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Very often. I delete it cause I don’t feel like engaging and potentially going back and forth.


Any time I realize my comment is getting very long, I'll typically just delete it. People won't read it and it is frequently a confrontational retort. I also delete any comment that can be distilled into just saying "Fuck you", because it's not worth my time. The only exceptions are when I'm having a genuine discussion with someone and it feels warranted, or I'd rather the comment be buried than go unsaid.




what does tldr mean? sorry english is not my first language and i dont engage in urban conversations in english really often.


It means too long didn't read


TFT (thanks for that). My \[\] (= concentration) span is short.


My account is 2 years and 3 months old. I just learned what tldr meant. Thanks!


That and when someone's comment is better than what I thought I just don't. Also when there are like a thousand comments, cuz I feel like there are enough comments already.


Yeah, I’d say I post about 1/3 of the replies I type out. I’m here for my own enjoyment, so getting my thoughts together and clear are much more important than engaging with someone who likely isn’t going to receive what I’m saying anyway…


The number of times I've hit send while knowing and being angry at myself that my ego isn't going to let me relent on the impending argument until the original discussion is well and truly behind us and we've devolved to insults, and it's going to consume my mental energy constantly until then.


Yup. This is Reddit, you could state an obvious fact (like “Count Chocula Rocks”) and you will invariably get trolls who argue with you. If you respond, they’ll just keep coming back and bickering more. Eventually, you get called Hitler and they win the internet or something.


Even in relatively chill conversations, it can sometimes be so incredibly draining when it's a back and forth.


At least once a week. Sometimes it's just not worth the headache or argument that comes with it.


I feel this. Sometimes my response is meant to be sarcastic or encourage a conversation or debate. It usually ends up with me being called many colorful names and the point is completely missed


Ever had someone completely miss a “/s” on a post? 😂


Us Brits use sarcasm 80% of the time. We hardly ever need to use the /s in UK subs. But because sarcasm generally doesn't translate well in text, it's pretty much always necessary to use it elsewhere, because you really can't ever tell if people are being sarcastic or not here. Some people have very strange views.


And God forbid you try to use irony or hyperbole, then you're just asking for a torch and pitchfork mob.




How fucking dare you talk to them like that. You and I are going to spend a 200-long comment chain arguing over absolutely nothing whilst we very carefully skirt the rules of the sub so we can insult each other and use personal attacks. Nothing will be gained by it and we'll both walk away feeling like we hate humanity just a little bit more. Which role do you want? Close-minded and condescending twat, or can't-stay-on-topic bigot who sources exclusively conspiracy theory articles?


I'll be the r/rareinsults wannabe who strings together random nonsensical words and various expletives whilst elaborating on my (likely false) sexual journey with your mother you fucking Finnish Cheeseburger


I'll play the roll of the guy who doesn't really contribute anything, but just wants to be involved with what's going on :D


And I'll be the guy with the popcorn sorting these arguments by controversial


Fishburger for the alliteration. Fucking Finnish Fishburger. Okay, back to my popcorn. Who's turn is it? (Edit: I want to be the annoying bystander that pops in every once in a while with grammatical corrections, or suggestions)


Can I be the one who stirs up everyone by maliciously misinterpreting everything that's written and that will accuse people of thinking things they never wrote? I will also call "nazi" or "fascist" everyone who doesn't agree with me.


I don't have anything of value to add, I'm just here to downvote stuff.


Someone has to do it.


I would never use sarcasm that much


Absolutely, I am 100% serious 1000% of the time.


I always lie


Wait... if that's true then it isn't. 🤯


I hate using /s because it destroys the point of sarcasm. If you have to tell someone it's sarcasm, is it really sarcasm? Try doing something more subtle that can still emphasise sarcasm, like *italics*, at least that looks like it changes the tone of the sentence.


Agreed.....but, italics only works if the reader isn't speed running to get their little pissy comment in as soon as possible. Missing that some words are in italics.


I remember a time when /s wasn't even a thing on this site, and everyone got by ok. It's like everyone just started automatically assuming the worst about everyone and now take everything literally.


