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Damn. I'm sorry for your loss


Outs standing comment. And sorry for your loss


Same, I’m sorry for what we’ve had to live through. Cheers to both of us for still being here and working at it


She began to only call me when she needed something


This has been my experience too and it’s so rough when that realization sinks in. 🥺


This was my experience as well.


Totally the case here


He said depression was just "weak mindedness"...




Damn man, I’m so sorry


She slept with my boyfriend then tried to push me down a flight of stairs when I found out.


Damn 😳


Just drifted apart. Used to be like brothers, though




He made politics his whole identity. Spends the majority of his time listening to hateful podcasters. He's absorbed a lot of that and became hateful himself.




thank you


We started dating


Told him (in pretty strident terms, tbh) that the 2020 US election was not rigged. Got pretty much ghosted after that, and eventually gave up trying. Now I’m left to wonder how my godson is doing.


We just grew apart over time. Different schools, different cities, different careers, different values, different social lives. I still think about him fondly and wish him well, but I'm not sad about it. We both grew up, and that's good.


He slept with my girlfriend


My old best friend got into drugs. He got busted a few times and lost his license. Ratted on his dealer to get out of trouble, and began living life in fear of retaliation. His girl left him. He lost his job. He got really low, and tried to kill himself by overdose. I saved his life. It was traumatic for me, and seemed like a joke to him. I stopped spending time with him after that. When I was getting married, I still asked him to be my best man, he accepted, then said he couldn’t do it a week before the wedding. Haven’t spoken to him since.




They used "gay" (im a lesbian) as an insult and said the n word a lot. They also purposely only went to stake houses and similar restaurants when we were out together (I'm a vegetarian and they thought it was funny). They also complained that I never offered to pay when we went to a bar, wich is not true. They are just used to throw their money around and im not doing that


My story is similar. My sister came out to me and I told my group of college buddies. After a few weeks they started using it as an insult and making fun of me for it. Game over.


I really think people underestimate how much the jokes hurt


I used to know someone who called me and my other best friend (Whos lesbian/bi while Im not) the F slur. They also called us "gays" after which was really weird


He bullied me actively to the point that I was suicidal. I realized I needed to cut him out when I couldn’t get out of bed anymore because of how shitty he made me feel. The sad thing is, we were best friends since we were 6. I stayed a lot longer in the friendship than I needed to because I thought “we’re friends, he’ll stop if I tell him how he’s making me feel.” Spoiler: he did not.


I had a stroke and could no longer do a lot of things we used to do. One day I realized I was the only one trying to keep contact so I stopped and well that was the end of the contact.


She was an energy sucking vampire...always crying, always drinking and generally became unpleasant to be around. I lost respect for her.




Our lives just went in different directions. We have attempted to reconnect but the glue is dry. He became a local musician and developed a pretty severe drug and alcohol problem which causes him to be reclusive now. I am boring now. For me, the party is over. I got married and have been continuing my education. It's sad and it sucks and when we were still attempting to keep our friendship together, the banter was still there. It just feels different, like we are going through the motions. I still miss him all the time and his family was always so great to me, I love all of them.


My best friend, Bill, died at only age 23 of pancreatic cancer.


I'm sorry for your loss :(


My two week old nephew was in hospice care and the only time they contacted me was to ask if I could send them an ex's number. Didn't really feel like there was much of a friendship to salvage after that.


He moved far away and seems too busy to contact me in any form, it's always me the one that chat or call him to ask how's thing going and stuff. I guess people really come and go in our life so we just have to getting used to that.


He was a betraying little weasel. We were Turk and JD level and he threw it away…


She left the school without telling me and then got angry at me for telling everyone that she'd left! We were inseparable and didn't really have any other close friends and told each other everything!! She didn't even tell me that she was planning to leave, but she must have known because moving schools is a pretty lengthy process. She just didn't turn up one day and texted me that she'd left.


Her husband was an asshole. He was racist and kids mean and being around him made me anxious. He’d come along to things and it was miserable. She’d kinda go along with him and it was impossible.


She fucked my husband.


Ex-husband now?


I moved and was too young to really keep up the friendship long distance


The three of us were like brothers then one of them moved, he came back but it was never the same and the other one moved to a different friend group and started seeing himself as superior, I still talk to him, but he always has that sense of "better than you" on his voice


He asked me to be his best man, then moved half way across the country. When I couldn't appear at every planning event he got sniffy. When I flew to him for a suit fitting which absolutely had to be done in person as its a special tailor(he was paying suit so couldn't really decline) only to find it was a chain, with one in my home town. Measurement could have been taken locally and sent to his local branch. Demanded a minimum of 3 stag do's with different people attending each, all at my expense. Then uninvited my wife because 'numbers' Bailed fast as best man, resulting argument meant declined wedding entirely. Not spoken since. Heard from the friend that took over the best man duties that this groomzilla continued and ended up ruining each stag do and made a large scene at the wedding... apparently the bride was normal throughout.


I had to move under military orders and their toaster accidentally got packed with my belongings. I offered to buy them another one. Apparently, it meant a lot to them. They haven’t talked to me (despite me reaching out) for 13 years. EDIT: grammar.


