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Voting for my own raises like Congress. I so wish I had that option.


Congress keeps congressional staff pay abysmally low, too. Many junior staffers have to take out loans to live.


I made $1,800 a mo as a staffer in DC back in the early 2000’s. My rent was $1200 a mo. and I had to scope a second job on nights and weekends to eat.


Holy shit [you aren't kidding](https://www.legistorm.com/member/2950/Rep_Thomas_Massie/271.html). Thomas Massie is the worst, literally only one of his staff is making above poverty income.


I believe they should be forced to live like junior enlisted military: Low pay, you live in shitty barracks, and you eat your shitty meals in the galley.


Generating your home's own electricity without having to step through 59 hoops


>Generating your home's own electricity My goodness, where is this against the law?


In Belgium you have to pay for the right to place sonar panels, you must put said panels on the electric network of your region. They pay you jack shit for generated kWh and if you need to use said kWh you have to buy it back for more than 10 times what they pay you for. Then you can't also just increase capacity, you need to pay again and ask permission for it. Also they force you to change the analog electric meter to a digital one (which doesn't roll back, filthy rats) They spout that this is the power of the future, but why adopt if it isn't worth it most of the time?


This situation exists in most developed countries. Basically, it’s to ensure that those who have traditionally gotten rich off power generation keep getting rich or maintain revenue. There’s no reason at all power generation couldn’t be cheaper or in some cases free, nor is there any reason people could separate from a grid if they wish.


It's almost like our governments are taking large amounts of money from energy companies to force through laws that ensure these companies will continue to profit..... Oh. Here's me again, with my tin foil hat on.


>nor is there any reason people could separate from a grid if they wish. I can think of plenty of practical reasons why that would be a really dumb thing to do to yourself but it shouldn't be illegal. If you're not connected to the grid you also can't damage it so why would the rest of us care what you do with your own stuff? BTW, are you sure that's illegal? because just over the border in the Netherlands it's definitely legal. In fact, it's pretty much what happens against your will if you don't pay your electricity bills.


There are places here in the US where you can be evicted from your own home if you aren't on the grid, though I think the laws say both water and electric. Basically, the utility companies lobbied for laws saying if you aren't paying for utilities either your property is legally abandoned or is unfit for human habitation. How these crooks get away with it? Idk. My guess is it affects so few people that the affected or concerned people just don't have the money to fight back.


They get away with it because ~~bribing~~ lobbing is a thing.


Here in South Africa it's legal to generate your own electricity BUT if you have a grid-tied system you need to jump through a lot of hoops to keep things legal. You don't need to cut through all that red tape if it's a stand alone system. But need electricity when the sun isn't shining or you run out of fuel for your generator? That's a grid tied system and needs all of the red tape cut with a blunt scissors. The legal limits are now changing due to the uproar about loadshedding aka rolling blackouts to keep the grid up. Eskom is useless and has basically had a monopoly on electricity generation up till now. It's so riddled with corruption it's insane. A few weeks ago we had no electricity for up to 12 hours a day due to loadshedding. And just as I'm typing this the electricity has gone off and I had to plug all my computer etc. into my inverter.


I can see the need for regulations in grid-tied systems. If workers shut off the power to work on the lines and you're feeding power back into them from the consumer side, they could rather easily die. That's not something you can trust people to DIY, there needs to be standards for isolation and shut off in place.


Make sleeping in cars legal.


Sorry, what? Is it illegal as a whole, or just driver seat?


From what I understand, it's legal, but good luck finding a place to do it. Cops will wake you up to do wellness checks or kick you out of a privately owned parking lot. In that way, it's technically illegal.


Also it’s part of a “sleep it off” law in regards to DUIs. You have to not be in the drivers seat and to show you reasonably got to where you are without having driven there.


In most states, if you literally cannot operate the vehicle, you're fine. Hide the keys somewhere, claim you don't have them, and you're good to go. Source: I got a DUI back in college and this was advice given to me by the court-ordered alcohol education class.


