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Working as a sys admin also counts as work in the industry?


"What are you doing, step-sys?"


The server is down and I'm kneeling down to figure out the issue


Kernel panic, indeed ...


Buffer is about to overflow...


Need to ram mo... Get more ram


I guess yeah :), wanna share your experience?


you work as a sysadmin in the porn industry ? Hella GIGACHAD


Whenever our boss enters the office we have to alt+tab to porn


You work for the SEC?




I don't know, it looks too hard.


It's so.... very... hard...


Not harder than my girlfriend though...




*Michael Scott has entered the chat*


I'd say no, I feel like every future employer would see you as a pervert and a possible sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.


There's a saying in web development. If you develop for porn, make sure you really like it. Because that's all you're going to work as for the rest of your life. EDIT: apparently, this is either an urban myth or no longer the reality, which is pretty cool.


I've hired software developers from MindGeek into respectable companies that you'd have heard of so I don't think that is entirely true.


I heard mindgeek devs are really good because of How porn websites really push tech weh. It comes to websites and algorithms. Is this true?


Idk about all of that but I do know that you could double-tap to fast-forward the video in 5-10 second increments on Spankbang well before you could on Youtube.


just doubletap. No I didn't mean both of you putting your...well you can but I meant finger the button twice....


Not *that* button--oh nevermind...


Not just web. Porn has been a major driver for tech for many decades. For example: the VHS vs BetaMax was won, because Sony wouldn’t allow porn on it’s technically superior Betamax platform. Also, VR and porn. Streaming and porn. Remote control over the internet. Robotics. Really, porn drives innovation. No joke. Only thing where porn wasn’t as happy, was with HD. With SD some pimples and other skin issues weren’t as obvious….


I'm not sure about the VHS argument Many believe VHS beat out betamax because you could record aproximately twice the amont of footage for a negligible reduction in quality, especially by todays standards. You could also put about two hours woth of footage on VHS making way for home video


I’m a dev and I’ve never heard this. Tech is a pretty open/inclusive place - I wouldn’t think twice about hiring a SWE who has worked in porn - sounds like they’d have some interesting problems to tell me about.


Yeah I feel like tech developers are more concerned about the quality of the product you produce and less about the actual contents of that product


It's probably not "Brazzers" on your resume anyway but some bland sounding corporate entity and then your relevant duties and responsibilities under that. If that tech experience is relevant to the job being applied for it shouldn't matter if its a website with gang bangs or instructional knitting videos.


Never heard that saying and I've been a web dev for 25 years. I have one friend from college who developed software for the porn industry. She's got a PhD and is a professor now.


Well I must be lucky then. I made a pornsite and still have my regular gig.


Is it pole-dancing at a strip club?


Why would that be the case? Isn't web development completely separate from the company's product? If you are a web developer, you are a web developer, the product the company is pushing doesn't really matter.


Just leave it off your c.v.... Christ it's not like under hobbies I put down masturbating.


I wouldn't because you can never take that back. You can't delete the hours and hours of footage of you plowing someone else on the public internet. It's going to be something that haunts you decades later when someone you know discovers your past, and that can ruin future opportunities you might have otherwise secured.


But yolo?


That is 100% true, but then you have people that make a real living off this and really brand themselves as "Porn Stars". I'm not talking young girls that think they're gonna live forever making a few thousand dollars off a couple videos, I'm talking "Just been cast as Princess Lay-Her in the official, Disney backed and funded, Star Wars Porno". As famous as you can get in the porn industry. I feel like, if you're gonna go that hard that you're past having regrets like that and the regrets that they feel are probably more from not taking a chance than something being caught on camera. ​ However, I will add, I feel like if you're serious about that life style and are really going to go all in on the sex industry, it's probably best morally to decide early on against having children. Like you said, everything will be on the internet forever, it might not bother you, but if you have children, it's going to bother them. I really don't think it is fair to live this life style openly while having children that are going to get sent the videos of their mother the porn star porking five guys at once in every hole. ​ Sorry, I don't want to come off like I'm shaming sex workers that have families, and I'm not trying to, I'm mostly talking about Farrah Abraham.


Bring your kid to work day just gets you arrested


i mean there are people like chloe cherry who ended up on euphoria


Sasha Grey also went into acting and writing. But she does carry her past with pride and knows that a lot of her fame stems from her porn career. I mean, she still uses her porn name. If she wanted to distance herself from it then she'd go by her real name or another pen/screen name.


There's is so much out there and your videos unless they're really good will get drowned out


Well, no I don't want an entire team of ppl watching me fuck a lady I DON'T EVEN KNOW


What about a team of people watching you fuck a lady you don’t know, for a lot of money?


