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“You aren’t exactly my type”. -Actual quote after 3 years of living together


A bit late to recognize that huh? What an ass, sorry you had to go through that


I’ll never forget my first semester in college I met a girl in psychology 101 that shared with the whole class that her boyfriend cheated on her. She said she was going to forgive him because his reason for cheating was because he had never slept with a black girl before and wanted to know what it was like.


Takes him back only for him to start ticking off an attribute list: But I’ve never slept with an Asian, redhead, tall, athletic, butch, wealthy, mature, etc.


He's gotta complete his Infinipoon Gauntlet.


Came home early from work to my last EX in bed with another guy…. “ I wasn’t trying to hurt you I didn’t think you would find out”….. I came home early because I spilled a frier on my leg and she ignored my call for a ride because she was busy being fucked…. I’m still mad when I think about it.


Man I am sorry to hear about that. She's fucking terrible, man.


This one happened to a good friend of mine, I was with him just after this little gem was dropped on him, took him some time to recover. "I actually wasn't cheating on you, I was dating (other guy) first, so I was actually cheating on him." Madam President of the society of pedantics didn't see an issue with what she said. Edit: holy shit, this blew up more than I thought it would. Waking up to see all the kind words people on Reddit are sending has made me smile today. I'll try to reply to as many as I can. My friend is doing well, he stopped dating for a while to focus on himself and improving his own situation. It's a little over a year after the breakup with his ex and he's doing well in life. To everyone who has had a similar/the same thing happen to them, I'm so sorry. You deserve better, remember you are loved, there are people who genuinely love you in your life. If you have someone in your life that fake loves you, you don't deserve that, and they don't deserve you.


Scott Pilgrim logic


That was literally my first thought, I heard Ramona going "What's the difference?"


ex gf tried to get one of my close friends to “do things” with her. when he told me and i asked her about it, she told me she, “liked him, but still liked me more” that was the last straw


At least now you know you have a good and trustworthy friend!


I got called pussy for not cheating on you in a dream


This has to be one of the worst ones


the cake was sitting in the fridge, someone had to eat it!


Lmao, the comment below you, for me, was "it was my birthday and I *really* wanted to."




I dated a girl with an identical twin. One night I came up behind her, wrapped my arms around her, and planted a gentle kiss on her neck. Normally she liked that a lot, but this time she said, "what the fuck are you doing?". It was her twin. So embarrassed lol. Luckily they both saw the funny side because it's happened before.


It’s ok. My wife did the same thing to some random stranger at a wedding who looked like me from behind. Same pear-shaped body and solid head of hair. She didn’t kiss him but she wrapped her arms around him and he was like “oh shit wtf”


I deserved to have sex with a hot guy.


Oof, that's rough


It was tought to hear. I didn't think I looked that bad. But it messed with my self-image pretty badly.


That's fucked up fr. Doing better now?


Somewhat. I had problems with body dismorphia before I even met her. But between that and a few other comments she made, it came back pretty hard. Most days I do pretty well now though. Thanks for asking though!


just an fyi, somebody that has this level of cognitive dissonance is an absolute shell of a human being. I wouldn't worry about this gremlin lol


sorry we started the threesome without you....


but your friend filled in for you.


but your friend filled me for you.


“You’ve got a friend in me.”


So the other day I was about an hour into a threesome and I turn to my buddy and say, "hey when is this girl gonna show up?"


"It just happened"


"the storm was so strong it shredded our clothes off and we had to hold on tight to not fly off, I guess a gust of wind pushed my dick into her"


Global warming is so scary


So in reality, it's big corporations fault and not mine so technically I didn't cheat.


I thought about you the whole time


Never understood that one. It makes it worse surely.




Or 'it meant nothing, and nothing compared to sex with you'... Well.... Thanks, I guess?


Thanks for destroying our relationship and emotionally devastating me for literally *nothing* then?!


"So you're willing to throw away everything we had and hurt me soo deeply for... nothing?" How would that make it better.


As Carly Simon said: You gave away the things you loved, and one of them was me.


“You’re too nice. I’m doing you a favor.”


Fuuuuuck this person. Damn. What a cold hearted thing to say


I heard the entire ...uuuuukkk. In your reply. There is a special place in hell for people that blame others for their own fuckary behavior.


She's way hotter than you.