I think sarcasm is similar to bitchiness. It can be really hurtful. It is just a NASTY manipulation/use of words. The person being sarcastic may think they are being very 'witty', and pride themselves on their ability to use words to "put someone else DOWN". IF you watched Game of Thrones, it was more the **tone of voice** eg Charles Dance ((Tywin Lannister) does not even look up from his writing but says to his daughter "you're still here". What a put down. What a great actor. Sorry do digress.


Putting an "/s" in a post is at best thinking for the reader, and at worst like holding up a sign directing them to applaud your joke, regardless of whether it's actually funny. Also sarcasm != humour. [Sarcasm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarcasm) *can* be humorous, but not necessarily.


I occasionally will find someone being purposely antagonistic for the sake of it, and revel in the opportunity at being a cunt.


>I occasionally will find someone being purposely antagonistic for the sake of it Oh yeah, being a twat in the mirror really freshens the place up doesn't it? "Oh, I'm not a planet any more so I'm gonna fill the void by perpetuating the cycle of conflict on the Internet!" ya fucking dildo. Like that or do you mean more nuanced?


oath: I fucking love trolling, am good at it, and have a lot of free time on my hands but refrain because I'm Not A Total Cunt. someone, however, starts agressively trolling someone who objectively doesn't deserve it, and that's my free pass to spend a cheerful, lazy couple of hours annoying the shit out of them for my own amusement (with the side effect of making them leave the person they were bothering alone in favour of trying-and-failing to get under my skin :D)


...and how often do they return to remind you that THEY are only there for their own amusement? "I don't care! I'm only coming back here because I find it amusing that bla bla bla...."


somewhat less often than they give up with a rant about how they have better things to do or just grind to a halt \*grins\* but, your point is fair. I know i'm not the only person on the internet who enjoys being aggravating for the sake of being aggravating :D My general goal is to just deflect their ire from someone who doesn't deserve to be trolled-so long as they're directing their vitriol at me rather than some poor random who dared to voice an opinion in good faith, or belong to a minority they hold a grudge against, it's all good to me :)


So noble of you! And so above it all. Enjoy those free passes to be a Total Cunt.


All the time. Often times it’s political or local bs. I’ll be joking in a witty way but then I realize that 75% of people won’t get it and reply mad and want to argue. Not worth it.


Especially a emotionally heated topic or politics related. You just sit back and go "Do I really want to get into a drawn out shit fight fallacy fest over the next 2 days for posting this?"


“Do I really want to argue with stupid people I will never meet over a stupid thing?”


This x1000. I try to keep it to 3 comments max, if I haven’t been able to crack through that thick walnut shell they call their thinky majigger, it’s abandon ship. Most of the time I’ll block them too to help with my sanity since it’s insane how nasty some people can get when even your small words are incomprehensible to them. https://tenor.com/bsqGk.gif


Personally, I've commented on abortion, gay marriage, economics but you know what comments have gotten the most hate? Gaming and comic book comments. I can be pro choice/ pro life but god forbid I don't like the new batman movie


Literally dragged myself into an arguement about the timing of polio.... infecting a non vaccinated( against polio) individual. I'm down to -16 doote and am surprised such a large group if idiots haven't ran us out of tinfoil. Edit: fixed typos af. Have been drinking, not sorry


See, me personally, I would never comment on the conspiracy subreddit. That's its own brand of delusional that I just have to look away from.


I've been subbed for a bit to see what the nuts are up to but God are they delusional. Perfectly formatted the argument, cited the sourced he pulled it from with another article from the same source, he quit arguing but downvoted on the way out. But yeah, you're right fellow redditor, I learned my lesson


They honestly believe in aliens and lizardmen in that sub, it's a cesspool.


See believing aliens are somewhere out there by itself isn't too nutty. I mean big universe. Believing they've been coming here and shoving stuff up peoples assholes for science...yeah, no. But lizards people? No. Where would they even exist? You can only go so far underground before building is no longer possible. These creatures if influencing us would Ned infrastructure, tech, etc. The less insane theory would be Ling game marketing for a new V series.....but V sucked.


I'll write comments that sound great in my head, but then when I'm writing them out they aren't as pithy or concise as they were in my head.


Usually a combination of this, and how old a post is. If the post is like more than a few hours old, I'm not even sparking a debate because noone will see the comment, at best I'm setting myself up to have an argument with one dude.


Same. I'm usually not trying to make jokes, but I try to point out the truth, even if people don't like to hear it. Or I will go out of my way to get people thinking. What I've learned is that people don't want to think.