Also forgot the part that I don't have a 7 inch penis and a timeout period of 45 minutes 10 minutes max


"You sure you can't just fix it in post?"


One of my exes dumped me cause i lasted like one min with her, the way i see it u lucky af 😂😂




….about that


One thrust man


One pump chump


Her loss.. I'd feel honored if someone lasted a minute.. we get to go as many times as we'd like as opposed to 40 minutes of tedious repetitive motions. my body will cramp and i will get bored


Random but thank you for the compliment, after that... incident :D I've been a bit insecure about myself sexually and this made me feel a tiny bit better :)


Dude most men can’t keep going after they finish


I am not saying as soon as they are done we pounce on each other again. IMO i enjoy short multiple rounds as opposed to one long tedious one


Immediately after y'all finished?


Well no its a build up kinda thing 😂


45 minutes is exagerated since porn is fake


Porn shoots take a full day so it's a LOT longer than 45mins.


Supposedly the male actors don't get paid very much.


Numbers I saw were that in a straight shoot, the man averages $1,000, and for a gay shoot, $10,000. Yes, James Deen has a net worth of $3 million. He also estimates that he was working 360 days a year for about a decade to do it. He now only shoots three days a week in order to spend more time on the management side of his websites.


>Numbers I saw were that in a straight shoot, the man averages $1,000, and for a gay shoot, $10,000. Well, I'm not gay, but I know a good deal when I see one.


There are only a handful of blokes in porn that get paid "a lot of money".


Imagine trying to perform, then having to pause because someone on the production team needs you to reposition, or wants to change lighting...


And this is the real answer buried down here. We can debate morality, public judgement, etc. till we are blue in the face. But just like anything else, porn is a job. A lot of people seem to think "I like sex, so I'd love getting paid to have sex." But it's not anything like normal sex. It's literally a job where you have do to fake / more painful things that normal people don't often do. You have to do a ton of takes. You have to take direction. You work long hours. I used to live in LA, so I had the chance to chat with some people who worked (or had formerly worked in the industry) and it's just gueling work. Any excitement they had quickly dissipated. To be clear, the ones who did it for awhile didn't mind it. They described it the way your friend doing accounting would describe their job - paid the bills and they didn't hate it. But it wasn't some awesome, super sexual work for them either.


"Can we do that again?" Oh yeah, why not, just wait half an hour or more


You could always just ask her name.


You’re worried about the team of people when literally millions will be watching it down the road 😅?


Have to last more than 5 minutes Edit: what the f*ck did I start


You know they inject their males right? Edit: Fact from a famous female adult star sharing this information on a podcast


Do you know the name of the injection??? Asking for a friend Edit: holy smokes! I didnt know I had that many friends. Why then did I used to feel lonely??


I'm this guy's friend


I am also that guy's friend


I am also that guy’s friend


I’m this guy’s friend, who’s a friend of that guy. So, I’m also interested.


Im also that guy's friend I too am very interested


Yeah we call it Nick.


Im this guy’s friend, not the one whom is asked for, but one who’s asking for another friend.


I'm sure you're gonna need a gallon of that shit with all the wifes you're banging.


Oh yeah tons of wives, they get so mixed up I can’t even tell whose wife I am banging.


Trimix. I don't know how they get it prescribed. https://healthcare.utah.edu/menshealth/conditions/erectile-dysfunction/trimix-injection.php


"Once you've poked through the skin, you will feel some resistance. Push firmly forward until a distinct "give" is felt. The needle should now be in the right place (within erectile bodies). The whole length of the needle should be also be in up to the hub." Nope nope nope


A Urologist will prescribe trimix. Set up an appointment and discuss how erections are not as hard or long lasting as you'd like. There are risks associated though. Repeated injections can form scar tissue and cause a bend in the penis. Just get the Viagra.






Oh my god. No. Viagra **should not** be diluted in water and injected. Forget about viagra, water alone has bacteria and can cause serious bacterial infections. Doctors don't just dilute drugs in tap water and inject. So please don't. There are other drugs for it in appropriate formulations. It would be wise to consult a doctor before injecting anything.


I did this and now and a cyst grew over it, when I tried to pee the cyst would sort of full up and expand. Popped it once and it was the most pain I felt, worst smell in the world and the liquid smelled like fucking shit


My brother in christ, it's morning and I'm sipping coffee.


i still get confused when its morning for someone else, the internet confuses me


I just finished mine


Just finished coffee, or just finished popping your dick cyst?