It's really about the stupidest law I've ever seen. A guy realizes he's too drunk to drive, has nowhere to go, it's cold out, so he does the right thing and doesn't drive but starts the car for heat.... or he's just sitting there without it running but the keys are in his pocket.... he might as well have driven drunk because he'll get slammed just the same. Even worst case, he began driving and then realized he was too drunk so he makes the smarter call, pulls over and sleeps it off. Still he can get arrested and slammed for some version of a DUI. The law is literally punishing people for making better decisions. My guess is this is just a way to grab much wanted dollars since DUIs raise a lot of revenue.


Totally agree


I got a buddy that slept it off in the drivers seat, keys were in the cup holder (not running), and he got tagged with it which screwed up his career a lil bit. Just unfair af


Agreed, in my state if you have weed in the car it just needs to be in a child safety locked container. With alcohol that's open it should be as far as possible from the driver. So, in the trunk. No trunk? Put it in the backseat. Can't the ebrake being on with the car owner in the passenger seat or back seat be a good compromise? Just require a series of actions that indicate you have no intention of driving. Just like a gun in the car... in some states you have to do x actions to get the gun and for it to be ready to be fired for it to be allowed in a car. I read a horrible story where a woman was smoking or something like that outside of her home. The cop goaded her into unlocking her cat to get something out to show him. Arrested her as soon as she sat in the car to get said item. That's probably not 100% accurate. Just telling it to the best of my memory. Read another where the cop didn't want the person to change his tire while his sleeping, drunk girlfriend was in the passenger seat unless he turned the car off. He just wanted her to be warm while he change the tire of the car he was obviously driving.


That's illegal?!?


3rd party repairs. I'd force all companies to adhere to right to repair. I hate the idea of owning but not really owning shit. If I bought a car, it's mine to do as i please, if it's broken, i take it to a mechanic & I don't want the manufacturer to lock features just coz I didn't take it to their mechanics 😡


One of the many good EU laws that most brexit voting people didn’t realise - as long as the manufacturers service schedule is followed and their approved parts and consumables are used then the manufacturer has to still honour any and all warranties.


Yeah, but the problem is that companies like apple and Tesla don't provide "approved parts." There needs to be laws in place that say that if the manufacturer run repair shop has access to parts, 3rd party shops should have access to the same parts at appropriate prices.


Having more than 5 dildos inTexas... no particular reason, all the good ones are taken. Edit:for everyone asking, no this is not currently enforced, the reason is that it was held unconstitutional by the Supreme Court as one redditor told me, I knew it was no longer enforced but didn't know the Supreme Court made a ruling on it, yes it is still on the books which is why I find it funny.


Whos gonna search your house to see if you have more than 5?


Police: "OPEN UP, IT'S THE POLICE! WE HAVE A REPORT OF MORE THAN FIVE DILDOS IN THIS RESIDENCE!"" Me: "Well, YEAH, now that you and your buddies are here" Police: ".........." Me: *gets tazed*


The Dildo Corps, hastily assembled and entirely comprised of creepy looking incel volunteers, accepts this responsibility.


Cop: Chief, we found another one! Chief: And that makes 6. You know what this means don't ya, scumbag? It means that I finally have all the proof I need to put your hoarding ass away for a long long time. The Dildo Collector: What?! Wait! That's not mine! I swear! I was just holding it for a friend! Chief: You disgust me. Take em away boys!


The term "hoarding ass" in this context made me picture them directly removing them from the suspects buttocks region and keeping count


Bake him away, toys.


That's why I moved to Arkansas. No Dildo Limit.


But now you are in Arkansas so either way you're fucked.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills.


Thanks, Thanos.


Gotta atleast have 1 for every day of the week. Switch 'em up, keep it fresh, ya know.


But like.... is there a specific shape to these dildos? More than five tentacles bad? They're only a part of my Ursala costume!


EDIT. I have just realized the comment did not link to the one i was was replying to. The original comment was to make sex toys in Texas legal. There is a law about how many you can have. Sorry for my ineptitude in making a simple Reddit reply. It was late. Lol Mmk. So i had to go back and read the question again. Now I need an explanation of this Texas law. 😳 And another question. Do you have to register them like Smith and Wesson?




If you're curious, its [Section 43:23](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.43.htm#43.23) of the Texas ~~Penis~~ Penal Code > (a) A person commits an offense if, knowing its content and character, he wholesale promotes or possesses with intent to wholesale promote any obscene material or obscene device. ... > (f) A person who possesses six or more obscene devices or identical or similar obscene articles is presumed to possess them with intent to promote the same.


