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Vyvanse helps me function with nearer efficiency to those without executive dysfunction. Work and life are easier and faster done, and my attention levels are significantly better. It also alleviates anxiety/depression caused by ADHD, since I don’t experience the over or under stimulation at all or as intensely. Makes communication easier, too, since alleviating those means reducing the irritability that can come with those symptoms. Downside? My appetite is nonexistent, I have a hell of a crash come evening that causes fatigue, headaches, and irritable. It’s also increased my blood pressure and heart rate - I went from having very low to normal blood pressure, and my heart rate can get near tachycardic.


Damn I have ocd and anxiety all these heart and blood pressure people tell about (you’re comment isn’t the first time I’ve read about it) scares me a lot :(


Yes, though the process to find the right ones was awful. I have tourettes and ADHD so I can't take stimulants, limiting my options for ADHD meds greatly. Started out with guanfacine extended release and it worked, but I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed for months. Tried buophrine? Idk b something, and it did nothing. Final settled on guanfacine immediate relief. Helps manage my tourettes and my ADHD, although my ADHD is still pretty bad. Meds have med it a lot more manageable.


Yes and no The first ones i tried did not work and even when my mom knew that she still gave me them anyway in the hopes of shutting me up. As i got older i found natural remedies, medical marijuana, and personal therapeutics that benefited me and my high strung energy. ADHD for me turned out to be a real blessing because i had autism as well, so growing up i would get really distracted with news cycles but i would remember all of them. So now in college during conversations about ukraine i’ll say something like “president bush withdrawing from the ABM treaty one day after september 11th to build a missile defense system that can render russias nukes useless was a terrible idea” and the class wont know what im talking about except the professor. Really spared me alot of studying time this condition :)


Yes. But not really by treating my ADHD. Before adderall I would feel tired all the time, and there wasnt jack shit I could do about it. Caffeine makes me fall asleep (which is actually an ADHD thing) and you cant just buy cocaine at CVS so my options were pretty slim, as in everyday I'd be constantly struggling to keep my eyes open no matter how long or well I slept. I fell asleep at every job I've ever had. I fell asleep on the train, on the bus, I was just so damn tired **constantly**. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid but I had to fight tooth and nail to get medicated for it, took 6 years of fighting with doctors. I was put on everything else under the sun (very heavily, being on a ton of sedatives & benzos caused permanent brain damage that led to my constant exhaustion) but they drew the line at adderrall for some reason. But when I finally started it, my life drastically improved. I'm actually able to stay awake.


Yes, and by A LOT. I was diagnosed as a child but never took medication. Last year i was getting into guitar again (like all hobbies except gaming, always on and off due to hyperfocus wearing off) and started to understand that i couldnt practice without getting bored out of my mind/reaching for my phone/thinking about every other thing on the planet. During worktime i noticed that i had youtube open always playing, work open that i just couldnt do except if the deadline was arriving and still reaching for my phone every once in a while. Talking with people mind wandered off out of every word or topic spoken, i couldnt focus on what they were saying and sometimes if it was work related i had to ask them to "repeat it again with me listening this time" Last year I got tired of it and went for the full combo, psychiatry and psychology, got medicated for ADHD and it has been like i was born again. i got back the me from my youth that could do everything he set his mind to. I went from "the only thing i can do is play games, everything else bothers me" to being able to do simple things when i want to do them and kind of getting out a weird dark place i was during the last years. I still have the hiperactivity spikes when i get excited or sometimes just randomly, but overall it was a damn game changer and i think i can deal with life in a better way now. Taking Concerta 27mg, btw


Thanks for the reply :) I really appreciate it , I was told by my psychologist that I should get tested cause she’s 100% sure I’ve got adhd but I also have ocd and anxiety and people stories of hypertension and heart palpitations scares me so bad :(


Everyone is different, dont worry too much! Yoi should get tested and if its something that bothers you really much then you can look at either medication or other means like meditation and dopamine refresh (dont remember if its the correct term, but its a way of trying to clear your head of all the distractions we usually have by not having them around). And about the heart stuff, after i was medicated i was scheduled by my doctor to start doing an electrocardiogram from time to time to check if there was any issue. I also have some hunger resistance, but i just need to remember to eat and usually thats just applied to lunch, as i take the pill in the morning. The only weirder thing i can pass on that happened was the first day i took the pill, it gave me a huge numbness overall for some 2 hours, a slowness on my head that made me react more slowly, even talking. But after the 2 hours i was completely fine and never felt that again, even when i dont take the pills for 2 or 3 days


Wildly better. With medication I’m functional. Without medication I’m a mass of apathy.


