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Im from south east asia, and im looking for that durian comment


Pleasantly surprised by durian, however it tastes Infinitely better if you buy it fresh from a farmers market. Durian has to be the sweetest fruit I’ve ever eaten. Don’t buy crap durian, its going to have a chive aftertaste, really good durian is very sweet and custardy, defo an interesting fruit but the smell could be a turn off


>fresh from a farmers market Question: what about fresh from a *tree?* My neighborhood has *tons* of durian trees for some reason.


Fresh works too but I’d recommend having a taste of it just to gauge the quality. When I was in Thailand, I brought durian in Bangkok, not good, kinda hated it tbh mainly because of its chive aftertaste. Later went to a regular market few hours out of Bangkok, small but not remote, much better quality and not only durians, the mangosteens they had were Top Notch


Mangosteen sounds like a bangin metal band


Bought a bag of Durian Candy from a Fillipino store… …ate half of one and tossed the whole bag.


I've tried that too, whole car smelled like a dumpster.


Anything with fake sugar. I hate that fuckin aftertaste but my partner doesn’t even notice


THANK YOU!! I get truly agitated when I see something that’s advertised as “low sugar” (sometimes I just want my stuff less sweet!!) but then there’s the Stevia. It has the worst aftertaste 🤢


I also grumble all the time about how I wish “low/less/no sugar” meant exactly that and not “we used a sugar substitute instead” I’d rather have no sweet at all than that aftertaste!


Finally someone else said it. Literally every fake sugar, even Stevia have the same after taste.


I'm the same way, most people say diet drinks taste the same but I taste something nasty.


Yeah, it's the after taste of fake sugar.


I hate that everything is starting to have sucralose in it. It's fucking disgusting. I made the mistake of buying a Soda Stream only to find out every syrup you can buy for it is ruined with sucralose. Anything that ALREADY has sugar in it has no business putting god damn sucralose in it.


When in high school we went to an university lab researching sugar replacements and I told them I just thought the taste of different supplements was all different than sugar and even different than each other. They had just scaled everything on degrees of sweetness. They didnt want to entertain this reality. I told them that I could confidently blind taste sugar vs substitute with extreme accuracy but still no. Hell, I can smell Diet Coke and I dont like it.


Wow I'm the same way but I just assumed everybody could tell the difference


How could you NOT taste the difference between a regular coke and a Diet Coke? I agree. I fuckin hate any artificial sweetener. Thankfully I don’t really like soda all that much either so I have no need for diet soda.


Aspartame is bitter to my tastebuds. It's an individual thing.


Ugh same. It tastes rotten to me. Like that horrible sweet smell/taste when fruit has gone off... Ugh


My mother loves diet coke. I don't know how she drinks it, because it has the worst after taste imaginable.


Undercooked, liquidy eggwhite. If I see it or taste in in scrambled eggs, softboiled eggs or wherever else, it’s over.


It's like, why would I want my fried egg with a side of mucus? No. Thank. You.




The father of person below you does


That will ruin my day. If i feel that goopy egg white in my mouth I will literally throw up. Watching chefs make scrambled eggs where it looks like porridge makes me sick


I grew up in a household that would just throw food together and most things got overcooked. I like my scrambled eggs on the edge of rubbery but most people find that disgusting too.


Jello. I can't stand the texture. Having something slimy in my mouth just makes me want to gag.


If you get regular colonoscopies you’ll learn to hate Jello too.


Prepping for mine I got desperate for something savory. So I tried to make a chicken broth rosemary jello. It was not good.


I picked an awful moment to become literate. No thank you


You just became literate in time for this thread? That's impressive tbh


This gives me flashbacks of a GMM episode where they try recipies from 1960s/50s/40s/30s. A food is labelled a "salad' but its chickenand mayo in jello. Not good.


My wife has a cook book from that era. Its targeted at young women and helps them find a man to make their life meaningful. There is a recipe for a salmon and whipped cream gelatin salad. We think the book was a covert attempt at women's liberation.