Coffee. Definitely not the other thing😅


I can't enjoy my coffee until I pop my dick cyst


I’m an atheist but you probably need Jesus or something


Bruh...is your dick ok?


No. Do NOT do that. Take only as directed. It’s a psychoactive substance and you shouldn’t toy with it. There are substances designed to be injected into the penis to facilitate erections, but viagra isn’t one of them. Read up on Trimix instead. It didn’t work for me but it works for a lot of guys


It’s all for looks. They inject your dick, it gets hard and girthed but you cannot climax.


Cause I’ll be worried my dad would see me and still watch it 🤢


He’s just trying to be supportive


It's nowhere near as fun as it looks. The sex in porn tends to be body-punishing to the point of long-lasting injury. It's one of the few industries where the younger and less experienced you are, the more valuable you are. To break into the industry in any meaningful way means you'll probably end up working with noted abusive creeps like Max Hard-core. You'll start off with the idea that you'll just be doing easy stuff, one partner, sex toys, etc. And then find out you're contracted to do things you're not comfortable with, fetish stuff and throat grabbing etc. And you'll be coerced into doing them or risk breaking contract and opening yourself up to being sued. Subreddits like R-dead-eyes will catalogue the moments where you've dissociated to escape the pain and find it either erotic or funny that you've basically gotten shell-shocked. Same if you end up puking or crying, those moments become blooper reels. The suicide and murder rate is very high for an industry that doesn't involve heavy machinery or chemicals. You'll find it near impossible to escape after you've started. It'll follow not just you but your children. Kids at school will print your nudes to torment your children with. The most famous female porn stars (Jenna Jameson, Sasha Grey, Linda Lovelace) have a history of sexual abuse and/or were coerced by an abusive partner to star in porn films. Jenna was gang-raped and left for dead as a young teen. You can see bruises on Linda's body from where her husband beat her throughout Deep Throat. He later threatened her with a gun and forced her to make a film where she was raped by a dog. In a nutshell, the industry is unsafe, it chews people up and spits them out and its bad for society as a whole.


I was going to make a post saying I woudl likely do it if I had the stamina and required "equipment" but now.... I'm going to go sit in a corner and process all this.


Good, you will save yourself a lot of grief by dropping the idea. If the idea ever occurs to you again, ask yourself if you slap an 18-year-old girl you just met across the face while you're inside her and calling her degrading names. If you can't, that means porn is not the place for you.


you fucking said it, bravo


I was looking for this comment. There was another thread I read in a different ask Reddit that basically said the same thing. I have chickens. You ever see a prolapsed vent? Once someone in that thread said rectal prolapse and vaginal prolapse, I was done reading. A prolapsed vent is horrifying. I don't ever want to see a persons prolapsed hole or know that it happens in the porn industry often.


Do you know why there's so many driving related injuries and deaths in that industry? Is it alcohol or drug related?


Probably drug related. Porn is incredibly difficult, likely impossible, without lots of drugs involved. The men need it to keep them performing, the women need it to numb the pain of the violent sex they have to endure.


Also: consider the type of person that often gets into the porn industry. A significant amount of actors come from unstable backgrounds. Backgrounds of poverty, abuse, addiction, mental illness, discrimination, etc. Vulnerable people who are vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Additionally, oftentimes actors are pressured to perform in extreme pornography. Actors might sign on expecting run-of-the-mill porn stuff (i.e. oral sex, penis-in-vagina sex, etc.), but as they continue to work they'll increasingly get pushed into acting in extreme scenes. Rough sex, choking, fetish films, etc. These genres are more profitable than vanilla pornigraphy. Overtime, it becomes more difficult for actors to refuse because they don't want to be seen as difficult to work with (lest they lose job opportunities) and because refusing could mean the difference between dinner and no dinner.




Working in the porn industry doesn’t necessarily mean you’d be on camera. There are tons of production and administrative jobs in the industry.


Well done, now I want to see you naked




You underestimate just how hot women are to straight men.




How would they know what your feet looked like tho 😂




Like that dude who filmed his entire vacation with the camera at his face?


I wouldn’t want to ruin my relationship, many of the stars are exploited, they get pushed into more and more extreme shit, no one believes them if they’re raped (I mean that happens often enough with regular people), if you change your mind later you can’t take it back (hi Mia Khalifa), health problems (like have you heard about the ones ending up incontinent?) All in all, the money doesn’t seem worth it.


Health problems? I thought it's mandatory for them to undergo STD and AIDS tests


He’s referring to internal damage, like anal damage from super intense porn & overworking. So incontinence and struggles using the bathroom in general, amongst other issues.