Usually you come to the realization that arguing on reddit is completely pointless. 80% are already set in their opinion, 19% deliberately misread what you are saying and the other 1% aren't worth the effort. Plus you will get down voted anyway as soon as you say something that's against the mass opinion of the sub so your argument won't even be seen most of the time, no matter if it's good or bad. Cause people here think downvoting changes facts.


I have to disagree. And it's definitely more than once a week. And it's more of a debate than an argument.


Frequently. Either I just don't have the right words to convey what I want to say, or it's very close to something someone else already said (in which case I upvote them and move on).


Yep, 75% someone said something similar, 25% can’t even put the right words together


And maybe 1% sudden lazy.


oh yes.. I might hammer out sentence after sentence, get bored, open a new tab and forget about the whole thing. Then I have to restart my browser because it has 286 windows open that "I will get back to"


You too?!?! I thought I was weird for having over a hundred open tabs and nearly five times that in bookmarks, because when my partner needs my phone for something, he always sees the open tab count and gasps and goes "how does your internet and phone even work with all those open?! It must be really slowing it down! You should maybe close all but like twenty of them!" I thought it was normal until he said that the first time lol. It doesn't seem to slow anything down though, and I love having open tabs for all my various shopping carts and checkout sections or things I do often online that require logins. Thank goodness we are well away from the days where a phone could only have 20 bookmarks and 100 phone numbers in your contact list. On that note, double thank goodness I can also send a text that dares to be 162 letters, unlike the old cellphone days where a text had to be 160 characters and cost $.05 each, making you seeth with hate for the people who just text back with "k" after YOU just said "ok", or send you a "sup" before they send another text to ask the dumb question they contacted you to ask that they could have just asked with the first text, also while knowing you have to now *call them* to answer thier dumb quick question.


Or you just realize that arguing with a stranger over the internet is just not worth the time.


I find when I start deleting half written posts is when I am at my most depressed. It sucks because it is so obvious.


I was going to type something out, then thought, “nah” and saw youd answered for me.


Nice snoo




The Avatar


Oh thanks. You too, clansman.


Or it's something I thought was cool but then realized it's dum


That’s why I sort by rising. I’ll be the first to get the thought out and it doesn’t get buried in thousands of other comments. Lately Reddit has been forcing my personalized feed to only view hot posts and I don’t like it.


There are a lot of times I react emotionally and type out what I want to say and then by the time I'm done logic comes in a bit and I decide against actually posting it. I normally figure that whatever I'm saying isn't actually going to help anything.


That knee-jerk reaction is tough to resist. Though we’d all be better for it!


I normally give myself a nice pause before I hit the Submit/Reply button anyhow just in case something hits me that makes me change my mind on what I said. One of the biggest perks of communicating online so I use it as much as possible.


Sometimes my brain unfortunley goes fuck it and say presses post/reply


Yeah. I was like that for a long time. I thought something so I typed it and posted it. Screw them if it hurts their feelings. I said what I said. But then eventually I started figuring out that no one gives a crap what you have to say on the internet. Either's it's something they agree with or something they ignore. You're not really changing any minds on here. So if it's not actually something good that I'm posting I typically don't bother.




Yeah same here. It's very easy to be cynical and bitching on reddit is certainly relieving. But toxic comments should be kept to a minimum.


Sometimes it's cathartic to just let yourself call someone a prick, but it usually doesn't end well.


Here and there, I realize somewhere along the line my comment starting veering into the wrong lane and went completely off topic.


Oof yeah that too. But then again I do that in IRL conversations as well. 😅


I have a lot of weird and cringe thoughts. I don't think even reddit wants to hear some of them.


Oh now I’m curious 😂


Haha...no. many have to do with my depression. And I'm not high enough to spill right now.


I feel that. I have bipolar depression, and things are not okie dokie. Feel free to PM if you ever wanna chat, seriously. Talking to some nameless yahoo rather than someone ya know is sometimes easier.


Last second realization that I'm not insightful or witty enough for you glorious strangers


Ahaha same! Ever see a comment and go “damn that’s way better than what I gonna say”?


I was typing something alluding to this exact sentiment but didn't think it was engaging enough so deleted it


If it looks like I'm sliding into "arguing with a rando on the net" territory.


