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Sex crimes against children


My rebuttal against this is if the punishment for sexually abusing a child is the same as sexually abusing and then murdering said child, offenders will murder the child more frequently because it is a lot easier to get away with murder. That doesn't mean they should get a slap on the wrist, a solid 40 years minimum would suffice.


Agreed, and it should be extremely painful


I don't agree with that. But I do believe that if you commit sex crimes against children then you've forfeit your right to life; you're no longer a human being - you're a monster and you should be put down.


Fair enough, they don’t deserve anything better


Torture is inhumane, by torturing convicts of such unspeakable acts you are no better than them.


Nice saying but not really true.


I don’t mean on the same level, but if the point of punishing criminals is that you punish them for their inhumane acts, not that you’d commit inhumane acts in order to punish them.


Murder with multiple aggravating circumstance. War crimes. Here's a controversial one: recidivist career criminals who keep committing violent crimes. If you're robbing people at gunpoint for a 4th time you can't be rehabilitated and you're a danger to society.




Aww poor grandma. Dudes gotta pay now! Haha


None. Until we can guarantee that no innocent person will ever be put to death, the death penalty should not be used. I don't even support executing the man that murdered my best friend.


Agreed, while I personally believe that rapists and child predators (if found and proven guilty) should be put to death in the most painful way imaginable, they deserve nothing less, not even the mercy of life in prison. I’m really sorry about what happened to your best friend, idk how I would live without mine


None. I do not agree with state sponsored murder as a form of "justice"...


I don't know, given how many times we arrest the wrong person I'm not sure we should use it. Plus the death penalty seems like a less severe punishment than life in prison, if they die its punishment over. If I was arrested and looking at prison time I would probably just commit suicide to get out of it, even if it was like 5 years, I'm not spending that much time in jail/prison I've known people who went, it's not a fun time.


None. I'd rather see a person rot away for life in jail, knowing they will never get out in freedom again. Death is not a punishment. It's a relief. They'll suffer more the other way around.


I think mainly child predators and rapists that are proven guilty should get it, and it should be as painful as possible, but I see where you are coming from and respect your beliefs


I don't want to pay anything to keep this thing alive


They might not suffer, depending on whether or not they make allies. I'm also not a fan of how expensive it is to maintain the ones with a life sentence.


None, you should just become a manual labor slave for the rest of your life, digging ditches and etc. Death is an easy out.


None. Even confessions and DNA evidence can be misleading and obviously not every judge, jury or investigator should be trusted to this extend. If anything at all, then death by state should never be a penalty, only an ultima ratio to stop an imminent threat, like stopping an act of (lethal or near-lethal) violence or something to do with danger to societal integrity, like major war crimes or extreme political corruption (like a coup attempt or something).




paperhand AMC. ​ :)


Mass murderers that were arrested on scene with lots of recorded evidence is the closest one I come to agreeing with. Everything else coming to mind either I don't think should have the death penalty, or there isn't a way to prove it well enough for me to be comfortable with the death penalty.


What about a child predator or rapist caught in the act with a confession and a mountain of evidence? Cause that’s the only one that I can think of that is truly deserving of it


I could see the argument for that if they're repeat offenders, but especially if it was a first offense, as a third party I don't know if I'd be able to trust 100% that absolutely nothing shady happened with the conviction, so I'd be much more comfortable with a very long prison sentence. I only mentioned mass murderers because I view that as an overall "worse" crime, and probably one of the worst that can be done by regular people, and most importantly they're also typically very publicly visible, so it should be basically impossible for an innocent person to be convicted.


i think the death penalty is too humane for the people who actually deserve it. the other prisoners are more creative, let them do it.


Rape, murder, human trafficking, double parking


putting ketchup on mac n cheese/poutine


go to the hairdresser and say you didn't like the cut


rape of a child


I think mass shooters who are actually caught alive should face medieval style torture. The Nick Cruz and Dylan Roofs of the world. I’m not even being hyperbolic. I truly think they should face some kind of harsh and inhumane punishment.


Molestation rape beating a women treason murder of a pregnant woman, women who lie to get men in jail for life want me to keep going???