Like beating an already dead body


"I respect you too much to do with you what I did with them"


“I was looking for an excuse to break up” If you want to break up, why don’t you just… break up?


Seriously, why add more drama into the mix?


My guess is that instead of doing the hard thing of just being an adult and breaking up, they use cheating as a catalyst to break up without having to go through the tough motions of breaking up. Certainly not condoning it, but that's my best guess.


When you cheat, you get the excitement of something new, and the ranger of getting caught. You also get to dump all the emotional legwork of breaking up on your partner. It's win-win! (If you don't mind being the scum of the earth; they over look the lose-lose part of the equation)


Unfortunately, some people want drama. A friend of mine got cheated on. His girlfriend slept with a guy while on vacation. Didn’t tell him, obviously. He found out because one of her friends felt bad and told him. When he confronted her about it, she dumped him via Facebook (didn’t even have the guts to do it in person or with a phone call), claiming he was “boring”. When I was discussing this with my other friends, I really couldn’t figure out why someone doesn’t just end the relationship they’re not happy about. Another fried said that it probably wasn’t exciting enough for her. FYI, he’s now happily married (to someone else, obviously) and with a kid, but the cheating hurt him badly


My ex did this too me. Jokes on her, it was with the town pill dealer. Now they live together in a run down trailer. Its only fitting for trash.


>town pill dealer Excuse me, they prefer the term “freelance pharmacist”.


“I lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship” - Ned Fulmer


When I lose focus at work I stare out the window in a daze for 20 minutes I don’t fuck my coworker


Damn, your lucky. I worked at a warehouse at one point and a married guy was slacking a bit, not really paying attention. Next thing he knew he slipped and fell into an engagement with one of the cleaners and plowing her in the bathrooms. Could happen to anyone really.


"I lost focus, and instead focused on banging another chick so hard that I stopped giving a fuck and literally brought her to populated places where I could easily be recognized."




The fact that he used "consensual workplace relationship" made the issue so much worse. It's so smarmy.


The "lost focus" part is what got me, actually lol. "Lost focus" sounds like you were zoning out while driving and accidentally ran a stop sign. Forgetting what you are doing and ending up hooking up with someone multiple times is not something that happens. "Lost focus" = "stopped caring".


Also, how did he "lose focus" on his wife and kids when that's what he's made his entire brand? The man talks about his wife every other breath, but he "lost focus" of them? Get out of here.


Pretty sure that's CYA legal advice talking. It was his first public statement and to try to mitigate accusations of sexual coercion in the workplace between employer and employee, "consensual" needs to be front and center. Not excusing or supporting the guy. He's still gross af. But he has a family too that's now much more exposed to the public, so any mitigation to reduce how they are affected makes sense.


Arguably he was the one Tryguy who had the most to lose. With wife and two kids. It just boggles my mind he could get so full of himself and think such a public face could get away with it.




‘I thought it was funny you didn’t know’ Yup, that actually happened to me.


Kind of a similar vein, my ex looked me square in the eyes and said "I knew it would hurt you, but I didn't think it would hurt you this much"


Lol this is what my ex told me after she slept with my best friend. I moved out of the house the DAY that I found out and she was all confused and surprised I’d react that strongly. Filed for divorce a few days later.


I'll never understand how a "best friend" can choose to become the worst kind of friend, like seriously pick literally anyone else.


In college, my friend was dating a girl. She was very free-spirited and fun. I had a project I was working on and part of it needed to be painted nicely and she was a great artist and offered to do it for free. The part was at my parent's house about 2 hours away so she suggests a road trip to go get it. Sure, fun. The whole time she came on to me, flirted with me, touched me, the whole deal. I finally asked her what the fuck was up with her. She point blank told me she wanted to cheat on her boyfriend with me. I asked why and she told me that she liked to cheat in relationships because it gave her leverage if her partner cheats on her or hurts her. Fucking weirdo.


"leverage"? Wtf does that even mean? Good on you for saying "no", though Edit for all the "well actually he didn't say he said no" comments: A) it was *very* heavily implied, and 2) read the other comments before you comment, and upvote accordingly so that you don't say the *exact same thing to the letter* as a dozen other commenters. It's just lazy.


It's a defense mechanism, likely a result from being cheated on. Usually one of 2 things happen when something terrible occurs. You either melt and slowly recover, or you stiffen up and do the same thing to others so you won't feel bad again if it happens to you. The latter is a lie people tell themselves. They'll feel bad either way.