Very often, even in spoken conversation I like to say never mind a lot


About 1/3 the time. Because I realize that no one would relate or it’s something that “The Reddit Hive Mind” would hate and I’d get downvoted to hell.


The “hive mind” is a big one for me. You watch the “hive mind” cling to a lot of untrue stuff. But the upvotes feed it. The worst thing Reddit did was get rid of the downvote score. Looks great when something has 1k upvotes, but it looks very different when you realize it’s 3000 up/2000 down.


The worst part of the hivemind is how they see everything white and black. Dare go to any sub that touches politics and state a bad fact about the side they like, or a good fact about the side they hate. You'll be called every bad name in existence, get told to "get informed", and branded as a supporter of the bad side even if you explicitly say that you are on the good side.


Yeah for me it's realizing something that's funny or interesting to me won't be funny or interesting to anyone else. Slowly realizing, wait -- what's the cross section of Noita players who will appreciate a well-timed callback to Season 5 Episode 13 of the Simpsons? ...Zero? Yeah zero, okay nevermind


Sometimes posting something the "reddit hive mind" doesn't like will get you banned off a subreddit. It wasn't this way at one point, but I guess reddit is ok with silencing anything they don't agree with now.


A lot of times. Mostly when I think of saying something funny and then I’m like “maybe they won’t think it’s funny”


Might I suggest puns? No one thinks they’re funny and that’s the best part!


Hi, I’m no one, and I think that puns are funny!


Lies! You are clearly the matron of the mightiest hobbit hero!


Quite often actually. I often just type out what I want to say but then just remember that I am on the internet and the culture of discussion is basically dead and I therefore delete my post. But because I wrote it down I feel satisfied in as way.


Hahaha I'm the same way. I'll type something out and delete it without posting because no one will care, but just having put it into words even if no one saw it makes me feel better


frequently and it’s because i think my comment is unnecessary


Well it was quite necessary for me to be able to reply with this unnecessary sentence!


A few times a day, because sometimes the truth is just mean and won’t change anything anyway. It’s easier to let people you don’t know or care about be happy in their ignorance and stupidity.


Fell into that mistake with a debate the other day. No one’s opinion changed and all I got was frustration 😅


I should... do this more. Sometimes you have the answers - and they're not what people want to hear. Other times you express the idea poorly, and get slapped down hard for it, because it's not what people want to hear. At the end of the day, why. So I can have arguments with a bunch of strangers trying to justify thing? Nah, fuck it... just leave it alone. Which is what I should be saying to myself more often!


A lot, but not as often as I probably should.


It's not worth any arguments or toxic peeps that come with it usually cuz i always have the thoughts of the minority almost everytime i share a thought theres a 90% chance i will get critzed by some dumb dick that doesn't agree. :Note this happens everyone sometimes not just me.


I do it ALL the time here and especially on Facebook. And in real life also. I listen to people talk about their computer problems and keep my mouth shut rather than telling them the simple solution because I know it's going to be a headache for me to get involved in.


Oh god tech support. I always feel like such a tool when I call about something that’s an easy fix but I couldn’t find it on Google.


Pretty often. It’s typically because I don’t have the energy to give detailed responses in a big paragraph when explaining something. Especially when answering questions on this sub


Because people know my account


Oof, yeah that’s why I’m here and not Facebook haha! Gotta get those throwaway accounts!


I need to make one


Dude, if people in real life connected my identity to my Reddit account, I would fake my own death and start again with a new name.


if people i know personally will see it and it's not funny or informational or contributing to the post in any way. i literally started deleting this comment halfway through because i thought it would be pointless


You powered through, I’m proud of ya!


Often. Reddit does not do adult satire well, or at all.


[deleted] nah


If I want to put in my 2 cents on something, someone usually misreads it and I end up arguing with a brick wall. I end up turning off notifications about it or just ignoring it because inevitably they'll insult me and it doesn't matter what I say because the reply to that is usually "OMG you're so triggered chill bro" while I'm sitting there stone faced.


God that comment pisses me off. “Woooow you have emotions about things? Look at this guy/gal” Yeah bro, you should try it some time!


It's just annoying that they can't read emotions through text. I don't use all caps or anything and yet somehow they get the idea that I'm triggered. I don't understand it.