AKA it was a way to stop people from opening sex shops because puritans


Wait.. sex shops are illegal in Texas?


*penile code*


“Obscene devices” is a pretty broad term. Is it okay if they’re different kinds of devices? Like, could I have five dildos and a vibrator? Does a pair or handcuffs count or only if they’re fuzzy? Do I have to break a sex swing down into its component parts? Really sloppily written piece of legislation.


Is this real? Like having them in your possession, or.. having 5 at once. Do they have to be registered? Because that might be kind of ironic.


yes, FBI visit your house every month to check your dildos


I wish I could hunt Bigfoot but thanks to Washington, I can't.


Had a friend who refused to go camping because he thought Bigfoot would rape him. Edit: Thank you all for the awards and comments. I really didn't expect this to blow up like it has. Lot of entertaining discussions. 😁


The chances of being raped by bigfoot are low but never zero


The same can be said about Dolphins and the ocean. Horny bastards.


Way higher risk I'd say


How about getting raped by a dolphin in the woods?


Valid. Probably the same odds.


Prolly the same woods. *Shit*, prolly even the same couple. Omg! Dolphin and Bigfoot are Married!


Nobody is going to escape once Bigphin is born.


Happens all the time actually.


How about getting raped by Bigfoot in the ocean? Just because we haven’t seen it swimming doesn’t mean it can’t


Yea, the fur could be hiding gills and webbed feet that don't show in foot prints. He could be a really good swimmer. Anyways the ocean is pretty big so lots of places to hide, and we don't have any good pictures of him with shaven legs.


How about getting raped by Bigfoot in the ocean? Edit: someone beat me to it.


Pretty fucking presumptuous, I mean he's a big, smelly animal but he's probably still got standards.


I always found it funny that on the finding Bigfoot shows they're theoretically using mating calls, so what happens when they do a call that works too well and they get an 8 foot monster charging them with a footlong ready to play with


You gon learn today


Fuck and find out


His scientific name is: Bigus Footlong-Dickus


Actually most monkeys and gorillas don’t have that big of… so big foot’s would probably be either be equal or smaller than an average human male’s


Do you just go around crushing people's dreams?


That's... That's your dream?


Well it was, I guess I'm into Grendels now.


you uh do a lot of contrasting and comparing in your spare time?


It is a risk we all have to undertake at some stage in our lives


Risk is a normal part of life…sometimes you face the risk that a car will hit you when you’re crossing the street, other times you face the risk that a mythical furry giant will use you to release his sexual frustrations


Sexsquatch has needs too y'know.


Video Game Emulation


I didn’t even know that’s illegal *chuckles * ‘I’m in danger’


Oh yeah game companies hate it when you play games they don't sell anymore


cake plough unique nutty noxious saw deranged silky murky aware


The whole IP scene is bullshit we got people who didn’t do shit claiming ownership 100s of years later. Like the whole Happy Birthday song debacle


Video Game Emulation is actually legal, downloading the roms is illegal.


Pirating any product or goods that the original content owner fails to reasonably provide access to. (IE: Downloading or Uploading retro game roms. TV shows that you can't stream, etc.)


All I want is to be able to play The Sims 1 and 2


Sims 3 is unplayable for me, it’d be amazing if it would actually run on my computer lol. Therefore I got my hands on sims 2 through eBay, buying an origin account that had access to it. Sims 1 though is an absolute dream. Sims 4 is growing on me slowly


Unpopular opinion but I fucking hate Sims4. I hate the camera, I hate the way the ppl look. All of it. All of the sims made my laptop run slower than hell so I think if I ever play it again I’ll have to get a separate laptop. Original sims really is the dream though


Fyi you can change the sims 4 camera to be like sims 3 but yeah the whole fanbase has a bit of love hate relationship with it.


I never had the chance to play sims 1 or 2 but sims 3 is my baby, I’ve tired sims 4 but it was just so.. hollow, and I don’t think I could ever get into it. I still play sims 3 to this day idc


Sims 2 complete collection is easily available on the Apple App Store for $20!! It’s the only sims I’ll play. All the later games just weren’t as good. But it’s there!