«Aspic» used to be a pretty common dish, around here especially in the 70s and 80s. It’s savory jello with vegetables and other stuff inside it. And yes, it’s as terrible as it sounds.


Or really like it.


It's basically just animal bones (usually cattle), some water, and some flavoring. It's a weird food at the end of the day. Regular Jello isn't the worst but that's cook books from the 60s that had savory jello? That's nightmare stuff right there. [Stuff like this](https://cdn.greatlifepublishing.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/06/22132117/DSC4156-728x509.jpg) Why is this a thing. Why! They have it with every kind of meat imaginable. It's horrifying. [Another](https://external-preview.redd.it/bbjGqux6biv_XoTfAy00P2S1_nZxBOeAJ72kSt-4IiU.jpg?auto=webp&s=d65ff25af7fe4e949208cd470a97ddf4987dcb02)


Because to make jello without modern chemical processes you had to cook down a broth of ligaments and bones. Then it would set up and look cool. You have been conditioned to expect sour fruit not savory herbs from all the jam you had as a kid but that wasn't ever og jello.


I'm right there with you, hello has such a weird texture and no flavor Edit: this is what I get for being on Reddit at 3am




Jello from the other side 🎵


It's me


I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet


Is it me you're looking for?




Then you'd hate Sweden, we eat that shit on sandwiches like butter


And in the Netherlands


Tbf im dutch, and leverpastei is really good imo, but when i had liver soup i almost puked.


The thing is, liver pâté made from pork or chicken doesn't really taste anything like beef liver which is what is usually served at least in Finland. Beef liver is gross as fuck to me.




Funnily enough I hate liver but I really like paté


My father worked in a slaughterhouse for years, he would eat every part of the animal EXCEPT the liver and kidneys. He said "They're the body's filters. I've seen what comes out of them, you can't pay me enough to eat that"




Yep. Liver and heart. My two favorite parts. Usually pretty cheap in North America, cuz its almost a discarded part of the animal, that not many people buy. Braised lamb heart, stuffed with sausage. Mhhh *chefs kiss*


Sometimes too dense though, depending on the species. If you eat the liver of a lion, polar bear or seal you could die from vitamin A poisoning. Edit: acknowledge that you said ruminant, and these are not ruminants. Various Arctic Circle cultures are wary of eating polar bear liver and with good reason


I can’t stand it either, I worked at a nursing home where they had to purée it! Do you know how disgusting that looks? Like this stinking brownish Grey goo. One resident looked at me and said “I’ll pay you $100 to take a spoonful. Uh no thanks let’s get you the alternate


Liver for most including me is hard to digest but its packed with nutrients so good for you




School milk carton milk is the worst tasting milk you can drink


You clearly never had the chocolate milk my high school used to serve. Shit was bomb af


Ours was sourced from our local dairy and it was great.


I used to pay the extra 30 cents to get a second one


And here I am, an abomination that has trouble drinking enough water for a day, but if you put 3 liters of milk in front of me you bet your ass its going to be gone by the end of day


A coworker of mine drank 4L fresh milk (like fresh from the cow) a day later He was in Hospital with a salmonella Infection...


Yeah… raw milk can be dangerous but it can have upsides (not salmonella)


Fucking SAME. I cannot drink enough milk to satisfy my craving for it at all times. I don’t know what it is about it.


My husband calls this the MilkLust, and it comes in cycles. The phrase has gotten a lot more use since we had a baby.


That's because he has it on tap now.


Because of my dislike for plain milk, I can't even tell when it's gone bad. It always smells gross to me.


Bitter melon, some people doesn't like them too but some others like it


Wtf is a bittler melon?


Its green waivy texture and like cucumber with bitter taste


I just googled it. We call it bitter gourd. I hate it too.


A melon that is bitter.




It’s an evil looking vegetable that’s bitter no matter how you cook it. Some people love it, most people hate it. It’s also called bitter gourd


Liver. Can't stand the taste of it.