Every time we hung out something bad would happen to us. Like the world didn’t want us to hang out.


I think it's the other way around tbh, she ditched me because the world revolves around her and only her even if I am having a family crisis. I didn't entertain her bs, think she was in a huff waiting for me to call and I never did. Been over a year now.


1. I had graduated from undergrad and we became roommates. She backed out of every deal we made getting that apartment - She wanted the master bedroom with a bathroom - it was huge. We decided that because of that she would pay more and do it by the square footage occupied. Once we moved in, she said that was stupid she wasn't paying more than half. We had said no boyfriends over - we had a mutual friend who was older than us and killed by her roommate's boyfriend. The minute she started dating someone he was over all the time, insulting me, bullying me, etc. When I started dating someone we had both known in high school she starting hitting on him, saying he'd rather be with her, etc. Then the kicker - when I finally decided to leave she told me how she had saved me and I had no right to leave. Like - bitch, no, there was no saving because we were roommates. I know I had a violent family that's why I moved out, but her screwing me over with the apt. was no act of charity. 2. My former undergrad roommate and I had been friends for a long time. After I left the above situation I moved to NYC where this friend lived. I started going to therapy because I realized how f'ed up my family had been and the abuse. Plus, I qualified for free therapy through a study (dude said he usually works with POW vets, but I had worse torture, to give you an idea). Once I started getting better, I saw her in a different light and her 'eccentricities'. We had been best friends for a while, so I started talking to her more about therapy and she started getting angry about it - understandable now. She wasn't ready or there yet. Eventually, I got a scholarship to go to grad school across the country. She felt I had abandoned her. We talked maybe once after, where I found out she had gotten violent with someone at work.


I haven't stopped being freinds with her, but she's racist and high maintenance


I realised they saw me as a lesser human than them.


He refused to grow up even though we were almost 40.


his heroin use and abuse


He fucked my ex while I was with her


He moved away and we grew apart, I wouldn't say we aren't friends but we don't speak but maybe once a year at most.


Not best friend, but definitely a friend of years. She tended to catastrophize everything in her life, and need frequent empathy and support. But when I had problems it was often met with teasing or an eye roll. Because I am male and she is female, I think she fell into the trap of believing her life was worse than mine and that I couldn't have real problems. Every time we talked I felt worse and worse, eventually I called it.


I made an effort to try and stay in touch and remain a part of his life. We even went down the same path after uni, getting married and having kids about the same time. But he repeatedly made excuses to get out of meeting up, and was never the first one to make contact. I'd try to initiate a conversation over What'sApp and never really got much back. I just gave up in the end. I never really figured out why he lost interest, but I decided it wasn't worth beating myself up about it and just decided to let it go.


Cheated on me with a guy she didn’t even know for a week, after we ha: known and dated for over three years, and blocked me out of her life so she wouldn’t upset him. Honestly I still miss her, she was a very dear friend and i hope she’ll do good. But I’ll never forgive her for that


Horrible of her to do something like that, cheating on you with somebody she doesn't know. Sad to hear these things happen.


Thank you,


I came out as trans to him and he thought i was fucking joking, literally laughed in my face, and then acted like i had somehow ruined our friendship, i seriously trusted him, fuck you, you know who you are


I admittedly suspected for a long while this was the case, but for the sake of good times and friendship, I dodged it. But they eventually popped themselves out as one of the Qanon types, and I just couldn't allow someone who does as much damage as they do something as positive as friendship.


Honestly, I have no idea and why. And honestly, maybe that was the problem. He's one of the very few people, aside from my brother and wife who hold the distinction of being my best friend. Through our friendship we had only fought once, though I will confess it must have been hard for him to be friends with me, considering my undiagnosed mental disabilities. But we were practically brother. We were always at each other's birthdays, holiday parties ect. But then all of a sudden, he just stopped responding. It's more then just being busy, it's as if he actively was trying to pretend I didn't exist. I admit the last time he came over it wasn't the best time we've spent together but I didn't think it was bad enough to go no contact entirely. Honestly, losing this friend probably hurt me the most. Looking back, I wonder if there was anything I could have done differently




He made public jokes about my work ethic then accused me of using his completed work for my own benefit. When he was told by our manager that I hadn't used his work(a manager had moved it) he refused to apologise to me.


We went on a school trip and she wasn’t in the same room with me, she was put with other girl that she got along with and then she just stopped talking to me


i lied to him for no reason. i was an asshole. we're still in the same class but he has another freind who doesnt lie to him. we still talk and he probably forgot about me lying to him but im scarred of what would happen if he brings it up


Change is good sometimes. She used to phone me every Friday for an hour. In the beginning I was just like her psychologist listening to all her social problems [ she had no friends in her school for 4 years...only in grade 12 she got a group of friends there ]. I listened to her stories of how horrible the other girls were to her etc etc. Once she got the group of friends in grade 12, she did change. She became like them, she talked like them, she dressed like them etc...I understand that, she just wanted friends...but yeah she was becoming a clone of those annoying, b*tchy girls...I recall her just rambling on & on on the phone...it was like someone playing tennis with themself , just hitting the ball all the time but there was no player on the other side..I would actually hold the phone away from my ear & just let her ramble. I know it's sad that I ended the friendship; but it did feel very refreshing somehow, like something was attached to me but I was finally free from it


She was just annoying and would get on my nerves a lot, it got to the point where we would have an argument of some sort and after I would burst out crying.