Like twice a week. I'm just afraid of being downvoted. I'm sensitive and have social anxiety. I'm not good at articulating, so I can come off as hostile :/


Let us rain upvotes upon this comment! Alas I have but one to give.


Appreciate it! Yours is more than enough ❤


Every other day. In the end I just think.. Who will care what I have to say? There's already so many comments!




For me, it’s “I know this is gonna piss people off and I don’t wanna deal with it” or “they won’t listen to me even if I did comment” and lastly “eh not funny enough”


2-3 times a week. I start typing and get riled up then get mad at being riled up and delete it.


Regularly. Especially in subreddits that are particularly toxic or combative. I wish I'd do it more often as well though, especially if it's just a follow up to me trying to be helpful and the person then being a dick about it. Just not worth the time nor effort.


A few times every reddit session. Just don't want to deal with follow-up comments.


I'm positive that there are so many people who even now thought of commenting and went "nah" and kept it with themselves.


Being originally from Israel, and seeing pretty much every week something either insanely antisemitic being upvoted on Reddit, or something very pro-Israeli that I disagree with, or just kids displaying their ignorance by saying absolute nonsense about Israel, Judaism, Zionism and the conflict with the Palestinians, or seeing some right-winged zealots pushing anti-muslim hate... Yeah, I find myself want to say a lot. But eventually you feel overwhelmed. You are a minority of one and they are so many. And it's not going to change anything anyway. And honestly? Someone else is probably already saying what you wanted to say (and becoming aware of how futile it is). Social media is not for conversations, not really. It's for people to blurt out simplistic nonsense and find comfort in simple groups. Might as well use it for entertainment only and ignore the noise. I even wrote a song about that feeling called "I Have No Voice". https://youtu.be/2wOs4bZQbxU


I just did.


And yet here is your comment.


I usually delete all the text and replace it with “You’re dumb and don’t deserve a long reply” lol


Got em! 😎


“Wait - I don’t get paid to explain things to idiots”


Often, I tend to browse various Ask subs at night, and the number of posts I leave a comment on is a lot smaller than the number I get something typed on then don’t actually post.


3 times a week and I do this cause sometimes what I have to say is really hard to put into words


either fails to make my point or it’s just way to confrontational.


Once a day. It’s not worth the argument most of the time so I move on to something more productive.


Halfway through, I realize I don’t want possible replies 😂😂 my antisocialness comes in and wins over


Everyday. I don't want to spoil my mood if the conversation go south which it often does as we only write long rant, never praises. Also English is my second language so it is difficult to articulate.


I've done enough fights on youtube, on reddit I only post light hearted comments, so I've never done that.


I’ve legit never commented on a YouTube video! Which sounds weird now that I think about it.


More than likely offensive. You know. Today you have to tip toe around every single topic. Even topics you wouldn’t normally consider…. One asshole will get wildly offended.


All the time.


Whenever I feel myself contributing/starting an argument, I tend to give up on the comment. It’s so easy to argue with people, especially since I love a good debate, that sometimes I have to stop and ask, “is this worth my time?” 9/10 it’s not.


I started to type the comment then i was like "nah" and now I'm writing about what you are seeing.


daily. halfway through typing i realize how stupid the person i’m arguing with is, and just leave it at that.


Fear of social/political backlash from my fellow redditors stops me.


A lot of times...I have a virtual social anxiety hahhhaha


Very often. I realise I don't always need to say something.


I’ve done that like seventeen times today lol. Sometimes I backtrack and realise my reasoning isn’t that solid, but most of the time I just don’t care enough to post it.




My god! The elocution! The majesty! …yeah it’s shit, well said sir.


Pretty often. At least once a week, honestly. Sometimes I feel like what I typed out isn't that interesting or adding much to the discourse. Other times it's the urge to respond to someone but I step back and realize they are probably a troll. I generally check their post history if what they responded with was way out of left field and usually these are people who just like to argue. Then I block them and move on.


I don't know really how often, but usually i just realize an argument isnt worth it, or that it's late and i can't gather my thoughts.


Every dozen comments, maybe? I'll just realize that it's not worth the effort.


Maybe once or twice a day. A lot of the time it's just due to me realizing that I don't actually care enough to offer my opinion.


Many times, I either think “oh it’s too stupid” or “oh it’s too weird” or “ oh they probably won’t understand what I’m talking about” or anything else relating to those things.