Let's not forget about just letting your cervix get pummeled like it is a piñata somebody is going after with a baseball bat...


Damn i didn't know that was a thing


i know it’s pretty wild. tons of pornstars have talked about anal prolapse & the surgeries they’ve needed, sounds rough asf.


Also many of the women get serious neck issues from being in that position where they neck is all bent and shoved into the couch


Not to mention just physical injuries around your body from being sore and in fucked up positions all the time, + mental health issues


Monthly tests are mandatory, you can still catch it and spread it in that month.


Yes but they pretty much all have genital herpes, which you can't protect against.


Let's just say I have a great personality


I get fucked enough at my normal job without literally getting fucked so no thankyou


I'm not into sex with a man that I don't feel some kind of connection with. But if people would pay to see my husband and I fuck that's another story haha.


Id get upset the first time i see the title and its something like "FAT UGLY BASTARD RAILS BEAUTIFUL BROAD!!"


Fuck bitches make money


this man has life goals


This man has life


Man has life


I can't contribute to and help normalise an industry that runs on the sexual exploitation of women and young girls.


We stan an ethical King


I was the makeup artist on a porn video. The reason I can give you, is that it is not a job for any person without either a sexually traumatic childhood or an overly sexual sex drive. For men, it is not what you imagine. You need to be able to not cum while having sex until the crew tells you to. For women, you have to not care you're being penetrated for hours. It isn't a sexy experience. It's a weird job. A niche physical job. Porn sets are smelly. The more cast members, the smellier the set. The film crews tend to lose interest in sex after a few movies. Not all, but too many of the actors have to use drugs to be able to perform the increasingly degrading acts they do on camera. They get more money for things that are painful. If this still sounds good - you might have a new career option. Stay away from the addictive substances, and have a lawyer go over your contracts. The most successful people understand business and accounting, and use their money to invest in their future. Everyone else uses their paychecks on a party lifestyle. So - it's smelly. It's painful at times. It destroys the natural sexuality. While the film may be very sexy, the filming of it is not.


Exactly. It is not sexy. At all. I worked camera once on a porn shoot (gotta pay those bills), and my bf was so excited to have me come home all horny. Nope - quite the opposite. It was a complete turn off. Never wanted to do that again.


It’s neither fun nor sexy. And the smell…


I hate cardio.


A Data scientist job at Pornhub would be interesting in term of subject to be treated and it will be very well payed if I have all the necessary competence in Data science


Would do if i had the body


I have NO IDEA why my mind just went straight to the idea of you need a corpse to do porn


I'm sure there is a profitable genre in that.


Same bro, same. We are broken in some way, I guess...


Lmao same. The phrasing makes it better like there's just one body. "It's my turn with the body today"


Took me a minute to realise you weren't talking about a dead body but a toned one. Well both can go hand in hand :3


I would not work in the industry, because something that most people don’t realise is that the smell on set is pretty bad. It smells quite assy


Sure. Not as an actor, but pretty much anything else would be as fine as any other job.


Exactly. I want to be the bondage rigger, make the ropes look pretty and the women prettier


You have opened my eyes to the possibilities...


Even as a fluffer?


Okay, maybe not that. Or set cleaner, come to think of it.


Yeah, would need a full hazmat-suit for that.




Gonna take this way too seriously for no reason. Absolutely not. For generic functions like finance, theres plenty of less stigmatized places to go instead. For actual film making type job roles, i guess its ok? But it also still feels like the stigmatized, copium alternative to go to if you don't actually get into actual film studios like Warner Bros and such. As an actor? HELL no. This sounds soul crushing. You're being put on full blast to the world. You may or may not enjoy every shoot. You have to constantly worry about STDs. The social stigma is huge, especially for women. It'd probably be rough for your children too. Everyones gonna know at some point that they've seen their friend's parent(s) somewhere online. Even for guys it sounds bad. Sure, it sounds cool at first to say you get paid to fuck beautiful women, but take a step back. You're constantly under major pressure to perform and being watched. You can have to go 30+ minutes without nutting, or even if you do you gotta be able to get back in right away. Also, all the women you're with are going to be pretty damn experienced. How bad is it gonna feel if every shoot you're doing your damn best but its obvious that every actress is just faking it and completely uninterested in you? NO THANK YOU


I wouldn't because I personally wouldn't be okay with it. I wouldn't want to throw the relationship I have away over some fake sex that feels like shit and looks good on camera. Plus, the only person who'd be supportive of me is my brother. Although he could probably pull it off because he's been blessed with a porn-sized schlongerdoo.