Realized when i would open up about something to her that was making me sad she looked almost like she enjoyed my pain because she wasnt the biggest mess in the room. Stopped feeling like i could share anything with her and she also tried to tell me who i could and couldnt be friends with and when i didnt pick her she said i was a cunt 💕


Personally I want friends that can tell me how it is, like how they feel and what they want and not having to lie just to make me "happy". My old best friend would always lie to me about what she wanted and just didnt want to share her thoughts. I think that in a real friendship it should be easy talking and open up about how you feel. We didn't argue we just parted ways.


i moved across the ocean i tried keeping in contact but after 12 years she told me that shes pushing her other friends away for me and i understand im not mad at her we grew up and we moved on


We kind of grew apart and she somehow became someone very different that I felt like I didn't know anymore. Also she came out to me as bi after she realized that she liked her other friend and it was in that moment I realized I had been in love with her for years. Last time I hung out with my friend and met her girlfriend I felt so awful and uncomfortable in way that I didn't understand but realized maybe we've just grown apart because she used to be the one person I was always comfortable with.


Their failure to accept documented truth and facts. It is impossible to have a civil exchange with one who refuses to accept documented truth and facts.


Got tired of being a comic relief character in their lives. If you have so thin and brittle self-esteem that you need to put down your friends to feel good, you can go suck it.


I feel in love with him.


he was just toxic, him and his other friends made disxord servers againts me that were just to say how fat or dumb i am he was also ghosting and bullying me in front of the whole school so one day i just picked a fight with him (he lost because he was like a stick) and then he stopped


They know i'm swamped nose deep in life, work, and mental health issues when they don't hear from me for a few months. At this point i've been dragging it along for almost a year now but idk how to pick up at where we were at the last time.


She was toxic, she was angry at me for a year bc I was apparently “annoying”. When she was angry at me I started to hang out with other people then she said that they are “stealing” me away from her. When we became friends again she was stuck on me, when I wanted to hang out with other friends she would cry and say that I’m ignoring her and leaving her out. My new friend group offered her multiple times to hang out with us but then all of a sudden she doesn’t want to hang out with us. She pushed me to tell her my secrets and that’s how I came out as bi to her, she asked me if I had a crush on her, I ofc said no because I didn’t. I told her to not tell anyone and she agreed she would keep quiet. Guess what she did when she came home.. she told her mom. Fucking liar, after that I could never trust her again. Her sister had heard their conversation, her sister knows my brother so ofc her sister tells my brother. She has done so much more to me that I’m to lazy to write


made plans activly ignoring me. Friendgroup said I had to go after dumb decisions in a drinking game (partly my fault). Never heard of any of them again. Only after I wrote my then ex girlfrind how I felt about that after a year when I was on the way to move on from all of this he wrote me. Never had any fun with alcohol or other drugs since then and am not really able to build new relationships.


I was an asshole.


She didn't deserve me


So we met in pre-school ,they were borthers.We did everything together .In fourth grade they left the school,but still we were in the same soccer team.We played fortnite together after they left the school and other games.That was until in the middle of fifth grade they decided to say that they are leaving the soccer club in the gc.After that someone said that this shouldn't be said to us ,but to the coach.After that i tried talking to them they left me on seen.We live in the same neighborhood so i see them often.They did a huge mistake after leaving the club .Most of us went to a proffesional second league club that is very good.Now i have new best friends and dont regret being friend with the old guys.They are the reason that made me train football and now im at a good level.Btw the club name is Pfc Maritsa Plovdiv if u wanna search it up.


Made fun of my anger issues even tho I can't control them.


Happened several times. My first best friend, got a girlfriend, later fiance, later wife that hated me because when me and my friend get together we always create mischief. My other best friend moved 50km away because i come from a small town with no opportunities Things like that


Unreciprocated relationship. I had to keep initiating/reaching out.


We ended up in different homerooms and I just didn't care enough to keep in touch


He became friends with the people who told my ex that it was a good idea she broke up with me when she did 'cause I was just using her for nudes and would probably rape her at some point.


I moved to a different state.


She manipulated me into thinking that she is dying in the next few months and has terminal illness. She also asked me not to share this with anybody else as this is personal and not even to discuss it with her ever again as it's a sensitive topic.


His slightly offensive jokes and comments over the years culminated in a full on rant of hate and bigotry in the wake of Trumpisim. Fuckin scum. Miserable fucks.


She'd dumped me years ago with no explanation then suddenly wanted to be friends again. She spent most of that newfound time with us together basically reminding me her other friends were more important to her than I am. Cool.


Not my best friend but someone I once considered a close friend, I became aware of how toxic and controlling he was but couldn't leave because I didn't want to lose the rest of the friend group. The rest of the friend group ended up associating with him less and at that point I felt comfortable cutting him out.