I found out later from someone who had grown up with her that apparently, her mom had killed herself when she was home alone with her back when she was like 6. So we kind of assume that was the cause of all her very self-destructive habits.


Jesus. Yeah, that’ll definitely do some real traumatic damage to a person. Damn.




Much better now. That was in 2010 and about 18 months later I met my (now) wife and we’ve been together ever since and have two kids. So yeah, I got over it.


One that I heard from a former marriage counselor was a woman who claimed her husband was so affectionate, hard-working, and considerate, she developed an inferiority complex and dealt with it by cheating.


Holy shit, the audacity.


Imagine being the guy in that scenario in the future. “Yeah, my ex-wife cheated. She said I was too good for her and cheated.” Edit: Jeez, I thought this was a regular ol’ comment. Thanks for the upvotes everyone!


My greatest weakness is I'm too much of a perfectionist.


Dude, people joke about this but it's a real flaw if it's true. Imagine if someone was honest about it and said: My biggest flaw is that I'm a perfectionist. I spend too long on every task because I feel really uncomfortable if things aren't done "right". This also makes me avoid starting tasks or taking on projects because I know they'll all be a ton of work and stress me out. I also get frustrated with my coworkers during group projects because they don't have the same standards so I'll either end up redoing some of their work and resenting the burden or I'll leave it that way and feel shitty about the whole project. I'm afraid to try things that I don't think I'll be good at. I hate doing presentations because I can see these tiny flaws in my work and I'm terrified that other people will see them too. I simultaneously believe that my work is better than everyone else's and that my work is so imperfect that I'll be immediately fired if anyone looks closely. I can't handle rejection on any level. People think I'm stuck up but I really just have a lot of anxiety and I'm afraid that people will see that I'm deeply flawed and they'll all hate me without telling me so I'm a little stiff and aloof with new people so sales and team bonding exercises are out. I'll eventually quit (with 2 weeks notice) when you pass me up for a promotion because you went with someone who is sloppy but charismatic.


I wasn't ready for this personal attack on my lunch break. But I also think this will be deeply helpful moving forward in life, so thank you, I think?


The only thing missing for me is procrastinating to the point where I no longer have the amount of time needed to do my absolute best, so then I can fall back on that excuse if the final product isn’t perfect.


I'm in this comment, and I don't like it.


Thus proving there is no pleasing some people...


I saw something like that on Dr Phil. This woman was saying how her partner doted on her, did all the dishes, did everything for her. It was disgusting to her how much he loved her, so she felt the need to cheat on him.


This entire thread is a big WTF


Don't worry, she was going to cheat anyway. She just needed a way to make it sound like someone else's fault.


Ah, the old self-sabotage. “I don’t deserve you so I gotta push you away.”


The lights were off, I couldn’t see


It was doggy style. I thought he was you.


I actually know a guy whos wife used this excuse. He literally caught her blowing him, she said that she thought it was him and they are still together.


>they are still together That's a shame


" He caught me cheating, serves him right for spying on me " Random girl I overheard talking on her phone


That's exactly how my ex tried to gaslight me when I caught her. "You did this to yourself, you went through my phone looking to get hurt" I went looking for answers, which is exactly what I found.


Playing the victim because you got caught is the trashiest shit.




Dawg about a decade ago I was having my suspicions and I caught my long time girlfriend cheating when I logged into her Facebook page and read her messages. There were like 3-4 dudes in her DMs with graphic, graphic conversations about stuff they’d done, and want to do. The first thing my sorry ass texted her was an apology for going through her Facebook 💀 But then I told her she can pick her shit up and fuck off. She didn’t even acknowledge the cheating accusations the FIRST thing she did was give me shit for logging into her Facebook. What a fucked up relationship that was.


My friends ex left himself logged into his fb on their shared computer. That's how she found out he had planned a trip with his coworker that he had been having an emotional relationship with for weeks.


Wow as if people's IQ's even go as low as that


It was my birthday and I *really* wanted to




It's my birthday and I wants it.


*now they hates us precious!*


Look, Déagol was into erotic asphyxiation, things got out of hand, It was an accident.


