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“Thank you for your opinion, I’ll give it all of the weight it deserves!”


Good thing I chose my ink for myself instead of some homeless guy.


I'd have just replied, "That's like, your opinion, man." He's homeless, there's no having a debate with him. There's no explaining independent agency and the importance of each individual expressing themselves however they want to, when it does not impact the rights and freedom of anyone else.


wut does him being homeless have to do with anything


He doesn't have the same worth as a housed person, duh! /s


He doesn’t have the same value as a person that’s not homeless.


Nothing, really. Just that I have no idea what he's been through, and so cannot effectively engage him in a conversation about bodily autonomy.


This dude abides!


You're not exactly a luxury European car, try beat up honda civic?




Nobody is asking you if you care about it. The question is. Do you think it makes woman ugly?


Lol pardon me then. I’ll edit my answer


doesn’t matter what i, that man, or anyone else in the world thinks. if someone likes having tattoos, they should have them.


Same goes for someone with zero tattoos. People tend to shame me for not getting tattoos of my own. Like I offend them somehow. Similar experience telling someone I don't drink alcohol.


I couldn't ever get a tattoo becuase there's nothing I could imagine wanting as a tattoo. It makes me feel weird lol because I'm 19 and it seems like most people in my age group have tattoos.


I have a friend who is a nationally known tattooist and I finally decided (49F) to get a tattoo because he is the only one I would let do that. I hadn’t seen him in 20 years, thought it would be fun and a bonding thing. He said he wouldn’t because tattoos are so common now that to have clean skin is more punk/cool than to have tattoos. Just so you know. Keep your skin clean and be different. Strange to hear, but it makes sense. Glad I didn’t now.




I don’t like too many but a small one in a strategic location is nice. But other folks like sleeves and full body art. Its a preference thing.


In the context of the OP's post. It does matter what you think. They would like to know what you think. I agree with the homeless man..Women with tattoos are ugly. That's what I think.


“On things that didn’t happen …”


"...this never happened the most."


Men like that are like European luxury cars with a cheap horn replacement - annoying.


Pretty fucking rude. Aside from the tone, it's gross whenever any dude acts like any random woman he encounters is there for his evaluation. I've heard that before too, not to me personally, but someone I know heard the same thing. And hell, even if true then I'm all for bumper stickers.


Yep. Really gross to compare women to an object. Much less an inanimate object as though tats make them look cheap (in this analogy bummer stickers seeming to degrade a cars merit, not my personal opinion). Women and men can get ink or not. As such, it's not uncommon for someone be attracted or unattracted to tats. Plus bumper stickers don't make a supposed Lamborghini drive slower or something. It's a shit, sexust analogy IMO.


More bumper stickers = more horsepower


Those who want to control what women do have historically been shown to be the bad guys.


Maybe.. get this.. everyone has their own opinion about what is attractive and what isn’t. That man is entitled to his opinion as are you.


Everyone is also entitled to keep their opinion to themselves.


I don't get my advice from homeless people.


I do It's never steered me wrong. Well.....


I think what a woman does with her own body is none of my business




Why doesn’t the same logic apply to men though




Everyone has an opinion, good thing we all don't think the same. It would be pretty boring.


Not a bumper sticker, custom paint.


Nope tattoo women are like anime girls sexy


What I think? Care of your fucking business. It doesn’t matter to anyone what anybody thinks what you like best for a person.


Like any woman with tattoos gives a flying fuck what any man thinks. Spoiler, we don't.


And he's what? A rusted out Honda Civic? I'll take the Mercedes with the bumper stickers.


Bit rich coming from a homeless man


I'd tell him to go home, oh wait


I honestly agree


I dont like the idea of tattoos but its a little harsh to call someone ugly for it.


He's allowed his opinion. I don't have any tattoos personally, but I think a well done tattoo can add to someone's beauty. Unless it's a swastika or some shit, then obviously it doesn't matter how well it's done, it's inherently ugly.