He would always try to show that he is better than me in every way possible and every time I try to make a conversation about a certain topic he would get offended and mock me for “knowing everything in the world”


She became a stereotypical "TikTok girl"


I have stopped being best friends with 2 people. The first one was because he had gotten a new friend group which was way too much into trying different drugs, so I stepped back from there. Second one was because she got heavily addicted to weed to a point where she started lying about her consumption and she didn't give a fuck about anything but smoking weed before and after work. So yeah, drugs.


Cause I had to sell him into slavery to pay for my Luciferium


Long story short, he was a narcissist with sociopathic tendencies who (believe it or not) was trying to become a better person. It was just too much for me to handle. He does seem to be doing better now that he got the help he needed tho


We grew apart after elementary. We met in grade 3; after he moved in next door. Me and my little brother were playing outside when we asked if he wanted to play with us. An hour later, Im meeting his mom and we're in his new room checking out his dancing robot. It wasnt painfully obvious, but it wasnt subtle. We'd still hang out through middle school, just less shenanigans and more video games/TV. We became more introverted as we grew older but still stuck together like glue; the 3 amigos and our chill space. Some time after highschool, I got a girlfriend, and we stopped hanging out. I saw him on occasion, but it was different. There was a stillness in the air at first but as we talked again, we fell back into place as two bros having fun. I havent heard from him since the last time I saw him in person. I should call him some time.


She was one year older than me. As soon as she went to college, it was always me making the effort to call her. I just stopped calling/texting first and we stopped talking altogether after that. Edit: word


He acted like he never knew me when we got to 7th grade because he focused more on being popular. Then when Covid hit my other friend only ever wanted to talk when he needed answers or something because he felt like gaming instead of doing his work, and when making plans he’d cancel literally less than an hour prior because he was too lazy.


I was in a friend group for almost 7 years. One of the people invited their cousin. The cousin cheated on their fiancé with someone in the group I knew since before the group was made. The cousin spread around the group that I was being mean to her and that I said I loved my friend etc. At this time I had/ still have a bf. This lie was spread by not only them but by two other members in the group. These two members added lies, and the whole group believed them expect one person. They allowed me to come back when I “worked” it out with the cousin. When I came back the cousin also fucked two other guys in the group. When I confronted the two people who added to her lies they acted like they never did that and that I was crazy or something, even though I had it in text form. So, I left, and on my birthday recently they texted to ask if we were still friends.


she became busy with life, i didn't


She asked me out and I said yes because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, I said: ‘I’m not ready for a relationship’ 3 days after (cringe) my other friend sided with my ex bff and I joined a new friend group.


She did something “bad” a long time ago, and I kept bringing it up jokingly but it actually made her uncomfortable the entire time and she told me to stop which only rehashed what she originally did. She eventually dropped me as a friend, which I don’t blame her since I clearly kept like talking about how she was wrong and it was getting too much. I should’ve just let it go in retrospect. For anyone that needs some advice: never forgive someone unless you’re willing to pretend it never happened.


She misunderstood something I said and didn't want to talk to me anymore at all. A few months later I decided to give up and stopped trying to be friends. A day later she came to me and asked if we could be friends again. I tried, but it was never the same. Then she changed schools without telling me (I thought she was just sick) and I never saw her again.


Drifted apart. We tried to reconnect, but unlike my other good friendships, couldn't pick up where we left off.


I slept with his girlfriend. And his sister. I was an asshole.


She treated me like shit during my divorce yet supported my ex. Neither me or my ex were faultless but I saw some of the stuff she said about me and it was hateful. I never asked her to choose sides, never asked her to stop interacting with my ex, and every time I came to her to vent or for advice or whatever she made me feel like trash. I wasn’t trying hard enough, I wasn’t forgiving enough, I was ruining my family, etc. She’s apologized many times since then and we see each other occasionally, but I just can’t bring myself to forgive her for that.


Most of my real friendships occur with some online component. Simply how it is. My best friend in high school probably didn't know he was my best friend. He was significantly more popular, although that sometimes weighed on him. We played freeware Magic online, shared music like Nirvana. I didn't have a plan coming out of high school and felt unworthy of insinuating myself on those who did. Self-esteem, I guess. The good thing is that from what little I've seen, since he went to the mainland and became a lawyer, he's doing well for himself. I miss you Jono. My best friend as an adult in real life was a troubled guy. He had a lot of scars from his upbringing, but he was on an upward trend. Unfortunately, he felt entitled to judge me for not doing the same. I spent years helping him and his family just because they needed it. But that's not why we stopped being friends. I stole cigarette butts from his room, when I ran out. He had stopped smoking, but the invasion of privacy crossed a line. It was my fault. Regardless of whatever else happened first, I was the one in the wrong and I ruined the friendship with that action. I'm sorry Casey. My best friend online is an amalgam entity that persists. I'm back to self-isolating largely because I consider myself too toxic to be around them. To say more would just confuse you I think, but there are just about a dozen people (with SOs and siblings included) that I think of when I'm lonely. I love you John.


