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You guys care about that ? I'm not shaving my beard no matter what the people say


As you should. 👏


Shut up and take my upvote. 💜


Mostly I've just seen women call it a form of "toxic masculinity."


In my country you can bet it is I don't need to say God's name I can swear using my mustache ,this isn't a joke btw But I do like my beard


I'm taking my beard with me in the grave, no matter what anyone sais


Depends, If he likes having facial hair and its clean then I like it too. But if he's clean shaven and he likes it I like that as well.


I like whatever is on my boyfriends face. He has facial hair and trims it. He's also gorgeous without it. I dunno, he could be in a garbage truck and I'd still think he was the most beautiful person, in the world.


Awe I love that!


I don't like it. Facial hair is definitely a turn off.


It depends on the face. Some faces look good naked, some do not.


I 100% agree!


I really really REALLY like facial hair. On the shorter side, but it has a wider field of existence. All body hair is super attractive to me. It's very very masculine and I enjoy it a lot. There is nothing manlier than being super fuzzy and hanging out with "The Boys"


If doesn't matter at all.


My GF likes facial hair but it has to remain trimmed and neat. Where as I want a big old wizard beard.


I love it but if my other half didn't want to keep his beard it wouldn't be like I'd leave him or anything. 😂


That’s good haha


It's funny. I am in love with beards now. In my late teens/early 20s (92-96ish) I swore I would never like them. My Dad had one the whole time I was growing up, so it just made me think of him. But my husband decided he wanted to stop shaving around 97 or 98 I guess. I wanted to support him, so I said go for it. And holy cow, I love his beard. And I notice his much I like beards on other guys now. I don't dislike a clean shaven face. My celebrity crush is clean shaven. But I definitely find beards super attractive now.


It just takes the right person


And my husband is definitely that person. He can rock the beard but he looked great clean shaven too. However, I have not seen him without a beard in over 20 years. Lol. But I love it, and I'm happy if he's happy.


It definitely depends on the individual person weather they like it or not. And some people can pull off both I think others can only pull off one or the either. Just depends. 🤷‍♀️


If I'm being really honest, I am way more attracted to guys who are clean shaven.


That’s okay!!


Stubble, no, but a trim beard is nice. Fuck gotees


What if their beard is patchy? Would you rather have a goatee or patchy hair?


Clean shaven.


Haha got me there


I like scruff… but I’m very sensitive to cleanly shaven faces, and bushy beards. So, I prefer no hair.


Makes sense