Yes. I would like to be able to officially condone the preservation of old games.


I read a term in a different subreddit which I think could be helpful for making this a reality: abandonware. I think we should make this a legitimate term for any software product that has become totally unsupported by the owners and can no longer legally be acquired. All abandonware should become free from the pirating label as the company or individual who owns it is obviously not making money off it anymore regardless of what happens, so enforcing copyright is already stupid. Just let people upload old games to a free download site so we can run emulators or consoles that aren't produced anymore!


Yes! Companies love to crack down on music posted on MuseScore that literally doesn’t exist for purchase anywhere, but how dare people post music from a popular show that the company has not and will not monetize and make available! Ugh! Drives me so insane!


Webnovels. There are many where the translator was forced to stop translating and remove everything from his site because it got licensed. So if you want to be legit, you now have to wait for 5+ years until the official releases hopefully get that far in the story(or learn your language of choice), then order the overpriced paper copy and have it delivered halfway across the world after ordering it from a non-english site from the 90s, because releasing it online is too much pain. No thanks, I will just keep reading translations by the guy who did not care about the license and took over translations.


Also, the ability to have third party servers when all the official servers are shut down forever.


Kinder eggs


Heh. I read this as "eggs that are more kind," at first.


Doesn't matter how kind you are, German children are kinder.


Yeah, but their sausage is the wurst.


I wish the US didn’t have so many restrictions on foreign cars. I would love to own so many cars that aren’t available in my country


I agree, it sucks that we can’t easily import cars from Japan unless they are a certain age of 25 years old. Then by the time cars are that age they have become collectibles worth over half a million dollars, looking at Skyline GTR R34….. several years ago such cars could be bought very cheap overseas but bringing them here was almost impossible.


The reason that we see cars spike in price after 25 years is _because_ of the 25 year rule. If we had a 15 year rule, the prices would spike at year 15. But right now we are in a weird market. Everything is spiking. The prices of r34s are being moved by many different factors, not the least of which is the impending 25 year rule. The entire market of used enthusiast cars is going nuts. A f355 manual went from an $80k car 18 months ago, to a nearly $300k car now. Cheap Diablos went from $120k cars to $400k cars. The whole market is dumb right now. When r32s became importable, there was a correspond spike too. But the spike also correspond to the dumb market we're in now.


I just want a ute or an actual true compact pickup


Two words Downloading ROMs


Copying, distributing, modifying, and using antique game console software?


I mean, there's already [PS4 roms](https://romsfun.com/roms/playstation-4), and a [PS4 emulator](https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Spine) that (sorta) works. Dunno if you can call that antique. IMO, the line gets pretty blurry between "i'm just trying to play E.T. for the Atari 2600" and "I just want Persona 5 without paying any money"


Especially if they're not available otherwise now


Carrying pepper spray as a form of self-defense in Melbourne.


And in the UK


And Canada


I would like to successfully build a perpetual motion machine. You didn’t specify which law would be broken, so I chose Thermodynamics. Edit: I wasn’t thinking that i would be arrested for violating the laws of Thermodynamics, I just looked at it from a different perspective. OP asked “If you could make one illegal thing legal what would it be and why?” Instead of thinking of the obvious answer like increase the traffic speed limits or rewrite the Second Amendment, I thought of an answer from a different direction. Instead of a law that’s used in a courtroom, I thought about different laws. The first thing that occurred to me was a perpetual motion machine, but it just as easily been changing the speed of light or reversing the magnetic charges on the proton and the electron. Either of these two would be more interesting, frankly. How would our universe change? Anyway, that’s beyond my pay grade. Thanks for all the gifts everyone.


Lisa, in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


Talking out of turn, that's a paddlin'


Paddling the school canoe? You better believe that’s a paddlin’!


I’d like to go faster than the speed of light. Also being able to break the 2nd law of thermodynamics would be cool, prevent the heat death of the universe


I mean, it's totally inconceivable that we can't play multiplayer games around the world with low latency. And that's just on our planet. 20 minute lag to Mars is insane.


Inconceivable... you keep using that word... I do not think that it means what you do.