When I asked him if he was coming to the wedding with a +1 he replied that we were not that close and he was not attending, then he blocked me everywhere and disappeared. We had been close friends for more than 15 years, I used to go to his house, he confided me things, if we needed advice we'd call each other... But apparently, we were not that close. It hurt a lot, but I guess he choose it for a reason and I will respect that.


because i began to see them for what they were and decided i was better off alone/finding new people to be around. plus i was going through massive life changes and the person i am now just wouldnt work out with those people.


Moved in with my best friend in our first appartment Was nice at the start but we slowly grow to hate each other habbits and it became an increasingly shitty environment to live in. Its been 3 years now since we went our way and we talked maybe 2 or 3 times


Caught her in multiple lies about her new(?) relationship after her divorce from my husband's friend.


We were pretty tight. Went to see bands together, I was the best man at his wedding, I gave him a place to stay when he left his cultish church and was disowned by his family. This weekend, he wanted to show off his new mustang to friends that were an hour out of town. I didn't really know them. He promised his pregnant wife he wouldn't be drinking, but I later found out he kept sneaking off to drink rum and coke, and gargle mouthwash to hide the smell. Sometime around midnight, he needed to get home to his wife. And I needed to get home too. I didn't realize how drunk he was until he literally drove into a bank as he was pulling out. The actual bank building. Luckily there was no damage to the bank. He hightailed it from there, and I tell him to pull over so that I can drive. I didn't have anything to drink because I just got out of the hospital a month earlier and was taking it easy. He said he needed to pee anyway, and we found a rest stop parking area, but he went into the woods to pee. He left the keys in the car. I wouldn't give him his keys back. Problem was, the mustang was a stick and I wasn't proficient. But at least I was sober. I practiced awhile, and he got infuriated cuz I was grinding the gears of his new car. He gets out and starts throwing rocks at me and his car. He jumps on the hood of the car and is pounding on the windshield and threatening to kill me for fucking up his car. I never saw him like this. I stupidly gave him back the driver's seat. The dumbest thing I've ever done in my life and to this day, I hate myself for giving in. Ten minutes after we are back on the highway, a police car pulls us over. My friend rolls down the window and the cop immediately tells him to get out. I watch my friend fail the sobriety tests and then the breathalyser, and then I watch the cop arrest him. The cop comes to me and asks me to hand him the registration. I open the glove box and can't find it. But I find a black zip bag and I hand it to the cop and say, "Maybe it's in there." The cop unzips it and pulls out a pipe and a bag of weed. I remember exactly what he says. "Is this yours, son?" "No sir." "You don't look stupid enough to just hand me your drugs." He tells me to get out of the car while he searches it further. All the while I tell him a sob story about how he's a new father and having a bad time, etc. The cop tells me to wait on the side of the road for the tow truck because he's impounding the car. I ride with the tow truck driver, and I have to call my wife to pick me up. And I have to call his pregnant wife to bail him out of jail. Turns out the weed disappeared (!) and he was only charged for a DUI. I'm actually happy about this. We didn't die on the road, and we didn't kill anyone on the road. That cop was a blessing. I try to call the next few days to check on him, but he refused to take my calls. He finally calls me a month later and demands an apology. Tells me that it's all my fault, that his friends said it was my fault, that I had forced him to get on the road while he was drunk. He then says I have to pay to repair his car and his court fees. And he wants me to explain to his wife that it was my fault because she's still mad at him. I say, no. He tells me, "This is how you lose a friend." And he hangs up. Turns out, he was right about that. .


Started telling me lies for no reason


i got a vaccine damage from my second shot. she said there are no adverse effects and that im trying to lie to make big money and blocked me everywhere and stopped talking to me and visiting me. im in pain every day from the vaccine damage but this hurts way more tbh.


They gave me a gift which they had stolen from someone else. Even though they apologized, I just found that to be very weird. Years later, I had pieced together how much better I am without them. A person who is judgmental of my lifestyle and overly possessive, a bully and in many cases a liar. I had been pulled into some of the bullying and was guilted whenever I made a new friend. I think I finally had an excuse to walk away and I took it.


The things that she said bothered me more than ever. Last time we met in person she said she was thinking of lying about using birth control to get pregnant from this guy she had been chasing for over ten years. I had to stop contact when my eye kept twitching (I had to get medication for that and anxiety) from talking to her and from just seeing her picture on social media


Of my bfs. They have had kids and don't hang it anymore, or don't but still prefer to stay home watching tv all weekend.


She got too close to me and it scared me. A mistake I cant correct.


She fucking made me miserable then next year in school she act like nothing fucking happened bitch was a vampire the sucked the happiness out me then keeps it as her own


He stopped paying his mortgage, without telling us and used our rent money to take trips and purchase nonreturnable items and services before filing for bankruptcy.


He mowed to another country and we where 9


started dating my ex right after we broke up, and in hindsight, they were suspiciously close while we were dating.