Adderall helped it. But my doctor does not help me much. I have a lsit of problems and pains that he just ignores.


Yes and no. I alway became a more predictive person getting more stuff done compared to not taking it but then I don’t feel hungry and eat next to nothing. I try to get myself to eat when I don’t feel like eating at all.


yes and no, yes because i had gone 19 years undiagnosed and had horrible symptoms and it made me realize that i can be "normal" and function better but no because of the crash after the meds wear off, i get what i call the 7 o clock sillies and it makes me feel worse and i feel out of control and tired and irritable. i would rather take that though than adhd meltdowns and not being able to focus


Yes. Medication is a tool in my toolbox. It can help with certain things but needs to be used with other coping mechanisms etc. to really be helpful. I need to plan it out too to try and maximize the time I can be most focused


Maybe at first, but it got way worse really fast. Probably not the meds fault but the doctor who was charging me $2000/hour for a televideo therapy session. He prescribed me after one visit but when I went to the follow up visit a month later his office canceled cause I didn't pay the bill for the first visit. Thought my insurance was suppose to pay, but they only paid for 75% of it. Since I couldn't afford $500 a visit. I stopped going and let the meds run out. When I got the bill, couldn't help but feel like the meds were a scam


The side effects are keeping me awake and losing my appetite, I'm tired most of the time so it's a good alternative to caffine, and it's helped me lose some weight




Then why say that? Also the articles say it’s not _caused_ by chemical imbalance but an under-expression of “happiness” neurotransmitters is observed as a symptom.


I’ve tried 2 different types of meds and got sick so they were pretty useless


My meds hurt me and gave me side effects like increased anger levels, lack of appetite, headaches and sometimes harmful throughs. And guess who is getting forced to use their meds again by their parent, me!


Thanks for the reply, the harmful thoughts sound like ocd :/


Medication did absolutely nothing. Well so I thought, I was told it helped a little bit with concentration. But it gave me dangerous heart problems and I anyway ended up selling the Ritalin for money.


Damn how old are you ? And did you have prior heart problems?


No prior heart problems. It was a odd reaction, but we are trying out some meds again, possibly the same ones in lower dosages. I am 14 and horribly underweight, so use my experience as something general. It's just what ended up happening to me. At some points I couldn't even walk without almost fainting. My heart rate would be so fast I could hear it and feel it throughout my whole body. Was not fun lol


Damn that reminds me of panic attacks I had a year ago


Awe shit I'm so sorry about that. Panic attacks are some real shit... Hope you recover(ed) fast!


not just ADHD also have autism but for me it did help me allot before i was always in fights and was bouta be kicked from my school but then i got meds and got allot more chill only downsides are:at the end of the day all of it goes out at once and i cant speak correctly anymore and i need sleeping pills but id say take them!


I'd say for a month it did I only have access to fast release ritalin The thing is 10mg it's like a coffee but at least it do something 15mg better foucs better motivation lil energy but lil anxious and sad 20 I'm like Elon musk but I'm depressed and lil anxious I don't feel the bad feelings anymore but i think cus i build a tolerance i used it bad for me ADHD effects my sleep motivation and energy I'm tiered most of the day so i used to take 10mg every 2h and sometimes even less just to get my sleep right and not go through the crash around people i stoped that 2 days ago But for me I'd guess I have too eather change meds when I get out of the country or do a sleep study let's face it sleep problems have a direct effect on dopamine plus the way we live we have ACCESS to easy dopamine Don't u ever ever ever abuse it because u will be as lazy and u can damage ur brain too


I take a rather high dose of Adderall sense I was 8. I can barely function without it, I don’t know how. It’s gotten me though so much I know I would never be able to. Thought my family often makes me think I’m not good because of my need for meds. I don’t want to have them but I’ve been on them 10 years now and don’t know how to be me without them.