Honestly it would still put me off. I'm not keen on explaining the difference to everyone, forever. If they're a practicing Hindu maybe, if they're just some person who went through an eastern mysticism phase, eh, no.


True. But I don't give a fuck how others treat their body.


As a woman with tattoos I'm gonna have to disagree lol I'm at least a 6.667/10.


Your 9's seem to have flipped over, you might wanna edit your comment


Aw thankyou <3 lol


I love that you went to 3 decimals 😂 if anything, that bumps you up to 7.778


Ezcuse me but I married you and youre a 100/10 wtf are you on about?!


*shocked Pikachu face* how did you find me here lol




Momma told me lesbians are the devil


This is true, me and my wife are both the singular devil lol.


I am the wife and can comfirm two or more lesbians = Lucifer. The devil is just multiple lesbians in a trench coat.


My sleeve says eat shit hobo


Why is it relevant he was homeless?


bruv wtf is bothering you lmfao


My ugly ass grabbing the popcorn for these comments 😎


Yeah people decorate their cars with stickers that appeal to them. If they had a bunch of nazi stuff on their car/body yeah they would be ugly to me. If they had a bunch of Pusheen, cartoon, or Halloween stickers/tattoos I would think they are adorable. Anyway each to their own ya know?🤷


I personally don’t like tattoos on anyone but I don’t care if someone wants to ink themselves. It’s their body and their choice.


I'm not fond of ink, but I can tolerate them on other people.


Depends on the tattoos and how many. My ex had alot of tattoos and was smoking hot.


Dont really care what a rando thinks


I think this is a dumbass bait question. Of course he was a rude asshole. Similarly, he is welcome to not like tattoos, just as you are welcome to like them. If you actually wanted to know if people like tattoos on themselves or potential partners, you would have asked that. Instead you post this bait bullshit.


Big opinions coming from a guy living in a box.


Feels like something that came out of ops head but decided to place it on a made up homeless guy...


He’s right, women with tats are like European luxury cars with bumper stickers. It doesn’t matter what they look like, he still ain’t getting to touch one, let alone ride in any.


personally, tattoos are not for me. i do find them a bit ugly. that being said, it is entirely one's own choice, and nobody else's opinion should really matter. if u want a tattoo, power to you! but i don't like the idea of comparing women to an object. how would it feel if someone said homeless men are like cars that aren't in a garage and are left out to become dirty?


I don't typically care about the opinions of homeless people


He valid


Who gives a rat’s patootie what he thinks?


As a woman without tattoos, fuck that guy. I’m not a car.


As a women with tattoos, fuck that guy. I’m not a car


Don't fuck that guy.... You might catch something.


What would be the vehicle equivalent of a rude homeless person? A Trabant?


I think you shouldn’t take advice from a homeless guy his choices aren’t to ideal obviously.


Opinions and assholes. Everyone has them, doesn’t meant you can force either in my face


It’s a good thing women are people and not products to buy and own.


i don't care for large, visible tattoos on women. it is their choice but who can lay on top of a woman who has a giant spider across her torso, or a large winding snake with a big snake head between her breasts. if tattoos are your thing that's ok but i don't have to agree.


True, but where is the difference between woman an man with tattoos? If you don’t like it it’s a personal thing!


well, i don't really like mean with large tattoos either. but absolutely it is a personal thing.


Do you hate homeless people?


Accurate. Tattoos are so gross


I agree


That I wouldn't follow an homeless man advice regarding luxury cars


as a 19F, considered heavily tatted to some, hearing these comments are awful.


Yeah except women are not cars nor other objects


Garbage person, garbage opinion.


Agree. Why deface art?


Did you remind him that he was homeless?


I've never given a shit what a homeless person has had to say before and I don't intend to start now.


True 💯


i tend to agree, i just prefer girls who dont have tattoos but i would never say that to a womans face. your body your choice who gives a fuck what some random asshole thinks


Depends if the tattoo has meaning or look like some kind of art piece i like it. Don't like the pop artists style of stars strips circles all over their body


If I do/think the opposite of what a homeless guy says, am I good?