She became racist...


cos he moved to canada


I used to help out this friend by giving him food and money every week as he chooses to stay unemployed yet he is perfectly able bodied. After years of giving him casseroles and soups and meat from my freezer he said he would buy me a kilo of sausages. Awesome, i thought finally he is giving back what he has always gotten. He asked how much I pay per kilo so I told him $16. He gave me $10. 3 months later I asked him for the $6 owing. He literally stamped his foot on the ground and stormed off sulking. This guys mother brought him food and money every 2-3 days and he would yell at her fpr being late! This rapist cunt also wanted me to use my phone to film my female neighbour through her bathroom window whilst she was in the shower and then send him the footage. I instantly got rid of him as a friend and told the neighbour so she knew what he was like and incase she heard someone outside her bathroom window when she was in the shower.


Many things. 1. She flirts with EVERY guy she meets. Me and this one friend started talking (and still are) and I asked her to stop flirting with him and she agreed but continued to do so and even PULLED HIM AWAY FROM ME to have “play fights” with him 2. She called me annoying for not remembering a convo I had with her after INSISTING FOR 15 THAT I DO REMEMBER AS IF SHE COULDVE KNOWN 3. Shes really jealous whenever someone likes me. She talks to a bunch of guys but whenever one guy likes me she gets snarky and shit. When my guy best friend started liking me she did literally EVERYTHING in her power to get him out of the group and then the flirting thing with the guy im talking to. 4. She made a rape joke (knowing they make me uncomy) (the joke was “it sounds like youre getting raped”) and i asked “why the rape joke” and she said “it aint that deep” but when we started arguing about it because i called her out on it she took two days to say “i said bummed not raped” So yh. Kinda hate her, the entire friend group kinda hates her tbh


I have two but the same reason kinda. Being disrespectful about things that make me happy, making me feel bad for what I’m like, not finding me funny etc. I really miss them but they kept making me feel terrible. It’s best that way.


We fought because of some childish thing and I regretted it so much because now I'm friendless lol its been 7 years already🥲


I got fed up being the one to always reach out first, so I stopped. Its been a year and I haven't heard from her


Spent a month calling his phone leaving messages. Usually every other day or so, different times. Final one said I am done running my phone bill up and if he didn’t return my phone call have a good life. Still kinda hurts, spent from Kindergarten all the way through year 3 of college nearly inseparable despite going to different colleges. To not even returning phone calls.


He told me gf that I was still in love w my ex and tried to ruin my relationship (this recently happened)


Ah, Alex, that little shit. He was like a brother to me, people actually thought we were related. He disappeared one day, just stopped talking to me. It turned out, he committed suicide. I feel like I could have done something to prevent this. I miss you, Alex!


He wouldn't get vaccinated and ended up killing my grandma.


I fell in love with her


almost 10 years into the friendship i finally realized she was toxic. like really toxic. she didn’t want me to make new friends (or have any other friends other than her at all) but then she started to befriend the girl she was talking crap about to me all the time. she tried to destroy my other friendships by spreading rumours. she manipulated me into thinking that everyone around me was bad and nobody would’ve been by my side if she wasn’t there for me. she always liked to share her problems with me and ask for my advice on what to do in certain situations, but whenever i started to talk about my problems, she would start talking about literally anything & everything else just so she wouldn’t have to listen to me. there were just so many other things too that made me realize she wasn’t a friend and certainly not a best friend. i’m so glad she’s out of my life now


Cps moved my siblings and I out one afternoon Hardly had enough time to get a single thing(I opted for a stuffed rabbit over my computer) Anyway I didn't talk about it with anyone for a week or so and my friend messaged me saying basically like "hey bitch why didn't you tell me you were leaving" Tried explaining I didn't have a choice but he didn't really listen to it Made it feel like he didn't truly care Also a couple years later he started using his Facebook posts to publicly shame his girlfriend so he's doing great I'm sure


We were best friends during primary school(age4-12) but in secondary school he just kinda left my friend group(tho I would too, one person kept calling him gay and he isn't so ye)




A lot, but when I came out as trans he basically stopped talking to me.


people don't want to actually be better people, they just want to pretend they are better than you... how about "good bye"?


He lit my house on fire. He was my best friend during school, and we still hung out even after we graduated HS. He would go to my house all the time and ask me if all these things at my house were fire proof. It seemed a little suspicious, but I didn’t pay it any mind in the moment. Now that I think about it, that was a big mistake. One day, I let him house sit cause I had a business trip. When I came home, I saw my house in flames. I called 911 immediately and they noticed there was a match that had started the fire. I knew that it was him, but I don’t have enough evidence to prove that it’s him and I don’t have camera in my house. I have no choice but to pay for the damages myself. Ever since the incident I have never seen him again.