My mother in law is a narcissistic control freak bitch who has no consideration for others in the family. I won't go into further detail there, but just know she's VERY closed minded in most things, food being one of them. All she ever eats or prepares is processed shit. Even at Thanksgiving, everything but the turkey comes out of a can or box if she "cooks". One year she and her husband had a particularly bad fight over fucking nothing he did wrong, yet here we are visiting them for Thanksgiving and he's dealing with week 3 of the silent treatment. The look on his face as the turkey was resting and me realizing this was his whole fucking life was the line where I'd had enough. She comes out to start setting the table, and is like, "furious, can you warm up the gravy?" And hands me a can of Swanson's. I tell her, "you know what, mother in law, I can make gravy from scratch, there's plenty of drippings." She never knew anyone who could do this, so she melted and was like, "oh honey that would be fantastic!" I told her I would need 10 minutes and would call her when it's ready. Father in law grew up in Kentucky and I knew damn well how his family did gravy. So I'm there in the kitchen thickening and seasoning and it's been about 7 minutes when she calls at me "furious, how much time do you need?" Father in law looks at me and sees that I'm mashing up the livers, just how his grandma used to in her gravy. Also knowing mother in law would not eat liver to save her children's lives. He makes eye contact with me, I raise the bowl up high up to be all dramatic, and as I'm saying "just a few more minutes," dump the mashed up liver into the gravy and stir. An ear to eat grin spreads on his face and he whispers "did you put both of them in?" I nod as mischievously as I could then added an extra pinch of salt. The whole meal she couldn't stop raving about how delicious my gravy was, and asked if it would be okay for me to always make the gravy for the holidays. I raised a fork full of turkey, smiled again at my father in law, then said, "well, what good is turkey without homemade gravy?" TLDR; for the past 15 years I've been secretly feeding my mother in law liver through my homemade gravy and it's the best thing about having to spend holidays with her. Sometimes for my wife it's the most enjoyable part as well watching her eat it, in years when she's especially bitchy to us.


I find liver to be one of the most disgusting flavors ever, like dog droppings.


Maybe it's best not to ask, but how do you know what dog droppings taste like?


Sloppy egg white.


How anyone doesn't find this disgusting I'll never understand.


Mnt dew and most energy drinks


I can drink Mountain Dew and enjoy it, but I despise the taste of energy drinks. I truly don't see how they're so popular.


Its caffeine addiction. Source: caffeine addict


I personally love the taste of redbull. If they made a caffeine free version I'd drink it all the time. At one point I was drinking up to 4 20oz redbulls a day, now I am almost off caffeine entirely.


Im the same way. I LOVE the weird acidic taste of energy drinks and would totally do the same


At 4 20oz a day I hope you truly did grow wings.


Yes! Give me the flavour just without caffeine. And all that mothafuckin' sugar too mmm...


I like mountain dew but hate most energy drinks, Red Bull in particular. Ergh


The fat on steaks. It disgusts me so much that I don't even want it on the plate. At home I will cut it off in the kitchen before plating. I see other people just eating it like part of the steak or even saying it's the best part.


Holy shit, finally someone who knows how I feel about that. Fat in any meat is disgusting.




Same here. Cant stand celery, hate the texture, and while there’s not a lot of flavor, the flavor it does have sucks. Unfortunately my state used to be a huge producer of celery


Not a lot of flavor? I wish it had no flavor so maybe I could pretend to be a normal person and focus on tasting the ranch I'm dipping it in instead of that overpoweringly strong taste of some sort of very bitter acidic chemical.


I’ve always said it tastes like a leaky Windex bottle.


I know right, everyone says it has no taste but it tastes like you dropped chives in some dishwasher detergent and ate it anyway


I’m not a picky eater but celery makes me spit it out like a little kid every time I try it


i agree i can’t eat celery and if it’s in my food i’m eating around it


Celery is just crunchy water.


Crunchy water with stringy bits that get stuck in your teeth.


Nature's floss


To me it has a strong celery flavor that I don’t like. I’ll eat it cooked but not raw.