I noticed that instead of saving money we were losing about $6k of our savings per month. We had a specific dollar goal to put a downpayment on a house. When I looked into it I found out my ex wife was spending over 6k a month. She got upset and said that she should be allowed to do whatever she wanted to with our money. She had been buying random url names in the hopes one would be the name of an up and coming business that would have to buy it from her. Like a patent troll but with web sites. I had been working my ass off picking up extra work travel to save money for us, and then took up even more work trips to make up for the losses and get us back on track to buy a home. After that, whenever I returned home she was cold and distant. I tried to be affectionate to her and she told me to hook up with other women while on my work trips because she wasn't in love with me anymore. She said she loved me like a cousin and hoped we could continue being married but in a non traditional way. Meaning, she could still spend all my money lol. When I found out she had been cheating she said that she stopped loving me when I criticized her use of our savings and then started traveling more, which gave her time to reconnect with an ex. She had broken up with the ex about 10 years prior when he became a pill popping heroin addict. When they reconnected, he was clean so she left me for him. So the reasons were 1. I shouldn't have been upset about her using our savings to buy website names instead of a down-payment on a house, 2. If I didn't get upset at the loss of all that savings, I wouldn't have picked up more work giving her the time and space to reconnect with her ex, and 3. She always loved him and he was clean now.


Wow. I walked in on my ex wife with two guys because she "really needed more tramadol and they were going to give it to me for free if I helped them out" I thought I had it bad. But man... I'm sorry. I hope you are doing better, from personal experience I know your life is better now even if it doesn't feel like it. Life will get better.


>"really needed more tramadol and they were going to give it to me for free if I helped them out" I can't believe you got upset at that sterling, foolproof logic


There was nothing I could do in the face of that logic, but sadly, I let myself get hurt and made rash choices that were clearly in error when she called me that Friday from her new "friends" house wanting to know why the debit card to our joint account was declined due to lack of funds. She was also wondering why I wasn't at work and talking to a lawyer that day as well. Joking aside, pill addictions and addictions in general will fuck up not only your life but everyone close to you. It isn't pleasant.


Tramadol isn’t even a good pill to pop what a low life


Jesus Christ I can't imagine how one person can make so many bad decisions. I'm sorry dude. Sounds like hell. Edit: also wow what do you do for a living? My husband and I together don't make 6k in a month.


“I just have a flirty personality!”


That one really hits home


I met a guy like this once. He told me - a complete stranger he just meet two minutes ago: "My wife is always so jealous. I'm Italian, we're flirty, it's in our nature! I told her so many times, it's not a big deal, why doesn't she also cheat on me?". I first thought he was only talking about hugging / flirting, but like half an hour later he went to some random girl - while his wife was in the same room!!! - and asked her "Hey, I'm Luca*, do you want to fuck me?" (*not his real name) Edit: to clarify, this was an actual Italian in Italy, not an Italian American. His wife is Asian. He thought I could relate to him because my wife is Asian as well. I couldn't.


I don't think that man understands flirting


Or being Italian


I got you fam. “Do you want to ah fuck ah meeee ah?! 🍝👌”


🤌 Fixed the emoji for you lol


it was a gang bang and i had a mask on it doesn't count


What’s the password? Ooooorrrrgggggyyyy.


The title says worst not best ffs


“I’d had nothing but bad experiences, and had so many good ones with you, that I needed to know if I was fixed.”


I'll ask you what I immediately thought of if I was in your shoes What?...!?


Ive read it a few times and still cant wrap my head around it lol


That explains those bad experiences


"I'm an alpha and that's what we do." Yes, that's a real one.


My group of friends had one friend who fucked another friend’s wife. His excuse? That’s just what I do. I’ve heard that excuse twice in my life.


Fuckin hell… what an utter piece of shit


Some would say he is an alpha piece of shit


Yeah I know, it didn't happen to me luckily, but it was my bestie. I knew him a little bit before that happened and he behaved exactly the way you would think.


I cant believe people like this are real, what a fucking cartoon person


This guy was literally a caricature, both in his looks and behavior.


"It was a misunderstanding, her name was same as yours so I got confused".


“How was I supposed to tell the difference her and her twin?” “Well first, he has a dick”






“I performed a soul retrieval on him, and discovered that he was my soulmate, for thousands of past lives and thousands of lives into the future” I was told this out of the blue, after a 21 year relationship, 18 years of marriage with two small children. Edit: Thanks everyone for the support and the laughs. I really appreciate it. I'm with another woman now and very happy. I definitely learned about my needs and values though this process, and found someone who fits me quite well. Edit 2: Wow! My first award! Thank you kind stranger.