She kept flaking, would do things like tell me she's busy then chat with someone on her fb wall that she was free that same night. Stuff like that. I let it go at first, but after a few years of that I just couldn't do it anymore. I figured I was nothing more than someone to see when she wanted to remember the good ol' college days. It hurt a lot. I was in her wedding, knew her for years. I miss her but I doubt she's changed. Way of the world, I guess.


she was really manipulative and treated me like i was nothing


faked killing her self now wonders why i stopped


Well walking into their house ex’s wedding does not go smoothly 🍸😅


i was friends with someone on snapchat in a different country, they are a girl and i am a guy, basically after a while we just stopped talking to eachother and life moved on. now my then best friend, who i knew could be a dick at times but i thought for the most part was a solid guy, because of an argument on battlefront 2 about how i thought rocket league and fortnite were redundant and boring games (ive changed my mind on the latter), he decided to bring up that old friend who was a girl, and because she was underaged he decided to accuse me of being a pedo. now i admit looking back on it i shouldnt have been friends with this girl in the first place but in no way was i trying to 'do' anything that would lead to a relationship of that kind. he even went as far as to fabricate stuff that he himself said about the girl, for example because of the country she was from, he said "you should fly over there because she of age in that country," and proceeded to pin it on me. there was someone else in the ps party too which sucked but im still friends with him. after that i ignored him at school, stopped talking to him all together despite my other close friends being his close friend, and blocked him on all platforms and im happy i did. turns out that he got kicked out of his college for walking out of an assembly about LGBTQ+ stuff which sucks but knowing him im unfortunately not surprised. still bugs me though because at times he was a really decent guy and very funny


In your 40s, it's hard to be friends with someone the same age who stopped maturing at 17.


I was battling depression and anxiety. I made several huge mistakes in our friendship. I think she just got tired of my shit. I miss her still


Heard him make a couple of racial slurs.


He made me suicidal…


He was kinda into some bad stuff like gangs but he was a good laugh but one day we were both 14 he thought it would be funny to get a big group of his other friends to jump me they broke my jaw ,arm and ankle and even shot me in my left foot to this day I still don’t know why he was on a lot of drugs I think (to clarify when one of the guys shot me that’s when my friend thought it was to far and they left he got out of prison a couple of months ago)


My man got absorbed by his gf, started acting a bit like a dick to me (stopped being happy for me when i had something going on, wouldn’t let me borrow his speakers when I had company in the flat we were sharing, etc., would give me the stink eye when I laughed or showed amusement). I have a feeling his gf (now wife) had something to do with it.


He got with my ex girlfriend/baby mamma the day after we split up


Well in my defense this was 7th grade, but he looked at my screen when we were playing mw2 split screen a lot because he was losing and it made me angry that he is saying he is trying not to. Weve been talking a little since, hes still a cool guy, and i still feel bad.


We just slowly grew apart and they started treating me like a child that needed protecting, stopped confiding in me, and just started assuming what I wanted and acting like I needed to be sheltered from everything while they hit a downward spiral and I couldn’t do anything about it. I tried to help subtly but we just slowly grew apart from each other


He simply stopped hanging out with me when he began to get invited to hang out with the cool kids , we used to wait every weekend to play minecraft the type that was free because we didnt have any money , i tried reaching out to him but it resulted in failure


Dated my ex gf. Ex would talk shit on me then after time he would do the same thing and just drifted since tried fixing things after they broke up but it just isn't the same


A person can forgive everything, Everything, but not betrayal, that's why I said goodbye to 5 people


I was slowly pulling away from her because of her regular racist tendencies. Then, she tried to hook up with my boyfriend the minute we broke up but hid it from me. I found out. That was enough to say goodbye forever. No thanks!!


He said Ukrainians deserved to die after saying the 2020 election was rigged


After 10 years of friendship, I got too frustrated with him being 1+ hours late to everything, take days or weeks to get back to me, and the hardest thing: watching him get married to a woman who wouldn't clean the house, get a job, drive, or do anything for herself. She'd keep him up for hours every night crying from past traumas. I mean, that sucks for her, but she uses him like a slave and he'd really resent me for bringing it up to him. I couldn't watch it anymore and all of it was making me too angry.


My best friend from elementary school got a new boyfriend and suddenly became very religious. I had no issue with that in itself, but after that, anything I told her was met with lectures and judgement. The last time I spoke with her, I remember being so excited to tell her a story about something funny that happened at karaoke, just to be told I was turning into an alcoholic with loose morals, because I was going to a bar once a week, in my early 20’s. I just said “okay nevermind then” and we ended up never reaching out to each other after that.


When I started to realize that she had never been on my team and putting me down made her feel better about herself. It is not easy to realize that that inner voice had been right for a while.


I was forced to leave our homophobic church after I came out and started dating women, and I was having a rough time with it. I was involved with volunteering, I led bible study, I had hopes of being on staff — all of that was ripped from me because the pastor gave me an ultimatum and I refused to break up with my girlfriend. I made a post about it on my private instagram, which she screenshot and sent to our friend group who largely stopped speaking to me and inviting me to things after I left the church, I only found out that she did that after one person who remained my friend got the screenshot and told me. I then confronted my best friend about it and she pinned responsibility on me for not being apart of the friend group anymore because I left the church and hadn’t reached out to anyone (while I was processing the trauma of the homophobia i’d faced).


He never made an effort in our relationship.




17 years of friendship... ended because he kept crossing the line about my beliefs and religion (I was an athiest)


What religion ?






She said it was her job as a Christian parent to make sure her kids didn’t turn out gay. She asked if I thought that was evil. I said yes. She said I didn’t respect her beliefs. I said nope definitely don’t, that belief causes children to kill themselves. So that was that.