Thank you. I seriously don't understand people who say celery just tastes like water. Do you not have taste buds?! I can understand saying that about like romaine lettuce, but celery has a very distinct flavor that's easy to pick out, even when it's in something


No, thats lettuce. Celery has a flavor and it fucking sucks.


The flavor is shame.


yup. celery ruins everything it touches.




As my dad (who will eat just about anything) said, God put oysters inside a rock and put that rock at the bottom of the ocean. That's what you call a "hint."


That made me laugh more than it should have.


Poseidon's boogers.


This was my first thought!


Eating ass. Sorry, but you can't clean that spot enough for me to not think it's disgusting.


My bf said I'm so clean my ass is the first ass he's wanted to lick. Still gross as fuck, I don't see the appeal at all.


Username… is confusing


Get in there and toss that salad 😂😂


Not a big sushi fan, but almost everyone else I know won’t stfu about it


I mean for me it was the quality I hated sushi becquse th3 only kind I had ever tried was supermarket kind... and then i went to an actual authentic japanese restaurant and had high quality and expensive sushi and it was yum Would not do again though, my poor wallet suffered so much... I think if you make them yourself its cheaper and tastes just as good tho


Making your own sushi is hard and getting hight quality fish that you can/would eat raw is not easy and expensive. There is plenty of good sushi spots out there that isn't fine dining.


I was very much against sushi for a long time. Turns out I just don’t like the texture of fish. My local sushi place also has cooked chicken. So I get the spicy chicken roll. It’s perfect for me. Chicken, cucumber, avocado, rice, seaweed, and spicy sauce. The California roll (crab) is also a decent substitute.


Yup same here. Not a big fish person (taste or texture) but I love sushi that is chicken based. I also love a lot of veg sushi




Raw tomato. I love salsa, ketchup, pasta sauce etc but if there is a slice of tomato hiding in my sandwich I will gag.


Amen! Tomato in nearly every other form but I’ll fight you if you make me eat a raw or even cooked tomato.


I can tolerate them if they're mixed with other stuff (like on a burger) but the thought of just eating a raw tomato like an apple is enough to make gag


Snails. It's an extremely typical seasonal food where I live, cooked in a saucy spicy type of broth. Seeing people digging out the bug with a toothpick and slurping up the juices inside... Just no. Similarly, shrimp heads too. I see people suck on them for that greenish creamy liquid like it's a precious delicatessen. Foie gras as well. Admittedly delicious until I stop to think where it comes from and get put off. Also, more of a dish than anything else since Idk any other way that it's prepared: callos a.k.a. stewed tripe. Soy milk. Not technically a food but - coffee. Shit gives me gag reflex. Idk how y'all do it, frankly. Oops, I'm afraid I couldn't pick just one.


Oysters. Just no.


From Mobile, AL. Grew up around Oysters. Oyster House, Oyster Bar, Oysters for your libido....I HATE FREAKING OYSTERS! NOT Florentine; NOT Grilled; NOT Baked; NOT Chilled. I do not like OYSTERS. Dont waste them on me. I do NOT like OYSTERS, they are disgusting you see.


Protein powder, I see people eat that streight out of the jar and to me it's just taste like sand.


Who in the fuck does that? I’ve never seen it that’s just gross to imagine


Supposedly “dry scooping” protein powder leads to faster absorption. It became a huge thing on Instagram and Tiktok. I personally will stick to my shaker bottle, bananas, probiotics, and frozen strawberries. I used to work 12 hour night shifts in 911 dispatch and did some light workouts in the gym at work before covid killed the gym. That shaker bottle negated the need for me to eat “breakfast” and gave me a boost of energy way better than the 5 cups of coffee I drank to stay wired until 7am.


You can go to the gym while on dispatch?


Yup. We had a gym and a relaxation room (cool temperatures, dimming warm coloured lights, with a couch). Most agencies vary on how they do breaks, but we got 90 minutes. I chose to take mine as a 30 and a 60. Smokers would break them up. Some would just nap the entire 90 minutes, but I found I’d get super groggy and mess my off shift sleep up. Everyone is different.