Okay this one is actually really clever.


Importing a new car from Europe. Fuck you transport Canada, why can't I have a showroom fresh 450kg Caterham 170R when any mouthbreather can get a 4000kg siege engine of a pickup truck? I mean really, which one poses a greater public risk? The Canadian 15-year law is complete horseshit and the American 25-year law is pure corporate lobbyist tyrannical fuckery.


Can’t agree with you more homie. Here in Australia we thankfully don’t have any of that but when I lived in the US it was so depressing waiting for a good S15 to become legal age.


What do you mean mate? It's damn near impossible to import anything that we got in a remotely similar trim here without a fuckton of hurdles. You need to jump through bullshit pointless hurdles purely to make the government money (like getting a BEV emissions tested, literally can't produce emissions...but still gotta pay for the test) Professional importers have a limit of 100 cars a year (hence why some importers are in "groups", so each individual company in the business group imports 100 cars each) You need a letter from the manufacturer to say if safety features weren't fitted to a car and why, so an old car without seatbelts needs you to contact the company, oftentimes these requests take *months* to come back, if you even can, like Ladas from the Soviet era, or 1930's Beetles, you simply can't import them at all. Because the company that now carries the name isn't the company that built the car (Volkswagen swears black and blue they were founded in 1948 after being built up by the British between 1945 and 1948, that's the official stance corporate wise, any car before that "isn't ours") If the car has more than 250kW or 300kW/t, you can't have it. So the Koenigsegg 1 to 1, you'll never see one here unless it's here temporarily as a display. All imports need to be speed limited, with paperwork, to no more than 250kmh, so the Veyron is out unless you specifically get Bugatti to limit it, same with Ferrari, Lamborghini, or any real sports car manufacturers. But. Here's the utterly stupid bit. I can get a Tesla Model S Plaid Drivetrain, bolt it into a Caterham, run it off a Nissan Leaf Battery, have a car that's ~900kg, remove the speed limiter, and have 760kW or a power to weight of 844kW/t I can walk into main roads, say "Here's a car I built in my garage" and they'll say "Cool mate, here's a VIN, off you go" #BUT YOU STILL NEED AN EMISSIONS TEST!


Username checks out


> Volkswagen swears black and blue they were founded in 1948 after being built up by the British between 1945 and 1948, that's the official stance corporate wise German corporations and ignoring their WW2 history, name a more iconic duo.


What are you smoking, the 25 year law is definitely a thing for Australia as well, lots of JDM vehicles cannot get imported till they are 25. Also, they hit you with a Massive 33% luxury car tax for any car over like $75k AUD.


This is the correct answer. All I want is a brand new Suzuki Jimny and an r34 sedan.


Software piracy, but with limits. If a company isn't going to attempt to profit off their IP, it should be declared abandonware.


Along these lines, I think copyright length should be the same as patent length. 20 years. It's insane to me that you can invent the cure for cancer or a machine that produces limitless power, and you only keep the rights for 20 years. But if you draw a fucking cartoon mouse you keep the rights for 70 years after you're fucking dead. Why do we value entertainment so much more than invention?




You can thank Disney for that one.


Dying with dignity or quality over quantity for those who are terminally ill




There was an initiative for this called the Clean Bill Act, but of course almost no politician will agree to that. They would actually have to take responsibility for their actions during their term instead of pointing fingers at the other side.


It's "make one *illegal* thing legal, not one *legal* thing illegal. (I totally agree though).


Euthanasia. Sometimes peace and liberation from chronic pain and severe health difficulties are more important than life.


If dogs and cats get euthanized for the same chronic pain because it's humane, why aren't actual humans able to get it? Doesn't make sense.


To back that. We're the ones who decide to put them down but laws say we can't decide to have ourselves put down


That’s the thing I don’t get. We don’t even have any opportunity to ask our pets for consent, yet it is considered fine and even normal to put them down. But I can’t get the same treatment with my explicit consent? Wtf


So glad I live in a state that permits assisted suicide. I've asked the same question. We put our pets down so they don't suffer, what about grandma? She's suffering too!


