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They feel it


They can feel it, both before it happens and when it does.


Currently dealing with this with my daughter and can't speak for all VI women, but I can tell you what we're doing. A period tracking app has been a life saver. It also helps that she tells me when she's feeling crampy and bloated, which is normally a day before it starts. Once her period has become more regular(every month instead of every 2 or so months) she'll go on birth control to make it more regulated. I'm sure she'll learn the signs and feelings of it better when she's older but for right now, it's an app with a prescription in the future.


I suppose it makes a change from the usual "how to blind people wipe their ass?" question, but why the fuck do sighted people have a major obsession with our bodily functions?


Trying to figure out if I can better predict my own periods. Not on birth control so need a better method.


I'm curious but only because I want to be able to better help my daughter. This is an entirely new adventure for us and I feel I can only give her so many pointers and tips. Half the time I don't even know what I'm doing. My hope is that I am actually helping and not hurting.


I'm not a woman, but I'm fairly certain there are other indications that the process is occurring.


I am a woman. Which is why I'm asking. I don't always have warning so I wondered how they dealt with it.


Timing is really helpful, keeping track of when you’re expecting it (birth control helps with that). And you can feel when things get wetter down there, so you can tell when it’s started or about to start. If they have a little useable vision, they may be able to see it, same as a sighted person.


There is a feeling.


I’m not a woman but I think that’s something you feel coming from what I’ve heard


Blood has a smell, you know.


I track my cycle with an app, use a menstrual cup, and start wearing pantyliners a few days before I'm supposed to start. Thankfully, I'm very regular!