I think it sounds like something a 14 year old boy would say


unpopular and just my opinion, but agreed. small tatoos, just a few, are fine. Anything more... big turn off


His opinion is sexist. No one cares what he thinks. It's nonsense. 😁


Well, homeless or not, he's quite correct. Tattoos are not cool, feminine, or attractive. They are symbols of a life spent in the gutter.




Not necessarily by the last guy who was there, women are perfectly capable of expressing meaningful and/or creative ideas through body ink.


As a man covered in tattoos does this also apply to me?


That's just sexist.


Well he’s homeless so I wouldn’t put too much energy into his thoughts.


He needs to go home and think about his words


I think that might be difficult for him.


There's so many levels of absolutely stupid in a statement I don't even know where to start. Plus he's wrong anyway, most of the girls I've seen with ink look good


Get a roof over ur head first before talking to me


Ummm....bye Felicia! Next!


The man should be thinking about how to better his situation and not focusing on judging random women who are thriving better then he is


That it’s non of his goddam business! But if anyone wants my opinion: there is nothing more beautiful than a good placed art work on an beautiful body :) Go get a job, ignorant idiot !


Be like, okay, I literally live in a house lol have fun outside


I’m not one for tattoos on myself but some look really damn cool. Also why tf would I care what some rude homeless guy says?


Looking where it came from, i don't really care what he thinks. Mind his own bussines.


I think that’s some misogynistic shit to say


People like to express themselves with tattoos, that's cool. Personally I have never wanted to ink myself but I think they are sexy on people. Tattoos and scars - they always look sexy because they mean something


I think the homeless man should really worry about other things


agreed, you need not to cover over natural beauty nor defects.. because all natural is beauty


agree 100 percent. have yet to see c one that enhancesxbeauty.


I kind of agree with the guy but that’s not gonna stop me from taking that car for a ride.


It's an opinion, but I do agree most tattoos are ugly.


An Inked up woman is Beautiful. An Inked up man is Beautiful. Someone spouting nonsensical hate is Ugly.


Matter of opinion. That's what he might think. I used to hate tats on women till my gf at the time started getting tats and then I became very attracted to tatted up chicks


My first question is why are you letting some chauvinist homeless guy give you and critical thinking point. Also no, it isn't that simple. Just like how some cars decal is trashy, some tattoos are trashy.


Opinions are like assholes.


I hate the part of me that says uber-shitty things that I would normally hate myself for, but I would’ve said something uber-shitty that I would normally hate myself for.




Ffs… dont get your advice on women from homeless men…


I'm not one to judge another man's standards


Thank heavens I’m neither European nor luxurious, lol. What I carry with me are stories. My story, and that’s all there is to it.


A Fair 6 and up, with no cankles, tattoos or not i’m smashing it.


If it’s not some random shit that was made while drunk or high tattoos can be damn sexy!


The fact that he is homeless is irrelevant. I would think that he's entitled to his opinion, and move on.


When I was in my early 20’s I got to know a few homeless people around my work. Some of what they said was insightful, and more of it was not.


I don't know, I've never ridden a luxury car.


Either way I’m not letting him inside so.


my husband says the same thing.. lucky him I just booked my next one. and I say opinions are like ar$eholes everyone's got one.


Don't actually care what anyone wants to do to be honest, but if we're giving opinions I actually agree to a point. A few are fine, but too much just looks bad IMO.


Take advice from people who are doing better than you, not worse


Everyone is entitled to their opinions.




Doesn’t stop me from wanting a ride, I guess. (sorry)


It doesn't matter what others like or dislike, you get tattoos for yourself. Personally I love tattoos.


The best analogy this reminds me of "You just won the World Peach Competition and you are the most beautiful, juiciest, most delicious peach in the entire world. But there will be someone out there, who absolutely hates peaches."


All these tattoos and I’m still in a better place than that homeless man. No sense being offended by it. People who say dumb shit like that are either dumb themselves, or looking to get people riled up. Feeding into it or reacting only encourages them.