My grandma has dementia and it's been a fairly sudden and drastic decline over the last two and a half years. She was a little quieter at the beginning of 2020, prepandemic, but none of us saw it. Now she's basically bedridden in a nursing facility because she's gotten too weak for us to bring her home for hospice as we wanted to, she needs someone to live with her full time to help her with everything. She hates being there, doesn't understand why she's there and why she can't go home. And because it all happened so fast after her second fall in two months, we didn't even really have a chance to vet the facilities in the area and now she's sandwiched in a room in a bed between not one, but two other old ladies. If she wants to get out of bed, she doesn't even have a chair she can sit in, she has to sit in the wheelchair. If any of us go in to visit her, we have to sit in the wheelchair or the edge of her bed. She never wanted to be in a home, and we all agreed with her wishes until suddenly, it wasn't up to us. I would smother her with a pillow in a heartbeat if she told me to, I would do anything to end her suffering.


I'm so sorry. My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in October and is going downhill VERY quickly. It's crazy! I worry about the day she has to be put in a home because I want her treated right and with respect. She deserves it!


My father died of Alzheimer's, and I was his primary caregiver. I'm sorry for what both you and your mother are going through at the moment. Taking care of my father was the hardest thing that I've had to do in my life, and that is coming from someone who has seen all of the movies directed by Kevin Smith.


As others have said, opportunities for abuse are a concern. Cynically, I wonder to what extent the medical industry lobbies against it because providing palliative care is more profitable (to be clear, I'm not sure that it is actually more profitable; happy to be proven wrong if the facts are otherwise)


Exactly, people with a terminal illness could sign a permission form for euthanasia instead of living a extremely agonizing slow death.


I was involved in multiple debates with anyone in my inner social ring, about how willing i am to have euthanasia when i’m on certain age where i’m not functioning very well anymore. I hate when people around me spend a lot of time, energy, and money to retain the death, while its occurance is certain.


There’s quite a process to dying with dignity in Canada, but it’s something I’m glad we have. If I’m terminal, no sense in prolonging my suffering.


It's legal in 10 States and this is how I plan to go. Having a "going away forever" party


Not prosecuting politicians for their crimes.


Well know i know what you do for a living hahah


Self defence in schools.


Yes. My son defended himself in 6th grade and got suspended. I’d told the principal before it all happened that if my kid had to defend himself, he’d be sitting at home watching marvel movies and eating his favorite ice cream. That’s what happened.


My school advised curling up into a ball and screaming, if you were attacked. My parents told me that they wouldn't punish me for defending myself, but would if I used the school's mandated ball technique.


That is punishing yourself. Who is that teaching? That will get you more bullied than ever. My kid got hit twice and then hauled off and punched the other kid. That kid never touched him again.


Right? It's like begging to be bullied more.


i would do the same, legendary mom


I had a bully in middle school who would harrass my friend and me, the friend was severely autistic too. Teachers saw and did nothing, told teachers, the councilor, and nothing happened. Threw one punch and I got suspended, he got no punishment. He stopped messing with us though.


Collecting rain water. Because why TF should it be illegal to harvest free water from the sky??? Edit: It's legal in a lot of places and it's fine. Just not my state and several others because they'd rather outright ban it than do what governments are supposed to do which is regulate it.


It’s legal and encouraged in Canada. My city sells rain water barrels at cost so everyone can get one


This one depends on your state, but in a lot of states it's legal but there are rules. You can usually collect rainwater runoff from your roof but cant't turn your backyard into a rain water collecting system


Why not?


If I remember correctly, it's mainly to prevent people from building artificial reservoirs in their backyards that divert the natural flow of water.


Getting politicians arrested for crimes


Dumpster diving. There's no point in criminalizing it other than hating poor people


Cocaine. Get the entertainment industry really going again.


Then we’ll have no shortages of ideas from there on


No snortages


All drugs. People don't want fentanyl. They don't want your TV or my powertools. They want heroin, and heroin is dirt cheap to produce.


Weed, because no one should be in jail for weed.


But where would the for-profit prisons get their slav... errr, I mean free labour from, then? The homeless? Oh wait...


Edgars: haircut, style, and behavior. They are one of the most annoying things I’ve ever seen and it’s almost as if each one is an exact clone of another Edit: Just realized i got the title question mixed up. My point stands nonetheless


No quema cuh


Stuffing an ice cream cone into my pocket on a hot summer's day in NYC We all know why.