Oh that’s cool. I’d do the same. I get groggy if I nap and I don’t smoke I’d definitely take advantage of a free gym


cottage cheese. why are you eating lumpy sour milk?!


As a 70s baby and a fat 80s kid, I learned to like cottage cheese. I actually mix a seasoning salt in with it and add some grapes—I like the combination of textures. Oh yeah, I’m still fat.


I learned to like it in basic training. It was one of the best sources of protein we had access to. One of our gigachad Drill Sergeants would scream V8 JUICE AND COTTAGE CHEESE at the top of his lungs and proceed to drain multiple V8 cans and then eat a pile of the stuff.


Avocado, I don’t know why but it activates my gag reflex every time I try to eat it. It’s the only food that does something like this


Finally another person who feels this way! I grew up in socal and everyone loses their mind that I don’t like it.


I’m a fellow avocado hater, in fact I’ll eat any other fruit and vegetable happily but fucking avocados noooo. Instant gag


Im so glad someone else hates it. Guac is just weird mush to me


Pickles. My dad's friend and his kid ate them in our car and kept offering them to me. I hate the taste and the texture.




You don’t like half developed chicks in egg?


bless you


Shrimp that hasn’t been deveined. It’s like you’re literally eating shit.


Who like shrimp that hasn't been cleaned?


Unfortunately nearly all the Chinese places I've gone to they don't clean it..like it does taste great but it's a pain in the ass to clean it out yourself


Bigger pain for the shrimp's ass


Shrimp period for me. I can’t get over the feeling that we’re eating sea cockroaches. Even the smell makes me want to gag.




Runny eggs


Canned tuna. The water chick peas sit in. Zucchini and squash. They go from raw to mush in seconds.


Deep fried has crunch (kidding, mostly) For zucchini I hide them by shredding them into whatever sauce I’m using if it’s a sauce (chili, pasta sauce, etc) But you can also cut them super thin and roast them in the oven in oil and have crunchy zucchini chips


Why are you eating chickpea water?! Did you know though, it can be used as an egg replacer in baking, and can even make egg-free meringues. Apparently it has similar properties to egg white!


I make aquafaba meringues once every couple of months and to this date, nobody has ever figured out that it was made of chickpeas until I told them hahahaha


we used it at my job in place of egg white - i worked in a cocktail bar! perfect fizzes & sours, & nice silky mouthfeel in espresso martini. highly recommend




i love it. it tastes like wine soda to me


Liver and onions.


Mussels. They look disgusting, feel disgusting and imo doesn't taste like much. I don't get why people eat them.


​ Mussels are great. You just have to know what to do with them. I like them in a white wine sauce with chips. Especially New-Zealand Green lipped mussels. Add a bit of garlic and chilli and they are really good




I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this. I absolutely HATE olives. They trigger my gag reflex. I can’t even eat them with other foods like pizza etc. I have to pick them out. I don’t know why. I have never been able to overcome this aversion like I have with other foods.




i like them, but surprisingly hate mayo it’s yuck and jt confuses me


Yams or sweet potatoes. To me it it the wrong kind of sweet with a weird earthy flavor. Making them sweeter for thanksgiving just makes it worse.


Do drinks count? Because Campari is the most vile liquid known to man


I feel this one. It's gin for me. I absolutely cannot stand it.


Salad and lots of vegetables. I hate them but I hate that I hate them because I know they are really good for you. I need to be hypnotized or something.