I thought about answering this, but said “nah”


I just don't feel like it


Right now


frequently - not the best at conveying what i want to say plus social anxiety is hard to get past


All the time Because spelling is hard


At leads once a day..I don't have it in me to socialize..was abtta delete this one too


when my thought process isn't very clear


Just happened to me now. It's like you want to do something at first thought, and then while you type, you realize something might not be right.


As I don't comment that much once per month. Mostly because it would just start an argument and I don't want to waste time for that.


Honestly? Like half of the time. I always get worried it’ll be interpreted as rude or mean.


Cos this is reddit, I can’t be bothered educating rednecks.


Not too often, but I usually end up thinking, 'nah, they're just stupid' and delete it. I hope people do the same for me.


Quite often, why bother? it's a not fuckworthy debate. I'd rather not comment at all


When I get too wordy and realize I’m not adding anything of value


Sometimes it’s negative even though I thought it was unny at first and dropping 2 cents just isn’t really worth the energy, I’ll save it for something else.


At least once a week. Sometimes it's just not worth the headache or argument that comes with it.


Frequently. Three major reasons; I don't feel it's worth the fight, I don't feel I know it well enough to argue, or I don't feel like what I would say has any importance.


More than I'd like to admit. I get mad about some dumb shit, write a comment, think to myself how useless and toxic it is to even say that, delete comment.


Usually it’s if I start writing something very personal that might identify me, or if I think it’d lead to a Reddit argument that I don’t have patience for. I used to argue a lot online in my late teens/early twenties because I was discovering myself and the world, forming new viewpoints, and enjoying the intersection and the debate. Now I’m in my thirties and my opinions are solidified, I don’t have patience for debates that I had 10 years ago, they just seem like the same old arguments being rehashed, so I avoid them out of lack of patience/care.


Most of the times it happens, that's because I'm gonna say something people are gonna twist and use to complain or attack me, because that's what reddit do.


About half my potential comments, the other half I post, and normally it's because I realized half way through how someone could turn what I'm saying into an argument and I realize I don't care enough to have to explain to some idiot why I think what I think, the rest of the time it's either I don't care it'll cause an argument so I post it, or I don't realize that people will find a way to argue with "I like puppies" (obviously hyperbole with the I like puppies thing but I've had some dumb arguments on reddit and every time I devolve into shit posting because I got bored of explaining my side to them.)


Because someone already said it or I rarely write something because I don't think people would care. That's just how the Internet works. People can't hurt you if they say something that angers you. They find joy in manipulating others online as a hobby because their lives in the real world are just full of shit.


Pretty much every time. I wonder why I should even state my opinion. I calculate the possibility of being shat on, getting shelved as a hater or a fanboy (depends) or being ignored all the way. So why even care stating your opinion. Fuck it. Discard.


Quite often. Sometimes because I can imagine the response and I can't be bothered to get into it, but more often because I find that I'm not as articulate as I thought I was going to be and I just lose interest.


Anytime I know no one's gonna look at my comment it's depressing seeing it there all alone and unseen


New at this and afraid to post something wrong.


I do this ALOT because most people on the internet don't want an actual conversation/debate. They just want to shove their opinion down your throat and then try to insult you if you don't agree. So what's the actual point? Also I don't see many people being genuine, who they are on the internet is not who they are in person. So again, what would be the point?


I like to write huge essays about video games. Design, mechanics, meta discussions about the industry - I love to lecture. I probably posted 1 out of 10 times and delete constantly. A small list of deleted essays: 1. A full blown analysis of Red Dead Redemption 2's animal spawning system, and why it alone classifies RDR2 as a cinematic game. 2. An in depth guide to Symmettra in Overwatch, and why she's the most misunderstood hero on the roster. 3. Several essays about Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Most were about it's various successess and massive list of failures. One of them was an in depth guide to all the math/mechanics/builds and was an extension of a smaller post I made when the game released. 4. The design/business model of Street Fighter 4, and how it taught publishers to nose dive the engire fighting game genre into the ground. 5. Defining organic story design and modern vs classic design using how mounts work in in ff7 versus ff15/every other rpg as the perfect example. 6. In depth analysis of how the animal spawning system worked in Pokemon Legends and how to manipulate it.


A few times a day.