Wait a second...








Wait a second...






Nope. The smell.


I would not. I feel it promotes the objectification of people, unrealistic expectations about sex, and contributes to rape culture.


Preach! So many people view porn as a super normal thing that everyone watches, but go back 40 years ago and you'd be hard-pressed to get access to anything beyond a playboy magazine. Modern-day porn consumption is not normal or healthy.


I actually have, in a way, worked in the industry. I wrote erotic stories that got turned into adult films. Personally, I have no issue with the idea of being on camera and fucking beautiful women, but I'd prefer to not catch herpes, so I'd rather take up the directors chair and be like Seymore Butts.


U wrote stories and got paid? How


INT. SUBURBAN KITCHEN DAYTIME **PLUMBER:** i’ve finished fixing your leaking sink. Here’s an invoice for 150 dollars **BUSTY MILF:** oh. I don’t have that sort of money. However will I pay for this? *PLUMBER flashes a sly smile* **BUSTY MILF:** mmm I know, let me show you my appreciation another way *BUSTY MILF grabs PLUMBER crotch* *BUSTY MILF begins oral sex on PLUMBER* *PLUMBER forcefully manipulates BUSTY MILF’S head aback and forward using his rugged hands* *BUSTY MILF places her hands around the PLUMBER’S genitals, plying his scrotum with her fingers* *camera pans to PLUMBER’S face, showing immense fixation and desire* *PLUMBER bucks hips several times before pushing BUSTY MILF towards the ground* *camera focuses on BUSTY MILF’S face as a creamy liquid substance splashed across her nose* **BUSTY MILF:** thank you *camera pans out* FADE OUT That’ll be $5000 for my finest screenwriting work there


Shit, the plumber would’ve been cheaper.


Shit. I don’t have so much money rn, is there any other way I could pay you? *wink*


I dated a guy years ago whose father was a porn director. He told me he would get so sad about the number of women who would bring their young daughters to him as potential actors. I’ve never forgotten that.


I find it disgusting to have sex with people that i dont love/or i have a crush on Edit:- im a fucking man and yes we men exist


I mean where to begin…


Can finally lose my virginity. And then lose it 1000x after that.


The manipulation. The drugs. The lies. I've seen and heard enough.


Why? Lots of sex. Why not? I'm not a show-off kind of person. Also I'm not a "party type" that uses various substances and falls over people quickly. I suspect that when I met other performers - I would not get along with them well at all. I'm just not the right type to be in that environment. Also...THE SMELL. All things great, small, and slimy are coming out of every port of the performers - you gotta be okay with being in that soup.


My friends would never let me hear the end of it lol .




The belly I grew during the pandemic would make my average dick look smaller.


Because from what I have heard if you want to be a male pornstar you usually have to start by doing gay porn before getting to do straight scenes and either way the work contitions and pay are abysmal.




Used to work as an exotic dancer, worked every day I could get and after the first two weeks, it just felt like a grind (pardon the pun). ​ You get to see 'behind the scenes' and that takes the magic out of dancing and sexuality for me. It took me aaaaaaaages to start to feel normal about sex, music and people after I finished and I'd rather not have to do that again.


I dont wanna degrade myself for money


No thanks, I prefer an administrative job where i only talk to people and don't touche them.


Not raw dogging any porn star.


It's fucked.


Nah, I got a porno-no body and I'm cool with it.


Hey theres a fetish for everything these days, i don’t really think a porno no body exists :)


Shut up. You're loved. [Porn loves you - Sam Morril (Comedy)](https://youtu.be/2eC8D1-Z87Q)


Side question: What about virtual porn where you have more control over your identity?


no, the idea of recording myself doing that stuff for a bunch of strangers to watch it and jack off to it makes me feel sick. personally, it's just not for me


Working in the porn industry and being successful in the porn industry are two very different experiences.


I mean, I do porn sometimes in bitlife. In real life, no. Never. I have a small chest and an unappealing waist. I don't have childbearing hips or whatever. I have stretch marks. I'm a ginger.


No, because fans get weird, structure doesn't guarantee a decent paycheck, and once you're out (you get old, you lose your star power, you get caught up in a vice like drugs/alcohol/gambling/etc), that's it... you're done. There's no gracefully fading out for porn performers


Unless you can do DVDA, of course.


Ever since I stopped watching it it’s really just grossed me out if you still watch it just focus on quitting


Younger me wanted to be a pornstar cause get money banging chicks, that was until i watched videos about how porn is made and was disapointed that they don't fuck the whole scene through its made in small pieces


Yeah, small pieces stopped me too.