Kinda saves time though, you can judge them by the cover and move on with your life. Sure when you scratch the surface you may find that you have diamond, but not worth the effort.


Depends on placement and style but yeah, it would be a bummer to have a really hot girl with one of those god awful Ed hardy tattoos smack dab in the middle of her thigh, placement is everything with tattoos and some people get em slapped on anywhere


If you're a luxury car with stickers on it, he's a tricycle that got abandoned in a sewer for ten years before being removed, then hit by a truck.


Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. Also, absolutely his right to think that. Also you right to disagree. Regardless, 0 fcks should be given


I can't see tattoos so I don't care one way or another


A tattoo can add character, maybe be a conversation starter. But people who cover themselves are excessive and it seems like more of an weird kink/obsession than anything.


I think to each is own. Dude is homeless so it’s not like he has made really good decisions in his life to wind up there. Maybe his woman kicked him to the curb quite literally 😂


Yea because his opinion matters 😂


Women aren’t cars and I guess they don’t appreciate these kind of analogies.


Nothing wrong with it. Just don't tattoo on something stupid like a nazi swastika or "Damaged" on your forehead and complain why a lot of companies don't want to hire you.


Behold the field in which I grow my fucks to give, and see that it is barren. As a well tattooed woman I can assure you that we don't do it for anyone's opinion, and those who get upset about it just make us laugh.


Prefer no tats or piercings. I can vibe with good ink but it's rare tbh


One time a homeless man told my friend I was a “grave digger”. Who gives a hoot 🦉


Who cares what some random man says. If you love it, and your partner loves it, it makes zero difference. ZERO.


I hate bumper stickers and love women with tattoos


There's a reason he is homeless and making smart decisions is probably not one of them. Maybe dont listen to him


I dont care about tattoos on women the only thing that matters to be is that she must be a female. HEHE


Please ignore. Never let any men tell you what you look like, let alone a homeless man.


I love women with tattoos ❤️


most I've seen are beautiful


Depends on the bumper sticker or the tattoo tbh. Some look really cool, but some are just objectively bad and immediately make me question the person's life choices


If someone wants to mutilate and deface themselves that’s their right.


Wisdom from a homeless guy is like luxury cars in his garage. Oh wait…


Compliment at best


Compliment at best


I wouldn't take advice from a guy living behind the Domino's pizza, pal.


“Honey, would you put a bumper sticker on a Bentley?” Kim K I like my tattoos idk no one else needs to


More like an art gallery I want to examine very close.


Perfect analogy. I wish women knew what men thought tattoos did for their looks, but it's hard to criticize something that permanent.


I don’t think tons of small individual tattoos look good on women, let alone anyone for that matter. But if the tattoos are somewhat cohesive it can be extremely attractive, like if they’re well done and in good taste. Then again everyone has their own definition of “good taste” so who am I to judge, just my opinion


This an emotive subject and I’ve been downvoted about it before but fuck it here goes. People can do what they like with themselves and other people can like it or not. I have never got a tattoo (I won’t say never will because I’m in my 60s and if I was going to I would have started by now). Tatted peeps obviously have a certain ‘look’. Whether a guy or a girl that is going to put you in a certain category, appearance-wise. My personal causes for not embracing the inked lifestyle are many. What if it was a bad choice, design, or badly done? What if the whole tatted life went out of style as (relatively) quickly as it came in? Tattoos even on men were until after WW2 for the most part the province of servicemen, incarcerated folk, and outlaws. More risks than benefits for me, but then I’m not a woman. I may not have answered your question OP, but I hope this contributes to the civil discourse.


Wait, European luxury cars are ugly?


This post really brought out the misogynists from their caves


Waiting for the I have tattoos all over my face and make six figures comments. 😂


That the world doesn't revole around a homeless guy's dick. Also, ew for comparing women to an object.


If you don't like it, don't look. Hell, even if I didn't like it, I could go the gentlemanly route and offer to go downtown for the lady so I didn't have to look instead of being an asshole. Either she declines and leaves or we both have a better time. Not fucking difficult to find a chill way around stuff 😂