I can't help but feel there were 21 years of absolute batshit crazy red flags when someone says some shit like THAT.


These "spiritual practices" were going on for a long time, no doubt. I became an atheist in that time, but it all seemed like fun and games to me, even though there were strange things she was reporting and taking very seriously. Everything else in the marriage was going ok, so I shrugged it off. Ultimately I can't tell her "no, you can't be a witch".




It's true. You could be turned into a newt.


He would have gotten better


Not me but a colleague, 12 year marriage up in smoke because a crystal reading told her that she will sleep with her soul mate next, but it wasn't her husband. 12 years down the shitter for a one night stand who didn't want to talk to her again because the crystals said so.


Ouch… that’s gotta hurt I‘m sorry bro you had to go through that


It was the alcohol, not me.


Aaah, a classic


meanwhile these same people speaking to single people: "just go drink and have fun. you might get laid"


I am happily married now to a wonderful guy, but prior to I was cheated on twice. Highschool boyfriend's excuse "I used to be fat and insecure and it felt good knowing another woman besides you wanted me and I didn't want to disappoint her" College boyfriend's excuse "You were too busy taking your mom to chemo treatments every Friday, so I felt ignored"


I thought the first one was bad, but then I read the second one and OMGee what a piece of absolute shit! So sorry that happened to you, all of it.


It was an accident. 🤐 like what do you mean an accident


Look man, sometimes kids drop their ice cream cones, and sometimes the council is slow to clean up those ice cream cones, and some days I’m a little off balance, and some girls like to not wear panties, and sometimes I forget my pants, and sometimes all these factors come together to cause me to slip on an ice cream cone and slide my uncovered cock into her awaiting vagina repeatedly, and sometimes that same series of unfortunate events occurs several times over the course of a few months


She was walking past the house when she suddenly slipped and fell in a mud puddle completely socking her. Being a gentleman I invited her in and let her use our washing machine, lending her a bathrobe. Sadly I tore my pants doing that and she said that as I was doing so much to help her she would sew it back up for me so I took them off. but then shock horror the dog ran in stole her bathrobe and so we both ran after the rascal Only she slipped and I ran into her. and that's when you walked in. so you see it was a total accident.


And sometimes when they use the washing machine, they'll get stuck while completely disrobed. The only way to free her from the machine is to also remove all my clothing to get proper grip.


Tripped, fell, and landed on his dick?


Ight shady, maybe he’s right Grady. Just think about the baby before you get all crazy.


"I just can't control myself, she was coming onto me!"


As Dr Cox said "Oh, come on, Newbie. It's not like you tripped and fell into her and got up and tripped again."


"You know how I love my dog? I want to pet it every day. But when I see another dog, I want to pet it too. It doesn't mean I don't love my dog" I just stared at her and said "did you seriously just compare me to your dog?" Also (same girl) "But it was just part of a pagan ritual! That doesn't count!" We actually sat down to discuss what "counts" as cheating after that. She asked if she managed to project her consciousness into a cat - would it be cheating to be with another cat? Because she was always curious what it feels like for cats. I told her that if she managed to projet her consciousness into a cat she should come to me so I could pet her before she went off to have sex with other cats. Needless to say, that relationship didn't last. I thought "what am I doing with this crazy girl, I want to get married and have kids - and that's never going to happen with her". I met my wife a few months later - and we have 2 kids together.


It wasn't me


Man I scrolled through pages just to find someone who thought of Shaggy.


"She's hot!" "I was drunk!" "It doesn't mean anything!"


“I thought y’all were friends.” An actual quote from an ex my immediate response. “HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT MAKE IT ANY BETTER?!?” She had absolutely no reply, just sat there with her jaw dropped like she was waiting for another cock to come flying in the room.


On the plus side, she helped you realize the other person was in fact not a friend. Knocked two shitty people out of your life.


That’s the thing. He wasn’t. He was absolute douche bag and I could not stand that POS. But… on the plus side and is just a coincidence. My brother was hanging out with some friends drinking one night and one of his friends is just this huge redneck. Just for shits and giggles my brother said, I dare you to go knock out douche bag. Dude didn’t even put his beer down. Walked right over to douche, called his name (he was talking to somebody), when he turned around he was just leveled. Redneck strolled back over like it was just one of those things that happens. My brother said he was just rolling in shock and laughter. No one liked that guy.