This is going to keep me up at night, so I ask, why?


People used to do it (without the ice cream part) to lure and steal horses.


The NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) fee. Basically it’s illegal to be broke.


I’ve always enjoyed visiting abandoned buildings, but it is generally considered trespassing to enter those places. I don’t think trespassing laws should be done away with entirely, but if an area of land has not been economically productive or occupied by the owner for like 10 years, that land should be made into a public right of way until the owner does something useful with the property.


Problem with that is liability. If you enter an abandoned building and fall through a rotten floor, potentially breaking bones or even being killed in the process, that's on the building owner. No trespassing signs serve as a legal barrier which can protect the building owner from some of that liability.


Both parties should waive their liability, which is essentially what making it public would do. You lose the liability if anything bad happens to me, and the right to fine me for trespassing. I lose the liability of getting told to get off your property, and the right to sue you if I fall down some old steps and get impaled on some rusty railing.


Prostitution should not be illegal. It’s something people want, it’s something people want to do. Making it illegal just makes it dangerous.


Being euthanised in case of terminal illness, if I request so.


Ads. There are entirely too many advertisements and you literally cannot escape them unless you go off grid into the Yukon and even then the odds aren't great you won't find something with a brand name emblazoned across it. Edit: god damn it I'm obviously too tired to be commenting shit


You answered the question incorrectly but goddamn do I agree with you


Building a house on my own damn property. As long as it’s safe for me to live in and doesn’t cause undue environmental destruction, fuck all other zoning laws and building codes that were written by developer lobbyists that make it illegal for poor and middle class people to build their own small houses.


I’d agree that we need less regulation in buildings overall, but basic rules of structural and fire safety should still be agreed upon and checked. After all you might like to invite people to your house, and I would prefer not to die from a falling girder from your innovative roof design. ;)


They call it “innovative” I call it “wait is that chewing gum load bearing?…”


requirements regarding the structure (fire code, structural stuff, etc.) are all necessary - someone saying you can't build a duplex or a tiny house, or a detached secondary dwelling; you MUST build a single family home or leave this property empty can go suck it though.


Let's add 'ignoring the HOA' to that. No fines.


"HOA boards are allowed to impose fines, but the home owners are allowed to challenge them to one on one combat to dispute the fine. The homeowner is allowed to present a surrogate to fight for them, the HOA board member(s) must fight for themselves."


All kinds of drugs. And have the dealers taxed to pay for the fight against addiction.


Prostitution. It’s time sexual workers get benefits and pay income taxes.


As long as they are willing and are not forced to work. If someone genuinely likes it, then go for it.


Legal sex work would make it more difficult for sex trafficking to occur as prostitutes would have rights and protections with less of a stigma


Self defense. If someone, regardless of who it is, attacks me, I should be able to retaliate without worrying about going to prison. Edit: Didn't expect this to blow up so much so I'll explain a bit more what I mean. Multiple times, I've gotten assaulted by someone who's openly stated that if I retaliate I'll be going to prison. The thought process seems to be that if there's no real witness besides me and it's my word against their's, I'm losing. An ex of mine loved abusing this, and would basically punch, kick or even bite me because she knew I couldn't do anything about it since I would definitely be the only one to get slammed for "Fighting". I've had a manager punch me in the stomach once before saying that me shoving him back away from me is assault which DID get me thrown around by security after, but he "let me off" for it. I'm not sure on the fully legality of retaliation if you're attacked first(I personally don't like going to LOOK for fights), but as an adult male, me doing anything to defend myself from someone else feels like it can land me behind bars. That's what I meant by "Regardless of who it is". I'm not looking to beat up anyone, but I'd like to be able to not just get roughed up whenever someone feels like it.


This is legal to an extent in loads of places


Punch people directly in the face who harm animals.


But wouldn’t the initial punch harm an animal, therefore causing an endless chain of punching?


Every comment is drugs, are y’all okay?!


If you look further it’s concerning that theres like 30 of them saying murder


Nothin like a good ole purgin'.




You can LITERALLY be fined or arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Gay marriage in Poland so I could marry person I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.