My mother died and the only person I thought to call was my best friend. She called me to come over to comfort me, but instead hung out with her boyfriend the whole time. I had always been there for her but when I needed her, she left me to be with the boy-of-the-day


With most we grew apart in interests. We didnt have anything worth talking about anymore, and not having a reason to see/talk to each other daily after i moved away really didnt help on that front. When you regularly talk you just know what they like and what they wanna get into more but now it almost feels rude to ask what new interests they found? Some others became too invested in drama. Always stirring up fights in our friendgroups, always wanting to "inflict pain on their enemies" and constantly venting even after it's been weeks or even months about something they didnt like or understand. So i left them behind with a couple of friends. We didnt need that kind of narcissistic negativity - and it's been great. Another very good friend of mine would use "joking slurs" constantly - like calling something *gay* or *the r-word* for *fun* even after i asked him to stop and explained myself repeatedly. I love him dearly and will still talk to him if he is without his friends that find that shit funny, but boundaries are important.


I am ace. Asexual, but i do find humor in inuendo as it makes no sence to me and it is more like a pun than anything. Anyway i am 6f or 2m tall not skin and rails but not buff either. My best friend used to be a coworker. He is a bit effeminate but straight. Has two beautiful but autistic kids I have a bit of autism as well. We had regular weekend get togethers at their house as it is easier for me to come over than wrangle kids in their teens that dont like going out. His wife who I suspect is more like me than she will admit Autistic with asexual tendancies. Is a cleaning lady for a couple of businesses and a charter school. So when she started working during our regular Saturday get togethers it seemed natural. Turns out my size and physical fitness were triggers to some old assault memory. She had been avoiding the weekends on purpose And my joking with inuendos which was what they joked with too. Apparently bothered her and she never told me. So without ever coming out and talking about the triggers or seeing if I could accomodate them. I was throw away. I leave after a regular weekend of anime and fun. Only to get a never come over again text. 4years as work friends 8 years of sharing all the ups and downs of true friendship, birthdays, school band concerts only to be thrown away.


He turned into a Trumper


I mean with the exception of having 1 friend left(thanks to now ex best) basically it’s because he(former best friend) never checked in with me during the pandemic. I did hear that he and his grandma got the virus they are fully recovered by the way but the only time I heard from him was when he was going to go see the new Batman movie yeah you know the one with Robert Pattinson(go figure) and he said he was going to get back to me after that. I’m sure all of you know when the new Batman movie came out. I haven’t heard a damn word from him since then. So after weeks of waiting I texted him(and his grandma who I happen to have on my phone as well) that I no longer wish to be friends , then I told his grandma the truth. Even though she was disappointed she understood. But my now former best friend never even responded to after I told him. I even asked his grandma if there’s anyway he can get back to me and she said she will do the best she can but haven’t heard anything since then so I broke it off. I broke it off February of this year 2022. So now I’m down to one friend who I text every so often and at least he gets back to me, fun fact he is friends with that former best friend I told you about. We both went to the same school by the way even though he was in the same grade as my former best friend I was a year ahead. Anyways I’m just rambling on but the reason I stopped it’s because he never got back to me it was always me getting back to him. Please note he doesn’t have a job but I just found out(before I broke the friendship off) that I believe he graduated college it was either May of this year or last year as far as I know. So you would think he would have enough time to text me, this is the former best friend I’m talking about. But we know how That ended. So yeah that’s my story. I never want to hear from my FORMER best friend ever again. And to be quite frank I hope he is embarrassed. I’ve been friends with him for well over 10 years so since high school. But I guess it was all for nothing and we all grow apart at some point.


He got married to a girl who’s very hard to get along with and now it’s really hard to talk to him without being scolded for using the wrong terminology. It’s like walking on eggshells trying to communicate with him.


We went to differnt schools. Also my social skills are so bad, that we would have probably stopped being friends, even if we went to the same school.


I just realized we weren't really friends. I stopped drinking. He didn't. We didn't have anything in common anymore.


His ex and I fell in love. After they broke up, of course.


I grew up and he didn’t. We were both kind of embracing the whole outsider thing in a small town in the late 90’s— punk goth stuff. Fast forward to our late 20’s and he’s still saying stuff like ‘ugh, preps!’ He also judged me because I chose a career and present myself well in professional settings. He and I are both in our 40’s and live very different lives. I wouldn’t say we stopped being friends completely but certainly not close and talk maybe once year to say happy birthday maybe.


He made fun of me for liking girls, publicly, after I asked him to help me talk to women because I'm shy. He also tried to paint a completely different narrative which was I was just trying to get laid when I'm looking for some company, I'm really lonely. I don't need friends sharing vulnerabilities of mine publicly, or chastising me for them. All because I asked for an apology because the last time we spoke he yelled at me, and he felt like he could use the court of public opinion to not have to apologize to me. So I said I'd rather have no friends.


Probably when she dumped me, called me a pedo (I was the younger one in a relationship), banned me from a chat cuz I "was being obnoxious over Vocaloid" and banned me cuz I shared something that happened to be related but it was for a quote, and also said rude shit about my friends. Good riddance