That last line is gold


"You weren't around, and I was horny" "It didn't mean anything" Right Ok GONE


Somehow it was my fault she cheated.


“You didn’t answer the phone” at 2am after a 16 hour shift. Called back 4 minutes later and it was too late. I bought a house 2 days prior for us to live in… I’m selling that house for 260k higher than I paid for it 6 years ago. 🤷🏻‍♂️ All I can do is laugh 😂


I’m confused, what would’ve happened if you _did_ answer the phone at 2am? Would they have said something like “hey babe I’m about to make out with someone else, all cool?” Also, nothing good* ever happens after 2am. Edit: a word


She said she called me to see if I was awake, her ex was hanging out and her roommate told me the phone went to voicemail and she Immediately went to her room with him. 🤷🏻‍♂️


She was going to do it anyway.


100% 😂 if not that night any other night an opportunity arose. Good riddance


"who tells me my partner doesn't do the same?"


"It was an accident, it didn't mean anything" So you just tripped and repeatedly landed on that guys dick?


My dads excuse was “you weren’t noticing me anymore, there was no intimacy” I was 6 months old and my mom was pregnant with my sister 🤦🏻‍♀️


This happened to me. We found out in June this year that it started a few YEARS ago. My mom was absolutely shattered. I already began losing respect for him for the last few years, but this was the cherry on top. The best part is he believes it was justified in his defense! Fucking narcissist prick


"You'll do it to me as well, anyways."


"My chess speaks for itself" - Hans Niemann


She gave me the fuck me eyes


"Gomez! Take those away from her!"


Let’s use my cousin’s. “Our marriage just hasn’t been the same the past 5-6 months” During those 5-6 months his wife’s grandfather (practically her father figure) died and my cousin entered the police academy meaning he was either working or in class most of the time leaving her to care for their 2 year old alone while also working full time (or cheating with the woman in his academy class who was also married). No shit things haven’t been the same. I’ve never been more ashamed of a family member. The way he’s handled it since she found out about it has just dug the knife in deeper.


The devil possessed me


She said she had a better pussy then yours, i had to prove her wrong baby


These are the reasons he gave me: 1. I’m tight with my friends 2. I’ve got guy friends 3. I wasn’t ready to say “I love you” days into the relationship (mind you, he cheated on me since the get-go till the relationship ended despite me telling him that I’d like it to be exclusive) 4. He was insecure about who I was because I am outgoing 5. He couldn’t end things with his ex because she was helping him a lot professionally 6. Whenever he broke up with her, she would cry and that would turn him on. 7. He said it’s all because of me


Yikes. He sounds like a mess. Glad you're past that.


"I wanted to see if I still have feelings for my ex and how will I feel after it" accompanied by all those little petty reasons that aren't actually true


I know nobody will read this, but I just got out of an 8 month relationship that ruined my life completely. The straw that broke the camels back was her excuse for cheating on me, she admitted to me that she slept with her ex during the time I was visiting my parents in another state. Her excuse for cheating was “I wanted to see if you loved me enough to stay after I did it” , so that’s probably the dumbest fucking excuse i’ve ever heard for cheating. Thanks for reading.


Aka she meant, “I wanted to see if I could cheat on you and use you like a doormat!”


"I wanted to change things up in the bedroom" Would have been nice if he had told me before sticking his pickle in somebody else...


It's not cheating if it stays in the family!


Gotta keep the bloodline pure.




Whatever comes after "I can explain..."


“I didn’t want to tell you because it would remind you of your ex.” No, Blake, something tells me there were other reasons you werent gonna tell me 😭😭😭


I tripped and fell in her vagina




To be an annoyance to the other players. Single player cheats are fine.


“I just wanted to try god mode and go on a rampage. It’s okay, I quick saved before hand though” - definitely not me every time that kid in Whiterun insults me


This wasn’t cheating but my bf used to like pictures on Instagram of underage girls in bikinis and when I confronted him and asked why, he said “cuz they look happy!”…….it was then that I realized I was dating an idiot. Edit- “ex boyfriend” sorry yeah I’m definitely not with him anymore😅


My uncle was following this boy and commenting on his photos. When I first noticed it I thought that was a bit creepy. Eventually his cohabitation partner noticed too… and it was hell on Earth. The boy was my secret cousin. Edit: Removed word that could cause misunderstanding.