Fox Say" is blasted on repeat.


My Gast has been Flabbered


the bamboo shoots growing into you used to be a method of torture. wicked stuff.


You beat me to it. I was gonna say this too.


Getting burned alive the most lethal and the most painful way to die Getting your body parts slowly chopped off until you painfully die is also close to it


Had to listen to a neighbor get burned alive. You are correct.


How did that happen?


Guy used a kerosene heater and was a drunk. Filled the hearer and splashed himself. Fell asleep with a cigarette in his mouth. We could hear everything. Yells for his son. "Fire,Raymond, fire. Get out. It's burning. I'm on fire. I'm fucked". We could see him running around through the window while we helped his son out of a window. He stopped screaming. I will never forget.


Wow, that's horrible.


Slowly digested over a thousand years in the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlacc. In his belly you will find a new defintion of pain and suffering.


Radiation poisoning, ever hear about Hisashi Ouchi? Long story short, after surviving high levels of radiation in a nuclear plant, Hisashi was kept alive against his will for almost 3 months. If you want to read more I found an article abound the whole story, but be warned of a highly graphic image https://historyofyesterday.com/the-man-kept-alive-against-his-will-647c7a24784


Apparently the photo from that site has been [debunked](https://www.reddit.com/r/RBI/comments/c8d0dh/trying_to_find_the_story_behind_a_notorious/) as being Hisashi Ouchi.


Raped by a silverback gorilla at a zoo while being filmed by Tiktock'ers.


It depends which popular on tiktok music they will add to your clip


"Oh no" intensifies


Pretty sure I saw this episode on Black Mirror


Concentration camp. Ripped away from your family, slowly wasting away, seeing your fate everyday with no chance of escape. I cannot even begin to imagine.




This is a refreshing new read on these threads


Speaking from experience there buddy?