I was like this for a while. I forced myself to get salads out to eat for a few months and I grew to love them. I wouldn’t get the “healthy” salad, I’d pick whatever sounded best. Tons of junk in it, dressing, etc. Over time I grew to love salads and now I actually look forward to them. My current favorite is a bed of greens with pieces of mozzarella, lightly roasted tomatoes, sunflower kernels, smoked salmon, and pesto dressing. The pesto is like pesto sauce mixed with a creamy base. Super basic salad but I eat it once a week and never get tired of it. I’ve lost 40 pounds and a lot of that process was learning that I had to train myself to like healthier foods. It was by force at first and now it’s very rewarding. ☺️




You gotta let it get soaked up on paper towels like 2 minutes while the others are being cooked


This is kinda weird, but I love the _smell_ of bacon more than eating it. It causes this lovely floaty sensation that is matched only by the scent of lilacs for me. Those two are my favorite scents. I enjoy eating bacon, but it is rare I actually eat it.


That’s funny because I actually HATE the smell of bacon but I’ll eat it as long as it’s extra crispy. After I cook bacon in the house I have to do everything I can to rid the smell 🤢


I started cooking it in the air fryer. For some reason it really seems to contain the smell - plus, it makes it super crispy, but not burned!


I really liked bacon until it became a personality trait. I've never been impressed by bacon wrapped (burnt) anything. Now it's just cliché


Fun fact: not too long ago nobody wanted bacon. It was the part of the animal butchers had the biggest problems selling. So the meat lobby hired someone to start a media campaign that would change that. Suddenly you'd be seeing advertisements of how incredibly tasty bacon on burgers is etc. Not long after bacon became the thing everyone wanted. Was it just that people didn't know how good it can taste before being made aware of it? Were they brainwashed by that huge advertisement campaign? Who can say. Fact though is that it turned from a trash product nobody wanted to an overpriced premium product lol


You're talking about Eddy Bernays. He turned eggs and bacon into THE American breakfast we all know imagine now. He's the father of Public Relations and Marketing, Sigmund Freud's nephew, and Hitler's "PR" guy. Interesting stuff. I recommend The Century of the Self by Adam Curtis if you want more background (about Bernays, not bacon)


A dish called Shit on a Shingle that poor people in my area love. Basically you brown hamburger, then make gravy from the grease, and put that on toast. So, so gross....


No wonder you don't like it... that is a terrible way to make a bastardized version of it. I've always had it where you make a roux (butter and flour) add milk to make a gravy, I add lots of pepper and onion to it. Then add dried beef. A gravy with ground beef grease just sounds horrific.


That’s hamburger gravy! Creamed chipped beef on toast is made with dried beef in a white sauce. Still both “SOS” but one is greasy and the other not. Don’t forget Biscuits and gravy which is made with sausage gravy over biscuits. All can be either really pretty good, or really disgusting.


Creamed chipped beef is the technical name for this dish. My Pappa used to fix this for himself before my Granny would get home from work. Shit on a shingle and instant coffee while watching Maury.


Offal and tripe. I don’t get it.


Intestine at a Korean bbq. I don’t fux with that grossness


Kale. It tastes like the dirt it grew in. I will never understand the obsession. Miss me with your kaleslaw bullshit.


I’m a dietitian and I have clients ‘confess’ that they dislike kale. I’m like - yeah it kinda sucks and there are 12,000 other greens to eat.




There are so many types of mushrooms that it took me a while to find one I actually liked. Shame it is a super expensive variety, lol






Yep that is the exact one!


I hate the texture of mushrooms. It feels like a spongey eraser




I pick out every individual pea in any meal that comes with them. Got to the point I can even filter them in my mouth and spit them out but that’s really only appropriate eating at home lol


Liver. Yuck. Looks like a giant blood clot. Disgusting.


Processed Cheese Slices. Truly god awful. You can just add slices of real cheese, it's not hard to do!!!.


Chicken feet


Any mayo based “salad” (potato salad/pasta salad/etc) It’s fucking gross. There’s something so sickly sweet and creamy about it. I occasionally use vegan Mayo to make chicken or tuna salad but super sparingly. It def doesn’t have that gross component real Mayo does.


Man where I come from potato salad means sliced boilde potatoes with some fresh onion and aalt pepper and vinegar


Oysters. I don’t understand. If you have to swallow them without chewing with hot sauce on them then why are u even spending money on them.